CATHEY'S VALLEY CEMETERYprovided by Leon Moore
Walden, Emma
7/18/1908 6/24/1983
W/o William Richard Walden
Walden ,William Richard
6/1/1909 11/3/1970
H/o Emma Walden
Remington, Elvin Leon
1904 1983
Oliver, Ercel A.
10/10/1906 7/24/1981
Willis, John P. "Jake"
11/7/1919 2/6/1981
Redman, Elizabeth
1826 5/5/1887 61 Years of age
W/O A. B. Redman
Hickman, Betty Ann
1921 1976
Westfall, Michael Thomas
5/12/1977 5/12/1977
Hilk, Noreen Price
10/20/1918 1/24/1964
Price, Thomas B.
9/14/1891 4/26/1069
H/o Helen Marie Price
Price ,Helen Marie
11/30/1892 4/11/1960
W/o Thomas B. Price
Price ,James David
1860 1935
H/o Sophronia Price
Price, Sophronia A.
1866 1943
W/o James David Price
Brundage, Nevelle
1898 1949
Brundage, Norvin
1898 1961
Blackey , Fredrich W.
1/3/1874 4/5/1875
Age 15 Mos. 2 Days;
S/O William & I. J.
McMillen, Robert H.
10/31/1882 11/2/1882
Age 2 Days
S/o H. D. & I. M. Mcmillen
Wills, Violet C.
4/18/1862 9/29/1868
Age 6 Years, 5 Months, 11 Days;
D/O B. Wills
Wills, Amanda J.
8/30/1829 12/6/1907
W/o Benjamin Wills Jr.
Wills, Benjamin Jr.
1/30/1819 8/1/1906
H/o Amanda J. Wills Wills
Emma, Elizabeth
1857 1942
Wills, George C.
6/22/1848 7/24/1914
Castle, Chandos B.
5/6/1894 4/16/1980
Ryan, Augusta Usibby
5/20/1880 12/19/1912
W/o Robert Ryan
Fitze,Peter B.
8/20/1840 1/20/1913
H/o Martha Jane Wills Fitze
Fitze, Bernard A.
7/3/1882 3/14/1906
Rowland, David
5/23/1953 11/19/1968
Age 15 Years, 5 Months, 27 Days
Norman ,Joseph H.
3/1/1857 3/21/1911
Norman ?
11/5/1943 9/17/1965
Age 21 Years, 10 Months, 12 Days
Norman Baby
1911 1911
Carter, Robert
1938 1942
Carter, Paul F.
1906 1976
H/o Helen J. Carter
Carter, Helen J.
1909 1986
W/o Paul F. Carter
Lewis, John
1/29/1787 11/29/1859
Age 72 Yrs 10 Mth;
CAPT. W1812 Native of TN
Bauer, Art L.
9/18/1959 3/22/1987
Son and Brother
Bauer, Elsie May
1935 1978
W/o E. F. Bauer
"DOC" Bauer E. F.
9/1/1915 8/8/1988
H/o Elsie May Bauer
McIntire ,Emma Frances
9/10/1906 1/28/1989
W/o L. R. McIntire
Maxwel,arry E.
1901 1986
Hammond,Frances Gresham
1798 1876
W/o John Hammond
Rowland ,Alice
1854 1864
Rowland, Eleanor J.
1866 1921
Rowland ,Susan Hammond
1835 1915
Rowland ,Mary E.
1864 1921
Egenhoff ,Mary Lee Rowland
1863 1951
Rowland ,Lloyd H.
1856 1930
Rowland ,Eleonor
9/1/1904 9/6/1987 Daughter
Rowland ,Kate Morrissey
7/6/1868 2/14/1953
Rowland ,Lena Leona
5/9/1915 6/8/1980
W/o James M. Rowland
Rowland ,James M.
10/7/1894 9/11/1979
H/o Lena Leona Rowland
Rowland, Mary Leora
1896 1983
W/o Lee I. Rowland
Rowland,Lee I.
1883 1980
H/o Mary Leora Rowland
Baumann ,Grace R.
1915 1985
Borley Ralph J.
6/1/1899 9/29/1975
H/O Georgia P. Borley
Borley ,Georgia P.
2/13/1894 12/10/1985
W/O Ralph J. Borley
Thathers ,Gary
Feb 1957 Dec 1971
Green ,Vern Robert
2/28/1933 4/14/1987
USA, Korea; Son and brother
Wilkinson ,Joseph B.
Co. E, 3 Tenn Mtd Inf CSA
Wilkinson ,Mary P.
1851 1940
W/O Joseph B. Wilkinson
Givens ,Sam B.
1877 1835
H/O Mamie B. Givens
Givens ,Mamie B.
1877 1950
W/O Sam B. Givens
Givens ,Baby Sister
No dates
Givens Vernon W.
1912 1962
Dyer ,Fay
3/21/1909 12/17/1994
W/O John H. Dyer
Dyer ,John
1906 1970
H/O Fay Catherine Givens
Dyer, Jay
No dates or last name next to Dyer and Wilkin
Lane ,Ratcliffe
1911 1974
H/O Emmie Cooper Lane
Cathey ,Mary M.
Dec 1810 6/15/1892
W/O Andrew Cathey
Cathey ,Andrew
5/28/1804 1/2/1886
H/O Mary M. Cathey
Cathey, James N.
12/4/1847 11/13/1906
Native of AR
Cathey ,David D.
12/19/1831 5/31/1907
Native of NC
Cathey ,William Pearson
4/21/1839 10/11/1910
Native of GA
Cathey, Nathan L.
2/27/1833 9/28/1920
Native of GA
Cathey ,Andrew McCurdy
1844 1929
Thompson ,Sarah M.
1942 1930
W/o Jocephus Thompson
Thompson ,George W.
1874 1937
S/O Josephus and Sarah Thompson
Cauppman ,Charles L.
1897 1915
S/O Asher Cauppman
Cauppman, Asher
1837 1911
F/O Charles L. Cauppman
Silva ,Richard William
1926 1942
Gordo ,Edwin Leroy
1939 1939 3 Months
Holden, Charles
1865 1941
Young ,Nellie
1863 1932
Native of CA
Holden, Walter
3/24/1901 9/12/1906
Age 2Y, 5M, 18D
Holden ,Charles
1828 1910
Native of Canada
Henry, Jess Sr.
1908 1933
Johnson William
1851 May 1918 Age 80
Dunaway ,James Goodson
Dunaway, Amos Horn
No Dates
Dunaway Henry Newton
No dates
Robinson ,Andrew
12/19/1870 5/10/1914
Native of Illinois
Ingersoll, George
1907 1977
Armentroah, Allen Armstrong
1903 No age
Ingersoll ,James S.
1814 1905 Grandfather
Ingersoll, Hazel
1894 1909 Sister
Ingersoll, Ella
1872 1824 Mother
Ingersoll ,Oscar
1861 1928 Father
Ingersoll ,Howard Marion
4/30/1905 8/27/1978
Davis, Clara E.
1880 1952
W/o George E. Davis
Davis, George E.
1863 1937
H/o Clara E. Davis
December 1, 2002