


Wm. Early - 1864
 Stage Robber Arrested
Mariposa Gazette- submitted by Harriet Sturk

 On last Tuesday evening a man who gives his name as Wm. Early was
 arrested at Coulterville, on suspicion of being one of the gang who robbed
 the Coulterville  stage about ten days ago. He had been to Sonora--lost
 considerable money gaming, and was suspected and followed. When arrested
 he had a revolver with the name of one of the stage passengers on it. On
 being  arrested he confessed his share in the robbery, and gave the names of the
 others who are now being looked after by the officers.  It seems that the gang
were  watching for a quantity of amalgam which they knew Mr. PRIEST, the
 purchaser,  of the McAlpin vein, hand on hand ready to forward below. On taking the
 Express  box from the stage one of the robbers shook it and remarked. "It ain't
here".  They turned off for Moccasin Creek after robbing the stage, thinking Mr. Priest
 had gone  that way to Chinese Camp; but they were behind time, as Priest had passed
 some  hours previous. They stopped HOWETH , who was returning from Chinese Camp
 (having accompanied Priest over) -tied him to a tree-robbed him of about
 twenty  dollars, and left him. A Chinaman, some hours after, passed by and cut him



 Wm. EARLY - 1864
 Escape of the Stage Robber

 Wm. Early, one of the robbers of the Coulterville stage made his escape
 last  Monday in a very strange way. A Deputy ~Sheriff of Tuolumne county was on
 his way here with Early and two others, who were alleged by him to be his
 confederates. They were in a small covered wagon, having an outside seat
 and two seats inside facing each other. Early, handcuffed, set out with
he  driver  and two others. The other two prisoners sat on the back seat, and the
 officer  occupied the front seat. A double barrel shot gun was placed on the
utside  seat, behind the driver and Early. At the forks of the Aqua Frio and
 Mariposa roads--about two miles from here, when they were ascending
 a little hill, Early jumped from the stage taking the shotgun along and
 lev­eling it at the officer, cooly retreated. He had the best weapon and
is  prepared to use it. The officer had to proceed in here, when a large
number  started out and made search, but the fellow had an early start, and
nothing  could be heard of him. As his statements led to the detection of the
others,  and his evidence was relied on to convict them, his abrupt departure will
 materially affect the prosecution. If Early deserved an 'outside 'seat, it
 would  seem that he should have not have had access, so readily to the only good
 weapon in the party.

 Since writing we learn that Early was at Colorado on Monday night.
 He seems to have made his escape very easily, and no trouble in
 keeping clear of those who were in search of him.

 Wm EARLY - 1864
 Stole shot-gun from cabin east of Coulterville

 On Tuesday night last John Clark was robbed at Horse Shoe Bend - -
 his safe packed off, broken open, and one hundred dollars taken.
 McKewen and Scoff's house was robbed in Coulterville on Monday.

 Wm EARLY - 1864

 Wm. Early, the stage robber went to a cabin some miles east of
Coulterville  on last Friday, stole a shot-gun and some blankets.--He was pursued and
 obliged to throw the gun and blanket away.  Night coming on the pursuers
 gave up the chase.  Since then he has not been heard from.


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