History and Genealogy Research

sponsored by Daily & Co Real Estate, Mariposa



beginning in the 1850'S

Transcribed and donated** to this site  by Mariposa Researcher William Disbro -unless otherwise noted
The Marriages are listed Alpha by Grooms name

more marriage announcements

October 17, 1863 Mariposa Free Press At the Weber House, Mariposa, September 27th, by Rev. Father AUGER, Mr. Lorenzo ALVORD to Miss Mary KEALY. 

Mariposa Gazette, January 13, 1928


A beautiful romance terminated in Yosemite Valley Sunday when the
Reverend Luther Freeman, of Pomona, united Miss Virginia R. Best in
marriage to Ansel E. Adams. Miss Best, the daughter of the well-known
artist, H. C. Best of San Diego and Yosemite, is an accomplished
soloist, while the bridegroom is a talented musician, having given
numerous concert recitals in San Francisco where he is recognized as one
of the leading pianists of the younger set.

The newly married couple first became acquainted as members of the
Sierra Club on its trip to Sequoia Park last summer. When plans for the
marriage ceremony were being arranged the Reverend Luther Freeman, now a
member of the Pomona College faculty, and the officiating minister at
the wedding of Miss Best's parents 26 years previous, offered his
services in performing the marriage ceremony of the young couple. In his
remarks during the nuptials Reverend Freeman reheated  the same text as
had united Miss Best's parents but expressed regret that the ceremony
could not be performed under the veil-like waters of Bridal Veil Falls
now frozen beyond spring-time recognition.

After an expensive honeymoon at Carmel the young couple will take up
their residence in San Francisco, where they will continue their musical
submitted by Tom Hilk

Ames Wm. H. & Mary Jane WILL 12 / 24 / 1870
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley

ANALLA Jesus &Refugia CORDOVA 6 / 28 / 1866
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley

APPLING Robt. W. &Margaret J. DICKERSON 3 / 17 / 1878
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA-submitted by Mel Kelley

transcription of document- Steve Miller

Marriage Mariposa Co, CA Bk C Page 122 March 17, 1878
Margaret J. Dickinson to Robert Appling

Robert W. W. Appling, native of Mississippi 22 yrs old, resident of
Chowchilla, Merced Co., CA
Margaret J. Dickinson, native of California 19 yrs old, resident of
Pea Ridge, Mariposa Co., CA

13th March 1878

Robert W. W. Appling and Margaret J. Dickinson, 17th of March 1878

Witness C. W. Appling of Plainsburg, Merced Co., CA, J. C. Bicknell of
Bicknells Ranch, Mariposa Co.,CA

In witness where of I have untoset my hand this 17th day of March AD 1878
March 1?, AD 1878 filed at the request of John Wood (s) Jarvis Streeter, RMC

APPLING/PARSLEY  June 9, 1880 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro)
Gone and done it.- Mr. John H. APPLING (the veritable John), well known to our oldest inhabitants, who after a siege of 51 years, struggling heroically through the sphere of independent bachelordom to maintain the freedom bequeathed him by his fore-parents, has, under a hallucination, or mental aberration, caused perhaps from early piety and exposure, just gone and done it. Strange- but not so strange as it is somewhat remarkable- 51 to 23 is a puzzler that beats us and ours, which was only 50 to 26 at the commencement of our new term after a lapse of 29 years John, it will be perceived by reference to the marriage notice appearing in another column, has taken to himself a wife. Now. that he has doubled his capital by a single investment, may they live a life of fruition, and experience an accumulated interest exceeding ten to one on the original capital. Judging from what we gleaned from Bro. SAWRIE, who tied the fatal knot, a happy reunion of the numberless APPLING family was had upon the happy event of Uncle John's - Bro. John's- Cousin John's- wedding. The great grandfather, grandfather and father of the Pacific tribe of APPLINGS was there. Then there is the Petes, the Bobs, the Ciceros, with their families (except Bob's) were there too. Cousin Steve, with a host of other cousins, all descendants of the old patriarch APPLING, were likewise there. In fact, there was a large gathering, so numerous that the parson's modesty forbade him attempting to make a moderate sized guess. We appealed to his tender recollection by coursing him through the figures from one to a hundred, but he wouldn't guess worth a cent. He said they were all APPLING's but six, but he couldn't make the deduction. In the moments of bliss and eternal fitness of things we were remembered by our happy friends, who sent us by the parson a supply of excellent cake. We ate of it and gave the remainder to our progeny, who have learned the printer's art in looking forward to the results of a wedding. 
APPLING Asa Lounza &Annie Jane PATTERSON 11 / 26 / 1896
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley

APPLING Josua C. H. & Mary E. SNELL 4 / 24 / 1881-
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
At the residence of Mr. LORRIGAN, Monday,October 2d, 1865, by Rev. Fthere Auger, Mr. JOSIAH ALTHOUSE, to Miss. CATHERINE MULLEN, both of Bridgeport, Mariposa County. We are pleased to hear Joe, that you have entered the cunnubial circle, and that your visit to the " old folks" has been posponed for a short time longer, May happiness and prosperity attend you both through life. OCTOBER 7, 1865 Mariposa Gazette

A quiet by pretty wedding was solemnized at Napa on June 13th, the contractible parties being Miss Blanche ARNOLD of Hornitos and Fran
WARREN, son of MR and Mrs Fletcher WARREN of Greeley district. The young people will make their home here, Mr WARREN being employed at the TYRO mine. His many friends in this section wish him and his charming bride a long and happy married life.
Mariposa Gazette, June 25, 1910

 January 2, 1892 Mariposa Gazette

A Christmas Wedding

    Christmas day 1891, brought to Mr. J. B. ASHWORTH, one of Pea
Ridge's successful stockman, a gift, sweeter, fairer and plumper than
any, that young man had ever found in his stocking, or received from any
Christmas tree. He was on that day made possessor of a pretty, rosy
little wife, who has been known to us as Miss Allie HODGSON, a
grand-daughter of  Mr. and Mrs. Thos. HODGSON of Mormon Bar. The
marriage took place at the residence of Mr. Mark QUICK of Pea Ridge, the
wedding was witnessed only by immediate relatives, with the exception of
R. B. STOLDER of Mariposa and Miss Annie COUGHRAN. Mr. George HODGSON
and Miss COUGHRAN acted as best man and bridesmaid. Rev. A. W. WALTERS
performed the ceremony, after which the company partook of an elegant
dinner which had been prepared by the deft hands of Mrs. QUICK. The
bride was beautifully dressed in blue silk ?h??e " Beany" was beaming
brightly as the midday sun. A number of substantial presents were
received by the young people of which the following is but a partial
list: Writing Desk, Mr. and Mrs. Mark QUICK; lace pillow shams, Mrs. E.
B. SKELTON, Raymond; 1/2 dozen towels, Mrs. Thos. HODGSON, Mormon Bar;
silver tea and table spoons, Mr. and Mrs. Tom QUICK; hand painted
banner, Tom HODGSON, Reno; pair vases Annie COUGHRAN. The Gazette force
was remembered by a most generous supply of wedding cake. May their
pathway ever be bright, and level traveling.


 Stockton Daily Independent , Tuesday, 5 Nov 1872
at PRESTON’s ranch, Mariposa county, Oct. 23d, David M. ASHWORTH and Miss Mary E. PRESTON.
transcribed by Dee S


Emerson AUSTIN, of Coulterville, to Belle CURTIS,of Horse Shoe Bend. Mariposa Gazette January 20, 1877 At Horse Shoe Bend, Mariposa county, January 11th, 1877, by John B. REED, J. P., 
Wyatts Store, Merced river, July 8th, 1882, by Joseph QUEROLO, J.P., Domingus Joseph AZEVEDO to Mrs. Delevina FAGUNDAS.July 15, 1882 Mariposa Gazette 
BACIGALUPI Charles &Mary GODANO 9 / 9 / 1873
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
BACIGLOUPIE Louis  &Louiga REFRETTO 6 / 24 / 1866
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
B.A. Bagby of Benton Mills and Mrs. R. E. Grider.Mariposa Gazette, March 6, 1897 At Fresno March 1st 1897, by the Rev. Martin, submitted by Tom Hilk 
BAGLIOLI John &Belle SHELTON 9 / 21 / 1880
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
BALIOLI Alexander  & Aurelia BRUSCHI 8 / 11 / 1870
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley


Mariposa Gazette, July 1, 1876
MARRIED. – At Mariposa, June 27th, 1876, "Baltie," big Indian Chief of
the famous tribe of Chowchillians, to Miss Sallie, a large voluptuous
squaw, antecedents not given. This is Captain Baltie's third wife, all
bearing the same name. The captain and his former wives have been famous
about town for their skill and industry at laundry work. He is pretty
well advanced in years, and as the saying goes, "looks like a bar of
soap pretty well used up after a hard day's washing," We will not be
surprised if this last Sallie does not "cook his goose."

Since the above was in type, and ere the honey moon had passed, Baltie
prosented [sic] Sallie with a severe flogging, and says she does not
compare with his former wives. The promise of another divorce case for
the next Court is promising. submitted by Tom Hilk

BARBER Mathew O. & Catherine McQUELKEN 9 / 6 / 1857
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley

BARCROFT Joseph Jolio & Harriet Rosie COLLINS 4 / 20 / 1896
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley

November 18, 1882 Mariposa Gazette (submited by W. Disbro) - Fred BARCROFT, second son of Ralph W. BARCROFT, is announced to be married tomorrow at Hornitos, to Miss Carmen NAVARINE, daughter of A. NAVARINE of the same place. In anticipation of the happy event, we learn that the String Band of Merced composed of five members, will be on hand this evening, and honored us with a call. He informs us that two other weddings are in embryo for tomorrow at Hornitos. We did not learn the names of the parties. Fred appears happy and extends a cordial invitation to all his friends and acquaintances to come and participate in celebrating his first advent to the heaven of connubial bliss.
Married November 25, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
BARCROFT- NAVARINE- In Hornitos, by Father McNAMARA, Frederick BARCROFT of Merced City to Miss Carmen NAVARINE of Hornitos. 
BARCROFT Ralph W. & Dona Rafaele OROSCO 12 / 18 / 1855
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley

BARFIELD W. G. Dr. &Margaret RUDDLE 12 / 2 / 1852
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
BARHYDT Henry S. & Mary JONES 10 / 23 / 1855
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
BARNETT Harry &Anni BRUCHI 6 / 10 / 1897
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
At the residence of the brides father, in Mariposa, July 4th, 1877, by Rev. J.M. ALSANSON,
Mr. John BARNETT to Miss Eliza FLOTA.(Mariposa Gazette July 7, 1877 )
BARNETT John R. & Eliza FLOTO 7 / 4 / 1877
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley

Mariposa Gazette, November 5, 1858

Edward Geo BARR to Kate F WRIGHT of Albany, NY (no date given)
submitted by Warren Carah

BARTON Thomas &Atlanta HALE 10 / 9 / 1860
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
BASETT Jacob &Nellie WILTER 5 / 6 / 1881
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
BASTIAN Joseph &Eva PEARCE 7 / 24 / 1880
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
BATES Samuel C. &Miranda A. BANTOS 3 / 25 / 1867
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley

BAUER/BIEDMAN- submitted by Mike White
Visalia Weekly Delta, Dec 24, 1874
Married: At Hornitos, Mariposa county, December 6, 1874 by
S. W. Oarr, J. P., Joseph Bauer to Miss Anna Biedman

BAUHENAU George W. & Louisey CASTIN 1 / 16 / 1856
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
BEAVER John N.  & Mary BAILEY 11 / 22 / 1857
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
BECKER John & Lena HOLTZSHEITER 10 / 1 / 1868 (at the residence of David Egenhoff)
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley


Mariposa Gazette, October 5, 1858
Big Oak Flat- Charles F BECKERER to Miss Emily MACK, September 25, 1858
submitted by Warren Carah

Mariposa Gazette , Jan 3, 1860

Antelope Ranch, Merced- Dr J F BEDFORD to Miss Minerva BIGHLE,  January 2, 1860
submitted by Warren Carah

BEGOND Joseph  & Mary Ella QUINBY 11 / 8 / 1873
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
John W. BELL of Merced conty, to Mrs. Elvina DICKINSON, of Mariposa county.Mariposa Gazette June 17, 1876 MARRIED. In Mariposa, June 12th, 1876, by Hon. J.M. CORCORAN, County Judge, John W. BELL of Merced conty, to Mrs. Elvina DICKINSON, of Mariposa county. 
At Modesto, Stanislaus County, November 13th, 1883, by Rev. Father WELCH, James M. BELL to Miss Mary Adeline WESTON of Sherlocks, Mariposa County.November 24, 1883 Mariposa Gazette 
July 8, 1882 Mariposa GazetteIn Merced, July 3, 1882, by Judge J. O. BLACKBURK, T. J. BENNY, of Coulterville, to Miss Anna J. MARSHALL of Hornitos. 
John M. C. BENNETT to Miss Mariah SMITH. Mariposa Gazette June 30, 1877 At Chapmans ranch, June 28th,1877, by Rev. J.M. ALSANSON, 
BENT W. M.  & Cesare AYLE 7 / 3 / 1869
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley

Fresno Bee Republican, Sept 3 1933
Ann Carter is Mariposa Bride
Mariposa, Mariposa Co. Sept 2- At a wedding ceremony in the Catholic Church here, Miss Ann Marguerite Carter became the bride Wednesday of Joseph F Berberich of Glendale. Rev. Joseph Franco officiated.
Miss Pearl Carter, a sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, while Mrs. Carl Kelly, another sister was matron of honor.
John C Grosjean, friend of the Carter family was best man. Jean Anne Grosjean and Phyllis Carter were flower girls.
Mrs. J C Grosjean sang with Mrs. Agnes Bertken at the organ.
Mrs. Berberich is the oldest daughter of Mr. and G. A. Carter of the Bear Creek district.  She is a graduate of the Mariposa High school and of the California Lutheran Hospital School of Nursing in Los Angeles. She is employed by the department of public health.
The couple has departed on a honeymoon trip which will take them as far east as Chicago where they will attend the Century of of Progress Exposition.  They also will go to St. Louis where the bridegroom's parents live  They will return to Glendale to make their home there.- transcribed by cdf

BERNHART George & Ann Marie B. BAUDER 12 / 26 / 1856
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelle

BERTKEY George & Eohanna/Johanna EGHANOFF 5 / 23 / 1861
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
Hattie Laura GORDON        Julius Henry Berthin/Bertken    3/4/1896    3    295
transcribed from the Mariposa County Recorders Office Marriage Index- Steve Miller, 2003

BILL Edward C. /Martha G. BEIGHLE 5 / 10 / 1866
As taken from the Marriage Records Index,  Males, Mariposa County, CA- submitted by Mel Kelley
Marriage October 20th, 1888 Mariposa Gazette

    The following clip from the Fresno Expositor of October 10.
    At the home of J. H. BROWN, in Washington Colony, on the morning of
September 26, 1888, Miss Lena BROWN was married to Mr. Robert J. BLACHY.
The ceremonies were performed by Elder W. Y. SKELTON. The contracting
parties were tastefully attired in traveling suits, and after partaking
of a sumptuous wedding breakfast, left for San Francisco and other
points North. The bridal presents were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
BROWN, parents of the bride, silver knives, forks and spoons, etc.; Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. BROWN, table scarf; Mr. and Mrs. CHESTER, glass water
set; Mr. and Mrs. BLACHLY, China Tea Set; Miss Emma WILLS, fruit dish;
Mrs. CULLERS, table spread; William CULLERS, linen handkerchiefs; Beryl
BROWN, syrup stand; Annie FRENCH, linen towels.
April 5th, 1890 Mariposa Gazette
   A wedding took place in town last Sunday, which was a genuine
surprise to most of us, but not, as surprises often are, an unpleasant
one. Mr. A. G. BLACK, an old and honored resident of our county, and
Mrs. Ida E. A. NEWMAN, so long and pleasantly known as the proprieties
of the Mormon Bar store and inn, were the parties, and we feel sure that
we express the general feeling of the community in extending to them our
congratulations and wishing them many years od wedded happiness.

BLOODWORTH/WHITE submitted by Steve Miller
Mariposa Gazette January 18, 1857
At the residence of Mr. Charles Snelling,  on the
13th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Johnson, Mr. Charles F. BLOODWORTH , Sheriff of Merced county to Miss
Frances B. WHITE, of Snellingville. 

August 1, 1863 Mariposa Free Press, At St. Joseph's (Catholic) Church, on Sunday morning, July 26th, by Rev. Father L. A. AUGER,Mr. Charles  BOGAN, of Colorado, Mariposa County, to Miss Margaret KERRINS, of Mariposa.
"BOGAN/KERRINS--In Mariposa, July 26th, Charles BOGAN to Margaret KERRINS."  Source:  Daily Alta
California, 9 Aug 1863, p. 6.

February 17, 1894 Mariposa Gazette In San Francisco, February 11th, 1894, Frank BORRELLO, of Fresno, to Miss Mary CAMPODONICO, of Hornitos

Sacramento Daily Bee
Friday Evening, March 20, 1868

In Mariposa county, March 10th, Nelson BOUTON to Mrs. Sarah J. MILLER.

November 10, 1854 Mariposa Chronicle,  In Mariposa, John BOWLIN to Frances REED (daughter of Leonard Reed) all of this county were married on November 5, 1854.

Marriage of  George W. Branch to Mrs. Mary Ann Harrison Feb 22, 1852 bk B  page 2 (submitted by Steve Miller)
from the files at the Hall of Records, Mariposa

abstract of Marriage Licence and Certificate of
Mary Ann Harrison to George W. Branch

2/22/1852  Book  B   page  2

in Mariposa Co.  Township No. 1

I hereby certify that on the 22nd day of February, AD 1852, at the
house of Capt. Shackelford, in said Township  George W Branch
of the said township and Mrs. Mary Ann Harrison also of said
township were with their mutual consent lawfully joined together
in the holy bonds of matrimony, which was solemnized by me in
the presence of William Thompson and Capt. Wm Shackelford.
both of the township No. 1, Mariposa County aforesaid.

I do further certify that the said George W. Branch and Mary Ann
Harrison are known to me to be the persons described in this
certificate, that I ascertained previous to the solemnizing of the
said marriage that the said parties were of sufficient age to contract
the same and after due by me made there appeared no lawful
impediment to said marriage.

Giving under my hand the 23rd day of March A D 1852
                        Joseph Scott  J. P.
                Justice of the Peace

filed Thursday March 25 A D 1852 at 10 clock p.m. at the request
of J. B. Cocannor

Edw Bell  RMC
by Chs Gray  Dep. RMC

Transcribed by Steve Miller Aug 2001

Marriage Licence
State of California
County of Mariposa

These presents are to authorize and licence any justice of the Supreme
Court, Judge of the Superior Court, Justice of the Peace, Preist or
minister of the Gospel of any denomination to solemnize within said County
the marriage of Hiram Branson, native of Missouri, aged 39 years, resident
of Mariposa County, State of California  and  Josie Allen, native of
California, aged 21 years, resident of Mariposa County, State of
California.  Said parties being of sufficient age to be capable of
contracting marriage.

In witness where of I hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the
Superior Court of said County this 29 day of July 1895.
(s) A. G. Black County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of Superior Court for
said Mariposa County.
by (s) J. H. Corcoran, Deputy Clerk

Marriage Certificate

I hereby certify that I believe the facts stated in the above licence to be
true and that upon due inquiry there appears to be no legal impediment to
the marriage of said  Hiram W. Branson and Josie Allen,  that said parties
were joined in marriage by me on the 30 day of July 1895 in Snow Creek said
County and State,  that Thomas Tyler, a resident of Snow Creek County of
Mariposa, State of California and I. Branson, a resident of Snow Creek,
County of Mariposa, State of California were present as witnesses of said
                (parents names were written in this space as follows)
                Parents names  Issac and Emmerline Branson,  natives of Missouri
                John Allen   Germany and May Allen Claifornia
In witness where of I have hereunto ste my hand this 30 day of July 1895
R. Flinn  (spell)  Justice of Peace

Filed for record July 30, 1895 at request of R. Flinn (sp)
A. G. Black  Recorder
by J. H. Corcoran  Deputy Recorder

NOTE:Snow Creek begins off Sweetwater Ridge and runs 8 miles until it is joined
by Owl Creek to become Jones Creek  just north of Bootjack.  Snow Creek as
a community would be west of Jerseydale.

Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada-Tu, Feb.20, 1913
Another Triumph of Hope Over Experience

A marriage license was issued yesterday to John J Branson, of Hornitos, Calif., and Mrs. Pearl Drumm, giving residence as Reno.  Mrs. Drumm secured a divorce in Judge Moran's court on the previous day- transcribed by c feroben

LOUIS G. SHAFER  of Reno to Marry Again
February 24, 1913-Woodland Daily Democrat
Two who recently figured in divorce suits are named as principals in marriage licenses issued February 19th at the county clerk's office. They are Pearl Drumm , who secured a divorce on cruelty grounds in Judge Moran's court Tuesday from Burnett Knotts, and Louis G Schafer, who was divorced some years ago from Allene Shafer of Oakland on the same grounds.
Miss Drumm's age is given as 24 years, her residence as Reno.  She is to marry John J Branson, 32, of Hornitos, Cal.
Shafer's age is given as 33 and his residence as Reno. He is to marry Mrs. Frances Hennesey, 30 years old, of Reno-Reno Gazette

October 21, 1882 Mariposa Gazette ( submitted by W. Disbro) Last Thursday evening Mr. Frederick BRIGHTMAN was married to Miss Mary DUFF. We wish the newly married couple all happiness and acknowledge the receipt of liberal slices of the wedding cake. Certain enterprising individuals, who made the night hideous by trying to give the wedding party a charivari serenade failed to find them and all their disinterested efforts were wasted. That the wedding pair may be always equally fortunate in escaping vexations and annoyances is the congratulatory wish of the Gazette.
Married October 21, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
BRIGHTMAN- DUFF- In Mariposa, Oct. 19th, by Rev. R. A. SAWRIE, Mr. Frederick BRIGHTMAN to Miss Mary DUFF.

Mariposa Chronicle, Oct 8, 1856 
Quartzburg-October 4, 1856- H BROMLEY to Miss Ellen DEVORE, both of Aqua Frio-
submittedy by Warren Carah

Mariposa Gazette May 14, 1910
Licensed to Wed

Jay C BRUCE of Mt Bullion and Miss Katherine FOURNIER of Mariposa were
licensed to marry in Fresno Thursday last. Mr. BRUCE is a son of Mr and
Mr A. O. BRUCE of Wawona. For several years past he has been a trusted
employee of the M C & M C. He is a steady, industrious man, and well
liked among his associates. The bride is a most exemplary young lady, a
native of Mariposa county and the youngest daughter of A. FOURNIER, for
many years a resident of Mt Bullion but now of Mariposa. They young
couple have a host of friends who will wish them many long years of
happiness together.

Albert H. Bruce and Martha M. Laird Mariposa Gazette, February 13, 1904
A sunday morning wedding took place at the Arlington hotel on the 7th inst, when Albert H. Bruce and Martha M. Laird were joined in the bonds of wedlock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wm. BROWN. Miss Isia NUTTER and Charles PALMER were the attendancts. The couple received a number of handsone presents. Congratulations and best wishes from friends follow them. Tom Hilk

Stockton Daily Independent
Monday, 9 Dec 1872
transcribed by Dee S.

MARRIED -- in Mariposa, Dec. 1st, Albert O. BRUCE and Miss Azelia VAN CAMPEN.

January 20, 1866 Mariposa Gazette. At the Galt House, Snelling both of San Francisco.

Mariposa Gazette, Jan 30, 1857-
 Sacramento, Honorable E BURKE of Mariposa to Martha COLE of Trumansburg, NY, January 21, 1857
submitted by Warren Carah

Edmund C. BURR to Miss Annie BARNARDO Oct 30, 1875 Mariposa Gazette In San Francisco, October 27th 
July 8, 1882 Mariposa Gazette In Bakersfield, June 29, 1882, Jud S. BURROUGHS to Miss Jennie McGRANN.

Mariposa Gazette September 28, 1858
Cathy's Valley -William T CALDWELL to Mary Ann Harris , Sept 21, 1858


Stockton Daily Independent
Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA
Tuesday, 12 Sept 1871
MARRIED -- at Hite's Cove, Sept. 2d, Thomas Vivian CALF and Miss Josephine 
Geneva SMITH.
transcribed by Dee S

February 3, 1894 Mariposa Gazette In Tulare, January 25th, 1894, by Rev. Father FARRELLY, Dalphine CANELO of San Jose to Miss Grace LOVEJOY of Tulare. 
At Hornitos, Mariposa county, November 4th, 1879, by Alex McELROY, Justice of the Peace, Alfred F. CANNON to Miss Martha I. HART both of this place.

  William Carah  TO E. M. MARSHALL       12/22/1881      3-41       from the Mariposa County Marriage Index
submitted by Steve Miller

Mariposa Gazette, December 10, 1858

Mariposa- J S CARTER to Louisa LONG , December 5, 1858
submitted by Warren Carah

Wednesday, 3 May 1871 Stockton Daily Independent
MARRIED -- at Elkhorn Ranch, near Hornitos, April 23d, S.W. CARR to Miss

 Merced Star
Dec. 29, 1881

MARRIED At Washington Mine, near Hornitos, Mariposa County,
December 22, 1881, by Samuel Carr, Justice of the Peace, Mr. William
Carre, to Miss Lizzie Marshall.
submitted by Tom Hilk

July 12, 1890 Mariposa Gazette

Tuesday, July 8th, was the day appointed for the marriage of Dr. C.
CASTLE, of Merced, and Miss Virginia N. WILLS, of Cathey's Valley, and long before the hour named on the invitation cards, carriage loads of expectant-looking people were seen driving up to the pleasant residence of Mr. Benj. WILLS, the father of the bride. This is one of the most comfortable homes in the valley, and on Tuesday it was looking it's best; its wide porches and room decked with plants and flowers, and wreathed with green vines. A beautiful bell of white oleanders and
palest pink roses, was hung, between the parlor doors, under which the handsome couple took their places, and were united in marriage by Rev. R. P. WILSON, according to the impressive ritual of the M. E. Church. The bride, always a beautiful girl, looked unusually lovely, as she stood besides the handsome gentleman, who was promising to cherish and protect her. Her dress of mauve silk, was very aesthetically made, and was extremely becoming to her. The groom, although a stranger to most of
the assembled guests, made friends of all, ere the day was passed, by his pleasant and genial manner. After the marriage, the guest were invited to the dinning room, where as elegant dinner was served. Mrs. WILLS and her daughters fully understand the art of ministering to people, as shown by the way the dainty viands disappeared.
       Those present from Merced were, Rev. R. P. WILSON, wife and daughter; not forgetting the groom himself; besides Mr. and Mrs. S L. GIVENS and family. From Mariposa; Mrs. L. S. ??????, Miss J. L. JONES, John WEILER, Mrs. F. A. REYNOLDS, and son. Cathey's Valley: Mr. and Mrs. Benj. WILLS, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. CORNETT. Mrs. J. GIVENS, Mrs. R. C. MAY, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. WILLS, Mrs. REXFORD, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. REDMAN, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. WILKINSON, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. CATHEY, Mrs. S. M. THOMPSON,; Misses Rose TURNER, Emma WILLS, Mamie WILKINSON, Allie and
       In addition to the grown people, the party was supplemented by twenty eight happy, healthy small boys and girls, who, besides taking in the wedding ceremony, also "took in" unlimited quantities of turkey, cake, lemonade and ice cream, and we heard two of them devoutly praying that there might soon be another wedding, so they might repeat the "taking in" process of Tuesday.
       There were many handsome presents given to the bride, among which we noticed: Grand Piano, from the groom; handsome bible, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. WILLS; Silver tea set, Mrs. S. L. and Mrs. J. GIVENS; butter knife and pickle fork, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. CORNETT; silver tureen and ladle, Mrs. Dr. SHERMAN, Merced; pickle fork, Mrs. L. S. MILLER; cream ladle, Mrs. T. G. POOL, Stockton; card receiver, Mrs. M. J. WOOD, Merced; white shawl, Grace and Curtis CASTLE, Merced; point lace collar, Miss Delia McCORMICK, Stockton; pitcher and vases, Fred SMITH; glass and dish, Mr. and Mrs. John REDMAN; pair handsome vases, Oscar WULBERN; silver teapot, James PRICE; lace handkerchief, Mrs. Mary BOYNE'S, Oakland.
          Dr. and Mrs. CASTLE left on Wednesday for Merced, where they were tendered a reception, that evening and on Thursday they started for San Francisco, thence to San Diego, where they propose passing a couple of months. Mrs. CASTLE has always been a favorite in Mariposa, and many kind wishes followed her in her new life.

August 7, 1874 Mariposa Gazette In Merced, JULY 26, 1874 by Justice LEGGETT, Harry CHAPMAN to Miss Amy SPRING, late of Virginia City. 
November 1, 1884 Mariposa Gazette
Marriage of Abbie CRIPPEN- Yosemite's Favorite.

    The historian of the future, whoever it may be, will no doubt have recorded a chapter of a event occurring in the Great Yosemite Valley on October 24th, 1884; which will contain matters of more than ordinary interest to the reader and one in which not only to the parties themselves, but to the participants of the grand affair, as also, to the beholder and incidental witnesses who were present on the happy and most enlivening occasion. For days previous the rumbling noise of the grand
water falls had been comparatively hushed into silence at the rumor which was floating upon the breeze of the human wind mill and nocturnal assemblages which were gathered in whispering silence in and about the Barnard Hotel, and other public resorts of the valley. Have you heard the news says one? No, what is it; was the query of several whose voracious appetites were gnawing for something of a gossiping nature to feed upon, why it is said that that fellow CHILDS of the " Bodie Free
Press," is going to take our "ABBIE," the lily of the valley, who blooms here both summer and winter, across to the sage brush region and make her his wife. They have , in a very quiet manner, been preparing for the nuptials, and had sent for Ed. McLEAN, Merceds famous talking preacher, who is to do the " binding " also, the chapel is undergoing repairs and
being put into order for the occasion. A day or two passes, when the appearance of Mr. CHILDS in the valley gave  confirmation, that " Dame Rumor "was not false to her colors. An unusual stir was going on about the Hotel, and on the same day the Rev. Ed. G. McLEAN, master of ceremonies arrived. The anticipated bride and groom were receiving marked attention from friends and everything bid well for an auspicious wedding in the evening. Quite a number of long faced gents could be seen
in squads, seemingly pondering over the probable loss of their favorite of the valley, who was, and had been, the life and principle feminine attraction of the grand panorama for several years. The mystery, seemed, to some, of the unaccountable taste that the beautiful maid of the forest, should have for a " Child-ish" editor of a country newspaper to that of the innumerable golden opportunities she had probably received from foreign subjects of other parts of the globe. If what we heard was
true, the best of the joke was entailed upon the groom'y editor. He evidently was not used to getting married, for he had equipped himself with a license issued by a Mono County Clerk, to be used in Mariposa County, which was not discovered till about the hour, when the Parson informed the party that the instrument was insufficient and would not subserve the purpose. This of course created a dismay and disappointment, thereby causing a continuance of the case until a proper license be procured. A messenger was dispatched to Mariposa, a distance of 50 miles, who likewise met with some mishaps and was delayed some hours beyond expectation, but arrived sometime the next day when the grand wedding and feast were proceeded with at the chapel amidst a large gathering of all the inhabitants of the valley, and many from outside. We received some fine fine samples of the wedding cake, which, if the whole aggregated as sweetly, the repast given must have been a delicious
one. Accompanying, the cake, and compliments, was a slip of paper containing a syllabus of the proceedings of the Chapel in which the " Child-ren" were united in the bonds of connubial bliss. After the ceremonies by the Rev. Ed. G. McLEAN, and the usual amount of gratulations bestowed upon the groom and bride by their relatives, friends and acquaintances, the company resolved into a committee of the whole and repaired to Barnards Hotel. Here followed a gay and festive scene which threw into insignificance all admiration of out door's beauty and grandeur of the valley, or the gentle racket of the great water-fall, for water was liberally substituted by an overflow of champaign, which was crystallized by clear cut toasts given to the
parties whose lives had been doomed to the sage brush country, and to the enterprising Yosemite Stage and Turnpike Company, to the Hotels of the Valley, and lastly not to be forgotten the Press- which ostensibly meant the " Bodie Free Press," now owned by Mr. and Mrs. H. L. CHILDS, the latter being late of the Great Yosemite Valley.
        We shall have to conclude our sketch which is drawn in part upon the imagination, as we were not present, by wishing the newly married couple a long life of happiness, and may their "Child- isness" never be less,' We have known Miss Abbie CRIPPEN, now the bride, Mrs. CHILDS, ever since she was born, having been an intimate friend and acquaintences of her Father, Joshua D. CRIPPEN, who was Sheriff of this county some fifteen years, and died while in office. Her mother is the
wife of John K. BARNARD of Yosemite Hotel fame. There are two more girls Katie and Fannie, who live with their mother and are young ladies grown.

MONDAY, 18 MAY 1868, Stockton Daily Independent
MARRIED - at Hornitos, May 3d, George CHITTENDEN to Miss Olive A. CAMPBELL. transcribed by Dee S

William Clanton and Miss Maud A. Lowrie Mariposa Gazette, October 13, 1906 in the morning of October 4th, William Clanton and Miss Maud A. Lowrie were united in marriage by the Rev. Wm. BROWN of the Mariposa Presbyterian church. The ceremony which united this happy young couple was performed at the residence of the bride's father, W. H. LOWRIE , at Pea Ridge. Only relatives of the contracting parties were in attendance. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lowrie and an accomplished young lady. The groom is well known in this vicinity where he is respected as a sober and industrious young man. Mr. CLANTON follows the occupation of teaming. The best wishes of the gazette are extended for a happy and prosperous union.
Mariposa Gazette, March 13, 1909 Clanton Captured
Wm. Clanton and Miss Myrtle Lowrie, the couple who eloped from Whiterock recently, were captured in Prescott, Arizona, Monday. The warrant on which Clanton was arrested was sworn to in Merced and last week Sheriff Swan, of that county located the couple, passing as man and wife, settled down and living in Phoenix, Ariz., but before a telegram could reach the officers there giving them authority to hold them, the pair had skipped out, but the officers were trailing them and caught up with them at Prescott. The deserted wife of Clanton is suing him for divorce in this county and the summons will be served on him as soon as possible. (Tom Hilk) 
In Sacramento, at the What Cheer House, November 6th, by Rev. M. C. BRIGGS, A. M. CLARK to Miss EMMA GLIDDEN, all of Mariposa county.NOVEMBER 11, 1865 Mariposa Gazette

Merced Express, February 18, 1927


Mrs. Alma Wall Terry of San Francisco and Fred P. Clark of Mariposa were married in San Francisco Wednesday, February 2, 1927. Alma Wall Terry is the older daughter of Mrs. Carrie Wall, formerly of this place, and spent the greater part of her life here. She is a graduate nurse of the
Peninsula hospital and engaged in her profession both in Sacramento and San Francisco. She is a very capable and accomplished young lady with a
host of friends. Mr. Clark is a Mariposa man and former owner of the Clark Sawmill and ranch near here. The young couple will make their home
near Mariposa. submiteed by Tom Hilk

CLIFFT- CHAPMAN January 12, 1884 Mariposa Gazette ( submitted by W. Disbrro)
The marriage of James P. CLIFFT to Mrs. Catherine CHAPMAN ,January 12, 1884 Mariposa Gazette ( submitted by W. Disbrro) in this place last Tuesday evening was a quiet affair as far as the ceremonies of the wedding were concerned. All that the parties most interested had todo, or did do, was to don their best for the occasion, stand up and the parson did what remained to be done. The parties were so well known, and having so many friends, it was deem the easiest way to pass through the ordeal with as little formality as possible. But this didn't satisfy all hands for as soon it was known that the knot had been tied, the friends of the groom insisted on having a little fun; so they, including the boys of the town, of course, turned out en-masse and gave the newly married couple a bit of a concert, with tin instruments, chiefly composed of cans, pans and horns. The groom being on the alert soon settled the turbulent spirits into quietude, by treating them to candies, nuts cigars and lemonades.

CLOUGH/BIGHLE - Saturday, May 14, 1864-Stockton Daily Independent

MARRIED – at Bigles's Ranch, Merced county, April 26th, Mr. H. CLOUGH of Coulterville, to Miss Mary L. BIGHLE.
transcribed by Dee S

Mariposa Gazette, November 22, 1890


CLOUGH - McDONALD - In Merced, November 16th, 1890, by the Rev. James
WHITE, S. B. CLOUGH and Miss Mary McDONALD. Tom Hilk

San Joaquin Valley Argus

May 4, 1878


At Hornitos, on Friday, April 26th, 1878, Mr. Edward Collins Jr. to Miss
Edwina Pitzer.

San Francisco papers please copy.

The fair young bride was arrayed in white Swiss, trimmed with white satin, blond-lace, and looped up with dainty white flowers. The soft fleecy bridal veil crowned with orange blossoms lent a beauty to the sweet blushing face. We with the young couple joy and many years of happiness; and may the sentiments of the following lines be fully realized by the happy groom:

Oh, pleasant is the welcome kiss
When day's dull round is o'er,
And sweet the music of the step
That meets us at the door.

Merced Express, June 20, 1924


The San Francisco Examiner of June 10th contained the announcement of the marriage of Rose B. Clough, an Oakland society woman, and John W. Collins of Hornitos. This news is both interesting and surprising to Mariposans. Mr. Collins is well known throughout the county, having served it faithfully as Supervisor of District No. 1 for about twenty-five years. He is also a prosperous rancher of near Hornitos, where the couple will make their home. Tom Hilk

John COLLIINS, son of Edward and Mary Ann COLLINS, married first Rose Ann
REEB and after her death married n
Rose B. CLOUGH widow of Sam Clough. note from Harriet Sturk

October 31, 1863 Mariposa Free Press In Mariposa county,at the residence of Daniel MAYON jr.,by J.Y. JONES, Esq., Mr. HIRAM CONKLIN to MRS. SARAH MAYON. October 31, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Sunday, 31, Jan, 1858, Weekly Stockton Democra
 in Mariposa, Mr. Green COOP to Miss Isbella Reed.

August 29, 1862-Stockton Daily Independent
In Mariposa, August 20th, 1862, by the Rev. Father AUGER; Mr. John M. CORCROAN to Miss Marianna Garrity, both of that place.

GEORGE W. CORNELL, to Miss SUSIE M. COUNTS JULY 11, 1863 Mariposa Free Press In Coulterville, July 2,d, by N.B. HUBBELL, Esq., Mr. GEORGE W. CORNELL, to Miss SUSIEM. COUNTS, daughter of Geo. COUNTS, Esq.; all of Coulterville.
CORNELL-WILLS wedding May 13, 1893 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro)

      Last Wednesday at noon, Mr. Samuel C. CORNELL and Miss Allie WILLS were united in marriage, at the home of the bride in Cathey's Valley.
Although only relatives and intimate friends of the young couple had been invited, yet they made a large assemblage, by the time all had congregated. A beautiful floral arch and bell had been arranged on the frount veranda, just above the parlor door, and under this the contracting parties took their places, and were soon made one by Rev. Mr. CLARK. The bride's dress was of cream silk, elegant in texture, and simplicity of style.
       The WILLS family has long been noted for its number of beautiful and charming women and Mrs. CORNELL is no exception to the prevailing rule. She has always been a favorite with all who knew here, for both her bright, winning manners, and her ernest christianity, and her husband can safely set her value as "far above rubies."
        The groom is one of Mariposa's boy's, although he has made his home in Merced. He is a quiet, industrious young man, most exemplary, in his habit, and has scores of warm friends here, as well as in Merced. He has held the office of City Clerk for some time, and is ambitious and deserving enough to attain higher positions. The young couple have the best wishes of all who now them for their smooth sailing down lifes stream.
        Those who attended the wedding, from Mariposa, were: Mr. and Mrs. S. P. O. COUNTS, Mrs. W. D. EGENHOFF, Rev. C. E. CLARK and wife, Misses Kate MORRISEY, and Daisy FARNSWORTH.
         Following is a partial list of presents received by the young folks:
         Pickle dish, J. HOWELL and wife; Silver salt set, A. F. PEDREIRA; Fruit knives, Mr. and Mrs. H. CORNETT; Case of silver, Merced Bank; Silver salt shakes, M. ZIRKER and Max UNGER; Mirror, bred, cake and fruit knives, J. WILKINSON; Silver egg set, J. OLIVER; Silver syrup jug, M. LEGGETT; Full Silver tea set, Merced Native Sons; Silver fruit
dish, Mrs. J. GIVENS; Pie knife, Kate THOMB and Jennie THRIFT; Silver tea set, Mr. and Mrs. S.P. COUNTS; Silver salt shakers, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. DUNCAN; Gold  watch from groom; Butter knife and sugar spoon, Mr. and Mrs. WHITE; Silver napkin rings, Mrs. J. K. PRICE; Nut picks, Mr. and Mrs. RADCLIFFE; Carving set, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. POOLE; Sugar spoon, J. DUNNAWAY; Silver card receiver, Mr. and Mrs. RUDDEL; Painting, Mrs. EGENHOFF and Miss ROWLAND; Easel, Mrs. H. LESSMAN.

Mr. HIRAM W. CORNETT to Miss MARY F. WILLS May 6, 1876 Mariposa Gazette . At Cathey's Valley, Mariposa county, May 1st, 1876, by Rev. J.M. ALSANSON, 
Mr. and Mrs. George COUNTS --62 anniversary Mariposa Gazette June 7, 1890

Sixty-Second Anniversary.- Mr. and Mrs. George COUNTS celebrated

the 62nd anniversary of their marriage, on Tuesday last. Mr. COUNTS is one of our oldest and best known citizens, having filled with credit the office of Treasurer of this county for the past twenty years. He is now 84 years of age, and Mrs. COUNTS is 79, having been married at the ages of 22 and 17 respectively. They are the parents of eleven children the oldest of which is Mrs. Alex OBARR, 61 years old, of Central Point, Merced county, and the youngest is Samuel who is clerk for his father in
the Treasurer's office here, being 39 years old. They also have 37 grandchildren and 29 great grandchildren. That Mr. COUNTS has lived so many years in one community the during a sing of so large a family has filled one of the most important positions of trust that the county can bestow, for the past 20 years, and now is esteemed and honored by all, is a sufficient and most eloquent argument in behalf of the strength of character, elevation of purpose and grandeur of the life thus made an
influence of good, well worth of emulation.

Sorry for the unreadable condition of some of this article but I have to deal with some very faded copy's of the papers lately.
W. Disbro

Counted in.
Last Thursday evening, S. P. O. COUNTS and Miss Clara PETERSEN, were married at the residence of the grooms father, Mr. George COUNTS. We had been prone to look upon Sam as a confirmed bachelor, sense we feel doubly gratified, to think that one destined to make a indulgent husband and ____ has been rescued from the wreck of bachelordom, and that he will now have to toe the mark along with the rest of married mankind. But Sam is a good fellow, and we are heartily glad that he has settled himself to live the life of a useful citizen. The bride, has only been in our midst a few months, but by her pleasant manners and kindness towards all, has gained a firm hold on the affections of all who know her; and we are convinced that our friend Sam has gained a true help-meet. Owing to the feeble state of health of the father and mother of the groom the wedding was private, only half-a-dozen of the most intimate friends of the family being present. The ceremony was performed at 8 o'clock, by Rev. Joel HEDGEPETH, and the happy couple were attended by Mr. William HUNTER and Miss Emily PETERSEN, a sister of the bride. The parlor was beautifully decorated with flowers, both in bouquets, and one splendid pyramid of cut flowers. The bride was attired in Swiss, trimmed with natural roses. A beautiful veil, and orange blossoms completed the simple but elegant bridal attire, and enhanced the winning attractiveness of the pretty girl, who was giving her hand and heart to our old time friend. Mr. and Mrs. S.P.O. COUNTS, remembered us with a generous supply of cake, for which we are inclined to make many sweet predictions for the future, and wish them all the happiness common to married and mated humanity. PJune 2, 1883 Mariposa Gazette

Stockton Daily Independent
Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA
Tuesday, 8 Aug 1871
MARRIED -- at Mariposa, July 28th, F.T. COVER and Miss Mary GRACE.
transcribed by Dee S.

Mr. JAMES D. CRAIGH, to Miss AUGUSTA A. LAWRENCE, both of Princeton.January 6, 1866At Princeton, December 31st, 1865, by Hon. L.F. JONES 
George CHRITTENDEN to Mrs. ALVINA C.VANCAMPEN, May 20 1876. Mariposa Gazette On Bear Creek, May 11th, 1876, by S.W. CARR, Esq., 
At Cedar Grove, near Darrah, Mariposa County, at the residence of the bride's father, by G. W. TEMPLE, J.P., Mr. Timothy J. CRONIN to Miss Annie L. COOP, both of Mariposa county, Cal. March 16, 1889 Mariposa Gazette 
Married March 16, 1889 Mariposa Gazette
Mr. JOHN CRUICKSHANKS to Miss ELIZA CAREY, both of this county.Mariposa Gazette,January 13, 1866. At the Mariposa Hotel, Thursday evening, Jan 11, 1866, by Rev. Farther SCANLON

Monday, August 10, 1868, Stockton Daily Independent
MARRIED - on Mariposa Creek, July 30th, James CUNNINGHAM to Mrs. S.A. HENDERSON, daughter of Capt. Nicholas TURNER, all of Merced county. submitted by Dee S

Modesto News Herald, November 24, 1925 or 26 (very hard to read)
Cards have been mailed to friends and relatives this week announcing the engagement of Miss Dorothy Lee Rowland to Jacques Czanne of New York.  The wedding is to take place in New York on Wednesday, November 23.
The bride elect is the daughter of Mrs. Miriam I. Paine, the postmaster of Mariposa, and  she is considered one of the county's  most popular and attractive  yound ladies.  c feroben

Married September 1, 1883 Mariposa Gazette- At Coulterville, August 7th, 1883, by M. GLYNN, J.P., Henry M. DAIGLE to Miss Louisa PARIS. September 1, 1883 Mariposa Gazette

MARRIED – at Mount Ophir, Oct. 25th, by the Rev. Father Augur; E.O. DARLING to Miss Rachel SHEAY.
Stockton Daily Independent, Nov 6, 1863 transcribed by Dee S

In Hornitos, October 16, by Father WILLIAMS, Fernando DAVILA to Tula FLORES. October 27, 1883 Mariposa Gazette

At Mariposa, Nov 4th, Mr. E. W. DAVIS to Mrs. C. J. BROWN, all of Princeton. November 13, 1862
Stockton Daily Independent

Charles W. DELONG, to Maria CHURCH. July17, 1875 Mariposa Gazette. At the residence of the bride's father near Fresno, July 4th.

In Mariposa, Hugh Dimond to Miss Jane McGreer, October 4, 1860.  Mariposa Gazette, October 9, 1860. (submitted by Warren Carah)

October 5, 1889 Mariposa Gazette

We do not often get the romance of a run-away wedding, up in these

picturesque hills, but last Friday our town was so honored. In the
afternoon a carriage containing a gentleman and lady, came into town
from the Merced direction, and from the looks, they ever and anon, cast
behind them as they drove down the street, surmises began to be indulged
in that they were probably looking out for the " old man," or the
customary big brother. They drove to the Mariposa Hotel, and that
evening Judge TEMPLE sealed the bond which licensed them to legally tear
each others eyes out. The names of the happy pair were, Miss Josie
SMITH, and Mr. Jack DODD of Fresno county, Cal. The bride was very
pretty, and although we do not know why they ran away, still we don't
blame the groom for stealing her, if that was the only avaiable way.

Mr. CHARLES H. DODD, of Aurora, to Miss LUCY A. SPROAL of the Valley June 2, 1866Mariposa Gazette At Yo Semite, onSunday, May 27th, 1866,at the residence of J.M. HUTCHINGS, by the Rev. W,H, STORY, No Cards.

Mariposa Gazette January 9, 1857
On the 1st instant, by J. S. Watts, Esq.  Mr. Starling P. DODSON to Miss Milberry Ann YOUNG all of Mariposa Co.

submitted by Steve Miller

In Mariposa April 12, 1882, by Hon. J. M. CORCORAN, Mr. T. E. DOLAN, of Fresno Flats, to Miss Myra RAMSDEN, of Bridgeport, Mariposa county.April 15, 1882 Mariposa Gazette


At Benton Mills October 30th, 1883, by Henry PEARD, J.P., Jose DOMINGOS to Annie CURTIS.November 3, 1883 Mariposa Gazette 

Mr. THOS. H. DOWNIE to Mrs. FLORENCE M. BISHOP of Bear Valley May 6, 1876 Mariposa Gazette In Bear Valley, Mariposa county, April 30th, 1876, by John R. REED, J.P.
    September 11, 1886 Mariposa Gazette
Last Wednesday, the 8th instant, the marriage of Rev. T.L. DUKE, of

Merced, and Miss Lotta OBARR, of this place occurred at the residence of
the brides parents. The bride is a grand daughter of Mrs. George COUNTS,
and the wedding was celebrated on the 76th birthday of the grand mother.
Only immediate friends and relatives were present. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. J. M. ALSANSON, of Modesto, an uncle of the bride. The
wedding was at eleven o'clock A.M., followed by a breakfast, after which
the newly wedded pair left for Merced, laden with the best wishes of
their friends. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. George COUNTS, Mr.
and Mrs. OBARR, Mr. and Mrs. Percy GALLISON, Mr. and Mrs. S.P.O. COUNTS,
Rev. J.M. ALSANSON, Sammy CORNELL, Tammy LIND, Misses Etta and Mildred
       The printers were generously remembered, with a supply of
delicious cake which doubly inspired them in their sincere
congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. DUKE.

DULCICH - WICKHAM Mariposa Gazette, December 24, 1904
                 (submitted by Sharon Dulcich)

John B. Dulcich, 21 years old, and Eloise Wickham, aged 19, both of Hornitos, were married in this city Monday by Justice of the Peace J. J. Qriffin ~ Merced Sun.

Chowchilla, Mariposa county, June 15, 1875 by Rev. J.M. ALSANSON, J.P. DUNCAN to Miss Martha A. ASHWORTH. Mariposa Gazette, Juen 19, 1875

THOMAS M. DUNCAN to Miss MARY E. GORDON In Hornitos,DECEMBER 25, 1875 Mariposa Gazette MARRIED. In Hornitos, December 24th, 1875, by Wm. ADAMS, J.P., both of this county.

      GORDON  Mary            Thos M. DUNCAN   12/24/1877    C    149-     from the Mariposa County Recorders Office- by Steve  Miller, 2003

Mr. ERASTUS EAGLESON to Miss. AMANDA HAMILTON, both of Mercd County March 16, 1867 Mariposa Gazette At the residence of the brides father, near HOPETON (Merced County), March 6, 1867, by James W. ROBINSON, County Judge 
The wedding of School Superintendent W. D. EGENHOFF, and Miss Mary ROWLAND, took place at the home of the bride in Cathey's Valley last Thursday. They left on the same day for Merced, to enjoy a few days of honeymoon, when they will return to Hornitos, where they are engaged to teach the next term of school which commence on Monday next. September 1, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
EGENHOFF- ROWLAND- At Cathey's Valley, August 30th, 1883, by the Rev. Joel HEDGEPETH, 
At North Bend, Oregon, June 21, Miss Ada E. SMITH to Mr. Julues A. EGENHOFF. July 8, 1882 Mariposa Gazette 
October 11, 1879 Mariposa Gazette ELAM- MULLINS- Pea Ridge, Mariposa county, October 7th, 1879, at the residence of the brides father, by the Rev. R.A. SAWRIE, Joel Thomas ELAM to Miss Mary MULLINS. 
Wedding Bells.-December 4, 1886 Mariposa Gazette
Wednesday evening at eight o'clock the marriage of Mr.

John ELLINGHAM and Miss Libbie MILLER was celebrated at the MILLER
homestead. Mr. ELLINGHAM had been in or vicinity for a year or two
engaged in mining enterprises at different places. He came formerly from
Colorado, where he held several official positions, and is a quiet
unassuming gentleman, just the kind of man we are glad to give our
friend Libbie away to. The bride is a daughter of the late J. H. MILLER,
and has always been a favorite in Mariposa society since her childhood.
Her fair face and vivacious manners always made her welcome in gay
society, while her kind heart and willing hands made her equally useful
in homes where sickness and sorrow had intruded. While we are glad that
fate has kindly assigned a good  husband to her, we doubly congratulated
on the good fortune that has befallen him, in securing such a general
favorite for his wife. We were remembered by a most generous supply of
delicious cake, for which our sincere congratulations and thanks are
returned, with wishes for a sweetest, brightest future that can be
granted them.

Mr. W.E. ELLIOTT to Mrs. Ella SHIVER.February 12, 1876 Mariposa Gazette. In Merced, January 27th, 1876 
SAMUEL K. ELLIS, of Mariposa, Cal. to Miss MINA CALHOUN, of Perryville, Ohio. May 12, 1866 Mariposa Gazette. At the Wiler house, Mansfield, Ohio, on Tuesday, 15 March, 1866, by Rev. Thomas K. DAVIS
 William ELLIS  to Mary Ellen LANYON  Nov 28,1887  bk  3  page  170
From the Mariposa Recorders office Marriage Index- transcribed by Steve Miller
 Charles V. ELLIS  to Hazel A SHIMER  Jul 3, 1910  bk  5 page 39
From the Mariposa Recorders office Marriage Index- transcribed by Steve Miller
 William J. ELLIS to Marguerite REEDY  Apr 9, 1911  bk  5  page  48
From the Mariposa Recorders office Marriage Index- transcribed by Steve Miller
ELLIS,  A. G.  to Dora WAGNER  Jan 14, 1869  Book B  page 223
From the Mariposa Recorders office Marriage Index- transcribed by Steve Miller

In Bear Valley, November 1st, 1883, by Henry PEARD, J.P., Francisco ESCOBAR to Guadalupe ACOSTA.November 3, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
A Pleasant Wedding.

November 29th, 1890 Mariposa Gazette ( submitted by W. Disbro)

      Last Wednesday evening a pleasant wedding occurred at Schlageter's
Hotel. The contracting parties were Mr. Emory ESKEW, of Merced, and Miss
Kate NORTHRUP, of Hornitos. Judge G. W. TEMPLE officiating. Mr. ESKEW is
a handsome, quiet young gentleman, and bears an excellent reputation for
industry for industry and exemplary habits. The bride is a Mariposa
girl, and it goes without saying that she is pretty. She looked
especially sweet and modest in a becoming dress of dark green, trimmed
with fur. Judge TEMPLE performed the ceremony in the parlor of the
hotel, which was brilliantly lighted, and filled with guest. Mr. and
Mrs. SCHLAGETER fully understand managing affairs of this sort, and
everything moved on harmoniously. After the completion of the ceremony,
the company were served with cake and champagne, and all joined in
wishing health and prosperity to the newly wedded couple. Messrs. McCANN
and CASTRO, rendered some fine music, after which the guests sought
their homes, all hoping that they might soon be invited to another
wedding at Charley's.
         Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. ESKEW, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
McELLIGOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Charlse SCHLAGETER, Mrs. Lucy S. MILLER, Mrs.

EVANS/PRIEST-research notes by Steve Miller

Marriage Lic and Cert

Evans, Frank   to Elmire Priest   1/24/1914  bk 5  pg  74 

Frank Evans, native of California, age 37 yrs res of Mono,

And Elmire M Priest, native of Mariposa age  33yrs,  resident of  , Co ofMariposa.  Man is white, woman is white.

20th of Jan 1914,  W. E. Gallison clerk

 Witnesses Chas. Lebrun res of, Co of Mariposa, Ca

And Mrs. N. A. Lebrun res of, Co of Mariposa, Ca

24th of Jan 1914

W. A. Scott  JofP Recorded at the request of W. A. Scott 28th Jan, 1914

Mariposa Gazette  1/24/1914  ( from Gleanings 1910-1915 p 162)

A marriage license was issued on Tuesday By County clerk Gallison to Frank Evans and Elmira Priest, Both of the Colorado Dist.

WW I Draft Reg.  Mariposa Co, CA
Frank Evans Mariposa, Mariposa, CA
Age 41 yrs  BD March 1  1877
Race:  white  occup:  farmer  empl’d for self
Next of kin  Mrs. Elmira Evans  (wife)
Mariposa, MariposaCA
Med ht   med build   Blue eyes  Brown  hair 

In the 1920 US Census
Living at Colorado,  Frank and Elmira had 3 daughters-Pearl age 6,  Violet age  3,  Velma  1 

Elmira was the 3rd child of Josiah  Priest and SallieA Mono Indian descended from the Mono’s of Yosemite Valley.  This explains how Frank Evans came to be buried at the Sarah Priest Cemetery.

HESINTA FALES, to Miss ESTEFANA VALENSUELA.December18, 1875 At Schlageter's Hotel, Mariposa county, December 12th, 1875, by Father McNAMARA 

At Grass Valley, June 27th, 1888. At the residence of the brides parents. Eldridge C. FARNSWORTH, and Miss Cora MADGE M'CLAINE.July 21, 1888 Mariposa Gazette

Mariposa Gazette, November 9, 1858
San Jose- Henry FAY to Miss A ASHWORTH , daughter of James ASHWORTH, October 21, 1858

Mr. R.H. FLEMING, to ELIZABETH DORGAN.Mariposa Free Press January 24, 1863 . In Mariposa, Jan. 18, by Rev. Father AUGER, W Disbro 
transcribed by Steve Miller
Fournier,  Antoine   to Sarah E. Shearon   10/16/1883   bk  3   pg  90

Marriage Lic/Cert  Transcript  by Steve Miller 10/3/01
Book 3  page 90
Antoine Fournier,  nativity,  France  31 years old,  res  Princeton, Mariposa County, CA
Sarah E.  Shearon,  nativity  CA,  24 years old,  res Princeton, Mariposa Co, CA

15th day of October 1883
Jarvis Streeter

Antoine Fournier and Sarah  E. Shearon  16th Oct. 1883  Mariposa
witnesses  Angevine Reynolds  res Mariposa CA,         Francis A. Reynolds  res Mariposa CA

"A Fournier parents were native of France
Sarah E. Shearon parents were native of the US"
16th of Oct 1883
John M.  Corcoran  Judge of  Superior Ct Mariposa Co, CA

filed Oct 16 1883 request of John M. Corcoran
Jarvis Streeter, Recorder

W Mr.Herman E. Freyschlag of Santa Clara county to Miss Elizabeth Winnifred BagbyMariposa Gazette, June 1, 1923Prominent Girl Will Become June Bride
Cards have been received by many friends in Mariposa this week, announcing the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Winnifred Bagby Miss Elizabeth Winnifred Bagbyand Mr.Herman E. FREYSCHLAG of Santa Clara county, on June 19th.The bride to be is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BAGBY of Bagby, Mariposa county and is the possessor of much grace and charm, marking her very popular with every one throughout the county.The wedding will take place at the home of the young lady's parents. T Hilk
Mariposa Gazette, June 8, 1923 Popular Native Daughter Is June BrideA very quiet and pretty wedding was solemnized at the BAGBY home on the Merced river at 11:45 a. m. last Monday June 4th. When Elizabeth Winnifred BAGBYyoungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. BAGBY became the bride of Herman E. FREYSCHLAG of San Jose, the ceremony beingperformed by Rev. F. M. BUCK of Mariposa.Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present.Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served, after which the happy young people departed for Los Angeles by automobile where they will spend a two-week's honeymoon.They will be at home in their new bungalow near San Jose about June 20th where they will be pleased to welcome their many friends.Mrs. FREYSCHLAG is one of Mariposa county's most popular native
daughters and is possessed of much charm and she has a large list of very close friends in the county. The groom is a very popular andsuccessful orchardist of near San Jose. Tom Hilk

MARRIED – in Mariposa, Oct. 29th, by the Hon. E. Burke; Mr. J.W. FRY to Miss Rheuema GLIDDEN, all of this county.
Stockton Daily Independent,  Friday Nov 6.  Transcribed by Dee S

In Indian Gulch, October 16, 1883, by Rev. Father WILLIAMS, William FUNDERBURK to Florentina GONZALEZ.October 27, 1883 Mariposa Gazette

Wedding Bells.GALLISON- STERNE marriage November 29, 1892 Mariposa Gazette

   Thanksgiving evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the brides mother,
Mr. W. E. GALLISON and Miss Rosine C. STERNE, were united in
marriage. Owing to the bride's family being in mourning, the wedding was
witnessed only my immediate members of the two families. The young
have spent all their lives in this village, and have warm friends
wherever they are known. The bride has always been the acknowledge belle
of Mariposa, not only account of her beautiful face, but from the lovely
traits of character, which have ever predominated, in her, and old and
young joined in expressing good wishes for her happiness, and in
counting Winnie a fortunate man in winning such a prize. The groom is a
favorite with all our people, and is worthy of the happiness he has
secured. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. C. E. CLARKE, and
Misses Ira GALLISON and Mary STERNE acted as bridesmaids with Will
STERNE and Dan GALLISON as best men. After the wedding, and
congratulations at home, the company repaired to Good Templars Hall,
where the Native Daughters had arranged to tender a reception to this
first daughter of their Parlor, who had thus instituted a Parlor of her
own. The hall had been transformed into a bower of beauty, by the
willing hands and exquisite taste of the Daughters and Sons, who had
charge of the decorations. Beautiful flowers and ferns were used
lavishly while garlands and festoons of evergreens and ivy, almost
entirely concealed the ceiling. A magnificent bell, made by the deft
fingers of Miss J. L. JONES and Miss Isa GALLISON, formed a fitting
canopy for the handsome couple. The hall was filled with friends of the
young people, who had assembled to wish them happiness. Refreshments
were served, and some choice selections of music helped to pass away, a
most delightful evening. Many beautiful and useful presents were
bestowed upon the bride by her many friends.

MARRIED -- at Mariposa, Feb. 11th, Fred M. GARDENHIRE and Miss Sarah A. BURKE.
Tuesday, 27 Feb 1872, Stockton Daily Independent, transcribed by Dee S.

GARVEY/DOMINA Marriage May 12, 1871 (Submitted by W. Disbro)
Wedding.- On Monday evening last Peter GARVEY and Miss Leonora DOMINA were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Hon. J. O. LOVEJOY. The ceremony took place at Mr. Matt. LAWS, a goodly number of friends being present, and enjoying themselves immensely. The company, with many good wishes for future prosperity, having bid good night to the bride and groom, took their departure about eleven o'clock. Shortly thereafter night was made hideous by sounds in the stilly air, brought into full power only by a wedding. All the musical instruments of ingenuity, originality and torture, were in requisition, and performed upon by the best talent in our mountains. Notes from the bull drum and cow bells, the bass viol and horse fiddle, and other distracting discords, fell upon the ears of those fortunate as to be within a mile of the glorious jubilee. The groom was not long in extending a invitation to his crowd of friends to enter and make themselves merry. They were entertained with Pete's geniality and hospitality, and after congratulations, wine and wit, they betook themselves to their respective homes, greatly enjoying the jollification of the inetvitable charivaria. The happy couple left next morning on a bridal tour of the mountains. They have our earnest wishes for peace and prosperity.

In San Francisco, September 25, 1860, D. GEIGER of Saxton Creek to Miss Jane BURNS of Sherlocks. (no date given)
submitted by Warren Carah

Mariposa County Marriage Cert Transcribed 9/13/2001 by Steve Miller

Apr 2, 1857   Book  B  page 23
J. F. Gesenmir* to Caroline Phillips

State of California
County of Mariposa

I do hereby certify that on the 2nd day of April A.D. 1857 at the Coulter
House in the town of Coulterville J. F. Gesenmir age 26 years of Mariposa
County and City and Caroline Phillips aged 18 years of the same place were
of their mutual consent lawfully joined together in Holy Matrimony which
was solemnized by me in the presence of John P. Clark, L. W. Porter and
John Thompson and others attesting witness and I further certify
that  xxxxxxx previous to the  solemnization of the said marriage that the
said parties were of sufficient age to contract the same and that after due
enquiry by me made there appeared no lawful impediment to such marriage.
                Given under my hand, this 2nd day of April A.D. 1857
                                        Geo Counts
                                        Justice of the Peace

Filed Friday April 8, 1857 at 11 oclock AM and recorded at the request of
T. Clark, Esq.

                                                                R. S. Miller
                                                                R. M. Cg

 NOTE:  At the time of the above transcription was  provided me  Mr. Miller was
unsure of the spelling of the groom's name as the original copy of the
marriage record was poor or the penmanship wanting.  The name "Gesenmir"
seemed as close as we were going to get.
I have recently learned that the correct name for the husband of Caroline
Phillips is J.F. Grussenmeyer, a butcher from Pennsylvania, born about 1830.
He lived with Caroline and two young daughters at Hornitos, Twp. No. 1 in
the 1860 Mariposa Census (Page 633).  Grussenmeyer is an old world name
originating in the Alsace region of France.  I do not know when he arrived
in Mariposa County, but he was there long enough to win the affection of
Miss Phillips in 1857.  There are currently a concentration of Grussenmeyers
in modern Colusa County and perhaps they are the modern descendants.
Warren Carah-------

MR. Thomas GIVENS to Miss Sarah J WILLS of Cathey's Valley January 15, 1876 Mariposa Gazetette, at the residence of the brides father, January 6, 1876, by J.M. ALSANSON, 
Mr. Samuel L. GIVENS of Hornitos, to Miss Susan L. WILLS of Cathey's Valley. December 22, 1877 Mariposa Gazette. In Cathey's Valley, at the residence of the brides father, Dec. 20th, 1877, by Rev. John WOOD, 
Mariposa Free Press  Sept 8, 1871


At Glidden's Ranch, Mariposa Co. on Sunday Sptember 3,
by Hon, J.O. Lovejoy,  Mr Benj Glidden to Mrs. Johanna

Mariposa Co.  Marriage Lic.
Benjamin Glidden to Johanna Herrington
Sept. 3, 1871
Book  B  page  256

Mrs. Johanna Herrington  age 47 years
Benjamin Glidden age  67 years


Thos.            Nora Ashworth        3/17/1879    C    146
transcribed from the Mariposa County Recorders Marriage Index- Steve Miller, 2003

GORDON,    Adam D.     to    Luthea J. Boud        3/10/1868    B    211
transcribed from the Mariposa County Recorders Marriage Index- Steve Miller,  2003

GORDON, George            Sadie Milburn        11/21/1896    4    12
transcribed from the Mariposa County Recorders Marriage Index- Steve Miller, 2003

GORDON, John Francis        Lula S. Spagnoli    6/18/1896    4    5
transcribed from the Mariposa County Recorders Marriage Index- Steve Miller, 2003

James D. GORDON to Minnie GANZENHUBERMariposa Gazette, September 29, 1906
Married in San Jose. A pretty home wedding was quietly celebrated on Thursday, September 20th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.BRANZENHUBER  in San Jose, when their oldest daughter, Minnie, was united in marriage to James D.GORDON of Mariposa. The House was prettily decorated in green and white, streamers of crepe paper and potted palms being used. The parlor window was arranged as a bridal bower. Here the impressive ceremony was performed by Rev. MEYER.At 12:30 o'clock, Miss Louise GANZENHUBER , began to play the wedding march. The bride and groom with their attendants, Miss Sophie GANZENHUBER, a sister of the bride, and Mr. Sam TRENGROVE of San Francisco, then entered the parlor. After the ceremony an elaborate wedding dinner was served. Only relatives were present. Many useful and beautiful presents were received.After congratulations and amid a shower of rice, the happy young couple departed on the afternoon train for a short stay in the south. On their return, their home will be in Mariposa where the groom has a newly fitted cottage awaiting his bride. submitted by Tom Hilk

Peter   Gordon  TO       Elizabeth MARSHALL    7/15/1855      B-12  of Mariposa County Marriage Indexc
Marriage    July 15, 1855   Bk  B   page  12
Mariposa Co.  State of California

This is to certify that I solemnized the rights of matrimony between
Peter Gordon and Elizabeth Marshall,  all of the county aforesaid,
on the 15th day of July 1855.
September 10, 1855   Jno W. Ellis  (clerk)
Filed Thursday September 20th 1855 at  11 o'clock  a.m. at the
request of J. W. Ellis.

Edw C. Bell    R. M. Co.
transcribed by Steve Miller

George Gordon to Miss. Sadie Milburn, both of Mariposa.Merced Express, December 4, 1896 At the residents of the Bride's mother near Mariposa, April 24, 1896 submitted by Tom Hilk

Merced Express, June 26, 1896
In Mariposa, June 19, 1896, by the Hon. J. M. Corcoran, John F. Gordon to Miss Lulu Spagnolio [sic], both of Mariposa.

Phillip GOSHER  TO    Catherine MARSHALL 10/26/1872      C-12 of Mariposa County Marriage Index
stranscribed by Steve Miller


Petty, Elizabeth to Willis Goss  10/13/1853  book  B  page  222
transcribed by Steve Miller

State of California
Mariposa County
Township No 2

I hereby certify that Mr. Willis G. Goss and Miss Elizabeth Petty were by
me united in matrimony according to the laws of California on the 13th day
of October  AD 1853 in the above named State, County and Township.

H. S. Brockway
Justice of the Peace

I hereby certify the above to be a copy, verbatim of my docket of said
Hornitos  June 16th 1854

H. S. Brockway
Justice of the Peace

Filed Tuesday June 20th 1854 at 11 o'clock AM and recorded at written
request of G. H. Brockway.
Edw'd C. Bell  RMC
Rxxx  Willey  Dep RMC

PATRICK GRACE and BRIDGET O'NIEL, all of Mariposa county. June 2, 1866 Mariposa GazetteAt the residence of Mr.. Lane, May 7th, 1866, by Rev. J.E. MILLER, 
WM. A. GRADE, of Hornitos, to Miss MARIE FEIST, of San Francisco.APRIL 18, 1863 Mariposa Free Press In San Francisco, April 8th, by Rev. F. MOOSHAKE, 
Sunday evening, May 4th, 1879. at the parlors of St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, by the Rev. Father PENDERGAST, Mr. Harry GRANICE and Miss Katie KEOGH. [ The groom is the son of Mrs. STEELE, editress of the "San Joaquin Valley Argus," published in Merced, and in way of good morals, industry and talent, is a prize in the matrimonial lottery; while the bride is noted for her amiable and cheerful disposition. We extend our best wishes to the young couple.May 10, 1879 Mariposa Gazette 
GREEN/ HALL MARRIAGE Oct. 16,1880 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro) The "Devil's" Wedding.- Our printing office 'devil,' Mr. Joseph R. GREEN, has taken unto himself a wife; and if our appreciation and estimate of this connubial transaction is anywhere near correct, Jo' has struck a bonanza of exceeding merit, and of great value to him so long as they both may live; providing, as they say in mining, he works his claim properly- keeps it well timbered- and avoids all possible chance of a cave! which as a general thing proves disastrous, as well in a married life as in mining. It has been well understood for some time that our 'devil,' was about to pack off one of our people's favorite school marms, Miss Annie HALL, and last Saturday according to appointment they met at the "Cosmopolitan," Moran's Hotel in Merced, where they were married in the evening. There were quite a number of friends and acquaintances present, among them Mrs. GREEN the grooms mother. The next day (Sunday) the wedding party returned to Princeton, the home of the grooms parents, where a supper had been prepared for the occasion. Quite a number of nearest neighbors and friends of the parties were present, who appeared happy in extending their congratulations to the happy twain; and in the event of an excellent spread of good things with which the table was filled. We have had the pleasure of seeing the happy couple a time or two since the wedding day, they appear happy, satisfied and gratified to the utmost extent. Jo is at the case again, and we now hope and look forward with confidence, that his sheets- proof sheets we mean- may prove cleaner than formerly. May the path of life over which this happy couple have chosen to tread together, be free from coble stones and dust, or impediments of any kind whatsoever; and when they have become old and retire to the chimney corner, may their hearth stone be surrounded with ever-greens and paternal blossoms of joy, in numbers sufficient to bear the burdens and cares usually attendant upon the aged and infirm. In this connection we desire to make mention of the many eulogies and econiums passed by the wedding party, several in number, upon Mr. and Mrs. MORAN, of the Cosmopolitan Hotel at Merced. They are unanimous in saying, that if they ever marry again- and the remaining unmarried ones, that if they ever do get married, they will go to MORANS Hotel; for they were never better treated and made to feel so welcome, and as much at home at any Hotel as they were by Mr. and Mrs. MORAN. They also state that Moran's table is supplied with the best the market affords. 
In San Francisco, November 28th, 1865, by Rev. Father O'NIEL, GEORGE GREEN, of Mariposa county, to Miss HELENA RYAN, of the former place.DECEMBER 16, 1865 Mariposa Gazette 
At the residence of F. L. WULBERN, near Mariposa, May 7th, 1883, by Rev. Joel HEDGEPETH, Thomas GRIFFITH to Jenny McCANNA, both of Merced county. May 12, 1883 Mariposa Gazette

W.G. GROVE, to Miss ANNIE JENKINS December 11, 1875 Mariposa Gazette Chowchilla, Mariposa County, December 7, 1875, at the bride's parents, by Rev. J. M. ALSANSON,

Marriage June 8,1878 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro)
From Washington Mine Editor Gazette:- This place is becoming somewhat noted for weddings; the last one was Mr. James GUEST and Miss Lizzie LORD, at the residence of the brides parents, on the 29th ult. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. BAKER. The bride was handsomely dressed and looked lovely, as do all the ladies here. The wedding was attended by many friends and acquaintances of the happy couple. After the ceremony they started, in company with some of their friends, for Merced City, and returned to this place on the following day, when there was a grand dinner, and a ball in the evening at the hall of Messrs. WEBBER & ROGERS. The dance was kept up until 3 o'clock in the morning; and is spoken of as the most enjoyable affair of the kind had here for a long time, and such as cannot be had outside of the mountains. J.D.C.

Merced Express, October 21, 1905

Miss Irene Lord, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lord, and John W. Guest were married in the Catholic church at Hornitos at 8:30 Wednesday morning, the Rev. Father Fitzgerald officiating.
submitted by Tom Hilk


   August 15, 1903 Mariposa Gazette

    Miss Lida SPAGNOLI and Sam GUEST left here for Sonora to be married by Rev. GUERREN
   accompanied by J. E. GUEST and J. B. DULCICH. We all wish them happiness and a long life.

   August 22, 1903 Mariposa Gazette
  Mariposa Couple Wedded.

  John S. GUEST and Miss Adelade SPAGNOLI journeyed all the way from Hornitos, Mariposa
 County, to Sonora last Monday to be made man and wife. They were accompanied by J. B.
 DULCICH and Joe GUEST of the Mariposa town. It was a long and tiresome trip, but there was
 no delay in consummating the purpose for which it was made. A marriage license
 was obtained and late at night Rev. Father BURKE performed the ceremony which untied them
 together. The bridal party took the train the next morning to San Francisco.- Union
  Democrat, August 15th.

Marriage  Vol B  page 198

Rueben Hail to Mrs. Eliza Phillips
July 21, 1867

Rueben Hail,  resident of Merced Co

Mrs. Eliz Phillips,  resident of Mariposa Co

By S. W. Carr,  Justice of Peace

Angevine Reynolds  Co Clerk
by John C Hamilton  Deputy Co Clerk
Recorded July 30, 1867
transcribed by Steve Miller

November 20, 1866, Stockton Daily Independent

MARRIED -- in Coulterville, Nov. 12th, John HALLIMAN to Miss Eliza FAGAN.

JOHN C. HAMILTON to Miss ELLEN MARIA KENNEDY, both of Mariposa County.March 16, 1867 Mariposa Gazette At St. Mary's Cathederal, San Francisco, on March 8th, by the Reverand Assitant Pastor Father HARRINGTON 
Edward J. HAMILTON, to Miss Laura F. STOCKIRD, all of Merced county. MariposaGazette September 9, 1876Married At the residence of the brides mother, Merced City, September 7th, 1876, by Hon. J.B. CAMPBELL, District Judge 
Mr. JOHN HANKS, of Merced county, to Miss KATE CONROY, of Hornitos. June 2, 1866 Mariposa GazetteAt the residence of P. HUSSEY, Esq., in Hornitos, May 24th, 1866, by Rev. Father SCANLON, 
At the residence of the brides mother, on Pea Ridge, Mariposa county, by Hon. J. M. CORCORAN, County Judge, John C. HANNAH to Theodosia PRATT, April 16th, 1879.April 19, 1879 Mariposa Gazette 
At Hornitos, September 25th, 1883 by S. W. CARR, J.P., William HANSON to Miss Lizzie Grant GOFF. September 29, 1883 Mariposa Gazette 
FEBRUARY 3, 1866 Mariposa Gazette At Magoon's Ranch, Sunday, January 29th, 1866, by Frank GILTMNER, J.P., B.F. HARBOUR to Miss SARAH CORNETT, both of this county. 
In Mariposa, Nov. 14, by Judge L.F. JONES, I.W. HARRIS and Miss NETTIE A. DURFEE.NOVEMBER 18, 1865 Maripoas Gazette
"HARRIS/DURFEE--In Mariposa, Nov. 14th, I.W. HARRIS to Mettie A. DURFEE."  Source:  San Francisco Daily Examiner, 22 Nov 1865.

Mariposa Gazette,  Nov. 18, 1861

In Sacramento,  Tuesday, Nov. 5th,  by Rev. Mr. Wheeler,  Mr. I. W. Harris of Mariposa,  to Miss Harriet Frink, of Sacramento.

At the residence of the bride's parents, near Raytown, Jackson County, Missouri, September 5th, 1883, by the Rev. J. J. ROBINSON, Marshall HARRIS to Miss Alice M. HUNTER. October 6, 1883 Mariposa Gazette 
Town of Mariposa, County of Mariposa

August 3, 1881  (truanscribed by Steve Miller)

John F. Harris  place of nativ.  Ohio  age 26 years
reside  Town of Mariposa, County of Mariposa

R. E. Whitney  place of nativ. California  age 20years
reside Town of Mariposa, County of Mariposa

3rd of August 1881
Jarvis Streeter  (recorder)

John F. Harris and R. E. Whitney
witnesses: H. W. Thomas reside Mariposa, J. H. Mailer reside Mariposa

3rd of August 1881
Jarvis Streeter  (recorder)

Mariposa Gazette- Saturday, December 24, 1910- submitted by Carolyn Feroben

At 11:00 o'clock a.m.. on Wednesday of this week, at the home of the
bride's parents on Jessie street in Mariposa, Lawrence L. HART and Miss
Myrtle A. LOWRIE were united in marriage by Hon. J. J. TRABUCCO, Judge
of our Superior Court.

The bride is the second daughter of our well known townspeople, Mr and
Mrs W. H. LOWRIE, and is a charming young lady who enjoys the friendship
of a large number of acquaintances.

Mr HART, the groom, is a prosperous farmer and stockraiser of Sebastopol
and is likewise well known and popular.  He, like his bride, is a native
of Mariposa County, and has lived here during his entire life.

None by immediate members of the families of the contracting parties
were present at the nuptial ceremony and the happy young couple left
shortly afterward for a honeymoon trip that will include San Francisco.
They take with them the well wishes of the Gazette for a happy and
prosperous union.


Granite Springs, Oct. 30th, 1885.
 November 7, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
  Editor Gazette:- Last Tuesday evening, the marriage of Edgar HASKELL
and Miss Lizzie ROUSE was solemnized at the residence of the bride's
parents in this district. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. WHITE,
of Oakdale. The relatives of both parties and a few friends were
present. Mr. Andrew HAMMOND, of La Grange, acted as groomsman and Miss
Julia ASHDOWN, of this place as bridesmaid.
      The bride, who is a bewitching brunette, was attired in a dress of
garnet  silk, which was very handsome, her head was crowned with a
beautiful wreath of orange-blossoms, and she also held a spray of orange
blossoms in her hand.
      Miss ASHDOWN's dress was of pink, nunts (?) veiling and was also
very pretty.
      After the ceremony, the guests were invited to an elegant dinner,
of which they all freely partook.
      After dinner was over, the bridal party and guest took their
departure for the school house where church was  to be held by Rev. Dr.
      Mrs. HASKELL was raised in our midst, and Mr. HASKELL has spent
the last eight years of his life here. They both carry with them upon
their voyage of life the "best wishes" of many friends.
      The names of those present at the wedding are as follows: Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar HASKELL, Mr. and Mrs. HASKELL, Mr. and Mrs. I. ROUSE, Mr. and
Mrs. W. FERRAL, of Snelling, Mr. and Mrs. J. BURUS, Mr. J. MYLAR, Mr. J.
BARBEAUH, Miss Julia ASHDOWN, Miss Nellie ASHDOWN, Miss Della ROUSE,
Mrs. H. STRIBLING, Miss Tiena COOK, Misses Mattie and Carrie LEBRIGHT
and Miss Kate Van RIPER.
                                    A. Friend.

Mariposa Gazette, December 10, 1858

San Francisco , Franz HELLER of Aqua Frio to Caroline KLUND (no date given)

Submitted by Warren Carah

On Mariposa Creek, November 1st, 1877, by T.J.E. WILCOX,J.P., Mr. Allen HELM to Miss Nina M. ALLEN, all of Mariposa County. November 10, 1877 Mariposa Gazette

Vol C page 112, Marriage Index- C Feroben

At Forest Hill, Placer County, July 19th, 1883, by the Rev. T. B. HOPKINS, Frank HERBECK to Miss Fredrika KLAMER. July 7, 1883 Mariposa Gazette 
Mr. FRANK HERBECK to Miss E. MOLLIE POWERS, of Linchow, Nebraska. March 18, 1876 Mariposa Gazette March 7, 1876, at Hoeltzel's Ranch, near Coulterville, Mariposa county, by Rev. W.J. SHEEHAN, 
Clayton HERN to Eliz HOGAN, Feb 21, 1880 -Mariiage Index, Vol C page 163- C Feroben

On last Wednesday evening, Miss Jannie B. WASHBURN was united in marriage to Chas. C. HIGGINS. WASHBURN marriage March 9, 1889 Mariposa Gazette The ceremony was solemnized at the residence of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. WASHBURN, 2529 Filmore St., in the presence of a few friends and relatives of the contracting parties. The parlors were tastefully decorated with flowers fragrant and bright. Supper and dancing followed the ceremony and amid the congratulations of their friends Mr. and Mrs. HIGGINS left for Monterey, where they will spend their honeymoon. Mrs. HIGGINS is well known in society circles, and has a large number of friends and acquaintances. The bride groom is a young business man whose every endeavor is crowned with success- S. F. Chronicle, March 4th. The bride is the daughter of Mr. A.H. WASHBURN, who has so long been identified with Mariposa County, and especially with Wawona and Yosemite. We believe the young lady was born in Mariposa, at any rate she is well known here, and has many warm friends throughout the county, being one of those sweet-tempered, sensible girls, whom no amount of petting, or society attentions, could spoil. We wish the young couple every possible happiness in life.


This Certifies that the Rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between

John Higman, Roche, Cornwall, England  and

Mary Jane Bray of Liskeard, Cornwall, England

On thirty(?) day of Jan'y(?) 1865
at Mariposa by Rev Pedergrass (?)

submitted by Brian Jones
NOTE: This marriage record found at the Mariposa County History Center Research Room
July 2004-along with other HIGMAN Family items: friendship cards from an 1895 scrapbook belonging to daughter Bessie (case 4), a chest (case 6) containing photos of John and Mary Jane Higman and of their later store, and large portraits of John and Mary Jane (case 36).

The Wedding.- On Tuesday last, at the pleasant home of M. W. QUICK and family about eight miles below town, an event occurred, which for its unostentatiousess, was one, that will be lasting in the memories of those who where present, and participated in the ceremonies. Rumor had been rife for several days, that Miss Jane, the only daughter of Mr. QUICK was soon to be married, but to whom was a matter of conjecture until the license was obtained from the clerk, and the services of Hon. J. M. CORCORAN, Judge of the Superior Court, was called into requisition to officiate. About 10 A.M. was to be seen an assemblage of a few friends who had gathered to witness the connubial tie, and to enjoy the marriage feast which had been duly prepared for the happy and momentous occasion. At the moment of the approach of the happy twain, with their assistants, to the Hymenial Alter, there fell an unusual stillness over all of nature, even the gentle breeze which so unceasingly wafts through the leaves of the large fig tree and vines which overshadow the premises, seemed listless while the Judge in a most solemn and impressive manner pronounced sentence upon the doomed couple, who readily consented to obey the laws of love and affection for one-another, regardless of earthquakes, comet, or any extraordinary convulsion of nature, so long as they together are permitted to live. The family on the part of the bride who where present consisted of her father Morgan W. QUICK, and her two brothers, Mark W. and M.W. Jr. On the part of the groom, whose name is Edwin Valentine HILL, were his father and mother, and two sisters all of Calaveras county. Mr. Mark W. QUICK and Miss Katie HILL, gracefully filled the offices of groomsman and bridesmaid, with becoming modesty. As the Judge was reciting the syllabus to the case at hand, a slight flush of scarlet hue might have been observed upon the cheek of the youthful groomsman, who would, no doubt, had the prompter so ordered, swung his fair partner to the center, and counter-balanced the principle object of the occasion. The remainder of the company consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. PEREGOY, Mrs. Emily HILL of Sherlocks, Mrs. EGENHOFF, Misses Lizzie, Johanna and Anna EGENHOFF, Miss Alelia DAUT, Miss Lucy PEREGOY, W, D, EGENHOFF and George LACY. At 12 M., dinner was announced. The tables were situated undee two large fig trees and were sumptously loaded with all the goodies and substancials, obtainable from the vegtable kingdom, and from the markets at this season of the year. At least two hours were most pleasantly spent at dinner, under the shade of the vine and fig tree. We came near forgetting to mention that the handsome bride was dressed in an "ashes of the rose" silk, made in train, and elaboratly trimmed with satin. The groom is not of large stature, lacking about six inches of being as near the clouds, as is his assistant, but is well educated, inteligent and possessed of suficent vitality to make a provident husband. A few hours being happily spent, and the sun beginning to rapidly recline towards the western horizon, it became necessary to close the auspicious day with happy wishes for the success of the adventurers, and concluding with a kindly hand-shake etc., the company disperced to their repective homes. The two loving hearts beating as one, left on Thursday last for their future home at the 4th crossing, in Calveras county. We are indepted to an informant who was present at the wedding, and from him we pumped the foregoing details of the happy event. Since the above was about in type, a compiment of wedding cake has been recieved. May the path over which this young couple have chosen to travel together, continue as smooth at it now appears. May they live to see many HILLS grow in granduer and become mountains of bliss upon which they may rest their weary heads, in the closing scenes of life, and live till a golden harvest is won. HILL/ QUICK marriage Aug 27,1881 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro)

HILLIARD/BEALE- Oakland Tribune, Sunday, November 29, 1925 Oakland
Yosemite Indian Chieftain Married - MERCED , Nov 28
The years of Pete Hilliard's bachelorhood are over. The chief of the Yosemite tribe of Indians, a picturesque figure on Yosemite park trails for years, yesterday took the mantle of the benedict when he was wed to Emma Beale, native Mariposa Indian woman.
The chief and his princess came out of Yosemite valley yesterday and left after the ceremony for Tuolumne, where they will spend their honeymoon and particiapte in a war dance- transcribed by cferoben

CORNELIOUS HOBRON to EMILY MADLIN, both of Mariposa county.Matiposa Gazette January 1, 1876At Hobron's Sawmill, Mariposa county, on the 16th day of December, 1875, by B.F. MORRIS, J.P. 
Married February 16, 1884 Mariposa Gazette  In Tulare, February 4th, 1884, at the residence of J.O. LOVEJOY, A. F. HOFFMAN to Mrs. Rebecca HANSON, both of Fresno
David HOGAN to Emma Jane PRIEST,  August 4. 1899 Marriage Index= Vol 4 page 80- C Feroben
Henry W. HOGAN to Casemira J. RHOAN November 28, 1915 Marriage Index-Vol 6 page 2-C Feroben

Sammuel Booth HOGAN to Adelaide E. PRIEST, January 18,. 1896- Marriage Index Vol 4 page 17- C Feroben

At the residence of A. H. YOUNG, near Bridgeport, Mariposa County, September 25th, 1883, by the Rev. Joel HEDGEPETH, Charles HOLDEN of Cathey's Valley to Mrs. Nancy LOEB. The brides is a sister of Mrs. Young. September 29, 1883 Mariposa Gazette 
Wedding at Oakwood.
On Tuesday, the 6th inst., a most interesting event took place at Oakwood, Fresno County, in the marriage, according to the rituals of the Episcopal Church, of Miss Mary F. BISHOP to Mr. Joseph H. HOSKINS, of San Francisco. The ceremony, which took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. BISHOP, was performed by the Rev. H. H. CLAPBAM, Rector of St. Paul's, Bakersfield. There were present Mr. and Mrs. S. D. BISHOP, Mrs. Viola JENKINS, of San Jose, sister of the bride, her brother , Mr. T. D. BISHOP, Miss Edith ACWORTH, and Misses Lily and May MILLS. The bride, who was tastefully attired in blue, looked extremely pretty. A sumptuous luncheon was served after the ceremony, after which the happy pair were conveyed to the Raymond station, to take the train for San Francisco. 
 Daniel House  to McCann,  Mary Ann McCann  3/28/1864  Vol B  pg 109


Howard,  Hobart Estabrooks to Elizabeth Akers  8/3/1853  book  B page 9
Transcribed by Steve Miller

August 3, 1853  Township No 3
Mariposa County, State of California

I, John C. Donaldson a justice of the peace for Township No 4, Mariposa County and the State of California do hereby certify that I have this day lawfully joined in marriage Hobart Estabrooks Howard and Elizabeth Akers.

J. C. Donaldson
Justice of the Peace

Filed Tuesday August 16 1853 at 7 o'clock AM
Recorded at request of John C. Donaldson.
Edw'd C. Bell  RMC
by Chas Gray  Dep RMC

NELSON HOWITH to Mrs. BRADFORD. Mariposa Gazette April 21, 1866At Coulterville, Sunday, April 15, 1866, by Geo. COUNTS,J.P (book 3  page 158-Steve Miller)


Howeth,  Herbert L to Eva M. Cassacia  8/12/1903  book 5  page 34
Marriage Index submitted by Steve Miller

Clifton HULS of Merced. Honorine CAMIN Mariposa Gazette, May 4, 1923 Very Pretty Wedding at Camin. A very quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents in Mariposa, at noon on Tuesday when Honorine ,daughter of Mr and Mrs E L Camin( Louise ARTRU ), became the bride of Clifton HULS of Merced. The ceremony, which was performed by Justice W A Scott, was witnessed by a few of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bride was beautifully gowned in a white satin dress and teh accustomed orange blosssoms, the trousseau worn by her mother when she became a bride. The couple were attended by Mr and Mrs L L PLASKETT(Ernestine CAMIN), sister and brother-in-law of the bride, while little sister Josephine CAMIN acted in the capacity of flower girl. After a wedding dinner, the couple left in their automobile for a tour of the southern part of the state on a two week's honeymoon. The bride is one of Mariposa's fair daughters and has a large list of friends here, while the groom is a popular young resident of Merced where he holds a responsible position with the Merced Concrete and Pipe Company. cferoben

Mariposa Co. Marriage Index
Book  4  page  42  11/25/1897
Albert Porter Humes  to Melissa E. Peterson
submitted by Steve Miller

July 24, 1874 In Visalis, July 8th, by Judge CLARK, John L. HUNT to Mrs. Melinda McCRORY.January 30, 1874 Mariposa Gazette 
DANIEL E. INGALSBE, to Miss CATALINE RUDDLE, all of that county. March 3, 1866 Mariposa GazetteA t the residence of S. H. P. ROSS, Esq., near Forlorn Hope, Merced County, February 22nd, by Elder Danl. McSWAIN, 
JACINTO/DeLOUZA (note this is incorrect- name is DeSOUZA)
JOSEPH JACINTO to F. De LOUZA, both of this county. MARCH 17, 1866 Mariposa Gazette At Mariposa, Sunday, March 11th, 1866, by Hon. L.F. JONES, County Judge.
MARRIAGE LICENSE- transcribed by Carolyn Feroben

In pursuance of the provision of an Act of the Legislature of the Sate of California, approved April 17th, 1862, entitled "An Act regulating
Marriage", passed April 22, 1850, and the provision of the Act so amended, I , Angevine Reynolds, County Clerk of Mariposa County, State
of California, do hereby certify that application has been made by Joseph JACINTO, resident of Mariposa County, and at the age of 25 years
and F. DeSOUZA, resident of Mariposa County and of the age of 16 years, for a
             LICENSE TO MARRY

I have examined said part, and from such examination (the preceeding words have  a line through them) and being fully satisfied that there is
no legal objection having the written consent of the father of said F. DeSOUZA are filed.

Wherefore, I, the said County Clerk, by virtue of the power and authority on me conferred by the acts of Legislature aforesaid, do
hereby authorize an Judge, Justice of the Peace, Clergyman or Preacher of the Gospel, to Celebrate and  Certify a marriage between the parties

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seat, at the Town , and in the County of Mariposa, State of California,
on this 3rd day of March A.D. 1866.
            Angevine Reynolds, County Clerk
           __unsigned______, Deputy Clerk

I hereby Certify, that I have this eleventh day of March A. D. 1866, united in Marriage Joseph JACINTO to F. De SOUZA, in accordance with the
within License hereto annexed L. T. (?). JONES
County Judge
Mariposa County
license at the Mariposa History Center- a box of old vitals are kept there.

Mariposa Gazette, Jan 3, 1860

Sacramento, A. W. JEE of Mariposa to Lucy E BEACH of Placer, Dec 21, 1859
submitted by Warren Carah

JEFFFERY- CANOVA wedding July 15, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
Wedding Bells

    On Monday evening, July 3rd, at the residence of the bride's parents
in Coulterville, Mr. George JEFFERY was united in the Holy bonds of
matrimony to Miss Mary CANOVA. The engagement of these young people had
been announced for some time and a general invitation had been extended
to all to be present. The large number of people who assembled to
witness the ceremony that was to make "two hearts beat as one," bore
unrebutable testimony to the high regard and esteem in which the
contracting parties were held.
     Both bride and groom, are natives of Mariposa County and have lived
in or near Coulterville all their lives, consequently were acquainted
with everybody and every body was acquainted with them.
      The recollection of a ridiculous mishap made by the writer at one
time, in foolishly presuming to describe a dress worn by a young lady,
deters him from attempting a description of the dress worn by the bride,
suffice to say, that she was elegantly dressed, and while always comely
to look upon, that evening she was beautiful, and caused many of the
less fortunate young men to sorrowfully regret that they were not
standing in George's shoes, whether they fit them or not.
       The spacious parlors of Mr. and Mrs. CANOVA were adequate to
accommodate but a small percentage of the assembled throng and in order
that all might see and hear, the ceremony was performed on the porch in
front of the residence.
       Mr. Henry BOISSE and Miss Amelia CANOVA acted as best man and
lady, and performed their part with remarkable courage and grace.
       The nuptial knot was tied by Judge MURPHY in a short but
impressive style, and we hope tight enough to defy the combined legal
talent of the State to untie it.
        After congratulations, which were numerous and sincere, Dr.
BURNETT was induced to make a speech and did so in such manner and style
as to justly entitle him to a reputation as an after-wedding-speaker,
that would rival that of Chauncey M. DEPEW, as an after dinner talker.
R. B. STOLDER, who was on hand owing to the fact as above stated, that
everybody was invited, was also called upon and said something.
         Cake and refreshments were served, after which all departed,
wishing the happy young couple unalloyed happiness and prosperity.
         A partial list of presents received by bride and groom:
         Mr. CANOVA, Cow and calf; Mrs. Canova, Castor and 1/2 doz.
pillow cases; Mr. and Mrs. J. GOSS, Bed spread; Amelia CANOVA, Cake
stand and 1/2 doz glass sauce dishes; James and John CANOVA; Two table
cloth; Annie CANOVA, 1/2 doz napkins; Willie CANOVA, Salt and pepper
cellars; Mrs. JEFFERY, Silver knives, forks and spoons; Mr. and Mrs. t.
j. brown, Table cloths, silver butter knife and sugar shell; Mr. and
Mrs. J. THOMPSON, 1/2 doz silver tea spoons; Ida JEFFERY, Napkin rings;
Baby THOMPSON, Chair tidy; Viola THOMPSON, Tidy; Daisy HILLIARD, 2 towel
and pair lace pillow shams; Mrs. HILLIARD, Table cloth and towel; Mrs.
CHICKERON, Quilt; Leonora GAZZOLO, Tidy; Annie DEGNAN, Towels; Mrs. G.
W. HARLOW, Tidy; Mr. and Mrs. HOLTZEL, Butter knife and sugar shell;
Lida B. PARKER, Toilet bottles and tidy; Lizzie LINDSEY, White silk
handkerchief; Mrs.  W. J. LANYON, Fruit dish; Mr. BRUSCHI's family, Tea
set; Mrs. J. P. YOUNG, Glass set; Mrs. L. GOSS, $10; Mary GAZZOLO,
Pitcher; Aurelia BOGOLIO, Crochet tidy; Clara SHIMER, Pair pillow shams;
Willie JEFFERY, Towels and silk handkerchief; E. W. SMALLEY, Bed spread;
J.P. HOPKINS, $20; Henry BOISSE, $10; Tom JENKINS, $10; Miner HILLIARD,
$5; Willie HILLIARD, $5; Preston HILLIARD, $5; Hiram HEDGES $5.

MONDAY, 10 SEPT 1866
Stockton Daily Independent
MARRIED -- at Coulterville, Mariposa county, Aug. 30, by Justice George COUNTS;
Peter JOHNSON to Mrs. Jane GOODWIN.

JOHNSON-GORDON April 8, 1922 Mariposa Gazette

A marriage ceremony was performed in the courtroom of the Mariposa county courthouse at 3 o'clock p.m. Wednesday, when
Judge J. J. TRABUCCO pronounced the words making Wilbert C. JOHNSON and Maggie M. GORDON man and wife.

Both of the young people are natives of Mariposa county, they having been born and reared in the Sebastopol district. They
have a large number of friends here who join us in wishing them much joy and prosperity upon the sea of matrimony.

McCann, Kattie May  to Elmer Johnson  3/29/1900 ( Vol 4   pg 98 steve miller)

Mariposa Gazette, December 1, 1917


In the first Congregational church in Oakland, on Sunday, November 17th, Miss Isabel Rihn was united in marriage to Wm. G. Johnson, by Rev. F. J. Van HORN, in the presences of a few immediate relatives of the bride.  Both of the young people have numerous friends to extend best wishes for a long and happy married life.  The bride is the daughter of Mrs. N. Rihn and the late Antone Rihn, old time and esteemed residents of Coulterville.  The family disposed of their farm and moved to Oakland about ten years ago.  During this interval Mrs. JOHNSON visited Mariposa county frequently and several years ago, in Yosemite the romance which has led to the altar was begun.  It was renewed last summer while she was visiting her sister, Mrs. John STOLDER , at El Portal.  Mr. JOHNSON has been a resident of El Portal since shortly after the village was located.  He holds a good position in Oakland and there the young people will reside.
"Compiled by Tom Hilk"

December 22, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
Thursday in the town of Mariposa, was a day which will no doubt be
chronicled as one of importance to refer back to sometime in the future.
It was generally known that Newman JONES and Miss Etta HAILE were to be
married in the evening, in consequence of which considerable labor had
been done within the family circle to get ready. Quite a number of the
young men and boys of the town were preparing to have a "toot" in the
evening, but the young attorney counseled them to do otherwise. It was
all settled by a general arraignment before the " Bar" where justice was
dealt out just as they liked it; thereby avoiding the hideousness of the
night, which was anticipated.

Merced Express, June 25, 1892


In Merced, June 20, 1892, by Rev. E. A. Garrison, Mr. Geo. W. Jones, of Hornitos, to Miss Rosa Pararie, of Bear Valley.

NOTE: I think the last name of the bride  should be Praire
submitted by Tom Hilk

At the residence of Mrs. George STEWART, Mariposa, September 30th, 1883, by the Rev. Joel HEDGEPETH, Andrew W. JOSSELYN to Miss Carrie BISHOP.October 6, 1883 Mariposa Gazette 
 Jacob Kalk To Carrie Jane Howeth   Marriage Index3/15/1877  book C  page  99
submitted by Steve Miller
January 12, 1889 Mariposa Gazette

from Coulterville Correspondence

     Miss Lizzie HALLIHAN, one of our fair young Coulterville girls, and
John KELLETT, of Hornitos, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by
Father RAGO, at the residence of the bride's father, on Sunday, December
30th. The happy couple departed for their home near Hornitos on Monday.

Kellett, John to Minerva Eveline Lewis  8/9/1853  book  B  page  9
transcribed by Steve Miller

State of California
Mariposa County
I certify that I have solemnized the rights of matrimony between John
Kellett and Minerva Eveline Lewis on the 8th day of August 1853
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Township No 2, Mariposa County.
Given under my hand this the 8th August 1853,
James Gaines  Justice of the Peace

Filed Saturday, August 20  AD 1853 at 9 1/2 o'clock AM
Recorded at request of A. J. Gregory
Edw'd C. Bell  RMC
by Chas Gray  Dep RMC

Mr. G.W. [KEPREY ?] to Miss Anna M. COULTER. At Coulterville, April 25th, 1877, by Rev. J.M. ALSANSON, Mariposa Gazette, May 5, 1877 
Mr. LOUIS KNOBLE to Miss MAGGIE CECIL.January26, 1866 Mariposa GazetteAt the house of W.C. OWEN, Visalia, on Thursday evening, the 21st of January., by Daniel WOOD, Esq., 
John KNUCKEY to Miss Jessie ASHWORTH Mariposa Gazette, Aug. 22, 1905 A Dumb Wedding. On Wednesday, the 19th inst., a unique wedding was celebrated at Mormon Bar, when John Knuckey of Grass Valley led to the altar Miss Jessie Ashworth of Mariposa. Both principals are deaf and dumb and it required an unusually capable officer to tie the nuptial knot. This personage was found in Justice W. A. SCOTT, who can talk as freely with his fingers as with his tongue. The witnesses to the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HART, for whose benefit the sign language was reduced to writing.A sumptuous supper was served at 6 o'clock p.m. and the newly wedded couple left next morning for their future home in Grass Valley.Tom Hilk

Stockton Daily Independent- July 28, 1863
MARRIED -- in Hornitos, by Justice Jones; Mr. A. KOCHER to Miss Catharine HUNZECKER.transcribed by Dee S

Mr. GEORGE F. KRAFFT, to Miss ANNIE OVERTON.Mariposa Free Press January 24, 1863 In Visalia on the 14th January, by H.N. CARROL Esq, 
May 24th, 1890 Mariposa Gazette

Wedding at Pea Ridge.

      Mr. James  A. LAREW and Miss Emma A. PRATT, of Pea Ridge, were
married a the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. W. A. BOOHER, who
very impressively rendered the Methodist marriage ceremony, at 9 o'clock
on Wednesday morning. Mr. William H. SMITH and Miss Alice PRATT, acted
as bridesgroom and maid. After the ceremony was performed, a bounteous
dinner was partaken of, at the conclusion of which, amid a shower of old
shoes, rice and the best wishes of all present, the happy couple started
for the Yosemite Valley, which delightful place they will view by the
joyous light of the honeymoon. The congenial concourse of relatives and
friends who witnessed the union consecrated, after the departure of the
happy couple, went to Striped Rock and enjoyed the remainder of the day
in picnic fashion. Those present were; Mrs. N. A. PRATT, Rev. Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. BOOHER, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. LAREW, Mrs. Mary E. DICK: Misses
Alice PRATT, Cora, Stella and Clarise SMITH, Alice HODGSON, Dora, Annie
and Ernie COUGHRAN; Messr. Walter and Paul PRATT, Wm. H. and James S.
         Besides thanks which we gladly give for a liberal supply of
wedding cake from Mr. and Mrs. James A. LAREW, they have our best wishes
and hopes, that the supreme happiness so manifest in the first moments
of their union may constantly accompany them through a long and
successful life of blessed unity.

At the residence of Angevine REYNOLDS, Esq., in Mariposa, December 15th, 1882, by Superior Judge CORCORAN, Mr. John LEARY to Miss Eudora HENDRICKS, both of Snow Creek, Mariposa county.December 16, 1882 Mariposa Gazette

Fresno Bee, July 31, 1924
submitted by c feroben
Robert Ledson, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ledson of Cathay Valley, and Miss Minnie W Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willliam Williams of the Sebastopol district, were united in marriage recently in the office of the county clerk at the courthouse in Maripsoa. Judge J J Trabucco performed the marriage ceremony.

In Stockton, September 14th, 1865, by Rev. Mr. NICKOLSON, Mr. THEODORE R. LEGRAYS to Miss MARY KOHL. SEPTEMBER 23, 1865 Mariposa Gazette 
LEWIS/LIND marriage Jan. 1, 1881 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro)
Weddings and Compliments.- Weddings have become so frequent of late that our dish of reciprocal send-offs is nigh exhausted of the special needs of a variety of vocabulary, in order to avoid plaguarism and tautology, two most alarming constuents usually occurring in complimentary contributions and send offs commonly befitting to notices of marriage and acknowledgment of the editor, publisher and printers of the token of respect received and usually accompanying the forms and concluding ceremonies attendant upon a wedding feast, consisting of cake, uncorked side-board ornaments, Havanas, etc. The wedding occurring this week, in our midst, was one of especial interest, which affords us great pleasure to notice more at length than we otherwise would, were the parties to the contract comparative strangers. The principals to the matrimonial conquest were Mr. Samuel J. LEWIS and Miss Maggie M. LIND, oldest daughter of our worthy citizen and neighbor Mr. Joseph LIND, who, upon the occasion of the death of Maggie's mother several years ago, was left a widower, and father to four children, two girls and two boys. Little Maggie, as she was generally called- for like her mother she is small of stature- has now attained her sweet seventeenth year, and it can be said that she is the embodiment of loveliness, possessed of a sweet amiable disposition, with an inate modesty and refinement of taste and demeanor not to be surpassed in higher circles where wealth commands advantages of acquiring culture of the highest order, and is an ornament as well as an example to her many associates with whom she has been raised in the butterfly village, where most of them were born. Mr. Lewis, the groom of this angelic bride, is a native of Missouri, about twenty-three years of age, came to California in 1877, is a printer, and has been a resident of Mariposa for about two years last past, and holds the possession of foreman of the Mariposa Gazette. He is industrious, honest and to be wholly relied upon in his vocation; besides, he is quiet, unobtrusive, and has a genial disposition which will compete fairly with that of his boon companion. And now, that he has, by virtue of his own "Acts," and part of "Acts" supplemental thereto, made and constituted himself "foreman" of a small family (susceptible of enlargement, of course, ) may the domestic tie which legally binds them as one grow ever stronger and become inseparable forever and ever. Amen. 
James Lindsey to  Martha A E HOWETH 1/7/1865     book B  page 152
Marriage Index- submitted by Stece Miller

Elk Horn, October 25th, 1885.
 October 24, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
Editor Gazette:- Last Sunday, October 18, the marriage of Samuel LORD
and Miss Jennie SIMPSON was solemnized at the residence of the bride's
parents, near Hornitos. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father
FASSANOTTI, in the presence of the relatives of the contracting parties
and a few intimate friends. Joe LORD acted as grooms-man and Miss Kate
SIMPSON as bridesmaid. The guest were invited to dinner, and immediately
after, the relatives were invited to the home of the groom. All spent
the evening pleasantly in singing and music by Miss Anna Robinson and
Mrs. Alice SHILLING. Monday evening about twenty young ladies and
gentlemen serenaded Mr. and Mrs. LORD, and an hour or so was pleasantly
spent in conversation, singing and music; about nine o'clock, the
Quartzburg schoolhouse was cleared and dancing was the order of the rest
of the evening.
      Mr. and Mrs. LORD were both born and raised in Mariposa county,
and their many friends have nothing but the  kindest wishes for their
      The following are the names of those present: Mr. and Mrs. Sam
LORD, Mr. and Mrs. Fred SCHILLING, Mrs. S. LORD, Mrs. Jane OLCESE, Mrs.
ESLICK, Carrie and Kate MARSHALL, Carrie and Mattie BUCHENAU, Tillie

  LUDIC/FLOTO Stockton Daily Indpendent,TUESDAY, 28 JUNE 1864
MARRIED – in Hornitos, June 15th, Mr. Geo. LUDIC to Mrs. FLOTO, both of this county.

The Mariposa Chronicle January 27, 1854 (transcribed by Steve Miller)
On the evening of the 26th inst., at the Agua Frio,

by Rev. R. W. Bigham,  Mr. Isaac Lyons, of Mariposa to
Miss Elizabeth Haynes, of Agua Frio.

        We return our thanks to the fair bride and
        happy bridegroom, for the excellent cake,
        which we received last night.  They have our
        best wishes for their continued prosperity and
        happiness.  "May they by sweet experience
        know,  That marriage rightly understood, is
        heaven here below."

Mariposa Gazette, October 5, 1858

Big Oak Flat, Albert MACK to Mrs Elizabeth BOCKMERSTER, September 25, 1858
submitted by Warren Carah

Wedding of Mr. Johnnie MALONEY to Miss Lizzie MULLERY
October 28, 1882 Mariposa Gazette The wedding ceremonies of Mr. Johnnie MALONEY to Miss Lizzie C. MULLERY, were performed at St. Joseph's Cathedral, in Mariposa, on Monday last by the Rev. Father Michael McNAMARA of Merced. Johnnie MALONEY is a young man of sterling habits, and one whom old Mariposa county should be proud to honor as one of her most enterprising youths; he was born in the State of Massachusetts in the year 1855, and started with his mother for California a year or two afterwards, where his father had already preceded them. They settled, at what was then , the thriving village of Princeton, and owned what is now known as the Coffman farm; some years later they bought the Corbett ranch, about 5 miles from Hornitos where Johnnie has been industriously laboring ever since, and has built for himself one of the finest farms and homes outside of the San JOaquin Valley and has become independent in this world for all future time. We congratulate Miss MULLERY upon her choice of one of our California boys. Miss MULLERY came from St. Louis, Mo., about three years ago. She is the sister of Johnnie MULLERY, Michael MULLERY and Mrs. TURNER; since her arrival here she has been engaged in the occupation of school-mistress; she has taught the Princeton School two terms and the Elk Horn School one term, and was engaged to teach at the later place the following term, and her service as teacher at the above named places will be greatly missed. We noticed several from the outside on this occasion who were here to attend the wedding. Among them we will mention the names of Miss Louisa ZINKARD, Mr. William MALONEY, Mr. MALONEY, Mr. F.P. LaVALLE, Mr. Patrick MALONEY of Merced; several others were present whose names we cannot call to mind. The happy pair left immediately after the ceremony for the Metropolis, where they intend to spend their honeymoon for a few days, when they will return to their mountain home and settle down to a married life. October 28, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
MALONEY- MULLERY-- At St. Joseph's Cathedral, Mariposa, Cal., by the Rev. Father MacNAMARA, Mr. J. M. MALONEY of Mariposa County, to Miss Lizzie C. MULLERY of St. Louis, Mo 
MANN- ATKINS marriage January 29, 1887 Mariposa Gazette A Happy Man(n).- The marriage of Abel MANN and Mrs. Mattie C. ATKINS,

was a surprise to most of us. We had thought that Abe was impervious to marital subjugation and that nothing less than an anvil horned torpedo could penetrate his adamantine, weather-tanned , case hardened corposity, but he, disregarding the advise of the great Weller, succumbed. They were married at the Gallison hotel, by Judge TEMPLE. May they live long and be happy, is all we can do for them at the present.

In Bear Valley,  September 18, P. E. MAREGRAVE to Miss Rose WHALEN- Mariposa Gazette, Aug 16, 1860. (submitted by Warren Carah)

Stockton Daily Independent
Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA
Monday, 30 Oct 1871

  MARRIED -- at Colorado, Mariposa county, Oct. 19th, Carlo MARRE and Luigia GARIBALDI.
transcribed by Dee S.

January 21, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
At the residence of the brides parents, in Merced, January 17, 1888, by the Rev. G. W. LYONS, C. D. MARTIN to Miss Hallie BOST, daughter of General J. W. and Mrs. BOST.

HOWARD A. MARTIN to Miss BERTHA KALEKLOFF.March 10, 1866 Mariposa Gazette In San Francisco, February 17th by the Rev. CHENEY, 
Mariposa County  Marriage  January 19, 1860  Book B  page  42

Thomas W. Marshall to Sarah Jane Phillips- transcribed by Steve Miller

Mariposa,  January 19, 1860
This certifies that I Thomas J. Byme, a Justice of the Peace in and for the
County of Mariposa, united in marriage athe residence of Peter Gorden, in
said County of Mariposa on the 19th day of January A.D. 1860 Thomas W.
Marshall and Miss Sarah Jane Phillips.

Residence  Whitlocks, Mariposa County           Residence Whitlocks, Mariposa County
age  twenty nine yrs                                    age twenty years
color  white                                            color white
place of nativity  Cape Briton                          place of nativity  Wisconsin
           British America
single or widower     single                            single or widow   single

In accordance with the laws of the State of California
                                (s) Thomas Jay Byme
                                     Justice of Peace

Filed Tuesday, January 24th 1860, 12 oclock AM at the request of T. J.
Byme, Esq.
                                        R. L. Miller
                                        R. M. Cg

In Coulterville, Monday, November 13th, 1865, by Justice COUNTS, GIOVANNO MASCHIO to Miss MARINA REPETTE.DECEMBER 2, 1865 Mariposa Gazette 
Mr. Guiseppi MASENTI to Miss Rosalina CASTAGNETTO, both of Coulterville.February 10, 1877At Coulterville, February 4th, 1877, by John B. REED, J.P.,

Mariposa Gazette, December 24, 1858

Allan P MATTHEW to Sarah FRANCES, in Mariposa, December 22, 1858
submitted by Warren Carah

Mr. WILLIS MAYR to Miss ROSALIA GOLDSMITH.January 27, 1866Mariposa Gazette At the residence of Jacob WELSBAUM, in Snelling's Merced County, January 16th, 1866, by James W. ROBERTSON, County Judge, 
Married  .MAZE- GAZZOLO marriage July 15, 1893 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro)

    At San Francisco, June 28th, 1893 . Mr. W. M. MAZE to Miss Lena
    The above happy couple arrived in Coulterville the 2cd of the
present month on a visit to the bride's parents and relatives.
    Miss Lena is a daughter of our esteemed residents, Mr. and Mrs.
GAZZOLO, and was reared in Coulterville. She is a young lady of
fascinating appearance and one who my her uniform pleasant ways and lady
like conduct had endeared herself to all.
    Mr. MAZE, the fortunate possessor of this most estimable prize, is a
young gentleman born and raised in San Francisco, of pleasing manners,
exceptionally good looks and exemplary habits. His affable ways and
generous treatment of all with whom he came in contact during his short
stay among us, justifies the unanimous verdict that " he is worthy of
the lady he won." Owing to business that required his immediate
attention, it was impossible for Mr. MAZE to remain with us long and
with his wife left on the morning of July 6th for San Francisco, their
future home, carrying with them the best wishes of all for a long life
of happiness and prosperity. May their future be eternal bliss.
                                           A Friend


McCann, Frank B.  to Sarah F. Holden  11/4/1878  (Vol C  pg 136 steve miller)

DECEMBER 9, 1865 Mariposa Gazette. In this place, at the residence of her mother, On Sunday, December 3d, 1865, by the Rev. Father SCANLON, Mr. WILLIAM McCANN to Miss MARY LYNCH.  (Vol B pg 154-steve miller)
"McCANN/LYNCH--In Mariposa, December 3d, William McCANN to Mary LYNCH."  Source:  San Francisco Daily Examiner, 16 Dec 1865.


McCann, F. B.  to   Ann McMillan  3/29/1900  ( Vol 4  pg 96 steve miller)

McCAULEY/WINGER marriage November 29,1879 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro)
Editor Gazette.- Yo Semite Valley Nov. 22, 1879. In viewing the issues of the 8th and 15th of your paper, I noticed quite a flutter in the young people of your section, who thought they were oh! so lonesome living alone, and took to themselves husbands and wives, to remain as one through the remainder of their lives, even unto death, through good and evil report. But, while your section has been fortunate as to have such happiness; we in our secluded spot have been equally so. In the advent of two hearts which now beat as one, which in other than the marriage of Mr. James McCAULEY to Miss Barbera WINGER, a twin sister of our Fritz, on the Coulterville Road, and niece of Dan HOELTZEL, ( more thoroughly known as Dutch Dan.) The ceremony took place at the residence of Mr. HOELTZEL, and was performed by our own honored citizen Judge MORRIS, at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening Nov. 8th. The first the people  of Yo Semite knew of it was by the arrival of a carriage driven by Frank KENNY, which had the happy couple aboard, they drove to Leidigs hotel where Mrs. LEIDIG soon made them feel at home. Notwithstanding the blushing bride insisting on her not going to any trouble on their account; but Mrs. LEIDIG were of the same opinion that the other folks were in the valley, that a little trouble was of no earthly consequence, (oh no not at all) so at a early hour guest began to assemble around the house, some with tin pans, horns and old coal oil cans, and from the number of coal oil cans one would of thought an oil well had been struck in the valley, and all were bent on having their share of the spoils, but in a few moments after all such thoughts were dispelled by the most terrific noise one has ever been accustomed to hear, Mrs. LEIDIG thought the stove had fallen and the house was on fire, and Fred rushed with frantic haste to the parlor with McCAULEY in the rear, seeing nothing there to cause suspicion Fred said it must be another house, so rushing out the door and across the yard- entered not unto the house but unto the arms of a well gotten up Charivari party headed by Alick EARLY, the gentlemanly stage driver who sang out 'sold again bring him out.' But Jim being already brought out crawled towards the parlor and said come in boys you will catch cold out here, and take something to warm you up, and in a shorter space of time than it takes to tell it all hands were gathered around a bountiful filled table with phials on it marked champagne, bourbon whiskey and soon two hours were whiled away to the pleasure and satisfaction of all present.

Mariposa Gazette, Feb 6, 1857

Arkansas Flat, James McCREWEY to Miss Julia BAUSMAN, Jan 29, 1857
suibmitted by Warren Carah

Mariposa Gazette, June 17, 1911

Married in San Francisco
(submitted by Harriet Sturk)
On Monday evening June 12, 1911 the marriage of Mervin T. McElligott and
Miss Edith E.Ladouceur was solemnized at the Ladouceur home in San Francisco.
Charles McElligott of Mt. Bullion acted as best man and Miss Pearl Ladouceur
wasbride's maid.  the ceremony was performed at 7 p.m. and after refreshments
andamid hearty congratulations the young couple left to make their home in
Fresnowhere Mr. McElligott has a situation.  The bride is the eldest daughter of
Mr.and Mrs. Fred Ladouceur formerly of this place and a charming young lady.
Mr. McElligott, the groom, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. P. McElligott ofMariposa
and a young man of honest and upright principles and one who makes friends
wherever he goes. The happy couple have the best wishes of a host ofMariposa friends.

The wedding was attended by only a few friends and immediate relations of
thebride and groom.  Those present from here were:  Charles McElligott, Mrs. P.
McElligott, Mrs. Maynard McElligott, Mrs. H Artru and Miss Honorine Camin.

James P.McELLIGOTT and Miss BessieTHORN both of Mariposa, Mariposa Gazette, January 5, 1907 submitted by Tom Hilk
Popular Couple Married at Home of Bride's Parents. A wedding that attracted unusual interest in Mariposa, occurred last Thursday at 9 a.m. when James P. McElligott and Miss Bessie Thorn, both of Mariposa, were married by the Rev. C. W. Long of the Methodist church.
The impressive ring ceremony that united this happy couple was performed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Thorn, and was witnessed only by immediate relatives of the contracting parties.
The groom, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. McElligott, is a native of Mariposa county and a temperate, honest and industriousyoung man and one who deservedly enjoys the respect and confidence of a large circle of acquaintances.The bride is an accomplished young lady of winsome personality and a general favorite. Like her husband she is a native of the butterfly county, and Mr. McElligott is to be congratulated upon having secured such a lovable girl for his wife.
Miss May Thorn, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, while Charles McElligott filled the office of best man for his brother.After the ceremony an elegant wedding breakfast was served, when good cheer and best wishes were in order, after which the happy couple took their departure, amidst showers of rice, for Richmondwhere they will reside.
That the popular young bride and groom will enjoy the fullest measure of happiness and prosperity is the unselfish wish of their many friends, including the Gazette. 
McELLIGOTT/GOURGUET Marriage May 10, 1879 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro)
Married at Bear V alley.- At Bear Valley, April 28th by the Rev. Father McNAMARA, Mr. Thomas McELLIGOTT to Miss Annice GOURGUET. the young couple have are best wishes for their future life, and our thanks for a liberal supply of delicious cake. 

Married in San Francisco

On Monday evening June 12, 1911 the marriage of Mervin T. McElligott and
Miss Edith E. Ladouceur was solemnized at the Ladouceur home in San Francisco.

Charles McElligott of Mt. Bullion acted as best man and Miss Pearl Ladouceur
was bride's maid.  the ceremony was performed at 7 p.m. and after refreshments
and amid hearty congratulations the young couple left to make their home in
Fresno where Mr. McElligott has a situation.  The bride is the eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ladouceur formerly of this place and a charming young lady.
Mr. McElligott, the groom, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. P. McElligott of Mariposa
and a young man of honest and upright principles and one who makes friends
wherever he goes. The happy couple have the best wishes of a host of Mariposa

The wedding was attended by only a few friends and immediate relations of
the bride and groom.  Those present from here were:  Charles McElligott, Mrs. P.
McElligott, Mrs. Maynard McElligott, Mrs. H Artru and Miss Honorine Camin.

Source" Gleanings From the Mariposa County Newspaper, 1910, Vol. 3, complied
Tom Hilk.

in the index book brides portion listed McIvor Marshall as the groom,  a clerks error,  according
          to researcher Warren Carah it should be Malcom McIvor, groom-

Malcom McIVOR to Laura E MARSHALL  7/3/1886    7/3/1886        3-141  in the Mariposa County Marriage Index

submitted by Steve Miller

In Los Angelos, April 5th, 1882, Edward McLAUGHLIN to Miss Huldah BREEDING, both of Big Tree Station, Mariposa county.April 15, 1882 Mariposa Gazette 
January 28th, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
At the residence of Richard SMITH, in Stockton,   January   23d, 1888, by the Rev. T. A. COWAN, Rev. E. G. McLEAN, of Walla Walla,   W. T., to Miss Sadie F. RUSSELL, of Stockton.
McLEAN/ RUSSELL marriage January 7, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
   Under the head of "Married" in this paper will be observed the
     marriage of Rev. Ed. G. McLEAN to Miss Sadie F. RUSSELL of Stockton.
     Rev. Ed. G. McLEAN, who resides at Merced for many years, is well known to that community, and extensively acquainted throughout the southern tier of counties along the line of the Southern Pacific Rail- Road. His
     genial ways have made him a great favorite, not only with the
     "sobersides," but with the "boy," and many outside of the church who
     would go to hear him preach first of all others. The " boys," specially about Merced, usually saluted him, " How are you Ed., Howdy Ed.," and if the occasion required it, Ed, was as likely to be seen in the midst of a crowd of the boys and friends doing the talking, while they were doing the other thing, taking a drink; it was all the same to him, he would
     greet his friends wherever he found them; He did not wear "corsets," nor a hypocritical cloak, but is one of those genial gentleman whose
     liberality and prepossessing ways will always for him the love and
     esteem of all who may come to know him. The lady he married is the
     daughter of A.C. RUSSELL, who was our editor of the "Mail" in 1866 and 67, or about that time. His family was here with him, and a prettier or
     equally interesting family of children ( there were several) is seldom seen. Miss Sadie, now Mrs. McLEAN, was one of them. She has probably
     forgotten the little episode of her life in Mariposa about twenty years ago, but her parents have not, and is, no doubt, often refereed to as one of the important events of a floating career in the foothills of old  Mariposa. Mr. and Mrs. RUSSELL were intelligent people, and he was a  spirited writer. The home of the new married couple will be at Walla  Walla W.T.

Stockton Daily Independent,Tuesday, 3 Dec 1872
MARRIED -- near Mariposa, Nov. 25th,
David McNALLY and Miss Susan HART.

Mariposa Gazette April 24, 1857
San Francisco, F Williams MELLO of Mariposa to Miss Mary AGNES- April 21, 1857
submitted by Warren Carah

FRANK WILLIAMS MELLO to MRS. H.E. BARNETT, all of this place.  May 6, 1876Mariposa Gazette In Mariposa, May 2nd, 1876, at the bride's residence, by the REV. J.M. ALSANSON

MARRIED -- in Mariposa, Sept. 27th, by Hon. J.O. LOVEJOY; Charles MENSING to Mrs. Magdalena STEINBERGER.
Stockton Daily Independent,
TUESDAY, 6 OCT 1868, submitted by Dee S.


 January 16th, 1892 Mariposa Gazette

    The marriage of Charles R. MILBURN and Dilida M. TRABUCCO, was
celebrated on Thursday at the home of the bride in Bear Valley according
to announcement. Guests had been invited from all parts of the county,
and in every case the invitation was accepted, so that at the hour
appointed nearly three hundred people were assembled. The parlor and
adjoining rooms being to small to admit one third of the guests, it was
decided to have the ceremony performed on the large porch in front of
the house, and the company gathered there as strains of the wedding
march, beautifully played by Miss Edith RIDGWAY, announced the advent of
the bridal party. The bride at all times a beautiful girl, looked
unusually lovely in a handsome white silk gown, slightly trained
elaborately trimmed with lace and orange blossoms. A veil of mist like
fineness fell from from her wreath of orange blossoms to her feet
enhancing the charm of her girlish beauty. The groom looked supremely
happy and manly as he responded with more than one hearty " I Will."
Miss Annie BRUSCHI, of Coulterville, made a lovely bridesmaid in her
pretty white silk dress, while J. J. TRABUCCO, brother of the bride
acted as best man. The ceremony was performed by Hon. J. M. CORCORAN and
after congratulations, dinner was announced, and as many of the guest as
could be seated at one time, were invited into the large dining-room,
where three large tables, each seating sixteen persons. The dining-room
was profusely decorated with evergreens laurel berries and branches
laden with oranges, while the tables where laden with every desirable
luxury. The bride's cake was very artistic in its decorations.
Appropriate toasts were given by Judge CORCORAN and J. H. CORCORAN, and
responded to by Mrs. M. E. CONGDON, J. J. TRABUCCO and Mr. MILBURN
father of the groom.
        The happy pair of young people, received many elegant, and
costly presents, of which, we believe, we received a full list:
        Gold watch and brussels carpet, Mrs. E. TRABUCCO; handsome fur
trimmed cloak, Louis TRABUCCO; Jersey cow and calf, John B. TRABUCCO;
parlor lamp and bronze clock. Joseph J. TRABUCCO; silver castor, 2 beds,
and furnishings, Mr. and Mrs. MILBURN; China dinner set, Dr. and Mrs. H.
C. REID; mantle ornaments, Mr. and Mrs. George REEB; silver cup, Mrs.
and Miss KOCHER; glass fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. MORRISON; carving
set, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. LIND; work box, Mrs. Frank GROSJEAN; glove box,
Louis GROSJEAN; embroidered sofa pillow, Annie and Joshua PETERSON; lace
tidy, Mrs. Bert McFADDEN; damask table cloth and napkins, Mrs. James
RIDGWAY; silk gauze scarf, Mr. and Mrs. Newman JONES, Fresno; pair
picture frames, Edith RIDGWAY;  china salad set, Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
TURNER; China candlestick, Mr. and Mrs. A. ZINKAND; plush toilet and
jewel case, Mrs. F. A. REYNOLDS; 1/2 dozen silver knives and forks, Mr.
and Mrs. William WILLIAMS; silver neck chain; Ambrose  ROSA; peerless
steam cooker. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. CONGDON; plush photograph case, May
CORCORAN; 1/2 dozen silver teaspoons, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. BLACK; surah
scarf Eda QUIEROLO; bed spread, Mr. and Mrs. E. MARGRAVE; beaded
pincushion, Mrs. M. QUIEROLO; 1 dozen silver coffee spoons, Mr. and
Mrs.  J. W. SNYDER; felt scarf and  tiddies, Mrs. Frank OLCESE; silver
sugar bowl, dozen teaspoons; Marie de SILVA; painted feather fan. Jennie
GAGLIARDO; glass set 6 pieces, Therese CAMPODONICO; plush box
stationary, Mrs. A. CASSACCIA; glass water set 8 pieces. Mr. and Mrs.
GAGLIARDO; plush box stationary, Mrs. WIELER; pair vases, Mr. ,rs. &
Jas. GUEST; pair napkin rings, Emma CHOISSER; silver and crystal fruit
dish, Mrs. CHOISSER; silver cake basket, Mr. and mrs. NEWMAN; silver pie
knife, Emily NEWMAN; silver nut bowl, Florida BRUSCHI; glass water
pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. F. SHILLING; silver cake stand, Annie BRUSCHI;
silver teapot, sugar bowl and creamer, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. JONES, Mrs. L.
S. MILLER, Julia JONES; pickle fork, Rosine STERNE; silver butter dish
Mrs. POTTHAST and family; 2 decorated cups and saucers, Minnie OLCESE,
Oakland; beautiful plaque paper flowers, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. SCHLAGETER;
silver castor, Chas. PENDOLA and wife; whisk broom in holder Dave
COCHRAN; window curtains and ebony poles, from mother of groom. A few
presents were probably overlooked, but it strikes me that the above list
is long enough to suit any well regulated couple. A ball was given at
night in their honor.


Mariposa Gazette, Aug. 6, 1861- transcribed by Steve Miller

 In Visalia, on Thursday, May 3oth, by the Rev.  Father D. F. Dade,  Mr. Edward Milford to Miss
 Catherine Kickam, of Mariposa.

ROBERT S. MILLER, of Mariposa, to Mrs. FANNIE M. BENNETT, of New York.May 26, 1866 Mariposa GazetteIn San Francisco, Thursday, May 17th, 1866, by Rev. Dr. STONE, 
MONROE/ALLEN marriage Nov. 8,1879 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro) November 8, 1879 Mariposa Gazette
MONROE- ALLEN- At Merced, November 3d, 1879, at the Cosmopolitan Hotel, by Rev. E. G. McLEAN, John MONROE to Miss E. R. ALLEN, all of Mariposa county.
Wedding Surprise, Our Attendance at Merced.- In this issue of the Gazette, is to be seen the announcement of the marriage of Mr. John MONROE to Mrs. Eliza R. ALLEN, both well and favorably known to the people of this section. It was an "Astonisher" sure enough, for it is fair to presume that no one except themselves ever dreamed of such an occurrence; not that such a union was not well adapted, for they are both of age, full grown and well matured. But to use the common expression, who thought that John MONROE, the honest miner, who has been prospecting and delving the gulches and hills of California, all the way from the Northern to the most Southern extremity of the mineral region of the state for the past thirty years, was to commit such an act as get married? Although nearly as white as the driven snow he is not so old as he might be taken for, only 53, just in the prime of life, and barring accidents he will undoubtedly live 53 years longer. He was never in a hurry, wasn't in a hurry to get married (except up to within about a hour of the ceremony, when he showed signs of impatience) and he is not agoing to be in a hurry to die either. Mrs. MONROE is a lady of culture, and has, during her widowhood of eleven years, through her own exertions maintained herself and her three children' besides giving them a fair education. The wives of Mr. Joseph SHELLY of Sherlocks, and Allen HELM who formerly lived in the Lewis District of this county are her daughters. The youngest boy is about 14 years of age. We in company with our better half were at Merced on Tuesday last; and had the pleasure of being present and witnessed the nuptials performed by Rev. E.G. McLEAN a minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian persuasion, who, my the way, although not high in stature, is a head and shoulders above any that we have ever heard to perform a marriage ceremony. It was sweet, short and impressive, and didn't contain that odious smell of a funeral, that we were favored with once upon a time. Those unconsoling words " life is but short," were not interlarded in the ritual of the minister. He bade them good cheer through life, and made no reference to evening shade thereof. There was no formal preparations made for the wedding. Those present besides ourselves were Mr. MORAN the proprietor of the hotel and his family. Mr. and Mrs. McCREARY who incidentally were stopping there over night. They live on the Merced River about two miles below Merced Falls. Bill McCREARY is an old pioneer and is known by almost everybody. A representative of the Merced Express was to have been present, but he fizzled and didn't come, much to the disappointed. There were a few others present whose names we cannot recall to memory at this time. Rev. McLEAN entertained the little assemblage for half an hour, with a remarkable degree of vivacity, with which he appears to have a ample stock of, the diffusion of which added essentially to the agreeableness of the occasion. The next morning we in company with the newly made couple bade adieu to our friends of Merced, and started for Mariposa. Each party having two horses and a buggy, we led off supposing we knew the road sufficiently well, to not go amiss. About six miles out we called upon Mr. and Mrs. George A. HAYES' who have charge of the county hospital and inmates, belonging to Merced County. Upon leaving HAYES' we attempted to take the road leading to Indian Gulch. In this we failed and got on the road to Cathey's Valley. We met Hiram CORNETT who informed us that by taking a left hand road which was about half a mile ahead, we could make Indian Gulch in about four miles. We pitched out and after traveling to what appeared to us many hours and miles over the crookedness and roughest road we have experienced for many a day we finally struck at a right angle a main traveled road. At this point we should of taken to the left which would have taken us to Indian Gulch in about two miles but fate was against us, we went to the right which was wrong and soon found ourselves in front of the residence of Mr. and Mrs. REDMAN'S, in Cathey's Valley. Here we sought consolation rest and refreshments, which Mrs. REDMAN kindly favored us with. In attempting to pilot our new married friends across the country and our failure to do so successfully, was equally as painful to us as were their disappointment in being delayed, for they had several miles further to go, their destination being SHELLY's on the head of Sherlock's Creek. However, as the result has proven, all were safely moored at home, for we saw the groom of only 36 hours only early the next morning pass and repass our office bloomingly, without turning his head to the right or left, or lending a smile of gratulation- going on St. Julians time towards Sherlocks- all is well that ends well. Married November 8, 1879 Mariposa Gazette
MONROE- ALLEN- At Merced, November 3d, 1879, at the Cosmopolitan Hotel, by Rev. E. G. McLEAN, John MONROE to Miss E. R. ALLEN, all of Mariposa county. 
EDWIN MOORE, of Mariposa, to Miss HULDAH TRAXLER, of Bellville, Ohio.May 12, 1866 Mariposa Gazette At the Methodist Church South, Mariposa, on Tuesday evening, May 8th, 1866, by Rev. J. C. PENDERGAST, 
NOVEMBER 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press In Princeton, at the residence of William Bacon, on the 25th of November,  by the Rev. O.D. DOOLEY, Mr. HENRY MORRIS, to Miss MARTHA BACON.

from the Mariposa Gazette,  Dec.  15, 1900
Morrisey-Hume    At Reno, Nev Dec. 4, 1900
Richard Morrisey of Bear Valley and Mrs. Melissa Hume of Hornitos.

At Hornitos, March 24th, 1889, Mr. John MORRISON and Miss Katie REEB. March 30, 1889 Mariposa Gazette

Merced Express, July 5, 1901

MULLER–ARANCEBIA – Near Merced Falls, June 26, 1901, by W. Ruddell, Justice of the Peace, at the home of the bride's parents, George Muller of Madera and Miss Maggie Arancebia.- submitted by Tom Hilk

December 5, 1874  Mariposa Gazette -November 29th, 1874, by the Hon. John M. CORCORAN, County Judge, at the residence of the brides father, near Chapman School House, Mariposa county, Mr. John MULLINS to Miss Francis E. BEEVERS. 
Mariaposa Gazette, September 29, 1877 MARRIED At the residence of Lewis BACIGALUNI, near Coulterville, by B. F. MORRIS, J.P., Mr. Giambatista MUSANTA to Miss Terisa MUSANTA. Both of Coulterville. 
At the Ranch of David P. WOODRUFF, Mariposa county, by S.W. CARR, Justice of the Peace, Mr. A. J. MYER to Mrs. Cornella B. CASIDA.May 3, 1879 Mariposa Gazette

Marriage Lic.  bk  5  page  55    Sept 14, 1911

William H. Nelson,   native of CA
aged 38 yrs,   resident of  El Portal, Mariposa Co
Edna R Barger,  native of Montana
aged 21 yrs,  resident of El Portal, Mariposa Co
"man is  WHITE,  the woman is  WHITE"
Marriage Cert.
14th day of Sept., 1911  Mariposa, Mariposa Co
witnessed by  R A Prouty
and B F Bertken

by W A Scott,  Justice of the Peace
Recorded at the request of W A Scott
14th day of Sept 1911.  45 min past 9am
J W Pratt
transcribed from Hall of Records, Mariposa County, by Steve Miller

July 22, 1882 Mariposa GazetteAt Gertrude, Fresno county, July 13th, 1882, by Justice J. M. JOHNSON, Thomas NOONAN to Mary CONWAY. 
OLCESE- GAGLIARDO marriage Mariposa Gazette April 27, 1889
Hornitos, Cal. April 24, 1889 Editor Gazette- It is with pleasure that we chronicle the marriage of Mr. Frank OLCESE to Miss Minnie GAGLIARDO, at the residence of the bride's parents last evening, here in our quiet little town. Both of the contracting parties were born and raised in this county, and are well and favorably known. The affair was one of the grandest known in our county for years, as regards splendor, hospitality and sociability. Fully 300 nicely printed invitations had been sent out by the prospective bride and groom, to their friends to attend, and so popular were these young people that few failed t respond. To give a complete and correct description of this affair is impossible in the limited time we have before your paper goes to press, and we shall not attempt it. 7:30 P.M. was the hour set for the performance of the ceremony, and long before that time the streets of our little town presented the appearance of more life and activity, than has been witnessed for years. Before the appointed hour, the spacious garden and pathways of the premises of our worthy townsman G. GAGLIARDO the father of the bride, were lit up with numerous gaily colored Chinese lanterns, as was also the verandah where the happy contracting parties took upon themselves the marriage vows before Rev. Father RAGO of the Catholic faith, who united the two in the presence of hundreds who thronged the verandah and garden to witness the ceremony. The interior of the house although large, was not sufficient to accommodate the assemblage. The bride richly attired in white satin, crowned with orange blossoms. and with her modest eyes cast down, was the picture of youth, health and beauty; the groom dressed in black broadcloth, white tie and boutonair of orange blossoms was the embodiment of proud manhood. The parents and other relatives surrounding them as the clergyman pronounced the solemn words never to be recalled, the light of the lanterns and the respectful silence of all present made the picture seem like a fairy scene. After the completion of the ceremony the usual congratulations followed, and then all present were invited to partake of the banquet which had been prepared for the occasion. There were first and second tables, the ladies and strangers having preference at the first; nearly 300 people partook of the delicious repast of meats, fruit, various kinds of pastry and fine wines. Mr. C. B. De PAS, who represents the well known firm of Shea Bocqueraz & McKEE, being present was requested to act as chairman of the banquet, after proposing the health and prosperity of the bride and groom, which was responded to and drank with great enthusiasm, three hearty cheers and a hurrah followed, and District Attorney STOLDER was called upon to make a few remarks for the occasion, but as that gentleman, under the plea of being a stranger, had already satisfied his appetite at the first table and was at this time temporarily absent Mr. De PAS was called on and responded with a neat little oration suitable to the occasion- not omitting to compliment the young ladies and gentlemen grown up in our midst and giving us credit for having as pretty girls in Mariposa county as any other county in the State. that he had visited, and of which we feel proud, for we know it ourselves to be a true statement. During Mr. De Pas's remarks Mr. STOLDER was brought in, and at the conclusion was introduced by the chairman and, said in one of his neat and characteristic speeches, that he felt that Mr. De Pas had fully covered the ground and that he could but endorse all that gentleman had said and concluded with a eloquent tribute to the bride and groom their relatives and those present, who all knew him and to him where no strangers. At the conclusion of the banquet, all those lovers of dancing, besides many others repaired to Merck's Hall, which had been suitably prepared and where music was in waiting, and indulged in the innocent amusement of tripping the light fantastic toe till daylight next morning. Following ia a list of present received.
Diamond earrings and pin, Mr. and Mrs. GAGLIARDO; Pearl bracelet, J.P. GAGLIARDO; 1 dozen each of silver Knives, Forks, Table and Tea Spoons and Crochet bed-spread, Miss Jennie Gagliardo; Plush sewing box, Mrs. J. H. GAGLIARDO; Bridal Bouquet, Mrs. Antoine GAGLIARDO; Silver cake knife, John S. GAGLIARDO; the making of wedding trousseau, Miss Henreietta GAGLIARDO; Parlor set and bronze clock, Mr. and Mrs. A. OLCESE; China dinner set, Mr. John B. OLCESE; Silver water service, Louis V, OLCESE; Embroidered plush sofa cushion, Miss Jane OLCESE; Panel painting, Minnie OLCESE; Crayon drawing, executed by Miss Maggie OLCESE; Silver card receiver, Andrew OLCESE Jr. Silver match safe, Master Victor OLCESE; Gold thimble, Master Caesar OLCESE; Silver cake stand, Mr. and Mrs. ALEGRETTA; Silver berry spoon, Mr. and Mrs. H. AUSTIN; Embroidered lace handkerchief, Mr. and Mrs. CADEMARTORI, Italy; Table lamp, Misses Minnie and Maggie MORAN; White satin fan, Mrs. F.A. REYNOLDS; 3 pearls 2 gold dollars, and silk handkerchief, Mrs. C. MERCK; FlowerS, J.R. ADAIR; Glass lemonade set, M. and Mrs. BARCROFT; Handsome vases toilet set, and plush handkerchief case, Mrs. KOCHER; Glass Pitcher and fruit stand, Mr. and Mrs. John MORRISON; Silver flower stand and card receiver, D. J. PENDOLA; silver sugar bowl, Mr. and mrs. J. L. DEFORD; Combination silver fruit stand, Chas. PIERSON; Satin handkerchief case, Mrs. A. H. BROOKS; Painted plush sofa cushion, Mrs. Olive CARR; Spanish work handkerchief, Miss Mary CAMPODONICA; Plush album, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. STOLDER; Embroidered silk handkerchief, Mrs. R. CAMISSIONA; Silver and glass castor, Mrs. T. BRESCIA; Pickle stand, J. SEMORILE; Gold Watch fob Miss Ella MONTGOMERY; hand made rug, Miss Flora BLACK; Hand painted banner, E. P. CASTERLINE; Glass bouquet holder, Mr. and Mrs. H. BLACK; Beaded wine set, and salver, Miss Mattie BROWN; Silver pie knife, Miss Ada STEVES; 1/2 doz. tea spoons, Mr. and Mrs. H. KELLETT, 1/2 doz. fine linen towels, Mrs. B. KENDALL; Embroidered table scarf, Mr. and Mrs. Chris PETERSON; Butter dish, Miss Emily KELLETT; Spanish work handkerchief, Mrs. L. CADEMARTORI; Floral piece, Mrs. A. CAVAGANARA and daughter, Tidy, Miss Annie PETERSON; Silver cake stand, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T, TURNER; Elegant gold watch and fob, by the groom; Plush table cover, Mrs. Lydia PARKER; Pickle castor, Mrs. Mary TISCORNIA; Box linen handkerchiefs, Matilda TISCORNIA; Silver cake stand, Mr. and Mrs. G. GAZZOLA; Silver castor, Mrs. COMISCIONA; Silver castor, Mr. and Mrs. H. BUCHENEAU; Coffee pot, Miss Leonora GAZZOLA; Embroidered cashmere shawl, Mrs. ELENORA TRABUCCO; Silver butter dish and knife, Mr. and Mrs. N. SOLARIO; Flower stand, Mrs. M. BAUER; Choice flowers, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. BUCKLEY; Stamped plush for cushions, Mrs. E. GOMMO; Silver berry bowl and spoon, Mrs. GARIBALDI; Castor, Mr. G. GARIBALDI; Butter dish and knife, John and Mary GARIBALDI; Toilet set on silver stand, from all at Glen OBER; Silver butter knife in plush case, silver pie knife, BUFFUM & STOCKTON; Sugar and berry spoons in plush case, Mr. and Mrs. BUCKLEY; White ANgora rug, Mr. and Mrs. McMASTER; Glass preserve dish Miss Louise ZINKARD; Silver cake stand, Mrs. and Miss CANEVARA. It would be too much of an infringement upon your space to give the names of all present, therefore we will mention: Mr. and Mrs. OLCESE, of Oakland, Mr. & Mrs. GAGLIARDO of Hornitos, Mrs. GAZZOLO, Miss Milda TISCORNIA and Victor TISCORNIA of Coulterville. Misses Jennie and Minnie OLCESE, of Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. GARIBALDI of Merced; Mrs. BRESSIA and daughter of La Grange. Louis OLCESE of Sumner. John OLCESE and Dave PENDOLA of Merced. John GAGLIARDO of Hornitos, Miss Leonora GAZZOLO of Merced, Mesdames TRUBUCCO, RICE, MARGRAVE and Miss Annie DARLING of Bear Valley, Sheriff TURNER and wife of Mariposa, C. B. De PAS and R. B. STOLDER. The happy couple left shortly after their union for Los Angelese and other places where they will enjoy their honeymoon, taking with them the best wishes of their numerous friends for a long life of health happiness and prosperity. Occasional.
April 27, 1889 Mariposa Gazette
OLCESE- GAGLIARDO- At Hornitos, April 23D, 1889, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Father RAGO, Mr. Frank OCLESE and Miss Minnie GAGLIARDO. 
ORME/RICHARDS Old Hearts Wooed.
John ORME, Sr., an old and respected citizen of Mariposa county, and Mrs. C. RICHARDS, living in the vicinity of Buchanon, were married a few days ago. Each is in the neighborhood of sixty years old, and when the candidates for matrimonial honors appeared before County Clerk WILLIAMS for a marriage license they besieged that officer with so many questions that he almost gave up in despair, the work of filling out the blank. " Now you'll fix that paper so Mr. ORME can't get away from me, wont you?" asked the blushing bride, her face almost touching the clerk's as she leaned over the railing to hear his answer. " I want this thing done right," she added, and then straitening to her full height looked her prettiest. The groom equally anxious took hold of her hand and the two then departed apparently the happiest couple that ever left the Court House.- Madera Mercury. 
January 21, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
 Near Coulterville, Mariposa County, January 15th, 1888, at the residence of the brides farther, by M. GLYNN, J.P., Mr. James OPIE to Miss Annie OLNEY.
OPIE- OLNEY Marriage January 21, 1888 Mariposa Gazette

     Matrimonial.- From advices received from Coulterville, we learn that on Sunday last, at the residence of the brides farther, Mr. James OPAI, one of Coulterville popular young men, led to the alter Miss Annie, second
     daughter of Mr. Augustus OLNEY, and were tied together with strong
     matrimonial cords by M. GLYNN, J.P. That the cords with which this
     surely happy couple were so solemnly bound may endure till that good old age we all wish to see, and that their future may always be as bright
     and happy as their present, is the fond wish of the Gazette.

Former Mariposa Girl is Married- Mariposa (Mariposa Co) Nov 27- Cards have been received by friends in Mariposa this week announcing the marriage of Miss Dorothy Lee Rowland to Jacques Ozanne of New York. The wedding took place in New York Wednesday, November 23rd.
The bride is the eldest daughter of Mrs. Miriam L. Paine, postmaster at Maripsoa.  Her early life was spent at Mariposa where she completed her grammar and high school courses, graduating from the high school with the class of 1915.
Following her graduation Miss Rowland completed a secretarial course and became private secretary to the president of the University of California.  Two years ago she went to New York to accept a position with the Carnegie Corporation. c feroben

At the residence of the brides father, June 8th, 1879, by the Rev. R. A. SAWRIE, Mr. John G. PALMER to Miss Louisa M. DUNCAN.June 14, 1879 Mariposa Gazette

Albert PARK of Turlock, Merced County, to Miss Sontine DEPAULI of CoultervilleNov. 12th, by John B. REED, Esq.,.from the Mariposa Gazette Nov. 18, 1876
Miss Sontine Depauli.- This young and amiable lady was recently married in Coulterville to Mr. Albert PARK of Turlock, Merced county, as can be seen by anooucement in another column. She is the eldest daughter of Mrs. PENDOLA, formerly the widow of Antone DEPAULI, who died in Bear Valley several years ago. Miss Sontine is blessed with a host of friends and acquaintences, with whom she has always been a great favorite. But the time has arrived in which she deems it proper to obey the mandates of Holy Writ. She has selected a companion for lfe, for better or worse, and a new career in this world of strife has now already commenced. We were remembered by our departed friend, who sent us a quantity of wedding cake. Our best wish is that the lives o this happy couple may be as sweet as the cake, and that the path over which they together may travel will be interrupied only with many little PARKS, that bring joy and happiness to them both so long as they may live. 
Cyrus PAYNE to Mary HOWETH
Marriage Index     3/21/1875      book  c  page 65
submitted by Steve Miller
Marriage Cert trans Mariposa County 9/13/01 by Steve Miller

Book  B page 41

Marriage of Charles Pe and Chu Sin  Jan 2, 1860

Mariposa, Mariposa County, State of California

I here by certify that on the 2nd day of January AD 1860 at my office in
said  Charles Pe of Mariposa and Chu Sin of said town with their mutual
concent joined together in holy matrimony which was solemnizted by me in
presence of A. G. Worthington and Michael Mingle of said town of Mariposa
attesting witnessese,  and I further certify that the said Charles Pe and
Chu Sin are known to me to be the person described in this certificate;
that I ascertained,  previous to the solemniztion of Mariposa that the said
parties were of sufficient age to contract the same and that after due
inquiry by me made there no appearance of lawful impediment to such
marriage given under my hand this the 2nd day Janurary 1869.

                                Thomas Jay Byme
                                Justice of the Peace
                                township # 3

Filed Tuesday January 3, 1860 at 11 oclock AM and recorded at the urging of
George Hays, Esq.

                                R. S. Miller
                                R. M.  Co

MARRIED -- in Bear Valley, March 18th, by J.L. SMITH, Justice of the Peace; Albert PETTY and Julia SCOTT.
Stockton Daily Independent, April 5, 1869  Dee S transcriber

In Mariposa, September 23, 1860,  C E PEREGOY to Miss Mary A. COCHRAN. Mariposa Gazette September 25, 1860.
(submitted by Warren Carah)

May 23, 1891 Mariposa Gazette ( submitted by W. Disbro)

 Frank C. PEREGOY and Miss Lelia A. HUNT were married Wednesday

evening at the home of the bride, at Bear Valley, Owing to recent
affliction in the bride's family only relatives and immediate friends of
the young couple were present. The house was beautifully decorated with
flowers and the happy faces of the groom and bride, made it a very
pretty scene. The attendants of the bride and groom where; Mr. Ed. TRUE
and Miss Lucy PEREGOY, and Charles MILBURN and Miss Delida TRABUCCO. The
newly married  couple came over to Mariposa, immediately after the
wedding, went to their own cozy home which Frank has been getting ready
for some time past. Mr. and Mrs. PEREGOY have the thanks of the Gazette
for some delicious cake. May their lives be as bright and happy as
married lives ought to be.

PEREGOY/TURNER marriage Nov. 13,1880 Maripoza Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro)
A Young Couple.- Fred. PEREGOY, whose announcement of marriage, in this paper, to Miss Belle TURNER is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles PEREGOY, of this section, who rank among the oldest and most highly respected citizens of our county. Young Fred. was, we believe, born here in Mariposa, and is only about nineteen years old at the time. He is remarked for his industry and good morals, and for some years past has been performing the service of driving a six-horse team equal to a man of age and experience. Miss Belle TURNER is, we believe, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. TURNER, of Hornitos. Mr. TURNER keeps the livery stable, and is Constable of that place. Miss Belle, we understand, is under eighteen years of age, was born in Hornitos, or in that section, and is possessed of many captivating qualities. Many friends among her peers and school associates, whom she has left out in the cold, by taking unto herself a husband early in life, the happy couple were followed to the alter where the nuptial ceremonies where had, and were seen to depart from the sphere of single blessedness to that bourne which cannot be recovered, except by death, or a respectable attorney fee. 
At Hornitos, August 19th, 1883, by S. W. CARR, J.P., Adelbert C. PETTIS to Miss Celia COLLINS. September 1, 1883 Mariposa Gazette 

Petty,  Mary to William Hubbard  7/18/1853  book  B  page  5
transcribed by Steve Miller

State of California
Mariposa County
I certify that I have solemnized the rights of matrimony between William
Hubbard and Mary Petty on the 18th day of July 1853 at the house of Captain
Petty,  on Burn's Creek, Township No 2, Mariposa County.
Given under my hand this the 18th July 1853,
James Gaines  Justice of the Peace

Filed Saturday, July 23  AD 1853 at 10 1/4 o'clock AM
Recorded at request of Wm Hubbard
Edw'd C. Bell  RMC
by Chas Gray  Dep RMC


Petty,  Albert to Julia Scott  3/18/1869
transcribed by Steve Miller

I, Angevine Reynolds  County Clerk of Mariposa County, State of California
do hereby certify that application has been made to me by Albert Petty,
resident of Mariposa County and of the age of 24 years and Julia Scott
resident of Mariposa County and of the age 16 years for licence to marry
and that I am fully satisfied that there is no legal objection.

Wherefor I, Angivine Reynolds County Clerk by virtue of  xxxx and
authority  xxxx  rest of segment no legible)

I hereby certify that I have this 18th day of March  AD 1869 united, Albert
Petty to Julia Scott in accordance with the licence hereto annexed.

J.  Smith, Justice Peace
Township No 2

Filed the 22nd day of March  AD 1869
Edwin  Mxxxxxx
Recorder MC


Marriage Certificate  June 30, 1862  Book B  pg 63 (transcribed by Steve Miller)
Joseph S. Phillips to Mary Bacon

Cathey Valley,  June 30th 1862

This certifies that I Wm Robinson, a preacher of the gospel, residing in the County of Mariposa, State of California, united in marriage Joseph S. Phillips, age 24 yrs to Mary (?). Bacon, age 16 yrs residing in Princeton on the 30th day of June  A.D.  1862.

In accordance with the laws of the State of California.
(s)  Wm Robinson  P.G.

Filed Saturday July 5th 1862,  recorded at the request of Joseph S.
Phillips, Esq.
R. S. Miller, recorder
by Wm S. Miller,  dep. recorder

Mariposa Chronicle, Feb 2, 1855

Sacramento, January 2, 1855, William PHILLIPS of Mariposa  to Amelia HARRIS of Sacramento.
submitted by Warren Carah

PHILLIPS/WHALLEY transcribed by Steve Miller

Marriage Lic  Mariposa Co  CA
Co index # 7/59

Lloyd W. Phillips  a native of California,   age 33 yrs, resident of
Jerseydale to Audrey E Whalley a native of Arizona,   age 33 yrs, resident of Los Angeles
man is white, woman is white

11th May 1927
W. E. Gallison
County Clerk

Witness:  Cassie Failing,  resident of Mariposa  and Mr. C. Failing,
resident of Mariposa

11th of May 1927
W. A. Scott  Justice of Peace
Recorded at request of W. A. Scott, Justice of Peace
20th May 1927  45 min past 2p.m.

J. W. Pratt
County Recorder

THEODORE PHILLIPS to Miss SARAH F. WOOD, both of Fresno CountyApril 28, 1866 Mariposa Gazette In Fresno county, April 25th, 1866, at the residence of the brides farther, by Judge WINCHELL 

Married September 30, 1882 Mariposa Gazette In Stockton, Sept. 19th, 1882, by Justice of the Peace MINTA, James PIPER of Coulterville, to Miss Mary S. RUSSEL of Stanislaus. 
In Hornitos, Mariposa county, May 10th, 1883, by S.W. CARR, J.P., Albert PITZER to Elizabeth LESSMAN, both natives of Mariposa county.May 12, 1883 Mariposa Gazette 
Marriage July 13,1878 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro)
The Forth of July in Bear Valley. The forth of July was celebrated in the town of Bear Valley by a liberal display of flags, thundering of guns, bomb shells and fire-crackers. Quite a number of persons made their appearance early in the day, drawn there no doubt by the magnetic influence of the approaching wedding. The happy couple was Mr. PITZER and Miss PEARD. The bridegroom was gotten up in good style, and by the expression on his happy countenance, fully appreciated the happiness in store for him. As for the bride, she was, as all brides should be, ornamental and useful, as well as pleasant to look at. Being confirmed bachelors, and not posted in dressmaking, we are unable to describe her toilet; but the opinion of those present was that it was elegant, and fit splendidly. The bridesmaids were dressed very prettily and becomingly. The wedding was well attended, as was the ball in the evening. About twenty-five couples were present; of our acquaintances we noticed Miss Annie HALL, Miss Annie GOURGUET, Miss Emily NEWMAN, Miss Lucy GUEST, and a number of others, whose names we did not learn. Washington mine was well represented; Mr. GUEST and lady, Mr. COLLINS and lady, the Misses PITZER and their attendants. A pleasanter party it has never been our fortune to attend. The hospitality of the people of Bear Valley is well known, and on the present occasion was especially extended to visitors. 
Antonio PODESTA of Merced, to Teresa CASSACETO of Coulterville.July 8, 1876 Mariposa Gazette . In Coulterville, July 4th, 1876, by J.B. REED, Esq., J.P., 
December 16, 1882 Mariposa Gazette in Cathey's Valley, Mariposa County, December --, 1882, Thomas POOL of Hornitos to Miss Eva WILLS of Cathey's Valley. 
Mr. J.L. PORTER,to Miss ALVIRA LARD.January 20. 1866 Mariposa Gazette At La Grange, Stanislaus County, January 7th, 1866, by J.S. WILLIAMS, Justice of the Peace, 
At Lewis' Ranch, Mariposa county, August 25th, 1877, by Rev. - CUNNINGHAM, John M. PRATT to Miss Louisa A. LEWIS. Mariposa Gazette, September 1, 1877 (submiteed by W Disbro) 
A Pleasant Wedding.

   Last Wednesday, April 27, according to announcement, the marriage of
Mr. John H. PRAIRIE and Miss Emma PITZER, was celebrated at the pleasant
home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Z. J. PITZER, near Hornitos. A large
number of friends had been invited, and nearly all responded by being
present; Miss Emma, is the fifth bride from the PITZER family, but none,
even in this circle of lovely women, surpassed her in tender loveliness.
Her dress the work of that accomplished modiste, Miss Maggie FORAN, was
of soft white clinging material, trimmed with orange blossoms at the
throat. The groom is one of the most energetic young men of Hornitos,
and is highly esteemed by all. The ceremony was performed by S. W. CARR,
J.P., after which all were invited to partake of an elegant dinner.
Those who were present were:
      Mrs. Ed. COLLINS, Jr., Mrs. Frank OLCESE, Mrs. Robert ARTHUR, Mrs.
GOMMO; Misses Rosa CAVAGNARO, San Francisco, Minnie CAVAGNARO, Jennie
Della CRAIGHAN, Mary  REEB, Mamie KEARNEY, Annie PETERSON, Lizzie
ARTHUR, Minnie CARR, Olive CARR, Johanna PETERSON, Mamie GRAVES, San
Francisco, and Bessie HIGMAN of Mariposa. Messrs. John COLLINS, Will
PETERSON, Chas. HIGMAN, of Mariposa, Walter COLLINS, Bertie GOMMO, Sam
       The bride received many beautiful presents from her friends, of
which the following is a partial list:
       One pair of large feather pillows and 1 fine sewing machine, from
her mother; 1 pair vases, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. COLLINS Jr.; 1 elegant fruit
dish, Mr. and Mrs. COLLINS, Sr. and family; 1 silver castor, Mr. and
Mrs. A. G. BLACK; 1 fine damask table cloth with 1/2 doz. napkins to
match, Mr. and Mrs. Frank OLCESE; 1 large lamp, Miss Jennie GAGLIARDO; 1
fruit dish with 1/2 doz. small fruit plates to match, Mrs. and Mrs.
GAGLIARDO; 1 pair lovely worked pillow shams, 1 fan and a handsome  set
of diamond breast pin and earrings, Mrs. CAVAGNARO and family; 1
preserve dish with two small glasses, Mrs. REEB and family; 1 handsome
table cloth and 1/2 doz. silver teaspoons, Mrs. KOCHER  and family; 1
elegant berry dish and saucers to match, 1 castor, Mrs. BASSETT and Miss
M. KEARNEY; 1 silver butter knife, Miss Nettie CRAIGHAN; 1 glass berry
dish, Mr. and Mrs. John MORRISON; 1 water pitcher, Miss Della CRAIGHAN;
1 silver card receiver, Mrs. Robert ARTHUR and family; 2 handsome cups
and saucers, Mrs. C. PETERSON and family; 1 glass card receiver  Miss
Minnie CARR; 1/2 DOZ. large goblets, 1/2 doz. small goblets, 1 plush
photograph album, Mrs. GOMMO; 1 handkerchief case, Miss Annie PETTERSON.
The young couple left for Merced after dinner, where they will spend a
few days, prior to settling down into quiet married life at their home,
near Hornitos.
Hornitos, Cal., April 29th, 1891.

At Chapmans Pea Ridge, Mariposa County, September 16th, 1883, by Rev. Joel HEDGEPETH, Jefferson PRESTON to Miss Nancy J. CHAPMAN. September 22, 1883 Mariposa Gazette\

PRICE - WILLS marriage November 22, 1890

A Joyous Occasion.

     Last Thursday according to announcement, the marriage of Mr. James
PRICE, and Miss Fronia WILLS, was celebrated, at the hospitable home
of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Benj. WILLS. A large number of
relatives and friends had been invited, and nearly all responded by
being present, for anyone who has once been invited to this pleasant
home, is always anxious to go again. Miss Fronia is the sixth bride from
the WILLS family, but none, even in this circle of beautiful women, have
surpassed her in tender loveliness, nor in elegance of appearance. Her
dress, the work of a Stockton modiste, was of soft clinging material
with handsome oriental embroidery, which suited well the delicate
coloring of the bride. The groom is one of the most energetic and
progressive young men of Plainsburg, and is very highly esteemed where
ever he is known. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. A. BOOHER, after
which an elegant lunch was served. There was fully one hundred guests
present, many of them from a distance. From San Francisco were, Mrs. A.
M. CATHEY and Mrs. Mary YOUNG; Stockton Mr. and Mrs. Thos. POOLE and
children; Merced, Dr. and Mrs. CASTLE, Miss Nettie PRICE, and Allie
WILLS; Plainsburg, Mrs. E. KUHL, Messrs. Tom and Jeff PRICE; Mariposa ,
Rev. W. A. BOOHER and wife, Mrs. F. A. REYNOLDS, and Misses Daisy
FARNSWORTH and ELLA ROWLAND. The bride received many beautiful presents
from her friends, of which the following is a partial list: Silver
mustard pot and spoon, Mrs. A. M. CATHEY; Silver cake stand, Mrs. Mary
YOUNG; Silver tea pot, Mrs. Janie GIVENS; Silver cake basket, Mr. and
Mrs. N. L. GIVENS; Silver teapot, Dr. and Mrs. CASTLE; Napkin rings,
knives and forks, Mrs. Thos. PRICE, mother of groom; Berry spoons, Mr.
Mrs. Jeff PRICE; Cream ladle and sugar shell, Mr. and Mrs. McSWAIN;
butter knife, Miss Nettie PRICE; Sugar Shell, Miss Alice PRICE; Butter
knife and sugar shell, Miss Daisy FARNSWORTH; 1/2 doz. tea spoons, L. H.
ROWLAND; Cake knife, Emma WILLS; Butter knife, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. PATE;
Carving set, Mr. and Mrs. E. KAHL; Toilet set, Allie WILLS; Hand painted
scent sachet, Miss Ella ROWLAND; Morrocco album, Mrs. E. G. LAIRD and
family; Hand painted satin apron, Mrs. R. C. MAY; Handsome plush album,
Tom PRICE; Celery stand, Millard and Roy TERRELL; Glass cake dish, Mr.
and Mrs. TERRELL; Fine quartz specimen, J. N. CATHEY; Tidy, Mrs. J. B.
WILKINSON; Lace collar, Mrs. S. THOMPSON; Lamp, Mrs. REXFORD;
Handkerchief, Fred THOMPSON; Parlor lamp, Mrs. F. A. REYNOLDS. The young
couple will spend a few days in San Francisco, prior to settling down
into sober married life, at their home near Plainsburg.

Jacob Probasco to Anna Orm
July 24, 1872-Mariposa County  from Overland Monthly database

Tuesday, 30 July 1872
Stockton Daily Independent
at PROBASCO's ranch, Mariposa county, July 24th,  Jacob PROBASCO and Miss Anna ORM
transcribed by Dee S.

- At Fourth Crossing, Calaveras county, March 30th, 1882, by Rev. E. E. DODGE, M. W. QUICK, JR., of Pea Ridge, Mariposa county, to Kate E. HILL, of Forth Crossing, Calaveras county, Cal.April 8, 1882 Mariposa Gazette



At a beautiful garden ceremony performed Thursday morning at 10 o’clock at the home of the bride’s grandmother, Mrs. Jessie Stiner, and aunt, Miss Ina Stiner, Arthayda Helen Stiner became the bride of Clyde E. Quick, the impressive ring service being read by Rev. Virgil A. Vinyard of Cedarville, California. Carrying out a tradition in the family of the bride, the wedding Thursday morning marked the fourth generation of the Stiner family to be married in the month of March.

The young couple exchanged their vows beneath a beautiful arbor covered with golden Emblem roses, banked with baskets of Calla Lilies. Greenery and a lattice entwined with sweet peas in their loveliness of coloring, iris and roses formed a veritable bower. Pansies bordered the lawn and a wealth of beautiful blossoms formed a background for the ceremony, charming beyond description. Rustic garden furniture in gay colors, the songs of birds from the branches of nearby trees, the perfume of orange blossoms in the air and the mellow sunlight falling through the leafy arbors, made the scene one long to be remembered.

The bride entered the garden on the arm of her father, Arthur Stiner. She was lovely in a flowing gown of white silk chiffon, the long skirt fashioned with ruffled panel inserts and the bodice with puffed sleeves. The softly pleated girdle was of palest pink and blue velvet. She carried a bouquet of gardenias, lilies-of-the-valley, delphinium and ferns. Her kerchief was of rose point lace, belonging to her great aunt. Her pearl necklace was the gift of the bridegroom.

The bridesmaid, Miss Marcella Stiner, sister of the bride, was charming in yellow organdie and carried brown and yellow pansies. They were met at the altar by the groom, the minister and Adrian Quick, who served his brother as best man. Other members of the bridal party, who were grouped about the improvised altar, were Mrs. Arthur Stiner, mother and Miss Ina Stiner, aunt of the bride; Mrs. Carl Pisor and Norman Jackson.

The bridge’s mother wore flowered silk crepe with a corsage of roses and delphinium. Mrs. Guy Quick, mother of the groom, was costumed in rose beige crepe with white accents and wore a wide brimmed hat, flower trimmed. Miss Stiner wore silk flowered chiffon of blue and rose, with a corsage of roses and delphinium. Mrs. Pisor was charming in a frock of tucked organdie with a corsage of red roses.

Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Ruth Winton, friend of the bride, played a beautiful concert of pre-nuptial music, the piano being placed on the porch, the railing of which was festooned with bridal wreath and greenery. The selections included "Sweet Mystery of Life", "Ich Liebe Dich," "Pale Moon," "Because," and "Love Dream." Just efore the bridal party entered the garden, Carl Pisor sang "Into the Dawn With You," accompanied by Mrs. Winton.

Following the ceremony a buffet breakfast was served. Mrs. Carl Pisor and Mrs. Orville Jeffers presided at the refreshment table. Assisting Miss Stiner as hostess was her sister, Mrs. Arthur Stiner, mother of the bride. The bride’s cake, baked by Mrs. W. G. Noakes, was cut by Mrs. Quick in traditional custom.

The gifts were arranged by Miss Grace Stiner, cousin of the bride and included among the magnificent array of china, silver, linens, glassware and other articles, a crocheted bedspread, the work and gift of the bride’s grandmother, Mrs. Jessie Stiner, who fashioned the gift after she had attained the age of 90 years.

Other notable gifts included a lovely silver coffee and waffle service, gift of the grandmother and an aunt of the groom; a Fostoria set, chests of silver and many beautiful pieces of table ware and embroidered linens, besides some valuable family heirlooms.

Besides the out-of-town guests, there were many from Porterville, who witnessed the beautiful ceremony, more than 150 being bidden.

The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Stiner of Cedarville, formerly made her home here. She is a graduate of the Porterville union High School and of the Fresno State College of the department of music. She is a member of the Delta Mu Phi sorority. Following her graduation from college, she returned to make her home here two years and during that time was organist at the First Methodist Church and was most popular in musical and social circles in this city. The announcement of her betrothal in the spring of 1932 was the signal for a large number of showers and delightful social affairs. For the past year she has been with her parents in Cedarville.

Mr. Quick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Quick of Ben Hur
and is also a graduate of Fresno State College. He was president of the junior class of that institution and was popular in campus activities. Mr. Quick is also affiliated with the Mu Alpha Delta fraternity, the Omicron Pi, an honorary society and the Alpha Phi Gamma, journalistic society.

He is now a teacher of history, social civics and journalism in the Chowchilla high school, where the new home will be established, following a motor honeymoon along the coast. Mrs. Quick’s going-away costume was a swagger suit of blue, with accessories of white.

Out of town guests at the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stiner and Miss Marcella Stiner, parents and sister of the bride, of Cedarville; Miss Grace Stiner, a cousin, of Cedarville; Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Quick and Adrian Quick, parents and brother of the groom, Ben Hur, California; Mrs. Florence Proctor, grandmother of the groom, Woodland; Mrs. Eva Korstad of Hayward; Rev. Virgil Vinyard and son, Eugene, of Cedarville; Miss Sybil Buzick, Glendale; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pisor, McFarland; Norman Jackson, Miss Alice Marks, Fresno; Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Starnes, Mariposa; Mrs. Ruth C. Winton,Fresno; Miss Olive Sharp, Mrs. Sharp, McFarland; Mrs. Kathryn Mearns, Mrs. O. R. Meinberg, Oceanside; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mayfield, Lois and Mary Ferne Mayfield of Hanford; Clark B. Howland, William Russell Robertson, Miss Evelyn Hotzclaus of Fresno; Mrs. M. L. Benner, Hanford, Mrs. Wilson and Miss Dorthea Wilson, Bakersfield; Mrs. M. E. Moore, Lindsay; Mrs. A. H. Durboraus, Miss Ethel Duboraus of Philadelphia, PA.
transcribed by Billie Reynolds

Stockton Daily Independent
Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA
Monday, 30 Oct 1871

MARRIED -- at Bear Valley, Oct. 17th, Carlo QUIERROLO to Mary REPETTO.
transcribed by Dee S.

Orin S. QUIMBY to Minerva KINSER, all of Mariposa County.December 1,1877 Mariposa Gazette At White and Hatch's, Mariposa County, November 25th, 1877, by Rev. John WOOD

New York Daily Times, January 3, 1852
Married at Mariposa, Nov 6, 1851, Mr. Dorsey Ramsden, late of Texas to Miss Uran Sophronia, eldest daughter of H.B. Cannon, Esq., late of Iowa.

Hiram RAPELIE to Miss Zella A. HENRY.November 11, 1876 Mariposa Gazette Mariposa November 8th, 1876, at the residence of J. H. MILLER, by the Rev. J.M. ALSANSON 
transcribed by Steve Miller
 I went to the index book to check

on the spelling of Gaeten Rasfetta it is not indexed nor was it listed in
the females list for Louisa Trabucco

Carsons Creek,   Mariposa County  Book  B   page 43

Carsons Creek, Mariposa County, 21st day of January 1860
I undersigned do hereby certify that on the 21st day of January 1860 I
united in marriage of Gaeten Rasfetta born in Italy age 26 years and Louisa
Trabucco Born in Italy aged 17 years, (both white) residing in Carson Creek.

                                L. A. Auger
                                Catholic Priest
                                residing in Sonora

Filed  Saturday February 19, 1860 at 2 oclock PM.  Recorded at the request
of J. C. Hopper, Esq

                                R. S. Miller
                                R. M. C

Albert RAYMOND, to Miss Martha HANSON.(Mariposa Gazette November 27, 1875) November 27, 1875 MARRIED. Near Hornitos, Nov. 16th, 1875, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Wm. ADAMS, Esq.

Mariposa Free Press,  Nov 18, 1870

At the M.E. Church Pea Ridge, Mariposa County.
November 18th by Rev. J. P. Dean,  Bishop Redmond
to Bedora Morris.

Mariposa Co  Vol B  page  247

Marriage License

State of California
County of Mariposa

These presents are to authorize and
license any Judge, Justice of the Peace,
Clergyman or Preacher of the Gospel within
the County of Mariposa to join in marriage
William Bishop Redman,  age 21 years
and  Madoral Morris, age 16 years and to
certify same according to law.

Marriage Certificate

State of California
County of Mariposa

I do hereby certify that William Bishop
Redman and Madoray Morris, age 16 were
joined in marriage by me the  xxxxxxxxx
on this 13th day of November A.D. 1870
according to the laws of the church whereof I
am a minister.

J. P. Duncan

Filed for Record December 6th A.D. 1870 at
the request of  Jacob Lewis
submitted by Steve Miller

Stockton Daily Independent, July 12, 1864
MARRIED – in Coulterville, June 13th, by Rev. Father AUGER; Mr. Daniel REEN to Miss Annie N. MORA, all of that place.


Thomas REYNOLDS to Miss Martha J. SCOTT,Mariposa Gazette, Nov 4, 1876 Married November 2d, 1876, at Albert PETTY'S Ranch near Quartzburg, Mariposa County, by S.W.. CARR, Justice of the Piece, 

At the residence of the brides parents, March 31st, 1875, by Father McNAMARA, John REYMEN, to Miss Mary MURRAY, both of Mariposa County. APRIL 17, 1875 Mariposa Gazette 

February 13, 1892 Mariposa Gazette

   On Wednesday evening, at the parsonage of the M. E. Church South.
Rev. T. H. B. ANDERSON united in marriage A. B. REYNOLDS and Miss Stella
HAMNER, both of  Fowler. The happy pair were attended by Will HENRY and
Miss Mabel ROBINSON as groomsman and bridesmaid. Mr. REYNOLDS is the
step son of the proprietor of the Mariposa Gazette, where he worked for
many years, but recently removed to Fowler, near which place he has some
first class land. The bride is one of Fowler's most estimable young
ladies. and the Expositor, extends its sincerest wishes for their mutual
bliss. They left last evening for Fowler, where they will make their
home.- Fresno Expositor.
    The above notice published in the several Fresno papers, informs us
as well as the rest of the reading public, that Cupid is still busy in
this world. The happy pair did not send either word or cake, so we are
fain to believe they have wisely started their married career on a
sensible diet of beans, bacon and climate. Well, we give them our best
wishes for their venture.

January 24, 1884 Mariposa Gazette,In Stockton, January 17th, 1884, by ____ TREADWELL, J.P., Arthur L. REYNOLDS of Mariposa to Miss Ida Ellen PETTIT of Plymouth, Amador County. 
In Bear Valley, at the Oso Hotel, on Sunday Oct. 15, 1865,by Hon. Judge JONES, Mr. R. M. RHOADES to SARAH F. DOTY,both of this county. OCTOBER 21, 1865 Mariposa Gazette 
L.A. RIEUX, age 31, to Caroine CARUETTE , age 22, March 12, 1864- Marriage Index, Vol B, Page 107- C Feroben

ROBINSON/TAMBERLIN-May 14, 1864- Stockton Daily Indpendent

MARRIED – at Big Oak Flat, April 19th, Richard H. ROBINSON to Elizabeth TAMBERLIN.
transcribed by Dee S

RODUNER/ARTHUR marriage Nov 15,1879 Mariposa Gazette (submited by W. Disbro)
From Hornitos. Hornitos , November 6, 1879. Editor Gazette: The marriage of Miss ARTHUR, the beautiful and amiable daughter of our well known citizen Bob ARTHUR, the blacksmith, to Mr. J. RODUNER, of Merced county, caused a great flutter of excitement in our quiet camp today. The bride being a very popular young lady, the whole neighborhood turned out to give her a first-class "send off." The display of costly presents showed the high estimation in which the young lady was held by her friends. Mr. RODUNER, the happy bridegroom is a fine looking young man with a most enviable reputation, beloved by all who know him, and with integrity and energy enough to ensure him bright success in the future. The brides parents must feel great satisfaction, even amid the sorrow of parting with so lovely a daughter, that she has passed into such worthy hands. The bridescake, a present from a old friend, was a most artistic structure, which rivaled all former bridescakes that have appeared in this section, and was only a little less in size than the Capitol at Washington! Bob ARTHUR did his best to console the guest for the loss of their favorite by a unlimited supply of the finest champagne. This did prove to be some consolation for some men who had not tasted liquor for years were known to indulge to the extent of several glasses. After a great deal of kissing (in which we had a share) and handshaking, the happy twain left in a buggy, amid a shower of the most superannuated ( and therefore lucky) boots and shoes for their new home, with the best wishes of this whole community for their future success and happiness. November 15, 1879 Mariposa Gazette RODUNER- ARTHUR- At Hornitos, Mariposa County, November 7th, 1879, at the residence of the brides parents, by S.W. CARR, Justice of the Peace, John A. RODUNER to Miss Harriet ARTHUR. 
 ROSHALT/GOLDMAN- Mariposa Gazette, August 6, 1861

In San Francisco,  July 21st,  Mr. Davis Roshalt of Hornitos to a Miss A. Goldman
of  the former place. (submitted by Steve Miller)


Ruddle, Modest T.  to Samuel H. P. Ross  5/15/1854   book  B  page  9
transcribed by Steve Miller
State of California
Mariposa County
I certify that I have solemnized the rights of matrimony between Samuel H.
P. Ross and Modest T. Ruddles  on the 15th day of Mary 1854 at the said
Modest T Ruddles' house on the Mercede River, Township No 2, Mariposa County.
Given under my hand this the 15th day of May 1854
James Gaines  Justice of the Peace

Filed Saturday, May 27 1854 at 7 o'clock PM
Recorded at request of James Gaines
Edw'd C. Bell  RMC
by Chas Gray  Dep RMC

On the Mariposa Creek, November 1st, 1865, by Rev. J.C. PENDERGAST, J. J. C. RUSSELL, to Miss SOPHIA ELLIS, both of Merced county.November 4, 1865 Mariposa Gazette 
C.B. RYER to Miss Annie FUGITT. (November 6, 1875 Mariposa Gazette )At Patton's Hotel, Oakdale, October 24th, by Rev. R.B. SCOHFIELD

Mariposa Maid Weds at Merced- Fresno Bee Republican, Sunday August 13, 1933
Mariposa (Mariposa Co) Aug 12- Miss Dorothy Sculock, daughter of Mrs. James Scurlock of the Sebastopol district, and Earl Sailing of Raymond were united in marriage at Merced Monday.
The bride was attended by Miss Irvn (?) McNally as bridesmaid.
Among those present at the wedding were Mrs. James Scurlock, Silas Gann and M. Sailing.
The bride has been a student at the Mariposa High School for the past three years.
The bridegroom is a stockman and farmer of the Raymond district.
The young people are honey-mooning in the high Sierras (sic).  Upon their return, they will reside at Raymond.

At the residence of Mr. Angevine REYNOLDS, on Wednesday evening, December 14th, 1865, by Hon. Judge JONES, Mr. H. SAMUELS to Miss LISETTA ZIEGLER, both of this place. DECEMBER 16, 1865 Mariposa Gazette 
The Wedding.-April 28, 1883 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro )
On Thursday evening last, at eight o'clock, Rev. Mr. HEDGEPETH might have been seen wending his way to the residence of Mr. Harry LIND, which from its brilliantly lighted appearance denoted that something unusual was about to occur. The ' something' was the marriage of Mr. Fred SCHLAGETER and Miss Clara LIND, two of our favorite young people, who have been reared from infancy in our midst. Only relatives of the respective families were present. The attendants were Mr. Thomas LIND, brother of the bride, and Miss Julia SCHLAGETER, sister of the groom. After the ceremony and refreshments, the bridal party proceeded to the Odd Fellows ball, where kisses and congratulations superseded dancing for awhile, and the modest demeanor and grace of the bride, set off my her beautiful and becoming dress of corn silk and satin, made her the cynosure of all present. The Gazette acknowledges the receipt of a bountiful supply of cake. May their life path be bordered not only with the flowers of happiness, but also with an abundance of the fruits thereof. 
October 6, 1877 Mariposa Gazette= At the residence of David E. SMITH, near Elk Horn, in this county, September 30th, 1877, by Wm. ADAMS, J.P., Mr. James SCHOFIELD ot Miss Minerva W. CAMPBEL. 
At Streeter's Ranch, Chowchilla, June 18th, 1879, by Hon. John M. CORCORAN, County Judge, Frank P. SCOTT to Julia Anne PRESTON.June 21, 1879 Mariposa Gazette 
Mr. JAS. W. SEALE, and Miss ADELIA A TERRY., daughter of Col. E.S. TERRY, all of this place.April 4, 1863 Mariposa Free Press. In Mariposa, March 31st, at the residence of the bride's father, By Rev. A.L.S. BATEMAN.
Joseph SEATON to Elizabeth HERN= December 2, 1883- Marriage Index- Vol 3 page 95- C Feroben

In Mariposa, Oct. 29th, 1877, at the residence of Angevine Reynolds, by the Rev. W.J. MAHON, Mr. Joseph SHELLY to Miss Carrie Julia ALLEN. November 3, 1877 Mariposa Gazette
note- Carrie age 17 from Michigan , Joseph age 28 from Ohio- Vol C page 111- Marriage Index- submitted by C Feroben

J B SHEPPARD of Mt Ophir to Miss Mary CONEAN of Mariposa, Dec 13, 1856
subbmitted by Warren Carah

Marriage Cert Transcribed By Steve Miller

Mariposa Co  Book B page 19  June 24, 1856

This is to certify that on the 24th day of June AD 1856
Before me J. S. Watts Justice of the Peace in and for the
aforesaid county  Wily M. Sherron and Rebecca Hart residents
of the said county were legally married,  each of them declaring
themselves free respectively from all lawfull infringements and
of full age.

(s)  John Watts, J.P.
R. S. Miller  Clerk

December 20, 1890 Mariposa Gazette
   Cards are out announcing the marriage of  Warren SHILLING, formerly
of Coulterville, and Miss Grace WOODWARD, of Oakland.
- In Mariposa, July 4th, 1883, by Superior Judge, Hon. J. M. CORCORAN, Oliver F. SHORT of Granite Sulphur Springs, Fresno County, to Lydia E. OXENDINE of Gertrude, Fresno County. July 7, 1883 Mariposa Gazette 
At Trinity Church, San Jose, Sunday, Dec. 17, 1865, by Rev. Mr. Chapin, Mr. A.F. SHRIVER to Miss ELLA S. GISH, both of this county.DECEMBER 23, 1865 Mariposa Gazette 
Yosemite Valley, Sept. 23, 1878 Editor Gazette:- Once again we call on you to allow us a small space in the columns of your paper to chronicle a most happy event which took place this evening in our famous Yo Semite, in the uniting of " two souls with but a single thought; two hearts that beat as one"- Adolph SINNING, of Yosemite, to Mrs. Mary Elizabeth KING, of San Francisco. Long before the hour that the happy event was to take place, the good  people of Yosemite gathered to witness the ceremony, and offer their  congratulations to the happy couple. The ceremony was performed by the  Rev. Wm. WARWICK, of London, England. Mr. Sinning being a old resident > of the valley and country, and the famous manufacturer of Yosemite  woods, it would be words of wasted to speak of him, so we will say a few > words of the bride. Mrs. KING has resided amongst us during the season of '78, and by her pleasing, womanly ways, her smiling countenance, has  lighted up the hours of the Yosemite people, and won the hearts of all; but one more firmly and tighter than the rest- that of our old friend Mr. SINNING. Goodbye, Brother Sinning; may you both glide over the ocean of life, with no cloud to dim the horizon! May the waves of perfect happiness roll in your pathway, and when the sands of life are nearly  run, you can look around your peaceful and happy home, with the young  cabinet-makers on your knee, and say," I have loved wisely and well!"  The bride was dressed very neatly and tastefully, in a dark  blue silk walking dress, a heavy gold pin at the throat being the only ornament; hair ala Pompador, and we must say she did look the perfect  picture of domestic felicity. Mrs. Geo. W. KENNEY and Mrs. Ben D. HAYS,  as bridesmaids and Mr. Ben D. HAYS and Gustave FAGERSTIEN, as groomsmen;  and from the easy and unrestrained way they acted their parts, put us in  mind of the old saying " You know how it was myself." After the ceremony came the usual supply of champagne, cake,  and all kinds of goodies, too numerous to mention, of which there was an  unlimited supply; after which followed a social dance, and until a early hour the next morning the popping of champagne corks could be heard, the young folks seemed to enjoy themselves hugely, and from the numerous couples promenading, and secret whisperings in the corner, we should not be surprised if Yosemite did not become famous for match-making as well as a tourist' resort. Among the many who where present, we noted Mrs. J. K. BERNARD, Mrs. A.G. BLACK, Mrs. G. F. LEIDIG, Mrs. GALEN CLARK, Mrs. G.W. KENNEY, Mrs. BEN D. HAYS, Miss Abbie CRIPPEN, Miss Belle KEEFE, Miss Nora CURLAN, Mrs. S.C. WALKER, Miss Lizzie O'NEAL, Mrs. A.J. MEANY; and among the gentlemen were Capt. UTTER, W.J. HOWARD, W. COFFMAN, G. F. LEIDIG, GALEN CLARK, G.W. KENNEY, Ben D. HAYS, C.H. BOYNTON, Fred. BEDFORD, L. G. WHORTON, G.W. CARTER and a host of others too numerous to mention. It was a day long to be remembered in the annuals of Yosemite history. Once again we wish them a long life and a merry one. Tamerlane. 
Marriage License transcription by Carolyn Feroben
I Angevine Reynolds, County Clerk of Mariposa County, State of California, do hereby certify that application has bee made to me by Edwin B. SKELTON resident of Mariposa county and of the age of 23 years, and Phebe Jane HODGSON resident of Mariposa County, and of the age of 19 years, for a License to Marry and that I am fully satisfied that there is no legal objective.
Wherefore, I Angevine Reynolds, County Clerk, by virtue of the power and authority on me conferred by law, do hereby authorize any Judge, Justice of the Peace, Clergyman, or Preacher of the Gospel, to celebrate a Marriage between the parties aforesaid.
In Witness Wereof, I hereunto set my hand, and affixed by Offical Seal, on this the day of January, A.D.. 1869
Angevine Reynolds, County Clerk
__(unsigned)_____   Deputy Clerk
I hereby Certify that I have this 10th day of January, A.D. 1867, united in Marriage Edwin B. SKELTON to Phebe Jane HODGSON in accordance with the License  hereto annexed.
Geo Edwin Dean?? (This is extremely hard to read)
Preacher of the Gospel
In Merced County, September 21st, 1865 by Rev. Mr. JAMISON, Mr. DAVID E. SMITH of this county, to Miss ELIZA CAMPBELL, of Merced. SEPTEMBER 30, 1865 Mariposa Gazette 
NOVEMBER 28, 1874 Mariposa Gazette. In Oakland, November 18th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. John C. SMITH, of Merced, to Miss Susie E. HAYES of Oakland. 
May 12, 1888 Mariposa Gazette  Hon. Wm. L SMITH, ex-assemblyman from Mariposa and Merced counties

and at present Postmaster of Selma, was this morning joined in wedlock
with Miss Fannie PAYNE, niece of the Re. W. T. SHELTON, who officiated
at the marriage ceremony. The happy couple, after partaking of a
sumptuous wedding breakfast, took the local train for a short visit to
Monterey, where they will spend the honeymoon. ( Fresno Expositor, May 3d.)

Modesto News-Herald, Saturday, August 14, 1926
A marraige license was issued yesterday to William Shirley SMITHER , 28, and Helen Eunice SEMPLE, 28, both of Mariposa- c feroben 

At Hornitos, Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1866, by S.A. CARR, J.P.,  JAMES L. SNEDIKER to MARY CROFFORD, all of this county FEBRUARY 3, 1866 Mariposa Gazette

Marriage Cert Transcript Coulterville -transcribed by Steve Miller

Mariposa County   Book  B  page 63
Coulterville, Mariposa County, State of California
Coulterville  June 24, 1862
This certifies that I George Counts Justice of the Peace in and for the
County of Mariposa united in marriage at the residence of Nelson Howeth,
Pino Blanco of Mariposa on the twenty fourth day of June one thousand eight
hundred and sixty two;
                        Jacob P. Stemles and Sarah E. Howeth

residence of Pino Blanco                        residence of Pino Blanco
age 27 years                                    age fifteen years
color white                                     color white
place of nativilty  New Jersey                  place of nativity Texas
single or widower   single                      single or widow  single

In accordance with the laws of the State of California.

                        George Counts
                        Justice of the Peace

Filed Wednesday June 25, 1862 Recorded at the request of Geo Counts, Esq.

                        R. S. Miller,  Recorder
                        by Wm S. Miller, Dep Rec.

Marriage Cert Transcript Nov/24/1866

Trans by Steve Miller 9/13/01
Mariposa County  Book B  page 185
Marriage Licence
I Angevine Reynolds, County Clerk of Mariposa County, State of California
do hereby certify that application has been made to me by Joseph A. Sterne,
resident of Mariposa County and of the age of 34 years and Elizabeth M.
Phillips, resident of Mriposa County and of the age of 18 years for a
Licence to Marry,  and that I am fully satisfied there is no legal objections.

Wherefore, I Angevine Reynolds, County Clerk by virtue of the power and
authorized on are conferred by law do hereby authorize any Judge, Justice
of the Peace, clergman or Preacher of the gospel to celebrate a marriage
between the parties aforsaid;
  in witness thereof I have herewith set my hand and affixed my official
seal on this the 9th day of November A.D. 1866

                        (s)  Angevine Reynolds, County Clerk

I hereby certify that I have this 24th day of November A.D. 1866 united in
Marriage Joseph A. Sterne to Elizabeth M. Phillips in accordance with
licence hereto annexed.

                        (s)  F. Galtner
                              Justice of the Peace
File this 26th day of November A.D. 1866
                        Edwin  xxxxxxx  recorder in charge

May 12, 1883 Mariposa Gazette In Coulterville, on Thursday, May 3d, 1883, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. M. GIVEN, J.P., Mr. Wm. B. STOLDER, of Marble Spring District, to Miss Julia TISCORNIA of Coulterville. The wedding took place in the nicely arranged parlors at 11 o'clock A.M., in presence of about forty person's, friends and relatives of the family. At the appointed time, the worthy Judge faced the bridal party, and very solemnly performed the ceremony by which the two were bound in the sacred bonds of matrimony. The bridegroom received his lifelong charge from the hands of the brides father, Mr. Victor TISCORNIA, who also officiated as one of the groomsmen, Mr. Frank OLCESE, cousin of the bride, being the other, assisted by Miss Jane OLCESE, also a cousin, and Miss Marinda TISCORNIA, a sister to the bride. After tying the nuptial knot, and the usual greetings and congratulations were exchanged, the company present were treated to cake and champagne and other delicacies, and about two o'clock, all or most of them adjourned to their respective homes, leaving a few friends and relatives to partake of a bridal supper. May Mr. and Mrs. STOLDER live to enjoy many returns of this, their wedding day, and may no cloud ever mar their happiness, is the wish of Friend. 
Mr. N.B. STONEROAD, of Snelling, to Mrs. LUCY J. PECK, of Horr's Ranch, Stanislaus County.March 16, 1867 Mariposa Gazette At the Galt House, in Snelling, March 7th, 1867, by Rev. D.A. JAMISON 
Mr. George STOREY and Miss Kate McCANN were married last Monday evening.

Mr. STOREY has resided in the county about three years, and during that
time has become well and favorably known. His bride is a native of our
town and is a person of a very modest retiring disposition. We join
their many friends in wishing them the enjoyment of a long and happy
union.STOREY- McCANN wedding May 31, 1890 Mariposa Gazette
Geo W. Story  5/26/1890 to McCann, Catherine J.  Vol 3   pg 200 (Steve Miller)

Monday, 11 Nov 1872
Stockton Daily Independent

MARRIED -- at Coulterville, Oct. 26th, Eli STUMP and Miss Francis STEVENSON.
transcribed by Dee S.

Hornitos- J M STRONG to Polly Ann POLL , May 12, 1857
submittedy by Warren Carah

Mr. Ebenezer SWEET to Miss Jane LEMMON February 10, 1877 Mariposa GazetteAt the residence of the brides parent's, near Eleven Mile Station, Mariposa county, February 7th, 1877, How happiley extremes do meet In Jane and Ebenezer, She is no longer Sour, but Sweet, And he a Lemon squeezer!

Mariposa Gazette , Jan 3, 1860

Big Oak Flat, Tuolumne County, James TANNAHILL to Mary Ann DEXTER.  December 26, 1859
submitted by Warren Carah

TERRY/BADER September 6, 1884 Mariposa Gazette

                 (submitted by: William Disbro)

                 At St. Andreas, Calaveras County, August 22d, 1884, by P.
                 H. KEAN, J.P., W. R. TERRY to Josephine BADER.

Mr. Guy THISTLE to Miss Marguerite E. BRANSON ,Mariposa Gazette, January 19, 1907
A beautiful country wedding took place at the home of Mr. Joe. BRANSON in the vicinity of Quartzburg, on Wednesday of the present week.The groom, Mr. Guy Thistle, is a native of Canada, and for the past several years has been employed at Princeton mine at Mt. Bullion.
The bride was miss Marguerite E. Branson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Branson, who are old residents of this part of the county and well known at Mariposa.
The nuptial bow was tied at high noon by Rev. C. W. LONG of Mariposa and immediately after the ceremony a sumptuous repast was spread and all present partook freely.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jos. BRANSON , John J.BRANSON, Miss Grace M. BRANSON, Eldridge G. BRANSON, all relatives of the bride.John J.BRANSON acted as best man and Miss Grace M. BRANSON as brides maid.The newly married couple will make their home in Mt. Bullion where the groom will resume his labors in the mine.A host of friends join in hearty congratulations and good wishes for a long and prosperous voyage on the matrimonial sea.submitted by Tom Hilk 
Thorn's Wedding THORNE- OCHOA September 28, 1882 Mariposa Gazette ( submited by W. Disbro)
Editor Gazette:- In response to a general invitation, published in the Gazette, to the wedding, about 300 appeared. About 3 o'clock carriage after carriage arrived with loads of joyous and pretty girls and boys with a number of old timers. About 4 o'clock, all was in readiness except Justice CARR, who brought up the rear, and to make amends for his tardy arrival, was prompt and short with the ceremony, and was equally prompt when the kissing commenced. Mt. Gaines is a lovely picturesque village, nestling among the foot hills, and the old building has a sniff of romance about it. The ceremony was performed on the veranda, and the guests assembled on the lawn in front. After congratulations and kissing supper was announced, and all hands marched to the boarding house and partook of an excellent supper prepared by Mrs. COLLINS. On a large platform adjoining the boarding house the dancing commenced in open air, and by moonlight and continued until the moon went down and the brilliant forked tail of the comet made it's experienced. Professor SMITH's brass band, Eli HUNT's and Billy DUNN's string band exhilarated the very air. Among the incidents was the Capsizing of one of the carriages returning home, and smashing the wagon, but happy to say no one was hurt, but the other girls coming up to the wreck got alarmed and concluded to walk. The bridal couch was fixed so that it would fall down and the usual sewing up of the sheets and blankets to the bed also; but owing to Mr. THORN's kind hospitality, he insisted on the girls occupying his best bed and the proprietors had to partially rip up the sewing and sleep at an angle of 45 degrees, so says rumor. The bride was dressed superbly, and Miss OCHOA and Miss NAVARINE the brides maids were also tastefully dressed. My descriptive talents on ladies wear is not good, and I am sorry I can't do them justice. Mr. MARCOM and Mr. NAVARINE, the groomsmen, were Stangay, and were particularly active about kissing time. To mention the names of the guest would be a long job, so I won't commence it. J.A.S.
Married November 11, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
THORN- OCHOA- At Mount Gaines, October 19th, 1882, by Justice CARR, Mr. Thomas J. THORN to Miss Kate OCHOA.

Mariposa Gazette, July 12, 1902

Mariposa, June 17th, 1879, by John M. CORCORAN, County Judge, Samuel M. THURMAN, of Merced, to Louisa ADAMS, of Hornitos.June 21, 1879 Mariposa Gazette

January 5, 1884 Mariposa Gazette,(submitted by W. Disbro)
At the residence of I. B. JONES, near Hornitos, December 31st, 1883, by Henry PEARD, J.P., Samuel TIPPETT to Lizzie SENIOS. 
June 29th, 1889 Mariposa Gazette

Married- The Gazette was informed by the receipt of a wedding notice and

a liberal supply of delicious cake, that Mr. Victor TISCORNIA and Miss
Maggie GREELEY, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, at Vallejo
on the 24th inst. Both of the happy contracting parities are residents
of Coulterville, this county, Miss Maggie being the charming and
accomplished daughter of our well and favorably known citizen W. S.
GREELEY, of Coulterville. While Vic. the lucky groom is a popular and
promising young man. The Gazette unites with their many warm friends in
wishing them much happiness and prosperity.


Stockton Daily Independent

Monday 7 Apr 1862

MARRIED -- March 25th, 1862, by Justice Charles Bruce; Mr. CHING TOE to Miss SI TOY, all of Mariposa County.
transcribed by dee s

- May 20, 1882 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro)
The wedding at Bear Valley last Sunday of Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis TRABUCCO, and Miss Mary V., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas PENDOLA, was a surprise to many- and as a youthful young gent of that place expressed it, " he had no idea of a match in that direction." The bride and groom are both young and children of neighbor merchants of the Oso village, where they- the children- came pretty near being born and raised. The groom is 17 days the eldest, and neither old enough to vote we understand. At any rate it is a very suitable marriage all around. 

 September 30, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
In San Francisco, Sept. 22, 1893, by Rev. Father MOORE, Joseph J. TRABUCCO, and Miss Edith RIDGWAY, both of Mariposa.
         The wedding of these popular young people, was not a matter of
    surprise to their friends, except that they rather stole a march on
    those waiting to give presents, go to the wedding, kiss the bride,
    etc., by being quietly married in the city. Both groom and bride are
    well known throughout this county, the latter having been born and
    raised in the butterfly town, and for years, has been in the front
    ranks of our most prominent local musicians. The groom is a native
    of Bear Valley, and is an estimable young man, and has acceptably
    filled the office of County Assessor for nearly four years. The
    young couple have many warm friends to wish them happiness.

Quartzburg, Jan. 17.Dr, J.T. TURNER to Miss Annie MULLERY, both of this place. June 30, 1877 Mariposa Gazette , June 27th, 1877 by Rev. Farther McNamara

Mariposa Gazette, March 27, 1857
Marion F TURNER to Mrs Elizabeth Jane PARKER , Mariposa Creek, March 5, 1857
submittedy by Warren Carah

UBALDI/LAVARONE marriage Dec 25, 1880 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. Disbro)
Yo Semite Wedding Reception.
Editor Gazette:- The world was radiant with wintry welcome to the newly-wedded pair as they winded their upward way into the Wonder Valley, along the merry Merced. A garment of virgin snow o'erspread the granite hights and slopes, and the Valley-floor. Arrived at Liedig's the bridegroom, Bernardo UBALDI, faithful to the time honored custom of his native land, issued a general invitation to the little social circle of the "Great Gap" to assemble at evening and afford him an opportunity of introducing to them not a transient tourist, but a new "citizen of Yo Semite" his bride! Cordial was the response. By lucky chance the place selected for the impromptu entertainment was at the lowest residence in the Valley, and the master of the uppermost household was possessed of horse' and an ample sleight. A special bridal train was speedily prepared, and stopping at every home station, and singing as they went , to the place of rendezvous. After hearty greetings to the heroine of the hour, charming music added harmony to the occasion. The children sung their simple songs, and two German gentlemen touched the light guitar with artistic fingers, as an accompaniment to their jubilant songs of " faderland." Moonlight and melody filled the air. The merry peals of the chapel bell floated through the atmosphere, and returned in silvery echoes from the opposing walls of the King of Canons. Toasts, prompted by the heart, but finding fitting expression through the generous inspiration of sparkling wine, overwhelmed the bridal pair with congratulations and unstinted wishes for hymenial happiness. Not until a late hour was goodnight bidden, and pleasant dreams invoked. As a " send off" upon the sea of matrimonial life, the reception in Yo Semite of Bernado UBALDI and Celia LAVARONE was a success. "Benny's" numerous friends our readers will I am sure, unite in the sentiment of this little community that his marriage state may be so full of satisfaction that amid the sublimities of Yo Semite, neither he nor his youthful bride may ever long for Italy, the land of sunshine and song. C. of Y. 
The UTTER-COFFMAN Nuptials Jan 4,1879 Mariposa Gazette
Owing to the fact that the marriage of Capt. E. S. UTTER and Miss Lizzie M. COFFMAN was celebrated at a late hour on friday, we were unable to make more than a mere notice of the affair in our last issue. As the weddings was by far the most elegant and grand ceremony of the kind which has ever taken place in Mariposa county, and as the bride and groom are held in such high esteem in this county, we feel it to be our pleasant duty, and one which the numerous friends of the newly wedded pair will appreciate, to give a more extended notice. Capt. E.S. UTTER, the groom has long and favorably known to all frequenters or visitors of Yo Semite Valley, for a number of years. He is a genial, refined and polished gentleman, and it is needless to add that on this occasion he showed to the very best advantage. Miss Lizzie M. COFFMAN, the bride, was raised from mere infancy in this county, and her hold on the affections of Mariposans has yearly increased and strengthened by her amiableness, sweetness of disposition and kindness of heart, until we had began to think that she belonged to all of us. To her loving disposition are added a handsome face and figure, she at all times being the pattern of neatness and comeliness. On this occasion she looked more lovely than ever. Over two hundred invitations to the wedding were delivered to heads of families, making the number of invited guest not less than  hundred. Promptly at the hour, 2 o'clock p.m., on Friday, December 27th, the day celebrated throughout the Christian world to St. John the Evangelist, over three hundred of the invited guests arrived at the Odd Fellows' and Masonic hall, and where ushered to seats on both sides and west end of the spacious room. Shortly after the arrival of guest, we, in common with others, were agreeably surprised to hear sweet music from the Hornitos Brass Band, which had unexpectedly arrived and where stationed at the entrance to the hall. The band discoursed sweet music until the arrival of the bridal party. One marked feature of the occasion, and one we deem very creditable to those concerned, was the promptness with which every part was carried out. The guests had but a few minutes to wait, when Mrs. McCLENNATHAN, of Merced, who was seated at the organ, struck up the Wedding March. It was plain to all that no common hand fingered the keys, as the notes which came from the instrument were evidence at once conclusive, that an artist invoked the sound. As the first note from the organ floated across the large hall, the door of the anti room opened and in walked the bridal party. First came Joseph H. MILLER and Miss Josephine MILLER; next J. W. COFFMAN and Miss Eugenie ZIGNEGO; then W. B. COFFMAN and Miss Lucy JONES. These constituted the groom's-men and brides'-maids; next came the groom and the bride. As each couple reached the center of the room they separated and moved to the right and left, leaving room for the groom and bride in the center, all facing the west end of the hall. The instant the party was in position the music stopped, and the Rev. R. A. SAWRIE, resident pastor of the Methodist Church, faced the bride and groom, and in an impressive manner recited the beautiful marriage ceremony of the Methodist Church. After pronouncing them man and wife, he invoked a  blessing upon the newly married couple. At this juncture the Brass Band struck up a soul-stirring march and congratulations became the order. The corps of assistants headed by Messrs. George STEWART, Milton AGAIN and Joseph LIND, proceeded to open the champagne and to cut the cakes. At the east end of the hall was a table containing five dozen quart bottles of champagne, five dozen glass globlets, and eleven large beautifully frosted cakes; in the center was a very large one with the name of the groom, E. S. UTTER, raised in the frosting; flanking the grooms' cake on each side were brides cakes- the one to the right having the figure of clasped hands and the one on the left, the figure of a bride on top, with the name of the bride, Lizzie M. COFFMAN on each; immediately back of the grooms' cake was a special one bearing the cabalistic legend, "Mariposa Gazette," the receipt of which we, right here, gratefully acknowledge. The remaining seven cakes were marvels of elegance. The bride ws dressed in ashes-of-roses silk, made princess en train trimmed with rich fringes of the same shade and orange flowers; a handsome veil and wreath of orange flowers completed the already elegant costume. We should state that the only jewelry worn by the bride was a set of plain ear-drops. Miss Lucy Jones, first brides'-maid, wore white, made princess en train, trimmed with blue silk and white lace. Miss Eugenie ZIGNEGO, second brides'-maid, wore white Swiss, princess with trimmings of blue. Miss Josephine MILLER, third brides'-maid, wore Swiss, princess en train with trimmings of blue. The groom and his aids were dressed in a manner befitting the occasion. The reception lasted two hours, during which time the band rendered various pieces, adding greatly to the pleasure of the company. The arrival of the band was a real surprise to all, but a very agreeable one. It is composed of the following named gentlemen: Mr. T. SMITH, leader; Messrs. Wm. ADAMS, Fred BARCROFT, J. BAUER, Wm. BUCHEUAU, My. MILLS, and Masters E. ADAMS and Henry LESSMAN. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and valuable presents. We will give a list of articles and names of the donors, as far as we have been able to discover the same: One of Taber's best and highly finished parlor organs- Mr. and Mrs. COFFMAN. One gold and silver cake knife, with case- Mr. and Mrs. L. F. JONES. One silver card receiver- Miss Lucy JONES. One half dozen silver spoons and forks- Mr. and Mrs. George BERNHARD of Fresno. One large book of organ music- Mr. and Mrs. McCLENATHAN, of Merced. One cochin shell mat- Mrs. CORCORAN. One large cake- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. STEWART. The whole affair and its surroundings was one of the most pleasant and agreeable events which it has ever been our pleasure to witness, and will long be remembered by the hundreds who were present. We trust that the future life of Mr. and Mrs. UTTER will be filled be as full of pleasure and unalloyed happiness as that of the most favored of mankind. At the conclusion of the ceremonies at the hall, the party proceeded to Schlageter's Hotel and partook of a splendid supper, given by the Masons which was enjoyed by all who had an appetite for such a feast. After supper the wedding party led the way to Stewarts Hall, where dancing was inaugurated and kept up till early morn. Thus ended one of the happiest and most eventful days which ever occurred in the village of Mariposa, and will not be forgotten 'een many a day. Utter/COFFMAN wedding Jan 4,1879 Mariposa Gazette (Submitted by W. Disbro)
Marriage Oct. 1, 1887 Mariposa Gazette


      Dick UTTER, of this city, was married to Miss Mollie SEED, of
Lawrenceville, at Vincennes, last week. The happy couple will locate in
Kansas.- Mt. Carmel (Ill.) Register.
      The above named groom is a brother to the wife of this paper.
After a long an anxious waiting to see him, stimulated from time to time
with faithful promises that he would soon appear and favor us with a
visit, we hope now that matters of perhaps greater importance to him are
settled, he will come and bring with him his amiable companion which
will no doubt make his visit one of contentment and greater


Wm VALENTINE         11/2/1862       B-69  To Mrs. Susan MARSHALL     B-69  of the Mariposa County Marriage Index
transcribed by Steve Miller

Thos. VAN DUSEN, of Merced county, to Annie WASHBURN, of Mariposa. Mariposa Gazette October 7, 1876 In Stockton, October 2nd, 
W.H. VAN VALER, to Miss MARGERET ISADORE RIGDWAY, 17, Mariposa Gazette June 17, 1876 In Visalia, June 11, 1876, by the Rev. H. HILL, 
Wedding results.- Mr. Adam VOLK, of this burg, who so quietly slipped off to San Francisco last week and got married, returned with his prize on Friday's stage, of the same week. The same evening and night, the new made couple were intertwined by a serenade of friends, who voluntarily called at their residence, and greeted them with a kindly welcome, which was duly reciprocated by a levy upon the larder and glass-ware, for a repast sufficient for the occasion. An hour or two was most agreeably sent, when the serenaders started on a general canvass of the town, and discoursed sweet music at the doors of the slumbering inhabitants. ] February 25, 1882 Mariposa Gazette 
G. L. WADLEY and MOLLIE CRAWFORD, of La Porte.April 11, 1863 Mariposa Free Press In Marysville, April 5th, 
In the M.E. Church South, Mariposa, November 14th, 1877, by the Rev. John WOOD, Mr. Selah Clarence WALKER of Yo Semite Valley to Mrs Lillian WEST of Garrote, Tuolmne County. November 17, 1877 Mariposa Gazette

Near Mariposa, Dec 25,  James Waller to Abbie F. Clark
Sacramento Daily Union, Friday, Jan 3, 1873
(Abbie is the daughter of David Clark- per researcher Roena Wilson)

Married August 31, 1923 Mariposa Gazette
WALLMAN-ASHWORTH- In Merced, Monday, August 27, 1923, Harold G.
WALLMAN, 21, and Grace E. ASHWORTH, 19, both of Ben Hur.
(Grace was a daughter of J.B. Ashworth and Alice Hodgson)

Mariposa Gazette, May 22, 1857
Merced-Issac N WARD to Laura N BURKHEAD, May 10 , 1857
submitted by Warren Carah

DECEMBER 30, 1865Mariposa Gazette. At the residence of the brides father, In San Joaquin county, by Rev. Mr. BURCHARD, Hon. L.H. WARD, of Merced county, to Miss ELIZABETH M. SCOTT. 
DECEMBER 23, 1865 Mariposa Gazette At Mariposa, on Monday, Dec. 18, by Rev. Mr. FOREMAN, A.H. WASHBURN, Esq., of Putnet Vermont, to Miss JEAN L. BRUCE, of New York 
CLEON B. WATTS to FRANCES A. SMART, both of Mariposa county.March 16, 1867 Mariposa Gazette At the residence of Lindsey J WEST on March 8, 1867 by Francis GILTNER , ESQ. 
 December 3, 1887 Mariposa Gazette
A Charming Wedding.

    The euphonical cadence of the marriage bell; the panegyric
epithalamium, and their conjunctive services and ceremonies were never
greeted and appraised more enthusiastically and cordially than at the
recent nuptials of Mr. Frank WEBER, our well known butcher, and Miss
Mary Josephine PETERSON, the charming and eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Christian PETERSON of Hornitos. The wedding ceremonies were
celebrated at the residence of the brides parents, upon the day
preceding Thanksgiving. The wedding was private, Judge Samuel CARR
officiating, none but members of the brides family and intimate
acquaintances being in attendance. The bride was dressed in an elaborate
and handsome trousseau appropriate to the occasion, and bearing herself
with mien which deeply characterized the profound solemnity of such
events, and of one who has deeply considered that extensive
premeditation contingent and necessary upon embrasure of that problem
deepest in all life's philosophy, placed her hand in that of her future
life's ambassador, at precisely 5 o'clock, while the voice of the law
pronounced those words of binding allegiance that carry their conviction
inseparably thoughout life's mortal span. The service was impressive,
and all present realized its momentousness, and the attributes of its
wisdom. After manifold congratulations were received, all present were
invited to attend a reception and banquet given in honor and
congratulation to the newly wedded couple by the brides parents. It is
needless to observe that the festive board was replete with all that
could be desired by the most fastidious. The menu embraced all the
delicacies and delicious viands that our glorious county cultivates. The
main feature was the wedding cake; more properly the "Dream Cake." It
consisted of numerous layers, or rounded disks mounting to a apex,
surmounted by a large silver bell, its surface artistically interspersed
with silver rosettes and appropriate trimmings. Numerous toasts given
were responded to, wishing the happy couple a life fragrant with flowery
years. In the evening, dancing being in order, all repaired to the
Quartzburg School-house. Collation was served at midnight, and dancing
was continued until three o'clock.
        The following is a summary of the most notable presentations to
the bride; Mr. and Mrs. GOMMO, large painting by HILL; Miss CAVAGNARO,
cut glass fruit service; Mrs. KOCHER, elegantly embossed photograph
album; Miss EMMA KOCHER, fine album; J. GEDRATH, library lamp, French
mirror, silver teapot, two initial cups, one silver candelabrum; Mr. and
Mrs. George REEB, scrap book and vases; Mrs. MERCK, silver pickle castor
and requisites; Misses GAGLIARDO's, Nubia (Italian make); Mr. and Mrs.
GAGLIARDO, pair of blankets ( this gift is noticeable from the fact that
Mr. G. secured them in Italy during his recent tour of the Globe.); Mr.
MOORE, of Snelling, set of fruit dishes; Edward and Miss FELDHANE,
dinner set; Joe BAUER, one dozen silver teaspoons; Mrs. BRANSOM, cut
glass candelabrum; Richard GOMMO, Japanese tea service; Mr. and Mrs.
GARDWORTHY, one box silk handkerchiefs and two dolls (representing
matrimonial felicity); Mr. Fred ERMAIN, six dozen fowls; Mr. BARNEX,
half dozen turkeys; Mr. Will PETERSON, silver water service; Miss Annie
PETERSON, fish sevice; Mr. Chris. PETERSON, one dozen tablespoons.
        Those present at the banquet and ball were; Mr. Frank WEBBER and
lady, Mr. and Mrs. PETERSON and family, Mr. Frank PETTIS and lady, Mr.
GAGLIARDO and lady, Judge CARR and lady, Mr. Samuel LORD and lady, Mrs.
MARSHALL and daughter, Mrs. GOMMO and son, Mr. Ed. CASTERLINE, Mr. Wm.
MALONEY, Mr. James JOSE, Mrs. CARROLA and Misses Kate NORTHRUP, Mary
LESWICK, the Quartzburg Base Ball League in full, the Hornitos Base Ball
Association in full, the Hornitos Amateur Dramatic Society were well
         From Snelling- Mr. and Miss FELDHANS, Mr. MOORE and Miss
         Musicians- Mr. Joe BAUER and Mr. Joe VALENCIA.
         And your humble servent,
                         Claude MELNOTTE.

JOHN WEILER, to Miss JULIA BERNHARDT, both of this county.April 21, 1866 Mariposa Gazette At upper Agua Fria, on Thursday, April 19th, 1866, at the residence of the brides brothers, by Rev. Father SCANLON 
OCTOBER 3, 1874 Mariposa Gazette. In Bear Valley, Sept. 20th, by Maurice NEWMAN, J.P., Mr. John WEILER, of Mariposa, to Mrs. Esther QUIEROLO, of Bear Valley

Glance at the Past
Fort Bragg Advocate-,1413,95~3977~2985269,00.html#

Thursday, July 28, 2005 -

Compiled from the pages of the Advocate-News By Debbie L. Holmer. 100 YEARS AGO July 29, 1905 - The wedding of Chas. R. Weller and Miss Adelia V. Craighan, both of this city, was solemnized at the home of the grooms parents, on Wednesday, July 12th, at 8:30 p.m. Those present were the brides immediate relatives residing here, and her father and mother from Mount Bullion, Mariposa County, and the family of H. A. Weller. At 8 oclock the friends assembled in the large reception room of the third floor. At 8:30 the bride and groom, led by their pastor, the Rev. A. J. Sturtevant, to soft and sweet music by Miss Mattie Weller, when the whole company arose and remained standing during the short and impressive ceremony that made the two hearts one after which congratulations were in order for a short time when all moved slowly to the dining room where an inviting wedding supper had been spread, and the next two hours were spent in testing its goodness. Returning to the reception room the young couple were the center of attraction until 11:30, when all retired to their homes. The bride was daintily attired in a white silk mull and the groom wore the conventional black. At 5:30 the next morning they took the train overland for a two weeks trip to Santa Cruz and vicinity, and will return to this city where they will reside in their new and beautiful home. The Advocate takes much pleasure in extending congratulations.

HARRY D. WESTand AMY L. PERRY, Mariposa Gazette, Jan 19, 1907both of this city, were married in Stockton Monday by Judge W. B. NUTTER  Both the contracting parties are among Sonora's best known and popular residents. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. PERRY, the groom being the proprietor of Turn Verein hall.Their many friends extend congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy married life. - Tuolumne Independent, Jan. 12th.The bride formerly resided in Mariposa and will be remembered by many people here. Tom Hilk

At the Chowchilla, Mariposa county, Nov. 21st, by justice McVICAR, Mr. J. J. WESTFALL to Miss MARY TONG-U of China.December 19, 1863 Mariposa Free Press Western Virginia and Hong Kong papers please copy.
Mariposa Co, California

This certifies that I James McVicar
a Justice of the Peace, township
No. 3, County of Mariposa, united in
marriage on the 21 day of November 1863,
J. J. Westfall and Mis Mary Tongu

In virtues where of I have hereunto set
my hand this day and year above written.

(s) James McVicar  J.P.

Filed Novemeber 25th, 1863 by Jas McVicar
R.S.Miller  Recorder Mariposa Co.
by Geof Miller Deputy.

certificated transcribed and contributed by Steve Miller

James E. WHITE, aged 61 to Mrs Lucinda DAVIS, aged 33. February 26, 1876 Mariposa Gazette . In Hornitos, February 7, 1876, by Samuel CARR, J.P. 
Lemuel G. WHITE to Mrs. Maggie BRUTON,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. BAGBY of Bagby, California, and Lemuel G. WHITE of the same palace, were quietly married at the home of the bride's parents last Saturday, Reverend G. O. HARWELL of mariposa officiating.The bride is well and favorably known throughout Mariposa county having spent the greater part of her lifetime here. The groom, who is employed with the railroad company at Bagby, has made many friends in the county by his pleasant manner.A large circle of friends extend the kindest greetings to the bride and groom and wish them much joy and prosperity. Tom Hilk 
In Mariposa November 18th, 1877, by John W. THOMAS, Justice of the Peace, Eugene A. WHITNEY, to Miss Rebecca Eugenia RIDGEWAY, all of this place. November 24, 1877 Mariposa Gazette 
At the reidence of the brides father, on Dry Creek Merced county, September 13th, 1865, by Rev. Geo. W. WOOD,P.D. WIGGINTON, to Miss SALLIE K. MOORE. SEPTEMBER 23, 1865 Mariposa Gazette 
Hon. J.W. WILCOX, to Miss Tillie CASTOR of Merced.In Merced, Oct. 27th, by Rev. Father J. MACNAMARA, 

Mariposa County Marriage Cert Transcription 9/13/01 by Steve Miller
Book B  page 43
Bear Valley, Mariposa County, State of California

Bear Valley,  February 15th, 1860
I the undersigned do hereby certify that on the fifteenth day of February
1860 I united in marriage of John Wilcox born in Kentucky in 1827 and Ann
Dunn born in Ireland in 1837.  (both white) residing in Bear Valley.

                                L. A. Auger
                                Catholic Priest
                                resident of Sonora
Filed Saturday February 19, 1860 at 2 oclock PM.  Recorded at the request
of J. C. Hopper, Esq.
                                R. S. MIller
                                R. M. Co

John H. Wilkinson to Mary Barcroft both of Hornitos.Merced Star Oct. 19, 1893 In Madera October, 14, 1893, submitted by Tom Hilk

Mariposa Gazette, May 4, 1923


A very quiet wedding was performed in the courtroom at Mariposa, on Tuesday, by Justice W. A. Scott, when William B. Wilkinson of Hubb,
Fresno county, claimed Mrs. Winafred C. Boyer as his bride.
The ceremony was witnessed by only a few of the immediate relatives of  the bride and groom.
Immediately following the ceremony the couple motored to the bride's  home in the Sebastopol district. In the evening a large number of the
friends of the couple gathered at the ranch home of the bride and  tendered them a pleasant surprise party.
The groom is a brother of Chas. Wilkinson, prominent farmer of the  Sebastopol district.  T Hilk

William WILLS to Ann Elizabeth ALLEN- 3/20/1864 - Marriage Index- Vol B page 108-submitted by C Feroben
WILLS/LAIRD  (submitted by Don Rose)
Mariposa Gazette 3 Jan 1880

Married :  At LAIRD's Ranch, Mariposa County, January 1st,
1880, by Rev. R.A. SAWRIE.  Mr. George C. WILLS to Miss Usibbie N. LAIRD.

from the Marriage Lic and Cert of George C. Wills and Sibbie N Laird
on record at the Mariposa Hall of Records  1/1/1880  Bk C  pg  162

Marriage Lic - transcribed by Steve Miller

George C Wills  nat. of Arkansas  aged 31yrs (age ???)  res. Cathey's Valley

Sibbie N. Laird    nat. of CA   aged  19 yrs    res. Laird's Ranch,
Mariposa Co.
Lic issued  Dec 29th, 1879
First of January AD 1880

witnesses:  Sirui (?) C Laird,  Laird's Ranch,   Eunicia(?)
Wills,  Cathey's Valley

R A Sawrie
Minister of the Gospel ,filed Jan'y 5th  AD 1880 at request of R A Sawrie

Mr. WILLIAM WILSON, to Miss SARAH DAWSON, both of Staislaus County.March 3, 1866 Mariposa GazetteAt La Grange, Stanislaus County, February 22d, by J.S. WILLIAMS, J.P. 
JANUARY 2, 1875 Mariposa Gazette In Cathey's Valley, December 24th, at the residence of the brides father, by the Rev. J.M. ALSANSON, John H. WILSON to Mary E. JOHNSON.

   From  Superior Ct Minutes  Bk 1  p 61-62
   June 22, 1881  Mary E. Wilson  vs  John Henry Wilson

   This  cause came on regularly for trial,  plaintiff appeared with her
   Counsel G. G. Goucher Esq.  Defendant appeared not, but made default, which
   was duly entered.

   Mary E. Wilson and Daniel N. Johnson was sworn as witnesses on behalf of
   plaintiff and proofs submitted to the satisfaction of the court and the
   case submitted to the court for its decision, wherefore the court renders
   its judgement and ordered that the bond of matrimony heretofore existing
   between the plaintiff and defendant be and the same is bereby dissolved and
   the said parties and each of them are freed from the obligations thereof
   and that plaintiff have and recover for defendant her costs incurred in
   this action taxed at $ 19.30 and attorneys fees amounting to $100.00
Transcribed by Steve Miller May 17, 2002

WILSON/FIELDS- submitted by Mike White
Visalia Weekly Delta, Dec 24, 1874

Married: Near Snelling, Merced county, December 13, 1874 by
Rev. F. M. Stanton, L. P. Wilson to Miss Martha A. Fields.

Cleo A. WOOD to Miss Helen CAMIN Mariposa Gazette, Sept. 26. 1924
A large party of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. H. DORMAN in Fresno on September 11th, to attend the wedding of Miss Helen CAMIN too Cleo A.WOOD, Judge SMITH officiating.The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Camin, pioneers of this valley. She is one of the fairest of Cathay's daughters, a graduate of the BLOCHMAN school and for several terms a student at the Mariposa High School.Mr. Wood is the son of Rev. J. J. Wood of Merced, a young man of sterling qualities with many friends in Merced and Tracy where he holds a responsible position with the Southern Pacific Railroad.The DORMAN home was lavishly decorated with fall blossoms. The brilliant colors enhanced the brunette beauty of the bride who was especially lovely on this day in her wedding gown of white crepe de chine. She was attended by her sister Anita, gowned in Alice-blue canton crepe.After congratulations and a delicious repast, the young folks departed amidst a shower of rice and other good luck emblems, for a honeymoon in the southern part of the state.The guests were Mr. and Mrs. A.CAMIN and family, Rev. WOODand family, Mr. and Mrs. A. DOYENn of San Francisco, Mrs. L. LADOUCER of Concord, Mr. and Mrs. M. McELLIOGOTT t and Mr. and Mrs. F.LADOUCER of Fresno and Mr. and Mrs.CABRAL 

 At Yosemite Tuesday, July 26, 1927, Ernest J. Womack, a
native of Texas and Ruth E. Outzen, a native of California, both
residents of Mariposa, California.  Mariposa Gazette, July 29, 1927. Submitted by Tom Hilk
May 6, 1882 Marriposa Gazette (submitted by William Disbro)
Our Wedding.
Owing to the pressure of circumstances occurring last week, we were cut short of time and failed to notice through the Gazette, the wedding which took place within the sacred precincts of our own domicile. The parties most concerned were Mr. Freeland WOODWARD and Miss Loretta REYNOLDS, the eldest daughter of the editor of the Gazette. It is perhaps useless to mention the fact that we were pleased with the choice our daughter had made, for in Mr. WOODWARD we find a fine young man of sterling qualities, averaging well with the best young men of California. He is strictly moral, industrious and active, and with his excellent health, and more than ordinary physical strength, there is no apparent reason why the world should not favor him and his new companion with a share of it's bounties, happiness and a reasonable lease of life. He was born in Maine, where resides his mother and sisters, from whom he separated about three years ago, and came to California in search of a fortune. Now that he has chosen a life partner, the earnest wish of all is, that his earlier desires may be fully realized. From his frequent expressions, and anxious solicitude regarding his people, he is evidently a very devoted son and brother, a trait of character to be admired in a child, however long, or far away they may be, to not forget their parents and family. The wedding which took place at 7 p.m. was unostentatious, and void of any special display. The nuptial ceremony was witnessed by a few near friends. Among them were, Mr. and Mrs. George COUNTS, Mrs. DUNCAN their daughter, Judge CAMPBELL, Col. SWALDLEY and a few others. At the hour appointed, the Bride and Groom, with their assistants, Mr. A. JOSSELYN and Miss Annie FORAN, appeared and were ranged in due form before his Honor Judge CORCORAN, who fully impressed the parties with the importance of the solemn vow they were about to take, and which they most cheerfully and unhesitatingly took, fearless of future results. The couple having faithfully promised to love and obey, and to accept each other for better or worse, they were pronounced man and wife. Included in the ceremony, was a wedding ring, which cut some figure by taking its course in the customary manner. We suppose this will become if retained, an ancient and valuable heirloom to a large family of descendants. The happy couple were then greeted in the usual manner by their friends, and with a sincere wish of all they were safely launched upon the broad sea of connubial bliss, with an auspicious breeze fragrant with love, hope and faith. Later in the evening commenced to assemble the young, gay and festive, of the town and vicinity, peers of the bride, who had previously received notice that a reception would follow the wedding. The entertainment was kept up to a late hour in the evening and consisted of a general visit to the newly married pair, music and dancing, including refreshments of cake and coffee, which concluded the pleasing programme had upon that momentous day, " our wedding day." 

San Joaquin Valley Argus
September 14, 1878 (submitted by Tom Hilk)


In San Francisco, by Rev. M. M. Gibson, Mr. George M. Wright, of
Scotland, to Miss Jeanie L. Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cook of
San Francisco.

A pleasant reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, 1722
Bush street. Mr. Wright is an intelligent gentleman, of great business
capacity, and well worth of the prize he has won. The bride comes from
one of the most talented, highly educated and refined families in the
State. She is the niece of Mrs. Jean Bruce Washburn, one of American's
sweetest poets, and her mother, Mrs. Fanny Bruce Cook also wields a
graceful pen and is highly favored by the Muses.  In addition to the
many advantages gained by education and pure and refined association,
this fair young bride possesses beauty and sweetness of disposition, a
noble generous heart, and cherishes a deep devotion for her indulgent
parents and friends. May her future life be as full of sunshine and
pleasant hours as has been her past. May wreaths of smiles, and garlands
of love embellish her future home, and flowers of truth, flagrance and
beauty be deck the matrimonial joys of these loving and trusting hearts.

"Oh! happy pair, to every blessing born!
For you may life's calm stream unruffled run;
For you its roses bloom without a thorn,
And bright as morning shine its evening sun!


MARRIED -- in Mariposa, Nov. 22d, John ZIMMERMAN and Rose CONWAY.
Stockton Daily Independent
Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA
Monday, 27 Nov 1871- transcribed by Dee S.


Nora   GORDON         Charles Zimmerman    12/15/1914    5    86
transcribed from the Marriage Index- Mariposa County Marriage Index-2003, by Steve Miller

Edward Zimmerman to Miss Annie Gordon Mariposa Gazette, April 6, 1907 (submitted by Tom Hilk)
At the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gordon, on April 3rd 1907, at 1 o'clock, Miss Annie Gordon and Edward Zimmerman were united in marriage by Superior Judge J. J. TRABUCCO The ceremony was witnessed by relatives and intimate friends of both parties.The bride was beautifully dressed in white brocade Alpaca, trimmed in white pearl beads and ribbon and carried an elegant wreath of orange blossoms. The bridesmaid. Miss DollieGORDON , a sister of the bride, was becomingly attired in pink. The groomsman was Joseph LIND  a cousin of the groom.
The grooms an exemplary young man and the young couple have a large circle of friends who wish them every joy and happiness.

Annie J. Gordon-   Edward Zimmerman    4/3/1907    4    226 - transcribed from the Maripsa County Recorders Office Marriage Index- Steve Miller, 2003

Wedding at Elkhorn.
On Sunday, Nov. 29th, a pleasant wedding ceremony was performed by Justice S. W. CARR, at the residence of Mr. Perry FUNDERBURK. The contracting parties were Mr. Andrew ZINKAND of Toll House, and Miss Laura FUNDERBURK. Only immediate relatives of the young couple were present. The parlor and dining room were handsomely decorated with evergreens and rare chrysanthemums and after the ceremony, a delicious breakfast was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. ZINKAND left for Merced, to be absent a few days. The young couple are both favorites, with the Hornitos and Elkhorn people and received many presents as tokens of esteem from their friends. The Gazette was remembered with some truly beautiful wedding cake, for which it gives its blessing to the newly launched craft, on the matrimonial sea, and hopes they may steer clear of breakers.
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Carolyn Feroben 


Updated  September 2010
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