History and Genealogy Research


Mariposa Gazette
August 23, 1877
A Dastardly Murder
Last Tuesday evening, or night, a most dastardly and cold blooded murder was committed in the Chowchilla valley, some six or seven miles east of this place. The murdered man was David Paterson, a peaceable,-quiet, inoffensive men, a worthy citizen, and an industrious hard working man. When word was first brought to town that Mr. Paterson had been murdered-that the hand of the assassin had been lifted against him-scarcely anyone believed it, for no one supposed so good a man could have an enemy capable of committing so foul a deed. But alas, too true! While Paterson was out "salting" his stock, and not expecting harm from anyone-from the fact that Mr. Paterson was not prepared to meet an enemy, he being unarmed at the time the assassin's bullet pierced his back, passed thru his body, and made its exit near the nipple of the right breast, and David Paterson fell, a dead. man, sent into the presence of his Maker without a moment's warning-not even we suppose, knowing who his murderer was. The crime is doubly black when the fact is known that Mr. Paterson but three or four months ago had the misfortune to lose, by death, his wife, leaving him the sole guardian and protector of four small children-the eldest not being more than six years old-who, by the destroying hand of the cowardly assassin, are left orphans, and henceforth will- be left to the mercy and care of strangers, until such time as they will be able to provide for themselves, although there is no positive proof as to the murderer of Mr. Paterson, suspicion rests upon Frank S. Clow, a farmer, living at Chowchilla, and whose ranch joins that of Paterson's. As soon as Sheriff Clarke received word of the sad affair, he proceeded to the scene, and after an inquest was held on the body, a warrant was sworn out against Clow, who was brought to town and lodged in jail. A preliminary examination was had yesterday before Justice Thomas, but to late for this issue. Paterson was a native of Scotland, and aged about 43 years, His remains were brought to this place for burial and were followed to their last resting place by a large number of sorrowing friends. Rev. Alsanson officiated at the burial service, and read a short but impressive prayer.

Mariposa Gazette
September 1, 1877
The Paterson Murder-This shocking murder, of which we gave the details in last week's Gazette, has been under going a preliminary examination before Justice Thomas for the past several days, and was concluded on Tuesday night last. There were a great many witnesses examined, and as natural to suppose, great interest was taken by our citizens in the examination of the case. It is said by those present that the Attorneys for the prosecution and defense labored asiduously in behalf of their respective clients, which was the defendent Frank Clow, charged with the crime of-shooting and killing David Paterson upon the other. The court on Wed. rendered its decision, holding the defendent over to wait the action of the next Grand Jury. Application for bail was made by the defendent's counsel, which was refused by the court.

Mariposa Gazette
January 5, 1878
The Patterson Orphans-To remember the orphan, was during the Christmas holliday's, one of the sacred injunctions our good people have well remembered. They were award of the existence in our midst, of four little orphans of-the Patterson family, who, but the Christmas before, were in the full happiness and enjoyment of a kind father and a loving mother. Who could appreciate their little wants and necessities, to make them happy and comfortable.. But alast! They have by means of the scythe of time, and the chilly sickle of death, been severed from those four dear little ones, left behind to represent them that have gone before, in life. At the instance of W.E. Turner Esqr; attorney, for the prosecution in the case of People vs Clow; and others, and through the kindness of Mr. Milton Again, who passed around the hat, a nice little sum of about $40 cash, was kindly and cheerfully donated, besides other presents in shape of Christmas toys, etc. In behalf of the recipients# and at the request of their Aunt and present protector Miss Jane Paterson; we are authorized to express for them in this hour and time of their affliction, their most heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation of the "Happy Christmas Gift." which they have received from the kindly donors at a period of life, when clouded with sadness as it is at this very moment; only to be realized by those knowing to be the unfortunate circumstances, which prematurely caused the orphanage of these children.