historical tidbits of mariposa history CALIFORNIA

Quigleys Halfway House Mariposa


Stockton Daily Independent- July 12, 1864
ACCIDENTS in MARIPOSA – The 'Gazette' of Saturday has the following list of accidents:
-Peter McDERMONT was jostled against a tree at QUIGLEY's (see photo above)  last Sunday by a bucking mustang, and has a finger and 3 ribs broken. This is an unlucky season for horseback riding.
-Jack FLEMING, of Sherlock's, was thrown from his horse near this place on Thursday morning, and received a severe kick on the head which rather disabled him.
-Mr. John GEARY, of Whitlocks, went out yesterday morning and returned to his house about 7 o'clock with his right hand shot completely off. It was done accidentally and is a serious loss. transcribed by Dee S
Friday, 20 Jan 1860 
Stockton Daily Argus
FROM MARIPOSA -- On Sunday last a miner by name of Charles MYERS, on the Merced river, had his leg fractured severely by the falling of a rock. The leg was amputated, as a last resort, to save the patient's life.
SHOCKING CASUALTY -- Mariposa 'Star'
Friday, 8 June 1860
A little girl 2 or 3 years of age, daughter of Mr.& Mrs. MASKELL lying at the Benton Mills, on the Merced, fell accidentally into a kettle of boiling water on Sunday evening last week, while at play. The poor little sufferer lingered until the following morning when death relieved her.

Stockton Daily Independent
BROKE HIS LEG – Judge DALY, of Mariposa, the day before Christmas, by accident stepped into a hole and broke his leg.
ROAN, Dick
Merced Express, February 3, 1906

Dick ROAN , a civilized Indian, was accidentally killed near Ahwahnee last Sunday by the discharge of a shotgun he was carrying. While walking along a trail near his rancheria with his wife he slipped and in falling the gun was discharged, the shot entering his neck and blowing his head off.
Mariposa Gazette, June 22, 1918
Winnie Ashworth Loses Both Eyes

P. W. (Winnie) Ashworth, an employee of the sugar Pine Lumber Company met with an accident on Thursday afternoon of last week
that may cause total blindness. he was running a donkey engine when a log that was being drug swung behind a tree, breaking the
cable. He was struck in the face and one eye put out, and on his way to Fresno for surgical treatment, its reported, he lost the
sight in the other eye. Mr. Ashworth was raised near Mariposa and has many relatives and friends who sympathize with him in this
time of trouble, and it is to be hoped that surgical skill can restore the sight. Mr. Ashworth  had worked at Sugar Pine, where
the accident occurred, for several seasons and was considered a careful and competent man and that the accident was no fault of
his is undoubted.

LATER- a telephone message from the hospital in Fresno where Mr. Ashworth is being treated states that the sight of one of his
eyes will be saved. submitted by Ben Pierce

WASS Burned
Merced Express, June 6, 1924


W. T. HOHENSHELL and Louis WASS were severely burned when a drum of distillate exploded at the Hohenshell almond orchard near Le Grand at about noon Monday. They were given first aid by Dr. WILLIAMS of Le Grand and then brought to Mercy Hospital in this city, where their burns were dressed by Dr. W. E. LILLEY. WASS was severely burned about the body and is still under treatment at the hospital. Hohenshell's hands were burned in his attempt to extinguish the flames on Wass, but he was able to return to his home Monday evening. The cause of the explosion is not known. Tom Hilk
Fresno Bee, October 29, 1925
Eighty-Five Mile Ride on Truck Brings Man to Hospital In Modesto For Treatment; Recovery will be in Doubt For Several Days Physicians Say
MODESTO (Stanislaus Co). Oct. 29- His face burned until nearly unrecognizable and the flesh on his hands and body scared so deeply that his recovery is doubtful, W. W. BRADSHAW, of Mariposa horribly burned when a keep of gunpowder exploded at Mariposa yesterday, showering him with flame, arrived in Modesto last night for treatment, after an eighty-five mile ride in a truck.
BRADSHAW was working in a blacksmith shop when the accident occurred. A spark from a red hot iron he was hammering flew across the shop and ignited in a few grains of gunpowder used in blasting. The keg of powder close by ignited and sprayed Bradshaw's clothes with flames.
His clothes were burned from his body. In an effort to extinguish the fire BRADSHAW's hands were burned. Attracted by his screaming of pain, a man working close by carried Bradshaw from the shop and rushed him to a mariposa doctor for first aid treatment. Unable to sit up in a passenger car, a mattress was put in a truck and the journey to Modest began.
Bradshaw was delirious with pain when his burns were dressed at a local hospital. It will require several days to ascertain whether the burns are of first degree nature, physicians said.
Bradshaw's father, J. D. Bradshaw, is a resident of Hughson. He also has a brother living here. C Feroben

MARIPOSA School bus accident -Merced Express, December 2, 1927

The Mariposa High School bus no one, driven by Henri CAMIN, the regular driver between Mariposa and Cathay [sic], collided with a Chevrolet sedan driven by C. L. BROWN of the State Fish and Game Commission at the intersection of the old Mt. Bullion road and the highway at Owens Creek in Cathey's Valley. In the bus were four high school pupils-Vernon GIVENS, Fortuna CAMIN, Catherine ROWLAND and Robert PAINE. Fortunately none were seriously injured, although Fortuna Camin was cut on the back and arm and Henri Camin had his hand cut and received several bruises. The accident happened when Camin attempted to turn from the State highway onto the Mt. Bullion road and collided with Brown's car, which was going toward Merced.

 LOVE, Frank

Mariposan Hurt When Automobile Leaps Grade
Fresno Bee Republican, October 14, 1934
Mariposa (Mariposa Co) Oct. 13, Frank LOVE of the Bull Creek district about twenty-five miles north of here, is recovering at his home from painful cuts and bruises suffered Thursday when his automobile turned over six times in its rapid descent into a gully after he drove over the Briceburg Grade while hunting. His automobile was wrecked. transcribed by c feroben
Modesto News-Herald, Feb. 10, 1931
Mariposa, Feb. 10- Gordon Greenamyer, Mariposa youth, is recovering in a Merced hospital today from injuries received when his automobile crashed in to Mariposa Creek, on and one half miles below Mariposa Saturday night.
The youth declared the steering apparatus of his car broke, causing the vehicle to swing across the road, strike a glancing blow against a large pine tree and fall into the creek-

Fresno Bee, September 3, 1927
Mariposa (Mariposa Co) N. Solari and son, F. N. Solari, of Indian Gulch were called to Santa Maria Thursday by a telegram stating that Mrs. Rose Adair was lying critically ill in a hospital there as the result of an auto accident. Mrs. Adair and her son and daughter were returning from Los Angeles.
The son, Fred, was driving and is said to have gone to sleep at the wheel and driven into the road railing. A large splinter of wood pierced the body of the car and passed through the back of Mrs. Adair, just above the hip. It required an hour and a half to release the woman from the position. It was necessary to saw off the timber and take here to the hospital where surgeons removed it. The others were not injured.
Mrs. Adair was Miss Rose Solari of Indian Gulch ,this county, before her marriage.


updated Jan 2011