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               PAINE, John J.
                  February 20, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Death of Jack PAINE

       John J. PAINE, a pioneer citizen of this and Mariposa Counties, died at his home in Merced on Monday afternoon last, after a illness of several weeks from la  grippe. The deceased was a native of Alabama, and nearly 60 years of age. In early days he came from his native s State to California, and settled at Hornitos
              Mariposa County where he followed his trade as wheelwright. He lived therefore a dozen or more years and in 1872, when Merced was first started, he came here where he resided up to the time of his death and was familiarly known as Jack PAINE. Merced Express.


        PAINE, John R

                from the New York Times  September 13, 1858- submitted by Steve Miller
    Died-At Mariposa  July 28, John R. Paine a native of North Carolina aged 30 years.

    PAINE, John T.
    Pioneer Miner is Taken by Death
    Oakland Tribune, November 20, 1924
    MERCED- Nov 20- The death of John T Paine, 49, Mariposa miner, part owner of the famous Mountain Queen mine, occurred here yesterday.  Pneumonia caused his death in the Merced hospital.  He was born in Nevada  County, and lived his entire life in the Sierras(sic).  He is survived by two brothers and sisters. No funeral arrangement have been made. c feroben

    PAINE,  Mrs. Marian Isabel
    Fresno Bee Republican, Wed. May 26, 1948
    Mariposa (Mariposa Co)  Mrs. Maian Isabel Paine, 74, postmistress of Mariposa for 30 years until her reirement, died yesterday in the Lewis Memorial Hospital in the Yosemite National Park after a long illness.
    Funeral arrangements are being made by the Tiscornia & Ivers Chapel.
    Mrs. Paine was a native of Mariposa. She was a member of the Eastern Star and the Laides Aid.
    Surviving are two daughters. Mrs. R. P. Dudman, of San Francisco, and Mrs. Dorothy Ozanne of New York City; and one son, Donald W. Rowland, of Los Angeles. c feroben

                  Frank PAIR
                  February 7, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                 Hornitos Letter.
                  ***** snip****

      Our community mourns the loss of one of its earliest pioneers, Mr. Frank PAIR, a highly respected citizen, who departed this life on Thursday, Jan., 29th, at the   age of 63. Deceased was a native of Kentucky, and came to Mariposa in 1851. After various vicissitudes of fortune he established himself in Hornitos where he  resided and worked steadily, battling against ill luck, until his death. He was a man of fine ability, steady habits, a gentleman possessed of a happy faculty of  making friends wherever he went and was esteemed by all. As soon as the news of his death became generally known, numerous friends and acquaintances  assembled from all parts of the county, and an immense cortege followed him to the grave. It is sad to see the old pioneers so rapidly passing away. Many a one  has passed away; but none more truly regretted than poor Frank, who will be fondly remembered. God give him the rest he never experienced on this earth!


                  Walter Ellis "Walt" PALMER
                  Mariposa Tribune, Feb 17, 1999
                  (submitted by C Feroben)

                  Walter, 74, a long-time Cathey's Valley resident, passed away on Saturday, February 13 at mercy hospital in Merced. Born in Taft, California, July 18,1924 he was a self-employed cattle rancher in Cathey's Valley. He was a veteran of WWII, served in the Pacific theatre, Korea and Viet Nam and retired as an E-6 in the US  Navy. He was a member of the Farm Bureau, Parks and Recreation Committee, County Fair Board, and Water District Resources. He was an active member of the Cathey's Valley volunteer fire department, and a leader for the Cathey's Valley 4-H club. He was a member of El Portal VFW, Merced/Mariposa ASC Committee  and a founder of Little League Baseball in Mariposa. Mr. Palmer was preceeded in death by his son Gary PALMER and parents Herbert and Frances PALMER  ~survivors are listed in the original article~


                  Madame PANICOT
                  Mariposa Gazette Aug. 5,1876
                  (submitted by William Disbro)

                  Died On Bear Creek, Mariposa county July 14,1876, Madame Panicot, native of France, aged 59 years


                  PARKER, M. G.
                  December 4, 1886 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Inquest - At a late hour on Friday, just before going to press, we met with Justice TEMPLE who held the inquest and from him we gathered the most important  facts in relation to the accident which caused the sudden death of M. G. PARKER who was residing with his family at Cold Spring about sixteen miles east from  Mariposa. It appears that on last Monday morning about 7 o'clock he left home to go to LANDRUM's a neighbor living some five miles away to purchase a few joints of stovepipe, and was expected home by his wife in time for dinner. He arrived at LANDRUM's about 10 in the morning and soon concluded his business and started for home. His non arrival at home at dinner time caused his wife to become uneasy. She knew he was subject to epileptic fits, which increased her  anxiety about him. She started a boy in search of him, who upon his arrival at Landrum's ascertained that Mr. Parker had been there and left for home about 9             A.M. The boy then retraced his steps, and upon reaching the summit of the mountain, a mile or two distant, he struck the track of Mr. PARKER which he  followed closely until arriving near a declivity or precipice of rocks about 20 feet high. Near this point, about 150 yards above the precipice, he observed the  ground and leaves considerably disturbed and thrashed about, where it is believed that he had a fit. It was growing dark pretty fast, and the boy was unable to   follow the track further. In the meantime, other parties had been started out in pursuit by Mrs. PARKER and they came on the boy just as he was preparing for  camp for the night for he felt satisfied some accident had befallen him, and that the unfortunate man was not far from that spot, which afterwards proved true.
                  The searchers had obtained lanterns and built a large camp-fire and prepared to remain on the spot over night. The next morning after a consultation, they separated into two parties and had just started when one of the men. a Mr. WASS, discovered a hat lodged on the side of the precipice. He sounded the  discovery to his comrades, who where within hearing, and they commenced the descent down the precipice. A little way down, a crevice filled with dirt, was   discovered, in which was found two impressions of boot heels, which went to show that the deceased had, as he was sliding down attempted to catch , but  owing to the steepness, which was about 40 degrees, he was thrown forward upon his face, in which position he was found at the bottom in a pool of water with  head between two stones, and his body and feet pointing up the hill. In this position he must have drowned if not killed outright. As soon as practicable, a litter  was constructed and the body carried home, about one and a half miles distant. Justice TEMPLE was informed of the calamity and he proceeded to the residence   of the deceased on Wednesday morning where a inquest was held. The jury found that he came to his death from natural causes. There was only a slight bruise  on his face. The opinion of his wife and friends is that he had a fit and in his bewilderment after coming partially to her senses, rolled off the precipice and being  stunned by the fall he drowned in the pool of water. The deceased was a native of Ohio, has a adopted father, L. J. A. PARKER, living in Austinburg, Ashtabula    county, Ohio. He was a member of the Order of Odd Fellows, and had just taken his card from home and applied to the Lodge here. He was a carpenter by trade  and was spoken of in the highest terms by all who knew him. He leaves a devoted wife and two children, to morn his loss. He was buried under the auspices of  the Odd Fellows of Mariposa Lodge NO. 39, on Thursday last, December 2nd, 1886.


                  PARTIDA, Estavano
                  August 19, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  At the County Hospital, Mariposa, August 18, 1882, Estavano PARTIDA, native of Mexico, aged 63 years.


                  David PATERSON
                  Aug. 25, 1877 Mariposa Gazette.
                  (submitted by William Disbro)

                  A Dastardly Murder Last Tuesday evening or night, a most dastardly and cold blooded murder was committed in the Chowchilla valley, some six or seven miles   east of this place. The murdered man was David PATERSON, a peaceable, quiet, inoffensive man, a worthy citizen, and an industrious hard working man. When  word was first brought to town that Mr. PATERSON had been murdered - that the hand of the assassin had been lifted against him - scarcely any one belived it;  for no one supposed so good a man could have a enemy capable of committing so foul a deed. But alas, to true! While Mr. PATERSON was out " salting" his    stock, and not expecting any harm from any one - from the fact that Mr. PATERSON was not prepared to meet a enemy, he being unarmed at the time - the   assassin’s bullet pierced his back, passed through his body, and made its exit near the nipple of the right breast, and David PATERSON fell, a dead man, sent    into the presence of his Maker without a moments warning - not even, we supposed, knowing who his murderer was. The crime is doubly black when the fact is  known that Mr. PATERSON but three or four months ago had the misfortune to loss, by death, of his wife, leaving him the sole guardian and protector of four  small children - the eldest not being more than six years old - who, by the destroying hand of the cowardly assassin, are left orphans, and henceforth will be left  to the mercy and care of strangers, until such time as they will be able to provide for themselves. Although there is no positive proof as to the murderer of Mr.   PATERSON, suspicion rest upon Frank S. CLOW, a farmer, living at the Chowchilla, and whose ranch joins that of PATERSON'S. As soon as Sheriff CLARKE   received word of the sad affair, he proceeded to the scene, and after a inquest was held on the body, a warrant was sworn out against CLOW, who was brought   to town and lodged in Jail. A preliminary examination was had yesterday before Judge THOMAS, but to late for this issue. PATERSON was a native of Scotland,       and aged about 43 years. His remains were brought to this place Thursday last for burial, and were followed to their last resting place by a large number of  sorrowing friends. Rev ALSANSON officiated at the burial service, and read a short but impressive prayer


                  Mariposa Gazette May 5, 1877
                  SUDDEN DEATH - We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. PATERSON, wife of Mr. David PATERSON, who died suddenly last Sunday while in a state of   parturition. Dr. TURNER was sent for but before he arrived Mrs. PATERSON had already passed away, and her earthly troubles ended. The child, however, is  still alive, and doing well. Mrs. Paterson had lived in this county for a number of years and was beloved by all who knew her, for her many noble qualities. Her              death is a sad loss to the bereaved husband and four small children, particularly the latter, who will miss the care and comforts that only a mother can bestow  upon her children. Mrs. PATERSON was buried on Monday last, and her remains were followed to their last resting place by a large number of friends and   acquaintances. We tender to the bereaved husband our sincere sympathy in the irreparable loss he sustained.

    PATTERSON,  William John
    Modest Bee and New-Herald, March 1, 1939
    Retired Mariposa Miner Succumbs
    Merced- Feb. 28- William John Patterson, 70, retired miner, died at his home in the Bull Creek School District, Mariposa County, yesterday after an illness of one week from pneumonia.  He was a native of Canada and lived in Mariposa County thirty years.
    He leaves two sons, Rea Ridgeway Patterson of Mariposa and Herbert  Patterson of Groveland.
    Funeral services will be held in the Tiscornia, Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home of Mariposa Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock with Rv. L. E. Lindsay officating.   Burial will be in the Mariposa Cemetery.- c feroben

                  PATTEN, Mary

                  Nov. 12, 1881 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Death of Mrs. Mary PATTEN - After an illness of about ten days, Mrs. Mary PATTEN, wife of our worthy citizen, Mr. S. C. PATTEN, relinquished her hold upon  earth and friends, and passed to the silent tomb from whence there is no return. The little infant, one week old, preceded her in death, the day previous. This occasions a gloomy household, and Mr. PATTEN is deeply sympathized with by many friends and acquaintances. Mrs. PATTEN was a lady of fine attainments, both in intelligence and as a business financier, and will be very much missed from our community of ladies, who where her patrons and friends. Her business  was that of dressmaking, which after years of industry she had built up, and was well prepared to live and enjoy life comfortably, when the grim monster Death    entered the sacred home, and tore her away, leaving a provident husband to mourn her loss. The funeral took place yesterday at 1 P.M., from the family   residence, and the remains of one who but yesterday as it were, was among us, were followed to the public cemetery and laid away in quiet repose.

                  PATTERSON, Mary Susan
                  APRIL 24, 1875 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  In Chowchilla Valley, April 16th, Mary Susan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David PATTERSON, aged 1 year 11 months


                  PEARD, John Henry
                  December 23, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

         At Washington Mine, December 16th, 1882, John Henry, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. John PEARD, aged 7 years, 10 months and 30 days.

                  WM G PEEL
                  Mariposa Free Press April, 18, 1863
                  (submitted by William Disbro)

                  Near Whiskey Flat, Mariposa County, on Tuesday, April 14, WM. G. PEEL, aged 38 years.  

                  Francis PEET
                  April 22, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Another Pioneer Gone.

                  Mr. F. PEET, jr., who resides in San Francisco, No. 9 Geary street, furnished us with the following for publication in the Gazette: " Capt. Francis PEET, after a  short illness, died at his home in Burlington, New Jersey, January 16th, 1882, aged 80 years. Capt. Peet came overland to this State in 1849, and settled in  Mariposa, where he resided for ten years, afterwards returning to New York. In 1862 he opened business in San Francisco, in the firm name of F. PEET & Son, but     continued his residence in New York. In 1868 he withdrew from business in San Francisco, since which time he has resided in Burlington, New Jersey. He leaves   two sons and two daughters to mourn his loss. His wife, Maria MEAD died some five years previous. His frank and genial temperament made him many friends   in social life, and was always a deep sympathizer and friend, and none knew him but to love him.


                  Mariposa Gazette September 1865
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  In Mariposa, Saturday, August 26th, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. PENDERGRAST.

    PENDOLA, Mrs. G.
    Stockton Daily Independent
    Tuesday, 14 Mar 1871

    DIED -- in Coulterville, Feb. 14th, May, wife of G. PENDOLA, aged 42 years.
    transcribed by Dee S.

                  PENDOLA, Nicholas
                  January 3, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)


                  On Friday morning of last week, Nicholas PENDOLA, one of Bear Valley's oldest and most respected citizens, was called to that unseen realm," From whose   bourne no traveler returns." The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, and was largely attended. Throngs of people came from Mariposa,   Hunter's Valley, Coulterville, Hornitos and other sections, attesting the worth of deceased, and extending kind sympathy to sorrowing relatives. Mr. PENDOLA  was a man of unblemished integrity, and wonderful kindness of heart- ready at all times to assist the destitute and unfortunate. As a husband and father he was   devoted and affectionate, as a friend sincere and true. His death adds another link to that long chain of deaths that is so rapidly closing from view the strange  eventful history of early life in the mines. Truly, that large assemblage which gathered round that noble old pioneers last resting place, on Sunday afternoon, was a mighty eulogy on the life of Nicholas PENDOLA. He was born in San Maurizia de Monte, County of Repallo, Italy, in 1829. In 1853 he married the wife whom he  now leaves a widow. When the great gold strike was made in California he, too, like, other daring and dauntless pioneers, left his native home, bade adieu to the  hills and dales through which he roamed in childhood days, and came to the shores of the golden west in search of the precious metal. He came across the briny  deep by way of Cape Horn, and on reaching San Francisco, came directly to Bear Valley and labored in the mines with great success, for several years. With the   fortune he had thus accumulated he established a general merchandise store and did a thriving business in the early days when Bear Valley was in the zenith of   its prosperity. Deceased was a very energetic and enterprising man, and by his death Bear Valley suffers a great loss. He leaves five children, viz, Mrs. Mary  TRABUCCO, Mrs. Rosa CANEPEA, Charles, Stephen and Louisa. They are all promising young men and women and are well equipped for the great drama of   life. J.J.T.

    PEPPER, Nelson
    from the New York Times  January 28, 1858- submitted by Steve Miller


    At Upper Agua Frio, Mariposa Co December 11, Nelson Pepper
    aged  55 years. 

                  JOHN WILLIS PEREGOY- Stpckton Daily Independent, Thursday, 13 Nov, 1862

    	DIED -- at Mormon Bar, Mariposa county, Nov. 5th, John Willis, infant son of Charles and 
            Mary, aged 2 years


                  MARY AGNES PEREGOY
                    December 16, 1893 Mariposa Gazette

                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Mrs. Mary Agnes PEREGOY.

                  The death of this highly esteemed lady, occurred last Sunday afternoon, after a painful illness of many months' duration. Mrs. PEREGOY was a very quiet retiring  women, but was much beloved by all who knew her intimately. She came here from Pennsylvania, in her girlhood, and since then her life has been spent amid the mountains of Mariposa. She possessed the elements of a lovely Christian character, and always sought peace instead of contention. Always a delicate women,   her strength gave way very suddenly, when the fatal disease, consumption, fastened itself upon her, and for weary months, she has been confined to her home.  A devoted husband and sons and a loving daughter, and many friends ministered to her wants, but all was unavailing. A large concourse of friends followed the  body, on Tuesday, to its last resting place.

    INFANT PETERSON-Aug 23, 1864-Stockton Daily Independent
    DIED – in Marpiposa, Aug. 19th, the infant daughter of Mr.&Mrs. C.J. PETERSON.

    PETERSON, Alice Caroline
    Modesto News- Herald, January 24, 1933
    Merced, Jan 23-  Mrs. Alice Caroline Peterson, 56, died at her home at Bridgeport Inn, Mariposa County, ysterday.  She was the widow of the late William J Peterson, who conducted the inn for many years.
    Mrs. Peterson was a native of Mariposa County.  She leaves four sons, Wilbur R., Hamp and Homer Peterson, all of Mariposa, and Aaron J. Peterson of Oakland; two daughters, Mrs. Alline Burdick and Miss Daisy B Peterson, both of Mariposa and two brothers, Charles F. Ramsden of Mariposa and Dorsen Ramsden of Ahwahnee; and who sisters, Mrs. Myra Dolan of Morgan Hill and Mrs. Mary Cox of Oakland.
    Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday afternoon at 1 pm in the Methodist Church at Mariposa. The Welch and Griffin funeral parlos of Merced are to be in charge. transcribed by Cdf

    PETERSON, Alicia
    Mariposa Gazette
    Thursday, Dec. 5, 1940
    submitted by Alma Stone

    Funeral Services Held At Mariposa For Alicia Peterson

    Funeral services were conducted at the Tiscornia, Ivers and Alcorn funeral parlors in Mariposa on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock for Mrs. Alicia Peterson, who died at Mercy Hospital in Merced on Sunday following a brief illness.

    The services were conducted by Rev. Roy McDowell of the Mariposa Community Methodist Church.

    Mrs. Peterson was removed from her home in Oakvale to Mercy Hospital on November 29, suffering from influenza, which developed into pneumonia.

    She was a native of Oakvale district, Mariposa County, a daughter of the pioneer Hughes family. She was 73 years of age and had lived in the community where she died.

    Surviving are two brothers, Rufus Hughes of and August Hughes of Fresno, also many nephews and nieces and other relatives. Her husband, Charles J. Peterson, died a few months ago.

               PETERSON, Theodore
                  June 27, 1863 Mariposa Free Press
                  Submitted by William Disbro

                  In Mariposa, June 20th, THEODORE, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES PETERSON; aged, 15 months


                  CHRISTIAN PETERSON
                  Mariposa Gazette, Saturday, January 31, 1903
                  (submitted by Tom Hilk)

                  An old and highly respected citizen of Quartzburg, died at the home of his nephew in Oakland last Saturday from a stroke of apoplexy. He and his son-in-law,    Richard MORRISSEY, had gone to the city on a business trip. Mr. Peterson spent his time visiting with relatives and had seen them all, when he was suddenly     taken very ill. On Tuesday evening, he lost consciousness, which he never regained, and in spite of all that medical attendance could do, he passed away. His       death was more of a shock to his relatives and friends from the fact that before the fatal stroke he had been in the best of health. Christian Peterson was a native  of Denmark, aged 72 years, 3 months and 13 days. He came to this county at the age of 19 and settled on Bear Valley Mountain. He later removed to near   Hornitos, where he has lived ever since. He leaves a wife, five daughters and two sons to mourn his death. The daughters are Mrs. Frank WEBBER, Mrs. Thos. FARNSWORTH, Mrs. Ed LATOUR, Mrs. R. MORRISSEY and Mrs. M. LESSMAN; the sons are William and Christian Peterson. The community deeply regrets   the loss of a kind neighbor and a good, upright citizen. The funeral was held at Hornitos last Tuesday, and was largely attended.

    Oakland Tribune, Feb 18, 1925
    MERCED- Feb 18- W J Peterson, 58, Hornitos justice and rancher, died at his home at Buckeye, Mariposa county, following a sudden illness, and was interred yesterday at Hornitos, following funeral services at Mariposa . Peterson was born in Hornitos and passed his entire life there.- (date of death Feb 15) cferoben


               William PHEBY
                  November 8, 1884 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Wm. PHEBY DEAD.

                  Poor old man PHEBY, so well known to many of the old settlers of this section, passed off quietly and unknown to any one last Thursday night and was found    dead in his bed the following morning. He always followed mining for a living and was father of a large family of children, who are grown and scattered over the country. They formerly lived at Princeton, when that place was a busy mining village, and when times were more prosperous. Mr. PHEBY was a harmless and       inoffensive man, kind hearted, but indifferent as to the cares of to-morrow, so that to-day was provided for, the future could take care of itself. Considering the  rough kind of a life he had experienced, and the amount of hard work he had done as a miner, he was remarkably well preserved and more than usually active for a   man of 72 years of age. Dr. TRESCOTT pronounced the cause of death to be a "collapse of the heart."

    PHELPS, Roy
    Fresno Bee Republican, Wed. July 23, 1952
    PHELPS,  In Coalinga, Monday, July 21, 1952.  Roy R Phelps, a native of California, age 47 years.  Beloved husband of Mary W  Phelps; father of Leroy, Robet, Richard, Betty, June, Evelyn Phelps of Coalinga, and Mrs. Willa Wann of Hayford, Calif.  Graveside services will be held Thursday, July 24, 1952 at 11 AM in the Brewer Cemetery, Raymond, Calif.  Adcock Funeral Home in charge.

    PHILLIPS, Mrs. Amelia
    San Joaquin Valley Argus
    January 5, 1889

    Gone to Her Perfect Rest.

    Mrs. Amelia Phillips, the subject of this obituary, passed from earth life at 12 o'clock Saturday night December 30, 1888. In the silent midnight, when darkness o'er shadowed the earth, her spirit passed into the glorious light of the home of the saints, who, with fingers upon golden harps, sang the sweet songs of welcome, while the angels cried out in joyful tones "Welcome! Welcome! Good, faithful and true of heart; welcome to our home of peace and love and rest." Mrs. Phillips was the mother of John, Thomas, Mathew, Charles and Emily Harris and Vinnie and Fred Phillips. She was a faithful and devoted mother, a pleasant, genial friend, a kind and obliging neighbor and a true Christian. Kindness and charity of heart was mirrored on her saint like face, and told as plainly as words of the peace withing which passeth understanding. She had endured all the hardships and inconveniences consequent upon a pioneer mountain life with heroic strength of mind and lastly, Mrs. Phillips was richly endowed with mother love, which was lovingly appreciated by her children, who clung to her even in their maturer years as they had in their helpless childhood, and the parting was a bitter, bitter one to these who are left to feel the loneliness of home without a mother; but nature, in her wisdom, has prepared a panacea for these bitter woes and sorrows. Time will heal the wound, but sweet memories will mingle with bright hopes, and the sorrows of the parting will be sweetened by fondly looking forward to the glorious meeting with mother. We were not intimately acquainted with the deceased lady, but we have heard of her kind deeds, and we can never forget her pleasant smile and kindly voice. Such women are missed from society, and many were the sad hearts and tearful eyes that followed the remains to their final resting place in the Masonic cemetery. The funeral services were held in the First Presbyterian Church which was crowded on this sad occasion. The last rites were performed by the Rev. G. W. Lyon, who spoke in a most consoling manner in a few brief words. The hymn "Nearer My God to Thee," and several others, brought Heaven and the Angels nearer to earth and made the hearts of all true believers feel that it was not so very sad to leave the earth life. As we gazed upon the sweet face of the dead we felt that it would be good if all could go as well prepared.

    PHILLIPS, Amelia
    Merced Express, January 5, 1889


    PHILLIPS - In Merced, at 5 minutes past 12 o'clock on the morning of December 30th, 1888, after an illness of twelve days, Mrs. Amelia Phillips, a native of England, aged 68 years, 6 months and 5 days.

    Deceased was a pioneer resident of three States, having settled first in Wisconsin, moving thence to Illinois, which later States she left in the Fall of 1851, and after the long and dangerous sea voyage of early days arrived in San Francisco on the 12th day of January, 1852. After a few months's residence in the Bay city she removed with her family to Sacramento where she lived until January, 1855, when another removal was made to Mariposa where she made her home for twenty years until in 1875 the shifting sands of time brought her and all of her family that remained together, to Merced, She was the mother of ten children, of whom eight survive her – Matthew Harris of San Francisco, John F. Harris at Oakland Pier, James A. Harris of Hildreth, Fresno county, Thomas and Charles Harris of The Star, and Miss Emma Harris, Miss Vinnie Phillips and Fred H. Phillips of Merced. When her illness, which at first appeared trifling, first assumed a dangerous phase her children were speedily summoned to her bedside, and a skillful physician was brought form San Francisco. But all that loving hearts could suggest, or skillful hands perform was of no avail. The King has sent His messenger with the summons that may not be disobeyed, and her gentle spirt passed from the tender arms of loved and loving ones who would have detained her, to the embraces of other loved ones who had gone before. The burial services were held on Monday afternoon at the First Presbyterian Church, Rev. G. W. Lyons officiating. Her family were not the only mourners, for the church was filled with kind and sympathizing friends, and as the sacred anthem filled the church with a greater solemnity and the words of consolation and of promise fell from the lips of the officiating clergyman, many tears were quietly shed over the mortal remains of her who had been the kindest friend and neighbor in the hour of need and the time of affliction.

    Beautiful floral offerings, tributes of affection from sorrowing friends , covered the casket. A large concourse followed the remains to the place of interment in Masonic cemetery. Of her it may surely be said, that she is one of the Blessed of whom it is written that "they shall rest form their labors, and their works do follow them." Withing the family, throughout the neighborhood, in the whole circle of friends and acquaintances, wherever fate or the exigencies of life called her she was the friend, the sympathizer, the counselor, the consoler. "A perfect woman nobly planned." GENTLE MOTHER, REST IN PEACE.
    submitted by Tom Hilk

      PHILLIPS, William B.
    In San Jose, March 24, 1888, William B. Phillips, a native of England, aged 75 years, 4 months and 22 days.

    Merced Express, March 31, 1888

    Death of W. B. Phillips.

    Mr. W. B. Phillips, of Merced, died at San Jose on the 24th, inst. The remains were interred in the family plot at the Merced Masonic Cemetery last Sunday. Rev. G. W. Lyons officiated at the services at the residence of deceased on 19th street and at the closing ceremonies at the grave. The funeral was attended by a large circle of children, step-children and grand-children of deceased and by a host of personal friends and acquaintances of the worthy pioneer. Deceased was a pioneer resident of Mariposa county. He leaves a widow and a number of children and step children, all grown to honorable and useful manhood and womanhood. Mr. Phillips was a native of England, aged 75 years at the time of death. His family have our earnest sympathy in the loss of this estimable husband and father.
    submitted by Tom Hilk
    San Joaquin Valley Argus
    March 31, 1888


    PHILLIPS – At San Jose, March 23d, 1888, W. B. Phillips, aged 75 years.

    Deceased was the father of F. H. Philips and Miss Vinnie Phillips and stepfather of Messrs Harris brothers of this town. The remains were brought here yesterday and buried in the Masonic Cemetery, being followed to the last resting place by a large number of sorrowing relatives and friends.
    submitted by Tom Hilk

               PHILLIPS, Don

    Modesto Bee and News- Herald
    Feb 3, 1970
    Mariposa- Donald M. Phillips, 52, son of a pionerr Bootjack area family,died of internal injuries when his horse fell upon him.
    Phillips was with a group of 25 members of the Merced-Mariposa Horsemen's Association sunday riding from Indian Gulch to Highway 140.  His horse attempted to jump a fence but got caught on wire on the top, throwing Phillips to the ground.
    He was a charter member of the Mariposa County Sheriff's Posse and president of the Mariposa County Fish and Game Association.
    Rites wil be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the Tiscornia and Ivers Funeral Home for Phillips.
    Burials will be in the Masonic Cemterery.
    A Native of Mariposa, he was a member of the Masonic Lodge 24 of Mariposa, Order of Eastern Star, the Los Mariposas Chapter, Mariposa Sheriff's Posse and was president of the Mariposa Horsemens Association.
    He leavs his widow, Jean' two sons, Emmett of Mariposa and Donald Phillips of the Army; to sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Nelin of Harwthorne, and Mrs Dorothy Lake of Lake; three brothers, Lester N of Mt. Bullion, nad Dave and Robert Phillips, both of Sonora, and two grandchildren.

    Merced Express, Merced, CA. May 20, 1898

    Death of Mrs.  Eliza Phillips

    Mrs. Eliza Phillips, a well known pioneer lady of Merced  who was better
    known as Grandma Phillips, died at the residence of her daughter,  Mrs. E. B.
    Jolley, on Alameda street, early Monday morning last after a  lingering illness of
    more than five months from cancer of the stomach, and at  the advanced age of
    86 years.
    During her last illness she suffered much, but  she bore her suffering with a
    Christian spirit and much fortitude.

    The  aged lady was respected and esteemed by all who knew her, and was a
    zealous  member of Bethel M. E. Church. She was born in Cornwall, England, in
    1812, and  came to California with her husband, John Phillips, in 1852 and located
    at  Hornitos, Mariposa county, but for the last twenty-five years has been a 
    resident of Merced.
    Her husband died in 1864. She leaves two daughters, Mrs.  E.B. Jolly and Mrs.
    Thursa Clough, and also a step daughter, Mrs. Lucretia  Young, to mourn her

    The funeral took place from the M.E. Church on  Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Mr.
    Smith officiating.- transcribed by Alma Stone

    George PHILLIPS

                  June 26,1875 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)   

                  In Merced, June 20th, 1875, at the residence of Wm. McDONNELL, of Typhoid fever, George W. PHILLIPS, aged 18 years, 11 months and 16 days.

    	October 30, 1862
    Stockton Daily Independent
    		DIED -- in Hornitos, Oct. 20th, Mr. John PHILLIPS, aged 64 years. - transcribed by Dee S

                    PHILLIPS, John H.

                  May 6, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Death of John H. PHILLIPS

                      On the night of May 1st, John H. PHILLIPS, long and familiarly known as "Buck," died, at Benton Mills, on Merced river. Mr. Phillips was one of the oldtimers   of the county and had many friends wherever he lived. He had been in a rather a low state of health for some times, but was not supposed to be in any immediate  danger. On Monday some visitors to his house found him in a unconscious condition, and death followed in a few hours. A widow and two children are left to mourn their loss.

    PHILLIPS, Joseph
                 Mariposa Gazette, Feb 6, 1857  p 2
    FOUND DEAD.----We understand that Mr. Joseph Phillips
    was found dead upon the Merced river, near Phillips' Flat.
    We hear that from marks upon the body,  it is probable
    that he met  with a violent death, but we have not the

    Modesto Bee and News Hearld-
    Monday, May 25, 1959

    Mariposa , Mariposa Co.- Last services will be held at 2 PM tomorrow in the Tiscornia & Ivers Funeral Chapel for Mrs. Nettie A. Phillips; 84, of Mariposa, who died Saturday in the Fremont Hospital.  The rev. George Crouse will officiated.  Burial will be in the Mariposa Cemetery.

    Mrs. Phillips, a native of Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County, had lived in Mariposa 62 years.

    She leaves six sons, Don and Rube Phillips of Mariposa, Floyd of Merced, Lester of Yosemite, Robert of Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County,  amd David of Jamestown; two daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Nelin of Hawthorne, Los Angeles County, and Mrs. Dorothy Lake of Foresthill, Placer County, 22 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren.    transcribed by cferoben

                     PHILLIPS/William O.                  
    Stockton Daily Independent
    Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA
    Monday, 11 Sept 1871
    DIED -- at Bear Valley, Sept. 3d, William O. PHILLPS, aged 58 years.

                  Charles E. PICKETT
                  November 18, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by William Disbro)

                  Charles E. PICKETT, ESQ., His Illness and Death

                  This gentleman pretty well known to the literacy world has been lying very low with sickness for the past two weeks at the Gallison Hotel. He had been spending  a couple of weeks in the Yosemite Valley, and was on his return when he fell sick and unable to proceed further. We infer from his remarks that he corresponded     with the "Bulletin" and is well knowing San Francisco. He bears the appellation of "Philosopher PICKETT," and is an early Pioneer of the Pacific Coast, and is         about 60 years of age. He appears to be in very indigent circumstances, and but for the hospitality of his good landlady, Mrs. GALLISON, who has given her    exclusive attention to the stranger, he would have suffered intensely and died ere this. Dr. TURNER and BELL have rendered all the medical aid that could be     administered for the relief of the sufferer, but there appears no hopes, and he has been pronounced dying of hemorrhage of the bowels for the past week. It has   been a hard blow on Mrs. GALLISON, whose humane feelings forbids her denying or refusing the desires of the dying man, who begs her constant attention day    and night, and will allow no other to wait upon him. The expense of a case of this kind are considerable, and it is hoped the unfortunate man may have some    friends who may come to her relief. We are inclined to believe he has a friend in the "Bulletin" and probably other journalists of the Pacific Coast. He has a    brother, Wm. S. PICKETT in Columbia, Tenn. Dead Since the above was written, at 2 p.m. Thursday what was left of poor old Philosopher PICKETT passed   quietly through the "gate" into another world where ends his earthly career, which no doubt has been one of more than ordinary interest were it written up by    some one familiar with his history. Two hours preceding his death he talked fluently and rationally, and nearing to the last he took the hands of Mrs. GALLISON    and drew them gently across his brow and face, seemingly to give expression of the gratitude he felt for her who had stood like an angel by his bedside till death    had beckoned him away. His last words were, pointing up with a last lingering look, "The Gate is Open," and then closed his eyes forever. His funeral took place on the following day, and though buried under the auspices of strangers he was nevertheless respected and well cared for from the first to the last by Mrs.  GALLISON, to whom the charitable world owe a debt of gratitude. PICKET- In Mariposa, November 16th, 1882, Charles E. PICKET, aged about 60 years.

    Mariposa Gazette, June 19, 1857
    James Pierce of Mobile, Al., died June 17, at the County Hospital. (submitted by Warren Carrah)


                  Charles A. Pierson
                  Mariposa Gazette July 4, 1930
                  (submitted by Tom Hilk)

                  Mt. Bullion Pioneer Called by Death - Funeral services were held Thursday at Hornitos for Charles August Pierson who died at his home in Mr. Bullion last  Saturday at the age of 82 years. Mr. Pierson was a native of Sweden, but came to California when a boy. he had resided in Mt. Bullion for the past thirty years.  When he first came to California he lived at Sutter's Fort near Sacramento, with his parents, later moving to Mariposa County where he was employed at the              mines. In 1894 he was married to Elizabeth ARTHUR, a daughter of "Bob" ARTHUR, pioneer blacksmith of Coulterville and Hornitos. The widow and six children  survive. Charles and Will Pierson of Mt. Bullion; Mrs. Minne FIRPO of Cressey, Mrs. Isabel ROWLAND of Cathay, Mrs. Hattie CLORE of Visalia, Mrs. Mary   BURKE of Exeter.


                  PIPER, James
                  July 20, 1889 Mariposa Gazette

                  At Tulare County, Cal., July 10th, 1889 James PIPER, aged 54 years, 9 months and 17 days.

                  Mr. PIPER, for many years was a resident of Coulterville, and was well known throughout Mariposa County. He moved to Tulare some seven years ago,   where he has since resided.


                  Death Claims Bert PITZER
                  Mariposa Gazette Saturday, March 7, 1908
                  (submitted by Tom Hilk)

                  Albert Pitzer, Jr., oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pitzer of this city, died at 10 o'clock last night in the Burnett Sanitarium at Fresno from appendicitis. The news  was a great shock to the many friends of the young man in this city, although the announcement was made a day or two ago in the Sun that he was quite sick. He  had been working in a jewelry store in Fresno for the past year and a half. Sunday morning he was taken sick, and Monday evening he was taken to the Burnett Sanitarium with a pronounced case of appendicitis. At no time after he entered the sanitarium was it considered safe to operate for the removal of the appendix,    and no operation for that purpose was attempted. Monday night his parents went to Fresno to be with him but he sank rapidly and passed away at 10 o'clock last    night. Albert Pitzer, Jr. was born in Hornitos, Mariposa county, March 19th 1884, and was therefore nearly 24 years old. Most of his life, however, has been spent  in Merced, where he grew to manhood and graduated from the high school. He was a young man of good habits and character, of friendly disposition, and had  many friends who will mourn his untimely end. The funeral was held from the Cumberland Presbyterian church at 2:30 Friday afternoon, and the services were  conducted by Rev. James Miles Webb. - Sun, Feb. 27th

    Mariposa Gazette, October 5, 1858
    (submitted by Warren Carrah)
    Died at the County  Hospital on  Sept. 30, Andrew M Poden, age 31, of consumption.

                POLSON, Christian

                  obit May 14, 1881 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)  
                  This week we chronicle the death of two more of our pioneer citizens, who are fast passing away. Christian POLSON was a German, whose wife is of Irish extraction (Aunt Sarah as she is called). They have lived together here in Mariposa for the past twenty-five years, during which time they have industriously    pursued the laundry business, and have enjoyed life happily together, better in fact than 99 percent of the higher class who sneer at menial servitude. Aunt  Sarah, too, is getting old and feeble, but she is possessed of a terrible amount of Irish pluck, and per chance may yet live for many years to come, and do   considerable execution in the washing and ironing business.


                  Henry F. POND
                  Mariposa Gazette Sept, 1876
                  (submitted by William Disbro)

                  Died At the county hospital August 30, Henry F. POND, a native of Georgia, aged 40 years, or thereabouts. Mr. POND was a laborer in and about Mariposa, at various occupations, for the last 15 years. He was much esteemed by a large circle of friends.
        POPE, William  J.
    Modesto Bee and News- Herald,  Feb 14, 1949
    MERCED, Feb 14- William J Pope , 56,  who was employed as a mechanic by the government is Yosemite National Park for the past 20 years, died yesterday morning in a veterans; hospital in Oakland.
    Funeral services will be held in the Tiscornia & Ivers Chapel, Mariposa, tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.  The servies will be under the auspices of the Mariposa  Lodge, FAM.  Pope was a former master of the lodge.  He was a member of the  Scottish Rite bodies, San Jose. Burial will be in tthe  Mariposa Masonic Cemetery.
    He leaves his widow, Mrs. Alma Pope of Yosemite; a daughter, Mrs. Helen Putnam of Oceanside; two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Schilling of San Bernardino, and Mrs Clara Schilling of Bagby; a brother, A J Pope of Scaramento, and two grandchildren. transcribed by cdf

    POUNDS, William H
    Modest Bee and News-Herald, December 29, 1938
    William H Pounds is Called by Death
    Merced- Dec 29- William H Pounds, 62, of Mariposa, died suddenly at his home there yesterday.  He was a native of Alabama and lived in Mariposa five years.
    He leaves a widow, Cela Pouds, four daughters, Zoda Pounds and Mrs. Beulah Johnson, both of Mariposa, Anna Lee Pounds of Fresno and Mrs. Barbara Brewer of Wawona, and five sons, Sidney, Roscoe, Vern, Robert and Gean Pounds, all of Mariposa.
    Graveside services in the Brewer Cemetery in the Green Mountain district, under the direction of the Tiscornia Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home of Mariposa are planned.

    Stockton Daily Independent
    Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA
    Tuesday, 5 Dec 1871

    DIED -- at Princeton, Mariposa county, Nov. 23d, John POTTHAST, aged 6 years.
    transcribed by Dee S.


                  Dick  POWELL
                  June 2, 1866 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by William Disbro)

                  Died- At Mormon Bar, Saturday, May 26th, 1866, "Uncle" DICK POWELL, (Colored) aged about 70 years. Uncle Dick was from Dallas Co., Alabama, and is well    known in this vaciniy. Although an humble member of the colored race, still he possessed qualities worthy of emulation by those concidered his superiours.   Always affable and kind, he never failed to engender a spirit of friendship among those with whom he was brought into contact. Well knowing his position,  treating those whom he concidered his superiours with respect and even in instances with kindness, he was only known to be respected by those intimately acquainted with him. Uncle Dick came to this county in the early days of '49 as a servent of Capt. POWELL, of whom he often remarked: " I raised him and used to dandle him on my knee," For many years he has been a resident of Mormon Bar, always acquiring a livelihood by his own exertions and sharing it with his   race. His remains were placed in the cemetery near town on Monday last, accompanied by many of those who had known him in life, wishing him a safe journey  into the land" where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest."


                  Anthony POWERS
                  February 7, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Death of Anthony POWERS.

                  The death of this good old man, who has lived about Coulterville for so many years, is announced. He died on the 29th of January last, at Frank HERBECK's   ranch near Coulterville. Uncle POWERS as he was called, was remarkable for his great age, activity and industry. Although he had saved little to maintain himself  upon in his advanced age, he never has been dependent, otherwise than upon his own exertions. He was extremely sensitive and ignored such things as  presents or gifts without paying for them. He was as honest and conscientious as a man could well be, and the people of Coulterville will long miss Uncle  Anthony POWERS.


                  ROLLA POWERS
                  February 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press
                  (submitted by William Disbro)

                  At Coulterville, Wednesday Feb. 24th, ROLLA POWERS, aged about 40 years.

                   Alice PRAIRIE

    Merced Express, Friday, July 11, 1924   (submitted by Beverly Stone)


                  Mrs. Alice PRAIRIE,   for many years a well known and highly respected resident of Mariposa and Merced counties, passed away last Sunday evening at the home of her daughter,     Mrs. Ellen GARCIA, near Buhach. Mrs. Prairie was a native of Canada and was aged 79 years. She came to California with her husband in 1862, settling at Mt.   Bullion, Mariposa County, and later residing at Pine Tree, Bear Valley and Indian Gulch, in that county. Mr. Prairie died at the latter place eighteen years ago and shortly afterwards she came to Merced County to reside. She was one of those sturdy pioneer mothers, noted for her kind and charitable acts, and was respected  and esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. She leaves five sons and three daughters--Frank, Henry and Arthur Prairie of Ventura, E.J. Prairie of      Indian Gulch, T.M. Prairie of Merced, Mrs. Ellen GARCIA of Buhach, Mrs. Mary De NEVES of Atwater and Mrs. Rose ADAMS of San Francisco. The funeral    was held from the Catholic Church at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, Rev. George D. Doyle conducting the services and interment was in the local Catholic  Cemetery. The pall bearers were J.R. SOUZA, George BACIGALUPI, Tony SOUZA, Charles McELLIGOT, Joseph TRINDADE and Tony FOURNIER."


                  PRAIRIE, Irwin William
                  Merced Sun Star, March 27, 1933
                  (submitted by Beverly Stone)

                  Irwin William PRAIRIE, 38, employee at the Comet mine near Usona, Mariposa county, and son of Mrs.. Emma PRAIRIE, died yesterday, following a heart attack at Usona. He was found by friends where he had fallen. An examination showed death was caused by a heart attack and a fracture at the base of the skull. It is   presumed that in falling following the attack he struck his head upon a rock. PRAIRIE was born June 24, 1894, in Hornitos and had spent his entire life with the     exception of time in service during the World war, in Merced and Mariposa Counties. Funeral services with members of the Merced post of the American Legion  as pallbearers, will be at 2 Tuesday at the Welch and Griffin Chapel in Merced. The Rev. E. Clayton Burgess will officiate. Burial will be in the family plot of Asphodel Cemetery. In addition to his mother, he is survived by a brother, Marvin PRAIRIE of Modesto and a sister, Mrs. Alma OLMSTED of Merced.


                  Thomas PRAIRIE
                  The Merced Sun Star, Monday Aug 8, 1955
                  (submitted by Beverly Stone)

                  Graveside services will be held at Calvary Cemetery Wednesday at 9 a.m. for Thomas M. PRAIRIE, 80, of Merced who died Saturday. Mr. Prairie was a native of  Mariposa County. He had lived in Merced since 1908. He was first employed here by the Wood and French draying firm and later worked at blacksmithing for Joe  SOUZA. He had been employed by Walt HUFFMAN for many years. Rosary services will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Ivers and Alcorn Mission Chapel.
                  Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Ellen GARCIA of Merced; and four brothers, Frank and Henry of Ojai, Arthur of Ventura and Ned of San Francisco.


                  PRATT, Joseph Abner
                  Mariposa Gazette, July 14, 1877

                  Pratts Ranch, Mariposa County, July 13th, 1877, Joseph Abner PRATT aged 52 years native of South Carolina. [Funeral will take place to-day at 10 a.m., from Masonic Hall Mariposa]

    PRESTON, Emmet
    Fresno Bee, Saturday, March 26, 1977
    Madera- Funeral services for emmet PReston, 92, will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in United Methodist Church in Mariposa..  Burial will be in Mariposa Cemetery.
    Preston, a native of Oakvale and a life long resident of Mariposa County, died Friday..
    He was a retired cattleman.
    He is survived by his widow Effie; a brother , Emery of Le Grande; three sons, Ray of White Rock, Clintton of Oakvale and Lauren of Fresno; four daugheres, Mrs. Evelyn Fiske of Mariposa, Mrs. Anita Leonard of Pleasant Hill, LaVerne Olive of San Fernando and Mrs. Beverly Pinkerton of Mariposa- 19 granchildren and 33 great-grandchildren.
    Jay Chapel is in charge of arrangements.

    Modesto Bee and News-Herald, Freiday , November 22, 1935
    Mariposa Nov 21- Funeral arrangements for John J Preston, 81, veteran prospector fo the Mariposa Hills, who died here Monday, are being delayed pending word from relatives in the East.
    Preston was a retired Paptist minster, He was born in Illinois.
    He engaged in prospecting in the Mother Lode county in recent years and several times was reported to have made stsrikes, which, however, ultimately wer exhausted.
    The Tiscornia, Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Parlos are in charge of the funeral arrangement.


                  PRESTON, Robert A.
                  November 3, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Robert A. PRESTON, whose death is announced this week, was an estimable citizen of long residence in this county. He leaves a large family, consisting of a   wife and a number of grown children, to mourn his loss. The remains were brought into town on Tuesday for burial and was followed to the grave by a large oncourse of relatives and friends.   Funeral services were conducted at the grave by Rev. ROBERTS.

    PRESTON, Sarah

    Mariposa Gazette,  March 15, 1902

    An Aged Lady Gone.

    Mrs Sarah Preston died at her home at Oakvale  Tuesday at noon.  She was 82 years of age, and
    had lived in this county for the past forty years.
    She was relict of Joe Preston.  "Aunt Sally"  Preston, as she was familiarly called, will be
    sadly missed.  A good Christian woman, a kind and accommodating friend and neighbor, she
    leaves many friends and neighbors, who regret that the end of a long and useful life has come.
    Four daughters and two son are left to mourn her departure.
    From "Gleaning From the Mariposa Newspaper 1898-1909" ed T. Hilk


                  PRESTON, Uriah F.
                  November 10, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  The death of Uriah F. PRESTON, last Sunday at his home on the Chowchilla, was one which brought sorrow to the hearts of many friends. He was an exceptional   man, a kind husband and neighbor. His death has created a void that cannot well be filled. The deceased came to this  county with his parents in an early day when he was but a child and grew to manhood in our midst. He was industrious and possessed exemplary habits,   conservative manners, and was generous to a fault. He was married to a Mrs. Mollie WILSON, daughter of Daniel M. JACKSON of Cathey's Valley, who is now  so suddenly and unexpectedly separated by death from a devoted companion. His death was but adding sorrow to sadness, for the father of the deceased had  preceded him in death by just one week to a day. The son having contracted his sickness while taking care of his father in the early stage of his illness, no doubt brought upon himself that fearful disease pneumonia, which has consigned them both to the grave. The widow and mother, and other relatives of deceased, have   the sympathy, of all the community in their sad bereavement. The body was brought to town Tuesday, and was followed by a large procession, to the public  cemetery where, the burial took place.   Services were conducted at the grave by Rev. A. W. ROBERTS.

                  PRICE , Smith
                  February 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press
                  (submitted by William Disbro)

                  Smith PRICE, aged about 35 years. At Bear Valley, on the 19th inst.

                  PRIEST, Josiah
                  May 3d, 1890 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Death of Josiah PRIEST.

                  Josiah PRIEST, a native of the State of Maine, and aged about fifty-three years, died at his home on Bear Trap, near Colorado, in this county, Monday morning,  April 28th. The deceased was a well known and respected citizen of Mariposa County, and came here from his native state in the year 1860 and settled near Colorado, where he has continuously resided ever since, and followed the occupation of a miner. He had for the past year been a severe sufferer from that fatal      disease, dropsy, which finally caused his death, and on Tuesday April 28th, he was buried near his home. The funeral was largely attended by old friends and   acquaintances of Sherlock's, Colorado and Mariposa. A wife and six children are left to mourn the irreparable loss of a kind and devoted husband and father.

    Mariposa Gazette
    Thursday, Sept. 19, 1940


    Funeral services will be held here tomorrow for Mrs. Sarah Priest, 92-year-old Colorado Indian woman who died at her home on Bear Creek last Tuesday morning.

    Mrs. Priest was born April 12, 1848, on Bear Creek and had spent her entire lifetime here.

    Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Ida Hogan, Mrs.

    PROPS, William
    Modesto Bee and News-Herald, December 17, 1940, page 16
    Merced, Dec 17.  William Props, 76, of Bagby, Mariposa County, died in the general hospital here yesterday after a short illness.  Props was born in Indiana and had lived in California for fifty years.  He was a veteran of the Spanish-American War.
    Funeral arrangements are pending in the Ivers & alcor Funeral Home.

    PROUSE,  Samuel
    Modesto News-Herald,  December 29, 1932
    Merced , Dec. 28- Samuel Prouse, 55 , of Mounty Bullion, a Mariposa miner, died in a local hospital to-day after a long illness.  A native of Mariposa County, he had spent all his life as a miner in the Mother Lode country.
    He leaves his widow, Mrs. Frances Prouse, and six children, all of Mount Bullion.
    Funeral arrangements are being made by Ivers and Alcorn.

    PROUTY, Robert A.
    Merced Express, January 17, 1930


    Robert A. Prouty, pioneer and former Sheriff of Mariposa county, died Monday
    in Modesto Hospital at the age of 83 years, following a three weeks illness.

    He had been a resident of Mariposa county for 63 years, and was sheriff for
    22 years. He was a native of Massachusetts, and a member of Rawlings Post of
    the G. A. R. at Stockton.

    Funeral services were held Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. at the Shannon
    undertaking parlors at Modesto, and interment was in the Odd Fellows
    cemetery there.

    Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Charlotte Prouty; a son, Asa A. Prouty of
    Modesto, and two daughters, Mrs. Carl Lind of Richmond and Mrs. John
    Castagnetto of Modesto.

    Sheriff Prouty was well known and highly esteemed in Merced. Several years
    ago he and his wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their
    ranch near La Grange, at which time a large number of old friends, including
    many from Merced gathered to tender their good wishes. transcribed by T Hilk

    Don Fichett Genealogy site for PROUTY

    Stockton Daily Indpendent-
    WEDNESDAY, 4 FEB 1863
    DIED -- in Mariposa, Jan. 26th, Charles PROW, a native of France, aged 56 years.

    9/8/2000 Press Democrat
    Purcell, ViolaF. Former Treasurer and Tax Collector of Mariposa County and 38-year resident of Sonoma County, passed away at the age of 92 at a convalescent hospital in Petaluma, CA on September 6, 2000. Mrs. Purcell was born 9/11/08 in Alameda County, CA and spent her early years in Fresno and then from 1913 - 1917 moved to Merced Falls, CA where her mother was manager of the hotel for the Yosemite Lumber Company. When the lumber town was shut down by the company and dismantled, she ended up in San Francisco where she graduated from Mission High School and then went on to attend University of California in Berkeley. Mrs. Purcell worked in various accounting jobs, was a real estate broker for Strout Realty in Mariposa and Santa Rosa, and was elected twice the Treasurer and Tax Collector of Mariposa County from 1944 to 1950. At that particular time she understood that she was the only woman elected to public office in the state of California. Mrs. Purcell had also served as Secretary to the Mariposa County Fair and in 1952 was Business Manager of the John C. Fremont Hospital. After retirement Mrs. Purcell and her husband traveled throughout the world and she was an amateur artist for 25 years. She belonged to the Artist Round Table and Native Daughters of the Golden West. Survived by: sister, Lil Manusia of Rosemeade, CA; daughter Margaret Clothier and son-in-law Galen Clothier of Rohnert Park, CA; grandchildren Linda Lee of Roseville, CA; Daryl Brower of Grass Valley, CA; Rhonda Fee of Altaville, CA; Ronald Clothier of Bakersfield, CA; Cathy Swarthout of Grass Valley, CA; seven great grandchildren, several great great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Friends are invited to attend Funeral Services on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. at the DANIELS CHAPEL OF THE ROSES, 1225 Sonoma Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA. Private Interment, Calvary Catholic Cemetery. Donations are preferred to the Edward, Janice and Karl Clothier Memorial Fund, c/o Sonoma State University, 1801 East Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. Arrangements are under the direction of the Daniels Chapel of the Roses Funeral Home.

    QUEIROLO, Mrs. Margaret
    Modesto Bee And News-Herald, The | Modesto, California | Monday, November 27, 1939
    MERCED, Nov. 27
    Funeral services will be held tomorrow for Mrs. Margaret Queirolo, 90, pioneer resident of California, who died in a hospital here Saturday night after a brief illness.
    Born in Genoa, Italy, she had lived in California for seventy five years, the last forty five years of which were spent in Hunters Valley, Mariposa county. She was the widow of Joseph Queirolo, prominent Mariposa County cattleman.
    She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Ida Maschio, of Hunters Valley and four grandchildren, Mrs. Anita Brown of Merced, Miss Jeanette Maschio of Hunters Valley, L. A. Queirolo of San Francisco, and Gabriel Queirolo of Oakland.
    A son, Dr. C. A. Queirolo, and a daughter, Mrs. Anna Castagnetto, preceded Mrs. Queirolo in death.
    Services will be held in the St. Catherine Church in Hornitos tomorrow morning at 11 o;clock with Rev. John Hunt officiating. Rosary will be held tonight at 8 o'clock in the Ivers & Alcorn Mission Chapel in Merced.  submitted by Carol Lackey

    QUICK, Arthayda H.
    April 19, 2007  Mariposa Gazette

    Arthayda Helen Quick passed away peacefully on April 10. She was 96.
    Her passion was music, which started at age six when she perfored in her first piano recital.  Upon graduating from Fresno State University with a master's degree in music, she began teaching in Chowchilla.  She organized and conducted a choral group called "The Arthayda Singers" giving concerts and performing at special events throughout the San Joaquin Valley.
    She was a member of the Chowchilla Chapter #365 Order of the Eastern Star for over 50 years.  Her husband, Clyde, who preceded her in death in 1986, was her partner for 52 years in all aspects of their lives.
    They managed the historic 2,000  acre Ben Hur Ranch, preserving the family heritage by bringing  it both state and national acclaim.  They were seasonal rangers together in Yosemite National Park for 29 years where she was known as a naturalist.  They were teachers for 35 years and were heavily involved in the California Teachers Association and numerous other educational organizations.
    They enjoyed life to the fullest, which included traveling all over the world together.
    The Quick's strong faith in God led them to a life of giving, not only to the churches they attended regularly, but also to the communites they lived in over the years. 
    Arthayda was an inspiration to her family and will be remembered as a kind, loving, understanding and very generous mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.
    She is survived by her son and daugher-in-law, Gary and Darlene Quick; granddaughter, Darla Rasmussen, and her husband, Keith; grandson Eric Quick and his wife, Mia; great-grandchildren, Grant Rasmussen, Ashley Quick and Gavin Quick; her beloved sister Marcella Revel; niece, Ann Hicks, and nephew, Art Revel and Allan Quick.
    Memorial graveside services will be held at the Mariposa Cemetery on Saturday, May 19, at 11 a.m.  In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, 1329 Howe Avenue, Suite 210, Sacramento, CA  95825
    transcribed by cdf


                  QUICK, Mrs. Deborah
                  June 11, 1881 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Death of Deborah QUICK - Thursday morning last, our citizens were astonished at the announcement of the death of Mrs. Deborah QUICK, wife of Morgan W.   QUICK, an old citizen of this section. The family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. QUICK and three children, reside upon their farm about eight miles below town.  Contemplating a trip for the benefit of her health, Mrs. QUICK had come into town the day before for the purpose of making purchases, and preparing for a visit    to Sacramento and wherever else it might be deemed advisable to go. She was stopping for the night with Mrs. FRITZ, and retired at the usual hour, apparently  as well as she had been for sometime past. By some intimations her last dying moments were discovered by Mrs. FRITZ, about four o'clock in the morning. Her  principal complaint was a derangement and repeated fluttering about the heart, which no doubt, terminated in what is commonly known as heart disease and ultimate death. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark STEWART who came from Maryland across the plains in 1848, and landed upon the spot where the  great city of Sacramento now stands. Immediately after their arrival, Mr. STEWART, by permission of General SUTTER, erected a wooden building on what is  now called Front Street, between I. and J., and used it as a hotel; the first accommodation for public convenience, ever constructed in that vicinity. The same year   Mr. STEWART purchased from General SUTTER the " Tannery Property " situated about one mile from the old Fort, near the American River, which property is  still belongs to the heirs, Mr. and Mrs. STEWART being dead, October 19, 1854, in Sacramento. The deceased was married to Morgan W. QUICK, who soon  afterwards with his newly chosen life-partner, launched their bark upon the Quicksands of time, which bore them to the banks of Mariposa Creek about one mile  above town, where they lived for many years, and improved a garden, ranch and vineyard, which together with the business of stock-raising' and frugal  management, Mr. QUICK acquired a comfortable independence for the purpose of life. During their residence here they have had born to them 7 children, three of whom are now living; respectively Mark, aged 25, Morgan, 23, and Jane aged 21. Mrs. QUICK was a native of Maryland aged 52 years six months and nine days, and leaves behind to mourn her loss, a husband and three children' also a brother who resides in this section besides several relatives in Sacramento. In behalf of   the friends here who hold the highest esteem for our old citizen Mr. QUICK, and the bereaved ones, we all unite in tendering our most heartfelt sympathy to him   and to those nearest to the heart of a departed wife, mother and sister. The funeral took place from the residence of Mr. John FRITZ, yesterday at four o'clock   P.M. and the remains were followed by the family, and a large concourse of friends to the village cemetery, where all that was of her on earth, was laid carefully away in the silent tomb, close besides the four beloved children who had gone before. The funeral services were performed by Rev. R.A. SAWRIE
    Paper: Fresno Bee, The (CA)
    Deceased: CLYDE E. QUICK DIES
    Date: July 29, 1986

    A memorial service for Clyde E. Quick, former teacher and principal at Chowchilla Union High School, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Twin Lakes Baptist Church in Aptos. Mr. Quick died Saturday. He was born in Mariposa. He retired from teaching in 1968 after 35 years at the high school, working first as a teacher and later as the principal.

    He was a resident of Redwood City at the time of his death.

    Before he started teaching at Chowchilla Union High School in 1933, he/ taught for several months at Bear Creek School in Mariposa County.

    He also owned and operated a ranch at Ben Hur near Mariposa and worked as a ranger in Yosemite National Park.

    He was a graduate of Fresno State College. He was a member of the California Teachers Association, the Chowchilla Masonic Lodge 485 F&AM and the Chowchilla Lions Club.

    Survivors include his wife, Arthayda; one son, Gary E. Quick; one brother, Adrian Quick; and two grandchildren.

    McAvoy O'Hara Co. of San Francisco is in charge of arrangements.


                  J. D. QUINN
                  Mariposa Gazette, June 28, 1917
                  (submitted by Tom Hilk)

                  LAID TO REST IN BEAR VALLEY CEMETERY The funeral of the late J. D. Quinn, who passed away in the lane hospital, San Francisco, Last week, was held in   Bear Valley last Sunday. The services were largely attended, people coming from all nearby towns to pay their last respects. The large gathering was a fitting testimonial to the esteem in which Mr. Quinn was held by his fellow citizens.

                   PATRICK QUIN
      Mariposa Gazette DECEMBER 4, 1875 (submitted by William Disbro)
                  At Hornitos, Mariposa County, November 28th, aged 70, a native of Longford, Ireland. 

                  November 21, 1863 Mariposa Free Press
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  In the town of Mariposa, on the 19th instant, Infant Don of Dorsey and Urinia S. RAMSDEN; aged, six months and ten days.  

                 EDWARD MOORE RAMSDEN- April 5, 1869, Stockton Daily Independent, submitted by Dee S
                DIED -- in Mariposa, March 30th, Edward Moore, son of Mr.&Mrs. Dorsay RAMSDEN, aged 2 years, 4 months.

                  RANDALL, Charles H.
                  October 10, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Death of a Odd Fellow.

                  Charles H. RANDALL died, October 2d, at his home in San Francisco. He was at one time County Judge of Tuolumne County, and for a long time editor of the Union Democrat, published at Sonora, was a prominent member of the I.O.O.F., and had served the Order in many honorable positions. Mr. RANDALL was also  a member of the Order of Chosen Friends. He had filled the highest offices in both orders. His funeral was under the auspices of the Odd Fellows.


                  JAS. P. RANKIN
                  April 29th, 1863.Mariposa Free Press

                  At Millerton, April 22d, JAS. P. RANKIN, Mariposa, aged about 40 years.

                  RAYNOR, Wm.
                  April 21, 1894 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Wm. RAYNOR, one of the pioneers of Fresno County, was found dead at his ranch near Fresno, on the 18th instant. Death is supposed to have resulted from   heart disease. Mr. RAYNOR had been for many years owner of a large amount of property in this county, and was universally respected for his many sterling  qualities.


               REA, Andrew
                  Jan. 14,1882 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Suicide of Andrew REA.

                  Andrew REA, who was well known here, took his departure for the Spirit Land on Wednesday or Thursday of last week. He had been employed at Princeton a  short time, and was evidently intending to take up his residence again at the Oak Spring House, where he had formerly lived and kept a bar. On the way from  Princeton he called at FORAN's, stating that he was going to Mariposa. He must have stopped for the night at the Oak Spring House which was unoccupied, and    the same night have committed the fatal act. He had probably lain there from Wednesday night until the following Monday forenoon, when he was discovered  by Mr. NEWMAN, the assessor, who first brought the news to town, when a inquest was called. When found, he was stretched out on the floor, with a pistol by  his side from which it appeared he had shot himself, the ball entering the forehead so low that it passed under the brain, which must have caused a protracted  and painful death. The deceased was a native of Scotland, 67 years of age, and being in very limited circumstances and quite feeble, and feeling sensitive to his  impoverished and helpless condition, he no doubt deliberately took his own life. He formerly lived at Whitlock's where he mined, kept store, and at one time held the office of Justice of the Peace for this township. The following is the report of a coroner's jury, summoned to inquire into the cause of the suicide:

    Mariposa,   Cal., Jan. 9, 1882. To G.W. TEMPLE, J.P., and acting Coroner, in and for the County of Mariposa, State of California: We, the jury duly selected and sworn to  inquire into the death of Andrew REA, after carefully examining the body of the deceased and hearing the evidence of witnesses, find as fallows, to wit: That the  deceased was named Andrew REA, a native of Scotland, of the age of 60 years or thereabouts; that he came to his death on or about the evening of Wednesday,    January 3d, 1882, at what is known as the Oak Spring House, in the county of Mariposa, State of California; that his death was produced by a shot inflicted by a    six shooter in the hands of said deceased, and that he fired the shot with the intent to take his own life. Wm. F. COFFMAN, foreman Fred. SCHLAGETER, A. W. JOSSELYN, H. SCHLAGETER, J. P. CLIFT, Robert WILLIAMS, J. W. CAVNOR, C. E. FARNSWORTH, J. J. MULLERY, D. P. ALLEN.


                  MIKE REAB
                  Mariposa Gazette JANUARY 13, 1866

                  Died on Jan 4, 1866. Hornitos, aged twenty years

    Mariposa Gazette, June 4, 1887

    REDMAN -Mrs Elizabeth  In Cathey's Valley, Mariposa County, Cal., May 6th,  1887, Mrs.
    Elizabeth, beloved wife of A. B. Redman, a native of  Missouri, aged 61

    Mrs. Redman, whose maiden name was Underwood, was born in Madison
    County, Missouri and was married to A. B. Redman on the 31st of July,
    1844, and they, with three children, came to California in 1857. She
    leaves a grief stricken husband and six children, three boys and three
    girls, to mourn their loss over her death; the whole community feel as
    if they had been bereaved and sympathize with the whole family. She was
    a loving wife, a patient, affectionate mother, a worthy neighbor, and
    above all, she was a Christian, and ready to go when the summons came.
    Her death had been delicate for some time, but her last illness lasted
    only about two days.

    Nearly all the people in Cathey's Valley, together with nearly all the
    family of the deceased, attended the funeral to pay last respects and
    love for the deceased.

    May all the family so live that they may meet her in heaven.
                        J. B. WILKINSON.
     Donlphan [sic], Missouri papers please copy.
    submitted by Tom Hilk

    REDMAN, Alexander Brandon
    Mariposa Gazette, June 22, 1918


    "Another pioneer gone", always has a saddening effect upon a community.
    This week we are called upon to chronicle the death of Alexander Brandon
    Redman, who came to California in 1850 and settled in Mariposa county
    the same year. He died at the Redman ranch in Cathey's Valley, on Friday
    morning, June 14th. He is survived by forty-six descendants, reaching
    into five generations.

    Mr. Redman was a native of Louisville, Kentucky, and was 91 years and 7
    months of age.

    His wife preceded him in death nearly twenty years ago. His death was
    occasioned by old age. He had been bedfast for the past three months.

    Deceased followed farming as an occupation but on account of his
    advanced age retired some twenty years ago and has since made his home
    with relatives.

    Surviving from a family of six children are the following in addition to
    grandchildren, great grandchildren and great - great grandchildren: John
    H. Redman of Cathey; Mrs. Amanda Turner and Mrs. Nancy Helm of Le Grand.
    The funeral was held in Cathey's Valley Sunday and was largely attended.
    submitted by Tom Hilk

    REDMAN, John
    Fresno Bee Republican, Jan 28, 1940
    MERCED (Merced Co) Jan 27- John H Redman, 70(?) a native of Cathey Valley and at one time coroner and public administrator of Mariposa County, died in a local hospital today following a long illness.
    Before serving eight years as coroner of Mariposa county Redman for thirty two years was postmaster in Cathey Valley and prior to that carried the mail and freight between Merced and Mariposa.  He was a son of Mr. and Mrs.Alexander Brandon Redman, Cathey Valley  pioneers.  He had lived inMerced for the last twenty years.  Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Olive Redman; two daughters, Mrs. Hazel Luccesi and Mrs. Isabell Meyers, both of Merced, and a son, Robert P Redman, El Paso Texas.
    Funeral services weill be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Welch-Nelson Parlors. Burial will be in the Masoic Cemetery in Merced- transcribed by cferoben

    REEB, Elizabeth
    Oakland Tribune Feb 26, 1939


    Richmond Feb 18- Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Reeb, 54, Richmond club woman, who died Thursday at her home, 680 Eight Street, following a long illness, were followed by a requiem mass in St. Mark's Church. Burial was in St. Joseph's Cemetery.
    A native of Hornitos, Calif., Mrs. Reeb had lived in Richmond for 25 years. For 10 years she had served as clerk for the Woodcraft Circle.  A graduate of Chico State College Mrs. Reeb was ative in work of local Parent-Teacher groups and the St. Mark's Church Lady's Aid Society.
    Mrs. Reeb is survived by her husband, George; a daughter, Marian; and the following sisters and brothers; Mrs. Charles Fipps, Newport Beach, Calif, Miss Amelia Bauer, and H J Bauer, both of Richmond, and her mother, Mrs. Mary Bruce Bauer, Richmond.

                  OCTOBER 28, 1865 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  In Hornitos, Monday, October 23, 1865, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. George REEB, aged fifteen months and three days.

                  Death of Fred REEB
                  Mariposa Gazette, December 14, 1907
                  (submitted by T Hilk)
                  While the duty of chronicling the death of any acquaintance is always a painful one to us, that province becomes doubly so when we are called upon to publish  the death of a young man of such sterling worth as was Fred Reeb. Fred Reeb was but 25 years of age and died at his home in Hornitos last Sunday afternoon of  typhoid fever after less than a ten days illness, He was a son of George Reeb and a native of Hornitos, where his entire brief life had been passed and where a      hole community mourns the passing of a young man it had learned to love and respect. Deceased was married about three years ago to Miss Alma Branson of   Hornitos, who now with a little daughter are left to mourn their great loss. George Reeb, the father, George Reeb, a brother, and Mrs. J. B. MORRISON, Mrs. J. W.  COLLINS, Mrs. B. E. THURBER and Mrs. Joseph STANLEY sisters, are other bereaved relatives. The funeral was held in Hornitos Tuesday afternoon and was     largely attended by sincere mourners and truly sympathetic friends. Rev. C. W. LONG of Mariposa officiated at the burial.

    Mariposa Gazette, December 21, 1907

    The following, on the death of Fred Reeb, was received too late for publication in last week's issue.

    Frederick Reeb was Born at Hornitos, California, August 22nd, 1880, and died at the same place December 8th, 1907.  He was married to Miss Alma Branson, a playmate of his childhood, December 4th, 1902.  On June 7th, 1905, little Lila Francis Reeb came to cheer and bless this happy union, she being their only child.  He was buried in the old Hornitos church yard, December 10th, 1907, at 4 O'clock , Rev. C. W. Long of Mariposa officiating.  All the near relatives except Mrs. Joe H. Stanley, a sister of Paso Robles were present at the funeral, it being impossible for her to get here in time for the interment.

    Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, a larger concourse of people wee never seen at a funeral in this place before.  It rained almost all the day of the funeral and it seemed as if the very Heavens were weeping with those who mourned the departure of their dead.  The funeral hour was set for 2 o'clock p.m. but owing to the constant downpour of rain it was postponed until 4 o'clock, and even then the funeral cortege wended its way to the graveyard in a storm.  Hardly had the brief services at the grave been concluded when the sun broke through the clouds, and a gorgeous rainbow appeared in the east.  "I will set my boy in the Heavens as a covenant to man."  Man repeated this old text as the last sad rites to the departed  were concluded.

    Never has this little community been cast in deeper gloom or experienced more genuine sorrow.  Fred always had a genial smile and a kind word for everyone.  Many days will pass before that kind face and loving smile will be forgotten.  To those who mourn his demise we can only say:  He did his life work well and in dying may wrought a beneficence to the living whose good eternity alone can tell.  To the bereaved wife and orphaned daughter we give more that usual sympathy and as Him, "who tempest the mind for the shorn lamb" to so shield and protect them.

    The deceased was a son of George Reeb, an old and respected citizen of Mariposa county, and whose name has been identified with almost every enterprise which has tended to the upbuilding of its many industries.  The loss to the venerable old patriarch will be more than unusually severe, as Fred was his youngest son and on his arm his fond father hoped to learn in his declining years.

    "Compiled by Tom Hilk"

                  REEB, GEORGE
                  Mariposa Gazette, June 7, 1913
                  (submitted by Harriet Sturk)

                  Pioneer Passes Away.

                  George Reeb, a pioneer resident of Hornitos and formerly one of its most progressive citizens, died in Stockton last Tuesday. Mr. Reeb located in Hornitos   during the early ‘5O’s and from that time up to about five years ago conducted a butcher shop in That town.  No man in that section of the county was better  known or respected that Mr. Reeb, and all will regret to hear of his death. For several years he has been in feeble health and in order that he might receive the  best of treatment was placed in a hospital in Stockton, where he passed peacefully away. To mourn his demise he leaves five daughters, Mrs. Kate Morrison  and Mrs. Mary A. Collins of Hornitos, Mrs. Lizzie Thurber of Oakland, Mrs. Rose Morrison of Santa Ana, and Mrs. Lena Stanley of San Miguel and one  son, George M. Reeb of Hornitos.
                  The remains were brought to Hornitos and laid beside the love ones gone before him and were followed to the grave by a large concourse of mourning relatives  and friends. He was a member of the I. 0. 0. F. and Masonic lodges and the funeral held under their auspices on  Thursday at 2 p. m. He was a native of Germany and 82 years of age.

                  Mrs. George REEB
                  Mariposa Gazette Sat. April 12, 1902
                  (submitted by Tom Hilk)

                  Her many friends will be pained to learn of her death at Hornitos on Wednesday. Mrs. Reeb had been in poor health for a long time. She was among the most   highly respected of Hornitos residents, and had lived there for more than a quarter of a century. A husband, four daughters and three sons are left to mourn her  departure. They have the sympathy of many friends in their hour of sadness. The funeral was held at Hornitos Friday and a large number followed the remains to  the grave.

                  Mariposa Gazette April 19, 1902

        Card of Thanks.

    We wish to express to the many friends our heartfelt thanks for the =20
    many kindly acts shown us during the sickness and for the sympathy given us
    atthe sad loss of wife, sister and mother.

    Geo. Reeb,
    Mrs. K. Kocher,
    Mrs. W. J. Morrison,
    Mrs. J. W. Collins,
    Mrs. B. E. Thurber,
    G.M., F. W. and Lena Reeb.

                  REED, Henry
                  February 17, 1894 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  In Mariposa, February 14th, 1894, Henry E. REED, a native of Mariposa County, California, aged 30 years.

                  Accidental Shooting.

                       Last Sunday, Constables David BERTKIN and Henry REED, were notified that a horse with saddle on, had been tied to a tree not to far from town, ever sense   the storm began on Friday. They went out and brought the animal in, and had it cared for. Ascertaining that the horse belonged to Will BOLTON, a half breed  they started out to find the man, thinking he might be injured, or perhaps dead in the woods. They finally located him at LANDRUMS cabin, at Barley Field, near  Colorado, and BERTKIN told him where his horse was, and that it would cost him $5 to get it out of the stable. BOLTON said he had no money, and asked   BERTKIN to advance him that amount on a pistol he had. This conversation occurred outside of LANDRUM's house while REED was sitting by the stove inside.  BERTKIN took the pistol, (a 38 calibre), to examine it, and asked if it was loaded. He understood BOLTON to say no, and snapped it, when to his horror it was discharged, and he found he had shot his friend. The ball had passed through the wall which consisted of planks an inch thick, and then passing through  REED'S two coats, vest and two shirts, penetrated his back, and lodged in his stomach. Word was brought to town, and as speedily as possible, Dr. RIED and a  large number of Native Sons went to the assistance of the wounded man. He was brought into town that night, and every possible attention given him, but all in vain. He lived until Wednesday evening, when he passed quietly away.

                          Henry was a quiet, estimable man, a favorite with both old and young, and many tears of tender regret will fall over his untimely fate. His parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. REED of Coulterville, are among our oldest residents, and they, with the brothers and sisters of the deceased, have the sympathy of the community.

                           Much pity is felt by everyone for young BERTKIN, the innocent cause of the accident. The young men were devoted friends, ad BERTKIN is completely  prostrated over the sad affair. Owing to the condition of the body, it was necessary to have the funeral take place at 4 o'clock Thursday evening. The services  were under the auspices of the Native   Sons, and were rendered very solemn and impressive by their beautiful ritual.

                           The funeral occurring a day sooner than was expected, prevented many members of the Parlor from attending, but 49 warm hearted Sons followed the body of their brother to the grave.

                  Death of John B. REED
                  Aug. 11, 1877 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  This old and highly esteemed citizen of our county, died very suddenly at Coulterville on Aug 2d, 1877, from the effects of a contusion of the brain caused by a fall. Deceased was a native of Maine, 56 years old, came to the state at an early period, and lived for many years in Bear Valley of this county, where for many years he held the office of Justice of the Peace which office he held at Coulterville at the time of his death. He was at one time an efficient and useful member of       the Subordinate Lodge, and the Encampment of Odd Fellows at Bear Valley, but was not affiliated with the order at the time of his death. Deceased was a  unmarried, and leaves to morn his loss here, his brother James W. REED and family with whom he resided at the time of his death

               HAROLD REESE

                  Mariposa Gazette, May 18, 1907
                  (submitted by Tom Hilk)

                  Death From Snake Bite Last Friday afternoon, May 10th Harold, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Reese of Cathey's Valley, was fatally bitten on the finger by a  rattler. The boy was engaged in play in the yard near the house when bitten. It was not immediately known by the parents that the wound was caused by a snake  bite, but when the hand began to swell, the great danger was realized, and medical aid was immediately summoned and everything possible was done to           counteract the effects of the deadly poison and save the little fellow's life. All efforts were, however, unavailing, and after intense suffering, the little boy died the next day


                  REINSTEIN, Augusta
                  October 31, 1863 Mariposa Free Press
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  At Visalia, Oct. 16th, AUGUSTA, wife of O. REINSTEIN, aged 38 years, a native of Prussia.

               Fernandino REMONDA
                  Mariposa Gazette December 5, 1873

                  In Hornitos, Nov. 27th, Fernandino REMONDA, a native of Switzerland, aged 39 years.

                    RENARD, Chas.
                    Stockton Daily Independent- Tuesday, 4 Mar 1862
    DIED -- in Bear Valley, on the 13th of Feb., Mr. Chas. RENARD, aged 53 years.
    transcribed by Dee S.

                  REPETTO, Mrs. Mary E.
                  February 7, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Mrs. Mary E., wife of Louis REPETTO, of Coulterville died on the 4th inst. She had long suffered from that dreaded disease, consumption, and her death was a   blessed release for her. All that the thoughtful care of a loving husband, and kind friends could do, could not avert the doom which awaited her, and on Wednesday last, the weary eyes closed in their last long sleep. She was much beloved by all who knew her, and will be much missed in her neighborhood. She  was about 32 years.


                  REYES, A
                  MARIPOSA GAZETTE, May 28, 1921
                  (submitted by Harriet Sturk)


                  Funeral services for A. REYES who passed away Wednesday morning, were held yesterday morning at the Catholic Church. Father Fitzgerald of Fresno saying mass. Mr. REYES was the father of Mrs. Fred BARCROFT of Madera and Mrs. Rebecca CASTRO of Firebaugh.  He had resided in Madera for the past 18 years, and was 72 years of age.
                  Madera Mercury, May 20, 1921
                  Mr. REYES was a resident of Mariposa for a number of years and well known here.

                  REYNOLDS, Alva

                  OCTOBER 23, 1875 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  At Fitchville Huron County Ohio, on October 8th, Alva REYNOLDS, deceased was the eldest brother of Angevine REYNOLDS, editor and proprietor of this paper.

    REYNOLDS, Angevine

    Salinas Weekly Index Dec 1888

    *Death of an Editor -- The Mariposa 'Gazette' of the 24th ult., comes to us with its column rules
    turned, the ominous black lines telling us that its editor, Angevine REYNOLDS, is dead. He passed to
    the Great Beyond on the 17th of November, aged 59 years, having been born in Westchester county, New
    York, in 1829. He came across the continent through New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California in
    1849, arriving at Mariposa on the 13th of September in that year. He there engaged in the stage,
    express business and mining, and held the office of County Clerk for 14 years, 7 consecutive
    elections, until 1875. In 1874, he bought the Mariposa 'Gazette,' which he owned and, either
    separately or in partnership, published up to the time of his death. In politics Mr. REYNOLDS was a
    staunch Democrat, but liberal in his views. He was married twice. His first wife, to whom he was
    married at Stockton in 1851, was Miss Virginia BIRD. By her he had 15 children, of whom only Mrs.
    Loretta A. WOODARD, Mrs. Leonora M. LATCHAW and the sons, Sherman C., Albert B., Willie G., and
    Benjamin A. REYNOLDS survive him. Mrs. Virginia REYNOLDS died in April, 1875. In July, 1879, Mr.
    REYNOLDS was married a second time to Miss Frances A. UTTER, who survives him and by whom he had 3
    children, of whom Emily I. And Richard F. REYNOLDS are living. The deceased was a man of more than
    ordinary intellectual attainments; generous to a fault, a kind husband and father and a true friend.

    May he rest in peace.- transcribed by Dee S.

    THE MARIPOSA GAZETTE, Saturday November 24, 1888


    Born December 9th 1829

    Died November 17th 1888


    It is hardly meet that such a brief inscription as the above, on some modest slab in the quiet corner of the Odd Fellow’s Cemetery in Mariposa, should be the only memorial of a long, busy and useful life. It is with that feeling that we propose to give here a brief sketch of the life and character of Angevine Reynolds, so long and intimately known to all the people of Mariposa county as one of her oldest settlers and leading citizens, associated alike with all the transient brilliancy of the early golden days of ‘49 and ‘50 and with the darker subsequent period of decline and decay. Another of the few links which still connect the Mariposa of to-today with the wonderful and now half-forgotten past, is severed and we are again reminded how soon the old Pioneers," the men of ‘49 and their strange romantic story are to pass from the memories of living men and to become merely a tradition of a history.

    It seems right then that we, who survive, should perform the same kindly office for Mr. Reynolds, which he has performed for so many of his old pioneer associates and friends and do our part to rescue his memory from undeserved oblivion by some worthy tribute of affectionate remembrance. It is also peculiarly appropriate that the Mariposa Gazette with which Mr. Reynolds has been identified for so many years should undertake the task of preserving in its columns some memorial record, however, imperfect of a varied but honorable career.


    Angevine Reynolds was born in Westchester county, New York, December 9, 1829 and was the youngest of some twelve children. His father died while he was still very young, and the family having been broken up, he was sent to live with a relative in Ohio. Here, for some reason, he became so dissatisfied that he ran away and though scarcely nine years old he succeeded in getting to Buffalo New York, in one of the lake steamboats and from there down the Erie canal, to the vicinity of Montezuma, in Western New York, where his mother was living with relatives, and sometimes working out. During this time, he obtained a good common education and acquired that excellent hand writing which helped so materially to fit him fer [sic] his future duties.

    When he was about fifteen years old and older brother who had been established for some years at Bastrop, Texas, and who was carrying on a large mercantile business at that place, took him to Texas. Here he lived for about five years, assisting his brother in carrying on the flourishing business of the latter, until the reported discovery of gold in California. This event produced in Texas and elsewhere the first outbreak of the California fever. Young Reynolds did not escape the contagion and joined a party of about thirty young men, bound for the new El Dorado. This company left Bastrop, Texas, in April. 1849, and after traveling six weary months through the then almost unexplored wilds of New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California, and undergoing almost every form of distress and danger, they at last reached the outposts of the scanty white population of that period, near Los Angeles. From Los Angeles, they traveled over the Coast Ranges, into and up the San Joaquin valley, arriving at Mariposa, his future home, on the 13 day of September, 1849. Mr. Reynolds, though never making any parade of his adventures, was always ready to narrate them, and would frequently refer to noteworthy incidents of the journey. He always had a warm interest in the lives and fortunes of his associates all of whom with one exception, are believed to be now dead. Even the old white mule, which had served him so faithfully as a beast of burden during the whole trip and survived it many years, was not forgotten as appeared by quite a lengthy notice of its history which appeared in the Gazette a few years ago.

    After his arrival, Mr. Reynolds mined for a while near Mariposa, but soon turned his hand to other avocations. In 1851, he became connected with the stage and express business between Mariposa, Stockton and Sacramento and, while thus engaged, he resided for four years at Stockton. At the end of that time he left the occupation and returned to Mariposa and has since resided here continuously.

    During the early part of his residence, in this county, he was interested in various enterprises. He was at one time associated with J. O. Lovejoy, now of Tulare City, in erecting and running a saw mill, near Snow Creek, and built and live d in the house now occupied by Joseph H. Green. For the purposes of the mill, he surveyed and constructed the road leading form Mormon Bar to Darral [sic] and Snow Creek, on nearly the same route it occupies to-day.

    But the principal enterprise in which he was interested at that period was a highly important undertaking, whose success would have assured the prosperity of the county for all time. For several years he devoted most of his means and all his time to a proposed canal to bring the water of the Merced river into the neighborhood of Mariposa, where they could be made available for mining, agricultural and other useful purposes. But the fates were against the project. The almost total cessation of placer mining, and the consequent loss of populating and wealth ruined the enterprise. Placer mining had ceased and quartz mining on a large scale had not yet begun.

    He now entered the county Clerk’s office of Mariposa county as a deputy, and continued there three years in that position. He was than elected County Clerk, and held that office by seven successive elections, fourteen years, till 1875. While still in the Clerk’s office he established the Mariposa Mail, in 1868 and continued to publish it till 1871. In 1874, he bought the Mariposa Gazette, which he has owned and, either separately or in partnership, published ever since.

    About 1876, Mr. Reynolds was admitted to the bar of the then Thirteenth Judicial District, and had made all necessary preparations for embarking in the active practice of the law, when an unfortunate fire consumed his office containing a valuable, legal library, and left him unable to continue that business.

    In 1882, he was very strongly interested in the independent movement of that year, designed to secure a new set of county officers. He was the candidate for District Attorney on that ticket and was only defeated by 39 votes, while most of his colleagues were still further from obtaining success. Since that time, he has not been a candidate for any public office of importance but has limited himself to editing and publishing the Gazette. In 1885 he took into partnership Mr. E. P. Wason who had been connected with the Gazette as printer and foreman since 1882 and the paper has since been published by the firm of Reynolds & Wason.

    In the spring of 1884, Mr. Reynold’s health, never of late years very robust, began to fail under a serious chronic affection of the kidneys. Since that time, though usually able toattend to business, he was essentially an invalid, and was several times brought into great danger by attacks of other diseases, which his weakened constitution found it difficult to resist. In April 1887, he went with his wife and youngest children to San Francisco and stayed there during the hot weather, for the double purpose of benefitting his health and of selling certain mines in which he took a great interest. He did not succeed in selling the mines but his health was greatly improved and for nearly a year, he was decidedly better than before his visit to the city.

    This fall however, he has been clearly worse and grew so visibly feeble, that when the week after the election, pneumonia finally attacked him, it was pain to his friends form the beginning that there was little or no hope of his recovery. The end came quite suddenly, so suddenly, that though sent for, the absent members of the family could not arrive in time to see him alive. Early Saturday morning, he was obviously failing rapidly, and about 9 A.M. he passed away, dying as peacefully as a child sinks to sleep.

    Though his death came too late for any announcement in the last number of the Gazette, and many people from abroad for want of notice, were thus prevented from being present at his funeral, which took place Monday after noon at 2 o’clock, the large and almost universal attendance of the people of Mariposa and vicinity was a striking testimonial of respect and good will. The Odd Fellows, of whom the deceased had been a member in good standing, since 1852, took charge of the service, assisted by delegations from the lodges at Bear Valley and Hornitos. The day though coming in the midst of a week of storm, was a beautiful one and favored the performance with due solemnity of the burial service of the Order.

    Mr. Reynolds was married twice, His first wife, to whom he was married at Stockton in 1851. Was Miss Virginia Bird. By her he had fifteen children of whom only Mrs. Loretta A. Woodard, Mrs. Leonora M. Latchaw, and the sons, Sherman C., Albert B., Willie G., and Benjamin A. Reynolds survive him. Mrs. Virginia Reynolds died in April, 1875.

    In July, 1879, Mr. Reynolds was married a second time to Miss Frances A. Utter, who survives him and by whom he had three children, of whom Emily I. and Richard F. Reynolds are living.

    It now remains to speak briefly of those qualities of mind and character by which our departed friend was distinguished. Mr. Reynolds was one who would never in any community have been considered an ordinary or common place man, but he was peculiarly fitted to succeed in the California of early days, which it strange heterogeneous but intelligent population. A comment which was one heard made on the early population of Independent Texas, that all kinds of people were to be found there but fools, was exactly applicable to the California of that day. In such a population, the quick, ready, bright witted man of business was sure of success, while there was no place for the profound student or mere plodder. These qualities Mr. Reynolds had, and they enabled him to attain position and business success. He made large sums of money, which in the free-handed ways of that time, he sometimes trusted to men that defrauded him, and sometimes he spent lavishly like everybody has in that golden time. What remained of his gains, he devoted to the enterprises of which we have spoken and which, pecuniarily, were total losses.

    This brings us to speak of a very marked trait in Mr. Reynolds’ character. He was preeminently a public spirited man. He thought in these enterprises far more of the benefit the public would derive from them, than the pecuniary benefits he might personally hope to reap. He could clearly see the almost unbounded advantages that the completion of that great Merced River canal would confer upon the whole community to which he belonged, and he was wiling to risk all he had to realize the charming picture. Even to his latest days he still loved to dwell on his old project and cherished the vain hope that he might live to see his designs realized, even by others. The same was true of all enterprises which promised a general public benefit. They received his cordial support, and that of his paper, and he was always ready to devote time, labor and even money, when he had it, to any scheme of the kind which commended itself to his judgment. Thus, during the last summer, he was profoundly interested in the proposed issue of bonds for the new roads, and since they were voted, he has felt the greatest interest, as long as he was well enough to take an interest in anything, in the different routes proposed and in all questions connected therewith.

    In his political relations, Mr. Reynolds was always a staunch Democrat. While, like most men of sound sense, he refused to be always bound by political ties in merely local contests, the National and State tickets always received his cordial and unswerving support. In the last campaign, from the beginning to the end, President Cleveland had no more zealous and disinterested friend, no more loyal supporter.

    Coming to his more personal and social relations, Mr. Reynolds was a man of quick, ardent feelings with the virtues and the faults that belong to that temperament. He was naturally warm, open and frank, both in his likes and dislikes, and accordingly had his warm friends, and at times his bitter enemies. But he never sought to perpetuate and keep alive the flame of an expiring animosity. No man was readier to meet an estranged but returning friend half way, or to forget the wrangles of the past in the hope of a kindlier future. We believe that we may truthfully say that he died with his heart at peace with all or nearly all of his old antagonists. This was indeed his natural disposition to be kind and friendly to all, and in his aid to those that needed it he was ever liberal and generous to a fault.

    In society he was an agreeable and entertaining companion, and his conversation was highly interesting, especially when it turned upon topics with which he was familiar. The whole subject of mining as pursued in Mariposa county, was thoroughly familiar to him. Few experts understood the subject better and certainly few miners possess the vast fund of information which he had acquired with regard to the mines of Mariposa county and which, with a natural gift of easy and pleasant conversation, made it a great pleasure to listen to him on such topics and enabled him to impress favorably the many mining experts and prospectors who visited him, and, in fact, all who took an interest in such subjects.

    And now having reviewed, however imperfectly, the principal events and incidents of our decease3d friend’s career and the most marked points of his character, we feel justified in commending him to the kindly remembrance of the good people of Mariposa county to whose welfare and prosperity his thoughts and efforts for so many years were Loyally devoted. transcribed by Tom Hilk

                  Reynolds, Angevine
                  December 1, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  RESOLUTIONS OF  RESPECT
                  Hall of Mariposa Lodge,
                  No. 39, I.O.O.F.
                  Mariposa, Cal.
                  November 27th, 1888.
                  To the N.G., V.G., Officers and Members of Mariposa Lodge No. 39, I.O.O.F.

                  We, the undersigned Committee appointed to draft Resolutions of Respect to the memory of our deceased Brother, Angevine REYNOLDS, beg leave to submit  the following:

                  WHEREAS, It has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to remove from our midst our beloved Brother, Angevine REYNOLDS. Therefore be it  Resolved, That in the death of Brother Angevine REYNOLDS, our Order has lost a true and faithful member; the commonwealth a good citizen; the community, a good friend and neighbor, and his family a loving and devoted husband and father.  Resolved, That in respect to the memory of our deceased Brother and deep sympathy for his bereaved family, we extend our sincere condolence and recommend  them to that All Wise Providence, by whose power all sorrows are assuaged.  Resolved, That in token of our respect, the Charter of our Lodge be draped in mourning, and the brothers, thereof, wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
                  Resolved, That these Resolutions be spread in full upon the minutes of our Lodge, and that a copy be furnished the Mariposa Gazette and Mariposa News for publication.

                  Submitted in F., L. and T.
                  Edw. P. WASON,
                  R. B. STOLDER,
                  Joseph SCHANZ, Committee.

    DIED -- in Mariposa, Nov. 17th, Angevine, son of Angevine and Virginia 
    REYNOLDS, aged 2 years, 6 days.
    Stockton Daily Independent
    Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA
    Monday, 27 Nov 1871----transcribed by Dee S.


                  Arthur L. REYNOLDS

                  February 7, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                   Death of Arthur Lockwood REYNOLDS.

                  Having no one to relieve us from our journalistic labors, it becomes our duty to perform the painful task of writing a few lines concerning the death of our oldest  son, Arthur Lockwood REYNOLDS, which occurred on Saturday morning last (January 31st, 1885), when he fell a victim to consumption, which for years had preyed upon his vitals, until at last the poor emaciated form succumbed to the ravages of this disease. This was one of the most sad and trying moments of our             life. It was hard to endure the supplications of one of our own dear ones, who would look us in the eye so appealingly and whisper "Father, Father," sufficient to  melt a heart of stone and arouse sympathies of any one having a heart within his breast. His last struggles were light, and he calmly passed away in our arms, for deaths stroke had removed all pain for some minutes prior to his last breath, and he passed off as quietly as though he had fallen into a deep sleep. With barely  an exception, would he would undecieve himself that death was inevitable to the disease that was rapidly wasting away his body and all there was of him of earth; but would contend he was going to recover and would soon be on his feet again ready to struggle with the affairs of the world. The only concession he ever made, to be observed, that his death was not wholly improbable, was the adjustment of a gold ring which he took from his finger and placed on that of his  father with a request that he keep and wear it in remembrance of him. This act seemed accompanied with much thought and anxiety, for he afterwards enjoined upon his step-mother to tell his father he must keep his ring and wear it, for he prized it highly and it was the only memento he had to give him.

    Poor "Little Arthur," as he was called, little did any of us suppose, while he was enjoying the bright sunshine of his infant days that he was to be so prematurely cut off. He was the fondled pet of many who still cherished him in their memories, and on the day of the funeral there was many a lurking tear that stole its way from the eyes  of his early associates, who stood by and witnessed the coffin as it was lowered from sight to the bourne where pain and sorrow takes refuge and is known no    more. He was born March 18th, 1860, on the beautiful spot at the edge of town, now known as the "May Ground," where our home was destroyed by the ravages  of fire in 1863, and had he lived till the 18th of the next March, he would have been twenty-five years of age. After we became owner of the Gazette in 1875, he  went into the office and learned to set type where he continued in the business till he became quite proficient. About the years 1881 and 82, having arrived at the  age of twenty-one, he conceived an ambition to go out into the world and see what was to be seen and follow his profession for a living which he did. During the last four years, as a journeyman printer, he traveled nearly all over California and Nevada. Sometime in 1883, while engaged at his profession on some paper in Amador County, he became enamored with a fair young lady, whose parents, bitterly opposed their marriage, principally on the ground of being too young, and neither were prepared to fill the offices of married life. But the young couple, regardless of consequences, took advantage of an elopement and married in Stockton. The result of this being a widow and a little girl baby about four months old, left behind to mourn the loss of a dear husband and father. We little thought that Arthur's visit to us was to be the last, and that his departure from our home would be to the spot in our family cemetery, inside the Odd Fellows  burial ground, where lies his mother and several brothers and sisters, who have gone before. It is consoling though that we had him here to die, and where he can rest with others of his family. His death was not looked for with any degree of certainty, for some time at least, until about Friday the 23d of January, just one week before it occurred. So hopeful where all, of his rapid convalescence the week previous, that his sister, Mrs. WOODWARD, who was here from Gertrude on a visit, was about to return home on Saturday, the 24th, which was postponed and she remained until after his death. During his last illness, Dr. BELL made occasional calls, but prescribe nothing above the ordinary care as he looked upon its being a hopeless case. It is a comforting thought, to realize, that as soon as   it became known among our neighbors and friends, that kindly assistance was offered and nothing was omitted that could add comfort and give relief to the dying boy. Too much praise cannot be accorded to Mrs. Annie JOHNSON, who is stopping with us, for unremitting attention she bestowed upon him, who, together with his step-mother, his sister and our self, no less than two at a time were required at his bedside, day and night, up to the time of his death. As soon  as it was known that a relapse had taken place, letters were mailed to his wife at Plymouth, Amador County, but from some cause she had not appeared or communicated with any of the family here. It is thought that she must be absent among relatives in some distant part of the State. The funeral, which took place   on Sunday following his death, from the residence of his father, was largely attended, and services were conducted by Rev. Joel HEDGEPETH. The remains were attended by E. P. WASON, Winnie GALLISON, Fred SCHLAGETER, Thos. LIND, David EGENHOFF, and Henry FARNSWORTH, all young men, who filled the offices of pall-bearers. The following relatives of deceased were present at the funeral. His father, step-mother and Emily Irene, his half-sister, his two sisters, Mrs. WOODWARD and Mrs. LATCHAW, his brothers, Sherman, Albert, Willie and Bennie.

    Arthur Reynolds, son of the editor of the Gazette, died at his home in Mariposa last week, of consumption.  He was 24 year of age, and leaves a wife and one child.
    United States Of America * Pacific * California * Fresno * Fresno Republican, The * 1885-02-14

               REYNOLDS, Hannah A.
                  October 16, 1886 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)
                  Mrs. Hanah A. REYNOLDS died on Wednesday September 22, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. MEAD, in New London aged 76 years. In June last she unfortunately fell breaking her limb and being in feeble health, her recovery was considered doubtful at the time. She was a  great sufferer but bore her agony with fortitude. Funeral services were held at the house on Friday conducted by Rev. Mrs. HEALY. The deceased was a widow of the late Alva REYNOLDS, eldest brother of the Editor of this paper.

                  REYNOLDS, Hattie
                  January 25, 1890 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Death of Miss Hattie P. REYNOLDS.

                       On Jan. 17th, death again invaded our family circle, and took with him one, who in her visits here had become very dear to us. Miss Hattie REYNOLDS was the  great niece of the late editor of the Gazette, and first visited Mariposa three years ago, remaining several months, after which she returned to her home in Oakland, Nebraska. After the lapse of four or five months she came to us again, and as her health was much improved here, she remained eight months, when she again returned to Oakland to put her affairs there in good shape preparatory to coming back to California to make her home. She visited Oberlin, Ohio, in June to attend the Commencement at Oberlin College, of which she was a graduate. Her health was bad while there, so, as soon as she was able to travel, she turned her face towards our coast hoping for a renewal of the excellent health she had ever enjoyed here. But it was not to be, and exactly two months from the day she  arrived here, her spirit left us. For many years her health had been delicate, and the enfeebled constitution could not stand the strain of severe sickness. She was a consistent Christian girl, and her life was one beautiful chain of charitable acts, towards those by whom she was surrounded, and all who knew her intimately,  loved her. Her funeral on Sunday was well attended, and not withstanding the bad conditions of the roads, a large number followed her to the last home in the  Odd Fellows Cemetery.
                  Mrs. Virginia REYNOLDS

                  April 24, 1875 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  Wife of the editor of the Gazette, departed this life at half past two o'clock p.m. on Sunday, the 18th inst. Her death was not anticipated by the bereaved husband or those who were in attendance on her by even so much as a minute's warning. Almost immediately after her infant was born, the spirit of the mother departed to  Him who gave it. She alone appeared to have a premonition that the hand of death would soon be laid upon her, and that God would soon claim her for His own.        With this idea in her mind, she spoke to her husband of the children frequently, requesting him to watch over and care for them in their tender years. He had turned from her to and adjoining room, leaving her for in the full possession of her mental faculties, and apparently strong. He was absent but a minute; when he  returned she was a corpse. The child born at the time of her death, and which was buried with the mother, was the fifteenth child born to Mr. and Mrs.  REYNOLDS. Seven remain to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother. The deceased was the daughter of John and May BIRD, and was born in Arkansas in 1838. Shortly after her birth her parents moved to Mississippi, where both died. She was then adopted by Colonel John CAROTHERS and wife, who bought her to San Joaquin County, California, where she resided until April 28th, 1851, at which date she was joined in matrimony to him who feels her loss more keenly than all others. Her married life lacked but ten days of twenty-four years. She was a women possessed of many endearing qualities - kind of heart, ever ready to help the afflicted, sound of judgement, a superiour housekeeper, one who acted as though she believed that cleanliness was next to godliness, ever neat in her home, in the apparel of herself and her children, a good mother, a firm, compassionate and able aid and councelor to her husband, a loving wife, she " was all the world to him." The afflicted and sorrowing husband and children have the heartfelt sympathies of the community in their bereavement. The mother and her infant girl  were interred in the same grave, in the Odd Fellow's cemetery on Tuesday last. The remains were fallowed to their last resting-place by a very large concourse of friends.
                  APRIL 24, 1875 Mariposa Gazette In Mariposa, April 18th, Mrs. Virginia REYNOLDS, aged 37 years.

                 RHODES, Sadie F.
    Tuesday, 1 Oct 1872- Stockton Daily Independent
    DIED -- at Providence (R.I.) July 1st, Mrs. Sadie F. RHODES, wife of Roger 
    M. RHODES, and daughter of James R. and Sarah DOTY, formerly of Bear
    Valley, Mariposa county.

                  RHODES, Silas

                  December 26, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Death of Silas RHODES

                  Silas RHODES, one of the old pioneers of Mariposa, passed away last Wednesday morning. Mr. RHODES and an aged brother lived near the town for many years, until about four years ago, when the brother died, since which time the poor old man has seemed almost lost and has never stopped grieving for him. A   few weeks ago, ill health compelled him to enter the County Hospital, where he received kindness and attention, but the infirmities of age, told against him, and  he succumbed to the effect of age and disease. He was an industrious man and a skilled mason, and in earlier days did much work around the county.

    RICHARDS, Fred
    Fresno Bee, October 4, 1977
    MARIPOSA- Services for Fred Richards, 67, a prominent Mariposa rancher, will be held Wednesday at 11 am in the Mariposa Funeral Home.  Burial will be in the Mariposa Cemetery.
    A native of Mariposa, Richards had lived his life there.  He died Sunday.
    Survivors include his widow, Eleanor; two sons, Arthur Richards of Mariposa,  and Doug Richards of Le Grand;  a sister, Dorleska Richards of Merced; a brother, Doyle Richards of Merced and five grandchildren-   transcribed by cdf            

    RICHARDS, William J.
                  May 9, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  A Sudden Death - William J. RICHARDS, a miner, who has long lived in, and near Mariposa, died very suddenly, last Wednesday, at the residence of Peter GORDON. He had been sick a few days but immediate danger was not apprehended. On Wednesday he was found dead in his room, having died while apparently trying to pour himself a glass of water. He was buried Thursday, in the public cemetery, and his funeral was largely attended. He was a native of England, aged 49 years.

                  Eugene A. RIDGWAY,
                  Mariposa Gazette, Jan. 17, 1930
                  (submitted by Tom Hilk)

                  EUGENE A. RIDGWAY FORMER MARIPOSAN CALLED BY DEATH son of Mrs. Katherine and the late James A. Ridgway of Mariposa died at his home in San  Rafael last Monday night from a heart attack. Deceased had been in poor health for some time but has condition had not been considered so serious. Eugene  Ridgway was born at Mariposa in 1869 and was, at the time of death, 61 years of age. He spent the greater part of his life in the county where he was born - loved and respected by all who knew him. About 1904, after the closing of the Mariposa mine, he went to Canada and for the last several years has been in San Rafael  where he was a trusted employee of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Annette THORN RIDGWAY, a son, Raymond; a  brother, Harry RIDGWAY and a sister, Mrs. Elsie DOVIDIO of San Rafael; his mother, Mrs. Katherine RIDGWAY of Mariposa and a sister Mrs. Joseph J.          TRABUCCO of Mariposa. Funeral services were to be held at San Rafael on Wednesday afternoon.


                  James Abner RIDGWAY

                  Mariposa Gazette, May 8, 1925
                  (submitted by Tom Hilk)

                  EARLY PIONEER SUMMONED one of the oldest. Best known and most highly respected citizens of Mariposa county, passed away at his home in Mariposa at   9 o'clock p.m., Tuesday, May 5, 1925 he had been in falling health for many months and his passing was not unexpected. "Jim," as he was popularly known, was always most highly respected for his upright character and his fairness in all business matters. He was a big hearted man and always ready and willing to perform an act of kindness or charity to those in distress or need. He took a great interest in all matters relating to the development of Mariposa county from his early  manhood up until his health failed him. His reminiscences of the early days of Mariposa county were eagerly sought by those interested in the early history of the state and his memory was keen along these lines. He was born in Brazos, Texas, on February 18, 1842, and was, at the time of his death, age 83 years, 2 months and 17 days. He crossed the plains in 1849 and came to Mariposa with his parents in 1850.He was a veteran of the Civil War, having taken up arms in defense of the North and he saw much active service on the frontier. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Katherine Ridgway of mariposa; two daughters, Mrs. J. J. TRABUCCO of Mariposa and Mrs. Elsie DOVIDO of Briceburg and two sons, James and Harry Ridgway of San Rafael; four sisters, Mrs. E. BAKER of Bakersfield, Mrs. Eugenia HARRIS of Oakland, Mrs. Bell VAN VADER of Richmond and Mrs. Sarah VAN VADER of Visalia, also several grandchildren and  other relatives. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock p.m. Thursday, interment being in the public cemetery, reverend G. O. Harwell officiating.


                  Jarret  M. RIDGEWAY

                  MARCH 17, 1866 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  In this place, on Friday, March 9th, 1866, after an illness of a few weeks, JARRET M. RIDGEWAY, aged 57 years and 6 months. Mr. RIDGEWAY was born at the Blue Springs, Tennessee, and raised in Alabama, from which state he emigrated, and settled in Texas. He and his family came to this State shortly after the    discovery of Gold, and have resided in Mariposa since 1849. He was an excellent citizen, and a kind and affectionate husband. He leaves a wife and eleven            children, and a large circle of acquaintances to mourn his loss. [Tennessee and Texas papers please copy.]

                  Mrs. Ada RIHN
                  , wife of Joseph Rihn, aged 17 years. Coulterville, Mariposa County, January 3, 1877,

                  Anthony RIHN Dead
                  Mariposa Gazette, May 19, 1906
                  (submitted by Tom Hilk)
                  Monday morning about 6 o'clock the spirit of an old and respected resident of Granite Spring district departed the body, and Anthony Rihn was dead. The  deceased was about 65 years of age and had lived in the vicinity of Coulterville for many years. He was married and the father of several children. Mrs. Edward Collins, formerly of Mariposa and now a resident of Mt. Bullion, is a daughter. The deceased was an upright and honest citizen and a good neighbor. His friends       are legion and many are the pangs of regret that comes with the knowledge that the good man is no more. He was a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge of Coulterville   and his burial was under the auspices of that order in Granite Springs. Wednesday. We console with the bereaved widow and family in their sad bereavement.

    Death Certificate----transcribed by Steve Miller
    State of California,  Mariposa County, Coulterville
    Bk  B  pg  133

    Anthony Rihn    date of death:  May 14,1906
    sex:  male   race:   white   age:  65y 10m 29d
    marital status:  married
    place of birth:   France
    occ:  farmer
    informant:  James Gazzolo,  Coulterville
    cause of death:  cerebrial appoplexy  (sic)
    place of burial:  Granite Springs,  CA
    undertaker  Jas Gazzolo, Coulterville, CA
    recorded: June 30th, 1906  F. A. Bondshu, clerk

    Note: There was obviously information not asked or not available to the
    clerk at the time of filing.  This procedure was new and from evidence of
    other incomplete DCs, they were not yet consistent in there completion. Steve

    recorded in the Book of Decrees, Mariposa Co-----submitted by Steve Miller
    Probate of Anthony Rihn
    Superior Ct of Mariposa Co  Feb 2, 1907

    Adminstrator and Distributee:

    Mary M Rihn

    RIHN, Mrs. Lizzie
    Mariposa Gazette, August 21, 1920


    The many friends of Mrs. Lizzie Rihn were shocked and grieved to hear of her death caused by apoplexy which occurred in Oakland August 9th.

    Mrs. Rihn was a Woman of notable character, and in her girlhood days lived here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Glynn.
    The old home has changed hands many times but to the older settlers is still the Glynn Farm.

    Mrs. Rihn leaves to morn for her a son, Joseph and two daughters, Alma and Vera.

    "Compiled by Tom Hilk"- submitted by Harriet Sturk


                  Edward Mortimer RICE
                  August 23, 1884 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Edward Mortimer RICE.

                  I n the death of E. M. RICE, Bear Valley loses an enterprising and valuable citizen. He was well favorably known as the proprietor of hotel (the Oso) in Bear Valley,   which he made very popular among the traveling portion of the community. He was an Odd Fellow in good standing and was duly honored at his burial with the  rites of the Order. His funeral was  largely attended.


               ALEXANDER ROACH

                  From the Mariposa Gazette, March 1864
                  (submitted by Harriet Sturk)

                  D ied at the Union House in this place, on the (?) of March, about nine o'clock P.M, of Billious Inflammatory Rheumatism and general debility, ALEXANDAR   ROACH, aged about 69 years, formerly a resident of Wexford County, Ireland. Uncle Roach, as his friends generally called him, was much esteemed by his acquaintances in the town of Coultervillle, where he has for many years resided. He has been for many years a strict and exemplary Son of Temperance in the  Coulterville Division, and for the last nine years a member of the Temple of Honor. His loss will be deeply mourned by the orders of Temperance in Mariposa county. His body was taken charge of by Mariposa Division, No. 46 who, with the Sisters of said Division, marched in solemn procession to the Cemetery of St. Joseph's Catholic church, to which he was ardently and devotedly attached. After the ceremonial rites of the Church had been performed his remains were  deposited in the grave with the usual ceremonies of the Sons of Temperance.  Farewell Uncle Roach, may your examples of piety and devotion to the cause of Temperance and Justice long be remembered and esteemed by those of your acquaintance who so well know your upright walk whilst amongst us here below.


                  ROACH, John
                  June 14,1879 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Found Dead - On Sunday morning last a man by the name of John ROACH was found dead in his cabin near Bear Valley, and the coroner’s jury returned a   verdict of death by natural causes. Mr. ROACH is an old and estimable citizen of this county and highly respected by everyone.

               ROBERTS, Samuel

                  October 13, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  In COULTERVILLE, October 3d, 1883, Samuel, second son of Mr. and Mrs. John ROBERTS, aged 13 years and 10 months.
                    ROBERTSON, Hon. J. W.

                  April 25, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W. Disbro)

                  Death of Hon. J. W. ROBERTSON.

                  Merced, April 17. Hon. J.W. ROBERTSON, for a number of years County Judge of this county, but a Justice of the Peace for the past few years, was found dead   in his office this morning. When found dead in his office this morning. When found he had on his glasses and was holding a paper as if he was reading. He was a native of Mississippi, aged 57. He leaves a widow. Judge ROBERTSON was among the first settlers in Merced County.


                  JOHN ROBINSON
                  Mariposa Chronicle April 4, 1854,
                  (submitted by Steve Miller)

                  On the 2nd of March 1854 of delerium tremens at his camp on the Mariposa (river), John Robinson, aged 35 years a native of England.

    Sacramento Daily Bee
    Friday Evening, March 20, 1868
    At Hornitos, Mariposa county, March 11th, Juan J. ROBLES, a native of
    Mexico, aged 110 years.

                  ROCCO, Angelina

                  November 25, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)

                  In Coulterville, November 14th, 1882, Angelina ROCCO, aged 14 years and 8 months, a native of Italy.

               ROCHELLE, William L.
                  January 27, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by W Disbro)
                  At County Hospital, Mariposa County, January 22nd, 1883, William Lawrence ROCHELLE, a native of Virginia, aged 64 years.

                  Mrs. Maybelle RODNEY
                  Mariposa Gazette, February 25, 1911
                  (submitted by Tom Hilk)
                  Sudden Death. Mrs. Maybelle Rodney, wife of Frank A. Rodney, Died suddenly at the Aogan ranch, about ten miles south of Mariposa, Saturday morning of  last week. Mrs. Rodney was apparently in her usual health when she arose that morning and had prepared breakfast for herself and husband and while seated at the table fell dead. Mrs. Rodney had been a resident of this county for the past 16 years coming here with her husband and living at Colorado. Later they moved   to the Hogan ranch and were employed by S. J. Harris. Coroner Johnson held an inquest on the remains, the verdict of the jury being that heart failure was the cause of death. The deceased was a native of England and 44 years of age. The interment was made in the Mariposa public cemetery Monday afternoon.

                  Henry Christian Gothard ROGERS

                  September 16, 1876Mariposa Gazette
                  (submitted by
                  William Disbro)

                  In Princeton, September 13th, 1876, aged 57 years.

                  ROGORSON, Thomas

                  Mariposa Gazette, September 1, 1877
                  (submitted by W Disbro)
                 At Merced city August 28th, 1877, Thos. ROGORSON, a native of the county, Roscommon, Ireland, aged about 53 years. [St. Louis Republican please copy.]

                               RONEY, John
                               February 25, 1865 Mariposa Free Press
                               (submitted by W. Disbro)
                               We are pained to announce the death of a good man, one who was perhaps held in high estimation by the community in which he lived as any citizen in the county. Mr. RONEY had been for years in failing health, being a victim to that insidious but inevitably fatal disease,  pulmonary consumption. Latterly his sufferings had been intence and for several months it seemed that only his soul sustained him, so emaciated had he become. His sufferings are over now, and if we may trust in the Christian faith, his spirit released from its frail tenement of clay has winged its way to the Eternal Home of the righteous.
          RONEY, John February 25,1864 Mariposa Free Press (submitted by W. Disbro)
                               Died. In Coulterville on Sunday morning, Feb. 19th at half past ten o'clock, Mr. John RONEY, aged 46 years. Mr. RONEY was formerly of  Baltimore, Maryland, where he was born and raised. During several years residence in the State of California, in public and private life,  he sustained the character which he ever bore, of a man of strict integrity- A GENTLEMAN OF THE OLD SCHOOL, who commanded  the respect and esteem of all who knew him. At the last election for County Officers he was elected to the office of County Treasurer, which position he has filled with honor to himself and satisfaction to his friends who elected him. Being a invalid for several years  brought out his virtues where they are generally best tested- in the home circle, and many of us will miss his warm greeting, pleasant smile and jovial good humor. He leaves a wife, daughter and grandchildren with many warm friends to mourn his loss. May his soul rest  in peace where his many virtues can be better appreciated than they where in his earthly home, is the prayer of one of his numerous  friends
    ROSENTHAL, Joseph
    Saturday July 4, 1868  
    San Luis Obispo Pioneer
    DROWNED—Last evening, Joseph ROSENTHAL, of Hornitos, in attempting to swim across the Stanislaus river, 
    near Durham’s ferry was drowned.
    transcrribed by Jackie Lamorie

    Amador Dispatch
    Vol. 9, No. 42, July 4, 1868

    DROWNED. -- On Tuesday afternoon last, JOSEPH ROSENTHAL, of Hornitos, was drowned in a side slough
     of the Stanislaus River, about two miles above Durham's Ferry. It is supposed that while endeavoring
    to swim his horse across the slough, he fell from the animal's back and was drowned. The body was
     brought to Stockton, and interred in the Hebrew Cemetery.
    contributed by Sue Silver

                               ROSS, James Martin
                               January 20, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
                               (submitted by W Disbro)
                               In Western Illinois, December 22d, 1882, James Martin ROSS, formerly of Bridgeport, of this county, aged 72 years, a native of  Pennsylvania.
                               John W. ROSS

                               September 15, 1883 Mariposa Gazette

                               Death of a Veteran Printer.

                               San Francisco, July 11, 1883. Ed. Gazette:- You may have noticed in the papers of Saturday last, in the list of deaths, that of John W.   ROSS, who died at the City and County Hospital on the 7th instant, of consumption, after a lingering illness of several months. His age is given at 58 years, but he was older by several years, probably you may safely add about 7 to the published figure. ROSS was an old time printer and journalist having made his debut as a publisher at Lock Haven, Conn. some years before the Mexican war. He enlisted in  Washington City, in the celebrated Mounted Rifle Regiment of General P. F. SMITH, and participated in most of the battles on SCOTT's  line in 1847, notably in the engagements of Contreras and Cherebusco and at the storming of the Castle of Chepultepec. He was  afterwards detached for special service and engaged with John H. PEOPLES, in the publication of the " American Star" which was the  first American paper published in the City of Montezumas. After the war, like many other adventurous spirits of that date, he made his    way to California, and early 'in the fifties' pitched his tent in the county of Mariposa. The survivors of that period will remember him as foreman in the office of the Gazette in 1855, 6, and 57, when HOLMES was it's editor and proprietor, the last named year, with the writer of this article, who was then in the employ of the genial HOLMES as assistant editor. Subsequently, in 1858 we formed a business partnership, the result of which was the publication of the " Mariposa Star" which made its advent in the journalistic firmament on the 29th of May, 1858. Our business relations thought uniformly pleasant, were of only four months duration, Mr. ROSS retiring in September of the same year, preferring as he stated to " go where there were more people, and to work at the case, sooner than run a country newspaper." He then went to Stockton, afterwards to San Francisco, where for a short time he was engaged in the publication of a monthly magazine, which only had a brief existence, after which he resumed the "stick." Like a majority of his fellow craftsmen, John was improvident, and, in fact, was signally deficient in those indescribable qualifications which go to make up a successful business  man. He was a good printer, in his day, and proud of his calling. He leaves a bright little boy of about fourteen years, who is now            earning his own living and contributing to the support of his widowed mother. Right here I wish to say a good word for the members of the typographical fraternity, who ministered to his wants, paid him kindly visits, spoke cheerful words when the life's tide was slipping away; smoothed his pillow as he was sinking to rest, and finally gave him a respectable Christian burial and bore him to the silent chambers of the dead. God bless them all! They are heroes, yes greater than those who fight for fame, they are types of " God's noblest work" true, generous, noble men. It is cheerful to witness acts like these, and nothing but justice to pay some slight tribute to qualities' that shine with light which show that the original Godlike man has not altogether faded out of the human form. James H. LAWRENCE
                               Ross, Willie
                               February 18th, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
                               (submitted by W. Disbro)
                                   Willie ROSS, the Indian, who was convicted for murder at this place in 1879, and sentenced to the penitentiary for life, died of  consumption a few days ago at San Quentin. Many of our citizens will doubtless remember the excitement and trouble of the officers to get Willie off to the State prison. Quite a number thought he deserved hanging, and some exasperated at the sentence that they threatened he should not leave the county alive. Lafayette CHOISER (now deceased) was specially dispatched to take the prisoner to the penitentiary. At that time the prisoner appeared for sentence, instead of being returned to jail as was expected by those bent on killing him, Cloiser stood ready with horses at the Court House, and as the prisoner came, he was put upon a horse and in a moments time, officer and prisoner were making good time towards Hornitos and Merced. They had gone fifteen or twenty minutes before the lynching party found out that they had been outgeneraled by the officers. They however, pursued and overtook the Deputy with his prisoner on Slattery's Toll Road, and it is said a shot was fired at the officer or his prisoner, but no one was hurt. The pursuit ended at this point, and CHOISER got through to Merced without further molestation.
          WB ROSS  Coulterville
          Feb. 19th, 1865 Mariposa Gazette
          December 5, 1873
          (submitted by William Disbro)

        At White River, Tulare county, W B Ross, aged about 49 years

     Archibald Gann ROWLAND died 12 May 1918.
      (publication unknown - submitted by Tom Hilk)

                               ELECTRIC SHOCK FATAL TO MINER Archibald Rowland, aged about 30 years, employed as a millman at the Original mine near El Portal, was fatally shocked by electricity at 10 o'clock yesterday morning when ad justing a switch at the mine, and died five hours later from the effects. One hand was slightly burned, but other wise his body showed no visible effects outwardly. The remains were brought here this evening for burial. The funeral will probably be held to- morrow. His parents from Selma, and his brother from Vallejo were due this afternoon. Rowland was married two years ago to Miss Lois EGANHOFF daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David  EGANHOFF, who, with  an infant daughter, survives him.

    ROWLAND, Charles Cleveland
    Fresno Bee republican  Aug 2, 1963
    Graveside services for Charles Cleveland Rowland, 77, of 1943 Sarah Street were held today in the IOOF Cemetery
    He was found dead in his home yesterday by the police after a neighbor called them and said he had not been seen since June 13th.  The coroner ordered an autopsy, although he sad Rowland had been ill for a long time. Roland had lived alone in the apartment house, which he ownded.
    He was born in Cathey Valley, Mariposa County, and had lived in Fresno more than 45 years.  He was employed by the Sun-Maid Raisin Growers of California for about 40 years.
    He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Fred Morgan of Selma and two brothers, Hiram L Rowland of Mount Willim (probably  Mount  Bullion) Mariposa County.
    Funeral arrangements were made by Sullivan, Burns & Blair, Funeral Directors- c feroben

           Mrs. Susan Mary Rowland
           Mariposa Gazette, September 11, 1915
           submitted by Carolyn Feroben)

                               PIONEER WOMAN IS BURIED AT CATHEY'S VALLEY

                                       The remains of Mrs. Susan Mary Rowland, a Merced and Mariposa pioneer, who died in Berkeley last Saturday, were taken to Cathey's Valley yesterday morning for burial. Rev. John Kenney of Mariposa, pastor of the M. E. Church, of which the deceased was a lifelong member, officiated at the services.
                                       Mrs. Susan M. Rowland was born in Lawrence County, Arkansas, November 15, 1835; married James H. Rowland, October 1850 [in Saline county, Arkansas]; came to California in 1852, eight months on the way; went to Kings River, Fresno County, in 1865. Her husband died there in 1871. Eight children were born to them, of whom six are living, as follows: Lloyd H., Charles G., James W., Mary L. Egenhoff, Eleanor and William A. There are nineteen grandchildren and eighteen great-grand children, all in California.  Mrs. Rowland returned to Mariposa County in 1873 and lived there until 1895. Since then she has resided with her daughter, Mrs. M. L.  Egenhoff, in Ventura county, Oakland and different sections of the San Joaquin Valley, coming to Merced from Madera in March of the  present year. Her life was long and active.  -- Merced Sun, Sept 6.

        ROYAL, John S.
        Jan 4,1879 Mariposa Gazette
       (Submitted by W. Disbro)

                               Homicide - On Wednesday last in the vicinity of Indian Gulch, about six miles from Hornitos, a terrible homicide was committed by one  Henry IVY striking John S. ROYAL in the head with the handle of a pick, containing the eye of the broken pick only; and killing him  almost instantly. The difficulty was about a mining claim which J.H. MALONE had purchased last year at a tax sale, and held sheriff's  deed of. It appears the deceased was availing himself of the mining law requiring a certain amount of annual expenditure upon mining  claims, and had jumped the claim; and the claimant MALONE, in company with IVY, came up to the mine and presented to ROYAL a paper purporting to be some evidence of authority by which MALONE held this claim. While ROYAL was reading this paper, IVY picked up from behind and unobserved by ROYAL, the deadly weapon and struck the fatal blow, which caused his death. A man by the name of FURGUSON who resides near by, and Mr. MALONE witnessed the tragedy. IVY was in employ of MALONE. IVY gave himself  up and MALONE was arrested for complicity. IVY's examination came off before the magistrate at Hornitos on Thursday, and he was sent up to custody of the sheriff on the same day. MALONE's examination was to have taken place yesterday. The foregoing is a statement of the facts as we heard them.


               RUDDLE, James W.
               Mariposa Chronicle, Friday February 17, 1854
                (submitted by Steve Miller)

                               (public notice)

                               A meeting of the citizens of the Merced River was held, pursuant to notice, for the purpose of an expression of public feeling on the death of James W. Ruddle, Esq. On motion, A. C. Bulloch was called to preside, assisted by J. M. Laseter and J. William as Vice  Presidents, and Samuel H. P. Ross was appointed Secretary. On motion, the chair was requested to appoint a committee of six persons,  to draft a Preamble and Resolutions, expressive of the feeling of this meeting; whereupon the following named gentlemen were appointed said committee, vis:  J. W. Smith, A. J. Laseter, S. H. P. Ross, T. C. Edwards, J. M. Laseter, S. G. Fisher, and on motion the Chairman was added to said Committee. Whereupon the following Preamble and Resolution were submitted, and unanimously adopted:
                               Whereas, we the citizens of the Merced Valley, are deeply afflicted by the death of one of our earliest citizens, James W. Ruddle, who has been called from a life of usefullness; from the bosom of a beloved and interesting family, and from a community in which those high attributes of a kind husband and father, a firm and sincere friend, and overpowering neighbor, and worthy citizen, were highly appreciated, and which rendered the deceased the esteemed of this fellow citizen, therefore, Resolved, That we recognized in J. W.  Ruddle, those qualities which adorn the character of the husband and parent, the neighbor and the citizen, and that his family and this community have experienced a great and irreparable loss.  Resolved, That we heartily sympathise with the family of our late deceased friend, on this their sad bereavement.  Resolved, That the Secretary of this meeting is hereby instructed to forward a copy of its minutes to the family of the deceased,  J. W. Ruddle, and a copy to the Mariposa Chronicle, Mariposa, for publication. On motion, the meeting adjourned sine die.
                           Merced River, Feb. 12, 1854

                               A. C. Bulloch,  Chairman.
                               Samuel H. P. Ross,

         Mariposa Gazette, October 23, 1875
         (submitted by William Disbro)
                               In Mariposa, October 16th, 1875, "Nepomunceno RUIS" aged 56, a native of Saquarepa, Mexico- La Cociedad S.F. Estar Sonora and  Mazatlana papers please copy.
    RUIZ, Fermin C.
    Mariposa Gazette, March 6, 1931

    Fermin C. Ruiz
    Mariposa Pioneer
    Taken By Death

    Funeral services were held at the Catholic Church in Mariposa at 2
    o'clock Thursday afternoon for Fermin C. Ruiz, who died here on Tuesday,
    March 3rd, following a long illness. Interment followed in the Catholic

    Deceased was a native of Mexico, age 72, 7 months, 27 days. Fifty-seven
    years of this time had been spent in Mariposa County, where he owned a
    small farm.

    "Fermin", as he was familiarly known, was a man who was highly thought
    of by all who knew him. He was an honest, conscientious citizen and a
    tireless worker on his little farm where he made his living and he will
    be missed by the community.

    Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. A. A. Camin of Cathey's Valley and Mrs.
    M. S. Alarid of Mariposa. There are also a large number of nephews
    nieces and other relatives surviving.


        RUIZ- In Mariposa, December 17th, 1882, Rafel RUIZ, aged 25 years, a native of Mexico.

         Rafel RUIZ

                               Mariposa Gazette December 23d, 1882
                               (submitted by W. Disbro)

                               Rafeal RUIZ, whose premature death was caused by a accident, which has been noticed heretofore, was an exceptional young man,  remarkable for his intelligence, industry and honesty. His suffering, which was of the most intense character, was borne with religious fortitude and forebearance, and he was fully resigned to die. It was a hard fate for so youthful a man, whose life was overflowing with  promise of success, and gratification of his most earnest ambitions. He leaves a loving mother, sisters and brother, to morn his loss, who  have the deepest sympathy of friends and acquaintances in their irreparable loss. The deceased was buried in the Catholic Cemetery on  Monday last, and the funeral was largely attended by friends and citizens.


                               Mariposa Gazette, Oct 4(?), 1967
                               (submitted by Steve Miller)

                               Frank Rupe, 96, a well known figure on the streets of Mariposa for many years, died Tuesday in a local convalescent home.  He had been ill for many years. Rupe was born in Kansas.  He made his home here for 37 years.  Only known realtive is a nephew in San Diego.
                               Tiscornia and Ivers are handling arrangements------
                               (the CA death index on line indicates that mothers maiden name was DUGAN)
    Stockton Daily Independent
    Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA

    DIED -- in Mariposa county, July 18th, Mrs. John RUSSELL.
    transcribed by Dee S

    Modesto Bee and News-Herald, Thursday, June 07, 1956
    MERCED- Merced Co- Rites will be conducted by the Rev. Harry B Transchel tomorrow at 2 PM in the Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Chapel for Arthur Newton Rylas, 75, of Cathay, Mariposa County, who died in the John C. Fremont Hospital, Mariposa
    Burial will be in Evergreen Memorial Park here.
    Ryals, a native of Texas, moved to Cathay from Pasadena in 1944
    He leaves his wido, Mabel; three sons, Walter of El Monte, Malcolm of Santa Barbara and Earl Rylas of Merced; a sister Mrs. Pearl Yocum of Altadena; 20 grandchildren, and 16 great grandchildren.- transcribed by cferoben           

            Jack RYAN

                               Mariposa Gazette, July 20, 1901
                               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

                               Last Sunday night a young man, who was known here by the name of Jack RYAN, died at the GORDON Hotel. For two months he had  been in bed with typhoid fever. He was a miner and well thought of by all who knew him. He had worked in the Mariposa mine but had left for a time, working at the Copper King mine in Fresno county. He took sick there and came back to Mariposa, being here but a few days when he took to his bed with typhoid fever, this he never left. A few days before he died, when asked concerning his parents, he  gave his father's address in Illinois and his name as Pierce. His father was telegraphed for at once and immediately started for Mariposa.   It was a long journey for an old man, being over 70 years of age, but with that parental devotion that time nor distance cannot extinguish he took the first train to the far west that would carry him to the death bed of his only son, but he arrived too late. In Merced the sad  news was told him and the son that had left home nearly fourteen years before, and who had not been seen in all these years had died a few hours before he arrived and but 40 miles away. In company with the Merced undertaker, Ed NORDGREN, he journeyed all night to  Mariposa, arriving at about 5 a. m., leaving within an hour after his arrival for Merced. Here the body was embalmed and shipped to his far home in Illinois.


                               Mariposa County History and Genealogy Reseach

                                                                                   Mariposa County Marriages
    Carolyn Feroben
    updated  August 2011

    copyright 1996-2010                                                                            Mariposa County Births