From the Mariposa County Historic Photo
Indian Lucy, El Portal, Cal 114 years old.
Yosemite Nature Notes- December 1953
Courtesy of Dan Anderson
Died 1920
Part Yosemite
Lucy Brown, or Indian Lucy, said to be nearly 120 at the time of her
death, was one of the last of the original Indians who had
been found in Yosemite Valley at the time of its discovery by white men
in 1851. She was the oldest of six generations of the Brown family,
many of whom have lived most of their lives in Yosemite. Her
garave is beside that of her husband, Bill Brown, She was the cousin of
Maria Lebrado, who was the last survivor of the original
Yosemites. The date of Lucy's death has been recored in several
other documents to be in 1924.
Bill Brown
Died 1899
Bill Brown, or Mono Tom Brown, was the husband of Indian Lucy, father
of Johnny and grandfather of Chris Brown. He was one of the first
Indians to be buried in the Yosemite Cemetery area.
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