History and Genealogy Research

MARIPOSA COUNTY  DELINQUENT TAX LIST  1874-transcribed by William Disbro- not to be used for commercial purposes.


Delinquent Tax List as appearing in the Jan 30, 1874 Mariposa Gazette

Mariposa Land And Mining Company, E. O. Darling, agent - All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, lying, being and situate in the County of Mariposa, State of California, Known as the "Las Mariposas" or Fremont Grant, containing forty-four thousand three hundred and eighty six and eighty-three one-hundredths (44,386 83-100) acres, or thereabouts, and more particularly described as fallows, to-wit; Sections 8, 16, 9, 17, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34,fractional portions of four and five, lying between the Merced River on the north and Sections eight and nine on the south; the southwest one-quarter and the southwest one-quarter of the northwest one-quarter of Section ten, the west one-half of section fifteen; the west one-half of section twenty-two; and west one-half of section thirty-five, all in township four south, range seventeen east of Mount Diablo Meridian; also, sections 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 , 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, in township five south, range seventeen east of the Mount Diablo meridian; also, the whole of township five south, range eighteen east of the Mount Diablo meridian, being from sections one to thirty six inclusive; also sections three and four, township six south, range eighteen east Mount Diablo meridian, being from sections one to thirty six inclusive; also, sections three and four, township six south, range eighteen east Mount Diablo meridian, together with all the quartz veins and mines and lodes situated thereon. The land valued at $55,482 50-100 and mines thereon valued at $69,517 50-100; excepting the town lots and other lots situated on said Estate or Grant heretofore sold, and within the boundaries of said Estate or Grant, lying and being in sections twenty-one and twenty-eight, in township four south, range seventeen east Mount Diablo meridian, and which property is not included in this assessment, described as fallows, to-wit; Beginning at the corner formed by the intersection by the westerly line of Tennessee street in the town of Bear Valley, with the northerly line of Sonora Street; thence running north 25 degrees westerly 1,650 feet along the westerly line of Tennessee street to the southerly line of Kansas street; thence south 59 3-4 degrees, westerly 655 feet, along the southerly line of Kansas street to the easterly line of Missouri Street; thence south 30 3-4 degrees easterly 1640 feet, along the easterly line of Missouri street to the northerly line of Sonora street; thence north 593-4 degrees easterly along the northerly line of Sonora street 510 feet to the point of beginning, containing about twenty-three acres of land, excepting the two (2) lots hereinafter mentioned, which are included within the boundaries of the above mentioned and described twenty acres of land as excluded or sold portions of said Estate or Grant, and included in this assessment, to-wit; That certain piece or parcel of land in town of Bear Valley, on which is erected that certain two-story stone building, known as the store house of Mariposa Land and Mining Company, together with the assay office, barn, stables and other improvements situated thereon; also, those certain other lots or parcels of land lying and being in sections fourteen and twenty-three, township five south, range eighteen east of Mount Diablo meridian, more particularly described as fallows and not included in this assessment, to-wit ; That certain piece or parcel of land , containing one hundred and thirty-two acres, same being the site of the town of Mariposa, in the county of Mariposa, State of California; Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the southerly line of Second street with the easterly line of Jones street, in said town of Mariposa, thence running north 53 1-4 degrees, easterly 242 1-2 feet, to the easterly line of town of Mariposa; thence north 36 3-4 degrees,W 3940 feet, along the easterly line of Jones street to the northerly line of the town of Mariposa; thence south 53 3-4 degrees, westerly 1212 feet, to the westerly line of Jessie street, in said town; thence south 36 3-4 degrees, easterly 606 feet, to the southerly line of 12th street, in said town; thence south 33 1-4 degrees, westerly 120 feet; thence south 36 3-4 degrees, easterly 303 feet; thence south 53 1-4 degrees, westerly 820 feet from Mariposa Creek; thence south 58 degrees, easterly 880 feet, to northerly line of County Hospital lot; thence south 48 1-4 degrees, westerly 375 feet, to west line of Hospital lot; thence south 36 3-4 degrees easterly 600 feet, to the south line of McNair's lot; thence north 56 degrees, easterly 165 feet, to west line of McCready's lot; thence south 36 3-4 dgrees, easterly 435 feet to southerly line of C.K. Farnsworth's lot; thence north 52 degrees, easterly 350 feet, to westerly line of Jessie street; thence south 42 one-half degrees, easterly 580 feet , to corner of Jessie and Forth streets; thence south 57 degrees, easterly 370 feet, to north corner of William Phillips' lot; thence south 87 1-2 degrees, easterly 470 feet, to north corner of H. Diamond's lot; thence south 48 degrees, westerly 175 feet, to westerly line of H. Diamond's lot; thence southwesterly to west corner thereof ; thence southeasterly to southerly corner of A. Mathew's lot; thence north 47 1-2 degrees, westerly to the easterly corner of H. Diamonds lot; thence north 20 degrees, easterly 115 feet, to corner of Charles and First streets; thence north 53 1-4 degrees, east 606 feet along southerly line of First street to the easterly line of Jones street; thence north 36 3-4 degrees, westerly 303 feet along the easterly line of Jones to point of beginning, containing about 132 acres . Also excepting that sold portion of land , lying and being in the said County and State, in section twenty-three, township five south, range eighteen east of Mount Diablo meridian, and not included in this assessment, and known as the Gregory lot No. 1, lying on the west side of Mariposa Creek, and bounded as fallows, to-wit; Beginning at a point bearing south 27 degrees, westerly , and distant twenty rods from the northwest corner of Charles and Forth streets in said town; thence running in a line parallel with said Charles street southeasterly 12 36-100 rods; thence at right angles thereto northeasterly 3 52-100 rods; thence at right angles thereto 24 20-100 rods to southeastern corner of McDermott's stable; thence at right angles thereto northwesterly 33 28-100 rods; thence north 47 degrees, easterly 38 48-100 rods to point of beginning, containing about 9 acres of land. Also , excepting that sold portion of land in section twenty-three, township five, south, range eighteen east of Mount Diablo meridian, and not included in this assessment, and known as Gregory lot No.2, and more particularly describe as fallows, to-wit; Beginning at the southwest corner of the tract last described, thence running south 77 1-2 degrees, westerly 32 18-100 rods; thence running south 12 1-2 degrees, easterly 10 41-100 rods; thence running north 77 1-2 degrees easterly 32 18-100 rods; thence north 12 1-2 degrees, easterly 10 41-100 rods to point of beginning, containing about 2 1-2 acres. Also excepting that sold portion of land known as Hugh Davanay's lot, and more particularly described as fallows, to-wit; Beginning at a point on the Mariposa and Stockton road, and bearing north 47 1-2 degrees, westerly, distant 217 rods from the southwest corner of Jessie and 11th street in said town of Mariposa; thence running north 45 1-2 degrees, westerly 30 30-100 rods; thence running south 44 1-2 degrees, westerly 57 73-100 rods; thence running S 45 1-2 degrees, easterly 14 66-100 rods; thence running south 44 one half degrees, westerly 84 8-100 rods ; thence running south 45 one half degrees, easterly 12 72-100 rods; thence running north 53 one half degrees, easterly 61 33-100 rods to the place of beginning, containing about nine acres of land and not included in this assessment. Also excepting as a sold portion of landed Estate or Grant, that certain piece or parcel of land situated in section 23, township five south, Range 18 east of Mount Diablo meridian, and known as the Charles Bruce lot; near the southerly end of the town of Mariposa in said county and State, containing about 1 1-2 acres of land, and not included in this assessment. But including in this assessment that certain fire proof Granite building, dwelling house, barn, and frame warehouse, situated on east side of Main street, between Third and Fourth streets, in the town of Mariposa, formerly property of Sullivan and Cashman and now owned by the above mentioned parties valued at one thousand dollars. Also those certain mills situated on the Grant and now known as the "Benton Mills" valued at $20,000. The Mount Ophir Mill valued at $1,500. The Princeton Mill, valued at $10,000. Mariposa Mill valued at $12,000. Hoisting works at Mariposa Mine, valued at $2,000. Dam on Merced River known as the Mount Ophir Mill dam, together with the flume valued at $15,000. Also store house, barn and assay office in Bear Valley, valued at $2,500. That certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in section twelve, Township five south, Range 17 east Mount Diablo meridian at Mount Ophir, in said county sold to J.H. Miller, containing about two acres. Also that certain piece or parcel of land near the town of Bear Valley sold to L. Trabucco, on which he has a garden, containing about five acres, are not included in this assessment. That portion of the above described tract of land and known as the "Las Mariposas or Fremont Grant" containing one hundred and seventy-nine acres more or less is not included in this assessment. Merchandize $3,000, three wagons $150, Harness &c. $50 one horse $80, ten Mules $500, Furniture $220, Machinery $8000; value of real estate and improvements, $189,000, value of personal property, $12,000; total amount of assessment, $201,000; total tax, $6,014.92; collectors cost, $10.

ALEXANDER, W. H. one mule,$25. Total tax, 75cents. Collectors costs, fifty cents.

ARCHIBALD, Wm. Northeast quarter section two, township six, range sixteen east, eighty acres, value $240; improvements, $25. Total $265. Total tax $7.93. Collectors cost, fifty cents.

AREA, Thomas Town lot No. Thirty-nine, in Hornitos, valued at $100; improvements, $100; furniture $25. Total $225. Total Tax $6.73. Collector's cost $1.50.

ALVORD, Lorenzo- west half of southeast quarter and west half of northeast quarter section nine, township five, range sixteen east, value $200; one wagon, $50, harness, etc., $10; five horses, $125; furniture, $25. Total $460. Total Tax, $13.96. Collector's cost $1.

AEILKEMA, B. D.- Personal property, valued at $1025. Total tax, $30.07. Collector's Costs, $1.

ALVERIS, Joaquin- Small frame building on Slaughter House avenue, above and opposite of store C. Cavagnero, in town of Hornitos, lot $25; improvements, $25, personal property, $30. Total $80. Total Tax, $2.37. Collector's costs,$1.50

Ah QUI - Possesory right to five acres of land on Bull Creek, about 150 yards below store of A.G. Black, valued at $50; improvements, $300. Total $350. Total Tax $10.47. Collectors costs, $1.50.

ADAMS, Geogiana. Lot in Mariposa, adjoining on the north the saloon of H. McERLANE, on the south the property of Geo. BERNHARD, valued at 50 dols; improvements, 250 dollars. Total, 300 dollars. Total tax, 8 dollars and 97 cs. Collectors costs, one dollar and 50 cents. Delinquent tax of 1873-74, 15 dols and 64 cents.

ARTHUR, Robert. Lot in Hornitos, lot nine, block three, valued at 25 dollars; improvements, 175 dollars; personal property, 489 dollars. Total, 680 dollars. Total tax, 20 dollars and 35 cents. Collector's costs, one dollar and fifty cents.

Arthur & Getrien. Lot in Hornitos, valued at 25 dols; improvements, 175 dols. Total, 200 dols. Total tax, 5 dols and 98 cents. Collector's costs, one dol.

BIANCHI, Antonie - Water ditch on the Merced River, above the North Fork of said river, and leading water from Hall's Gulch to the Cope Claim, valued at $100. Total Tax, $3. Collector's costs, $1.

Banderita Mining Company - Quartz mine about ten miles in a easterly direction from the town of Coulterville, the same being located on the west side of the north fork of the Merced River, and on the hill above the mouth of Gentry's Gulch, formerly the property of James and John Goodwin, and being originally known as the Eclipse Mine, valued at $12,000; improvements, consisting of water power quartz mill. Valued at $ 3,000; personal property, $335. Total, $15,335. Total Tax, $458.90. Collector's costs, $1.50.

BAIRD, J.H., J.F. JOHNSON agent,- That certain quartz vein known as the Black Hill Mine, conveyed by J,F, Johnson to J.H. Baird on the sixteenth day of November, 1866, and recorded in Book D of deeds, folio 420, and located on the great mother lode of Mariposa County, situated north and near the town of Coulterville, containing 300o feet, valued at $500. Total tax $14.96. Collector's costs, $1.

BRUNNETT, Stephen - Possessory rights to 40 acres of land about one mile southeast from the old French Store, New Year's Diggings valued at $50,improvements, valued at $50. Also, a placer mining claim on the premises, valued at $25; personal property, $5. Total $130. Total Tax $3.88. Collector's costs, $1.50.

BECHAN, Mrs. Rosina - Lot in Mariposa valued at $25; improvements, $150; personal property $25. Total $200. Total Tax, $5.98. Col's cs $1.50.

BROTHER, F., Geo. CHITTENDEN, agent. Personal property valued at $885. Total Tax, $26.48. Col's cs 50 cents.

BOYLE, Wm. C., small adobe house on Main street in the town of Indian Gulch, valued at $50. Total tax $1.50. Poll tax delinquent, $4. Col's cs 50 cents.

BROWNFIELD, Mrs. Mary. Lot in Hornitos, valued at $50: improvements, $200. Total $250. Total tax, $7.47. Collector's costs $1.

BRANT, A. - Personal property valued at $275. Total tax, $8.22. Collector's costs, 50cts.

BULHMAN, Chris. South half of southeast quarter and southwest quarter of section eight, township four, range sixteen east; southwest quarter, section nine, township four, range sixteen east, 160 acres, valued at $200, improvements, $100; personal property, $50. Total, $350. Total tax, $10.47. Collector's costs, $1.50.

BERTKEN, George. House and improvements at Mormon Bar, the same being the former property of J. R. E. Fine, valued at $300; personal property, $325. Total, $625. Total tax $18.80. Collector's costs, $1.

BLACK, A. G., Yo Semite. Frame building in Yo Semite Valley, at foot of Sentinel Rock and opposite Yo Semite Falls and Known as the New Sentinel Hotel, valued at $3,500. Also possesory right to 160 acres of land on the North Fork of Bull Creek, on YoSemite trail, and about five miles above the old storehouse of A,G, BLACK, and known as the ANDERSON Ranch, valued at $200; improvements, $100. Also, 40 acres of land on Bull Creek, were trail crosses from Coulterville to Hites Cove, and known as BLACKS Ranch, valued at $50; improvements, $500. Also, possesory right to 160 acres of land on Deer Flat, valued at $200; improvements, $50; personal property, $1885. Total $6485. Total tax, $194.06. Collector's costs,

BURTON,W.T., Northeast quarter section twenty-three, township six, range eighteen, 160 acres, valued at $200; improvements, $125; personal property, $250. Total $495. Total tax,$14.20. Collector's costs, $1.50. Poll tax delinquent, $4.

BEGOND, Joseph. An undivided one half interest in those certain auriferous quartz veins situated at Hite's Cove in Mariposa county, and known as the Big Vein, containing 1250 feet. Also the Joe vein, containing 750 feet. Also the cross vein containing 1000 feet, and continuation of the Hite vein, containing 500 feet, being same interest sold by Joseph BEGOND to Angevine REYNOLDS, as appears of records in the Recorders Office in Mariposa county, valued at $500. Total, $500. Total tax, 14.96. Collectors costs, $1.50.

BENDO, George. Possesory right to 160 acres of land, about half way between Indian Gulch and Bear Creek on the road to John Silva ROSE, valued at $200; improvements, $100; personal property, $40. Total value, $340. Total tax, $10.17. Collector's costs, $1.50. Poll tax delinquent $4.

BRANSON,Issac. East half of northwest quarter and southwest quarter of northwest quarter and northeast quarter of southwest quarter section twentynine, township four, range sixteen east, valued at 200 dols; improvements, 25 dols; personal property, 70 dols. Total, 295 dols. Total tax, eight dols and 83 cents. Collector's costs, one dol and 50 cents.

BIEDERMAN, Jacob, South half of southeast quarter and south half of southwest quarter section twentyfive, township five, range sixteen east, 100 acres, valued at 250 dols; improvements, 100 dols; personal property, 250 dols. Total 605 dols. Total tax, 18 dols and 10 cents. Collectors costs, one dol and 50 cents. Poll tax delinquent, $4.

BLAGG, E.M. Possesory right to 160 acres of land on road leading from SKELTON'S Ranch to Hite's Cove, east of J.W. SNYDER's , and known as the MURPHY Ranch, valued at 250 dols; improvements, 150 dols. Total, 400 dols. Total tax, 11 dols and 97 cents. Collector's costs, one dol. Poll tax delinquent, 4 dols.

BACKOFFEN, Mrs. Rose. Lot on North Carolina street, in town of Bear Valley, opposite residence of E.O. DARLING, valued at 25 dols; improvements 50 dols. Total 75 dols. Total tax two dols and 24 cents. Collector's costs, 1 dol.

COLEMAN, William B. House on Gentry's Gulch, about halfway between the mouth of said gulch and Hasloe Mine, valued at $50; personal property $45. Total $95. Total tax, $2.83. Collector's cost, $1.50.

CORRUTH, John. Possesory right to 40 acres of land situated on the South Fork of Maxwells Creek, and known as the George BARNES place, valued at $50; improvements, $100; personal property, $50. Total, $200. Total tax,$5.98. Collectors costs, $1.

COWARD, H.G., Wakely & Ralston Quartz vein, known as the Marble Spring mine, about two and one half mile from store of A.G.BLACK, on Bull Creek, and near the Clark & Derrick mine, about two thousand feet more or less, in length, valued at $2,500; improvements, $500. Total, $3,000. Total tax, $89.78. Collector's costs, $1.

COX, John W. Possesory right to four hundred and eighty acres of land, situated at Barnes Flat, on road from Coulterville to French Bar, valued at $600; improvements, $300; personal property, $100. Total $1060. Total tax, $31.72. Collectors costs, $1.50.

CATRON, Jas. M. & Co. Steam powered quartz mill and hoisting works, situated on Buckeye Flat, about three miles from Mariposa, and known as the Chinese Mill, valued at $600. Also, the quartz mine, known as the Keefe or Catron mine, the same being in extent 1000 feet, more or less, valued at $500; personal property, $115. Total, $1,215. Total tax $36.3. Collectors costs, $1.50.

CATHEY, James N. Northeast quarter of northeast quarter section nine, township six, range seventeen east, west half of northwest quarter and northwest quarter of southwest quarter section ten, township six, range seventeen east, south half of northwest quarter and east half of southeast quarter sec. Nine , township six, range seventeen east, valued at $500; improvements $600; personal property, $120. Total, $1220. Total tax, $36.50. Collector's costs, $1.50.

CAROTHUS, Luis. Lot in Mariposa, valued at $25. Improvements,$50; personal property, $25. Total , $100. Total tax, $3. Collector's costs, $1.50.

CASTAGNETO, D. & Co. Water ditch taking water from the Merced River and conveying same to Sherlocks Flat, valued at $200; also a ater ditch taking water from Sherlocks creek to Missouri Flat, valued at $200. Total, $400. Total tax, $11.97. Collectors costs, $1.

CORDOZA, Jose C. Lots two and three and east half of southwest quarter section eighteen, township six, range seventeen east, 160 acres, valued at $200; improvements, $25. Total, $225. Total tax, six dollars and 73 cents. Collectors costs, one dollar. Poll tax delinquent, 4 dollars.

CHAPMAN, W.S. North half, southeast quarter, north half of southwest quarter, section sixteen, Township eight, range 17 east, 560 acres, valued at 1,500 dollars. Total tax, forty-four dollars and eighty-eight cents. Collector's costs, one dollar.

CATHEY, A.C. Personal property, 1,180 dollars. Total tax 35 dollars and thirty one cents. Collectors cost's, fifty cents.

CLARK, Frank. Personal property, 235 dollars. Total tax 7 dollars and two cents. Collectors costs, fifty cents.

CASTELLA, A. Possesory right to 160 acres of land , on road to Clarkes old saw mill, between ranches of B.F. BACHMAN, and David CLARK, valued at 150 dollars; improvements, 100 dollars; personal property $320. Tot $570. Tot. tax seventeen dollars and five cents. Collectors cost, one dollar and fifty cents. Poll tax delinquent four dollars.

CRONISE, W. H. V. 1,700 feet of that certain Quartz Vein, situated om Mariposa Creek, about one half mile below the Francis Mill, and known as the Italien Mine, valued at 2,000 dollars. Total tax, 50 dollars and eighty-five cents. Collector's costs, one dollar. Delinquent tax, 1872-3, 50 dollars and 40 cents; delinquent tax, 1873-4, 58 dollars and 98 cents.

CONWAY, John. Possesory right to five acres of land, on the north fork of Chowchilla Creek, at crossing of turn pike road, from White and Hatch Saw Mill to Clark and Moore's, valued at 25 dollars; improvements, 350 dols; personal property,75 dollars. Total 450 dollars. Total tax, 13 dollars and forty-six cents. Collector's costs, one dollar and fifty cents.

CAYNE, Peter. Delinquent of 1873 and 1874, 6 dols and 70 cents.

COLLISON, Mrs. Robt. Delinquent, 1873 and 1874, 17 dols and 61 cents.

CAMPODONICA, A. Three lots in Hornitos, lot 4; block 11; lot 25; block 11, valued at 250 dols; improvements, 900 dols. Also a Quartz Mill, situated on Monk Gulch, near Hornitos in a easterly direction, valued at 1,000 dols. Also a Quartz Mine, situated on Monk Gulch, and known as the Campodonica Mine, valued at 500 dols.; personal property, 1,665 dols. Total 4,315 dols. Total tax, 128 dols. And forty-four cents. Poll tax delinquent four dols.

CASNETTO, J.B. and Bro. Fractions 5 and 6; in north half , of northwest quarter, section three, township five, range 15 east, and section ten, township five, range fifteen east, southeast quarter, section ten, range fifteen east, south half, of northwest quarter, and east half, of southwest quarter, section ten, township five, range fifteen east, valued at 600 dols; improvements 200 dols,; personal property, 1,410 dols. Total 2210 dols. Total tax, 66 dols and 13 cents. Collectors costs, one dol and fifty cents.

CLOUGH, A. W. Personal property $95 dols. Total tax, 17 dols. And seventy nine cents. Collectors costs, fifty cents. Poll tax delinquent four dols.

COLEMAN, John W. Personal property, 100 dols, Total tax, 3 dols. Collector's cost, fifty cents.

CANNON, H. B. House and garden on Humprey, near Sexton Creek, valued at 50 dols, personal property, 155 dols. Total 185 dols. Total tax 5 dols and fifty three cents. Collector's costs, one dol.

CANNON, Mrs. M. S. Lot in town of Mariposa, lot 3,block 27, valued at 50 dols improvements, 150 dols, personal property, 155 dols. Total 250 dol. Total tax, 7 dols. and forty eight cents. Cols. costs, one dol. and fifty cents.

COCANOW & GIVENS, Personal property, 1,880 dols. Total tax, 56 dol. And 25 cents. Collectors costs, fifty cents.

CLOUGH, A. W. Lot and improvements in Hornitos, on High street, in town of Hornitos, east of McDaugalls Hotel, and formerly known as the residence of G. NEGUS, lot valued at 25 dols. Improvements, 150 dols. Total tax, five dols. And twenty three cents. Collectors costs one dol.

CHIRON, Constant. Delinquent tax, 1873-4, 12 dols and 27 cents.

COOK, J.C. Delinquent tax, 1873-4, 16 dols and 41 cents.

COLLINS, John R. Delinquent tax, 1873-4, 6 dols and 13 cents.

DAUGHERTY, H. B. Southeast quarter, of section two, township seven, range seventeen east, 160 acres, valued at 200 dollars, improvements, fifty dollars, personal property, fifty dollars. Total 300 dollars. Total tax, 8 dollars and ninety-eight cents. Collectors cost's one dollar and fifty cents.

DODGE, Henry, North half of northwest quarter, section four, township five, range sixteen east, south half of northeast quarter, section four, township five, range sixteen east, 160 acres, valued at 250 dollars, improvements, 30 dollars, personal property 30 dollars. Total 310 dollars. Total tax, 9 dollars and twenty seven cents. Collectors costs, one dollar and fifty cents.

DIAS, Jose Antonio, East half, of southeast q. of southwest q., of NW q, section eighteen, township six, range 17 east, 160 acres, valued at 200 dollars. Total 200 dollars. Total tax, five dollars and ninety seven cents. Collector's costs, one dollar. Poll tax delinquent four dollars. Delinquent tax of 1873-4, 11 dols and 49 cents.

DOMINGUES, Jesus. North half,of north-east quarter; section 15, township five, range 16 east, 160 acres, valued at 250 dollars, improvements, 100 dollars, personal property, 100 dollars. Total 450 dollars. Total tax, 13 dollars and forty six cents. Collector's costs, one dollar and fifty cents. Poll tax delinquent four dollars.

DAVANNAY, Hugh, & LEIDIG, George. A two story frame building, situated in the Yo Semite Valley, near Sentinel Rock, and about one half mile below Hotel of A.G. BLACK, and known as Liedig's or Sentinel Hotel, valued at 2,000 dollars, personel property, 500 dols. Total 2,500 dols. Total tax, 74 dollars and eighty one cents. Cols. cost, $1.50.

DOWNING, Thomas, Delinquent of 1873 and 1874, 14 dols and 11 cents.

DEFORD, L. Delinquent tax, 1873-4, 5 dols and 66 cents.

Estate of Mrs. C. GIVENS, (Deceased,) south half, of southwest quarter, section 15, township five, range 16 east. NW quarter sec. 22; tp 5; range 16 east. South half, of southeast quarter, section 21, township 5, range 16 east, 320 acres, valued at 650 dols. Improvements $500, personal property,890 dols, tot 2,040 dols. Total tax, 61 dols. And five cents. Collectors costs, one dollar and fifty cents.

FLORIAS, J. L. Lot in Hornitos, 25dols; improvements, 50 dols. Total, 75 dols. Total tax, 2 dols and 24 cents. Collectors costs, one dol. Delinquent poll tax, 4 dols.

FRYE, Thomas, by David HAR. Possesory right to 100 acres of land situated at what is known as the Big Spring, about one and one half miles east of Mormon Bar, on the road to Sebastipol, formerly known as the property of David HART, valued at 125 dols; improvements, 100 dols. Total, 225 dols. Total tax, 6 dols and 73 cents. Collectors costs, one dol.

FULKES, Charles. Possesory right to 160 acres of land on the south side of road leading from S.E. MAGOONS to White and Hatch's sawmill, valued at 200 dols; improvements, 250 dols; personal property, 325. Total, 775 Total Tax, 23 dols and 18 cents. Collectors costs, one dol and 50 cents. Delinquent poll tax, 4 dols.

FOLSAM, Ira B. Toll bridge and store house in Yo Semite Valley, about one-forth of a mile from Leidig's and Davannay's hotel. And known as the former property of P. COULTER, valued at 500 dols. Also frame building in course of erection in Yo Semite Valley, 50 yards below the hotel of A.G. BLACK, valued at 500 dols; personal property, 175 dols. Total, 1175 dols. Total tax, 35 dols and 15 cents. Collectors costs, one dol.

FLORES, Manuel. Frame building near the river and about 200 yards below the hotel of A.G. BLACK, in Yo Semite Valley, valued at 150 dols. Total tax, 4 dols and 50 cents. Collectors costs, 50 cents. Delinquent poll tax, 4 dols.

Francis Gold Mining Company. Quartz mine on Mariposa Creek, about three miles below the Moore Hill crossing, and formerly known as the Francis mine, valued at 3000; improvements thereon consisting of a ware power quartz mill and buildings, valued at 2000 dols. Total, 5000 dols. Total tax, 148 dols and 62 cents.Collecters costs, one dol. Delinquent tax 1872-3, 515 dols and 84 cents; delinquent tax, 1873-4, 142 dols and 37 cents.

FRIEDLANDER, J. South half of northwest quarter, section one, township eight, range sixteen east, 79 acres, valued at 275 dols. Total Tax, 8 dols and 12 cts. Collectors costs, 50 cents.

GIBBONS, Seth. Possesory right to 160 acres of land at the head of Dry Creek, adjoining the ranch of J.D. SPENCER, deceased, valued at 325 dols; improvements, 300 dols; personal property, 385 dols. Total 1010 dols. Total tax, 30 dols and 11 cents. Collectors costs, 1 dol and 50 cents. Delinquent poll tax, 4 dols.

GOFF, F.S. Possesory right to 160 acres of land on the west side of the Merced River, opposite Hart and Johnson's Flat, valued at 200 dols; improvements 600 dols. Also mining claim on Jones Flat, valued at 300 dols; personal property, 670 dols. Total 1770 dol. Total tax, 52 dols and 56 cents, Collectors costs, 2 dol. Delinquent tax, 1873-4, 60 dols and 78 cents.

GARZOLA, S., Indian Gulch. Lot in the town of Indian Gulch, immediately opposite the saloon of Gus, SOGAS, valued at 25 dols; improvements on same, known as the residence of A. LAMARIE, valued at 75 dols. Tot. 100 dols. Tot. tax, 2 dols and 99 cents. Collectors costs, one dol. De'nt p.t. 4 dols.

GHERTS, Henry Southeast quarter of northeast quarter section thirtyfour, township four, grand sixteen east, valued at 100 dols. Also a mining claim on said land, valued at 100 dols; personal property, 285 dols. Tot, 485 dols. Tot tax, 14 dols and 51 cents. Col's costs, two dols.

GANN, W.H. Southwest quarter of north east quarter, northeast quarter of southwest quarter, southeast quarter of northwest quarter, northwest quarter of southeast quarter section two, township six, range seventeen east, 160 acres of land, valued at 600 dols; improvements, 400 dols; value of personal property, 3465 dols. Tot tax, 133 dols and 61 cents. Col's costs, one dol and 50 cents. De'nt p. tax, 4 dols.

GARNER, Henry. Frame building in rear of J.M. HUTCHING's livery stable in Yo Semite Valley, and occupied as a blacksmith shop, valued at 100 dols. Tot tax, 3 dols. Col's costs, 50 cents.

GAGLIARDO, A. That certain quartz vein known as the FELECIANA mine, about 3 miles northeast of Colorado, at the head of Buffalo Gulch, valued at 1000 dols; improvements concisting of steam quartz mill and machinery, valued at 1500 dols. Tot 2500 dols. Tot tax, 74 dols and 71 cents. Col's costs, one dol.

GEORGE, Mrs. Joseph. Fraction section four, township eight, range seventeen east, fraction north half of southwest quarter, west half of southeast quarter of southeast quarter section three, township eight, range seventeen east, south half of fraction northwest quarter, west half of southwest quarter section one , tp. Eight, range seventeen east 450 acres valued at 2500 dols; improvements, 100 dols. Tot 2650 dols. Tot tax, 77 dols and 90 cents. Col's costs, 1 dol.

Gentry & Stockird. Possesory right to 320 acres of land on topof the mountain at the terminus of Yo Semite Valley road, and known as the Cascade Flat, valued at 400 dols; improvements 1000 dols. Tot 1400 dol's. Tot. tax, 39 dols and 90 cents. Col's costs, one dol. De'nt tax, 1873-4, 51 dols and 37 cents.

GREEN, J.R. Frame building, barn, etc., situated about oneforth mile below the town of Princeton, and nearly opposite COFFMAN's residence, valued at 150 dols; personal property, 1275 dols. Tot, 1425 dols. Tot. tax 42 dols and 64 cents. Col's costs, one dol. De'nt tax, 1873-4, 25 dols and 52 cents.

GIVENS, S.L. Southeast quarter section twentytwo, township five, range sixteen E, southwest quarter section twentytwo, township five, range sixteen E, 320 acres, valued at 650 dols; improvements, 25 dols; personal property, 2000 dols. Tot 2675 dols. Tot tax, 80 dols and 4 cents. Col's cost,one dol.

GIVENS, Thomas. Northeast quar section twentytwo, township five, range sixteen, southwest quarter section fourteen, township five, range sixteen, 320 acres, valued at 650 dols; improvements, 25 dols; personal property, 16 dols and 30 cents. Tot 2305 dols. Tot tax, 68 ds 97 cents. Col's costs, one dol and 50 cents.

GAGLIARDO, K. Lot in Hornitos, valued at 50 dols; improvements, 150 dols. Tot 200 dols. Tot. tax, 6 dols. Col's costs, one dol.

GURNER, Clinton. West half of section 24, township seven, range sixteen E., south half of northeast quarter section 23, township seven, range sixteen E., southeast quarter section twentythree, tp. Seven, range 16 E., 560 acres, valued at 1960 dols. Tot 1960 dols. Tot tax, 58 dols and 65 cents. Col's costs one dol and fifty cents. De'nt p tax, 4 dols.

JEFFREY, George. House and lot in Coulterville, at the upper end of main St., west side, and adjoining the property of A.D. GORDON, property now occupied by George JEFFREY as a residence, valued at 25 dols; improvements, 125 dols; personal property, 45 dols. Total 195 dols. Tot tax, 5 dols and 82 cents.

JONES, I. B. Possesory right to 100 acres of land on Cotton Creek, at the Chadler spring, about five miles northeast of Hornitos, valued at 150 dols; improvements, 100 dols; personal property, 1005 dols. Tot 1355 dols. Tot tax, 40 dols and 54 cents. Col's costs, one dol and 50 cents. P tax de'nt, 4 dols.

JOHNSON, D.M. South half of northeast quarter and north half of southeast quarter section 29, township 5, range 17 east, valued at 250 dols; improvements, 250 dols; personal property, 210 dols. Tot 710 dols. Tot tax, 21 dols and 24 cents. Col's costs, 1 dol and 50 cents. P tax de'nt, 4 dols.De'nt tax of 1873-4, 30 dol's and 59 cts.

JOHNSON, William. Southeast quarter of southwest quarter and southwest quarter of southeast quarter section 22,tp 5 range 17 east, northwest quarter of northeast quarter and northwest quarter, sec 27,tp 5, range 17 east, 160 acres, valued at 260 dols; Tot 350 dols. Tot tax, 10 dols and 47 cents. Col's costs, one dol and 50 cents. P tax de'nt, 4 dols.

JONES, Daniel. De'nt tax, 1873-4, 3 dols and 98 cents.

KESSLER, John. Frame building at Bull Creek, about 100 yards above Black's Hotel, valued at 150 dols. Tot tax, 4 dols and 48 cents.

KING, J.S. Possesory right to 100 acres of land on the head of a gulch running into the Merced River at Jone's Flat, known as the Rochellle Hog Ranch, valued at 200 dols; improvements, 25 dols; personal property, 115 dols. Tot 340 dols. Tot tax, 10 dols and 16 cts. Col's costs one dol and 50 cents. P tax de'nt, 4 dols. De'nt tax of 1873-4, 15 dols and 73 cents.

KRITTER, Mrs. Lot in Mariposa; lot 2, blks 48,52, and 56, valued at 50 dols; improvements, 100 dols. Tot 150 dols. Tot tax, 4 dols and 48 cents.

KELLETT, John. Northwest quarter section 20, township 5, range 16 east, 160 acres valued at 300 dols; improvements, 300 2 water ditches on Burn's Creek, below Hornitos, and known as Kellett's water ditchs, valued at 500 dols. Also a quartz vein known as Hornitos Mine, near Hornitos, valued at 500 dols; personal property, 580 dols. Tot 2180 dols. Tot tax, 66 dols and 28cts. Col's costs, 2 dols. P tax, 4dols. De'nt tax of 1872-3, 73 dols and 28 cts; also de'nt tax, 1873-4, 61 dols and 98 cents.

KENDALL, Thomas. Northwest quarter of northeast quarter section 35, township 5, range 17 east, south half of southeast quarter section 26, township five, range 17 east, southwest quarter of southwest quarter section 25, township 5, range, 17 east, 160 acres, valued at 200 dols; improvements, 100 dols; personal property, 250 dols. Tot 550 dols. Tot tax, 16 dols and 46 cents. Col's costs, one dol and 50 cents. P tax de't, 4 dols.De'nt tax of 1872-3, 22 dols and 26 cents; also de'nt tax of 1873-4, 17 dols and 64 cents.

KERRINS, C, DAVANNAY H., McDERMOTT C.F., CRONISE W.H.V., GILTNER F.,Quartz vein known as the Giltner claim, being the southeast exstenstion of the Hite Mine. At Hite's Cove, being 250 feet in length valued at 5000 dols. Tot tax, 149 dolss and 62 cents.

KERRINS, C. Lot in the town of Mariposa, on west side of Mariposa Creek, valued at 50 dols; now occupied by C. BOGAN as a residence, improvements, 150 dols. Tot 200 dols. Tot tax, 5 dols and 98 cents. Col's costs, one dol.

LEMOYNE, W.J. De'nt tax of 1873-4, 13 dols and 62 cents.

LAURENT, John. Lot on the south side of Water street, north and adjoining residence of John R. COLLINS, in Coulterville, valued at 100 dols; improvements, 200 dols; personal property, 100 dols. Tot 400 dols. Tot tax, 11 dols and 97 cents. Col's costs, one dol.

LEDDY, Thomas. Dwelling house on Whiskey Flat, below the falls on Sherlocks\'s Creek, valued at 25 dols; personal property, 170 dols. Tot 195 dols. Tot tax, 5 dols and83 cents. Col's costs, one dol.

LAIRD, F.G. Personal property, 80 dols. Tot tax, 2 dols and 40 cents. Col's costs, 50 cents.

LUCAS, C.M. Fractional northeast quarter of section 3, township 5, range 15 east, 184 acres, valued at 230 dols; improvements, 150 dols; personal property, 225 dols. Tot 635 dols. Tot tax, 18 dols and 99 cents. Col's costs, one dol and 50 cents. P tax de'nt, 4 dols. De'nt tax of 1873-4, 23 dols and 22 cts.

LIND, C.G.. Lot in Mariposa, lot 2, block 34, valued at 25 dols; improvements, 75 dols; personal property, 25 dols. Tot 125 dols. Tot tax, 3 dols and 74 cents; Col's costs, one dol and 50 cents. p t de'nt 4 dols.

LIND, Joseph. Lot in Mariposa, valued at 25 dols; improvements,75 dols; personal property 25 dols. Tot 125 dols; total tax 3 dols and 74 cents. Col's costs, one dol and 50 cents; pt de'nt 4 dols.

LAMON, J.C. Improvements in upper end of Yo Semite Valley, consisting of buildings, garden, orchard and fences, valued at 4000 dols; personal property 175 dols; tot 4175 dols; tot tax 125 dols and 92 cents; Col's costs one dol and 50 cents.

LEIDIG, Geo. F. Personal property 60 dols; tot tax one dol and 84 cents.

MILLS, Henry, Bennett NATHAN, Brown NATHAN. Steam quartz mill on Piney Creek, about 150 yards west of the residence of W.CA. STRIBLING and about the same distance from Piney Creek Bridge, valued at 350 ds; also steam engine and pump near the Convetso ranch on Smiths Creek, valued at 50ds; t 500 ds; t t 14 ds and 96 cents; col's costs one d.

MONTZAR & FLANAGAN. Quartz vein on Black Creek about oneforth of a mile from Penon Blanco, and known as the Prospect mine, valued at 100ds; tt 3 ds; Col's costs 50 cents.

MANGEANTI, Joe. House and garden on Maxwell's Creek and on the west side of said creek, being about halfway between Horseshoe Bend and Wheeler's old place, valued at 50 ds; tt one dol and 50 cents.

MINNIS, Thomas. House and garden on Bone Yard Creek, about 200 yards above the place formerly owned by G. B. HAIGH, valued at 50 ds; t t one d and 50 cents; Col's costs 50 cents. p t de'nt 4 ds.

MADRID, Dolores. Lot on main street in town of Indian Gulch, west side and nearly opposite the store of Antone CHICHIZOLA, valued at 25 ds; improvements 100 ds; t 125 ds; t t 3 ds and 74 cents; p t de'nt 4 ds. Col's costs 1 d.

SPEARS S.K. Delinquent for 1873-4, $26.25.

SCHULTZ Theodore, S half o NW quar and N half of SW quar of sec 15, tp 5, r 16E, valued at $200; t $200; t t $5.98 col's cs $1.

SNYDER, Sophia P p 235ds ; t t 7 ds and 2 cents; Col's costs; 50 cents.

SHILLING, I S Lot in Coulterville, on NE corner of Stockton and Masonic avenue, 50 ds; imp'nts, known as the Smith's and Scott's livery Stable, valued at 300ds; also lot on west side of Main Street N and adjoining the old Carpenter Shop of A.D. GORDON, valued at 50 ds; imp'nts 250 ds; also lot on east side of Masonic avenue about 100 yds S of school house, valued at 25 ds; imp'nts known as the Smith And Dudley barn, 100 ds ; also possesory right to 160 acres of land on Solomon's Flat near the head of Solomon's Gulchand known as Shillings ranch, valued at 500 ds; p p 1695 ds; t 3470 ds; t t 103 ds and 83 cens; col's costs, 2 ds and 50 cents.

SMITH,Wm R Possesory right to ten acres of land on Penon Blanco Flat, about one quarter of a mile east of the blacksmith shop J W FUQUA, valued at 50ds; imp'nts 50 ds; p p 25 ds; t 125 ds; t t 3ds and 73 cents; col's costs 1 d.

SYLVA, Manuel J West half of of NW quarter of sec 7 tp 6 range 17 east, SW quarter of SW quarter sec 6 tp 6 range 17 east, SE quarter of NE quarter of sec 12 tp 6 range 16 east, valued at 200 ds; imp'nts 100 t 300 ds; t t 8 ds and 98 cents;Col's costs 1 d.

Skelton, E B P p 45 ds; t 45 ds; t t 1 d and 92 cents; Col's cs 50 cents.

SHIVER, A F Lots 2, 5 and one half of 1 in Mariposa, valued at 125 ds t; $125; t t $5.31; col's cs $1.

SINGES Victor & REVERRO Peter Possesory right to 160 acres of land on east side of Maxwells Creek, opposite Chinatown and near Coulterville, valued at $200; imp'nts $50; also possesory right to 160 acres of land about 1 mile from Pleasant Valley, in northerly direction on the east side of the road from Murray's Ferry to Coulterville, valued at $200; imps $100; p p $365; t $915; t t 5.97; col's cs $1.

SMITHERS C L Imp'nts on the road to Mariposa to Mormon Bar and opposite the residence of C E PEREGOY; imps. $100; p p $100; t $200; t t $29.20; col's cs $1.

SMITH David E. SW quarter of NW 1/4 of sec13, tp 5, range 16e,SE quarter of NE q and SE half of SE 1/4 of 14, tp 5, range 16, E, valued at $300; imp'nts $250; p p $410; t $960; t t $29.20; col's cs $1; de'nt p t $4

SCROGGINS, Jas A East half of NE quarterand SE quarter of NE quarter of sec 3, tp6, range 17 E, NE quarter of NE quar of sec 10, tp6, range 17 E, valued at $320; imps $10; T $330; T T $9.87; col's cs $1; de'nt p t $4.

SNEDIKER Jas L SW quar of NE quar and SE quar of NW quar of sec 11, tp 5, range 15 E, NW quar of NE quar and NE quar and NE quar of NW quarof sec 14, tp 5, range 15E, SW quar of NW 1/4 SW quar of NE quar, NE quar of SW quar, NW quar of SE quar, sec 14, tp 5, r 15 E, valued at $640; imps $2000; p p $7690; t $10,330; t t $309.12; col's cs $2.50.

SWAIN B A Lot no. 859 in town of Bear Valley as laid down on map or plan of said town, valued at $50; imps on same $200; t $250; t t $7.47; col's cs $1.50.

SANGUINETTO A. Store house in Agua Frio, known as the Italian store, valued at $150; p p $180; t $330; t t $9.87; col's cs $1.

STEGMAN & Son Imps in lower end of Yo Semite Valley consisting of fence around pasture, valued at $100; also a small dwelling about 200 yards below the Folsom bridge on the N side of the river, valued at $50; also frame building nearly opposite the saloon of J C SMITH, known as Stegmans seed store, valued at $250; p p $975; t $1,195; t t $35.75; col's cs $2.

SCHIRMER Henry House and garden on no.1 Gulch and known as Schirmer's garden, same being about 1 mile west of Lack's ranch, valued at $25; imps 450; also quartz vein known as no.1 on said gulch, valued at $50; t $125; t t $3.75. col's cs $1; de'nt p t $4.

STREETER Jarvis Poss'ry right to 100 acres of land at crossing of Middle Fork of Chowchilla Creek on the road from Mormon Bar to White and Hatch's saw mill, valued at $125; imps $125; p p $350;t $600; t t $17.95; cols cs $1.50 de'nt p t $4.

SOLARI N NE quar, sec 11, tp 6, range 16 E, 160 acres valued at $250; T $250; t t $7.47; col's cs $1.

SMYTHE J S, BEIGHLE Wm, BEIGHLE Hiram, JONES I F, unknown Owners. J S SMYTHE 3-10 Wm. and Hiram BEIGHLE 3-10 L I JONES 1-10 Unknown Owners 3-10 of the fallowing described property; to-wit: NE quar of NE quar of sec 25; p 8 range 17E NE quar of SW quar and NW quar oof SE quar and S half of SE quar of sec 24 tp 8 range 17 E, 200 acres valued at $250; t $250; tt $7.47; col's cs $2.

STONEREAD Geo W E half and SW quar of SW quar and NE quar and SE quar of sec 24 tp 7 range 17 e; NW quar of NE quar of sec 25 tp 7 gange 17e; W half of NW quar; W 1/2 of SW quar of sec 26 tp 7 r 17 E;W half of NW quar of sec35 tp 7 range17 E; S half of SW quar sec 26 tp 7 range 17 E; E half of NW quar of sec 35 tp 7 range 17E; all of sec 36 tp 7 range 17 E; valued at $2100; imps $200; p p $4850; t $ 7150; t t $213.55; col's cs $2.50.

SULLIVAN Geo W. E half and SW quar of SW quar and NE quar and SE quar of sec 4 tp 8 range 18E; Nequar of NW quar of sec 9 tp 8 range 18E; W half of NW quar; W 1/2 of SW quar of sec 23 tp 7 range 18e; S half of SW quar of sec 8 tp 8 range 18E; E half of NW quar of sec 17 tp 8 range 18E; valued at $800; ims $250; p p $580; t $1630; t t $48.77; col's cs $2; de'nt p t $4.

SUMMERVILLE Wm Delinquent for 1873-4;$5.70.

TRUMBETTA Jas Small frame house on trail from HS Bend to Coulterville near Maxwell's Creek valued at $75; p p $25; t $100; t t $3; COL'S CS $1.

TURNER Nick Pp $200; t $200; t t $5.88; col's cs $1.

TURNER & DAVIS 3 lots in Hornitos, nos. 68,46 and 21, vaalued at $100; imps $400 p p $965; t $ 1465; t t $43.55; col's cs $1.

THOMSON M M N half of SE quar of sec 22 tp 6 range 17 E valued at $200; t $200; t t $5.88; col's cs 50cts; de'nt pt $4.

TURNER Wm T SE quar of SW quar and SW quar of SE quar and NE quar of SE quar of sec 16 tp 5 range 16 E; N half of NE quar of NW 1/4 of sec 21 tp 5 range 16E valued at $700; imps $600; also lot 6 blk 3 in Hornitos, valued at $300; imps $200; p p $ 123o; t $2830; t t $84.68; col's cs $2; de'nt pt $4.

TWITCHELL F M Possesory riht to 160 acres of land in Chowchilla Valley; same being situated one mile south of the Chas BLEED ranch and formerly known as the Mallon & Keaugh ranch valued at $250; imps $100; t $350; t t $10.46; col's cs $1.50; de'nt pt $4.

TENGATE William P p $75; t $75; t t $2.25; col's cs 50cts.

THURMAN, Eli House and lot on Slaughter house Gulch in Hornitos, and known as the property of Eli Thurman valued at 25 ds; imp'nts 50 ds; p p 125 ds; t 200 ds; t t 6 ds; col's costs, 1 d and fifty cents.

THORNTON A B De'nt for 1873-4; $6.63.

Unknown, Owners, E half of fraction 4 in SW quar, of sec 19, township 5, range 16 east, NE quar, of NW quarter, section 30; township 5 , range 16 , east, valued at $250; imp'nts $100; t $350; t t $10.46; col's costs; $1.

VALBERDE, Bisenta Lot 75 in Hornitos valued at $50; imp'nts $150 p p $25; t $225; t t $6.75; col's costs;$1; de'nt p t $4.

VAN CAMPEN, Mrs. H Lot 15; block 32, in Mariposa, valued at $50; t $50; t t $1.50; col's costs; 50 cents

VICIA, Remonds De'ent for 1873-4; $8.50.

WHEELER William De'nt for 1873-4; $327.54

WHITE, James R. Quartz mine situated in the Hornitos Mining District; about 3 miles in northerly direction from Judge McELROY's Ranch; and on the land owned by James E. WHITE; being three separate veins one of which was formerly known as the Gives and Turner vein; valued at $1,000; T $1000. TT $29.98; col's costs $1.50.



November 23, 2002