Mariposa County California
Historical Obituaries
Part of the Mariposa County History and Genealogy

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               Mariposa Gazette OCTOBER 21, 1865
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               At Buffalo Gulch, on Saturday, October 14, 1865, ANTONIO LABEDERO, aged 40 years.

  LADOUCEUR, Mary Hermine
Fresno Bee, March 8, 1954
 Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 1 PM in the Tinkler Mission Chapel for Mrs. Mary Hermine Ladouceur, 90, of 1034 Farris Avenue.
Mrs. Ladouceur, a daughter of eary day Mariposa County settlers, died i nher home yesterday aftern an illness of several years.
She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Camin, who settled in Cathay Valley near Hornitos, Mariposa County, in 1853.  In 1888 she married to the late Fortuna Ladoceur in Merced and lived there for severeal years, moving later to Mariposa and then to San Francisco where her husband was employed as a salesman.
Move  To The Ranch
He retired in 1917 and the couple moved to their ranch holdings in Concord, Contra Costa County.  They later came to Fresno.  Ladoceur died in  1940.
Mrs. Ladouceur is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Edith McElligott of Fresno, Mrs. Pearl Doyer of Pacific Grove, Monterey County, and Mrs. Aimee Peterson of Rodeo, Contra Costa County; a son, ernest F. Ladoucer of Maders; to grandchildren and one great grandchild.
The Rev. Emery Snyder of the East Side Christain Church will officiate and interment will be in the Masonic Cemtery in Merced.



               LAMON, John C.
               May 29, 1875 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Another Pioneer Gone - John C. LAMON, one of the earliest settlers of this county, and a long resident of
               Yosemite Valley, died at that place on Saturday last. He was eccentric in his habits, but the very soul of
               honesty and good feeling. As an instance of this, some years since he became involved, and liquidated his
               debts at the rate of fifty cents on the dollar. Afterward he recuperated, and paid off every cent of his
               indebtedness. At the time of his death he owned one of the best ranches in Yosemite Valley. He was a native
               of one of the Southern States, and unmarried.

               next issue of the Gazette

               LAMON, John C.
               June 5, 1875 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of a Yo Semite Pioneer. Yo Semite Valley, May 24, 1875

               Yesterday the permanent and temporary sojourners in this place performed the mournful duty of committing to
               its last resting place on earth the body of our old and esteemed friend, James C. LAMON. The deceased had
               occasionally complained of ill health during the last six months, but nothing serious was anticipated up to
               a few days prior to his death, which took place on Saturday last at his late residence. Mr. LAMON was a
               native of Virginia, and was fifty- eight years of age. He came to California, I think, in 1849, and was,
               for most of the time since then, a citizen of Mariposa County. In 1859-- eighteen years ago, he located a
               claim in Yo Semite Valley, and, as an actual settler, is justly entitled to the term " Pioneer," for he was
               the first white man who ever wintered in this valley. This was in 1862-63, and from that time, with the
               exception of two seasons, he has been a constant resident of the place. His name has passed into history as
               identified with the HUTCHINGS and LAMON claim, which for nearly ten years have been a fruitful theme of
               controversy, suits at law, and legislative enactment's. Last Winter an indemnity act was passed, and upon
               receiving his award, Mr. L. paid a visit to some relatives in Oregon, and upon his return leased of the
               Commissioners his old premises. Here, on his old homestead, the scene of his toil and privation, and amid
               the wild and rugged surroundings where he had spent a quarter of his lifetime, he designed to pass the
               remainder of his days. But life's evening shadows had stealthily lengthened, and the night of death came
               upon him with but a brief twilight. Like a tired child he sank upon his pillow and fell asleep without a
               struggle. Kind and gentle hands ministered to his last wants, wiped the death-damp from his brow, and
               gently closed his eyes. Friends and strangers joined the procession which followed his remains to their
               final earthly rest. Under the branches of a gnarled old oak where the shadow of the cliffs that bound the
               great Yo Semite cataract at evening spreads its sombre pall, we made a grave for our old friend LAMON. The
               gray domes, rugged cliffs, and cloud-wreathed spires of a temple grander than any reared by human hands,
               stand like grim sentinels to guard the walls of his burial ground, and the deep toned music of the surging
               fall thunders a requiem forever over the mortal remains of that noblest work of God, an honest man. J.H.L.

               In Yo Semite Valley, May 23d, 1875, James Chenoweth LAMON, aged 58 years.Mariposa Gazette, May 29, 1875 submitted by William                     Disbro


               Dr. R. M. LAMPSON
               March 21, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Dr. R. M. LAMPSON.

               After a prolonged sickness Dr. LAMPSON died at his residence at Chinese Camp yesterday. His death came not
               unexpectedly, but when it did come it filled the hearts of all who knew him with sorrow. For many years he
               was a prominent physician whose innumerable acts of kindness most strongly endeared him to the entire
               community. In the early fifties he came to this county a young man and pursued the vocation of a miner
               before commencing the practice of his regular vocation. Having a genius for practicing medicine, his
               services were in constant demand, requiring him to ride over a large extent of the country until he became
               famous as a
               practitioner, and as a large hearted, generous man. He was always ready to act the part of a good Samaritan
               and many a one blessed him in life that will pray for him now that his death has come. He was a member of
               the Convention that framed the present State Constitution and served subsequently as a Senator for this and
               Calaveras County in the State Legislature. For several years he has been visiting physician to the Stockton
               Insane Asylum. The duties of every public trust confided to him were well performed. He reared a family who
               are overwhelmed with grief for their great loss, who have the universal sympathy of our people. The Doctor
               came from Vermont and was comparatively a young man, being fifty-five years of age. His death is a public
               loss; he will remain in memory with all who knew him well, until they are called to join him. - Union
               Democrat, March 14.


            LANDRITH, T.J.,
               Mariposa Free Press September 19, 1863

               In Princeton, on Thursday, September 17th, of Typhoid fever, T.J. LANDRITH; aged, about 32 years. Deceased
               was from Red River County, Texas, from which place he emigrated to California, and was a native of Georgia.
               He had only been living in this county a few months, and being of a unassuming, retiring disposition, had
               formed but few accquaintences. We are not aware that he was the member of any church or charitable
               institution; but can testify to the fact that he was a specimen of God's noblest work, AN HONEST MAN.

               Those who attended upon him, ministered to his wants, and followed his mortal remains to thier last resting
               place, are thanked by his friends here, and in the name of his kindred far away.


Hornitos, Dec 29

The funeral of  the late George W. Latchaw took place here Sundady on the arrival of the body from Fresno, where death occurred.  Services were held in Fresno.  Deceased came to the state in 1852 and for years followed mining.  The greatest part of his life was spent in and around Hornitos.  He was aged 94 years.  Recently he went to Fresno to visit with his daughter, Mrs Clara Lord, and is  survied by two sons, Frank and George Latchaw.

Oakland Trib

Mariposa Gazette 20 May 1893: "Died May 20, 1893. LaTouch-At Twin Springs, Mariposa county, May 16th, 1893, John E. LaTouche, aged 45 years, a native of Massachusetts. The deceased was a pioneer to the mountains of this county, and had many friends among the settlers in his neighborhood. He was an open hearted man, generous to a fault. He served as a private soldier during the Civil War, and his record in the arm was clear and honorable. A widow and four young children are left free to face the world without him."
submitted by Zelda

               Edgar LATOUR Dies at Merced
               Mariposa Gazette, September 24, 1926

               Edgar Latour, 69, a native of Stockton, California, died at the mercy hospital in Merced on Saturday night of last week,
               following a stroke of paralysis which he suffered at his home in Snelling several days before and from which he never
               recovered consciousness. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Latour, pioneer settlers of Snelling.
               Deceased had been the Constable at Snelling for the past 40 years and he was considered a fearless and
               efficient officer. Surviving are his widow, of Stockton; two sons, Roy and James; and three daughters, Mrs.
               Edith ALWORD Mrs. Bertha STAVORS and Miss Selma LATOUR, all of Snelling. Funeral services were held at 2
               o'clock Monday afternoon, interment being made in the cemetery at Snelling under the auspices of the
               Woodmen of the World of which order he was a member.


               April 23d, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Eugene M. LAVIGNE.

                    The death of this young man occurred on the 15th instant, at his home in Hornitos. For some years he
               had been a sufferer from asthma, and during the greater part of last winter had been confined to his bed.
               Mr. LAVIGNE was well-known throughout Mariposa, having lived almost his entire life in this county. Two
               years ago he was elected a member of the
               County Board of Supervisors, of which body he has been a faithful, conscientious member. He was a very
               quiet, unassuming man, and had many warm friends among all classes. His funeral, on Sunday, was under the
               auspices of the Odd Fellows and Native Sons, and was said to be the largest ever seen in Hornitos.


               MARCH 25, 1876 Mariposa Gazette

            May LAW
               (submitted by Steve Miller)

               In San Francisco March 17th, 1876, MAY, daughter of Matt S. and Kate LAW, aged four years nine months and twenty four days. Deceased was born in  Mariposa.

               LAW, Mrs. T. C.
               December 31, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Mrs. T. C. LAW.

                  One of the saddest things that it has ever been our duty to record, is the death of Mrs. T. C. LAW,
               which occurred this morning at seven o'clock. She was apparently in good heath until yesterday, when she
               ate something that made her violently ill, and so suddenly caused her death. She was a young women, probably
               not over thirty-five years of age, and a kind mother and loving wife. She leaves a husband and five
               children- one of them an infant aged three weeks.- Merced Sun, December.

               LAWLER, John P.

               AUGUST 1, 1885 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W. Disbro )

               We are sorry to learn of the death of John P. LAWLER by drowning in the Merced River near Pleasant Valley,
               last Saturday, from what we can learn. He attempted to wade the river, got into deep water and not being
               able to swim was drowned. He was a native of New York aged about 41 years.


            LAWRENCE, Dr. L. B.
               November 12, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

                    The death of Dr. LAWRENCE will be found in this issue of the Gazette. In former years he lived at
               Princeton, and was well and favorably known by the older residents of the county. He was a brother of Mrs.
               Jas. D. CRAIGHAN of Hornitos, and Mrs. Henry NELSON of Merced Falls.


            LEA, George Washington

               Oct. 1,1881 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of George Washington LEA.- Sunday morning last closed the career of G.W. LEA, another of the pioneers
               of this State and county. He is well known to the oldest inhabitants of this section, having resided here
               since 1850. He was a wagon maker, which business he has followed in the town of Mariposa for a number of
               years. Although he was not faultless, he possessed many excellent traits of character which were calculated
               to redeem the unfortunate habits acquired by many pioneers, who never sought to rise in the world above the
               natural condition of things, and immediate necessities. But not withstanding his laxity, and unambiguous
               nature, he was morally honest and conscientious in all his dealings with men; and as good and faithful
               mechanic, he will be very much missed by those whose demands for his services in making and repairing of
               wagons and vehicles which made LEA a necessity to the industrious teamster, whose patience seldom wearied
               at LEA's procrastination's of time, for his work when finished, was well done. He was unmarried, and leaves
               no known relatives in this State to mourn his loss. As Monday had been fixed as a day for humiliation and
               prayer out of respect to our ill-fated president, the friends and acquaintances of poor LEA bethought it to
               themselves to pay tribute of respect to the faithful pioneer who had lived and served his time among them
               for so many years, which was accordingly done in a manner that would have been a honor to a more
               distinguished citizen. At the appointed hour for the funeral to take place, a procession was formed and led
               off by the Mariposa Brass Band which played a funeral dirge in a solemn and impressive manner, and
               characterized the last sad rites commemorated to the deceased with a deeper impression than any ever
               occurring in this place. The attendance was unusually large, and ceremonies were held at the Public
               Cemetery, by Rev. Mr. SAWRIE, which together with the solemn dirge played by the Brass Band, made it an
               event long to be remembered.

               Died October 1, 1881 Mariposa Gazette At Mariposa, September 24th, 1881, George Washington LEA, aged 64 years, a
               native of Tenneesse.

    Leavitt, Anna Isabel
    Nevada State Journal-Reno, Feb 8, 1937
    Mrs. Leavitt Dies After Explosion Caused by Gas    Red Bluff, Cal., Feb 7-
An explosion in a Lassen Volcanic National park residence cost the life oday of Mrs. Anna Isabel Leavitt , 56, wife of  Ernest Leavitt, superindendent of the park.
Mrs. Leavitt died in St. Elizabeths hospital of burns and injuries suffered in the explosion, in which Leavitt and Mrs. W. J. Freeman, a nurse walso were injured.  The explosion was caused by a leaking gas device in the superintendent's home.
The victim was a native of Coulterville, near Merced. She came here 18 months ago with her husband after his transfer from Yosemite National park, where he ws assistant superintendent.
Surviv are her husband, her mother, Mrs. Angelina Conova, Coulterville; a brother James,  San Leandro; two borthers, William and John, Coulterville, and two sisters Mrs. James Goss, Coulterville, and Mrs. Amelia Grenfelt, Portland Ore.
The body was sent to Coulterville today. cdf


Transcribed from the Mariposa Gazette, April 23, 1931 front page
transcribed by Steve Miller

Mrs. Mary Lebrado Taken by Death

Mrs. Mary Lebrado, said to be 110 years old and a direct descendant of
Chief Tenaya of Yosemite, died at her home on Bear Creek last Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Lebrado was born in Yosemite and was in the Valley when Chier Tenaya
and his braves made thei last stand against the intruding whites. she did
not know her age, by by comparison of events, her relatives have estimates
that she was born between 1820 and 1830, so she was quite a grown woman at
the time of Tenaya's death.

Funeral services are to be held today with burial in the family plot at
Bear Creek, ju st a short distance from where she died and where she had
lived for more than half a century.

               Louisa LEBRIGHT
               Mariposa Gazette,August 26, 1876   (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Died At LEBRIGHT's Ranch, Tuolumne County, August 19th, 1876, Louisa, wife of Fred. LEBRIGHT, aged 37

               LEE, George

Mariposa Co Recorders Office
Death Certificate George Lee, Feb 17, 1923 Vol 2 Pag 15

George Lee
Sex: male race: Indian marital stat: married DOD Feb 17,1923
DOB unknown age: about 86 yrs occup:----------Birth place: California
Fathers name: not known bp: not known MMN: not known bp: not known
Length of time living place of death: lifetime
Inf: D E Johnson
Cause of Death: Appoplexy Coroner: D E Johnson
Burial/Removal: Rancheria Flat date: Feb 18, 1923
Undertakr: Johnson-Bertkin Mariposa.
Feb 19, 1923 J. W. Pratt
transcribed by Steve Miller

LEE, John

               February 15, 1879 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of John LEE - John LEE, who died at Bridgeport about five miles from Mariposa, on the 26th day of
              January 1879, was a man well liked by all who know him. His chief occupation was mining, which he followed
               ever since we have known him. He died of consumption, and left no property that we are aware of. He was a
               native of Alabama, aged 43 years.

Mariposa Co Recorders Office
Death Certificate George Lee, Feb 17, 1923 Vol 2 Pag 15

George Lee
Sex: male race: Indian marital stat: married DOD Feb 17,1923
DOB unknown age: about 86 yrs occup:----------Birth place: California
Fathers name: not known bp: not known MMN: not known bp: not known
Length of time living place of death: lifetime
Inf: D E Johnson
Cause of Death: Appoplexy Coroner: D E Johnson
Burial/Removal: Rancheria Flat date: Feb 18, 1923
Undertakr: Johnson-Bertkin Mariposa.
Feb 19, 1923 J. W. Pratt


               February 3, 1894 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               In Stockton, January 24th, 1894, Joseph LEESON, a native of Quebec, Canada, aged 62 years and 9 months.


            LEIDIG, Emma
               December 1, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

                      Word has been received here, of the sudden death of Miss Emma LEIDIG at Los Angeles. Miss Emma was
               the daughter of Mr. Fred LEIDIG, of Yosemite Hotel fame, and last winter resided in Mariposa, attending
               school. Her parents moved to Los Angeles last spring, where we believe they now reside. She was a bright,
               vivacious girl, and leaves many friends to mourn her untimely death. She was aged 17 years.



               October 13, 1877 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               In this place, October 9th, 1877 George A. LEIDIG, a native of Germany, aged 58 years.  

LEIDIG, Josephine
LEIDIG-In Mariposa, Sept. 15, 1899, Mrs. Josephine Leidig, a native of Germany, aged 69 years.
Mariposa Gazette, September 23, 1899

Death of Mrs. Josephine Leidig.
Mrs. Josephine Leidig, who for some time past has been ailing, died at her residence in Mariposa on Friday last. While the deceased had not been in the best of health her death was quite unexpected and was a great shock to her friends. Mrs. Leidig has lived in Mariposa for a great many years, and leaves behind her a wide circle of friends.
Deceased was the mother of Mrs. John R. Barnett and Frank Floto of Madera. Mrs. Henry Garber and George Leidig of Mariposa.
Her remains were laid to rest in the Odd Fellow's cemetery on Sunday last in the presence of a large gathering of friends and relatives. submitted by Tom Hilk



Sacramento Bee
Tuesday Evening April 26, 1870

	In Mariposa township, April 6, Henry E. LEIVER, aged 23 years.

From the record at the Hall of Records, Mariposa,CA

Death Cert transcription by Steve Miller

Jacob Lembert Pl of death Mariposa Co Hospital, Mariposa, CA
Length of time at last res. 5yrs, in CA not known
Sex: male race: white date of birth June 23, 1833
Age: 75 yrs Birth place Germany date of death: June 20, 1908
Informant: A. H. Truner, Mariposa
Cause of death: Exhaustion, starvation
Contrib.: cancer of the mouth and throat 10 month
Sig: Gallison, MD

Place of burial Mariposa, date July 21, 1908
Undertaker: A B Turner, Mariposa

Filed July 31, 1908, F. A. Bondshu, clerk


               John LEMON, aged 43, a native of Indiana.    Mariposa Gazette, August 28, 1875

               (submitted by William Disbro)

            Henry LESSMAN

               March 3, 1883 Mariposa Gazette

               Another Old Citizen Gone - Henry LESSMAN who died in Hornitos on Sunday morning last, was one of our
               oldest, and most highly respected citizens. Mr. LESSMAN with his family formerly lived in Mariposa, but
               have been residents of Hornitos for many years. Mrs. LESSMAN is a sister of Mrs. Henry GARBER of this place.
               Mr. LESSMAN has been in failing health for
               several years. He was an industrious and upright man, a good neighbor and citizen, possessed of a generous
               heart, was an affectionate husband and father, and will be sorely missed from his seat at the table and
               hearth stone, which has been so happily filled, and surrounded in faded years, when all was serene and
               happy in the family circle. The deceased leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss to them on
               earth. The funeral took place on Tuesday last, from the residence of the family and was attended by a large
               circle of friends and acquaintances. He was buried under the auspices of the Odd Fellows, of which order he
               was a  worthy member. 

               LEVASSEUR--Thursday, 5 Sept 1861, Stockton Daily Independent

DIED -- at Mariposa, on the 31st Aug., Madame LEVASSEUR.

                    LEWIS, Albert                    

                   Stockton Daily Independent

                    Saturday. 28 Dec. 1861- In Hornitos, Dec. 16th, of consumption, Albert LEWIS, aged 10 years.


LEWIS, Mrs. D. November 11, 1922 Mariposa Gazette 
Mrs. D. LEWIS a highly respected citizen of the Sebastopol District,
died at her home there on Tuesday of this week from stomach trouble.
She was 82 years of age. The funeral was held at Mariposa last Thursday


            Mrs. Ella C. LEWIS, Resident of Darrah, Dies in Merced
               Mariposa Gazette, September 28, 1944
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               Mrs. Ella Clare Lewis, 53, a native of Turlock and for 50 years a resident of Darrah, Mariposa county, died
               at Mercy Hospital in Merced on Sept. 21 1944, after an illness of several weeks. She had been in the
               hospital one day. Mrs. Lewis came to Mariposa County with her parents when she was a child three years old.
               Her parents were the Samuel Fullers who lived in the Bootjack district. Services were held at the
               Tiscornia, Ivers and Alcorn funeral chapel in Mariposa at two o'clock Tuesday, September 26th, with Rev.
               Earl Savage officiating. Burial was in the Mariposa public cemetery. Surviving are her husband William W.
               Lewis of Mariposa; four sons, Arthur Lewis, Mariposa; Wm. M. Lewis of Inyokern and LeRoy Lewis, Mariposa;
               five daughters, Mrs. Rena Phillips, Vallejo; Mrs. Ilene Miller, Mariposa; Mrs. Fay Hull, Mariposa; Mrs.
               Azon Lizon, Inykern, and Miss Roberta Lewis, Mariposa. One brother, Scott Fuller, two sisters, Mrs. Mary
               Smithers, Mariposa, and Mrs. Mary Rowe, Merced and 12 Grandchildren also survive.

           LEWIS, Hazel Belle- Mariposa Gazette, Feb 10, 1910

One of the saddest deaths that the Gazette has been called upon to chronicle for many months is that of Miss Hazel Belle Lews, who passed to the world beyond Saturday, January 19, 1910.  Miss Lews had just passed her nineteenth birthday, an age when most of humanity is in the exhilarance of youth, and enjoying the social side of life, but for the past year this young life had been denied all pleasure for it had been  denied all pleasures for it had been shadowed by that dreaded disease consumption.  But she bravely fought the destroyer and tried to be cheerful, although knowing that the end would soon come.  What makes the death sadder is that last week her brother, John Edward Lewis, passed away, death being caused by the same disease.

The deceased was a native of Mariposa county, a beautiful girl, kind and gentle, and greatly beloved and respected by all who knew her.
She leaves a sorrowing mother and a number of brothers and sisters to ourn her demise.  The people of the comunity extend the most hearfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in thisi thier greif stricken hour.  The remains  were laid to rest Monday in the family plot in Mariposa cemetery beside the loved one who had gone on before, Rev. Hawkins officiating.


                LEWIS,  Jacob

Mariposa Gazette, September 13, 1902-submitted by Tom Hilk

Terrible Accident to an Old Settler of Mariposa County.

Jacob Lewis, for forty years a resident of this county, was killed by a
railroad train a few miles south of Merced on Thursday of last week. The
following account of the accident is taken from the Merced Express:

The accident occurred at the very door of his daughter, Mrs. Ed Russell,
seven miles south of Merced. Mr. Lewis had recently made his home in
this city, but at the time of his death was living at his old home at
White Rock, Mariposa county. He was in Merced one hour before his death
attending to some business affairs and started home. On the road he
called at the residence of his daughter, which is within fifty feet of
the railroad, near Lingard. It is necessary, to get into the Russsell
place, to cross the railroad track, passing through two gates - one on
each side of the track. Mr. Lewis had passed through the outer gate and
across the track, and leaving the team standing before the inner gate,
had gone back to close the other.  The train then came along and
frightened the horses, and in his anxiety to attend to his team, he
forgot about the train and was struck by the engine and instantly
killed. The train was stopped as soon as possible and the crew went
back, picked up the remains and took them into Mr. Russell's house.

"Deputy Coroner O'Brien was notified and a Coroner's jury was impaneled.
The jury viewed the remains, and the inquest was postponed until the
train crew could return and give their version of the accident."

Jacob Lewis was a native of Tennessee, aged 79 years. He came to
California in the early fifties and settled at Whiterock, where he has
lived ever since. He accumulated a good deal of property, and at one
time was considered among the financially well off people of the county.
In late years he was less fortunate, and lost nearly all of his
property. He was a veteran of the civil war. Left to mourn his death are
three daughters, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. J. L. Conghran of Ben Hur and Mrs.
John Pratt.


            LEWIS, Marcus

               November 24, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

               (submitted by William Disbro)

               Death from Lockjaw - A young man by the name of Marcus LEWIS, son of Jacob LEWIS, an old resident of
               Mariposa county, died at the residence of his father on Sunday last, of lockjaw, occasioned by an
               accidental wound in the foot from a pick with which he was working. The accident occurred several days
               prior to his decease, and was not deemed of a serious nature. Deceased had been married but a few months,
               and was a young man of excellent character, and highly respected by all who knew him.


              LIND, CARL   1827- 1906 (from headstone) transcribed by C Feroben
              Mariposa  Masonic Cemetery 

            LIND, Joseph, Sr.
               May 28, 1887 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Joseph LIND, Sr.

               Yesterday at 4 o'clock A.M., Mr. Joseph LIND, Sr., a well known citizen, of this place, died at his
               residence here, aged 58 years. Mr. LIND's death, though not wholly unexpected, was quite sudden when it
               came, as he had been much better for several days before and seemed improving. But Thursday he had a chill
               followed by a high fever, symptoms which the physicians recognized as very serious, and which were followed
               in a few hours by death. Mr. LIND has been a great sufferer for months. His illness commenced with a severe
               attack of neuralgia, which, after some weeks, was followed by an abscess, or running sore on the side of
               the face. During his illness his strength and flesh rapidly disappeared leaving him very feeble and
               emaciated at the last. Mr. LIND was a native of Finland, and with his brother, Harry LIND, came to Mariposa
               as early as 1849 or 50. Since that time he has worked as a miner and lived in Mariposa. In 1860 he went to
               Ohio and married there. After staying there a year, he returned and has since resided here, following his
               business as a miner till late years, when he has worked at such other employments as offered. Mr. LIND was
               a sober, industrious and worthy citizen, who was much respected by all the community in which he lived. He
               leaves four children, Joseph, Jr., Willie, Mrs. Maggie LEWIS and Miss Fanny LIND. Mr. LIND was a Mason, a
               member of Mariposa Lodge, in good standing, and his funeral which takes place this afternoon at 3 o'clock,
               will be under the auspices of the Masonic Fraternity.


               Death of Louisa Jane LIND
               Mariposa Gazette December 30, 1876

               On Tuesday last a gloom was cast over our little neighborhood at the announcement of the death of the above
               named lady, wife of Joseph LIND, both well known to the citizens of Mariposa and vicinity. The LIND
               brothers, Harry and Joseph, came to California as early as 1850, and adopted the vocation of mining, by
               which they made a subsistence without remarkable success up to 1860. During the latter year they, with two
               others, named Jacob HOWELL and Benjamin MOCK, were engaged in mining, in the Mariposa vein near town, which
               vein in it's character is well known to be a pocket vein. After six months' hard labor they succeeded. A
               pocket that yielded upwards of $30,000 was struck, and these preserving and industrious miners were well
               compensated for the six months labor spent. The LIND brothers bethought themselves, that whilst they had
               the ability - which they did have in their pocket - they would take a run home to Ohio, and pay a visit to
               their relatives and friends, which they did, at the same time took unto each of themselves a wife; and in
               less than six months they were back in Mariposa, where they settled with their families, and have nearly
               ever since been delving, in search of another similar pocket. Mrs. LIND's maiden name was BERRY. Her mother
               was residing in the family of her death and is at the present time the only mother the children (four in
               number) have to look to, for the tender care and necessary wants- such as only a mother can appreciate and
               bestow upon them. This is a sad bereavement, and the community, as well as ourselves, can well estimate the
               loss our friend has met with, and the deprivation he has sustained by the unexpected call of death, whose
               hand, without discrimination, records all mortality in the great book of time, from which at any moment, we
               are liable to be drawn, and whose summons must be answered in death. Mrs. LIND was a loving wife, a devoted
               mother, an excellent neighbor, and generally beloved by all who knew her. The last solemn duties that could
               be conferred upon the departed one, were performed on Thursday last. A large concourse of friends and
               acquaintances followed the remains to the Masonic Cemetery, where they now lie, awaiting the loved ones so
               dear to her in life, who sooner or later will be called to follow her.

             Mary LIND-    1838-1916  (transcribed from headstone) C Feroben

              Mariposa Masonic Cemetery

               Mariposa Death Cert transcript by Steve Miller 10/3/01

               Martha A E (Howeth) LINDSEY
               Book 2  page 6

               Co Mariposa  Coulterville
               Martha A E Lindsey
               sex female  white  widowed   spouse  James Lindsey Sr
               dob Nov 16, 1848  age  73y 7m 29d
               bp Texas
               father Nelson Howeth   bp Texas
               mother Narcisii  James  bp Texas
               length in co 56y  6m  9d
               in CA  66y  6m  9d
               info John N Lindsey  Coulterville,  CA
               filed Jul 18,1922  J W Pratt  Dep Reg.
               dod July 15, 1922
               cause  Valvular heart disease
               C Burdeau Sr.  Jul 15, 1922  Sonora, CA
               pl of burial  Coulterville  July 17,1922
               undertaker C Burdeau  Jr.  Sonora, CA

        LOPEX- Stockton Daily Independent- July  28, 1863
        DIED -- at the County Hospital, Mariposa, July 22d, of consumption, Mr. Guadaloupe LOPEZ, aged 46 years; native of Mexico
          transcribed by Dee S

              LORD, Annie

               November 13, 1886 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               The LORD Family - Mrs. Annie LORD, whose death occurred Saturday last, was the widow of Samuel LORD who
               committed suicide while laboring under a fit of temporary insanity, several years ago. They formerly lived
               at Sherlock's where "Sam" was a successful placer miner. He removed to what was formerly known as the
               Barton ranch, made substantial improvements and by habitual thrift and industry accumulated considerable
               property. There are nine children who survived their parents. Eight of them born in Mariposa County. Four
               are married. The oldest daughter, Mr.. George WEBER, resides at Black Hills. The remaining members of the
               family live in this county. Mrs. Lord left a will, by which, it is reported the property is devised to the
               four younger children. The funeral of Mrs. LORD took place from her late residence, near Quartzburg, on
               Tuesday last. It was attended by the entire family of her children and other relatives. A large number of
               neighbors and friends joined in paying their last tribute of respect to the deceased

LORD, Joseph
Mariposa Gazette, September 14, 1939


Funeral services were held at the Lisle Funeral Home in Fresno last
Friday afternoon for Joseph Lord, who died suddenly at his home in that
city on Sept. 7. Death was due to a heart attack which came upon him
upon returning from a fishing trip into the high Sierra.

Mr. Lord was 75 years of age and a native of Hornitos. He was a member
of the pioneer Lord family of Quartzburg. Most of his life was spent in
and around Hornitos, where he became a successful stockman. He moved to
Fresno a few years ago with his family.

Surviving are his widow, one daughter, Miss Iva Lord, and a son Elmer
Lord, all of Fresno. Two sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Thomas of Merced and Miss
Alice Schilling of Berkeley, and three brothers, Dave Lord and Sam Lord
of Merced, and Ed Lord of Fresno also many nephews and nieces throughout
Mariposa and Merced counties. transcribed by tom hilk
Fresno Bee, September 6, 1939

Joseph Lord, 75, of 3130 Huntington Boulevard, a native of Hornitos,
Mariposa County and a resident of Fresno for the past thirty years, died
at his home early today.
He was stricken ill last week while on a fishing trip on the Klamath
River with his son, Elmer Lord, president of the Fisher- Glassford
Hardware Company in Fresno, and returned to Fresno Monday.

He was born at Hornitos, July 31, 1864, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Lord, who came to California in the early fifties. On September 1,
1891, he married Miss Clara Latchaw , also a member of a pioneer
Mariposa County family.

He was engaged in cattle raising and mining at Hornitos until 1909, with
the exception of a year and a half spent in Alaska during the gold rush
in 1898.
He came to Fresno upon his retirement thirty years ago, and had since
resided here. He was a director of the Fisher-Glassford Company.
In addition to his son, Lord is survived by his widow Clara Lord, and a
daughter, Miss Iva C. Lord, both of Fresno; three brothers, Samuel and
David Lord of Merced and Edward Lord of Fresno; two sisters, Mrs. Alice
Schelling of Berkeley and Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas of Merced and four
grandchildren, Melvin, Donald, Leverne and Jo Dell Lord, all of Fresno.

Rev. J. M Ewing will officiate at funeral services to be conducted at
the Lisle Funeral Home at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. Burial will be in
the Belmont Memorial Park. transcribed by cdf

Merced Sun-Star, October 27, 2006


May 6, 1919 - Oct 22, 2006
Leslie Samuel Lord, 87 of Cathey’s Valley, California, died October 22,
2006 at his home in Cathey’s Valley. Born in Merced Falls, California on
May 6, 1919 to the late Samuel and Roma Lord. The Lord Family consisted
of 7 girls and 3 boys. Leslie served his country in 1942 and was a live
member of the American Legion in Merced, California.

Our father, Leslie, was an extremely hard worker from the time he was a
little boy working on the Lord Ranch to his retirement from Flintkote in
Merced in 1974. After his retirement, he began his Les’ Water Truck
company and worked his water trucks until he stopped to become a full
time cowboy running his cattle, raising his horses, and tending to every
animal that could possibly be raised on a ranch.

Mr. Lord is survived by his children his son Gary Lord and wife Renee of
Atwater, his son Steve Lord of Merced, his son Leslie (Kirk) Lord and
wife Robin of Poulsbo, WA, his daughter Karen Dickinson and companion
John Clarke of Merced, his son Brian (Keith) Lord of Washington, and his
daughter Tracy Lord-Huff and husband Charlie Huff of Atwater.

Mr. Lord’s surviving siblings are sisters, Lois Jackson of Merced,
Gladys Price of Mariposa, Jeanne Brown of Mariposa, and Evelyn Gabbert
of Eureka, Grandpa Lord leaves his beloved 15 grandchildren and 13 great

He was preceded in death by his wife Floy Lone (Scott) Lord in 1992.
They were married for 43 loving years.

Mr. Lord was a devoted and loving father, grandfather, and friend. He
was a very strong family man who took pride in taking care of his family
through hard work, patience, and dedication He enjoyed the outdoors,
horses, and his cattle. Up until his death, he still participated and
helped with every cattle branding he could. Only a couple of years ago
did he trade his horse in for his 4 wheel quad to check and mend fences
around the ranch. He will always be remembered in his family and his
friend’s hearts as one of the last surviving “COWBOYS”.

Visitation will be held from 12-8:00 P. M. on Friday, Oct. 27, 2006 at
Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home in Merced. Funeral Services will be held at
10:00 A. M. On Saturday, Oct. 28, 2006 at Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home.
Burial to follow at Merced District Cemetery.

All arrangements are under the directions of Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home
of Merced.


               LORD, Samuel
               Dec. 31, 1881 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Suicide - On Sunday last the citizens of Hornitos and vicinity, were astounded to hear that Samuel LORD, an
               old and highly respected citizen, living with his family at his comfortable home and ranch about a mile and
               a half from the Washington mine on the road leading to Bear Valley, had attempted suicide by cutting
               himself with a knife, from the effects of which he died on the following Thursday. The cause assigned for
               this rash act is domestic trouble. By those acquainted with the family, this would appear improbable, for
               Mr. and Mrs. LORD are quite aged, having raised a large family of children, some of whom are married, and
               have added to the family tree several grand children. To the outside world Mr. LORD appeared genial and
               happy, and such a thing as domestic troubles never occurred to any of his friends or acquaintances. He was
               a resident of Sherlock's Creek for many years, where a majority of his children, some five or six were born.

                LORD, SAM
                Feb 15, 1940, Mariposa Gazette
                 (submitted by Carolyn Feroben)

                Funeral services for Sumuel Lord were held at the Ivers and Alcorn Mission Chapel in Merced on Wednesday morning with
        Rev. W. A. Cash officiating.  The body was laid to rest in the Evergreen Mausoleum.
                 "Sam" Lord was born at Sherlock, Mariposa County on November 20, 1859 as was well past his 80th birthday.  He was a son
         of pioneers who came with the Gold Rush to the Mother Lode.
                   Most of his life had been spent in Maripsoa county wher he engaged extensively in stockraising at Quartzburg near                     Hornitos.
                   In 1885 Mr Lord and Miss Jennie Simpson, also of Hornitos were married.  Three daughters and a son were born to the                 Lords. The mother and a daughter, Mrs. Irma Cronkite died in 1932.  The other daughters are Mrs. Irene Guest of Merced and   
         Mrs. Rosalie Drake of Kerman; the son is Stanley Lord. of Oroville.
                    Also surviving are tow sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Thomas of Merced and Mrs. Alice Shilling of Berkeley; two brothers, David
          Lord of Merced and Edward Lord of Fresno; four grandchildren, Helen Caroline and Jacqueline Cronkite and Lawrence
          Guest and two great grandchildren, Margot Ann and Larry guest, all of Merced.
                    Twenty-seven years ago the family moved to Merced, after Mr. Lord had retired as a successful cattleman.  He was a
          member of the Wodmen of the World.


             LORD, John J.

Mariposa Gazette, October 26, 1933

John J. Lord, 85, a pioneer of Hornitos died at his home in Quartzburg on Monday afternoon of this week. Services will be held today. Thursday with interment in the family plot on the Lord ranch.
John Lord was born in Grass Valley, Jan. 4, 1849. He married Margaret Hart of Mariposa and they lived in the Whitlock district where he was engaged in mining, before going to Hornitos to engage in farming and stock raising.

Surviving are his widow, and two daughters, Mrs. Edna Patterson and Mrs. Annie Speaker, of Hornitos and Sam Lord of Merced Falls. Other relatives are four brothers, Sam Lord of Merced, Joe Lord of Fresno, Will Lord of Hornitos and Ed Lord of Fresno. Two sisters Mrs. Lizzie Thomas of Merced and Mrs. Alice Shillings of Berkeley.
contributed by Carol Lackey

LORD, Walter J.
Fresno Bee, Dec 22, 1968
Funeral services for Walter Johnson Lord, 85, who died Thursday in a Merced hospital, will be held tomorrow at 11:00 am in the Ivers and Alcorn Chapel in Merced.  Burial will be in the family cemetery in Hornitos.
Lord born in Hornitos was a native and life long resident of Hornitos.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Florence Westfall of Modesto; a siser, Mrs. Anne Speaker of Hornitos, four grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

            Ella LOTT
               August 23, 1884 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Ella, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LOTT, died at the parsonage on last Sunday, after a short illness
               with dysentery. The funeral took place last Monday and was largely attended.

               James LOWE, aged, 45 years.

               NOVEMBER 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press  (submitted by William Disbro)

               At Mariposa, on Friday, Nov. 20th


               April 19, 1879 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               At Merced Falls April 12th, 1879, Mrs. Katie LOWE, the wife of J. P. LOWE of Mariposa, aged 18 years and 3

            MRS. YUBA A. LOWRIE, 88
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               Funeral services for Mrs. Yuba A. Lowrie, 88, a long time resident of Mariposa and Merced County was
               conducted last Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Ivers and ALcorn Mission Chapel, Merced. The Rev. S. S. Rutan,
               Seventh Day Adventist Church officiated at the graveside services at 3:00 p.m. at the Mariposa Public
               Cemetery.She died Saturday in Bloss Memorial Hospital, Atwater, following a long illness. Mrs. Lowrie, who
               was born in Topeka, Kan., moved to Mariposa County 70 years ago. In 1935 she and her husband moved to rural
               Merced. Her husband, the late William H. LOWRIE, died in 1939She leaves three daughters, Mrs. Katie V.
               WILLIAMS , Richmond; and Mrs. Effie ROBERTSON and Mrs. Myrtle SHELDON, both of Merced; two sons, William H.
               LOWRIE, Fresno, 12 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by three daughters.

            Wm. H. LOWRIE Rites Held
               Mariposa Gazette July 20, 1939

               Funeral services were held at the Tiscornia, Ivers and Alcorn Funeral Home in Mariposa on Wednesday morning
               for William H. LOWRIE78, who died at Mercy Hospital in Merced on Monday morning following an illness of
               several weeks. Up until five years ago, Mr. LOWRIE was a resident of Mariposa where he had been a well
               known and highly respected citizen. He disposed of his property here and moved to Merced where he and Mrs.
               Lowrie have since been living. Rev. Father M. J. STACK of Merced officiated at the graveside services held
               in Mariposa. Rosary services were held at Merced on Tuesday evening. Surviving are his widow, four
               daughters, Mrs. Myrtle SOUSA and Mrs. Effie GUEST of Merced, Mrs. Maude SCOTT of Fresno and Mrs. Kattie
               WILLIAMS of Richmond, and two sons, Marion C. LOWRIE of El Portal and William H. LOWRIE Jr. of Richmond.


            Mrs. LUCAS

               September 23, 1876 Mariposa Gazette,
               (submitted by William Disbro)

               Died In Mendocino, September 7th, Mrs. LUCAS, aged 77 years. Many of our citizens will read the above
               announcement with regret. Grandma LUCAS was a old resident of Sherlock's, in this county. She died after a
               short illness, at the residence of her daughter.

            Rose LUDASCHER

               April 8, 1882 Mariposa Gazette

               (submited by W. Disbro)

               Death's Sickle - The death of Miss Rose LUDASCHER at Merced, on Friday of last week, has caused much grief
               and sympathy among those best acquainted with the family. Formerly, the family resided eight miles above
               Coulterville, at which time there, if we remember correctly, five children four girls and one boy, besides
               the father and mother. A few years later, Mary the eldest, a sweet girl of some 20 or 22 years, was
               clutched by the morbid monster, consumption, a disease so much dreaded by the human family, and was torn
               away from the happy throng with whom she had the fondest endearment. 'A little later,' another, a promising
               young man of 22, was prematurely summoned to follow his sister and mother. Scarcely had the gentle zephyrs
               wafted the funeral moans of the departed ones into stillness, when the ravenous sickle of death again
               reached forth and wreaked it's sickly vengeance upon still another of the family group, and poor Rose,
               whose death is just recorded, is the victim of a seemingly hard fate, cut off at the sweet age of twenty-
               two, when life's happiness had just begun. Those remaining to mourn her loss are the father and two

               Bincinto LUNA, April 1906

               Native of Chile and 77 year old died at the county hospital April 11th. The deceased had been an inmate of the hospital for  about two months, his home being in  Bear Valley.

            Cherper LUPTON
               Transcribed by Steve Miller

               Bear Creek,  Mariposa Co,  CA
               Cherper Lupton    dod May 15, 1925
               sex:  female   race:  Indian   marital status:  Married   dob:  not known
               spouse:  Tom Lupton    age:   about  75 years
               occ:  retired    bp:  CA
               father:  not known   bp:   not known
               mother:   "                  "
               mmn:   not known
               length of res:  2 years
               cause:  from internal malignant growths
               informant:  D E  Johnson,  Mariposa, CA
               coroner  D  E  Johnson Coroner, Mariposa, CA  May 16, 1925
               place of burial:  Bear Creek  May 17, 1925
               undertaker  D  E  Johnson,  Mariposa, CA

               Tom Lupton
               Transcribed by Steve Miller

               DCT  Mariposa Co,  CA
               Mariposa Co,  Yosemite National Park
               Tom Lupton         dod:  not known
               sex:  male      race:  Indian     marital status:  widowed    dob:  unknown
               spouse:  widowed   age:  aproximately  85 years
               occ:   commoon laborer      bp:  Yosemite National Park
               father:  Sutar    bp:  YNP
               mother:  not known   YNP
               length in Co  approx  85 years
               informant:  P. B. Hilliard   Yosemite National Park
                       "Tom Lupton disappeared on April 15,1931.  Bears, coyotes, etc had molested the body to such a extent that only a few bones and clothing could be found
               only about one dozen bones were found and the skull was
               missing.  It is apparent that the body fell over a boulder about 10 ft falling on another boulder causing death.   The remains were found about 1000 ft up the side
               of the cliff in YNP."

               coroner:  J V Lloyd  Aug 27, 1931,   YNP
               Burial: El Portal  Ca  Aug 28, 1931
               undertaker:  none   no body to embalm
               filed: Aug 29, 1931  J  V  Lloyd  sub registrar
                        Aug 31, 1931  J  W Pratt  registrar

            LYNCH, Peter
               January 13, 1894 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Peter LYNCH, one of the most original characters Mariposa has known, died Tuesday night. For nearly a half century this harmless, jolly                 man has lived in this  town, always cheerful, and always ready with a witty reply. In early days he made considerable money in the mines,                     but for many years he  has been a cripple, and   any little stake he saved for a rainy day, has long been gone. He was a typical, warm                         hearted Irishman, and had many warm friends and no enemies. One peculiarity of the old man, was, he would attend every funeral. No                         matter what kind of weather, or whether it was a friend or stranger, the half bent figure of Peter was always seen in the procession.
                He was buried Thursday in the Catholic cemetery.

 LYONS, Frank
Feb 15, 1940, Maripsoa Gazette

Frank Lyons, age 85, born at Agua Fria, Mariposa county, died at his home in Angels Camp on February 6th after a brief illness brought on by a hemorrhage.  He had lived at his home in Angels Camp for 42 years.
Mr. Lyons was a carpenter and plumber by trade and engaged to that work before going to Angeles Camp as well as the latter place until he retired on account of his age.

He joined the Odd Fellows Lodge on June 10, 1878 and during the 62 years he as a member of that order he filled many of the offices and was rarely absent from a meeting.  He was a delegate to the Grand Conventions, a member of the Encampment, D strict Deputy Grand Patriarch  and a member of the Ridley Cantonment of Stockton.  He was also a member of the Pioneer Angels Band, having joined that group in 1879 and the Rebekah order.

Surviving are his sister Mrs. Addie Minard and two nephews, Roy and Bert Minard of Angels Camp.  Other relatives are Mrs. Will Moody, Jr., Mrs. E. Moody, Miss Blanche Moody, Mrs. Will Moody, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ben Taylor all of Stockton and Fred J. Meyers of San Francisco.

His father , Isaac J. Lyons was a pioneer of Mariposa county and lived at Agua Fria when that was a thriving mining villlage of many thousand people.

Funeral services were held at the I.O.O.F. hall in Angels on February 9th, with the order of Rebekahs in charge, which servic was followed by the Odd Fellows Memorial service.  Burial was made at the family plot in the Altaville cemetery.

There were many beautiful floral offering and his brother Odd Fellows acted as pall bearers.
transcribed by cdf

            MASCHIO, Carmela

Modesto Bee and News-Herald,  October 01, 1935
MERCED- Sept. 30- Mrs. Carmela Maschio, 77, pioneer settler in Hunters Valley, died Saturday night at the home of her daugher, Mrs. Vera Sutherland, in Atwater following a long illness. She was born in Italy.
Besides Mrs. Sutherland, she leaves two dughtes, Miss Minnie Maschio of Hunters Valley and Mrs. Stella Faulding of Santa Barbara, and three sons, Frank Maschio of Hunters Valley, John Maschio of Merced and Joseph Maschio of SAn Francisco.
Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at the Catholic Church in Hornitos.  Interment will be in the family plot in Hornitos Cemetery under the direction of the Ivers and Alcorn Funeral Home of Merced.- transcribed by cferoben

Fresno Bee- Tuesday,  July 22, 1924
Merced- Juy Funeral services here held at  Hornitos this afternoon for Guseppi Maschio, 79, pioneer rancher of Bear Valley, who died at his home early yesterday morning.  Internment took place in the Hornitos Cemetery.  Deseased was a native of Italy, having lived in Bear Valley for the past forty-six years.

Charles McNALLY, age 22,
               Mariposa Gazette August 1876
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               Benton Mills Tunnel Disaster

               Mr. James McAVOY

               Mariposa Gazette, JULY 22, 1876   (submitted by W Disbro)

               At McAvoy's Ranch, Mariposa County, Mr. James McAVOY, a native of Ireland and aged about 45 years.

            DAVID McCALL

Transcribed from the Mariposa Gazette Jan. 28, 1859 by Steve Miller

Died at Big Oak Flat , January 19,1859, David McCall, age 41 yrs.  Deceased
was a native of North
Carolina, was a respectable and worthy citizen in the community in which he
lived and died lamented.
The imposing ceremony of the Masonic Fraternity of which he was a member
took place at his burial.

               Mrs. Frank McCANN
               November 5, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Cathey's Valley, Nov. 3- Mrs. Frank McCANN died very suddenly at her home in Cathey's Valley, on Sunday
               from paralysis of the brain. Her sister, Mrs. YOUNG, and her brother, Mr. HOLDEN, were present, while Mr.
               McCANN had gone to Mariposa for medical help. Mrs. McCANN leaves a family of five children. She was buried
               on Tuesday in Mariposa.


               Mariposa Gazette, Nov.5, 1892
               (submitted by Steve Miller)
                 Mrs. Frank McCANN of Cathey's Valley was buried in the public cemetery of Mariposa, Tuesday.


            Margaret McCANN

               May 21th, 1884 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Margaret McCANN, wife of Patrick McCANN Esq., of this vicinity. Mr.
               and Mrs. McCANN are among our oldest settlers and have been long and favorably known to our citizens. Mrs.
               McCANN had been long a invalid, and her death was not unexpected. The whole community sincerely sympathize
               with Mr. McCANN in his irreparable loss. The funeral took place on Friday at the Catholic Cemetery, and was
               largely attended.


             McCANN, Paddy, Jr.
               July 24, 1880 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Homicide.- On Tuesday morning last our people were somewhat startled at news received, by a special courier
               from Cathey's Valley, that Paddy McCANN, jr. was shot and killed, and that, too, by a women, which doubly
               added to the interest of the unfortunate affray and anxiety for the particulars and just how it occurred.
               Officers comprising Justice TEMPLE and Deputy Sheriff SKELTON made haste to the scene of difficulty where
               they found as reported a corpse terribly mutilated from the contents of a shot-gun; and also the woman who
               committed the act, who proved to be the wife of Frank McCANN, brother of the deceased. Frank was absent
               from home and his wife alone, when about 9 o'clock on Monday evening Paddy came along, as it is said, very
               much intoxicated, and made improper demands, accompanied with serious threats of shooting and taking her
               life if she did not yield to his requests. In the meantime she managed to get hold of a shot-gun, and
               rested reliably upon it for her own protection. But Paddy wouldn't desist, as she appealed to him to do,
               whereupon the fatal trigger was pulled and the aggressor launched into eternity. [She must be a women of
               remarkable prescense of mind, as well as extraordinary nerve, for immediately after the fatal shot, fully
               realizing the result, she started for her brother-in-law's (Mr. Daniel HOUSE) some mile or so distant, and
               gave information of what she had done.] Mr. HOUSE, with some others, immediately repaired to the spot and
               found her statement to be true. The body was found a short distance from the house in a terrible condition.
               It appears the clothing had taken fire from the effects of the shot-gun and burned one of the arms of
               deceased to a crisp. According to her statement, he was approaching her and was within six feet when the
               gun was fired, the contents of which entered his stomach. To all appearances the deceased fell without a
               struggle ever occurring afterwards. A Coroner's jury was immediately summoned from among the citizens of
               the Valley, and an inquest held, the verdict of which was "justifiable homicide." The deceased was brought
               into town on Thursday morning and interred in the Catholic Cemetery. This is a hard blow on the aged father
               and mother, for however recreant an offspring may be the tender affection and love of the parent never


            McCANN, Patrick
               Mariposa Gazette, Nov 19, 1892
               (submitted by Steve Miller)
                McCann, At his home near Mariposa Nov. 15, 1892. Patrick McCann a native of Ireland, aged  71(4)years.

            McCANN, Patrick
               November 19, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Patrick McCANN.

                   Another old timer joined the silent majority, Thursday last. Patrick McCANN, has been a familiar figure
               in Mariposa for the last 35 or 38 years, having been a young man, when he came to the mines. He had a little
               home two miles from town, and until the past few months, was a almost daily seen on our streets. He was a
               warm hearted man and had many friends. His health had been very poor for some months, and his death was not
               unexpected. His funeral took place on Friday, at the Catholic cemetery.

            McCANN, Willie
               April 16, 1881 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Another Child Gone - Little Willie McCANN, of Mariposa, died last Saturday morning after a long and
               lingering illness. Although sick for several months, he was not at all times confined to his bed, having
               attended school a part of the time. His father took him to Dr. LAMPSON, at Chinese Camp, some time since
               for the purpose of obtaining medical relief, but after an examination of the child by that physician, he
               pronounced his disease incurable, and informed him that he could only afford temporary relief. He continued
               to grow weaker and weaker. On the day of Jonnie Fritz's funeral, the day before his death, he expressed a
               wish to his mother to attend the funeral and take a part with the children in school procession, and would
               no doubt have undertaken to do so but for his mother's objections. That night he was taken with another
               attack, with the result above mentioned. He was 10 years and 6 month of age at the time of his death.

  McCAY, Catherine
Modesto Bee and News-Herald  Wed July 15, 1953
Mariposa- Mrs. Catherine C McCay, wife of Mariposa County Supervisor Fred McCay of Cathay Valley, died yesterday in a Mariposa hospital following a short illness.  She was 68.
Mrs. McCay, a native of Illinois, was a member o the Methodist Church and had resided in the Cathay area 41 years.  She leaves her widower, a son, Gilbert McCay of Mariposa and two grandchildren.
Services will be conductged at 2 PM Friday at Tiscornia & Ivers Funeral Home. Interment will be in Mariposa Cemetery.
c feroben

               McCLOUD, Joshua

               March 25, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               A Tragedy of the Storm.
               Drowning of Joshua McCLOUD.

                   Last Monday morning the Merced Stage left this place at the usual hour, under the care of an old and
               experienced driver, Joshua McCLOUD. Rain had fallen steadily all night, which, with the storm of the two
               past weeks, had raised the creeks very high. In fact the Raymond Stage did not attempt to leave Mariposa,
               and McCLOUD was advised not to attempt crossing the creeks between here and Hornitos. He made the trip to
               Hornitos all right, and after receiving the mail and express from the other driver, started on his return
               trip, not even for his lunch, saying he wanted to beat the water and get over before it became to high. He
               crossed Burn's Creek safely, at the first two crossings, but when he came to it at Northrop's ranch he
               found a torrent rushing furiously among the rocks. Some person at the ranch tried to prevail upon him not to
               attempt to cross for a hour or so, but he thought he could make it, as long as he had come over the
               crossing at Rodgers', which is considered the worst. The force of the current was too much for the stage to
               withstand, and driver, horses and all were swept down the rocky stream. Anxious watchers from the ranch saw
               the accident, but were powerless to do anything to aid the kindly old man, who always had a merry word for
               all. His body was soon recovered at a short distance down the creek, but life had been crushed out of it by
               the cruel water, dashing it among the rocks. The stage was a complete wreck, and both the horses badly
               bruised and cut, but they came out alive. The mail and
               express matter has not been recovered.
                      Mr. McCLOUD was an old pioneer to this State, and was one of the noted  Stage Drivers on many routes
               of California. He has been known in this county for many years, and latterly has been a driver of the
               Merced and Mariposa Line. His obliging manner, and cheerful disposition always made him welcome all along
               the road, and universal sorrow and regret was
               expressed when the news of his sad fate was made known. He had no known relatives, but his funeral at
               Hornitos was attended by many faithful friends.

               Laura McComas, 53,
               Mariposa Gazette, June 17, 1937
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               Death Claims Native of Mt. Gaines a native of Mariposa County, died at her home in Tucson, Arizona, June
               6th. She was born at the Mt. Gaines December 18, 1884. Mrs. McComas was the daughter of the late Thomas and
               Catherine THORN, brother of the late Frank THORN of Mariposa, was at one time owner of the Mr. Gaines ranch
               and a part owner of the Mt. Gaines mine and for a number of years road supervisor in the Hornitos district.
               As a girl, Mrs. McComas attended school at Quartzburg and for a number of years her home was in the
               historical adobe building on the ranch. The family moved to Fresno in the late ‘90s and it was here the
               daughter married Joseph E. McComas, a railroad engineer. The couple made their home in Bakersfield until he
               retired in 1935 and they moved to Tucson on account of ill health. Surviving are a brother, Thomas E.THORN
               of Huntington Park, California; a sister, Mrs. Hester LALLY of Fresno and her stepfather, King MEALY also
               of Fresno. Services were held in the Little Church of Flowers on June 8 and she was laid to rest beside her
               mother in Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale.

            McCOY, Charles Marion

Tuesday, 12 Nov 1872  
Stockton Daily Independent               
DIED -- in Yosemite valley, Oct. 27th, Charles Marion, son of Harrison and 
Elizabeth McCOY, aged 6 months, 25 days

transcribed by Dee S.

               Mr. Ovid McCRACKEN

               Mariposa Free Press in the April 18, 1863

               (submitted by William Disbro)

               SUDDEN DEATHAn old resident of Mariposa County, died very suddenly at Schlageter's Hotel in this town on
               last Wenesday night. He was in good health until the evening before his death when he was attacked with a
               colic; he was taken to his room and medical assistance rendered him, and to all apperances had recovered
               previous to his attendants leaving him. Mr. Schlageter upon going into his room the next mourning found him
               dead. It is supposed that he was attacked again during the night which caused his death. Mr. McCRACKEN was
               a man highly respected by the community and his loss will be deeply felt. A jury was impaneled to enquire
               into his death, and rendered the following verdict: We the Jury of Inquest, summoned to meet at
               Schlageter's Hotel in the town of Mariposa, to enquire into the cause of the death of the late Ovid
               McCRAKEN, do hereby find that the deceased was a native of Virginia, of about forty years of age, and his
               death was caused by a violent attack of cramp cholic in the stomack. Signed; H. CHAS. CASTELLO, ROBERT
               COLLISON, T.J. LANDRITH, W.S. KNIGHT, G.W. LEE, J.M. McKINNEY, B.F. HARBOUR, JAMES R. McCREADY,Henson,    Mariposa, April 15, 1863

               In Mariposa, April 15, Mr. OVID McCRACKEN, aged about 40 years. At a Special meeting of Mariposa Division,
               No. 46 S. of T., held on Thursday the 16th inst., the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously
               adopted. Whereas, It has pleased the Great Patriarch above, to remove from among us, our friend and
               Brother, O. McCRACKEN, we deem it our duty to offer our condolence to the friends and brethren of the
               deceased; therefore, Resolved, That society has lost a useful and worthy member, community an honorable
               citizen, and the Sons of Temperance, a devoted and sterling Brother. Resolved, That in common with his
               friends and relatives we mourn his loss; and that to Oso Division No. 54, of which he was a member, we
               tender our heart felt sympathies. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the Minutes of this
               Division, and that a copy of them be forwarded to Oso Division, and also furnish to the Mariposa Free Press
               and Mariposa Gazette, for publication- JOHN M. CORCORAN, W.P. LA. A. WALLACE, R.S., pro tem.



               Mariposa Gazette October 13, 1877

               (submitted by William Disbro)

               At Fresno, Fresno County, October 5th, 1877, Ira McCRAY, a native of Ohio, aged 59 years.



               JUNE 13, 1863 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by William Disbro )

               In Mariposa June 11th,Calvin, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. JAMES McCREADY; aged 17 months. {Marysville papers please copy.}


            McCREADY, James R.
               October 7, 1870 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of James R. McCREADY - James R. McCREADY, for many years a citizen of Mariposa, and recently residing
               in Snelling, was shot and instantly killed in Stockton, on the evening of September 30th, by a boy named
               Everett B. BATEMAN. The evidence is given in detail in the Stockton papers of Friday. It appears that he
               was wandering about in a strange and unaccountable manner, and making use of very wild and incoherent
               language, and came about the house where the BATEMAN family live. The boy with another one went out and
               warned him to leave. Both of them had shotguns, and young BATEMAN fired twice- once over his head to
               frighten him, and the second shot taking effect in the left lung, and wounding the subclavian artery and
               jugler vein. He fell and expired immediately. It appears that he had been on a spree, and it is supposed
               was laboring under a attack of delirium tremens. Everybody who knew him can testify to his good nature and
               kindness of heart. His follies outnumber his faults, and we would at any time have considered him safer to
               society than a family that turns out two boys with shotguns to go after a man on suspicion that he was
               drunk or crazy.

               Killing of James R. McCREADY
               October 7, 1870 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Long ere this meets the eyes of your readers they will have learned of the death of our old friend, James
               R. McCREADY. The particulars of his sudden and unnecessary "Taking off" will be found in the Stockton
               papers. Yesterday, with a number of old Mariposians, I attended his funeral and helped place the "clods of
               the valley" over his mortal remains. The usual service was read by a clergymen, a fervent prayer was
               offered up, dust was returned to dust, and we bade a last farewell-on earth- to poor Jim. It is not my
               design to speak of his death. If the person who fired the fatal shot had been a man, of mature years, I
               would call the deed murder. As he is but a boy, allowances should probably be made for him. The fact,
               however, that the shooting was done in the street, and that the unfortunate man was not on the premises
               where the boy lived, showed that he was not altogether justified.

               MACREADY, John A.
               The Mariposa Gazette, Sept 20, 1979
               (Transcribed by Steve Miller)

               Service Today for Colonel John A. Macready of Darrah

               Full military services will be held today for Colonel John A. MacReady, 92, an aviation pioneer and holder of several aviation first, at Castle Air Force Base at 1:30  p.m.

               Col. MacReady died at his ranch home on Darrah Road, where he had resided since 1967, on land owned by his family for many years.  Following cremation his  ashes will be scattered over the ranch he loved, according to his wishes.  He was a native of San Diego, and lived in Searchlight, Nevada as a youth where his father was engaged in mining.

               MacReady had a long and varied record in aviation.

               MacReady and Oakley Kelley flew from New York to San Diego in May 1923, marking the first trans-continental flight of the United States.

               Earlier, on October 5, 1922, he and Kelley had set a record for the longest flight at that time,  35 hours, 18 minutes, also making the first inflight refueling. Mr.  MacReady later set a world altitude record for an open cockpit plane of 40,800 feet.  For the altitude record, he survived temperatures down to 80 degrees below   zero by breathing oxygen through a welder's mask.

               He is also credited with making the first aerial photographic survey of the United States.

               Other aviation first credited to him include making the first night parachute jump and demostrating the practicability of dusting crops by airplane.

               In 1968, he was enshrined in the Aviation Hall of Fame in Dayton, Ohio, and was the first to receive the board of directors award of the American Aviation Historical Society.  Other honors include the Distinguished Flying Cross, the French Croix de Guerre  with palm, honorary member of the Society of Experimental  Test Pilots and elder statesman of the National Aeronautics Association.

               He joined the Army in 1917, becoming one of the first aviation cadets.  By age 33, he was the chief test pilot and chief of the flying section at McCook Field in  Dayton.

               He left the Army in 1926 but was recalled during World War II and flew with the 12th Air Force.  In 1942, he was named commander of the Merced Army Air  Field, which later became Castle Air Force Base.

               Surviving are his widow, Nelliejay; two daughters, Jo-Anne Calhoun of Yuba City and Sally Jean
               Liston of Chico, and seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

               Mariposa Gazette, Sept. 27, 1979

            Memorial for Colonel Macready

               A Macready Memorial foundation has been formed in honor of the late Colonel John A. Macready, Ret., much honored officer in the U. S. Air Force for his many  records and outstanding services.

               Funds will be set aside for a building to be used for a museum of the family artifacts, and later an academy will be established.

               Contributions may be made to the memorial by sending to (address omitted).



               November 11, 1865 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W Disbro)

               In Mariposa, November 9th, 1865, At her residence, corner of 4th and Bullion streets, Mrs. Pebby McCREADY, wife of Mr. Thomas McCREADY, aged 63 years.
               We are again called upon to lament the Death of a good and warm friend. Mrs Pebby McCREADY, was a resident of the counties of Allegany and Mercer, in   Pennsylvania, for many years, and came to this State in 1859, accompanied by her husband and family. She has a large number of sons and daughters living in    this place- some of our most worthy neighbors. She has resided in Mariposa about 6 years, and her decease, although at a ripe old age, is lamented by a wide  circle of friends, who enjoyed her society in life, and symphacize with her relatives in their present affliction.

               Shut not the golden sunset out, And darken not your home. Think not that I am in the grave, 'Mid solitude
               and gloom. But with the saints and angels bright, Where all is rest and love; Direct your thoughts with
               ernest faith, To my fair home above.
  "McCREDY--In Mariposa, Nov. 13th, Mrs. Pebby McCREDY, aged 63 years."  Source:  San Francisco Daily Examiner, 17 Nov 1865.


            McCREADY, Thomas

               Sept. 20, 1879 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Thomas McCREADY.- We are this week again called upon to chronicle the passing away of a old and
               highly esteemed citizen, Thomas McCREADY, who was born in the north of Ireland, county Down, in 1800, and
               on Christmas eve next would be 79 years old. In 1822 he was married to Miss Pebby RICHARDSON, from whence
               sprang a large and, we might say, prolific family. Mr. McCREADY, with his family, consisting of seven boys
               and four girls, came to America in 1845, and to California in 1859. A greater portion of the family settled
               in Mariposa, where they have ever sense resided, several of whom have sense died. Mrs. McCREADY died in
               1865, and lies buried in the Catholic Cemetery of Mariposa. John McCREADY, well known as the partner of
               Henry WASHBURN in the Yo Semite Stage Line, died at his sisters residence (Mrs. Jane GALLISON) in Mariposa,
               in 1873. James McCREADY, a married man, and brother in law to Charles E. PEREGOY of this place, was
               accidentally killed in Stockton. His widow since married a man by the name of SMITH, and resides somewhere
               in Oregon. Out of the number of four girls only two are living. They are the wives of our highly esteemed
               citizens, Calvin E. FARNSWORTH and Winslow GALLISON. They were married in this burg December 15th, 1858.
               There are at present two boys living in Marysville and one in Ohio. Thos. W. McCREADY died quite recently
               in Merced. His remains were brought here and interred in the Masonic cemetery. Henry McCREADY, we believe,
               is the youngest of the boys now living. He is a cutter and carver upon tombstones. On Thursday last a large
               procession followed the remains of the old gentleman to their last resting place, where, after a toil of
               almost 79 years, he now lays peacefully at rest.

            McCREADY, Thomas W.
               July 26,1879 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Death of Thomas W. McCREADY - This gentleman died suddenly at the El Capitan Hotel, in Merced, on Sunday
               night, about 8 o'clock, with hemorrhage of the lungs. He had been as well as usual during the afternoon,
               but feeling a sensation of suffering he walked out on the sidewalk, when the blood gushed out of his mouth
               and nostrils and he expired immediately. The body was brought to Mariposa for internment, and placed in
               charge of his sister Mrs. Jane GALLISON. He was buried on the following Monday in the Masonic cemetery, the
               funeral ceremonies being conducted by the Masons, who assigned the remains in usual form of the Order to
               there last resting place. Considering the short notice given and the hasty internment, which was
               necessitated by the excessive heat, there was quite a respectable concourse of Masonic Brethren, relatives
               and friends that followed the remains of poor afflicted Tom to his final abode. His death at any moment was
               not wholly unexpected, for that dreadful malady consumption was fast preying upon his vitals. He was
               sensible to the fact that the evening of life was at hand, but a lingering hope was in his breast that he
               might live until fall, and perhaps longer. He was a tombstone-cutter by trade and had just commenced the
               business in Merced, where if health had permitted he would have done a lucrative business. Mr. McCREADY was
               a widower. He leaves behind several sisters and brothers, an aged father, and many relatives and friends to
               grieve over his sudden departure from them and earth

               McDERMOTT, Peter
               Aug 27, 1881 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Death of Peter McDERMOTT - The deceased, after a long and painful illness, closed his career on earth on
               Monday night last. He was an old resident of this town and county, and for many years held official
               positions, in which he acquitted himself with honor, and has always been held in high esteem by all his
               acquaintances. The name Peter McDERMOTT is as familiar to all old Mariposans as that of any other
               associated with the county, and the news of his death will be generally received with an expression of
               sorrow. His chief attributes were sobriety, honesty and industry, and in his departure his excellent wife
               has lost a provident husband and support, and the community a good citizen. We understand he has an aged
               father still living in Ireland, and a sister in the City of New York. The funeral ceremonies were held,
               Father MacNAMARA officiating, at the Catholic church and cemetery, on Wednesday last, at five o'clock P.M.,
               and was attended by a large number of citizens of the town and country around.



               March 23, 1889 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               In Mariposa, March 16th, 1889, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McELLIGOTT.

            Anniece McElligott Pioneer of County Called by Death
               Mariposa Gazette, May 10, 1934
               (submitted by:  Chris )

               Funeral services were held at the Catholic Church in Mariposa on Wednesday forenoon at 10:00 o'clock for
               Mrs. Anniece Elizabeth McElligott, 78 a native of Mr. Bullion, Mariposa County. Reverend Father Franco of
               the Mariposa Catholic church conducted the church services and members of Mariposa parlor No. 63, Native
               daughters conducted the ritual services at the grave.
               Mrs. McElligott was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis GOURGUET, early pioneers of Mt. Bullion, they were
               the first owners of the Princeton Mine. She married Tom McElligott in 1879 and they lived in Mariposa for
               many years. Tom McElligott died in San Francisco in 1903.After her husband's death the family moved to
               Madera County where the son, Tom was employed with the Sugar Pine Lumber Company. They lived at Madera 10
               years and a number of years at Sugar Pine, returning to Mariposa about four years ago. Mrs. McElligott was
               a Charter member of Mariposa Parlor, Native daughters. She was also a very active member of the Women's
               Club, Women of Woodcraft and Fraternal Brotherhood in Madera. In 1915 she represented the Women's Auxiliary
               at the Panama Pacific Exploration in San Francisco. Mrs. McElligott was a woman of fine character and was
               loved by all who knew her. She is survived by a son Thomas A. McElligott and a grandson, Thomas F.
               McElligott both of Mariposa.

                Modesto Bee , December 17, 1957

                J P McELLIGOTT, Ex Mariposa Coroner, Dies

                Mariposa- Funeral servives were held this afternoon in the Tiscornia & Ivers Chapel for James Patrick (Jim) McElligott, 85, a lliflong resident of Mariposa County, who died in teh Fremont Hospital Dec 25.  Private graveside rites will follow in the Cariposa Cemetery.
McEligott was the son of the former Lucy Guest, a native of this county and Patrick H McElligott, who settled here after coming here as a young man from Canada.
For many years McElligott and two of his three brothers operated an automobile agency.  He subsequently served as a deputy county clerk, coroner, and county probation officer and during and following World War 11 he served on the Merced-Mariposa draft board.
He was a member of the Mariposa Masonic Lodge No. 24 for 63 years.  A 50-year member of the Las Maripsoa Chapter of the Eastern Star, a member of the Scottish Rite Brothers of San Jose, and amember oft he Maripsoa County Historical Society.  He was secretary of the Masonic Lodge for 32 years.  
Surviving are his widow, Bessie; a daughter, Mrs. May Kleiman of Mariposa' a brother Mervin McElligott of Fresno; two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.  Two other brothers, Charles and Maynard McElligott, preceded him in death. cdf         


            Alexander McELROY

               September 23, 1882 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted W. Disbro)

               Death of Alexander McELROY
               We clip from the Merced Star, of September 21st, the following account of the death of one of Mariposa's
               pioneer citizens: “Alexander McELROY, a pioneer settler of Mariposa County, died here on Friday last, and
               was buried in the Masonic Cemetery, under auspices of the order, on Saturday afternoon. Deceased came to
               this State with a military expedition at the close of the Mexican war in 1848, and followed mining with
               varying fortune for many years in Mariposa. He was one of the early Supervisors of Mariposa County, and for
               many years discharged satisfactorily the duties of Justice of the Peace at Hornitos. Judge McELROY was
               esteemed by all his friends and associates, for his decision of character, kindness and sterling integrity.
               He leaves an aged window, and a daughter, Mrs. Cassida of Hornitos. Mrs. S. C. King, Mrs. J. Y. JONES and
               Mrs. S. C. BATES are step daughter of the deceased pioneer."
               McELROY- In Merced, September 15th, 1882, Alexander McELROY, a native of Kentucky, aged 70 years.

            Susan S. McELROY

               January 6, 1883 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W Disbro)

               Mrs. Susan S. McELROY, died on Sunday evening, December 31st, 1882, at the residence of S. A. KING.
               Deceased was the widow of the late Alexander McELROY, and resided for many years at Hornitos, Mariposa
               County. She leaves three daughters, Mrs. C. C. BATES, Mrs. J. Y. JONES, AND Mrs. S. A. KING, all married
               and residents of Merced. The departed lady was an exemplary wife and mother, and leaves to her mourning
               children and the tender memory of a true earnest women, charitable and kind, beloved by all from her early
               childhood, till the closing days of her existence.- Merced Star.
               McELROY- In Merced, December 21st, 1882, Mrs. Susan S. McELROY, aged 72 years, 4 months and 19 days.

               McERLANE, Hugh

               August 30, 1890 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Hugh McERLANE.

                    Hugh McERLANE, a well known and highly respected citizen of Merced, died in Stockton, on Friday last,
               after a long and painful illness which he bore with nerve and fortitude. Deceased was well known in
               Mariposa where he had many warm friends who will cherish his memory for the many sterling qualities which go
               to make up the sum of true manhood. Those
               who mined in the early fifties at Sherlock's will never forget the cheerful voice, the lithe form and
               active steps of "Hughey McERLANE," one of " the boys" of pioneer times. His hand was ever ready and his
               purse open to help the needy and minister to the wants of the
               distressed. He never had to be urged on a mission of charity but was always found at the front as a
               volunteer. For a short term he held, by appointment, the office of Sheriff of that county and discharged
               its duties honestly and fearlessly. A friend who knew him intimately for a period of thirty-six years can
               testify, from personal knowledge, to his
               worth and joins heartily in the response to the summons which has beckoned him to the great hereafter, in
               words which can but faintly express the feeling of all who now "Hughey McERLANE;" " Truly a good man has
               gone."- Star.



               February 3, 1894 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W Disbro)
               In Bear Valley, January 29th, 1894, George C. McFADDEN, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 63 years.

               George C. McFADDEN

                    The death of this pioneer occurred last Monday night. Never very robust in health, he had failed rapidly during the past few months, and although tenderly   cared for by a loving son and daughter, nothing afforded him much relief. Mr. McFADDEN was a quiet gentleman, and his course has always been upright and  honorable. For several years he had   many friends around the county. Although Wednesday was a stormy day a large number of friends followed the remains to the grave. This is the second death  within six months, in the McFADDEN family. The sympathy of the community is tendered the bereaved relatives.

               McFADDEN, W. S.
               July 8, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death Of W. S. McFADDEN.

                 The residents of Bear Valley were shocked on awakening yesterday morning to find that death had been
               among them while they slept. The victim was an old and well known resident of this county, William S.
               McFADDEN, brother of George, and uncle of Bert McFADDEN. The deceased was seemingly in fair health at bed
               time, and as late as three o'clock in the morning, his room mate heard him breathing. An inquest was held
               and their verdict will be given next week. Mr. McFADDEN had many friends who will be grieved to learn of
               his sudden death. The funeral will take place at two today at Bear Valley.

               McFARLAND, May
               Mariposa Gazette May 24, 1934
               (Transcribed by Steve Miller)

               Funeral Services Held For May McFarland

                Funeral service were held Wednesday afternoon at Mariposa for Mrs. May McFarland, 65, of Oak Grove who died at her home there last Sunday, following a
               long illness.  She was a native of Ukiah and had been in this county for 25 years.
                    She is survived by four sisters, two brothers, four sons and two* daughter.  The sons are Lloyd, Harrold, Theodore and Lawrence and the daughter Mrs. Pearl     Cabezut of Ben Hur.

               *(Please note that it is written "two" and daughter is singular, then it goes on to name only one daughter).


            William McFarland
               Obit  orig  Madera Tribune,  April 14, 1919
               reprinted Mariposa Gazette, April 19, 1919
               Transcribed by Steve Miller


                   William McFarland, a resident of Mist,  Mariposa county, just across the Madera county line, died at the county hospital yesterday where he had been for two  weeks.  He was a native of California,  aged  58 years, 5 months and 24 days.

                   The deceased leaves a widow, one daughter, Pearl McDonald, and three sons; Lawrence, whose present address is unknown, Floyd, Theodore and Harold, all   of Mist, He also leaves three brothers, James of Turlock; Robert, of Lodi and Charles of Oregon, and two sisters, Mrs. A. Nil of Fresno and Mrs. R. R. Robinson   of San Francisco.  James McFarland and Mrs. Neil came here to make funeral arrangements.

                   The funeral is being held this afternoon from Jay's undertaking parlors.  The services are being conducted by rev. F. L.  Blowers.  Interment, Arbor Vitae   cemetery.


            McFERREN, Zeta
               Mariposa Gazette, August 5, 1954
               (submitted by Steve Miller)

               Zeta McFerren Services Yesterday

               Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. on Wednesday in the Tiscornia & Ivers Chapel for Mrs. Zeta McFerren, 60, a member of the Norman family of Cathey's  Valley, who came to Mariposa County in 1910 from Montana. She and her husband, George McFerren, who preceded her in death in 1947, operated the '49er Club   in Mariposa for several years, selling to Walter Robinson and Harry Overly in 1946, at which time they retired.

               Since his death she has been residing at her home on Redbud Drive, just south of Mormon Bar, and she will long be missed by her host of friends and neighbors.

               She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Maggie Norman of Cathey; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Rowland of Cathey; and Mrs. Helen Carter of Merced; and two brothers,    Judge Jay T. Norman of Cathey and Jas. Norman of Mountain View.

               Pall bearers included Frank Soares, Walter Robinson, Stanley Fiske, J. H. Ellingham, Herbert Merril and Cyril Walker.  The services were conducted by Rev. J. M.   Ligon of the Mt. Bullion Community Church, and a vocal solo by Barbara Tedrow was accompanied by Eleanor Ligon at the organ.

               James McGouran

               Mariposa Gazette, December 19, 1914

               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               Maripoosa Gazette, December 19, 1914 Died at Jerseydale. James Ferguson McGouran, better known to all in
               this part of the county as "Jimmy Ferguson," passed away at his home at Jerseydale last Monday. For the
               past few years Mr. McGouran has been failing in health due to causes incidental to old age. For many years
               he was engaged in mining at Hites Cove and he was also well known as a Yosemite Valley guide. Of late years
               his eye sight has been bad, due to an accident caused by a blast while working near Wawona. A man liked by
               all for his kindly manner, he will be missed by all his acquaintances, Deceased was a native of Ireland and
               74years of age. Surviving him are his widow; two sons, Sam and Thomas Ferguson, and one daughter, Mrs.
               Frank F. Boothe, all of Jerseydale. Funeral services were held in the Methodist church, Mariposa, on
               Wednesday and the interment, under the direction of Undertaker P. McElligott, was in the Masonic cemetery
               above town.


            McGRATH, James H.
               Aug. 21, 1880 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Homicide. Last Sunday afternoon, intelligence was received from Coulterville that a homicide had been
               committed on the outskirts of the county bordering Stanislaus. The killing occurred on the evening of
               Friday, the 13th instant, at Junction Station, in Mariposa county, at a French store and whiskey den within
               two or three hundred yards of the line dividing the counties. The parties to the deadly conflict were James
               H. McGRATH, a stranger, and Julian VARIAN, a citizen of this county. The former was shot and killed by a
              shot gun in the hands of the latter. The stranger was in Coulterville on or about the 12th, the day before
               he was killed, where he represented he was from Bodie, where he had been engaged in business and had sold
               out a wood claim for $1,500, and was on his way to Modesto, where a check was waiting for him there
               amounting to $800. From thence he expected to proceed to Oakland. After leaving Coulterville on the 12th,
               as before stated, he brought up the same day in the evening at the aforementioned French Store, where he
               put up until the next day in the evening. During the day VARAIN appeared, who together with the stranger
               and several others, such as naturally do congregate about such places, occupied the day in talking,
               drinking, playing cards and other frivolous pastime, when it is supposed they all got pretty full,
               especially the stranger. As usual in a whiskey carousal something occurred by which the stranger became
               incensed at VARAIN, and according to the testimony called VARAIN hard names, and so far as words goes
               abused VARAIN in the most aggravating manner. VARAIN seemingly to get out of the way, went to a cabin about
               80 yards distant, where he remained with an apparent view to avoid the stranger. The cabin, unfortunately,
               was situated on the road leading to Modesto, for the stranger had about this time saddled up his horse and
               after making inquiries about which road led to Modesto, he proceeded as directed, and as he neared the
               cabin the first that attracted his attention of the party he had just parted with was the report of a gun
               in the direction the stranger had taken, and next was the prostrate form of the stranger upon the ground
               near to the cabin and the horse making off from its rider. The men had but a moment before had been the
               stranger's drinking companions started forthwith to the cabin and bloody scene where they found the
               stranger fatally shot and was dead. Upon the approach of the men VARAIN came out of the cabin and
               represented that he was observed by the stranger while passing, who appeared disposed to continue the bandy
               of words and quarrel that had just passed between them, and made signs of breaking in the window of the
               cabin, and drawing his six-shooter which he carried, besides other threatening demonstrations. Whereupon,
               VARAIN felt himself justifiable in resorting to extreme measures to defend himself, which evidently he did,
               either through fear, malice, or justifiable defense, which appears yet not to be fully ascertained.
               Following the killing information was communicated to the citizens of La Grange, a few miles distant, some
               several of whom came up and held a inquest upon the body of the stranger, and rendered a verdict which in
               substance is about as follows: " That the deceased was named James H. McGRATH, a native of Pennsylvania,
               aged 48 years, and came to his death at Junction Station, Mariposa county, August 13th, 1880, from a
               gunshot wound inflicted by Julian VARAIN, cause unknown." The parties holding the inquest took charge of
               what property was found upon the body of deceased, which consisted of $60 in money, a watch, six shooter,
               and forwarded the same to the County Clerks here. The horse, saddle, and bridle was put in charge of Mr.
               David HAYS, who resides in that section. After the investigation, VARAIN immediately proceeded to
               Coulterville and gave himself up to the law authorities. District Attorney GOUCHER having been notified of
               the occurrence, left here on Sunday evening and was on hand on Monday morning ready to proceed with the
               examination before Justice Reed. Esquires MORRIS and WILCOX appeared as counsel for the defendant. The
               examination of witnesses was not concluded until the second day in the evening. There were five witnesses
               examined, mostly foreigners, which made it extremely tidious. Also the defendant was examined on his own
               behalf. After argument of counsel for the prosecution and the defense, and the Court having fully
               considered the evidence taken, decided the killing to be justifiable homicide, and ordered the defendant
               discharged. District Attorney GOUCHER, who conducted the prosecution, not seeing the case of a justifiable
               homicide in the same light as did the court, proceeded forthwith back to the seat of justice, where he
               arrived on Wednesday evening, and on Thursday morning he filed an information in the Superior Court against
               Julian VARAIN charging him with the crime of murder, whereupon a warrant of arrest was issued and given to
               Sheriff CLARKE, who proceeded forthwith accompanied by Deputy Ed. SKELTON to make the arrest. The only
               evidence of identity or that the deceased was McGRATH was a letter found on his body written by Mrs. Lucy
               BOWMAN, of Oakland, and addressed to James H. McGRATH. Also an answer to the same letter written by
               deceased on the same day he was killed, which he evidently intended to mail to Modesto, as it was headed
               Modesto, August 14th. There will no doubt be further developments brought to the surface which we will give
               hereafter. That nook of the county which joins on to about four other counties ought to be ceded to
               whatever county will take it as a gift, and if there is any hesitancy upon the part of either to accept,
               pay them a few thousand to take it. The bloody record is yet wet with similar scenes occurring in that
               remote region, which has cost the county several thousand dollars.

McGREGOR,  Helen 
Oakland Tribune, June 4, 1956

Hornitos, June 4- Funeral services wil be held at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in the St. Catherine's Catholic Church for Helen Grace McGregor, 40, daughter of a pioneer Maripsoa County family who was killed Saturday in an automobile accident.  She was the wife of Eugene McGregor, Mariposa County Supervisor.
Rosary will be said at 9 p.m. today at the Ivers and Alcorn Funeral Home in Merced.  Internment will be in the Hornitos Catholic Cemetery.
Mrs. McGregor died instantly when the car in which she was riding, driven by Robert Apland,  about 35, hit a tree on the  Cathay-Hornitos Road one mile east of Hornitos.  Apland, who suffered a leg injury, is recovering in a Patterson Hospital.
Mrs. McGregor was the daughter of the late C. B. Cavagnaro, pioneer Hornios merchant.  She is survived by her husband; a daughter Elizabeth, of the home; her mother, Mrs. Grace Cavagnaro , Hornitos, and a sister Mrs. Virginia Peirce, Lone Pine.   transcribed by c ferobn



     Robert McKEE

               Dec. 26, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Robert McKEE.

                   The large circle of friends here in this county and elsewhere will exceedingly regret to hear of the
               death of Robert McKEE announced in this paper, which occurred in San Francisco on the 16th instant. He had
               been sick for a year or two last. He had been sick for a year or two last past, and from the commencement
               he gradually grew worse until relived by death. For many years he was identified with the interests of this
               community. He was connected with the mercantile business of Sulivan & Co. of Coulterville, during which
               time he married, and afterwards moved to San Francisco and became a partner with BOCQUERAZ & SHEA, wholesale
               dealers in liquors at the corner of Front and Jackson streets, where he gradually acquired wealth and has,
               as we understand, left his family in comfortable circumstances. We hope to be able at some future time to
               give a more extended account of his last illness and the
               situation in which he left his family and worldly matters. He was at an early day a member of the Odd
               Fellows Lodge of this place, and since of the California Pioneers. He was a native of Belfast, Ireland,
               aged 58 years.


         James M. McKINNEY

               June 23,  1871 Mariposa Free Press

               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Under our death head last week we published the death of James M. McKINNEY. There are few residents of this
               county who were not acquainted with this estimable and wholesouled gentleman; and his many friends will
               sincerely regret his demise. Mr. McKINNEY was born in North Carolina, and emigrated to Tennessee at an
               early age. He afterwards went to Missouri, from which state he came to California in 1851. In 1866 he was
               elected Supervisor of Mariposa District, and in 1867 was elected county Treasurer, both of which positions
               he filled to the satisfaction of the public. Mr. McKINNEY was buried on friday last; and his remains were
               followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of friends, who took this sad occasion to show
               their respect for one of nature's truest noblemen.



               Mariposa Free Press MAY 9, 1863

               (submitted by William Disbro)

               Aurora, April 23d, Mr. ADAM McKINZIE, aged about 38 years. Adam McKINZIE, a well known Mechanic of Mariposa
               county, died on the 23d inst., at this place; he had a difficulty with a Chinaman and received a wound in
               the arm with a knife from which he died.

Modest Bee and News-Herald, Tuesday, Jan 08, 1935 page 6
McLean Services Are to Be Held At Coulterville
Merced- Jan 7 Last rites for John McLean, 76, of Coulteville , who died at a local hospital, will be conducted at 2 P M tomorrow at the Odd Fellows Hall in Coultervillle under the direction of the Ivers and Alcomr Mariposa Funeral Home.
McLean mined in California during the gold rush days and later was engaged in dredging in Trinity County.
He leaves two cousins, Dan McLean, San Jose, and Walter McLean, Coulterville and a niece, Mrs. Frank Royster, El Cajun.  Burial will be in the family plot in the Coulterville Cemetery. transcribed by cdf

              Henry ‘Merrill’ McNally - Mariposa Tribune-
                           • Retired mechanic
                           Henry “Merrill” McNally, a lifetime resident of Mariposa, died
                       November 8 in Mariposa at age of 82.
                           Mr. McNally was born May 23, 1920, in Mariposa, to Henry and Dora
                       McNally. He served in World War II as a Flying Tiger in China with
                       General Charles Chenault
                            Upon returning to Mariposa, he worked as a mechanic and retired from
                       Mariposa Unified School District. After retirement, Merrill helped his
                       family and friends with ir projects.
                           Mr. McNally was a member of American Legion. He and his wife, late
                       Ruth McNally, were past owners of Caps Lighthouse in Cays Valley. He
                       enjoyed fishing, hunting, camping and gardening, but his greatest joy was
                       his family.
                           He is survived by his son, Jesse McNally, of Atwater; daughters
                       Jacquelyn Porter and son-in-law, Tom, of Winton; Betsy Croll and
                       son-in-law, Jim, of Mariposa; one bror, Lindy McNally, of Mariposa;
                       sisters Velma Tarver, of Sparks, Nevada, and Ann McNally, of Whitefish,
                       Montana. Also surviving are three grandchildren, one great-grandchild and
                       one great, great-grandchild.
                           A memorial service will be held on Saturday, November 16, at 11 a.m.
                       at Mariposa Funeral Home. Arrangements are under direction of Mariposa
                       Funeral Home.
                           Remembrances: Salvation Army, American Legion or to charity of your

            MAGOON, S E
               At Maggon's Ranch, Mariposa County, April 21st, 1877, S.E. MAGOON, aged 49 years.


Stockton Daily Independet
Monday, 27 May 1872
DIED -- at Hornitos, May 22d, Edwin F., infant son of W.D. & Jane MAYHEW, 
aged 22 days.
transcribed by Dee S.


  Modest Bee and News-Herald, Tuesday, Jan 08, 1935 page 6
McLean Services Are to Be Held At Coulterville
Merced- Jan 7 Last rites for John McLean, 76, of Coulteville , who died at a local hospital, will be conducted at 2 P M tomorrow at the Odd Fellows Hall in Coultervillle under the direction of the Ivers and Alcomr Mariposa Funeral Home.
McLean mined in California during the gold rush days and later was engaged in dredging in Trinity County.
He leaves two cousins, Dan McLean, San Jose, and Walter McLean, Coulterville and a niece, Mts. Frank Royster, El Cajun.  Bulian will be in the family plot in the Coulterville Cemetery.


               February 17,1866 Mariposa Free Press

               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Murder Near Hornitos - An old man by the name of McMANNUS, was murdered about two miles from Hornitos on
               Thursday night of last week. He was a miner who had a claim and cabin at Mormon Bar, on the Merced. He had
               been in Hornitos, and was on his way home when killed; he was shot and stabbed in several places. It is
               supposed that he was murdered by Mexicans, though nothing definite is yet known.



               November 11, 1882 Mariposa Gazette

               In Cathey's Valley, November 2d, 1882, the infant son of Mrs. Ida McMILLAN.

            Stockton Daily Independent
            December 20, 1862

	DIED -- at Princeton, Mariposa county, Dec. 11th, a son of Mr. McMORRIS, aged about 7 years.transcribed 
by Dee S

               MCNAMARA, John

                Stocktond Daily Independent  October, 10, 1862               

	DIED -- in Mariposa, Oct. 8th, John McNAMARA, aged 37 years. transcribed by Dee S

                MACE, Captain R. P.
               April 28, 1894 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

                Captain R. P. MACE, pioneer and veteran of the Mexican war, died at Madera Tuesday. He was known
               throughout the state, having been twice elected to the Legislature.
Additional Information: Mace was an inkeeper in Yosemite


          MADDEN, Christopher

               June 10, 1865 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Sudden Death- Inquest on Body.

               A man by the name of MADDEN, for many years a resident of Mariposa, was found dead in his bed at his house
               near Missouri Gulch, on Tuesday morning last. He had been in tolerable health, apparently, until the day
               previous to the occurrence when he was heard to complain of a pain in the breast. He was seen going into
               the cabin early in the evening, and it is supposed that he died some time prior to the hour of midnight.
               The following is the verdict of the Coroner's Jury, together with the post mortem examination of the body.

               State of California

               County of Mariposa Before Judge James McVICAR, Justice of the peace and acting Coroner.- In the matter of
               the inquisition on the body of Christopher MADDEN, deceased, we the undersigned jurors summoned to appear
               before James McVICAR, Justice of the peace and acting Coroner of Mariposa County, at Mariposa, on the 6th
               day of June 1865, to inquire into the death of said deceased, having been duly sworn according to law and
               having made such inquisition, after hearing the testimony adduced and inspecting the body, upon our oaths,
               each and all say, that we find that the deceased was named Christopher MADDEN, a native of West Meade
               County: Ireland, aged about 45 years, and we find the deceased came to his death, from congestion of the
               lungs, on the evening of the 5th of June, 1865: all of which we duly certify by this inquisition in
               writing, by us signed, this 6th day of June 1865. James H. LAWRENCE, Wm. M. COOLIDGE, R.H. FLEMING, Charles

               COOLIDGE, J. R. McCREADY, Patrick BYRNES, Chas. D. SIMPSON, E.B. ROLLINS.


The Daily Picayune, New Orleans- May 27, 1897
Died in Yosemite Valley- San Franicsco, May 24--Colonel G. A. Madden, of the British army, stationed in India, returned yesterday from the
Yosemite, but without his brother, who accompanied him on his trip there somewhat over a week ago.  The brother of Madden, a well-to-do tea
mercant(sic) of Calcutta, died suddenly at Yosemite on Monday last and the remains, which would not bear shipment to this city, were interred in the cemterery in the valley.
Colonel Madden and his brother were on their way to London to attend the jubilee of the queen.  The survivor will continue on his way to England, as he is under order to be there early in June- transcribed by cdf

               October 1, 1864 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               A Desperado Killed.

               We received a communication from F. GILTNER, Esq., who acted as Coroner, in the matter of a inquest held on
               the body of a Mexican by the Name of MALACHI who was killed near Colorado on the 16th- giving the details
               of the affair. The letter was mislaid and only turned up to late for the last paper. The particulars are to
               the effect that, upon the night in question, some one fired into the saloon of Ned GARRITY while a social
               game of cards was going on. Fortunately no one was hurt. A short time afterwards a Mexican came in and told
               that the man MALACHI (who had become a noted desperado) was only a short distance below town, and that he
               had drawn a pistol on him also that he was the same person who robbed GARITTY'S house an March last. A
               party of citizen's armed themselves and started in pursuit. They came up with him at a fandango house-
               Finding that he could not get away, he drew a six- shooter and stood his ground- so there was no other
               chance but to shoot him. The Mexican and Americans thereabouts are well pleased to be rid of him. The
               following is a copy of the verdict of the jury of inquest. We the jurors examined the deceased KOSSUTH or
               MALACHI and found that he came to his death by pistol or gun shoot wounds inflicted by the people of
               Colorado while attempting to arrest him,' James E. HUTCHINSON, Foreman. Colorado, Sept. 17th.

            MALONE, James H.
               December 14, 1889 Mariposa Gazette

               Death of James MALONE.

                   James H, MALONE, one of the pioneers of this county, died on Monday of this week. Over a quarter of a
               century of his life has been spent in the vicinity of Mariposa, in milling, mining, and other enterprises.
               He was a quiet, unobtrusive citizen, and merited the good will and esteem of all who knew him. He had been
               singularly unfortunate for many years,
               for while making considerable sums of money at various times, he seemed never to have the faculty of
               holding on to any, and so in his old age and feeble health, misfortunes crowed faster upon him, and he died
               poor. He was buried in the public cemetery on Wednesday. We believe he was without relatives in this State,
               with the exception of a nephew, Mr.
               Luther WAGONER, of San Francisco.    


              MALONEY, Mrs. J. M. (Lizzie)
               January 9, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Mrs. J. M. MALONEY.

                    The death of this well-known lady which occurred on the morning of Jan. 8th, was a surprise to many.
               Although it was well known that her health was delicate it was not generally supposed that the case was
               considered dangerous. For some time her throat was affected, presumably by catarrah, and this added to
               other complications hastened her death.
               About ten years Miss Lizzie MULLERY came here from St. Louis to visit her brothers, John and Michael
               MULLERY her sister Mrs. Annie TURNER and other relatives. She was a rosy pretty girl, and soon made many
               friends among young and old. She made her home for a while with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BOGAN
               and taught a few terms of school, both at Princeton and Elkhorn. About eight years ago she married Mr. J.M.
               MALONEY of Elkhorn, and her prospects for a long and happy life appeared assured. But her health failed,
               and for a couple of years most of the time she has been under a physician's care. Two little boys are left
               to the father's care. Her funeral will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Catholic Cemetery.

               Death of Mrs. Ellen MALONEY
               Nov. 13, 1875 issue of the Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by William Disbro)

               On Sunday last Mrs. Ellen MALONEY wife of William MALONEY, who resides at the CORBERT ranch, on the
               Mariposa and Hornitos road, about five miles from Hornitos, started from her home in the morning on
               horseback and leading another horse, for Bear Valley, a distance of about ten miles, with the view of
               returning with her daughter, who lives at that place. It appeared upon investigation that she traveled
               about three miles when from some cause she dismounted and walked, leading the horses, and dropped dead in
               the road, apparently without a struggle. The horses attempted to return home, but where stopped at the toll
               house of Mr. SLATTERY, who with Mr. James SIMPSON went in search of her, and found her as stated. Heart
               disease is supposed to have been the cause of her death. Mr. and Mrs. MALONEY are old residents of this
               county. The latter was a active, business women, an affectionate wife and mother, an excellent neighbor,
               and beloved by all that knew her. Her untimely death cast a gloom over the neighborhood, which will take
               time to dispel. She leaves a husband and four children to mourn her loss. She was buried in the Catholic
               Cemetery in Mariposa, on Tuesday last. The funeral was attended by a large number of friends and
               acquaintances, and the Catholic service read by Mr. Charles BOGAN.


       MALONEY, William
               June 6, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               A SAD RESULT.

                   William MALONEY, the unfortunate young man who was accidentally shot in the leg last Sunday, died this
               morning at 7 o'clock from the effects of the accident. Deceased was a native of California, aged 32 years,
               and had lived in Mariposa County, where his father still resides. He was working on Ed OLDs' ranch and last
               Sunday started for the San Joaquin to fish. A friend with him insisted on taking a gun along so as to kill
               coyotes if any came their way. They stopped a while at the HUNSACKER place where the accident occurred.
               Miss Lottie HUNSACKER was handling the gun when it went off accidentally, the contents entering MALONEYS leg
               near the knee shattering the bone. He was brought to town and everything done that was possible for
               competent physicians to do, and on Saturday it was deemed best to amputate the leg above the knee. Mr.
               MALONEY'S physical condition would not stand the strain and this morning at 7 o'clock he expired. The body
               will be taken to his father’s home in
               Mariposa this evening, and he will be buried on Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. SUN.

                  The body of the unfortunate young man was brought into town Wednesday, and laid to rest in the Catholic
               cemetery. This is a very sad case, a vigorous man cut down in his strong, happy youth and in a few short
               hours numbered with the dead. It seemed as though people will
               never learn to leave firearms alone. It is such a foolish, wicked thing to point a weapon at anyone, for a
               joke, yet it is done every day. How dreadful must be the remorse of the young girl who, thoughtlessly
               pointed the rifle at poor young MALONEY, and in an instant's time doomed him to death. He left an aged
               father, loving brothers and sisters and many warm friends to mourn his untimely death.


               MANJER, Charles

               February 12, 1887 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Fell Dead - At the carpenter shop of Wm. R. KNIGHT opposite the Post Office in Mariposa on Monday last a
               Frenchman well known as Grapee, while standing around, fell dead. A sudden attack of hemorrhage was
               supposed to be the cause. His correct name was Charles MANJER, a native of France.

Humboldt Standard, Eureka CA- May 8, 1954
LeGrand (UP) Sheriff's deputies reported that Albert H Mankins, 45 year old Le Grand cattleman, drowned in a Mariposa creek during a cattle roundup on the Cunninghma ranch east of here.-transcribed byc feroben 

               MANN, A.J.
               April 15, 1865 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Homicide at Sweetwater - A.J. MANN was shot by a man named Clifton at Sweetwater on Sunday last. The
               particulars, as we have learned them, are as follows: The two men were partners in mining and were
               returning from Buffalo Gulch, when a quarrel ensued, resulting in a rough and tumble fight in which Clifton
               came out second best. Upon arriving home he barrowed a six-shooter, telling the owner of it that he wanted
               to shoot a ground squirrel, and meeting MANN, drew and told him he was going to kill him.- MANN held up
               both hands and begged him not to shoot, when Clifton told him he had to get on his hands and knees and beg
               pardon, and immediately fired, killing MANN instantly. Clifton was arrested and lodged in Jail.

            MANN, Abel
               September 8, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Murder and Suicide - The End of Abel MANN

               He Stabs his Wife and Then Cuts Her Throat, and Then Shoots Himself.

                  We find the following in the Daily Expositor, of Fresno City, of September 3d:
                  (Abel MANN is so well known in these parts that it is unnecessary for us to make any comment.- Ed. Gazette.)

                  On Saturday evening last Coroner KING received a telegram calling him to Raymond. Deputy Coroner WILLIAMS took the early, Sunday morning train, and   arrived there about 7 A.M. He found the inhabitants of Raymond in a great state of excitement over a suicide and an attempted murder.
                  Abel MANN is a farmer living about three and a half miles from Raymond, has not lived on the best of terms with his wife for two months past. In fact, he has  been considered by his neighbors a sort of crank, and his wife left him for fear he might do her some bodily injury, as he had often threatened to do so. Mrs.   MANN then went to live with a Mrs. PARKER, a short distance from Raymond. While she was living there Mr. MANN often sought admission to the house of  Mrs. PARKER, but he was never allowed to see his wife. After remaining at Mrs. PARKER's for about two months, Mrs. MANN went to live with a Mrs.   BROWN, her house being about a mile from MANN's Ranch. MANN in some way discovered the removal of his wife, and being nearer his ranch it afforded a  better opportunity for him to watch her movements.

                             He Stabs His Wife.

                    He discovered on the 1st instant, Saturday afternoon, there was no men about the premises of the BROWN's, so he made his way over to their house. Upon   entering the door he saw his wife and before she was able to make her escape had her within his grasp and had stabbed her just below the left nipple, the knife   having a large blade about three inches long. He next grabbed her by the throat and drew the sharp blade across, making several deep and ugly wounds. From   loss of blood she fell in a swoon on the floor and he left her for dead. Mrs. BROWN, as we are informed, was the only witness to this terrible deed. Mrs. BROWN   did not wait until MANN left her house but started for Raymond, a distance of two and a half miles to give the alarm. The news spread like wildfire and in less  than an hour the whole neighborhood were in arms looking for MANN, for whom none of them seemed to have any regard, but all friends of his wife. After   searching the surrounding country in vain, two or three of the party went to his house where they least expected to find him. After making a thorough search.

               He Was Found Dead.

                    In his bedroom, setting in a chair. In taking his life he had used a 44 caliber revolver, sending a ball through his brain. It is thought that he suicide about  twenty minutes before his body was found. Parties making the search would undoubtedly have given him his own medicine if they had captured him alive. It is   said that he had no friends in or about Raymond, while she had no enemies. Mr. WILLIAMS impaneled a jury, consisting of Frank HIGGINS, J. A. ORTEGA,  John BEEVERS, Thomas H. LEONARD, J. B. LOGAN, and N.D. SWORTHAM. He also examined Dr. J. T. SARBONGH, D. W. FRANKES and G. W. B?NDS, after   which the jury returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death from a gunshot wound in the head, inflicted by his own hand. Some idea of the feeling of  the people toward the deceased may be gathered from the fact that no one would allow him to be buried on their land. He was buried on his ranch, about a mile  from his house. His wife, for a long while, has been in delicate health, and it is believed her wounds will prove fatal.  


               December 16, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               At Bear Valley, December 9th, 1882, Rose, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. MARGRAVE, aged 11 years and 8


               November 17, 1877
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               DIED At the Half Way House, November 6th Wm. F. MARPO, of Intermitant Fever, aged 44, native of Prussia.

               Mariposa Chronicle August 18, 1854
               (submitted by Steve Miller)

               Died On the 17th inst at Upper Agua Frio, Jared H. Marr, formerly of Sumpter Co. Ala.

              MARRS,  Jane
               Modesto Bee and News Herald- November 11, 1946

                Mrs. Jane Marrs, 57, Dies At Mt. Gaines

                Merced- Nov 11- Mrs. Marrs, 57 died at her home at the Mt. Gaines Mine near Hornitos Saturday.  She was a native of Nebraska and lived in Hornitos 11 years.  She is survived by her husband, Allen C. Marrs.
fneral services will be held in the Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home tomorrrow morning at 11 o'clock.  Rev. Harry Transchell will officiate.  Burial will be in the Hornitos Cemetery.


              MARSH Died
               February 17, 1894 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               Henry Frost MARSH

                    This old time resident of Mariposa, passed away from the ills and sorrows of this life, last Monday
               evening. Mr. MARSH was well known all over Mariposa, and friendship and respect were given him wherever he
               went. His health failed him long ago and for years he has lain
               hopelessly paralyzed. Being a member of the order of Odd Fellows he has had care and sympathy from his
               brethren of the lodge, and during his long illness he has not been neglected. The funeral on Wednesday was
               under the auspices of that order. The deceased had no relatives in the West, but leaves an aged mother in
               Maine, to mourn his loss.

               MARSH- In Mariposa, February 12th, 1894, Henry F. MARSH, a native of Maine, aged 60 years.

               Death of J. B. MARSH
               October 13, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
               (Submitted by W. Disbro)

               J. B. MARSH whose death is announced elsewhere in this paper, formerly lived in Mariposa and was by
               profession a painter. He was a Mexican War veteran and came to California early and settled in Mariposa,
               where he lived till Merced sprang into existence. He was a good, whole souled fellow; although there are
               but few left here of the old-timers to attest to MARSH's good qualities. Since we prepared the above we
               find the following most favorable notice in the Merced Express of the 6th inst., which bears further
               evidence of the excellent character of deceased, and who during his last moments was attended by his
               friend, Frank LAVALLEE, who opened his purse strings and stood by the dying man to the last, will be
               remembered, and when the time comes, the bread by him cast upon the waters will be returned ten fold. " J.
               B. MARSH was buried in the cemetery in this place last Wednesday he having died on Tuesday, after a
               lingering illness of several months. Mr. MARSH was a California pioneer and a veteran of the Mexican War.
               He resided many years in Mariposa county, but when Merced was a village, smelling everywhere of new lumber
               and fresh paint, he took up his abode here. He was a house painter by trade and an excellent workman. He
               had many friends during his residence in this county, but of those who stood truest when adversity came,
               Mr. Frank LAVALLEE was first. It was Frank to whom he applied for assistance and was never denied; it was
               he who softened the dying man's pillow and received his last words; he opened to a friendless pauper his
               not over well filled purse and relieved his passing necessities. Who else in all this community devotes his
               time and money to the helpless, suffering poor? Frank LAVALLEE stands alone in deeds of unselfish and
               unostentatious charity, and if any man receives future reward it will be he. The deceased was born in New
               London, Connecticut, and was well connected. He has two brothers in Georgia, and three uncles in New
               Orleans, all in good circumstances, and doubtless, if they had been informed, would have done all in their
               power to render peaceful the last hours of their relative. The last request of Mr. MARSH was that his
               relatives be not informed of his death. He was buried besides the grave of Ben DAVIS, an old war companion,
               who had preceded him over the dark river some three years, and the two now rest, as they had often done
               before when in early manhood they fought for their country's flag, side by side. Peace to their ashes."  

             MARSH October 13, 1883 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W Disbro)
               MARSH- In Merced, October 2d, 1883, J. B. MARSH, aged 63 years, a native of New London, Connecticut.

Modesto Bee And News-Herald, The | Modesto, California | Tuesday, October 01, 1935
MERCED, Sept 30
Mrs. Carmela Maschio, 77, pioneer settler in Hunters Valley, died Saturday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Vera Sutherland, in Atwater, following a long illness. She was born in Italy.
Besides Mrs. Sutherland, she leaves two daughters, Miss Minnie Maschio of Hunters Valley and Mrs. Stella Faulding of Santa Barbara, and three sons, Frank Maschio of Hunters Valley, John Maschio of Merced and Joseph Maschio of San Francisco.
Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at the Catholic Church in Hornitos. Interment will be in the family plot in Hornitos Cemetery under the direction of the Ivers and Alcorn Funeral Home of Merced.  submitted by Carol Lackey

Modesto Bee And News-Herald, The | Modesto, California | Sunday, December 25, 1960
MERCED, Merced Co.
Funeral services will be held at 10 AM Tuesday in the Hornitos, Mariposa County Catholic Church for Frank Maschio, 68, of Merced, who died Thursday in his home at 120 West 22nd Street.
Burial will be in the Hornitos Cemetery. A rosary will be recited at 8 PM tomorrow in the Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Chapel.
Maschio, a native of Hunters Valley, had lived in Merced County the past 12 years. He was a retired cattle rancher.
Surviving are two brothers; John Maschio of Merced and Joseph Maschio of Snelling, Merced County. His sister, Minnie Maschio, died in May.  submitted by Carol Lackey

               MARSHALL, Carrie
               July 19, 1890 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               The death of Miss Carrie MARSHALL is announced elsewhere in this paper. She was the daughter of Mr. Thos.
               MARSHALL and was born and raised in this county. She was a bright, attractive girl, and her loss will be
               sorely felt by many young friends here.


                 John J. Marshall.

                Mariposa Gazette, May 7, 1861-submitted by Steve Miller

On Whitlock's,  Saturday May 4th, 1861, Mr. John J. Marshall.

from the same issue,

.......We regret to announce the sudden and mel-
ancholy death of John J. MARSHALL l of Whitlock's,
who was killed Saturday morning last.  The particu-
lars of his death are:  He, in company with another
person, entered one of the drifts belonging to the
firm of Goodman, Marshall & Co.,  for the purpose of
getting out rock, and, on sounding the ledge, which
is the custom with winers before commencing opera-
tions,  several hundred pounds of rock fell upon him
and crushed nearly every bone in his body.  He was
drawn from under the pile immediately by his com-
rade, when another mass of rock covered him.
He lived but five minutes after the first crush.

Mr. Marshall has been long and favorably known
in this part of the county; has been connected with
the quartz mill of Goodman, Marshall & Co, since it
first started.  A wife and family of four Children are
left to mourn his loss.

He was buried on Sunday last by the Masonic Fra-
ternity, in the graveyard on Sherlock's Creek.

               John W. MARSHALL

               August 15, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               JAMES W. MARSHALL
               The Discoverer of Gold in California, Died at COLOMA.

                    Sacramento, August 10 - A dispatch from Placerville to-day says that James W. MARSHALL, the discoverer
               of gold, died at Coloma, El Dorado county, at 5 o'clock this morning.
                    Deceased was 82 years of age, and was born in Hope township, Huntingdon county, New Jersey, and served
               an apprenticeship as a coach builder in his native town. At the age of 21 years he became dissatisfied with
               the limited prospect of advancement offered by the home of his youth and determined to extend his field of
               operations. He went to Indiana and Illinois, and then to Kansas, where he was in a fair way to achieve
               prosperity, when he was attacked by a lingering sickness, which necessitated his seeking a change of
               climate. The course of his migrations tended always westward, and in June 1845, he set foot in California.
               He first engaged to work for General SUTTER at Sutter's Fort, in Sacramento County, and afterwards went
               into partnership with him in the lumber business, at Coloma. On the 8th of January, 1848, while engaged in
               superintending the building of a millrace, in connection with their lumber enterprise, MARSHALL's eye first
               detected the particles of gleaming metal which excited not only the people of America, but the whole
               civilized world, and set in motion towards the Pacific Coast a host of adventurers eager to reach a land
               that promised actual riches in return for labor. Nearly all the earliest seekers after wealth made directly
               for Coloma and, without any preliminaries, settled themselves upon MARSHALL's land and helped themselves to
               his cattle and other possessions to supply their necessities. MARSHAL was never successful as a prospector
               and his discovery, which brought fortunes to many and made California what it is today, proved his
               financial ruin. He became involved in litigation and eventually lost all the land he once possessed, and he
               died at last a poor man, near the spot where thirty-seven years ago he had picked up the first bright
               nugget from the sand. He received of late years a pension of $150 per month from the State, which supplied
               his moderate wants, but which was scarcely a sufficient reward for all his discovery had done for the


            A.G. MARTINEZ
               January 30, 1886 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

                   Last Sunday was an unfortunate day for drowning. A young man by the name of A. G. MARTINEZ of Hornitos was
               drowned in Bear Creek near Indian Gulch. His horse fell in crossing the creek. He leaves a father, sisters
               and brothers to mourn his loss. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him.

               Bishop E. M. MARVIN of the M.E. Church .
               Mariposa Gazette December 1, 1877
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               At St. Luis Missouri, November 26th



               February 8, 1890 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro )

                    The seven year old son of E. C. MASON was instantly killed at his home in Plainsburg on Monday last
               from an explosion of powder. He was alone at the time in a shed near the house and it was supposed that he
               had a can of powder which was touched off with matches. The shed was blown to atoms and the concussion from
               the explosion broke several windows in his father's hotel, forty feet distant. - STAR.



               January 13th, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               In Cathey's Valley, Mariposa County, January 10th, 1883, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MASSINGALE, aged about
               two months.


            George C MATLOCK died July 22, 1976
               (source or date of publication unknown)
               (submitted by Carolyn Feroben)

               Recitation of the rosary was held on the evening of July 23 for George Calvin MATLOCK, 77 at the Mariposa
               Funeral Home and memorial services were held at the graveside of the Mariposa Catholic Cemetery the
               following morning at 10:00a.m. Father Francisc Walsh officiated. MATLOCK, born at Matlock Flats on the
               Colorado Road near Mariposa on July 22, 1899, died following a three months illness on his birthday, July
               22, 1976.

               He was a retired miner, timberman and construction worker. As a very young man he made his home with the
               Fred Clark, Srs., in Clark's Valley, and served as a swamper with their ox team. His father was drowned in
               1906, when a cable broke as he was crossing the Merced River, in high water, to move his horse to higher
               ground. His father at that time operated a saloon at Hall's Gulch, serving miners and railroad workers,
               building the Y. V. Railroad, by hand. "Gib" was then seven years old. In the early 20's he worked as a
               timberman in the redwoods in Humboldt County.

               He attended the old Sherlock School, and later attended school in Merced. He and sons were continuing with
               a jade mine discovered by he and Clyde McCALL, on Buckhorn Mountain, at the time he became ill.

               He is survived by his widow, Violet MATLOCK of Mariposa; two sons George and Roger MATLOCK, both of
               Mariposa; a daughter, Marjorie GONZALES of Los Angeles; a half-brother Frank OYLER of Mt. Bullion; and
               eight grandchildren.

            MATLOCK, Ricky Lee
            Fresno Bee Republican,  Friday, Dec 13, 1963 

            Son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Matlock grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J H Parks and Mrs. Ruby Matlock. Graveside services were held on

            Thursday at the Mariposa Cemetery.

            MATHEWS, Thomas

               Dec. 20,1879 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Thomas Matthews, who we made mention of in last weeks paper, as having met with a accident in the Washington mine, by which his leg was broken- besides   other fractures and bruises about the body. The services of three of the most skillful surgeons-physicians were in attendance upon him, but all human skill and  attention could not save him. He had been at the Washington mine about seven months; and was characterized as being a man of sobriety- industrious and  highly respected by all who knew him. The deceased leaves a sister and a mother at home in Cornwall, England, whose support was derived from this dutiful son  and brother. They too in common with many, have met a irreparable loss. This sad news to communicate to a doting mother and hopeful sister several thousand   miles away, who so far distant, were unable to bestow a tear and parting kiss upon the brow of him they so dearly loved- now silently laid away in the tomb,  which grief has yet to come.

               also this notice

                December 20, 1879 Mariposa Gazette

            MATTHEWS- At the Washington Mine, Mariposa County, December 15th, 879, Thomas H. MATTHEWS, aged 23 years,
               native of Cornwall, England- [San Francisco Chronicle and Royal Cornwall Gazette, please copy.]

               Mrs. Eliza A. MATTINGLY

               Mariposa Gazette, January 19, 1907
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               Grandmother of Mrs. John A. WALL, died Tuesday, January 15th at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. WALL in
               Mariposa. Mrs. Mattingly was born December 25th, 1816 in Lebannon, Kentucky, and crossed the plains to
               California in 1852 where she has since continuously resided. Her passing was a peaceful one and was due to
               old age. Two sons, John A. Mattingly and W. T. Mattingly, prominent business men of Fresno, survive their
               mother. Deceased was a Christian lady beloved by all.



               October 7, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               At the County Hospital, Mariposa, October 2d, 1882, Samuel MAY, aged 54, native of England.


               Mariposa Gazette for Sept. 1865.
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               In Hornitos, August 24th, HENRY L., son of Daniel and Margeret MAYON, aged one year, two months and twenty days.


            MEANY, Hon. A. J.
               November 28, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Hon. A. J. MEANY.

               Many of our readers, not having heard of the illness of Hon. Anthony J. MEANY, will be painfully surprised
               to hear of his death, which occurred at his home in Merced, November 25th, 1891. Mr. MEANY was born in
               Canada, and came to Mariposa County in 1862, where he remained three years after which he went to Snelling,
               where he followed his trade, that of Carpentering. In 1875, he was elected Sheriff of Merced County which
               office he filled eleven years. In 1886 he was elected to the State Senate, representing Merced and Mariposa
               counties, and held that position four years. He was a genial, generous man, and his friends far outnumber
               his enemies. He led a very busy life, and has built many public buildings in various parts of California. A
               widow and two children survive him. He was a Mason, a Knight Templar, and a member of the A.O.U.W., and his
               funeral yesterday, was under the auspices of the Masonic order.

MEDINA, Alber J.
Modesto Bee and News-Herald, March 3, 1961
Funeral services for Albert J Medina, 60,  a long time Oakland resident and a native of Hornitos, Mariposa County, will be held at 10:30 AM tomorrow in the New Colonial Chapel in Oakland.
Merdina died Tuesday in a Berkeley hospital after a short illness.
The Franternal Order of Eagles will conduct rites at 8 o'clock tonight at the mortuary. Entombment will be in the Chapel of Memories Garden Mausoleum.
Medina was born March 8, 1900 in Hornitos.  His parents were Mat and Josephine Medina.  A machinist, he lived in the bay area for 35 years.  He was amember of teh International Association of Machinists and the East Oakland Aerie, FOE.
He leaves his widow, Bessie, Oakland; one daughter Wanda Stanford of Taipei, Formosa; three sisters, Mrs, William Wolf and Mrs. Paul Lee of Modesto and Mrs. I. R. Hayes of San Leandro, ALambera County; three brothers, F P. Medina of Aurora, Colo., Frank Medina of Downieville, Sierra County, and Leonard Medina, and three grandchildren in Taipei, Formosa.

               MELLO, Francis W.
               December 19, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Francis W. MELLO.

               Another of the old settlers of Mariposa passed away, last Saturday night, after a short attack of
               pneumonia. Mr. MELLO was well known here, and in early days was proprietor of the Franklin House, one of
               the hotels of Mariposa. For many years he has lived a few miles from town on a small ranch, where he has
               supported himself by his garden and wood. Death has been very busy in the MELLO family, this being the
               seventh to die, within the last four or five years. Two young children are left at the ranch while a grown
               son, the only one remaining of his first family lives in San Francisco. Mr. MELLO was buried in the
               Catholic Cemetery Monday afternoon.


               MELLO, Mary Agnes

               February 25, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Another Mariposan gone - The friends of Mary Agnes MELLO, whose death is announced in this paper, will
               hear the sad news with profound regret. She was the oldest daughter of Frank W. MELLO, and was born in this
               town. It is but a short time since she was here teaching school and circulating among society, gay and free
               from care with a seeming promise
               of long life. She was well educated and of a lively temperament. She was married soon after leaving here to
               a Mr. D.W. Soules, and was living in Red Bluff at the time of her death, which occurred Feb'y 17.

MENTZER, Clinton
Fresno Bee, Aug 10, 1955
Coulterville Mariposa Co- They buried Clint Mentzer in the old Coulterville Cemetery this afternoon following funeral services in the Ivers & Alcorn Chapel in Merced.
His final resting place is among the pioneers who dug for gold, fought the Indians, hanged highwaymen and made and made Coulterville one of the most colorful mining camps in the Mother Lode - a camp which became a permanent and thriving community in which Mentzer lived out his 82 years as a leader in local and county affairs.
Mentzer died Sunday in a Mariposa hospital three weeks after he broke his hip in a fall in his home.
His parents Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Mentzer, were pioneers who settle here shortly after the gold rush began.  He was married in 1903 to Octavia Greeley, whose father gave his name to Greeley Hill and was related to Horace Greeley.
Constable in 1890's
Mentzer was constable of this township in the 1890's when the gold rush still was vivid in Coulterville's memory and its citizens were tolerant and ruggedly individualistic.  He liked to tell of the method by which crime was kept at a minimum and the town was riddle of rascals.
Men suspected of murder were taken to the county jail in Mariposa for safe keeping, but others taken into custody for lesser crimes were housed in the town calaboose.
The fail was flimsy and it was no trick for anyone to break out. And that is what most of them did.
"But, "  Mentzer used to say "we didn't go after them. They were so scared they never stopped running until they got to Tuolumne County and they never came back.
"That way we thinned out the criminal element and at the same time saved the town a lot of money."
For many years Mentzer was the general manager oft he fabulous Mary Harrison Mine, operated by the Merced Gold Mining Company.  ITs skeleton remains still are visible along Highway 49, a few miles south of COULTERVILLE.  And, Leaping Lena, the tough little locomotive which hauled the Mary Harrison's ore to the smelter, occupies a place of honor in the shade of the old hangman's tree across from the Jeffrey Hotel.
Mentzer was appointed a member of the board of supervisors in 1910 on the death of William Wooleson and he kept the job for 38 years , winning reelection most of the time without opposition.  For 25 years he was the board's chairman.  He was a life member of the California Supervisors Association.
He retired in 1948 and since then had lived quietly in his home west of town.
Surviving besides his widow are two sons, County Treasurer John Mentzer and Clinton G. Mentzer; two daughters, Mrs. Audrey Mittman of Vallejo and Mrs. Marjorie Milani of Newark, and three grandchildren.- c feroben

  MENTZER, Clinton Greeley (BUSS)

Modeso Bee and News-Herald, Jan 27, 1964
COULTERVILLE, Mariposa Co- Services will be conducted at 11 AM tomorrow in the Tiscornia & Ivers Funeral Home in Mariposa for Clinton Greeley (Buss) Mentzer, 52, who died saturday in a Mariposa hospital.
Mentzer, a native of Coulterville, has been county road foreman at Coulterville for 22 years.
His father, the late Clinton E. Mentzer, was Mariposa County supervisor for 38 years and was board chairman 28 years.  His mother, Octavia Greeley Mentzer, is the daughter of pioneer Greeley family of Greeley Hill.
Besides his mother, Mentzer leaves his wife, Gaynell Mentzer and a son, Clinton, both of Coulterville; two sisters, Mrs. Audrey Bittman of Vallejo, Solano County and Mrs. Marjorie Milane of Newark, Alameda County, and a brother, John Mentzer of Coulterville.
Graveside rites will be conducted at the Coulterville Cemetery at 1 PM tomorrow. transcribed by cdf 

            MERCK, Charles

               Dec. 11, 1880 Mariposa Gazette

               Death at Hornitos - Charles MERCK, who died at Hornitos last Saturday morning, was a old and highly
               respected citizen of the county. He had been lingering, for many years with sickness of various types;
               consequently his death was not unexpected. He leaves a wife to mourn the loss of a long cherished
               companion, whose pains and ills of life she has with a religious devotion sought to ease and to soothe the
               anxious cares of her husband, usual to a man accustomed to a mercantile business. Mr. Charles MERCK was a
               man of strictest integrity, upright by nature, an excellent citizen, had fewer enemies than usually falls
               to the lot of mankind. Mrs. MERCK, who is an excellent business lady, will probably continue the business
               of bakery and merchandise as heretofore. The funeral took place on the following Sunday at 2 o'clock P.M.,
               and the ceremonies were held under the auspices of the Free and Accepted Masons, of which Order he was a

               Pomposo MERINO

               July 28, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Fatal Accident - Last Monday evening, a young man named Pomposo MERINO, of Mexican descent, a sheep-herder
               in the employ of Chris PETERSEN of Hornitos, was accidentally killed by the discharge of a pistol near the
               sheep camp, about ten miles above Little Yosemite. According to the account of the other herder, named
               Henry MONTIJO, MERINO had a pistol illustrating to MONTIJO how, in a shooting affray, the person shot at
               had struck the pistol, aimed at his head away from him when the pistol went off and entered his right
               eyebrow, inflicting a fatal wound. With the assistance of two sons of Petersen, 14 and 17 years old
               respectively, he was carried to the camp, a distance of three- quarters of a mile. He died about four the
               next morning. Leaving the other man in charge of the sheep, the two lads put the body on a horse and
               brought it to Big Tree Station. There they got a wagon and brought it to Mariposa, arriving Wednesday
               morning. A coroner’s jury was immediately impaneled by acting Coroner G. W. TEMPLE, Esq., and the lads were
               examined. As they were not eye witnesses and could only give a second-hand account of the affair, the jury
               adjourned to give time for the young man, who was actually present to be summoned. He will hardly get here
               before Monday or Tuesday of next week.


               MAY 22, 1875 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               San Francisco May 22, 1875, Mr. Giles MERRILL.


               October 13, 1883 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W Disbro)

               In the County Hospital, Mariposa County, October 6th, 1883, Theodore MESEUREL, aged 62 years, a native of


            METAYER- Died
               October 13, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               At the County Hospital, Mariposa County, October 7, 1883, Jean METAYER, aged 62 years, a native of France.


            Franz MEYER

               Mariposa Gazette, May 30, 1914
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               Mariposa Gazette, May 30, 1914 Suicide at Plum Bar Franz Meyer, a young man who has been living at the home
               of Otto Wackerman, at Plum Bar, committed suicide last Tuesday, by taking strychnine. The young man was
               undoubtedly of unsound mind and had many times threatened to take his life and that of others. On the day
               of his death he gathered all his belongings and burned them, stating to Mr. Wackerman that he could dig a
               hole and bury him the next day. His watch and razor were broken into bits with a hammer. He then went into
               the house and on coming out sat on the steps and a few moments later was taken with convulsions, dying
               shortly afterward. Coroner Johnson was summoned and held an inquest on Wednesday, the jury finding that:
               "Meyer was a native of Germany, age 26 years and that he came to his death by poison taken with suicidal
               intent." The body was brought to Mariposa and interred in the public cemetery on Wednesday. His only
               relatives known are his father, residing in Germany, and a sister in this country, whose present address is



               May 12, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               In Visalia, May 4th, 1883, Joseph MEYERS, aged 56, years, a native of Pennsylvania.


            MEYER, Theodore

               Aug. 20, 1881 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Dropped Dead - Theodore MEYER, a Frenchman, dropped dead last Sunday evening at the residence of A.
               BOCQUET, in Mariposa. It appears that he, in company with others, were eating supper at BOCQUET'S, and
               during the course of the meal Mr. MEYER arose for the purpose of getting a drink of water, He reached the
               water-bucket, raised the dipper to his lips and was in the act of drinking, when the dipper dropped from
               his hands and he fell backwards upon the floor. His comrades immediately went to his assistance, but found
               upon reaching his side that life was extinct. The cause of his death is generally supposed to have been
               heart disease. An inquest was held on the body, and following is the verdict: The undersigned having been
               duly summoned by George TEMPLE, Esq., Acting Coroner, to inquire into the cause of death of Theodore MEYER,
               do find that said Theodore MEYER was a native of France, resident of Mariposa, aged about fifty-one years,
               and the death of said Theodore MEYER arose from natural causes. Chas. ROGAN, Foreman, David F. EGENHOFF,
               Fred. W. SCHLAGETER, John W. CAYNOR, Harvey WILLIAMS, B. O. MALSTON, William McCANN. Mariposa, August 15th,


Louis T. Milburn Dies    Mariposa Gazette, April 11, 1946

County Shocked
By Sudden Death
Of District Att’y

Funeral services for Louis T. Milburn will be held in St. Joseph’s Catholic church, Mariposa, Monday morning at 10 o’clock. Rosary services will be held Sunday evening at 8 o’clock in the Tiscornia, Ivers and Alcorn chapel.

Gloom spread over Mariposa county today as news of the sudden death of District Attorney Louis T. Milburn, 53, reached here this morning. Death came to the dean of California district attorneys shortly before 6 a.m. in Stanford Lane hospital, San Francisco. His passing came only four days after he was stricken in his home Sunday.

“It can’t be true,” “It just doesn’t seem possible,” and other similar expressions of shock were heard on every street corner, in the homes business places, and in Louis Milburn’s second home, the courthouse.

For 28 years he has been the county’s district attorney, serving in that capacity longer than any district attorney in the state of California. Probably no resident of Mariposa county was better known or had more direct contact with the people of the county than did Louis Milburn.

His legal advice, more often given freely than for a fee, was sought by everyone. He didn’t confine his benevolence and desire to help the people of his native county to his legal advice – he gave generously of his time and his material goods to help a friend.

Louis T. Milburn was born in Mariposa, February 11, 1893. He received his primary education at Bear Valley and attended Mariposa high school.

He was graduated from Santa Clara university and was admitted to the state bar in 1917. While attending Santa Clara he received the Nobile award for scholastic attainment. He did post graduate work at the same school.

During his college days. Louis Milburn was an outstanding athlete and at the conclusion of his training he was offered a contact with the Detroit Tigers in the American baseball league. He decided against professional athletics as a livelihood and started practicing law.

While serving with the Army during the first World War, Milburn became a candidate for district attorney of Mariposa county and was elected. That same year he married Miss Eileen Maguire, daughter of the manager of the Fremont Grant.

Each succeeding election year found Louis T. Milburn re-elected and he was seeking the office for the eighth time in the primary this year. In all his campaigns, he lost but two voting precincts, which in itself was an outstanding vote of confidence in him and display of his popularity.

Shortly before his death he received an award from Selective Service for five years of continuous service as attorney for the local board. He has served for many years as veterans Service officer for the county. He was an active member of the American Legion, was a past president of the California District Attorneys’ association, and at the time of his death was zone secretary of the association.

Other civic and fraternal affiliations included membership in Merced lodge BPOE, the Mariposa Lions club, and the California Bar association.

At the time of his death his wife and one of his sons, Lloyd Milburn, recently discharged form the Navy, were at his bedside. Other survivors include another son, Louis Milburn Jr., his mother Mrs. Delida Bertken, and a grandson, Lloyd Milburn, Jr.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Mariposa Gazette, August 17, 1972

Eileen E. Milburn

Services were conducted Monday in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church for Mrs. Eileen E. Milburn, 76, who died August 10, in a Merced Convalescent hospital after a lengthy illness.

A resident of Mariposa County, she was the wife of the late Louis T. Milburn, a former district attorney of Mariposa County, who died in 1947, after serving for 28 years.

Born in Grass Valley on February 24, 1896, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGuire who came to the county in 1902 to serve as superintendent of the Mariposa Commercial Mining Company.

Survivors include her sons, Louis T. Jr. of Mariposa and Dr. Lloyd Milburn of San Francisco; two sisters, Miss Mildred McGuire and Miss Edna McGuire, both of Mill Valley; a brother Frank McGuire of Ukiah; and three grandchildren.


               Emma MILBURN

               April 22, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Sad News.- The sad news of another death occurring in our midst, was announced yesterday. A young lady,
               daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MILBURN, about 17 years of age, who had been suffering from measles for some days,
               took cold and died early yesterday morning. This is a sad blow to the parents and family and the
               neighborhood generally, for Miss Emma was a lovely girl and highly esteemed by all who knew her. The family
               reside on the Chowchilla, about ten miles northeast of Mariposa.

               MILBURN- At Chowchilla, Mariposa county, April 21, 1882, Emma, of measles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H.
               MILBURN, aged 17 years.


          George Milburn
               September 6, 1884 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Killed by a cave - On Thursday last the astonishing news was brought to town by some one, that George
               MILBURN, a boy about 18-20 years of age was killed by a cave occurring at the Hall mine on Mount
               BUCKINGHAM. Justice TEMPLE, we understand, proceeded to the scene of the disaster, with a view to holding a
               inquest. The deceased id the youngest son of John MILBURN, who resides on the Chowchilla.

                 Merced Sun Star, April 24, 1992
Golf pro

MARIPOSA – Louis Thomas Milburn, golf pro in Merced and Wawona, died Tuesday at Mercy Hospital. He was 72.

Mr. Milburn was born and raised in Mariposa. An avid hunter and antique collector, he donated many of his antiques to the California Mineral and Mining Museum in Mariposa and to the Mariposa Historical Society.

Mr. Milburn was an orderly in Fresno hospital.

Survivors include a brother, Lloyd Joseph Milburn Sr.; a niece, Linda Milburn Parsons of Davis; two nephews, Laurence Milburn of Marin County and Lloyd Joseph Milburn Jr. of Sacramento; five grandnieces and nephews.

Services will be at 11 a.m. today at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Mariposa with the Rev. Joseph Barnes leading the service. Burial will be in St Joseph Cemetery.

Memorial contributions may be sent to the California Mineral and Mining Museum in Mariposa or to Mariposa Historical Society.

6 Jan 2004 issue of the San Francisco Chronicle
MILBURN, Lloyd Joseph, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Passed away peacefully in San Francisco on December 27 2003. at the age of 82. He was continually surrounded by his loving family and many friends during his two months' stay at St. Mary's Hospital.
He was born on November 9, 1921, to Louis Thomas Milburn and. Eileen Maguire Milburn of Mariposa, CA. He was a fourth generation Californian and both of his parents' families settled in California before its statehood.
Lloyd completed twelve years of Jesuit education, having graduated from Bellarmine College Preparatory, Santa Clara University, and St. Louis University Medical School. He was elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society while attending medical school and graduated in 1947. While attending medical school, Lloyd was an enlisted Naval officer. After graduation, he moved to San Francisco where he joined St. Mary's Hospital, and completed his internship and residency in surgery. He became a partner with John J. Bazzano, M.D. to practice general surgery. He was elected to the American College of Surgeons in 1957; to the American Board of Surgery in 1968; to the San Francisco Surgical Society in 1971: and the South West Surgical Congress in 1975. He was Chief of Surgery at St. Mary’s Hospital for many years.
Dr. Milburn was a lifelong San Francisco 49er fan and was the team physician from 1960 until 1979. He traveled extensively with the team and had many friends among the players and organization.
Throughout his life, Lloyd was an avid outdoors man who enjoyed hunting, fishing, skiing, and sailing. He was a member of the St. Francis Yacht Club, and the Cruising Club of America. Upon retirement in 1985, Lloyd went cruising with his wife , Jeanne, on the Mariposa, a Valiant 40 yacht. For twelve years, they cruised in many waters, including those of Mexico, Central America, South America, the Eastern Seaboard, the Caribbean, and the Mediterranean. In 1997, they returned the Mariposa to her berth at the St. Francisco Yacht Club, and they took up residence in Belvedere.
Lloyd was preceded in death by his first wife, Betty Jean MacKillop, the mother of Lloyd, Jr. and Linda Jean. He is survived by his loving wife of 53 years, Jeanne; his children: Lloyd, Jr., Linda and her husband, Paul Parsons, M,D. Lawrence John Milburn and his wife: Juanita: his grandchildren: Katherine Milburn, Duncan Parsons, Ian Parsons, M D Christine Milburn, and Lawrence Mil urn Jr.; and two great grand children.
Family and friends are invited to attend the Rosary Friday 7:30 PM and the Funeral Mass will be celebrated Saturday 1 PM BOTH AT St. Ignatius Church, Parker and Fulton St. in San Francisco. The Rosary and Mass of Resurrection will be held at St. Ignatius Church in San Francisco. The time and date of the services and celebration will be announced next week. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to St. Mary's Hospital Medical Foundation, 450 Stanyan St., San Francisco 94117 or to the St. Francis Yacht Club junior Sailing Program, St. Francis Yacht Club on the Marina 700 Marina Blvd., San Francisco, 94123.
McAvoy O'Hara Co.
4545 Geary Blvd., San Francisco, CA 94118 415-668-0077
submitted by Don Fichett

               November 4, 1865 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               In Mariposa, Monday, October 30th, JANE eldest Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. MILLAVACCA, aged 5 years 8 days.


               October 17, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

               Mt. Ophir, October 11, MAGGIE, infant daughter of J.H. and ANNA MILLER; aged 16 days.

               Emerson Miller
               (transcribed by Steve Miller)
               dod Nov. 11, 1955   4:40 am
               sex:  M;  race:  white;   marital status:  Divorced
               dob:  Feb. 25, 1887;    age:  68
               occupation:  supt pad factory;  kind of business:   Burrows Pad Co.
               birthplace:  Indiana;   citizenship:   USA
               father:   John Miller;   birthplace:  Indiana
               mother: Alice  -------;     birthplace:  Illinois
               mil service:   no
               ss# 548-10-2536
               inf:  Gary Miller
               place of death:   Mariposa Co,  Mariposa (town);   time in town:  3wks
               usual res:  Mariposa Co,  Coultervile,  Coulterville Box #5
               cause of death:   Arteriosclerotic heart disease/  congestive failure
               thyrotoicosis,  uremia due to atrophy of left kidney due to urethral
               stricture   (best I could do)
               Disposition: Burial,  Nov 14, 1955;  Smith Mountain Cem, Dinuba, CA
               Funeral director:  Dopkins Mortuary, Dinuba
               Nov. 11, 1955  Norman Nichols MD  registrar


               Frank F. MILLER

               Mariposa Gazette, Aug 15, 1908

               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               Death of a Baby - It is with sadness that we chronicle the death of little Frank F., the twelve months old
               child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Miller of Mariposa. Death occurred Thursday morning at Petaluma, where the
               mother and child were visiting. Bowel trouble after an illness of but a few days was responsible for the
               little boy's death. The remains were brought to mariposa last night, accompanied by the grief stricken
               parents, Mr. Miller having been summoned from Mariposa to the bedside of his dying son a short time before
               his death. The funeral will be held this morning from the family residence and the interment will be in the
               Mariposa Masonic cemetery. To the saddened parents and other aggrieved relatives there is extended general
               heartfelt sympathy.

                MILLER, Frank F.
                Fresno Bee, Dec 3, 1924

                Merced County-  Frank F Miller, son of Mrs. W. G. Turner of Whiterock,  and a former resident of Mariposa County and who
                died in Calexico Sunday, will be buried tomorrow afternoon, following services in the Welch and Griffin  Chapel at 1:30.  The body
                will be taken from Merced to Mariposa for internment- transcribed by cferoben          



            Joseph MILLER

               September 23, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Joseph MILLER.

               After a lingering illness of typhoid fever for several weeks, on Wednesday morning last at 6 o'clock,
               Joseph H. MILLER bid a long farewell to earth leaving behind a sore and afflicted family, and a host of
               friends to mourn his loss. He leaves three children, two daughters and a son, all of a mature age. The son,
               Harry, is married to a daughter of Judge L. F. JONES of this place, and Josephine and Elizabeth are young
               ladies, unmarried, who are living at the home with there father, their main dependence at this period of
               life. Mrs. MILLER, the wife and mother died some ten or twelve years ago in Mariposa, since which time, the
               deprivation of a mother for the children has been sorely felt. The deceased was endowed with many special
               good qualities which brought to him in his business, a large amount of patronage and friends, and during
               his career here since the spring of 1850, no one has been more fortunate in allaying more friends and fewer
               enemies than has Joe MILLER, as he was always called by his friends and acquaintances. He was of an
              enlivening disposition, and had a special gift to make every thing lively and cheerful around him. He will
               no doubt be missed from the community more than any other man who has ever lived and departed from here. In
               connection with his regular business, he had held for many years, the position of Post Master, Express
               Agent, and agent for Washburn & Co.'s Stages, and was a man well liked in all his business connections and
               associations. We first knew him in 1850 at Ridley's Ferry, on the Merced River, where the Benton Mills now
               stand. He was associated with RIDLEY, STARKEY and JONES in a mercantile business at that point. From there
               he became established at Mount Ophir, having in the mean time married a Miss FEE, sister in law of Peter
               FEE, formerly of the old Norwegian Tent, remembered only by our oldest citizens. From Mount Ophir he came
               to Mariposa some 12 or 15 years ago where he has resided since. The funeral on Thursday was the largest
               ever seen in this place. Friends from all neighboring towns and country around came in to pay their last
               respects to the deceased. The procession was near a quarter of a mile in length, consisted in part of 23
               carriages and vehicles of all sorts, besides one of Washburn & Co.'s large stage coaches driven by the old
               pioneer driver, DOWST. The funeral ceremonies were conducted under the auspices of the Masons of which the
               deceased was a member. The Hornitos Brass Band was present and discoursed solemn dirges, which greatly
               added to the solemnity of the occasion. The eldest child of deceased, Miss Josephine, was to ill to be
               present. The other two, Lizzie and Harry, were so overcome by grief that they had to be assisted away from
               the last resting place of their beloved father to their home. It was a solemn and most heartrending scene.
               There were many tearful eye to be seen in the vast throng, whose hearts were moved to the deepest sympathy
               for the bereaved children, and the love and respect they bore the departed one in his life. But what is the
               use of grieving longer? We’ve only to wait another day ere we are called upon to sorrow again. The funeral
               of Antonio M. BOBBIO of Princeton, who suicided on the same morning and about a hour before Mr. MILLER'S
               death took place at the same time.

               September 23, 1882 Mariposa Gazette MILLER- In Mariposa, September 20th, 1882, Joseph H. MILLER, aged 51
               years, a native of Tennessee.



               December 5, 1874 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               In San Francisco, November 25th, Robert S. MILLER, a native of New York, aged 58 years.

            Mrs. Samuel H. MILLER

               April 22, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Sudden Death.- A dispatch was received at Merced Thursday evening from Los Angelese, announcing the death
               of the wife of Samuel H. MILLER, daughter of H. STEGMAN, of Yosemite Valley. George MONROE left Merced late
               the same evening with dispatches to their son, Charles MILLER, who is with his grandfather in Yosemite
               Valley, which probably went through yesterday.     

Richard MOMOM

Monday, 24 July 1871
Stockton Daily Independent
Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA

DIED -- at Mariposa, July 14th, Richard MOMON, aged 50 years.

transcribed by Dee S

            James Monotti

               Mariposa Gazette, May 22, 1909
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               Died Near Coulterville James Monotti, a native of Italy, aged 61 years, died at his home near Coulterville
               Thursday last. He was an old resident of that part of the county where he followed farming for a
               livelihood. He leaves a widow and four children, three girls and a boy. Mr. Monotti was well known as an
               industrious, law-abiding citizen and his neighbors will miss him from their midst. 

James Monotti
May 20, 1916

The following abstract is Mariposa Co Hall of Records
Death Certificate transcribed by Steve Miller, Feb, 2005

Mariposa  Bk  1  pag 99
James Zacri Monotti,  died May 20, 1916
sex:  male  race: light  marital stat:  married
age  62yr 1mo  9 day
occ:  farmer
BP:  Switzerland
father:  Peter Monotti,  bp Switzerland
mother:  Angela Ardizzi,  bp  Switzerland
length of time in Co  5y
informant:  Virginia Monotti, Coulterville
June 31, 1916,  J. W. Pratt

cause of death:  a strain by chopping down tree give him

where died:  at home
place of burial:  Dudley Cemetery,  May 22,1909

               MONROE, George F.
               November 27, 1886 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro )

               Death of George F. MONROE.

               The never welcome, but none the less inevitable visitor, Death, has again made his appearance in our
               community and with but slight warning laid his icy hand upon one whose familiar face and form will be long
               and well remembered. George F. MONROE, the subject of this notice, was a native of Georgia, and a son of
               Mr. and Mrs. L. A. MONROE. His father came to California early in the fifties, locating first in Calaveras
               County, and thence removing to Mariposa in 1854. His mother arrived the following year, leaving George,
               (then about 11 years of age) at school in Washington D.C. A year later he accompanied his uncle to
               California, coming direct to Mariposa. As a boy he was civil, polite, studious and industrious. As he grew
               to manhood he tired of the monotony of town life, and developing a natural taste for horse breaking, riding
               and driving team, he entered the employment of A. H. WASHBURN & CO., as a Yo Semite guide in 1866. In 1868
               he commenced driving stage for the same company and was in their service up to the date of his illness
               which was only a few days duration. He left the Valley on the 15th inst., for Wawona, and two or three days
               later for the home of his parents on Pea Ridge, where he died on Monday last. He had been complaining for
               some time past and in coming out of the Valley the stage in which he was riding upset by a runaway. He may
               have received some internal injury from the shock, though he was on his feet in an instant and
               instinctively sprang to the heads of the leaders and assisted the driver in disentangling the horses and
               righting the stage. His funeral took place on Wednesday last from the Methodist Church, and his remains
               were followed to their earthly resting place by a large concourse of friends. George was a universal
               favorite among those who knew him boyhood, as well as hundreds of stranger tourist whom he has guided and
               conveyed to and from Yo Semite Valley. He was kind, attentive and obliging to all with whom he came in
               contact, and many a tourist has visited Yo Semite who came specially consigned to the care of " George
               Monroe" by friends who had preceded them over the road. He has also been frequently remembered in
               complimentary letters and occasionally by substantial tokens of gratitude and esteem. The duties of the
               driver of a six horse stage on a mountain road are arduous and responsible. They require a quick eye, a
               skillful hand, a steady nerve and a peculiar knowledge of horses. George possessed all these qualities to a
               remarkable degree. His employers say of him " he never met with any accident, never failed to be on time
               and never cost the company a quarter of a dollar for damages to passengers, horses or vehicles. Whenever
               George was on the box and held the lines, we knew everything was all right. He always did his duty." Can
               any man do any more? To his parents he was a dutiful son, as a child, and in manhood a comfort, solace and
               support to their declining years. The grief stricken couple have the sympathy of their entire circle of
               friends and acquaintances. 

            MONROE, Louis A.
               May 31, 1890 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Louis A. MUNROE.

                   The death of Louis A. MUNROE, the well known colored man of that name, removes another old settler of
               Mariposa county. Coming here, in the fifties as a free man, with his wife, he carried on the business of a
               barber, on Main Street, for a number of years, residing in town. After awhile he took up the ranch, on
               which he lived for many years, about six
               miles south-east of Mariposa, where by industry and perseverance he succeeded in making one of the finest
               ranches in the county. Mr. MUNROE leaves no children. His only son, George, who was favorably known to the
               traveling public in Europe, as well as in this country, as one of the most skilled and trusted
               stage-drivers of the Yosemite Stage lines, preceded him to the grave by several years. Mr. MUNROE's health
               has been failing for sometime, but was hastened by the accident of being thrown out of a wagon some weeks
               ago. He was buried in the Mariposa graveyard, and his funeral was attended by quite a number of our older

          MONTGOMERY, John M.
               May 9, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of a Respected Pioneer.

               Merced, May 4 - John M. MONTGOMERY, a pioneer settler of Merced County, living near Snelling, died this
               morning at 8:30. He came to California in 1846. He was elected to the State Senate in 1875, and in public
               and private life bore an unblemished reputation. He was seventy-four years old, and a native of Kentucky.      


               November 17, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               At Snelling, Merced County, November 12th, 1883, E. T. beloved wife of Hon. J. M. MONTGOMERY, aged 53
               years, 8 months and 28 days, a native of Ohio.      

             MONTSTEVEN, John

               Sept. 28,1828 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Killed by cave - John MONTSTEVEN, a well known miner, was crushed to death on the 20th inst., by the caving
               in of a tunnel in which he was at work, near Indian Gulch. We have no particulars, except it is stated that
               he probably been dead two or three days before he was missed from his cabin; he was found covered up in his
               drift as we have stated.   

               "MOORE--In Mariposa, July 24th, Chas. MOORE, aged about 36 years."  Source:  Daily Alta California, 9 Aug 1863, p. 6.

              MOORE, Mrs. Edwin
               May 5, 1894 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of a Pioneer Women.

                    Mrs. Edwin MOORE died at her home in Madera, April 30th, after an illness of about ten days. Her
               health had been delicate for several months, but no alarm was felt over her condition until within the last
               week of her life. Mrs. MOORE was one of the pioneer women of Mariposa, coming here in the early fifties and
               sharing with her husband all the trials of mining life. During her long residence here she so endeared
               herself to the people that their affection always followed her and the tidings of her death will be a shock
               to many. The husband, "Deacon" MOORE, as he has always been familiarly called, lies perfectly helpless
               from paralysis. The sympathy of many Mariposa friends will be given the bereaved man. 


            MOORE, Ruffin A.

               December 16, 1865 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W Disbro)

               In Mariposa, Saturday, Dec. 9th, 1865, of Typus Fever, RUFFIN A. MOORE, aged 46 years. The deceased was one of the earliest settlers                 in this county. He was a   honest man and good citizen, and his death is lamented by the community.  

                "MOORE--In Mariposa, Dec 9th, Ruffin A. MOORE, aged 46 years."  Source:  San Francisco Daily Examiner, 21 Dec 1865.

MORALES, Longine- Mariposa Gazette, October 30, 1860
In Mariposa, Longine MORALES,  age 29, of Tepic, Mexico on  October 21. (submitted by Warren Carah)

MORRISON, Mrs. Katherina F
Fresno Bee Republican, January 2, 1962
MERCED Merced Co- Funeral services are being arranged in the Mission Chappel of Ivers a& Alcorn for Mrs. Katerina F morrison, 91, the grandmother of Merced born Hollywood actress Janet Leigh, who ded in a Los Angeneal rest home after a long illness.
Mrs. Morrison was born in Hornitos, Mariposa County.  She was the daughter of Mr and Mrs George Ree, early day settlers of the Hornitos region. She was married to John Morrison in March, 1889 and they lived in Hornitos until 1920.   They moved to Merced and lived here until 1942.  John Morrison died in 1941.

MORRISSEY, Richard Sr.
Mariposa Gazette Nov. 11, 1916


Richard Morrissey, Sr., of Hornitos, died at 5
o'clock, Wednesday, at the home of his son,
Richard Morrissey, Jr., in Hornitos.  Death was
due to Bright's disease.

Deceased was a native of Ireland, and was 84
years of age.  He was a metal worker by trade,
and formerly followed that occupation for many
years in San Francsico.  The past five years he
made his home with his daughter,  Mrs. Kate
Rowland of Cathy's Valley.

The funeral was held from the Catholic church
in Hornitos on Thursday.
submitted by Steve Miller-

DCT  Nov 8, 1916  Bk  1  pg  108

Richard Morrissey   dod  Nov 8, 1916

Male   White     marital stat:   Widowed    dob:  March 3,  1842
age:  74 yr  7 mo  24  days    bp:  Ireland     occup:   retired
length of res:  12 yr in Co  48  in CA

informant:  Patrick Morrissey,  Hornitos,  CA

Obituary from the Mariposa Gazette Nov 11, 1916 as gleaned in
Gleanings from the Mariposa Co Newspaper 1916-1920, p 27 ed.



Richard Morrissey   July 1  1959   Bk  59  pg  38

Richard Morrissey,  dod:  July  1, 1959  9:30 pm
89 yrs   citizen:  USA

Length of time in Co  86 yrs,  in CA   life

father:  Richard Morrissey   bp:  Ireland
mother:  blank

occup:  retired farmer  55yrs  employ:  Self   cattle rancher
place of death:  John C Fremont Hosp

informant:  Richard Morrissey  Mariposa Co   Hornitos, CA
Burial  7/6/59  Hornitos Cem  
Transcribed by Steve Miller

            MORTAR, Wm.
               February 19, 187 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro )

               Dead - The man who died at the Gallison Hotel last Saturday night was named Wm. MORTAR, about 56 years of
               age, a native of Canada, and came here from Oakland, where he has a daughter married to a man by the name
               of JOHNS. MOTAR it appears was the man who has furnish the means by which Robinson Quartz Mill on
               Sherlocks' Creek was built, and has been in operation the past year. He came here sometime during the
               summer or fall with a view to benefiting his health and seeing about the mill and mine in which he was
               interested. Dr. ROBINSON left some three or four months ago for his home in Oakland, where he has remained
               ever since. During the doctor’s absence, MORTAR had charge of the mill and premises, which had been idle,
               except to crush some custom rock, most of the time. On or about the 26th of January, MORTAR was suddenly
               seized by a stroke of paralysis while alone in his cabin at the mill. A boy that was stopping about first
               found him after he had been stricken down, and carried the intelligence to some of the neighbors, when
               several of them, Messrs. JACOBY and SHAUTZ, who with some little outside assistance took care of the
               afflicted man night and day for a week and until he was brought into town. It was about the 2d of the month
               when JACOBY and SCHANTZ brought him into Gallison Hotel. His son in law, JOHNS, arrived a few days before
               his death, which occurred at the time already stated. The body was started down the day following his death
               for Oakland. The deceased was thought to be well off in property in the vicinity of Oakland.    


               August 7, 1874 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W Disbro)

               In Merced, July 30, 1874, WILLIE, aged two years and six months, son of James and Jane MORTON.   

              JOHN H MOSS

               Oct. 27, 1877 issue of the Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W Disbro)

               Another man shot - On the 21st inst. in the extreme N.W. corner of Mariposa County, within a half mile of
               the line of Tuolumne County, a fatal affray occurred, which resulted in the death of John H. MOSS, by means
               of a pistol shot wound, fired from the hands of one Wm. H. DUSENBURY. DUSENBURY immediately gave himself
               up, and was examined before Justice MORRIS of Coulterville, who held him to answer to the next Grand Jury.
               He was bought to the town on Wednesday last and lodged in jail.  

               MULLIGAN, Barney

               November 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Fatal Accident.- At Whiskey Flat on Saturday last, Barney MULLIGAN, a miner and an old resident of that
               locality, was crushed by a boulder falling in the claim where he was working, and so badly injured that he
               died on the night of the same day. The remains of the unfortunate man were interred in the Catholic
               Cemetery on Monday last. A numerous procession of his friends and acquaintences followed him to his last
               resting place. The deceased was an industrious and honest man- respected by all who knew him. BARNEY
              MULLIGAN, aged 42 years At Whiskey Flat, Mariposa County, on Saturday, Nov. 21st. Deceased was a native of
               Monaghan County, Ireland, and came from Alton, Illinois, to California.   

              Mary MOUTREY

               Mariposa Gazette, July 21, 1877

               (submitted by W Disbro)

               At Plainsburg, Merced county, at the residence of her son Thomas MOUTREY, Mary MOUTREY, aged 70 years 10 months and 15 days. Merced Express please  copy. [Deceased was a native of Logan county Kentucky. Emigrated to this state in company with her son Thomas in 1871 and settled in this county, with her  children, the wives of Hon. J.W. SNYDER and R. B. HARRIS who had preceded her some years to this state. She was the mother of five children now living, three   of whom are in California, one in Missouri and the other in Texas. She was a member of the Baptist church, to which she had belonged ever since she was a   young girl. She had been a invalid, and afflicted with a complication of desease for several years and lately of consumtion, which with its rabid hold upon the  mortal body, death must soon follow. The deceased was a kind and affectionate mother and beloved by all who knew her. Whilst we offer condolances to the bereaved ones left behind, we can truthfully say it is well, it is better; that their aged and much adored mother should be relieved by death from painful afflictions   with which she so much suffered during the last few years of her life, than to remain longer. She is now at peace with who sent her on the earthly mission, she  has so nobly filled, who can but say well done thy good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful to the end of thy time, come and reap thy reward with me in  heaven.  

            MUIRHEAD, John C.
               March 17, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Shot and Killed.- An unfortunate shooting affray occurred at Jim  MOLONE's, on Bear Creek, about six miles northeast of
               Mariposa, on Friday evening last. A one-armed Scotchman and Barney CONWAY were in some manner interested in
               mining and crushing quartz rock, and had a dispute over their settlement of account. The Scotchman, whose
               name is John MUIRHEAD, had been on a protracted spree and was locked up in jail only a couple of nights
               previous to the homicide. His quartz rock had been attached for debt by a man named PRATT, and Sam HART was
               keeper, which went to show that CONWAY had but little to do with MUIRHEAD's troubles. But the later was
               bound for revenge for being sued and so he commenced a war of words with BARNEY, which led to the shooting.
               The shooting occurred in MALONE's house. There were three or four others present, but whether they can tell
               anything definite, or certain, than as tho. they had been there, is very doubtful. They all scrambled to get
               out of the way, and it is not likely they saw anything after the opening of the assault by the Scotchman.
               Barney evidently meant to make a finish of his man for he fired some three or four times, all of which took
               effect, while the Scotchman's pistol only had been discharged once. CONWAY came into town and surrendered
               himself to the authorities and is now in jail.
                      Justice TEMPLE, acting Coroner, and District-Attorney JONES went out to the scene of the killing the
               day after the occurrence, when a inquest was held and the following verdict rendered:
                     Mariposa, Mariposa Co., Cal.,
                     March 10th, 1888

                   We the jury, find that John C. MUIRHEAD, a native of Nova Scotia, aged about fifty years, came to his
               death at Malone's Ranch, Mariposa County, by pistol shots. The said pistol shots fired by Bernard CONWAY on
               the 9th day of March 1888, between 6 and 7 o'clock P.M.
               C.V. DINGLEY, Foreman.
               Sampson D. HART,
               Dan. N. JOHNSON,
               C.S. ANDERSON,
               O.S.R. PERTSCH,
               Claus SCHACHT,
               Chas. A. SAWYER,
               August REVEL.

                   The preliminary examination of the defendant was, on Thursday, continued until the 27th of March.
                    R.B. STOLDER, Esq., has been retained for the defense.


Modesto Bee and News-Herald, March 3, 1961
   Funeral services at 11 AM tomorrow will be held for Harry L Mullenneix at the Franklin & Downs Funeral home. Burial will be at the Greeley Hill Cemetery in Coulterville, Mariposa County at 2:30 PM
Mullenneix died in Modesto Wednesday.  He was 78.

  Henry MULLER
               May 31, 1884 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Sudden death of an Old Resident - Last Saturday, Henry MULLER, an old miner of this county, who has resided here more than twenty years, died very  suddenly. While in apparently ordinary health, he was struck down at once, by heart disease as is supposed. He was buried last Monday afternoon in the    Catholic cemetery. Mr. MULLER, during his long residence here, was loved by his neighbors, and highly respected by all who knew him. He was a single man,  and had no relatives in this vicinity, but is understood to have a brother in Boston, Massachusetts.

San Francisco Call,  Jan, 21, 1901
Merced. Jan. 20- John Muller, a pioneer resident of this community, was found dead this morning a few miles from his home, which is four miles south of Hornitos in Mariposa County.  lMr. Muller came to Merced on a business trip a few days ago and started home Friday evening.  Saturday morning his team was found near his home and a search ws made for the owner, which was continued until this morning, when his body was found a half lmile off the main road and about secen miles from the Muller home.  An inquest was held this afternoon and it was found that Muller had met accidental death by being tipped out of his rig, whch ran into a steep gully.  His skull was crushed and neck broken.  It is thought he was asleep and that the horses wandered off the main road.  The finding of $60 on his person removes all suspicion of foul play.-transcribed by cdf 


            MULLERY, Peter
               April 30, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Peter MULLERY.

                  Mr. Peter MULLERY, who a few years ago visited his sons and daughters here, died on the 21st instant, at
               his home in St. Louis, Mo.  Mr. MULLERY was a pleasant quiet old gentleman and made many friends, during his
               stay in California. He was the father of Messrs. J. M. J.
               MULLERY, Mrs. Annie TURNER, and of the late Mrs. J. M. MALONEY. Mrs. MULLERY is at present in Mariposa with
               her children. A younger son, Thomas MULLERY was in St. Louis with his father at the time of his death.


              BARNEY MULLIGAN, aged 42 years

               November 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

               (submitted by W Disbro)

               At Whiskey Flat, Mariposa County, on Saturday, Nov. 21st, BARNEY MULLIGAN, aged 42 years. Deceased was a
               native of Monaghan County, Ireland, and came from Alton, Illinois, to California.


               MUMER, Louis

               July18, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Uncle Loui.

                   Last Sunday, the death of poor old Uncle Loui, whose true name was Louis MUMER, was announced as
               occurring at the County Hospital. He died at the almost remarkable age of eighty-five years, which would
               fix the time of birth in the year 1800. He has resided here since 1856, and worked formerly on a ranch for
               John BECKER, since which time he has
               worked in Weiler's Brewery for thirteen years. He has always been a hale, hearty man, and up to within a
               year past has been able to do manual labor. Poor Uncle Loui was highly respected by all who knew him. He was
               laid away peacefully away in the public cemetery last Monday,
               where after a toil of eighty-five years he will rest undisturbed, and with many of his old associates who
               lay close beside him will soon be forgotten. He was a native of Germany and came to the United States many
               years ago. We are not aware of his having any relatives living.


               MURRAY, Charly

               November 4, 1870 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Sad Accident - We are pained to hear of the death by drowning of Charley, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
               MURRAY, at the Merced River, on Tuesday last- near as we can ascertain under the following circumstances:
               He was engaged in crossing a team on the ferry-boat, when losing control of the crank, it struck him on the
               head knocking him overboard, and probably stunning him, as he sank at once, utterly helpless, and did not
               re-appear at the surface. The lifeless body was soon extracted, it having lodged beneath the bottom of the
               boat. Charley was a fine lad of about sixteen and a general favorite. His mother, we hear, is perfectly
               frantic with her great grief.


            MYERS, Benjamin F.
               June 13, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of B. F. MYERS.

               Benjamin F. MYERS one of the old citizens of Mariposa died Tuesday night at his home just above town.
               Captain MYERS as he was always called here in early days and for a time followed mining but for many years
               he has had an orchard and vineyard near town, at what was formerly known as Logtown. His garden was a
               favorite resort for our young people during the fruit season and the Captain was a familiar figure at all
               times on our streets. About two years ago he became afflicted with cancer and its ravages finally caused
               his death. He had one son in New Jersey, and two daughters in New York and word was received here that the
               daughters would leave home on June 4th for their fathers bedside but up to this writing they have not
               reached Mariposa. Mr. MYERS was buried on Thursday morning.

            MYERS, James G.
               April 29, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of James G. MYERS.

                    J. G. MYERS died suddenly at the Yosemite Hotel in this city at ten o'clock yesterday morning. He had
               been suffering for some time from congestion of the lungs, but the immediate cause of his death was heart
               failure. Several days ago he telegraphed to John H. BYERS, a cousin of his in San Francisco, to come to him
               and Mr. BYERS was at his bedside when he died. The deceased was a single man and a native of Virginia, about
               forty-eight years of age and had lived in this community for about seven years, and was respected by all
               who knew him. He formerly lived at Hite's Cove in Mariposa County. The relatives and intimate friends of the
               deceased have the sympathy of the entire community in their sudden bereavement. The funeral will take place
               today from the Christian Church, at 2 o'clock p.m.- Madera Mercury, April 21st.

            MYERS, Kathleen C.
                Jay’s Chapel Funeral Directors, Website

                Kathleen Cynthia Myers
                Home: Mariposa, CA
                Date of Death: December 23, 2001
                Age: 84
                Birthplace: Madera, CA
                Birthdate: January 27, 1917
                Service Date: Friday, Dec 28, 2001 at 1:00 pm
                Service Place: Arbor Vitae Cemetery, Madera, CA
                Interment: Arbor Vitae Cemetery, Madera, CA

                Kathleen Cynthia Myers was born on January 27, 1917 in Madera, CA and passed away on December 23, 2001 in Merced, CA at the age of 84. Kathleen   enjoyed growing flowers and gardening. She also enjoyed watching soap operas.

                Kathleen is survived by her son Timothy Myers and his wife Beverly of Mariposa, CA; three grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

                Visitation will be held on Thursday, December 27, 2001 from 1:00 p.m. - 8:00p.m. at Jay Chapel in Madera. Graveside service will be held on Friday, December 28,  2001 at 1:00 p.m. at Arbor Vitae Cemetery in Madera.

10 Dec 1897 --‘The Free Lance’Hollister, San Benito Co., CA
at Hollister, Dec. 3, James I. MYLAR, a native of
Kentucky, aged 72 years, 7 mos., 16 days. […one of the old pioneers of
the State, coming to California in 1850. After mining for a time he
returned to Missouri and in 1854 brought his family out here. He first
settled in San Juan in 1855 and lived there most of the time since,
except when engaged in mining in Mariposa and Tuolumne counties. He was a
man of strong convictions, sterling honesty and kindness of heart. He
leaves a widow, 2 sons and 4 daughters, all grown, to mourn his departure
hence.] transcribed by Dee

               Mariposa County History and Genealogy
May 2010
Carolyn Feroben

                                                                                Mariposa County Marriages

                                                                                 Mariposa County Births