I, John W. Probasco, of Probasco's Ranch, in the County of Mariposa, State of California, do make, publish, ordain and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say:
First I give, grant devise and bequeath unto my son Jacob Probasco, of Probasco's Ranch, in the County of

Secondly, I nominate and appoint my said son Jacob Probasco to be my sole Executor, and direct that my said Executor serve without being required to give any bond, and, so far as the laws of the State of California may permit, without the order, direction or control of any count.

Thirdly, I am not unmindful of my other children, namely my sons Henry Probasco and John Probasco, and my daughters Elvina Dickinson and Catherine Chapman, but consider that I have heretofore give them sufficient property and assistance and that they are already possessed of sufficient means to make them comfortable.

In witness whenof I have hereuto set my hand and seal at Mariposa in the County of Mariposa, on this Sixth day of July, A. D. 1882.
(signed John W. Probasco with seal)

The foregoing instrument was on this Sixth day of July, A. D. 1882, by the said John W. Probasco signed and sealed in the presence of us and of each of us, and at the time of signing the same he declared to us and to each of us the said instrument to be his last will and testament, and we at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have on this said Sixth day of July, A. D. 1882, theredo subscribed our names as witnesses at the town and County of Mariposa, State of California.
L. F. Jones
Residing at Mariposa, Mariposa County, California
L. N. Jones
Residing at Mariposa, Mariposa County, California Mariposa, State of California, all the property, real, personal and mixed of which I may be seize or possessed or may be the owner, or in which I may have any interest, at the time of my death, to have and to hold the same from the time of my death.

This is a handwritten will, written in old English style, but neat and readable.

contributed by Carol Lackey


Mariposa COunty History and Genealogy