Weekly Stockton Democrat
Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA

Sunday, 13 June 1858

DESTRUCTION of MARIPOSA by FIRE -- The following letter was received by us on Saturday, from the Editor of the Mariposa ‘Gazette,’ and contains all the intelligence thus far obtained concerning the conflagration at Mariposa on Friday:

Hornitos, June 4th, 1858
Editor Argus: Mariposa is in ashes! A fire broke out in the southern part of the town about 1 o’clock today and spread with such rapidity as to consume the whole business portion of the place in an hour and a half, save these buildings: Sullivan & Cushman, Cohn & Dittlebachs, and Van Veavis; fire-proof stores. With these exceptions, there is not a building left standing to the southward of Fifth street. Several buildings thought to be fire-proof, proved not to be, and went the way of wooden ones. The loss, in the aggregate, will be heavy, and hard to bear. Little or nothing of goods, merchandise, &c., was saved. The Jail was burned; the ‘Star’ office, also. We escaped by being located on the hill.

The above is the substance of reliable information received here this evening, and in haste I transmit it. I shall get home tomorrow, and will give you further particulars by an Extra or otherwise.

FURTHER PARTICULARS of the FIRE in MARIPOSA -- We have received the Mariposa ‘Star’ of Saturday, from which we learn that the fire which destroyed nearly the entire town of Mariposa on Friday afternoon, broke out in a house occupied by Chinese, and situated below the old Phillips Hotel, on Main street.

Notwithstanding the efforts made to arrest its progress, the flames spread rapidly towards the northern portion of Main street, consuming all the property on either side as far as the Post Office, with the exception of Sullivan & Co.’s Granite Store, Cohen & Dettleback’s new fire-proof building, Van Beever’s Brick Store on the corner of 5th and Main streets, and the Brick Store owned and occupied by Cohen, Samuels & Co.

The following comprises a list of the sufferers by the fire, with the amount of their losses, as near as could be ascertained:

McNamara & CRIPPES, $1500
Peter VAN BEVER, $3000
Richard THOMAS, $500
PUJOL & Co., $6,000
WEBBER & Co., $2000
Dr. KAVANAUGH, $1000
McVICAR & GREGORY, $12,000
A.J. GREGORY, $4000
KRAFT (clothing store), $4000
Masonic Hall, $2000
GOODMAN, HUBBELL & Co., $16,000
J.A. HENRY, $8000
C. De FORRIS, $3000
J.W. TOURNEY, $4500
Charles HURTEL & Co., $1000
James M. VANDYKE, $2000
OPPENHIEM & Co., $4000
McCREADY & Brother, $3000
COHEN, SAMUELS & Co., $14,000
Leroy VINING, $8000
John H. NEAL & Co., $2000
Thos. DUFF, $1000
Henry WELICK, $3000
German Tailor, $200
Jordan GILMAN, $200
Geo. E. GARDNER, $1200
E. SMITH, $300
Dr. GRANDVONIET, $25,000
L. FRANKL, $9500
Wm. PHILLIPS, $1400
S. WORMSER, $4000
E.C. BELL, $4000
MacDERMOT & Co., $24,000
Wm. NICHOLS, $1500
SULLIVAN & Co., $4000
Geo. F. KRAFFT, $1200
Judge BURKE, $500
John BOLING, $1000
J. BARNETT, $5000
S.A. MERRITT, $4000
J.B. CONDON, $2000
John MALLON, $400
Mad. LEVASSAR, $3000
transcribed by Dee S.