, California

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This information was transcribed by Sharon-    2001

This information , taken from original census sheets, was difficult to read-------if you have corrections or further information on any of these students please contact Sharon................

 M= Mono
 NF=Northfork, Madera Co.
 MC=Madera County
 FF=Fresno Flats
 If it says "Across" after, it means the person AND the parents were the same

 Tom Charley, 17, NF, MC across, M across
 Florence Teaford, 17
 Bertha Goode 16, NF, ILL, NF, M,W,M
 William Stromberd 30, C,W(Swedish),C
 Female-Fran... N. Hancock, 16, M,W,M
 James B. Hancock, M, W(Missouri), M
 Myrtle Blodgett, 13, C, W (Minn), C
 Sophie Wilson, 14, C across, Mother may say born Mariposa
 Jack A. Cragson, 14, M,W,M
 Wesley Wilson, 9, C across
 Roy Speckerman, 12, FF, U, U, C across
 Jim Fox, 12, NF, NF, U  M across
 Bertha Hilliard, 9
 Tina Turner, 8, NF, M,W,M
 Theodora Castro, 10, Mariposa, mexico, U
 Mary Sherderman, 8, FF, U, U, C across
 Sebina Shefman 10, NF, U, U, M across
 Hazel Lewis, 12 NF, U,U, C across
 Nancy Roan, 13 NF, U, NF, C, U, C
 Mattie Jackson 14, M across
 Martin Lewis, 15, NF, NF, U, M, W, M
 Mollie Fox, 15, NF, U, NF, M across
 Mary J. Lewis, 16, FF, U, FF, C, W, C
 Bessie E. Bishop, 17, FFacross, Mewok across
 Nancy Goff 11, NF, U, NF,  M across
 Eve Westfall, 21, FF, Parents: Mariposa, Mewok across
 Nellie Brown, 14, NF, U, NF, M, U, M
 Rosa Belledue, 14, NF, FF, U, M across
Nellie C. Polkenhorn, 13, NF, U, NF, M across
 Annie Jackson, 14, NF across, M across
 Tom ?hitley, 17, NF across, M across
 John Walker, 14, MC, MC, NF, M across
 Andrew J. Neal, 21, MC across, C across
 Charles Goodeye, 17, FF, CA, FF, Yokut, U, Yokut
 Rose Louis, 14, MC, NC, MC, C, W, C
 Frank Packard, 22, Fresno Res, U, U, C, W, C
 Fred Walker, 11, U, Finegold, NF, M across
 Martha J. Goode, 13, M, W, M
 Maud A. Miller, 14, Fresno, M, W, M
 Charley ?oode, 11, MC, M,W,M
 David Brown, 11, NF, U, NF, M across
 Ella E. Sheckerman, 13, FF, U, Coarse, C across
 Willis Pe????, 12, NF across, M across
 William Rosa, 17, father born Coarse, C across
 Dewey Gesnow, 12, NF, M across
 Mary A. ?Castor?, 17, Mariposa, Mexico, Mariposa, U, Mexico, Yosemite
 Georgia N. Hauchok, 18, FF, Missouri, U, M, W, M
 George Bishop, 16, FF, FF, U, C across
 Andrew Bishop, 15, FF, FF, U, C across
 John Jackson, 17, NF across, M across
 Suces? Charlie (fem), 16, NF, M across
 Elsie George, 12, Coarse across, C across

posted to the net- Sept 6, 2001




November 19, 2002

June 2015