Delinquent Tax List 1882 transcribed from the January 28, 1882 Mariposa Gazette ( submitted by W. Disbro) this information is not to be used for commercial purposes
ADKINS, Marcius- Possessory right to about 5 acres of land situated on a gulch emptying into the left bank of Bear Creek, immediately below Plum Bar Ranch, well known as Marcius ADKINS place. Val $25, Impts House and fence $75, val of Personal property $20. Total val of all property $120, Total tax $3.78, Collector's cost $1.50.
ASHWORTH, Mrs. Sinah- Possession, interest and claim to Preemption of E1/2 of SE1/4, Section 19, Twp 5, S range, 19E. W1/2 of SW1/4, Section 20, Twp 5, S range, 19E, containing 160 acres, val at $200. Also possessory right to 40 acres of land adjoining the above, val at $50, house barn and fence thereon val $300, val of personal property $233. Total val of all property $783. Total tax $24.66, collector's costs $1.50
BETTIS, Perkins- Possessory right to about 4 acres of land situated about 1/2 mile north of Wm. HANSON'S residence, and about 2 miles southwest of Hiram CONKLING'S residence. val $12, house fence and barn thereon $50, val of personal property $195. Total tax $8.09. Special school tax $1.04, collector's $1.50.
BASTIAN, Joseph- House at Washington Mine, val at $50. Total value of all property $50, Total Tax $1.58, collector's costs 50cts.
BARTOLOTTE Estate, By J. MENTZER, Adm.- One sixth in quartz mine called the John Letora Mine, also in 5 stamp mill, sleeping house and blacksmith shop, val $75, personal property $110, money $60. Total val of all property $245. Total Tax $7.57, collector's costs $1.50.
BALATTI, Lazora- Water privilege and ditch taking water out of Maxwell's Creek at Black Hills and conveying the same along the right bank of Maxwells Creek as far as Ambrose DENAGRIS Ranch 11/2 miles in length val. $100. Total value of all property $100. Total tax $3.15, collector's costs 50c.
BRASHERS, Colman- Possession interest and claim to homestead of S1/2 of SE1/4, SE1/4 of SW1/4, Section 28, Twp 2, S range, 15E., SE1/4 of SW1/4, Section 33, Twp 3, S range, 15E, containing 160 acres, val $200, house and stable thereon $25, val. of personal property $145. Total tax $11.65, Poll tax $4 delinquent, collector's costs $1.50.
BOTHGER, F. H. - S1/2 of section 26,T 5, S range, 16E, containing 320 acres; val. $640, Impts $50. Total val. of all property $690. Total tax $21.75, collector's costs $1.00
BECKNELL, J.C. - Possession interest and claim to Pre-emption of E1/2 of NE1/4 Section 9, Twp 7, S R, 18E, W1/2 of NW1/4 Section 10, Twp 7, S R, 18E, containing 160 acres, val. $200, house thereon $50, val. of personal property $445. Total val of all property $695, Total tax $21.89, Poll tax $4 delinquent, collector's costs $1.50.
BROWN, Jerome B. - Quartz Mine know as the Duncan Mine, situated on Section 16 and 21, T 5, S R , 16E containing 44 acres, val $220, Impts $100. Also Eureka mine situated on Section 21,T 5, S R , 16E containing 20 acres, val $100, Impts $50. Also lot 96 in Hornitos including 500 feet of Hornitos mine containing 10 acres, val $50, Impts $100, val of personal property $70. Total of all property $690, Total tax $21.74, Poll tax $4 delinquent; collector's costs $2.00.- Texas or Kehoe mine situated on Sections 11 and 12, Twp 5, S R , 16E, containing 20 acres, val $100, Impts $50 Total val of all property $150, Total tax $1.72, collector's costs $1.
BLANEY, George- Placer mine consisting of 20 acres on Section 2, T 5, S R, 15E, val $50, Water franchise at Mormon Bar on Merced River $150, water ditch taking water from Cook's Gulch, 11/2 miles long on Sections 11, T 5, S R 15E, val $100, water ditch taking water from Big Gulch at the head of Mormon Bar 2 miles in length, on Sections 1 and 2, T 5, S R, 15E, val. $100, reservoir on Section 2, T 5, 15E, val. $50, quartz mine on Sec. 11, T 5S, R 15E, val. $50; total of all property $550. Total tax $17.32, Special School tax $2.22, Poll tax $4, delinquent, collector's costs $2.50.
BLACHLEY, Wm. and L. CHESTER- W1/2 of SW1/4 ,Section 35, Twp 5, S R, 17E, Fractional W1/2 of NW1/4, Section 2, Twp 6, S R, 17E, containing 162.61 acres, val. $325. deduct mortgage of Samuel LORD $225. Total val. after deduction $100, Total tax $3.15, collector's costs $1.
BIGELOW, L. A. - Mining claim known as Welsted Flat Gravel Mine, situated on north bank of Merced river about 1 mile above Smiths Ferry, containing about 20 acres more or less with pipes and wire suspension, value $500; total val of all property $500; total tax $15.75; collector's costs $1.50.
COOK, C.J.- Quartz mine called the Pilgrim mine, situated on Section 11, Twp 5, S R, 15E, about 1/2 mile north of residence of Mrs. Jane SNEDIKER 1500 feet in length, val. $100. Also quartz mine called the Green Valley mine, situated an Section 11, Twp 5, S R, 15E, about 3/4 of a mile NE of residence of Mrs. Jane SNEDIKER 1500 feet in length val $100. Also dwelling house situated on Section 11, Twp 5, S R, 15E, 1/4 mile NE from Pilgrim mine; val. $100, val. of personal property $661, total tax $30.27, Special School tax $3.88, Poll tax $4 delinquent, collector's costs $2.
COLEMAN, J.W. & R.M.- Possessory right to 10 acres of land, situated on Striper Rock creek on the north bank of the Chowchilla about 21/2 miles south of Thompsons place, value $30. Also possessory right to 4 acres of land situated about 1 mile south of LAIRD'S goat ranch and about 31/2 miles southeast of Frank GROSJEAN's Ranch, value $12; house, barn and fence thereon, $75; value of personal property, $415; total tax $13.07; poll tax delinquent $4; collector's costs $2.
CHETTOE, Richard- Possession interest and claim to pre-emption of E1/2 of NW1/4, SW1/4 of NW1/4 Section 29, Twp 6, S R, 17E, containing 120 acres, val. $150, cabin thereon $5, Total val. of all property $155, Total tax $4.98, Poll tax $4, delinquent, collector's costs $1.
CRUZ, Victorina- Town lot in Hornitos val $10, house thereon $40, personal property $20. Total val. of all property $70, Total tax $2.20. Special School tax 29cts, collector's costs $1.50.
CANTY, Thomas- House situated in Hite's Cove above Grove's Hotel, val. $50. Total $50, Total tax $1.58, collector's cost 50cts.
COULTER, George W.- Possession interest and claim to Homestead of SW1/4 of SW1/4, Section 28, Twp 2, S R, 15E, SE1/4 of SE1/4, Section 29, S R, 15E, NE1/4 of NW1/4, Section 33, Twp 5, S R, 15E, containing 160 acres, val. $200, house barn, and fence $100, val. of personal property $231. Total of all property $531. Total tax $16.80, collector's costs $1.50
CRUZ, Victorino- Town lot 24 in Hornitos val. $10, house thereon $40, Total $50 Total tax $1.58, collector's cost $1.
CONKLIN, Hiram- E1/2 of NW1/4, NE1/4 of SW1/4, lots 2 and 3, Section 18, Twp 6, S R, 16E, containing 168 acres, val. $210, house, barn and fence thereon $40, val. of personal property $216. Total value of all $466, Total tax $14.65. Special school tax $1.88, Collector's costs $1.50.
COLEMAN, J.W. & R.M.- Possessory right to 10 acres of land, situated on Striper Rock creek on the north bank of the Chowchilla about 21/2 miles south of Thompsons place, value $30. Also possessory right to 4 acres of land situated about 1 mile south of LAIRD'S goat ranch and about 31/2 miles southeast of Frank GROSJEAN's Ranch, value $12; house, barn and fence thereon, $75; value of personal property, $415; total tax $13.07; poll tax delinquent $4; collector's costs $2.
COOP, Green- Possessory right to 10 acres of land situated near Snyders Saw Mill about 200 yards southwest of it, val. $50, house and fence thereon $50, Total tax $3.15, Poll tax $4, delinquent, collector's costs $1.00.
COZ, Carmen & N. ENCENAS-- Quartz mine situated on west side of Ciegas Gulch known as the Lauredes quartz mine on east side of Bear Creek and about 11/2 miles north easterly from the ranch of J.A. HENRY, 1500 feet in length val/ $100 Impts $25, Total of all property $125, Total tax $3.94, collector's costs $1.
DUNNING, W.H.- Possessory right to SE1/4 of Section 34, Twp 5, S R, 20E, containing 160 acres, val, $200, house thereon $50, Total of all property $250, total tax $7.78, collector's costs $1.
DONAHOE, Joseph A.- Judgment of foreclosure of mortgage entered February 15th, 1881, of mortgage given by Mariposa Land and Mining Company of California, dated August 2d, 1875 and recorded in book X of mortgages, pages 473-484 of the following described property t wit: Sections 8, 9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34 and the fractional portion of sections 4 and 5, lying between the Merced River on the north and said sections 8 and 9 on the south, and SW1/4 and the SW1/4 of NW1/4 of section 10, the W1/2 of section 15, the W1/2 of section 22 and the W1/2 of section 35, all in twp 4 S, range 17E of Mount Diablo Meridian; also sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, and 24 in twp 5 S, range 17E of Mt. Diablo Meridian; also the whole of twp 5S, range 18 east of Mount Diablo Meridian, comprising sections 1 to 36 inclusive; also sections 3 and 4 of twp 6 S, range 18 east of Mount Diablo Meridian, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, mines, minerals, mills, dams, flumes, reservoirs rights, erasements, buildings and machinery, and all other appurtences thereto belonging, being well known as the "Las Mariposas" or " FREMONT Grant. Value of judgment $189,352. Total value of all property $189,352. Total tax $5,964.58. Special school tax $441. Collector's costs $5.
DORSEY, Caleb - Mining claim situated at Little Gap on the east side of the divide between Tuolumne and Merced Rivers at the head of the North Fork of the Merced River, value $500; also one and a half miles of water ditch known as the Golden Rock Ditch, extending from Big Gap to Little Gap, value $400; value of personal property $1,025 total value of all property $1,925; total tax $60.63. Collector's cost $1.50.
DODSON, Milbrey A.- Possession, interest and claim to preemption of E1/4 of SE1/4 section 33, twp 6 S, range 17 east, fractional E1/2 of NE1/4 section 4 twp 7 S, range 17 east, containing 161 acres, value 4201; total value of all property $201; total taxes $6.21. Collector's costs $50c.
DODSON, S.P. and WM.- Possession, interest and claim to homestead of William DODSON, S1/2 of NE1/4, S1/2 of SE quarter section 9 twp 6S, range 18 east; also possession, interest and claim to homestead of S. P. DODSON, of fractional N1/2 of NE quarter section 9 twp 6 S, range 18 east, containing 272 acres, value $340; imp'ts thereon $50; total value of all property $390; total tax $12.28. Collector's costs $1.
EBBERTS, George - Lot in Coulterville, value $15; total value of all property $15; total tax 47cts. Collector's costs 50c.
FLORES, J.L. Jr.- Town lot No. 102 in Hornitos val. $10, Impts $30, personal property $20, Total $60, Total tax $1.89, collector's costs $1.50, Poll tax $4, delinquent.
FARIAS, Rafail - Town lot No. 35 in Hornitos val. $10, house thereon $40, Total of all property $50, Total tax $1.58, collector's costs $1.
FOSTER, P.T.- Possession interest and claim to Pre-emption of SE1/4 of NE quarter, NE quarter of SE quarter, Section 7, Twp 5, S R, 20E, lots 5 and 12, Section 8, Twp 5, S R, 20 E, containing 160 acres val. $200, house and fence thereon $75, val. of personal property $16, Total val of all property $291, Total tax $9.16, Poll tax $4, delinquent, collector's costs $1.50.
FRY, Mrs. Marcia Estate of - Quartz Mine known as the FRYE mine, situated on the dividing ridge between Sherlock's Creek, on the east side of said ridge towards Saxton's Creek to beginning at a Gulch tributary to Sherlock's Creek at the intersection of said Gulch, with the common trail leading from Saxten's to Sherlock's below the Falls, thence running 600 feet in SW direction; also a branch or off-shoot of said vein and running 600 feet in an easterly direction val. $100, total value of all property $100, Total tax $3.15, collector's costs $1.50.
FULKES, John W. - Lots 1 and 2, W1/2 of NE quarter, Section 20, Twp 5, S R, 20E, containing 155 acres, val. $200, house, barn and fence thereon $200, deduct mortgage of James BARNETT $250, val. personal property $80 val. of all property after deduction $230, Total tax $7.14, Poll Tax $4 delinquent, collector's costs $1.50.
GUEST, John W.- Lot in Bear Valley situated on the west side of North Carolina Street opposite WILCOX's foundry, val $10, house and fence thereon $90, value of personal property $30, Total value of all property $130. Total tax $4.65, collector's costs $1.50.
GONZALES, Sachariah - Town lot in Indian Gulch, on east side of road leading from Hornitos opposite McMILLAN's saloon, val. $10, house thereon $65, Total value of property $75, Total val. of all property $75, Total tax $2.31, collector's costs $1.
GRIFFIN, Thomas- Possession interest and claim to pre-emption of lots 1, 2, and 3; SE quarter of NW quarter section 3, twp 6S, range 17 east, containing 170 acres, value $112; house thereon $25, value of personal property $115; total value of all property $352; total tax 11.08; poll tax $4 delinquent. Collector's costs $1.50.
GROVE, W.G.- Improvements situated at Hite's Cove, consisting of one two story frame hotel, value $3,500; one sleeping house $200; one cottage $150; three small houses $75; stable $25; one half acre of Alfalfa and fence 75; value of personal property $747; money $120; total value of all property $4892; total tax $154.09. Collector's costs $3.50.
GIPSEN, P. R.- Possessory rights to 6 acres of land situated about three miles west of Big Tree Station on south side of road leading to Mariposa, value $30; house and fence thereon $50; total value of all property $80; total tax $2.52; poll tax delinquent $4. Collector's costs $1.
GREELEY, W. S. - Possession, interest and claim to homestead of W1/2 of NW quarter; SE quarter of NW quarter; NW1/4 of SW1/4, sec. 29, twp 2 S, range 17 east, containing 160 acres, value $226: house, barn and fence thereon $150, value of personal property $665; total value of all property 1011: total tax $31.84. Collector's costs $1.50.
GOLDSWORTHY, Wm.- S1/2 of NW1/4, NW1/2 of NW quarter; SW quarter of SW quarter, homestead, of section 10, twp 4 S, range 15 east, containing 160 acres, value $200; total value of all property $200; total tax $6.30; Collector's costs 50c.
GOBIN, L.D. - Possessory right to about 50 acres of land situated on Crane Flat at the junction of the road from Hazel Green to Crane Flat, with the road from Big Oak Flat to Yo Semite Valley, val. $250; imp's $250; total value of all property $500; total tax $15.75; Collector's costs $1.
HENNESSY, James A.- Possessory right to 40 acres of land, situated on the south bank of the main Merced River about 81/2 miles below the boundary line of Yo Semite Grant well known as Hennessy's ranch, value $50; house, barn, vineyard and orchard thereon, value $800; deduct mortgage of John R. HITE $850 value of personal property $332.
Quartz mine called the North Hite mine, situated near Hite's cove being the northerly extension of the Hite Mine, 1,500 feet in length, value $100. Also quartz mine known as the Topsy Turvy mine, situated on the Gibbs mountain about six miles south east from Hite's Cove, 1,500 feet in length, value $100. Also quartz mine called the "Pompompora mine," situated on the south bank of the main Merced river directly opposite the Furguson mine 2 1/2 miles north from Hite's cove, 600 feet in length, value $100; total value of all property, $300; total tax $9.45; collector's costs $1.50.
HELM J. B.- Possession interest and claim to homestead of SE quarter of SE quarter, Section 28. twp 7, S R , 17E; S1/2 of SW quarter, NE quarter of SW quarter, Section 27, Twp 7, S R, 17 E, containing 160 acres, value $280, cabin thereon $20, value of personal property $330, total value of all property $630, total tax $19.84, poll tax $4, delinquent, collector's costs $1.50.
HELM, Allen- Possessory right to 160 acres of land Twp 7, R 17E, between land of A.C.SMITH and Jacob LEWIS, val. $200. house thereon $50, value of personal property $240, total value of all property $427, total tax $13.44, Poll tax $4, delinquent, collector's costs $1.50.
HOLDEN, Charles - Possession, interest and claim to homestead of SW quarter of SE quarter, SE quarter of SW quarter Section 26, Twp 5, S R, 17E, containing 160 acres, value $200, impts consisting of house and fence $75, value of personal property $415, total value of all property $680, total tax $21.73 poll tax $4 delinquent, collector's costs $1.50.
HARREAGUE, Alphonse - Improvements situated on Buckeye about 11/2 miles south of the residence of A.H. YOUNG, and on the road leading from there to Bridgeport, consisting of dwelling house, corral, sheds and fence, value $200, value of personal property $207, total of all property $680, total tax $12.82, poll tax $4, delinquent, collector's costs $1.50.
HANNA, John - Possession interest and claim to Pre-emption of NE1/2 of NE quarter, N1/2 of NW1/4, Section 29, twp 5, S R 16E; containing 160 acres, value $200, total value of all property $200, total tax $7.11, collector's costs 50cts.
HUNT, Dennis - Possession interest and claim to homestead of SE quarter, Section 27, Twp 3, S R, 15E; containing 160 acres, value $24, impts $10, money $30, total value of all property $289, total tax $8.82, poll tax $4 delinquent, collector's costs $1.50.
HENDRICKS Charles - Possessory right to 10 acres of land situated on the Thompson branch of the Chowchilla about 1 mile above R.A. PRESTON's residence, and adjoining the land of T. C. HENDRICK's value $30, impts $20, value of personal property $30, total value of all property $80, total tax $2.52, poll tax $4, delinquent, collector's cost $1.50.
HEDERSON, Issac- SE quarter, NE quarter, Sec. 15, TWP 17, S R, 18E, containing 320 acres, val. $900, impts thereon $100; deduct mortgage of M. QUICK $81, val of personal property $86, total of all property after deduction $805, total tax $25.35, collector's costs $1.50.
HITE, John R. and Chas. MAIN- Hite Quartz Mine and Mill site situated at Hite's Cove on the north side of the South Fork of the Merced River, being known and designated upon the official surveys of the United States as lot No. 37 A and Lot No. 37 B embracing a portion of twp 3 S, range 19 east, M.D.M., in Mariposa Quartz Mining District, containing in the aggregate 16 93-100 acres of land, being the same parcels of land conveyed to John R. HITE and Chas. MAIN by the U.S. of America patent, dated December 5th, 1874 and recorded in the office of the Recorders of the County of Mariposa, in book M of U.S. Patends, page 78 ct seq The description contained therein being made a part of this assessment, value $250,000; also quartz claim known as the Giltner Claim being the south easterly extension of lot No. 37 A, 500 feet in length and 600 feet in width, value $2,500; impts 40 stamp water powered quartz mill $24,500, railroad track $2000; Sand mill and railroad and ditch $8000, dam and ditch $1500; store house $400; dwelling house $100; hall and sleeping house 4500; Sternes and Grove house $400; two gardens $300; personal property and money $9,475; total value of all property $299,075; total tax $9,450.86; Collector's costs $6.
HARBECK, J.H. - Mortgage given by John KELLETT June 6th, 1881, recorded in Book Z of mortgages, page 127 et seq. That certain piece or parcel of land or quartz mining claim situate in the County of Mariposa, State of California, bounded and described as follows; beginning at the east end of Jerome B. BROWNS claim and running easterly with the vein five hundred feet to Bone Yard Gulch, said mining claim is south and near Hornitos Cemetery and known as the Kellett or Hornitos mine and situated on NE quarter of section 17, twp 5 S, range 16 east, M.D.M. with the appurtenances, value of mortgage $200; total value of all property $200; total tax 6.30; special school tax 81cts. Collector's costs $1.
ISOLA, Louis- Quartz mine called the Isola Mine, situated at Penon Blanco, one and a half miles north of George HAIGHTS' residence on Chimney Gulch 41/2 miles north west from Coulterville, 1500 feet in length, value $100; also mll site and water privilege containing five acres of land situated near the mine on Chimney Gulch, value $10; also quartz mine called the Orphan Mine, situated near the head of White's Gulch on the left side of the trail leading from Coulterville, value $25; total value of all property $135; total tax $4.25; Poll tax $4 delinquent; collector's costs $1.50.
JACKSON, Andrew- Possession, interest and claim to pre-emption of SW quarter of section 12, twp 6 S, range 17 east, containing 160 acres value $200; cabin thereon $20; value of personal property $50; total value of all property $270; total tax $8.50; poll tax $4 delinquent; collector's costs $1.50.
JENNET, Julian - Possession, interest and claim to homestead of SE quarter of NE quarter; E1/2 of SE quarter; SW quarter of SE quarter section 25, twp 3 S, range 14 east, containing 160 acres, value $240; total value of all property $240; total tax $7.44; collector's costs 50cts.
JOHNSON, Lyman- House at Hite's Cove, above residence of Mrs. JENKINS on the road to the mine, value $100; value of personal property $40; total value of all property $240; total tax $4.41; Collector's costs $1.
Juanito Gold Mining Co. - Quartz mine called the Juanito Mine in Hite's Cove Mining District about 4 miles SE of Hite's Cove and about one mile west of the El Carmen mine, 1,500 feet in length, value $100, total value of all property $100; total tax $3.15; Collector's costs 50cts.
KENDALL, Thomas- Improvements consisting of house, barn and fence situated at the foot of Cathey's Valley Mountain on the road leading from Agua Fria to Cathey's Valley about quarter of a mile above the residence of C.S. THOMPSON on section 35, twp 5 S, range 17 east, value $75; value of personal property $273; total value of all property $348; total tax $10.96; Collector's costs $1.
KELLETT, John - Possession, interest and claim to pre-emption of NW quarter of section 20, twp 5 S, range 16 east, containing 160 acres, value $200, impts consisting of house and fence $80; value of personal property $250; total value of all property $530; total tax $16.69; special school tax $2.14.
KALLOCH, John - Possession, interest and claim to pre-emption of N1/2 of NE quarter; N1/2 of NW quarter section 29, twp 5 S, range 16 east, containing 160 acres, value $200; total value of all property $200; total tax $6.15; special school tax 81 cts. Collector's costs 50 cts.
KANE, Barney - Frame building used as a saloon, situated at the crossing of Snow Creek on the east bank, about 11/2 miles east of George BERTKEN'S residence and about to miles south of Clark's saw mill, value $200; value of personal property and money $28; total tax $7.18; Collector's costs $1.
LAUGHLIN, William - Possession, interest and claim to homestead of SE quarter of SE quarter section 5, twp 7 S, range 17 east; E1/2 of NE quarter, NE quarter of SE quarter section 8, twp 7 south, range 17 east, containing 160 acres, value $280; house thereon $50; value of personal property $130; total value of all property $460; total tax $14.49; Collector's costs $1.50.
Live Oak Mill and Mining Co.- Quartz mine situated on El Dorado Gulch in immediate vicinity of residence of D. M. POOL, consisting of engine boiler, 2 batteries, 2 concentrators and building $800; deduct mortgage of George REEB $800 total value of all property $----; 4 poll taxes $16 delinquent; collector's costs $1.50.
LIN, Quah- New house on east side of Main street in Chinatown at Mormon Bar, being northerly of 2 new houses built there, value $50; total value of all property $200; total tax $6.30; Collector's costs 50cts.
Morris, B. F. - Quartz mine called the Florida Mine situated on the west side of the North Fork of the Merced River and on the north side of Gentry's Gulch, between the Hasloe and Banderita Mine, 1500 feet in length, value $100, total tax $3.15, collector's cost 50 cts.
McCARTHY & TOMLISON- quartz mine called the Castle Dome mine, situated on the east bank of the North Fork of the Merced River, about 1 1/2 mile south of the Marble Spring mine, and about 1 mile east of the Shimer mine 1500 feet in length, value $100, total value of all property $100, total tax $3.15, collector's costs 50 cts.
MURRY, Bernard - Lot 5 block 3 in Coulterville, value $30, value of personal property $30; total value of all property $60, total tax, $1.89; collector's costs $1.
MUSANTE, G. - House and fence situated on the right bank Maxwells Creek, about 1 mile north of Horse Shoe Bend, between the residence of TROMBETTA and ranch of DONAGRI and DENARI, value $50, total value of all property %50, total tax $1.57, collector's cost 50cts.
McNALLY, David- Possession interest and claim to pre-emption of SE quarter of NE quarter, NE quarter of SE quarter, Section 21, twp 6, SR, 19 E, SW quarter of NW quarter, NW quarter od SW quarter, Section 22, Twp 6, S R, 19E; containing 160 acres, value $200, house and fence thereon $50, value of all property $639, total value of all property $889, total tax $28, poll tax $4, delinquent, collector's costs $1.50.
MAGOON, R. H. - Possession interest and claim to homestead of NE quarter of SW quarter, NW quarter of SE quarter, S half of SE quarter, Section 18, twp 5, S R, 20 E; containing 160 acres, value $200, impts $20, value of personal property $48, total value of all property $268, total tax $8.44, collector's costs $1.50.
MARTIN, Michael - house at Hite's Cove, on the south side of gulch coming down from South Hite Mine opposite South Hite Bridge, value $50, total value of all property $50, total tax $1.58, collector's costs 50c.
McMILLIAN, J. a. - Lot situated at Indian Gulch on SE corner Main street adjoining the store of Nicolas SOLARI value $50, hotel, saloon and outhouses thereon $300 Also lots on both sides of road leading from Hornitos to Indian Gulch, joining respectively the lots of John VIGNOLI & Perry FUNDERBUNK, value $10, deduct mortgage of Peter CALORE $300, fixtures $25, value of personal property $58, total value of all property after deduction $118, total tax $3.71, poll tax $4 delinquent, collector's costs $2.- Quartz mine called the McMILLIAN mine situated on SE quarter Section 34, twp 5, S R, 16 E; about half a mile north of Indian Gulch, 1500 feet in length value $100, impts $25, total value of all property $125, total tax $3.93, collector's costs $1.
Modesto Gold and Silver Mining Company- Quartz mine known as the Silver King Mining Claim, beginning at the oak tree on a knoll in Green Flat on the Pioneer Lode, and running thence in a southerly direction along the line of said Pioneer Lode 1500 feet with surface ground 300 feet in width on each side of said lode, value $1000, engine boiler and quartz crushing machinery $400, value of all property $1500, total tax $47.26, collector's costs $1.50.
McCRELLISH, Frederick- Crown Lead Quartz mine or vein, with surface ground 300 feet in width, and 5700 linear feet in length and five acres of mill-site lying and being in Coulterville Mining District, in twp 3, S R, 16E M.D.M., and known and designated by field notes and official plat on file in the U.S. Land Office at Stockton, Cal., as lots 48A and 48B, value of mine $400, mill-site $25 Also Crown Peak quartz mine or vein 1116 linear feet in length with surface ground 300 feet in width, and 5 acres of mill-site, situated and being in Coulterville Mining District, twp 3, S R, 16E, M.D.M., and know and designated by the field notes and official plat on file at the U.S. Land office in Stockton, Cal., as lots 49A and 49B, value of mine $100, mill-site $25. Adeline quartz mine or vein 2700 linear feet in length with surface ground 300 feet in width, and mill-site situate and lying and being in the Coulterville Mining District, in twp 3, S R, 16 E M.D.M. , and known and designated by the field notes and official plat on file at the U.S. Land Office at Stockton, Cal., as lots No. 46A and 46B, value of mine $150, mill-site $25. Anderson Quartz mine or vein 2000 feet linear feet in length with surface ground 300 feet in width and mill-site, situate lying and being in Coulterville Mining District in Twp 3, S R, 16 E, M.D.M., and known by field notes and official plat on file in the U.S. Land Office at Stockton, Cal., as lots 47A and 47B, value of mine $100, mill-site $25. Midas Quartz mine or vein 2000 feet in length with surface ground 300 feet in width situate and lying and being in Coulterville Mining District, in twp 3, S R, 16E; M.D.M., and known and designated by the field notes and official files in the U.S. Land Offices at Stockton, Cal., as lot 45, value of mine $200, (being double assessment having been omitted the previous year) total value of all property $1050, total $33.07, collector's costs $4.50.
MULLINS, Jeremiah- SE quarter of section 6, twp 7, S R, 16 E, containing 160 acres, value $240, house thereon $20, total val. of all property $260, total tax $8.19, collector's costs $1.
Mariposa Gold & Silver Mining Co.- Quartz mine formerly known as the "Four Aces" mine, Hiawathe & Longfellow mines situated about 1 half miles W S W of Frank GROSJEANS residence about half mile east of the Modesto mine value $100, total tax $3.15, collector's costs $50 cts.
MICHADO, John - Possession interest and claim to pre-emption of lot 4; SW quarter of NW quarter, W half of SW quarter section 5, twp 7, S R, 17E; containing 160 acres value $200, total value of all property $200; total tax $3.15, collector's costs 50cts.
MILBURN, Leonard R.-- E half of SE quarter section 28, twp 3, S R,15 E; E half of NE quarter section 33, twp 3, S R, 15E; containing 160 acres value $200, total value of all property $200; total tax $6.15 collector's costs 50 cts.
MORROW, George P.- One undivided half interest CAMPODONICO Quartz mill mine house and tools, situated on a parcel of land beginning at an iron stake with mound of rocks at the NW corner of the SW quarter of NE quarter of Section 16,, twp 5 S, range 16 E, M.D.M., thence E 17 degrees S 15 chains and 14 links to corner with oak tree 16 inches in diameter, thence S 16 degrees W 20 chains to corner stake with mound of rocks, thence N 3 chains 13 links to corner stake with mound of rocks, thence E 6 chains, containing 18.77 acres, together with one undivided half interest in the quartz mill, hoisting works, pumps, tanks, water pipes, mining tools; together with all house, blacksmith shop on the aforesaid premises, together with all tenements. Total value of all property $600; total tax $18.90, special school tax $2.43, collector's costs $1.50.
McLAUGHLIN, Charles - Mortgage given by A. H. WASHBURN, J. J. COOK and John BRUCE, October 1, 1880, recorded in Book Z of mortgages, pages 86, 87, 88 and 89, of W 1/2 of SW quarter Section 1, twp 5 S, range 21 E, NE quarter of SE quarter ; E 1/2 of lot No. 2 Section 2 twp 5 S, range 21 E; W 1/2 of lot No. 7, lot No. 8, W 1/2 of lot No. 10 Section 2 twp 5 S, range 21 E. Lots No. 1, 2 and 6, Section 3 twp 5 S, range 21 E, Lots 4 and 5 Section 2 twp 5 S, range 21 E. Also that certain enclosed possessory claim situated adjacent to, and on the side of the N boundary line of twp 5, and near Big Tree Station in Mariposa County, and on both sides of the South Fork of the Merced River and bounded and enclosed by high bluffs of rocks on the N, on the E by a fence, on the S by a fence; situated on the or near the N boundary line of twp 5, and on the W by a fence, and having thereon a saw mill, water ditch and other impts, together with the improvements upon all and singular the aforementioned lots, tracts and parcels of land. Value of mortgage $12,000. Total value of all property $12,000, total tax $378, collector's costs $4.
OVERTON, D.F. - Possessory right to about 6 acres of land situated on the E side of the road between Delashmetts & Snells, about 1 mile and one quarter miles NE from SNELLS house, supposed to be on Section 2, twp 8 S, range 18 E. Value $10; personal property value $35; total of all property $55. Total tax $1.73; poll tax delinquent $4; collector's costs $1.50.
Oakland Trout Co. - Fractional N 1/2 of SW quarter, fractional S 1/2 of NW quarter, Section 23, twp 7 S, range 16 E, containing 136 acres, value $432; total tax $13.61; collector's costs $1.
PECK, Adeline A. - Fractional NW quarter Section 31, twp 5 S, range 17E, S 1/2 of SE quarter, S 1/2 of SW quarter Section 25, twp 5 S, range 16 E, containing 327 acres value $408; impts $50; total value of all property $458. Total tax $14.44; collector's costs $1.
PRESTON, J.J.- Possession interest and claim to pre-emption of N 1/2 of SE quarter Section 23, twp 7 S, range 18 E, containing 160 acres, value $200; house and fence thereon $50; personal property $15; Total value of all property $265. Total tax $8.34; collector's costs $1.50.
PEARCE, James H. - Quartz mine called the Carter Ebni mine, situated on the north bank of the South Fork of the Merced River, about five miles east of Hite's Cove, being the the southeasterly extension of the Bob Williams mine, 1500 feet in length, value $100; total value of all property $265. Total tax $3.15; collector's costs 50 cts.
PITZER, Albert - Possession interest and claim to pre-emption of E 1/2 of NW quarter, SW quarter of NW quarter, SW quarter of NE quarter, section 7, twp 4 south, range 16 east, containing 160 acres , value $200, impts 420, value of personal property $75; total value of all property $295. Total tax $9.29; collector's costs $1.50.
PRANT, Michael Lot situated on east side of North Carolina street in Bear Valley, joining residence of M. NEWMAN on the north and now occupied by E.O. DARLING, value $50; impts $150; total value of all property $200. Total tax $6.15; special school tax 80 cts; collector's costs $1.
PHILLIPPI, Antonio L. - Possession interest and claim to pre-emption of W 1/2 of SW quarter, section 28, twp 5 south, range 17 east, W 1/2 of NW quarter, section 3 twp 6 south, range 17 east, containing 160 acres, value $200; total value of all property $200. Total tax $6.30; collector's costs 50 cts.
PHILPS, Albert- Possessory right to 10 acres of land situated on SE quarter section 23, twp 5 south, range 25 east, near the head of Big creek and known as Fish Camp, value $15; impts $10; total value of all property $25. Total tax 99 cts; collector's costs $1.
ROWLAND, L.H.- Possession interest and claim to pre-emption of SW quarter of NW quarter NW quarter of SW quarter section 1, twp 6 south, range 17 east; SE quarter of NE quarter NE quarter SE quarter section 2, twp 6 south, range 17 east, containing 160 acres, value $200; total value of all property $200. Total tax $6.30; collector's costs 50 cts.
ROMERO, Lazaro- House and lot in Indian Gulch below and adjoining the house of John VIGNOLI, value of lot $10; house thereon $50; total of all property $50. Total tax $1.58; collector's costs $1.
RUSH, Frank - Possession interest and claim to homestead of W 1/2 of NE quarter NW quarter of SE quarter, NE quarter of NE quarter, section 24, twp 5 south, range 16 east containing 160 acres, value $218; Cabin thereon $10; total value of all property $228. Total tax $7.18; collector's costs $1.
RICARD, Joseph - Town lot in Mariposa on north side of Seventh street between Main and Jessie streets, value $25; total value of all property $25. Total tax 79 cts; collector's costs 50 cts.
REED, James - Possessory right to 160 acres of land situated on NE 1/2 of NW quarter, SE quarter of NW quarter, NE quarter of NW quarter section 23, twp 2 south, range 16 east, value $200; house and out buildings thereon $100. Also quartz mine called the Reed " lale mine" situated on the black hills on the south side of Black creek about 1 and one-quarter mile north of Coulterville, and about 250 yards south-west from Theodore EWINGS residence, value $50; value of personal property $18; total value of all property $398. Total tax $12.00; poll tax delinquent $4; collector's costs $1.50.
SMITH, John W. - Possessory right to 160 acres of land situated in twp 7 S, range 17 east, M.D.M. between land of A.C. SMITH and Jacob LEWIS, value $200; house thereon $50; value of personal property $240; total value of all property $440; total tax $13.86; poll tax delinquent $4. Collector's costs $1.50.
SASTRADE, Juan, by Mrs. E. MERCK.-- Quartz mine situated on section 6, twp 5 S, range 16 east, M.D.M. and known as the Duncan mine, value $100; lot No. 43 in Hornitos, value $50; lot No. 65 in Hornitos value $10; value of personal property $80; total value of all property $240; total tax $7.56; special school tax 97c; collector's costs $1.50.
SANCHI, Francisco - Possession, interest and claim to Homestead of N 1/2 of NW 1/4; W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of section 34, twp 4 S, range 16 east, M.D.M. containing 160 acres, value $200; cabin and fence thereon $40; value of personal property $252; total value of all property $492; total tax $15.50; poll tax $4 delinquent. Collector's costs $1.50.
SYLVAS, Adolph - House at Washington Mine, value $50, total value of all property $50; total tax $1.58. Collector's costs 50 cts.
SHEARON, Wm. M. - Improvements consisting of house, fence and vineyard situated about one mile east of Princeton and about 300 yards south of the stage road leading from Mariposa to Princeton, value $300; value of personal property $123; total value of all property $423; total tax $13.32, Collector's costs $1.
STRIBLING, W. A. - Possession interest and claim to homestead of N1/2 of SW1/4 of section 33, twp 2 S, range 15 east M.D.M. and SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of section 32, twp 2 S, range 15 east, M.D.M. containing 160 acres, value $200; impts $75; value of personal property $130; total value of all property $405; total tax $12.76; poll tax $4 delinquent; collector's costs $1.50.
SINNING, Adolph - Lot 5 block 1, Coulterville, value $25; impts $75; value of personal property $650; total value of all property $750; total tax $23.63. Collector's costs $1.50.
South Hite Gold Mining Company, by W.H. WIDMAN, Superintendent- Mines situated on the right bank of the South Fork of Merced River south of Hite's Cove, well known as the South Hite Mines, Spring Tunnel Mine, $100; Georgia Point Mine $1200; South Side Mind $100; Mill site containing 5 acres of land, $100; Bridge 500; improvements consisting of cars and rail road track, $500; boarding house $150; sleeping house $100; 3 cottages $150; value of personal property $850; total value of all property $3,750. Total tax $118.13. Collector's costs 3.
STERNE, Joseph A. -House and lot situated in Hite's Cove, value $100; value of personal property $128; total tax $7.18. Poll tax $4 delinquent $4. Collector's costs $1.
SILVA, Frank - Possession, interest and claim to pre-emption of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of section 5; SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of section 6; NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of section 7 and NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of section 8; all of twp 6 S, range 17E, M.D.M. containing 160 acres, value $200; total tax $6.30; Poll tax $4 delinquent. Collector's costs 50 cts.
SARGEANT, Henry R. - Possession, interest and claim to pre-emption of SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of section 22 and E 1/2 of SW 1/4 ; SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of section 23, all twp 6 S, range 18 east, M.D.M. containing 160 acres, value $200. Total value of all property $200. Total tax $6.30. Collector's costs 50 cts.
Unknown Owner- New house at Mormon Bar on east side of Main street in Chinatown, being the southerly of two new houses built in the middle of said street, value $50. Total value of all property $50, Total tax $1.58. Collector's costs 50c.
UTTER, E.S. and James McCAULEY- Quartz mine known as the McCAULEY Mine, situated on the north side of the Hite Mountain on the trail leading from Hite's Cove to HENNESSEY's Ranch, value $200. Total value of all property $200. Total tax $6.30. Collector's costs 50 cts.
VILLARDE, Jose Lawrence- Possession, interest and claim to pre-emption of lots 2, 3 and 4 of section 4, twp 7S, and SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of sec 33, twp 6 S, all of range 17 east. M.D.M. containing 163 acres, value $205. Total tax $6.46. Collector's costs 50 cts.
Washington Mining Company by Geo. E. WEBBER, Jun. S 1/2 of NW 1/4; N1/2 of SW 1/4 of section 4 and S 1/2 of SW 1/4; N 1/2 of NW 1/4 of section 9, all in twp 5 S, range 16 east, M.D.M. containing 320 acres, value $645; improvements consisting of house, barn and fence, $400. Also quartz mine called the Washington Mine situated on NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 of section 4, twp 4 S, range 16 E, 3000 feet in length by 600 feet wide, value $10,000; improvements consisting of 30 quartz stamps mill $10,000; two hoisting works $6000; chlorination works $1000; foundry $250, and other buildings $100; money $200. Value of personal property $3,250. Total value of all property $31,835. Total tax $1003.12. Collector's costs $5.
WILLIAMS, Thomas- Possession, interest and claim to homestead of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 and N1/2 of SW 1/4 of section 20, twp 5 S, range 16 east, M.D.M. containing 160 acres, value $200; total value of all property $200; Total tax $6.30. Collector's costs 50 cts.
WILLIAMS, Monroe & Co. - Possessory right to 40 acres of land on the North side of Sherlock's creek near it's head and opposite the residence of Lewis WESTON, value $50; barn and fence thereon $50, value of personal property $954; total value of all property $1,054; total tax $33.20; poll tax $4 delinquent; collector's costs $1.50.
WILLIAMS, Thos.- N 1/2 of SE 1/4 N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of section 20, twp 5 south, range 16 E, M.D.M., containing 160 acres value $322; house and fence $60; total value of all property $382; total tax $12.03; special school tax, Hornitos district $1.54; collector's costs $1.
Possession interest and claim to homestead of N 1/2 of NW 1/4 f section 25, twp 5 south, range 16 east M.D.M., containing 160 acres, value $375; cabin thereon $10; total value of all property $385; total tax $12.13; collector's costs $1.
WOOD, J. Westley-- Frame house situated on the road between Big Tree Station and Yo Semite valley at the 11 mile station nearly opposite Yo Semite Stage and Turnpike Co.'s stable value $50; value of personal property $70; total value of all property $120; total tax $3.78; collector's costs $1.
WHALEN, John - Quartz mine known as the western extension of the Banderita Mine, situated in Coulterville mining district on the west side of the north fork of the Merced river, and about 1/2 mile north of Gentry's gulch commencing at the westerly end of the Banderita lode at a stake set in a mound of rocks; running thence in a westerly direction on the course of the vein 1,500 linear feet, together with all its dips, spurs and angles; also 300 feet on each side of surface ground, value $100; total tax $3.15; collector's costs 50c.
Wilson, Eli - Possession, interest and claim to homestead of lot 4, SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of section 5, and SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of section 6, all of twp 6 south, range 17 east, M.D.M., containing 160 acres, value $2000; cabin thereon $10; value of personal property $10; total value of all property $220; total tax $6.93; poll tax $4 delinquent; collector's costs $1.50.
WAKELEE, Coward & Co. - Machinery consisting of boiler and parts of a engine situated near the Compromise mine, value $100; total value of all property, $100; total tax $3.5; collector's costs 50c.
WASHBURN and BRUCE - W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of section 1, and NE 1/4 of SE 1/4, E 1/2 of lot No. 10; W 1/2 of lot No. 7; lot No. 8; W 1/2 of lot 10, and lots 4 and 5 of section 2, and lots No.'s 1, 2 and 6 of section 3; all of twp 5 south, range 21 east, M.D.M., containing 500 acres, value $2,500. Also possessory right to 140 acres of land adjacent to and on the north side of the boundary line of said township, near Big Tree Station and on both sides of the south fork of the Merced river, bounded and enclosed on the north by a fence, on the south by a fence situated on oe near north boundary line of twp 5 south, range 21 east, on the west by a fence, value $175; impts thereon, hotel $7,000; sleeping and out houses, $300; saw mill and machinery, $500; saloon $100; blacksmith shop $125; 2 stables $800; fences $500; value of personal property $3,130; deduct mortgage of Charles McLAUGHLIN $12,000. Total value of all property after deductions $3,130; total tax $98.60; collector's costs $4.50.
WILLIAMS, R. and H. TODD- Quartz mine known as the El Carmen Quartz Mine, situated on Gibbs Mountain between the main Merced river about 2 miles in a direct line north-easterly from Hite's Cove and about three miles from the South Fork of the Merced river 1,750 feet in length, value $250. Total value of all property $250. Total tax $7.88. Collector's costs 50 cts.
Yo Semite Lodge F. and A.M., by B. F. MORRIS, Trustee- Improvements on school house in Coulterville, consisting of Masonic Hall, value $200. Money $30. Value of personal property $200. Total value of all property $430. Total tax $13.55. Collector's costs $1.50.
ZAPIN, Candelaria - Lot No. 40 Hornitos, value $10. Impts $90. Total value of all property $100. Total tax $3.15, Special School tax Hornitos district 40c. Collector's costs $1.
County California History and Genealogy