Touring The Mariposa Country Side- 1900
From a Seiries of articles in the Mariposa Gazette- submitted by William DisbroThe Foothill Section. April 14, 1900 Mariposa Gazette
Hornitos, Indian Gulch and Cathey's Valley are all in about the same
belt of country. They are the first steps that lead to the mountains.
Rolling hills and dimpling valleys without regard to range formation is
a characteristic of the country. Slate is the predominating rock, but
running through this section are many quartz ledges that as a rule carry
gold. Most of the country is fenced and is fine grass land. There are
some farms and the barley crop is very promising this season. Indian
Gulch is about six miles south from Hornitos. This is a small but lively
little town, and two stores that do a large business are in the place.
J. B. SEMORILE and N. SOLARI are the proprietors. The most conspicuous
part of town is its school Miss Grace TURNER of Mariposa is the teacher.
Two more weeks and the school will close for the term. This is Miss
TURNER's first experience as a teacher and judging from the reports of
scholars and patrons she has made a good record as a teacher. This is a
large school, over thirty scholars and all grades to teach. In early
days Indian Gulch was rich in placer mines, and there are ledges that
prospect well but are not being worked at present. Cathey's Valley lies
south and east of Indian Gulch and it would take an expert on valleys to
tell just where this valley commences. There are several miles of
country that is said to be valley, but it does not resemble a valley
much more than the Merced plains do the mountains, still that does not
take the least merit from its productiveness and beauty of landscape.
Waving fields of grain and beautiful cottages adorn this section ,
speaking of the peoples thrift. There are two school districts in the
valley, Orange and Cathey's Valley. Miss Freeman of San Jose teaches in
Orange school and this is her second term, This is a summer school and
there are about thirty scholars in attendance. The Cathey's Valley
school is also a summer school and is taught by J. B. WILKINSON.
A. B. ROBINSON is the post master and is an old resident of the
valley. The Cathey's are a large family and are known to every one in
the county. Imagination has to travel away back in history to realize
the number of years they have been in this part of the country as the
valley is named for them. To name the residents of this section of
country would be a continued story without limit, so we will not attempt
it. Being farmers and stock raisers it is needless to say that BRYAN
gets a large vote from the precinct and it will take a great deal of
chin music to make them believe that "trusts are good for them." We also
visited the Elkhorn district. Here we met Charles PECK. Mr. Peck is a
mining man having quit the brick building business. Mr. Peck is also a
thinker of no mean ability and some of the deductions or hypothesus of
his reasoning are indeed marvelous. For instance, he cited a certain
case of someone who had died recently from a contraction of the stomach
brought about by a most abstemeous and frugal diet. So little did this
person eat for years that his "stomach contracted until it was no larger
than a walnut shell" and as a consequence his will had to be read to his
sorrowing relatives. We also met Mr. STOCKTON and his partner, Mr.
BUFFUM. We always enjoy a visit with these gentlemen if they are a
little bit off on politics. Of course this is no news as they are old
Mariposans known to all and one thing is certain they are thoroughly
American, and Mariposa Co. has no truer friends or stauncher citizens.
Another feature not to be omitted is the Elkhorn school. This is not a
large school but it makes up in quality what it lacks in numbers. There
seems to be a rivalry not only in book lore but in floral decorations.
Each window seems to try and out smile its rival and is eclipsed only by
the wilderness of flowers that ornaments the teacher's desk and school
organ. Two months more and this school will be out. Mariposa county can
well be proud of its schools. While we are not experts on pedagory we
feel safe in our premises when we say that the standard of our schools
are second to done. The fact that many of the teachers of the county are
natives of the county also proves that there is something more than
Mother Lodes and Yosemite Valley to be proud of.
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november 23, 2002