History and Genealogy Research
Bull Creek February 17, 1900 Mariposa Gazette submitted by William Disbro
Communicated.Our last week's letter came to a close at the Greeley school house.
Mr. Alonzo DEXTER, Sr., is the nearest patron to the school. The little
school house is where several of Mr. DEXTER's place needs no further
introduction. Across a low ridge is another beautiful valley. At the
upper end lives Mr. Charles WAGNER. Mr. WAGNER owns a fine farm and has
also furnished the county with a school teacher. It seems as if each
district in the county rivals all the world in the production of some
certain article. There is Hornitos with its olives, oranges and wheat.
Coulterville with its Mother Lode mines. Greeley with its school marms,
and Mariposa, well, Mariposa is not trying for prizes. Its on the Grant,
but if there was a prize for nuggets and school maams, I hardly see how
they could lose. Messrs. OLNEY and CONVERSE are next. Each have raised
large families. No place in the Sierra Nevada mountains is more
beautifully situated or equals these mountain farms in point of rich
land and productiveness of soil. Next is the home of Walter DUDLEY,
ex-county Supervisor. The place was once know as Scowigan. It was a
stage station for the Yosemite travel for many years, and one of the
most popular hostelries in the mountains Mr. DUDLEY is a respected
citizen and an enterprising man, who has the good of his county at
heart. The next place of importance on the road mountainward is the farm
of Tim SHEEHAN. Everyone knows old Tim and has heard his big rattlesnake
story. Tim "was afraid to shoot the snake with a 45-90 Remington rifle
for fear it would only arouse his snakeships ire." Then next is Bower
Cave. This is one of the world's wonders. a lovely bower in a mountain
side hewed out of solid rock by nature. Several large tree's are growing
up through the small opening at the top of the cave. A little lakelet,
very deep, is at the bottom. A platform has been built above the water
at the base of the trees. In early days it was used as a dancing
platform. The music in such a place must have been simply Paderwiskean
in its influences, and romantic beyond conception. We again visited the
Compromise mine. Work is still in progress. What seems strange to us, is
the fact that the mine is for sale and no one will buy it. Its past
history is part of our county's richest story. It is practically still
undeveloped, 380 feet at an angle of 32 degrees in depth; and ore still
in sight that is very rich. Near this mine are the mines of E. G.
and Garden Springs ate the mine's name and we can safely say that no
grander environments surround any mines in the country. Their
associations are in the county's 400 amongst mines. Within sight and
above on the North Fork is the Compromise, across the North Fork is the
Bondurant and Louisiana, below on the same stream is the Banderita that
has turned out immense fortunes. HASLOE, MARTIN and SPAULDING are within
the same scope, the Blue Lead is to the east not far away, and the Gold
Bug, recently sold by Wm. HILLARD to L. A. EATON. The Castle Dome is a
contact ledge on the east bank of the North Fork, near a thousand feet
from the river. A tunnel 260 feet has been run and a few feet more will
strike the ledge, which is 41/2 feet in width. The rock assays over $20
per ton. The Gold Bug, near Kinsley, is a rich ledge. The ore is being
hauled to the railroad to Selbys. McNORTON is working a mine on Halls
Gulch, four miles from Kinsey. A small force of men are employed. There
are numerous rich prospects in this belt of country that is worth the
attention of Cape Nome cranks, or anyone else who wants a good gold
mine. Above Bower Cave and to the north is the Black Lead. This is a
perfect quarry equaling the famous Treadwell mine in Alaska in size. The
ore is low grade. The big Betsy Company are developing it with a good
force of men. Below the Compromise mine a few miles is the Ready Cash
group of mines. They are owned by a company of which Mr. FISHER, of The
Corcker Company, is President, and A. W. DeLYLE St. CLAIR is
Superintendent. These mines are in the same belt as the rich mines are
in the same belt as the rich Mountain King of Quartz Mountain. Mr. St.
CLAIR informed us that work is progressing very favorably and that
everything is looking first class.
This belt of country in the vicinity of Bull Creek and the north
of the Merced river has produced millions of dollars and is to-day
practically undeveloped. It is like the Quartzburg district, under the
baneful eye of the mining expert. The mining intelligence of these
professional mineral ferrets could be jobbed into a gnat's eye with a
pegging awl, and yet they have with no brains almost hid this county
from the mining world. While we are mentioning rich mines we will cross
the Merced river, to Sherlocks creek. Near this stream is the Cranky
Dick mine, owned by Tom MURRAY, Walter FRASIER, and Roland DEXTER. This
is one of the county's most promising mining prospect. Fourteen tons of
ore milled $267.50 at ELLINGHAM's mill on Whitlocks and 300 pounds of
rock were mortored $196. There is about a forty foot shaft and a 260
foot tunnel within 30 feet of ledge development work. Expert miner's
claim that there is now $3000 in sight. The parties who own this mine
are not able to work it. It is for sale. A water right is owned by them
which will furnish plenty of water at least eight months in the year.
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November 23, 2002