
photo by Joseph T. Buzzo, 1911
(photo submitted by granddaughter Laura Buzzo Pararatore-Aug, 2005
This property consists of the Pinon Blanco, North Pinon Blanco, Old
Judge, South Judge, Little Judge and millsite, patented claims, having
an area of 95 acres, and the Star lode claim and Stephen placer
unpatented claims, owned by the Oro Rica Mines Company, care of A. E.
Tower, Metropolitan Club, New York. The mine is in Sec. 19, 20,
and 29, T. 2 S., R. 16 E., about three miles north of Coulterville,
near the northern boundary of the county. There are two
contact veins, varying from three to six feet in width, between a slate
footwall and diorite hanging wall The strike is N. 20 degrees W.
and dip 65 degrees NE. The outcrop of the vein and workings on
the top of Pinon Blanco Ridge form a conspicuous landmark. The
property is developed by a tunnel over 200 feet long, with 900 feet
driven on the vein. It is equipped with a 20-stamp mill, but
litigation over ownership has resulted in the mine being idle for the
past ten years.
Source: Mining in California
State of California Division of Mines, April , 1928