Three Indians killed - one hung- and a squaw wounded.
Indian Massacre February 1, 1879 Mariposa Gazette (submitted by W. DISBRO)

Coroner's inquest, names of the persons with the crime- arrested.

Never, since the organization of Mariposa county, or the existence of the Gazette, which is about 25 years old, has its editor ever been called upon to chronicle such a dastardly, infamous, and inhumane massacre; wherein several Indians were mercilessly slaughtered at a rancheria, while in their quiet slumbers early Sunday morning last about five miles below town; as the bloody deed we are at this writhing attempting to give the public a description of. The first intelligence of the wholesale murder, was brought to town by two squaws, who were present and were probably here within a hour or two after the deed was
committed. Notwithstanding the enormity of the outrage, there was a remarkable quietness pervading among the citizens; whispers could be heard from them, asking what is going to be done; no one knew or could find out.

Some appeared dumbfounded, others stricken with terror and agonizing suspense. In fact, there was no movement made in an official manner towards investigating the scene of bloodshed. It was however, visited by several during the day, whose curiosity sought gratification at seeing a dead Indian or two, who hd fallen by the relentless bullets fired from the rifles or pistols of the white men. It was, as described to us, a scene of carnage never before witnessed in this region of country. There lay promiscuously upon the ground dead, three stalwart young Indian men, each shot through the head; close by was an old
decrepit Indian about 70 years of age, who had been hung up by a rope till dead, and afterwards cut down- said to be the father of Willie ROSS, convicted for the murder of THOMPSON, and sent to prison for life.

The young Indians were known respectively by the names of Sam, Charlie and Amos. Sam is mentioned as being an excellent farm hand and an industrious laborer. He had during the past year been in the employ of Mr. M. W. QUICK a thrifty farmer on Pea Ridge. Sam leaves a wife and several children. Amos was a promising young Indian, and worked among the farmers and ranchers for a living. Charlie was a step son to Lebrado, a Mexican citizen who resides with his family near Clark's old
saw mill, on Bear Creek. Charlie was well thought of generally; he was very industrious and a great support to his parents and his little brothers and sister; and the grief, with which the family seemed over-powered as they passed through town with the body of the ill-fated Charlie, on Monday last; the wail of the poor mother and sobs of the elder sister is about as sorrowing a spectacle as we have witnessed for many a day.

Our informant who was upon the ground on Sunday soon after the slaughter; gathered the following from Indian Jeff who had with another Indian Jack escaped from the assassins. Early in the morning, Sam, who occupied the cabin with his family, was awakened by a knock and call at the door. He responded to his name, and requested the outsider to wait till he put on his shoes and he would come out; as he opened the door he was seized and his hands tied behind him. At the same moment, the other Indians who were sleeping in another wig wam, were seized and likewise tied in the same manner, when all five were required to stand or sit down together with a guard over them, while the old Indian was being executed by hanging. Just at this moment a break was made, Sam ran into his own house when he was followed and killed. Jack and Jeff made good their escape. Charlie was shot in the forehead and in the neck= Amos in the eye and in the back- Sam in the head. A favorite old washerwomen about the town, was shot in the side of the face inflicting a severe wound, considered dangerous- supposed to have been a accident-althou' she says the gun was pointed right at her, which is evidently so, or she would not of been hit.

On Monday following, a jury was summoned by Capt. J. W. THOMAS J.P. acting coroner, and they proceeded to the locality, where the bodies of the Indians except Charlie, had lain undisturbed since the messenger of death had called them in. The
body of Charlie had previously been brought in by his parents, and as they passed through, an inquest was held upon the body.

The following is a copy of the verdict of the Coroners Jury held upon the dead body of Indian Amos, and rendered before J. W. THOMAS, Justice of the Peace, acting coroner. Separate verdicts were rendered upon each of the bodies, differing only in name of the Indian, upon whose body the inquest was held. After the usual form of title, the Jury say;

" We the undersigned jurors, summoned to appear before J.W.
THOMAS, Coroner of the town of Mariposa, and county of Mariposa, at 11
o'clock a.m. on the 27th day of January 1879, to inquire into the cause
of death of Indian Amos, found dead at the Indian Camp on Humbug Gulch,
having been duly sworn according to law, and having made such
inquisition after inspecting the body, and hearing the testimony
adduced, upon our oaths, each and all do say, that we find the deceased
named Amos, was a native of California, age unknown, that he came to his
death on the 26th day of January 1879, in this county, by gunshot wounds
in his right eye and in his left leg, having been found at the Indian
camp four and one half miles south-east of Mariposa, by the instigation
of deadly weapons in the hands of the following persons to wit: E.G.
LAIRD, Robert LAIRD, Samuel LAIRD, Fred HOLT, John HALE, Nat GREEN,
HENDRICKS, and a man unknown."

Henry C. McCREADY,
Michael J. MULLERY,
E. S. UTTER, Foreman.