Mariposa, 1854
The Union Democrat
Sonora, Tuolumne Co., CA
Saturday, 18 Nov 1854
CALIFORNIA LION -- Mariposa 'Chronicle' -- A large California Lion was killed a few days since, by Mr. ASHWORTH, at his ranch on the Chowchilla. The day previous he had killed and carried off a hog weighing about 150 pounds. He measure 8 feet in length and his weight was estimated at about 250 pounds. Transcribed by Dee Sardoch
Daily Evening Bulletin, (San Francisco, CA) Friday, October 22, 1858; Issue 13; col C
The Mariposa Gazette says that a man named Kenny, who reside on the Stanislaus, was last week so badly injured by a grizzly, which he had wounded and followed into the thicket, that he cannot possibly recover.  Two of his ribs were torn out, and one arm and one leg badly crushed.

Stockton Daily Independent
August 8, 1862
THROWN FROM a HORSE -- The Mariposa ‘Gazette’ 
says J.G. BELL, formerly a resident of that place, was thrown from his horse on the Lower
Mariposa, Friday, the 1st instant, and had his collar bone broken, beside sustaining other injuries.
Stockton Daily Independent
TUESDAY, 13 NOV. 1866
FATAL ACCIDENT -- Jonathan ROSS, familiarly known as "Grizzly ROSS," and for many years a resident of Mariposa and Fresno counties, was killed Nov. 3d at the BACHMAN Ranch, Fresno county, by being run over by a 2 horse team. Dee S.

Stockton Daily Independent
MONDAY, 22 JUL. 1867
NARROW ESCAPE FROM DROWNING - A young lady named Emma REUTER, of Mariposa, has a narrow escape from drowning on Friday of last week, says the 'Gazette,' while crossing the ferry at Split Rock, on the Merced river. The animal she was riding
backed over the boat and threw her off. Her foot, however, hung in the stirrup, while her head was under water, and in this position she was rescued by Deputy Sheriff AMES, who was accompanying her and Miss BEHAM to this place [Mariposa], to attend the school teachers' examination. transcribed by Dee S

Stockton Daily Independent
MARIPOSA ITEMS - The 'Gazette' of Saturday 2d instant, has the following :
We learn that Mr. James MALONE, while returning from this place to his home on Bear Creek, on Saturday evening last, was thrown from his horse down a precipitous bank into the bed of the creek. Several of his ribs were broken and other injuries sustained.
transcribed by Dee S

Cow for sale Mariposa Gazette May 14, 1887

Bill NYE's Cow.
Bill Nye, it seems, has a cow which he offers to sell- in the following language: " Owing to ill health, I will sell at my residence
in township 29, range 18 west according to government survey, one crushed raspberry colored cow, aged six years. She is a good milkster,
and not afraid of cars or anything else. She is a cow of undaunted  courage, and gives milk frequently. To a man who does not fear death in any form, she would be a great boon. She is very much attached to her home at present, by means of a trace-chain, but she will be sold to any one who will agree to treat her right. She is one forth shorthorn and three-fourths hyena. Purchaser need not be identified. I will also through in a double barrel shotgun, which goes with her. In May she generally goes away for a week or two, and returns with a tall, red calf, with long, wobbly legs. Her name is Rose. I would prefer to sell her to a non-resident. submitted by Bill Disbro

Saturday, 23 Nov. 1872, Stockton Daily Independent
A MAN KILLED -- Last Monday, while a man named L.J WEST was riding a race up the principal street in the town of Mariposa, the horse stopped suddenly in front of Washburn & McCready's livery stable, causing the rider to fall over the animal's head violently to the ground. The injuries proved fatal. The accident occurred about 3 o'clock Monday afternoon, and Mr. WEST died
about 7 o'clock Tuesday morning. transcribed by Dee S
HORNITOS, 1873-Wednesday, 15 Jan 1873, Stockton Daily Independent

MARIPOSA COUNTY -- We clip from the ‘Gazette’ of the 11th the following  -- John L. KELLETT, a lad of 15 years of age, son of Dr. John KELLETT, who resides near Hornitos, met with a very severe accident a few days ago, which came near proving fatal. He was in the act of unhitching a horse which was fastened with a chain halter, when the animal gave a sudden start and ran -- the chain becoming entangled and forming a noose around the boy’s wrist. The boy fell and was dragged at full speed for about 400 yards, receiving some very serious and painful bruises, including 5 severe cuts on the head. When picked up nearly every stitch of clothing was torn from his body and he was insensible. His escape from death seems almost a miracle. At last accounts he was recovering with a prospect of sustaining no permanent injury from his wounds.   transcribed by Dee S.
Brooklyn Eagle, Friday , December 30, 1892


George F. LEIDIG, the proprietor of Grant Springs hotel, Mariposa County, who arrived here a day or two ago, says that game of all kinds is very plentiful in his vicinity and a few miles away in the high mountains. The bears are as numerous as has been known for some years, while grouse, pheasants and quail swarm everywhere. Mr. LEIDIG has been in the hotel business for ore than twenty years in California and tens of thousands of people have met him.

“I have known of some curious things in reference to the varied wild game of Mariposa”, he said to Chief Clerk George WARREN and one or two others as he leaned over the counter and toyed with the leaves of the register. “But I never knew of a stranger thing than happened to my son George and Stage Driver Joe RIDGEWAY of the Yosemite line some time since. George, you know, is engineer on the Central Pacific railroad, on the division between Wells and Carlin. Well, he and RIDGEWAY thought they would go up above Glacier point one day and have a look around .
You know that to get to Glacier point you must climb about 3, 500 feet and do it all in but little more than a couple of miles. It’s a hard task and when you get up there you look sheer down, as it were, from a balloon upon the world. Before you is spread the waterfalls of the Merced river, the snowcapped cones of the Sierras and everything to make up a garden of wonders. Probably in the work there does not exist a grander sight. It is within the confines of the celebrated Mariposa grant, to which the dauntless explorer, Colonel John C. FREMONT, once had a title, but which he finally lost, after much litigation. This was for many years known as the home of the large numbers of grizzlies, the most formidable to be found anywhere. Since there were so many of them,
not all the hunters that have gone into that region have succeed in wiping them out. When George and Joe had finally succeeded in getting to the top and they had gazed upon the panorama before them, they started to the south on a shoulder of the mountain. They had not proceeded far when there were indications of bears. Their great tracks were visible in some places along the trail and they kept a sharp eye out for them. They thought, with out noticing much, that they were the tracks of black bears. There were some birds and altogether the boys were enjoying themselves. Just as they began to descend a winding knoll on the edge they heard a thrashing in the bushes, as of someone whaling them with a long club. The two had become separated. RIDGEWAY was where he could get the best view, and he suddenly caught sight of a big grayish black object lying on a log. He knew at once that it was a grizzly and he let fly at him. Whether he hit him or not was never found out, but immediately there was more thrashing and a shriek from the bear that make the tall pines ring. Then there began a journey of
the bear toward George. It was rapid, for a grizzly can run like a wild buffalo as unwieldy he looks. RIDGEWAY could see that he had sniffed George or caught a glimpse of him through the bushes, and he yelled to him to look out, as the grizzly was after him. Then he took to his heels himself. George had scarcely got the warning then the bear was almost upon him. He turned and flew down the mountain. It was a terrible race. Now it would look as though George would evade the bear and then would appear that there was no escaping his paws. George zig zagged over stumps, fallen trees and bushes, the bear still after him, and finally fell down a rocky declivity, where for a time he lay half dead. The great brute had finally given up the chase, luckily for the young man he was after,
and at length RIDGEWAY got to George and helped him to stand up. How, here a a strange discovery was made, to which I want to call your attention. You have heard of people's hair turning white in a night, as though a man had lived a lifetime in a a few hours? When George got down to my place his hair, which had since his birth lain flat on his head, stoop up like stubble, as though it was waxed and combed up. More than that, it staid up so for two weeks before he could get it down to where it was formerly. The terrible race he had with the bear had
caused it. We all took notice of it, and talked about it during the whole two weeks. I suppose this may seem impossible to some, and they may not believe it, but it is entirely true. Nothing any of us could do during the fortnight would make the hair stay down. George is as brave as anybody, but he couldn't help knowing the awful danger he was in, and when his hair rose up the consciousness of the danger was so great, and remained so long with him,, that it took this length of time for it to get down again. Since then he is having no use for bears, especially grizzlies, and those familiar with the dangerous race he had do not at all wonder at it." San Francisco Examiner
San Joaquin Valley Argus
July 19, 1884

GORED BY A BULL – Thomas Price, a wealthy farmer of Plainsburg, and a pioneer settler of this county, was dangerously gored by a vicious Jersey bull at an early hour Tuesday morning, while in the corral. The animal being chained to a fence post. The bull struck Mr. Price with his horn, breaking his collar bone in two places and jamming him against the fence. A hired man being near by, ran to the rescue with a heavy club and beat the infuriated animal off and rescued Price from further harm. He now lies at his home in Plainsburg in a precarious condition.

submitted by Tom Hilk

Fresno Bee, Wed April 2, 1924
Mariposa (Mariposa Co) April 2- John B Trabucco, farmer and stockraiser, suffered a a broken shoulder and severe bruises when his horse  fell under him while he was driving stock near the Mt. Gaines Mine.
The accident occurred near the home of William Thomas  and Trabucco was taken to a Merced hospital.  He was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Mildred Williams , a nurse.

The Evening Bee
 Sacramento, Cal
. Tuesday, July 18, 1905

SAVED HIS LIFE BY EATING DOG---- BODIE (Cal.), July 18 - A man named HUFF, aged 73 years, is lying in the hospital at this place, having been discovered in the snow of the Tioga range nearly frozen to death. He said that the had been out from Mariposa, Cal., for nearly three months, and that when he became snow-bound he was compelled to kill and eat his dog to save himself from starvation. cdf

Fresno Bee,  June 3, 1925
Bear 'Strike" Brought to End At Yosemite
Yosemite- (Mariposa Co)
The bear strike that has tied up Yosemite National Park is over. The bears are back on the job at the bear pits, seeing folks and being
Both bears and officials claim to have won the strike, or walk-out, or whatever it was, when the bears hid out because Superintendent W H Lewis replaced the park garbage dump with a new incinerator. "We won," claim the bear Brotherhood leaders, "there's food down at the garbage dumps again."
"The incinerator's still on the job, and it's going to stay on the job," declare Yosemite Park officials.
Jack (last name unreadable) , who has charge of stages for the Yosemite Park and Curry Company, is the fellow who ended the strike.
(last name of the above Jack still unreadable) got a couple five gallon cans, which he filled with honey and syrup. He took a brush and painted everything in the neighborhood of the bear pits with honey. He painted trunks of trees, boards, tin cans, and every little thing that was in the way. That "busted" the Yosemite bear strike- c feroben
Fresno Bee, June 2, 1929
TWO HELD FOR STEALING CALF- Madera (Madera Co) Feb. 3
Roy Phelps and James Sturlock, the former under two years probation in this county, were arrested yesterday by Sheriff W C Rhodes, Deputy Sheriff Irwin Schnoor of Madera County, and Sheriff James Castagnetto of Mariposa County, on the Gill ranch on the Mariposa side of the Chowchilla River, for stealing and killing a calf on the ranch.
The dressed calf and its hide were found in a deserted cabin on the Madera side of the river. Indications were that the animal was killed on the Mariposa side. It is expected that the men will be brought to Madera County to answer to the charge of stealing the calf. transcribed by c feroben

MARIPOSA (Mariposa Co)

Fresno Bee, July 21, 1934

Finding a rattlesnake wrapped around her ankle would frighten many a
young woman out of her wits, but not so Miss Rebekah Fournier of Mount

To Miss Fournier it was just another opportunity to get a novel souvenir.
Her foot descended on the snake while she was walking along the street. She look (sic) down to see the reptile twisting itself around her ankle. She killed the snake and detached its two rattles and buttons which she now carries in her purse. c feroben

Fresno Bee, Thursday, Aug. 11, 1927
MARIPOSA (Mariposa Co)- Aug. 11- A rattlesnake five and one-half feet in length was killed by C F Ramsden at Hites Cove. Ramsden, who was doing some mining in that section found the "old timer" coiled up and ready for action near the cabin door. A welll-aimed rock brought a speedy victory over the reptiles, which was found to have twelve large rattles and evidence of twice that many having been worn off by being dragged over the rock hills at Hites Cove.- c feroben

Fresno Bee-November 29, 1929
Mariposa (Mariposa Co. Nov. 29-Jay Bruce, California State lion hunter, was in Mariposa today on his return from a mountain lion hunting expedition to the Wawona vicinity where he slew a male lion weighing 140 pounds, a female lion and her two half-grown cubs.  The lion was killed on Panoche Mountain and lioness and cubs on Bishop Creek.
Bruce will leave tomorrow for Jerseydale where he will hunt five or six days for lions reported in that vicinity. From there he will go to the north side of the Merced River in the Hazel Green country to do more hunting. transcribed by c feroben


Fresno Bee, Sunday, May 24, 1936
Guy E. Quick Closes Large Area to Hunters, Exterminates Hawks
Ben Hur (Mariposa Co.) May 23
Guy E Quick, pioneer cattle rancher and owner of  3,600-acre ranch, announced he has started a game refuge in the Striped Rock Canyon, about fifteen miles southeast of Mariposa.
Quick, a veteran fisherman and hunter as well as a rancher, began his work of exterminating all the hawks and animals that  prey on the wild game in the region in and about his ranch.  In the fist eighteen months he killed 209 hawks and nine big horned owls as well as twenty-two coyotes and two wild cats.
A group of ranchers in the Striped Rock region closed the canyon to all outside hunting, the territory taking in approximately 6,000 acres.  Quick was instrumental in signing up the land, thereby making possible the game refuge.
The game that will be protected in the area include quail (both valley and mountain), doves, pheasants, deer and cottontail rabbits.
The canyon is an ideal place for a game refuge, stated Quick, as Striped Rock Creek is fed by numerous springs located in the surrounding hills, providing plenty of water and green feed throughout the Summer months for all wild game.
He also says it is astonishing how the wild life has multiplied during the past year, especially the mountain quail, as this district is really below the belt in which they live.  He believes the extermination of hawks and coyotes is mainly responsible for the increase.
Quick recently placed a few pair of pheasants on the east part of his property and said he has arranged for the purchase of 100 additional pheasants which he will plant in the Striped Rock district in July.  transcribed by c feroben

Hayward Review- Hayward, California, July 25, 1944
MARIPOSA-Arthur Chapman, 11 died Sunday as the result of a rattlesnake bite suffered while visiting on a ranch near here. His home was in El Monte.. c feroben

Modesto Bee and News -Herald, Saturday, June 25, 1949
by Claire K Wheeler
COULTERVILLE, June 25.  All over California, people are making an all out effort to bring back the days of 1849-that is every place but in Coulterville.
Here a few brown bears, uninvited, brought back those bygone days without help two weeks ago
Their reign of terror has gone unabated ever since.
Ranchers, miners, and vactionists in this sparsely inhabited mountain area cannot leave their homes without fear of depredations.  Even staying home does not always help. One bear entered the opened door of Martin Glover's cabin at the Argo mine while Glover was away.
On his return in a jeep, the bear leaped through a  window and ran under the jeep. Colliding with the hot exhaust tailpipe, the bear took off over the mountain.  Glover has driven off the bear with shots on several other occasions.
A bear, possibly the some one, entered a shed at Westmoreland Brothers store here and tore open sacks of feed late one night.  Arlo  Westmoreland investigated. The bear charged Westmoreland as it sought a path of escape then crashed into a corral fence. Westmoreland headed in another direction, collided with a garbage can. The store is about a mile from the Glover cabin.
Further up Smith Creek, a bear entered the apple house on the Walter McLean ranch through a window five feet off the ground.  Attempts to break in a door had failed.
A bear also entered the vacant Lloyd Carter home on Jordan Creek, doing considerable damage.
The McCleans and Lyle Converse saw a small bear near the McLean gate early on that  evening but the animal escaped.
The National Park Service doubted the bear or bears causing trouble in this area were any of those released from the Yosemite National Park.  They state the bears were released at a distant point and would work their way back toward the park. transcribed by cferoben

June 24, 1970- Iowa City Press-Citizen

WAWONA, Calif- Bob Barnett and his boys have the horses back up to Yosemite now, and what is probably the biggest horse drive left in the West is done until next fall.
They use 300 horses and mules during the summer season in and around Yosemite National Park, whose elevation is in the 9,000-foot range.  A lot of snow there in the winter, so the horses are driven down to warmer pastureland around Lake McClure, 85 miles west.  Then, in a three-day drive reminiscent of the Old West, the cowboys escort them back up to their summer home.

Although there are a few differences in today's big horse drive, it still relies on men in the saddle to do the job.  Bob Barnett, lead cowboy, has been working horses for 35 years.  He has six other men with him.  They love the job.
"They don't notice the hard work and the long hours" Barnett says.  "They would rather do this than any other way of life.  Maybe we're so happy because all our brains have been bounced around riding."
They start out, as they always have, yelling "Hi! Hi!" and the animals snorting as steam rises from their backs in the chilly dawn.
They trudge east on a  dirt trail and then along a small road.  One of the cowboys rides ahead of the main body, putting up string across road crossings and gate openings.  This serves a dual purpose- keeping others from getting in the way of the herd and creating a "mental block" so the horses and mules won't stray onto side trails.
They move slowly-four miles an hour- but steadily.  The country side is lush and green after the spring rains and the thaw.  The weather is cool and cowboys enjoy the feeling of freedom.
"A horse is like a woman," Barnett says in an aside.  "The best looking ones don't always make the best wives."
The first night, they settle the horses down in a pasture outside the old town of Hornitos, once the home of Joaquin Murietta, "The Bloody Bandit of the Mother Lode."
It has been hot, dusty work, so the men head into town.  "Got to wash away that Corral No. 5," Barnett says.  but it isn't like the shoot-em ups.  They want a good mean and then a bed and shower in the motel, which is a modern trail-drive refinement.
They eat well- "Takes plenty of groceries to hold a man in his saddle, " Barnett says- and sleep well in order to hit the trail early.  "Up and at 'em, Barnett says, knocking on the doors of his cowhands.  "Lotta people die in bed: Dangerous place to be!"
Out of Hornitos, they stick as much as possible to back road and the open country of the Guadalupe Valley.  But it's hard, in the 1970, to avoid highways, and the herd once in awhile crosses one. For a stretch of about 3 1/2 miles, they are forced to move along Route 140.  One of the cowboys rides ahead, another behind, warning motorists, who stop and watch the 300 head move along the highway.
Yosemite's horses are chosen  for their even disposition and calm demeanor.  Barnett says they're generally a mixture- some Morgan, a bit of quarter horse, perhaps a little Appaloosa or Palomino.  They are purchased all over the West.
The men eat lunch in the saddle- fat sandwhiches stuffed with cheese and bologna and spiced with red-hot Mixican peppers.  They skirt towns- Mariposa, Mt. Bullion, Mormon Bar- and spend the second night near Bootjack.
They reach Yosemite about noon on the  third day and drive the horses into the Wawona corral.  Their job is done. Next fall, they'll drive them back down to Lak McClure again.
"We were probably born  50 years too late," Barnett says.  "But it's the kind of occupation we like.  There are lots of doctors, lawyers and businessmen we wouldn't trade with."- c feroben