Mariposa Chronicle,  April 21, 1854

GRAY SHOT BY BROWN- not expected to live MAN SHOT--We are sorry to inform our readers,
that we have only one murder case to present this week.
A man named Gray was shot by a man known as "Long Haired Brown," at Carsons' and is not expected to recover.  The difficulty originated over a game of cards (both are gamblers) and Brown  struck Gray with his revolver and then shot him, the ball striking him in the forehead, and passing
under the skin, came out behind.  Brown has fled.

The Union Democrat
Sonora, Tuolumne Co., CA
Saturday, 28 Apr 1855

FATAL AFFRAY -- Two Men Killed -- We learn by a gentleman, who is a resident of Sherlock's Flat, Mariposa county, (about 12 miles from Coultersville), that a dispute occurred at the former place, in reference to a mining claim, on Wednesday morning last -- which resulted in the death of 2 men of the parties, by shooting, and the serious wounding of a 3rd
person. The names of the men who were killed are Elisha TIERCY and J.W. BEAUMONT; and the wounded one was named COLBY. One of the deceased had a family in the States. We did not understand their former places of residence.transcribed by Dee S.


Killing At Mariposa, Daily Evening Bulletin, San Francisco, May 12, 1856
ON Sunday morning, 4th May, two miners, named JOHNSON and McGLAUGHLIN, had a diffulty at the crossing of the Choucilla, when the former shot the later dead.  McGlaughlin, however, fired the first shot, but missed his man.


Choiser Kills Biegler- Bear Valley, 1857

Friday, 30 Oct. 1857
Stockton Daily Argus

MURDER in BEAR VALLEY -- Mariposa 'Gazette'
On Monday morning at about 1 o'clock a [damaged line -- looks like "German, by the name of Joseph BIEGLER"], was shot by Lafayette CHOISER familiarly known as "Punch." The deceased kept a Lager Beer Saloon and CHOISER, in company with another person entered his bar-room and called for liquor.
After drinking, as they were about leaving the house, the proprietor asked them who would pay for the drinks -- CHOISER replied that he would, and at the same time asked if his credit was not good. Some words passed, and CHOISER drew a pistol and struck BIEGLER on the head. BIEGLER was behind the bar and picked up a gun. CHOISER stood by the door with his pistol draw, when someone present told him not to shoot. He replied that he would not, if BIEGLER would put up his gun. BIEGLER immediately set his gun aside, when CHOISER ran in and clenched him, striking him another blow with his pistol, and then shooting him through the breast. He immediately left
the camp, and at last accounts had not been arrested.transcribed by Dee S.


Daily Evening Bulletin, (San Francisco, CA)
Saturday, February 20, 1858; Issue 114; col D
MURDERER SENTENCED AT MARIPOSA- Choiser, alias "Punch", charged with the murder, some months ago, of one Biegler, in the notorious Bear Valley, Mariposa county, has been convicted in the District Court, at the town of Mariposa, of the crime, and sentenced by Judge Burke to confinement in the State Prison for twenty years.

Stockton Daily Argus
Stockton Daily Argus/ Monday, 15 June 1857

MARIPOSA -- The 'Gazette' says that Girard JONES, the murderer of OGG, at Quartzburg, has delivered himself up to the authorities and stands indicted by the Grand Jury for murder. Transcribed by Dee S.
from the Mariposa Gazette, Jan 2, 1857

  DEATH---One of those terrible death tragedies which falls within our province to record,  but too often in this county,  took place at Whitlock's on Sunday evening. It appears that two men, one of whom was a Mr. Rose, the name of the other we do not know, were playing cards for a small amount at the store in that place.  While so engaged, a Mrs. Lucas approached the table and picked up the money belonging to Mr. Rose,  amounting to about three dollars.  Mr. Lucas was intoxicated and no notice was taken of it.  Later, Mr. Rose demanded the money, and Mr. Lucas refused to give it up.  No harsh language, however, was used, and on the repeated refusal of Mr. Lucas to the demand, Rose plunged a large knife into his breast, cutting through the heart and killing him instantly.  The blade of the knife used was about nine inches in length, and was buried in the body of the unfortunate man to the hilt.  Rose is a large, powerful man, and Mr. Lucas was much his inferior in physical ability, and besides, was under the influence of liquor.  Rose was soon arrested by under-Sheriff Moore, and brought to Mariposa, where he, waiving an examination,  was fully committed without bail,  to answer for the crime of murder,  at the next term of the District Court, to be holden in February next.

We learn that Mr. Lucas was a native of Kentucky, and came here from Placerville about two weeks since. No papers were found upon him to denote his length of residence in California,  or whether he has relatives here.
(transcribers note:  checked subsequent issues of the Gazette, for a month, and could not find any followup to the story, Steve Miller )


Howards Ranch-Burns Creek- 1857
Bear Valley has given another proof of its title to a bad reputation, by the murder of a Mexican, which took place there on the 13th instant. The weapon used, says the 'Gazette,' being a billet of wood with a nail in it -- the nail entering the skull near the temple. The murderer was arrested by some of the citizens, but escaped soon afterwards. -Weekly Stockton Democrat- Jan. 31, 1858

Stockton Daily Argus,Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA
Friday, 9 Dec 1859
FROM MARIPOSA -- 'Star' -- A Frenchman by the name of De LAUNAY was killedby his partner in a cabin where they were residing, on Burns' Creek, about4 miles from Indian Gulch. They had been drinking and got into a quarrel,when the deceased drew a knife, and CHAILLON, his partner, picked up a shotgun and shot him through the neck. CHAILLON left and has not since been heard of.  transcribed by Dee S.

Weekly Stockton Democrat
Sunday, 31 July 1859
SENTENCED -- George LEE,  a Kanaka, was sentenced in Mariposa, on Saturday last, to 20 years' imprisonment in the State Prison, upon conviction of murder in the 2nd degree. AH FONG, a Chinaman, was sentenced to 12 years upon a similar conviction.

Weekly Stockton Democrat
September 11 1859

DEATH of DR. W.D. COWAN -- The news of the death of Dr. Wm. D. COWAN, of his body having been found in the mountains, is terrible to his many friends and relatives. The long time he was a citizen of Stockton, as physician of the Insane Asylum, gave each successive year additional proof of his uprightness as a man, his integrity of purpose, and his sensitive nature in all that would effect him as an honorable gentleman. The details of his unfortunate death we copy from the Mariposa Star of Tuesday, 6th inst.:

Dr. Wm. COWAN left Mariposa on Friday afternoon August 26th for the South Fork of the Merced, in company with Charles SMITHERS, intending to spend a few days at Clark�s Ranch. Friday night he stopped at a ranch on the head waters of the Chowchilla, and proceeded as far as Hussey's Mill on Saturday, where, feeling unwell he stopped to rest for the night. On the following day SMITHERS returned to Mariposa and the Doctor proceeded alone on the "Kyle trail" for the South Fork. About 4 miles from Clark�s he was met by a party who were returning from Walker�s River. He was then on foot and said his horse had given out.

Shortly after they found his horse on the trail, and a short distance from the place they found his coat, and some papers scattered about the trail. They also remarked that there was something strange in his appearance, but not being personally acquainted with him, thought no more of it till they arrived in town on Monday evening, when their report caused some uneasiness, and Mathew HARRIS was dispatched in search of him on Wednesday. Accompanied by Mr. CLARK, the search was carried on until Saturday last when the body was discovered about 30 feet from the trail, a mile and a half from CLARK's. From appearances it was supposed that he had been dead several days.

Dr. C. was an old resident of California having come to this State in 1849. At that time he was mining at Murphy's Camp whence he afterwards removed to Stockton where he practiced his profession and gained an enviable reputation for medical skill. He came to this county [Mariposa] in the spring of 1858 and for the past year has had charge of our County Hospital.

He was universally respected by his friends and acquaintances as a man of honesty and integrity.

Since writing the above, we have seen Justice LOVEJOY, who in the absence of the Coroner, held an inquest on the body. The verdict of the Jury was Death from some unknown cause. His remains were interred near the spot where he died.
DR COWAN-The San Andreas Independent
San Andreas, Calaveras County, CA
Saturday, 10 September 1859
THE SAN JOAQUIN ‘Republican’ says: Dr. Wm. D. COWAN, formerly one of the 
physicians of the Insane Asylum, was found a few days since a few miles
from Mariposa, quite dead. He was partially stripped of his clothing. The
alarm was first given in Mariposa by the return of his horse without a
rider to that city. Dr. COWAN leaves a family who are now at the East.
transcribed by Dee S

Stockton Daily Argus
Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA
Thursday, 19 Apr 1860

A SLUICE ROBBER SHOT -- Mariposa ‘Star’
A man by the name of George STACKHOUSE was shot near Coulterville, on Saturday last, while robbing sluices. The particulars as related to us are these: A party of miners working above the town having had reason to believe that they had lost gold in this manner, have recently kept guard over their claim for the purpose of detecting the thieves. Near daybreak on Saturday morning, the man who was on the watch saw 3 men with a candle searching the sluices. He fired at the light and supposed that he had only frightened them off. On going to the claim, after daylight, the party found STACKHOUSE shot through the neck. He died shortly after. The other 2 have not been heard of since. The deceased formerly lived at Colorado, and of late has borne a bad reputation.  transcribed by Dee

from the Mariposa Gazette, Jan 2, 1857

  DEATH---One of those terrible death tragedies which falls within our province to record,  but too often in this county,  took place at Whitlock's on Sunday evening. It appears that two men, one of whom was a Mr. Rose, the name of the other we do not know, were playing cards for a small amount at the store in that place.  While so engaged, a Mrs. Lucas approached the table and picked up the money belonging to Mr. Rose,  amounting to about three dollars.  Mr. Lucas was intoxicated and no notice was taken of it.  Later, Mr. Rose demanded the money, and Mr. Lucas refused to give it up.  No harsh language, however, was used, and on the repeated refusal of Mr. Lucas to the demand, Rose plunged a large knife into his breast, cutting through the heart and killing him instantly.  The blade of the knife used was about nine inches in length, and was buried in the body of the unfortunate man to the hilt.  Rose is a large, powerful man, and Mr. Lucas was much his inferior in physical ability, and besides, was under the influence of liquor.  Rose was soon arrested by under-Sheriff Moore, and brought to Mariposa, where he, waiving an examination,  was fully committed without bail,  to answer for the crime of murder,  at the next term of the District Court, to be holden in February next.

We learn that Mr. Lucas was a native of Kentucky, and came here from Placerville about two weeks since. No papers were found upon him to denote his length of residence in California,  or whether he has relatives here.
(transcribers note:  checked subsequent issues of the Gazette, for a month, and could not find any followup to the story, Steve Miller )


  Stockton Daily Argus
December 1860
December 24-31
A MURDERER in TRANSITU -- Deputy Sheriff HOWELL, of Mariposa, arrived in this city yesterday, having in charge a man named William FRAZER, whom he arrested at Long Bar, in Yuba county, upon the charge of aiding in the murder of a man named OGG, in Mariposa county in May, 1857. FRAZER had, since his residence at Long Bar, passed under the name of Bill Scotty,� and stoutly denied any knowledge of the murder or any recognition of the Sheriff HOWELL. He will be taken to Mariposa on the stage that leaves this morning. transcribed by Dee S.
Friday, 8 Nov. 1861-Stockton Daily Independent
CONFIRMED -- The Mariposa ‘Gazette’ of Tuesday has the following in reference to the body of Charley WILLIAMS, a notorious highwayman:
A further examination of the body found near Hunter’s Valley leaves no doubt that it is, as at first supposed to be, the body of Charley WILLIAMS, the highwayman. The ball with which he was wounded by Under Sheriff THORN, was found between the shoulder blade and backbone. His hair has also been identified by Doctor GRANDVOINET, who was his attending physician last winter, while his was in jail. The articles of jewelry found upon his person have been clearly
identified by Liebman & Co., from whom they were stolen.-transcribed by Dee S
Stockton Daily Independent
SHOT DEAD -- A man named MOORE had a difficulty with a neighbor at Princeton, Mariposa county, on Saturday last, and on Sunday the 2
again meeting, MOORE made an attack upon the other, and was shot through the head, the wound killing him instantly. transcribed by Dee

Stockton Daily Independent
August 8, 1862
CONVICTED -- We learn by the Mariposa ‘Gazette’ of yesterday, that HARRON, indicted for the
homicide of STEDUM, near Millerton, last autumn, was found guilty of murder in the 2nd degree on
Saturday last. SMITH, who killed SHOEMAKER in Mariposa county some 3 months ago, was also found guilty of murder in the 2nd degree. In the latter case, if our memory serves us correctly, SMITH in the most outrageous language provoked SHOEMAKER to an assault, and then, being prepared to kill him, did so. The case looks like a clear one of murder in the 1st degree; and it is hardly possible that SMITH in any other country than this could have escaped hanging.
Mariposa Gazette
April 1, 1862
Homicide in Coulterville

   A homicide, one of those but too frequent in this State, occurred in Coulterville, Friday morning, 29th, at an early hour, Mr. Nathan CHANDLER,
shooting with a double-barreled shot gun, one Connor, killing him almost instantly. The causes which led to this lamentable act, appears to be that
CONNOR had persistently abused CHANDLER for some years, threatening his life, insulting him grossly in every way he could think of, besides offering
indignities of the worst character to his wife. The matter became unendurable and was ended as before stated by the killing of CONNOR.
The particulars of shooting need not be related, as they were as usual in such cases--a quick and decisive vengeance upon him offending.

   CHANDLER gave himself up immediately, and was on Monday examined before Justice COUNTS of Coulterville, who committed him to jail in Mariposa on the
charge of murder in the first degree. He was accordingly so committed by Constable MOORE last Thursday--A writ of habeas corpus was issued and
allowed Saturday, by Judge BURKE, fixing bail at $10,000, which can readily  obtained in Coulterville--the sympathies of the people of which being,
with hardly an exception, with CHANDLER, believing that he has done right. His trial will probably take place at the August Term of the District Court.
.submitted by Harriet Sturk- Jan 2003

  Mariposa Gazette, April 1 1862
Colorado Jack

A report is current that one of our oldest and most esteemed citizens was murdered a few weeks ago, near the Meadows, on the trail to the Yo Semite by
"Colorado Jack".  We refrain from giving the name at present, until the party who have gone in search of him, returns.

"Colorado Jack", who has been playing smash, murdering men, was killed Saturday last near the old Barley Field, this side of Colorado. A party of men from
the later place heard that he was concealed in an old tunnel, and upon arriving at the place a dog was sent in.  Jack, who dreaded a dog more than he did a rifle or six shooter, immediately came out and opened upon the party with a double barreled shot-gun. The fire was returned, and about 16 bullets put into him, killing him instantly. A Yaqui Indian, known to have murdered his partner some years ago, was also arrested in the neighborhood, on suspicion of being engaged in the murder of Dates, brought to town and lodged in jail.
Tuesday last he was handed over to the authorities at Coulterville. 
submitted by Harriet Sturk


Stockton Daily Independent
FATAL RECONTRE at MARIPOSA -- On Saturday night 2 men named Thos. HOWELL and Thos. CONDON, entered Mr. BACHMAN's saloon at Mariposa, while B. was engaged quietly in playing a game of billiards with Mr. Alex. DEERING. They at once began to severely abuse Mr. BACHMAN, applying to him the most opprobrious epithets; and at length, failing to excite his anger by words, they broke his glasses and one of them threw a billiard ball at his head. BACHMAN, after expostulating with them, went into another room, and the 2 rioters went off. In a short time they returned and repeated the abuse offered, aggravating their wretched conduct by presenting cocked pistols and calling on B., who was still in the other room, to come out, as they were prepared to receive him -- HOWELL, meantime standing guard and watching, pistol in hand, at the open door, for BACHMAN's appearance. At length Mr. B. made his appearance, a double-barreled shot-gun in hand. As he saw himself covered by the pistols of the 2 men, he naturally addressed himself to HOWELL, who was nearest him, and fired the contents of 1 of the barrels into his body, causing death in 15 minutes. The other barrel was fired at CONDON, who ran, but it missed him. It is reported that CONDON fired 1 shot, but not stated whether it was before or after Mr. B. shot HOWELL. We are informed that the circumstances of this joint assault were most aggravated and unjustifiable, and that it was a repetition of conduct of like nature by the same parties on many different occasions. HOWELL was once a 
deputy-Sheriff of Mariposa county. Mr. BACHMAN is postmaster, and a person of very quiet, forbearing and reputable character. transcribed by Dee S

FRIDAY, 23 JAN 1863
Stockton Daily Independent

The same paper(Mariposa Gazette) gives the following particulars of the murder of the man named DATES, who resided at Gentry’s Gulch; DATES was seen in his house Sunday evening, Dec. 21st, and from that time to Jan. 8th it remained closed and no evidence of any one occupying the premises. Several friends of the deceased, who were passing by, concluded to examine the house, and upon pushing the window curtain aside, discovered the body lying on the floor. The party returned to town immediately and gave the alarm. Justice N.R. HUBBLE, with several citizens of Coulterville, went to the place of murder, and upon examination into circumstances, came to the conclusion that the murderer was in the room along with Mr. DATES at the time the murder was committed. Deceased was shot in the head, the ball entering the back part and coming out through the left eye, while was setting at table eating. The murderer then struck him with the sharp edge of an ax, cutting the neck bone clean and clear, and leaving but a small portion of flesh to hold them together. The house was
then rifled, trunk broken open, blood upon the axe partly wiped off, door closed and remained so until the dead body was found. Suspicion was immediately fixed upon an Indian who was seen, the day the murder was committed, going towards the house with a carbine, with which he undoubtedly was shot, as is evidenced from the size of the ball. Constable McKENZIE of Coulterville, and other officers, are scouring the county in search of him.
Stockton Daily Independetn- Feb 6, 1863
INDIAN DESPERADO KILLED -- The Mariposa ‘Gazette’ says a Yaqui Indian desperado, named Colorado Jack, was killed on the 25th of January, near the town of Colorado, Mariposa county, in the following manner: “A party of men from the latter place heard that he was concealed in an old tunnel and on arriving at the place a dog was sent in. Jack, who dreaded a dog more than he did a rifle or 6-shooter, immediately came out and opened upon the party with a double barreled shot gun. The fire was returned and about 16 bullets put into him, killing him instantly. A Yaqui Indian, known to have murdered his partner some time ago, was also arrested in the neighborhood, on suspicion of being engaged in the murder of DATES, brought to town and lodged in jail. Tuesday he was handed over to the authorities at Coulterville. transcribed by Dee

Stockton Daily Independent- Feb 17, 1863
IGNORED -- A friend writes us from Mariposa that the Grand Jury of that county have ignored the bill of indictment against B.F. BACHMAN, for the killing of HOWELL, some weeks since. The killing was in self defense.

TUESDAY, 27 JAN 1863
Stockton Daily Independent
MARIPOSA ITEMS -- We clip the following items from the Mariposa 'Gazette' of Saturday last:-A very sad and unfortunate affair took place at Princeton last Wednesday night, resulting in the serious, if not mortal, wounding of Mr. N.B. DICKINSON. As near as we have been able to ascertain the facts, Mr. DICKINSON, with Mr. John A. SMITH and J.Y. JOHNSON went into a saloon at Princeton, between 9 & 10 o'clock in the evening. They were drinking considerable. After a few moments some words passed between SMITH and the proprietor of the saloon -- a Frenchman -- and a fight took place and in the fight SMITH drew a pistol. The parties were separated, DICKINSON taking the part of SMITH. Afterwards, as SMITH was putting his pistol up, it went off, inflicting a serious wound in DICKINSON's right breast. The ball entered new the collar bone and ranged down. The case is a critical one. We hope this may prove a lesson to persons who are in the habit
of carelessly using deadly weapons.-One of the murderers of DATES is now well known to be an Indian named "Jack," a desperate fellow and besides an accomplished thief. He it was who shot old man WINDSOR a year or 2 ago, in the mountains.
The manner in which the body of DATES was mutilated after he was killed, would lead a person to believe that the same individual was engaged in the murder of Mr. GIBBS and his partner last fall. The officers should see that he is arrested and brought to justice.

Stockton Daily Independent- April 6, 1864
The Mariposa 'Gazette' of the 2d instant has the following items from the court proceedings:
-The case of BORNEO, indicted for murdering Juan BARBAGALETTA, near Hornitos last August, was tried in the District Court last week, and resulted in a verdict of acquittal.

Stockton Daily Independent- Aug. 2, 1864
FOUND AFTER 2 YEARS – The skeleton of a named GOULD, who was supposed to have been murdered near Yo Semite in the Spring of 1862, while on his way home from Aurora to Mariposa, has just been found and identified by the hair and other marks. transcribed by Dee S.
M.C. HUGHES was on Tuesday last tried in the District Court for manslaughter, for killing James LOWE in Mariposa last November. He was found guilty.
transcribed by Dee S

Stockton Daily Independent- April 6, 1864

REBELLION at SAN QUENTIN – Fifty-seven convicts made an attempt to escape from the State Prison last Saturday. The guard brought the artillery to bear upon them and checked the adventure. Four were killed on the spot, viz.:
Jesus ALVAREZ, from Calaveras county, sentenced for 5 years for grand larceny
Anastacio HERRERA, from Solano, sentenced for 8 years, for grand larceny
Reuben SMITH of Mariposa, sentenced for 14 years, for murder in the 2nd degree
Augustine TRUHIO, from Amador, sentenced for life, for murder in the 2nd degree.
transcribed by Dee S

Stockton Daily Independent
July 6, 1864
KILLED by MEXICANS – The Mariposa 'Gazette' of the 2d instant says: After the Mexican celebration of St. John's Day at Princeton, a grand ball was given at night. At a late hour some Americans went to the house – got considerably intoxicated – had a row outside with some Mexicans. Next morning the body of one of them, Willis HERVAL, was found in the street near Justice Gillner's office. He had been shot through the body and died immediately. The Princeton people seem to think he deserved what he got for going where he had no business and getting into a quarrel. He was evidently shot by a Mexican, and there is said to be some proof against the guilty party. transcribed by Dee S

Stockton Daily Independent- Tuesday, Aug 16, 1864
FATAL AFFRAY – Angeny COULTER, son of [newspaper cut – line or lines missing]… county, was shot and killed with a shot gun on Saturday a week, by one S.A. SCOTT. The 'Free Press' thus relates the circumstances of the killing: "The particulars as we have them are, that for some time past an ill feeling had existed between the parties, and that on Saturday, COULTER publicly threatened that he would kill S.A. SCOTT. Shortly after making this threat he was taken in charge by an officer – though not formally arrested – to whom he gave up his pistol, and accompanied to the hotel. While going through the hall of the house in the custody of the officer, SCOTT (S.A.) entered with a double-barreled shot gun and thrusting the muzzle between the officer and COULTER, fired; the charge entering COULTER's right side, producing a frightful wound. He staggered against a post and was again shot; this time with a 6-shooter and in the back. COLTER stated before his death that the last shot was fired by Thos. SCOTT. The difficulty occurred about 5 o'clock in the evening and Mr. COULTER died at 10 o'clock the next morning." transcribed by Dee S

Sacramento Daily Union ,Tuesday Morning ,January 1, 1867

    William W. AKE found dead near Princeton, Mariposa county, with a load of buckshot in his body. Aug. 15-James M. HALEY shot and killed by George W. HANNA, at Princeton, Mariposa county.  transcribed by Betty Loose

Stockton Daily Independent
MONDAY, 4 NOV 1867
ON BAIL - A private letter from Mariposa states that Mrs. SEALES, one of the parties charged with poisoning James W. SEALES, has been released on bail. Mr. SWANEY still remains in confinement. transcribed by Dee S

Sacramento Daily Union
Friday Morning, January 1, 1869

Noticeable Events During the Year
May 6th, 1868
The second trial of A.M. SWANEY for the murder of J.W. SEALE in Mariposa, commenced in the Fifth District Court at Stockton, a change of venue having been granted. The trial lasted twenty days, and resulted in a disagreement of the jury. Subsequently (on the 6th of August) a nolie prosequi was entered, on motion of the District Attorney, and the case dismissed. transcribed by Betty Loose

May 31st., 1868
A stabbing affray occurred at Hornitos, Mariposa county, in which Daniel HUNT was killed by Ned REVERDY.

Stockton Daily Independent, MONDAY, 19 APR 1869
MARIPOSA -- From the 'Mail' of April 15th -- The man found dead a short time
since about a mile from Hildreth's ranch, San Joaquin river, with his throat
cut, was named James HARRIS, an employee of J.R. JONES, at Converse's Ferry.
transcribed by Dee S

C.W.SMITH---killed Joseph SHUMATE
Transcribed from the Mariposa Free Pree,  March 10, 1871
(submitted by Steve Miller)

Sentenced.--C. W. Smith was sentenced by Judge Bradford yesterday to be imprisoned in the state Prison for the term of six years.  He was
found guilty of manslaughter at the last term of the District Court, and a motion made for a new trial by his counsel R. H. Daly, who made an
able argument when the case was called up.  The motion was overruled and sentence passed, as above stated.

( This was a result of C. W. Smith stabbing and killing Joseph Shumate in front of the Schlageter's Hotel in October 1870.  C. W. Smith, also known
as "Artesian" Smith was characterized as "being generally worthless, intemperate and a dreadful bore")


Mariposa Gazette
August 23, 1877
A Dastardly Murder
Last Tuesday evening, or night, a most dastardly and cold blooded murder was committed in the Chowchilla valley, some six or seven miles east of this place. The murdered man was David Paterson, a peaceable,-quiet, inoffensive men, a worthy citizen, and an industrious hard working man. When word was first brought to town that Mr. Paterson had been murdered-that the hand of the assassin had been lifted against him-scarcely anyone believed it, for no one supposed so good a man could have an enemy capable of committing so foul a deed. But alas, too true! While Paterson was out "salting" his stock, and not expecting harm from anyone-from the fact that Mr. Paterson was not prepared to meet an enemy, he being unarmed at the time the assassin's bullet pierced his back, passed thru his body, and made its exit near the nipple of the right breast, and David Paterson fell, a dead. man, sent into the presence of his Maker without a moment's warning-not even we suppose, knowing who his murderer was. The crime is doubly black when the fact is known that Mr. Paterson but three or four months ago had the misfortune to lose, by death, his wife, leaving him the sole guardian and protector of four small children-the eldest not being more than six years old-who, by the destroying hand of the cowardly assassin, are left orphans, and henceforth will- be left to the mercy and care of strangers, until such time as they will be able to provide for themselves, although there is no positive proof as to the murderer of Mr. Paterson, suspicion rests upon Frank S. Clow, a farmer, living at Chowchilla, and whose ranch joins that of Paterson's. As soon as Sheriff Clarke received word of the sad affair, he proceeded to the scene, and after an inquest was held on the body, a warrant was sworn out against Clow, who was brought to town and lodged in jail. A preliminary examination was had yesterday before Justice Thomas, but to late for this issue. Paterson was a native of Scotland, and aged about 43 years, His remains were brought to this place for burial and were followed to their last resting place by a large number of sorrowing friends. Rev. Alsanson officiated at the burial service, and read a short but impressive prayer.

Mariposa Gazette
September 1, 1877
The Paterson Murder-This shocking murder, of which we gave the details in last week's Gazette, has been under going a preliminary examination before Justice Thomas for the past several days, and was concluded on Tuesday night last. There were a great many witnesses examined, and as natural to suppose, great interest was taken by our citizens in the examination of the case. It is said by those present that the Attorneys for the prosecution and defense labored asiduously in behalf of their respective clients, which was the defendent Frank Clow, charged with the crime of-shooting and killing David Paterson upon the other. The court on Wed. rendered its decision, holding the defendent over to wait the action of the next Grand Jury. Application for bail was made by the defendent's counsel, which was refused by the court.

Mariposa Gazette
January 5, 1878
The Patterson Orphans-To remember the orphan, was during the Christmas holliday's, one of the sacred injunctions our good people have well remembered. They were award of the existence in our midst, of four little orphans of-the Patterson family, who, but the Christmas before, were in the full happiness and enjoyment of a kind father and a loving mother. Who could appreciate their little wants and necessities, to make them happy and comfortable.. But alast! They have by means of the scythe of time, and the chilly sickle of death, been severed from those four dear little ones, left behind to represent them that have gone before, in life. At the instance of W.E. Turner Esqr; attorney, for the prosecution in the case of People vs Clow; and others, and through the kindness of Mr. Milton Again, who passed around the hat, a nice little sum of about $40 cash, was kindly and cheerfully donated, besides other presents in shape of Christmas toys, etc. In behalf of the recipients# and at the request of their Aunt and present protector Miss Jane Paterson; we are authorized to express for them in this hour and time of their affliction, their most heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation of the "Happy Christmas Gift." which they have received from the kindly donors at a period of life, when clouded with sadness as it is at this very moment; only to be realized by those knowing to be the unfortunate circumstances, which prematurely caused the orphanage of these children.


Los Angeles Times

A Mariposa Man Murders His Son-In-Law

Merced, Cal., Jan 18- Yesterday afternnon a terrible double-tragedy took place at No.9. Quartz mine, near Hornitos, Mariposa county.   Albert Branson, aged about 22 years, was shot by his father -in law, William B. Simmons.  The ball took effect in the left breast, inflicting what is pronounced a fatal wound.  Immediately after the shooting Simmons turned the revolver upon himself.  The bullet passed through the brain, producing instant death.  Branson married the daughter of Simmons about a year ago, since which time the men have been partners in the ranching buisness , the young married couple living inthe house with the old people.  The trouble is supposed to have originated about their business mattes.  Simmons is about 70 years of age, and has  generally been considered a quarrelsome and dangerous man. by his neighbors, and has in the past years had trouble with his family.-----------transcribed by Carolyn Feroben
TRANSCRIBERS NOTE:  It turns out that Albert Branson did survive this event- see Dave Smeds  site for an expanded account of this event:
This story has a page of it's own:
Egide Bauer Killed by D. K. Pitzer- Hornitos, 1881


Mariposa Gazette, June 6, 1885
A homicide occurred on May 31st, near Coulterville, Louis CASTAGNETTO killing Stephen LONGO a brother in law. The particulars will probably be
brought out in trial, when they will be given to the public. transcribed by  Bill Disbro



Wednesday afternoon, at Parks Saloon, in the town of Mariposa, William HART  shot three bullets into the body of his father, David HART.  The wounds will probably prove fatal.  Ill feelings had existed Between the parties for years.Transcribed by Steve Miller

Los Angeles Times- 1885
Charles Hart kills brother William

Merced, Cala., Jan 8.-  News was brought here today that William Hart was shot by his brother   Charles while riding along the Mariposa road, near Mariposa yesterday afternoon.   Death resulted in a few minutes.  A quarrel of over a year's standing was the cause of the fratricide.
 The murderer fled, and up to the present time has not been captured.
Transcribed form the SCHELLENS COLLECTION
Walter Castor

Pg. 329 Yosemite Mariposa Co. 1896
SF Chronicle Apr. 26, 1896:

"Merced, April 25. J. B. LAMBERT, the bugologist of Yosemite Valley who was found dead in his cabin last Sunday, was undoubtedly murdered. A large bullet hole was found in his head over the right temple, and from the condition of
the body the wound must have been inflicted at least two weeks before the body was found. The deceased had no money and no known enemies. His cabin was found locked from the outside with a padlock. The impression of his neighbors is
that the killing was the work of Indians, the result of a quarrel over a squaw. LAMBERT had been a resident of the Yosemite Valley reservation for years, and gained a livelihood as an entomologist, in which profession he was an expert.
He aided John MUIR in his glacier investigations of the Yosemite in the seventies."

Halloran killed by Shehady- 1909 (off site article)


Mariposa Gazette, November 14, 1908

A Quarrel Between Baxter and Trabucco Ends Fatally

Tuesday morning last, Mariposa people were all excited by the news from Mt. Bullion, by telephone, that Frank Trabucco, Jr. had killed Tom Baxter at that place.

Sheriff Prouty, District Attorney Adair, Coroner Johnson and others went to the scene of the killing at once and on their arrival found that the report was too true.

The trouble was over family affairs in which the public is not concerned.

Baxter and Trabucco were cousins by marriage and bad blood had existed between them for some time.

Tuesday morning Trabucco, who resides with his grand-mother at Bear Valley where he is engaged in the cattle business, came to Mt. Bullion on business and met Baxter, who was a resident of the place, engaged in blacksmithing there. A   quarrel was the result of the meeting, but mutual friends interfered and trouble was averted for the time being, but not for long as the two met soon after in front of the hotel.  Hot words passed and it is claimed Baxter struck Trabucco and a shot was fired, the bullet passing through Trabucco's left hand and entered Baxter's body just below the heart, killing him instantly.

The wound in Trabucco's hand is a painful one though not dangerous. It was dressed by Dr. Gallison and Trabucco was taken in charge by Sheriff Prouty and in the afternoon lodged in the Mariposa jail, where he will remain until after the preliminary examination.

Tom Baxter, the dead man, was a native of Ireland and had been a resident of Mt. Bullion for a number of years, where he conducted a blacksmith shop and was well liked. About two years ago the deceased was married to Miss Ellen Trabucco, daughter of John B. Trabucco of Mt. Bullion, and a cousin of the prisoner.

Coroner Johnson and a jury held an inquest Wednesday, the verdict being, "Death caused by a gunshot wound inflected by the hands of Frank Trabucco, Jr."

The funeral of Baxter took place from the home of his father-in-law, John B. Trabucco, Thursday, and the remains were buried in the cemetery at Bear Valley. The funeral was largely attended and the floral offerings were profuse.

NOTE: More can be found on the Baxter shooting in the Gazette of November 28th ,1908.
The article is:
TRABUCCO DISCHARGED   Evidence Insufficient to Warrant Being Held.

BAXTER, Thomas
Merced Express, November 14, 1908


Tuesday morning of this week Frank Trabucco shot and killed his cousin, Thomas Baxter. The tragedy was the result of family altercations. The two men were cousins by marriage. Baxter about two years ago married Miss Ellen Trabucco, daughter of John Trabucco, and a cousin of the man who did the shooting, and it was owing to quarrels between the families that the trouble ensued that ended in the tragedy.

The two men met in front of the Mt. Bullion hotel and clinched and Trabucco fired a shot form his pistol, which, after penetrating his own left hand, crushed into the body of his cousin, who after reeling a moment, fell dead.

Frank Trabucco is about 32 years old and is a son of Frank Trabucco the Mt Bullion merchant. He made his home with his grandmother in Bear Valley, where he followed the cattle business. Tom Baxter, the dead man, was 38 years old and a blacksmith by trade. He conducted a blacksmith shop in Mt. Bullion, which is owned by his father-in-law, John Trabucco.

Contributed by Tom Hilk


Amador Ledger, November 24, 1911 

There was a sensational shooting in Mariposa  last week, in which Miss Elsie Franke, a professional nurse of Oakland, endeavored to kill Dr. F. L. Wright, a practicing physician residing in Mariposa county. The affair created considerable excitement ' among the people of our neighboring county and the sympathy of the public is strongly manifested in behalf of the unfortunate young lady. TheMariposa Gazette contains the following account of the shooting and the causes leading up to it. Miss Franke arrived on the Bagby stage from Oakland and alighted at the Doctor's residence and entered. Trouble was anticipated and Dr. Wright had Under Sheriff R. L. Paine present. The lady on entering asked to see the Doctor alone. The physician replied that she could see him only in the presence of Mr. Paine. She then stepped into a side room and on re-entering the main room  Mr. Paine started to intercept her when the shot was fired. The pistol was a 22-callber and the ball, just missing Mr. Paine, hit the doctor on the right hip, striking the bone and glanced out, making only a slight wound. Miss Franke was immediately arrested and taken to Jail. George J. Bertken and his wife were summoned, and Miss Franke was placed in the care of Mrs Bertken, who was appointed matron. The causes which led to the shooting had their origin a few weeks ago when Dr. Wright was married to Miss Georgie Kingham of this town The day previous to the wedding Miss Franke telephoned to Mariposa stating that she would arrive here the following evening and it was her intention to prevent the wedding, as she states that the doctor had promised to marry her, and that the date of the wedding had been set for a day in the near future. She also states that Dr. Wright has wronged her.- submitted by Steve Miller
MINDEZ, Tiburcio July 10, 1918 Mariposa Gazette
                            ONE MAN KILLED IN SHOOTING SCRAPE
      Gene WHITENER, head logger for the Madera Sugar Pine Company, is in the Mariposa county jail charged with murder, one Mexican is dead and two other men are believed to be fatally wounded, is the result of a shooting affray that took place Sunday night about eleven o'clock near Wawona, at a resort known as "Tipperary."
      Two shots were fired by WHITENER from a 38-special Smith and Wesson revolver. The first shot passed through the body of a Mexican called Joe and struck another man named Louis in the breast, the bullet ranging downward. A second shot hit another Mexican, Tiburcio MINDEZ, killing him instantly.
      It is reported that jealousy over the women inmates was the cause that led to the shooting. That a hard fight took place is evidenced by the reported condition of the house. The place was strewn with broken bottles, rocks, etc., and everything about the house was wrecked. It is said that all were intoxicated at the time.
      The wounded men were taken to the Sugar Pine hospital. Both are reported to be in a critical condition.
      Coroner JOHNSON held an inquest on the remains of MINDEZ, the verdict being that he came to his death "from a gunshot wound inflicted by Gene WHITENER."
      This notorious resort, "Tipperary," has been allowed to remain open in defiance of all law for several years and has been the scene of much trouble in the past. The officers have paid but little, if any, attention to this state of affairs and the life of one man, with possibly two more, is the result of the failure of these officers to perform a sworn duty.
      What action will be taken by these officers in enforcing the law affecting other resorts in that locality, equally notorious as "Tipperary," will be watched with interest.
      The preliminary examination of WHITENER was held yesterday before Justice STOUT at Oakvale, the result not known as we go to press.
      Jos. BARCROFT of Madera has been retained as attorney for WHITENER. 
submitted by Harriet Sturk

WILSON, Billy and Lena
Mariposa Gazette, May 16, 1930

El Portal Indian and Wife Meet With Tragic Deaths

Billy Wilson and his wife, Mrs. Lena Wilson, two well known Indians of El Portal and Yosemite Valley, were found dead near their parked car at the old Hennessey apple orchard on the Yosemite all-year highway early
last Wednesday morning. Wilson was shot through the head and Mrs. Wilson died from a blow or blows on the head. Joe Rube, a brother of the dead woman, was taken into custody by Sheriff J. J. Castagnetto and Undersheriff J. H. Ellingham, who rushed to the scene of the killing. Rube is being held in the county jail.

Wilson's own gun, a .25 automatic, was found near his body. The woman's wrists were bruised and on one of the wrists was a piece of wire which appeared to have been used to bind her hands and drag her.

The three Indians left Mariposa about midnight last Tuesday and it is stated they carried a gallon jug of liquor in the car. Rube admits having quarreled and fought with Wilson and his sister, but says he left them about three o'clock Wednesday morning at the Hennessey orchard and that both were then alive.

The theories of murder, accident and suicide have all been mentioned as causes of the death of the two.
Rube claims that he went to El Portal to secure food and was returning when intercepted by the officers. His clothing was smeared with blood and he was bruised and cut. The bodies of the two were brought to Mariposa by Coroner D. E. Bertken
who held an inquest at the scene of the killing on Wednesday afternoon. At the morgue here a post-mortem examination of the bodies was made by Dr. A. M. Gregory. The woman's stomach was removed on suspicion of containing poison liquor.

The officers are working on the case and it is hoped tha some light may be thrown on the mysterious killing.
submitted by Tom Hilk

Nevada State Journal, Reno Nevada -Tuesday Aug. 17, 1926
Merced, Cal- Aug. 16- Two men were found dead and another was found dying, his body riddled with bullets, in the sparsely settled and rough country, after Paul Baran, 51, a miner, had surrendered to the sheriff here today, saying that he had killed three men in a quarrel over a mining claim.
The miner claimed that the trio threatened to kill him if he did not leave and give them the mining property. He shot it out with them he said, as they approached his cabin this morning.
The victims of his rifle were Victor Shinoniass, T. Shastin and H Clark, all of Oakland, Cal.  The later was still alive when found by a party of searchers from Briceburg, but it was stated that he has virtually no chance for recovery.  The bodies of the other two men were taken tonight to Mariposa.
Baran also mentioned a longstanding quarrel with Louis Milburn, district attorney of mariposa county, but connected it only vaguely with the triple slaying.  Although the shootings occurred in Mariposa county, the miner walked to Merced to surrender, saying that he could not get a square deal in Mariposa.  He will be returned to the latter county to face charges tomorrow.
The three men had been working for Baran on his claim for a little more than a month. Until today it was not known that any trouble had existed on the claim. transcribed by cferoben


Fresno Bee Republican, April 25, 1935

John CATLETT, 55, Is Killed by Bullet Fired From Revolver of Tom STEINBERG
Aqua Fria, Scene of Tragedy, Once was County Seat For Third of State
AGUA FRIA- Mariposa Co- April 25,  A miner's revolver spat  death to-day, ending in true forty-niner fashion a gold panners' quarrel in this historic settlement, once the county seat of a county which included one-third of the area of the present state of California.
Miners, who left their gold pans on hearing the shot, arrived to find John Catlett, 55, dying, a bullet through his head just above one eye.
Tom Steinberg, 45, a neighbor of Catlett in the little community of miners; cabins that has sprung up here as a result of the revival of placer activities, walked to the dwelling of C H Grollier, near his own,  and asked Grollier to take him by automobile to Mount Bullion.
Surrenders To Sheriff
There Steinberg telephoned Sheriff J J Castagnetto he had killed Catlett and would await the arrival of officers.  He was taken to the county jail at Mariposa.
Steinberg told the officials he and Catlett had been at odds for some time over a deal in which Catlett had purchased a cabin.
Steinberg said both men went to the same part of Agua Fria Creek early to-day to pan for gold and became engaged in a dispute over their findings.\
"He came at me with pick." the prisoner told the officials.  "I shot to protect myself.."
The .38 caliber bullet dropped Catlett beside the creek, a stone's throw from the site where the  Agua Fria Courthouse stood in 1850.
Miners Try First Aid
Miners who attempted to render first aid said Catlett died within an hour of the shooting.
His body still lay beside the creek when Coroner W D McNally of Mariposa County arrived to take charge.
Catlett had been a resident of Mariposa County intermittently for many years.  With his brother Charles Catlett, a part-time employee of a Merced newspaper, he had been engaged in mining operations here. Charles Catlett was one of the group that fathered around his brother after hearing the fatal shot.
Two other brothers, G. T. Catlett of Los Angeles and U S Catlett of San Francisco also survive, as do two sisters, Mrs. M. Green of San Mateo and Mrs. Bessie Cates of Grub Gulch, Madera County.
Catlett was a native of Tennessee.
Steinberg has resided in Mariposa County five or six years, coming here from the Palo Verde Valley.  Although he has been known by no other name during his residence here, he volunteered to officers the information that his real name is B. D. Garvin.
Steinberg is well known in the Mariposa District as a collector of  curiosities.  Acquaintances say his conservation indicates he has traveled widely in all parts of the world.



Modesto Bee, May 7, 1935 Mariposa - May 6- B. D. Garvin, confessed slayer of John F CATLETT during a prospectors  quarrel April 25th, was sentenced to one to ten years in San Quentin by Superior Judge J. J. Trabucco today. Garvin pleaded guilty and the charge was reduced to manslaughter.
Catlett, pioneer Mariposa County miner, became involved in a dispute with Garvin over prospecting rights in Agua Fria Creek.  Garvin said he shot Catlett after the latter threatened him with a pick. transcribed by c feroben


The Times, San Mateo, California, Tuesday , Dec.  04, 1941-page 8
HORNITOS, Feb. 4- Authorities  searched the mother lode gold country of Mariposa county today  for the marksman who killed two aged miners in their cabin near Hornitos.
The bodies of Joseph Enos, 72 and Jacob A Young, 68, were found yesterday in Young's cabin on a claim the two men had been working. The murders were discovered late yesterday after the Hornitos postmistress, Jennie Gagliardo, reported that the men had not made their weekly call for mail from the cabin on Cotton creek seven miles away.
Both men had been shot in the head, Sheriff John J. Castagnetto said. The sheriff said trampled grass on the bank of a ravine below the cabin indicated the slayer had waited there until both men sat down on a bench near a window of the cabin.
Castagnetto said the men had been dead at least tow or three days.  The bodies were guarded by miner's dog, Spot.
The sheriff said the only apparent motive for the slaying was robbery since billfolds carried by the men were empty and the door was locked from the outside. Enos and Young had engaged in trapping and hunting in recent years, in addition to their mining activities. transcribed by cferoben


Fresno Bee Republican- Feb. 11, 1945, page 11
Sheriff Returns 1921 Slayer to Mariposa Jail
Mariposa (Mariposa Co) Feb. 10- James J Beck, 71, who last week in Oroville, Butte County, confessed the slaying 24 years ago of Frank Garrett at Bagby in Mariposa County, has been returned to the county jail here by Sheriff O S Whitley, to face whatever charge District Attorney Louis Milburn chooses to lodge against him.
Beck confessed the killing to Sheriff W H Forward of Butte County, declaring that on the night of February 21, 1921 Garrett attacked him with an ax at his ranch near Bagby during a quarrel over a neighbor's daughter.  He said he hid for several days after the killing and then went to Merced and later to Sacramento.
He lived in the vicinity of  Oroville for the last 12 years, working as a prospector and doing odd jobs. When he approached the  Butte County sheriff he said he "didn't care what they do to me."
Sheriff Whitley said local county records showed a search had been undertaken for Beck some time after Garrett's body was recovered.  Whitley said today Beck appears to be a tired old man who wants to clear his conscience.
Milburn is in San Francisco and is expected to return to Mariposa this weekend.  It is expected he will be given his preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace Tom Reese in Coulterville and that, if he is held for trial, he will be tried in the historic courthouse before Superior Judge Andrew R Schottky.
Fresno Bee, Friday, Jan 9, 1942
Mariposa (Mariposa Co) Jan 9-District Attorney Louis T. Milburn of Mariposa County announced today Thomas CONLEY, 69, a Mount Bullion prospector, will be tried in the superior cout here for the alleged murder of his forty year old son, James Conley, last Christmas Eve.
Conley was arraigned before Justice of the Peace J T Norman at Cathey Valley on the murder complaint, which was signed by Sheriff J J Castagnetto of Mariposa County.
The aged prospector allegedly stabbed his son with a butcher knife in their Mount Bullion cabin Christmas Eve, two deeP wounds on the left side of the chest proving fatal ten day later in a Merced Hospital. Milburn said Conley claimed he stabbed his son in self defense.  He told the district attorney that during a scuffle in the kitchen his son hit him on the head with a piece of wood.  The two men went outside, the district attorney said, and shortly afterwards the father returned to the house. James entered a few moments later and lay down on a couch.  Another son, Joseph, noticed his brother was bleeding on his left side and immediately called Mariposa for aid. The prospector is in the Mariposa County Jail.