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4, 1936, Modesto Bee
Mrs. Harry Greeley, Mrs. Nell Gazola and B. C. Greeley motored to
Mariposa Saturday
. Lowell Dexter visited at the Fiske home Friday night.
Mrs. Everett Milani spent Sunday at the B C Greeley ranch
H P Struble, district ranger, was in town one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rauscher and Fred Carlson were in Mariiposa Monday.
Francis Honey of Soulsbyville returned to his home Monday after
spending a week at the W S Fiske home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cuneo of Snelling were in Coulterville Monday.
Herbert H. McCarthy of Greeley Hill spent several days last week
visiting in town.
Miss Betty Fiske called at the C C Caldwell home Sunday afternoon.
Frank Hart of Merced visited his sister, Mrs. Fred Rausche,
Mrs. Joe Ferretti is vising relatives in San Francisco.
John L Dexter of Mariposa and daughter, Katharine, accompanied by
friends spent Saturday with Lowell Dexter on Greeley Hill.
Sheriff J J Castagnetto of Mariposa was a business visitor in town
Lawrence and Harry Greeley of Camp Bootjack spent the week-end at their
homes here.
APRIL 17- 1937,
Modesto Bee
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Hoope, son Jack and Ernest Johnson went to the
Marble Springs Mine Friday.
Claude C Caldwell was in Sonora two days last week
Mrs. R. S. Hudgson and Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire went to Modesto last
Mr. and Mrs. George Mentzer have gone to El Portal to live, as Mentzer
will be employed in Yosemite.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hudson, Will Greeley, Mrs. Minnie Jeffery, John
Mentzer and Stanley Fiske motored to Modesto Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. James DePauli of Oakland were in town for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Guerra of Snelling visited relatives in town Sunday
and Monday.
Lyman Converse of Yosemite spent the week-end at his home on Greeley
Mr,. and Mrs. Ed Johnson of Track visited in town over the week-end.
Cyril Harvey of Camp Greeley spent Sunday at the W.S. Kiske (as
written) home.
Mr. and Mrs. McMailane of Stent visited their daughters, Mrs. Allan
Haigh and Mrs. Harold Herbeck recently.
Elizabeth and Jean Fiske visited at the L L Dexter home Sunday
Miss Lavona Bradbury of Tuolumne spent this week-end in Coulterville.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Deffenbaugh of Greeley Hill left Monday to work at a
mine near Coulterville.
Sheriff J J Castagnetto of Mariposa was a business visitor in town
Mrs. Frank Notterman and children have gone to San Bernardino to be
with her mother who is ill.
Glen Schuldt and C C Caldwell went to Granite Springs Monday to build