Mariposa Gazette, September 23, 1899
Proceedings of the Board.

Monday, Sept, 18th 1899

The Board met according to adjournment,

Present: Supervisors J. J. Westfall, Jas Lindsey, J. W. Collins, Isaac Lyons, and H. W. Cornett, Chairman.

The matter of the levy of the tax rate for the year 1899 coming on regularly it was ordered that a tax of $2.80 on each $100 of taxable property of the county of Mariposa be levied for the year 1899 apportioned to the different funds as follows.

State Fund ..........................................$ .60.1

General Expense ................................ .93.00

Indigent Sick ..................................... .30.00

Bond .................................................. .50.00

Hospital building .............................. .05.9

Road (gen road 10 percent) .............. .30.00


Also special School tax in the following districts.

Mariposa school district, 30 cents.

Quartzburg school district 20 cents.

Bear Valley school district 15 cents.

Cunningham school district special 30 cents.

The treasurer is hereby directed to transfer from the General expense fund to the Mariposa school redemption fund $130, said $130 to be subsequently repaid to the General Expense Fund.

The following bills were allowed on the General Expense Fund.

Jas Lindsey, Supervisor and mileage ............. 16.00

H. W. Cornett, Supervisor and mileage ........ 13.20

Isaac Lyons, Supervisor and mileage ............ 11.40

J. J. Westfall, Supervisor and mileage ............. 12.80

John W. Collins, Supervisor and mileage ....... 14.00

Isaac Lyons, mileage as road com ................... 19.40

Julia L. Jones, member Board of Education .... 40.00

Julia L. Jones, member Board of Education .... 5.00

J. R. Cornett, member Board of Education ....... 13.20

Kittie E. Dexter, member Board of Education ... 51.20

J. B. Wilkinson, member Board of Education ... 37.00

J. W. Congdon, member Board of Education ... 37.50

Julia L. Jones, printing school manual ............. 40.50

Julia L. Jones traveling expenses as School Sup. 34.50

Sunset Telephone Co. Services ......................... 7.90

J. A. Adair, county printing ............................... 64.10

S. M. Pate, freight for county ............................ 50

F. S. Clow, carpenter work .................................. 1.50

W. A. Scott, work on court house ..................... 8.50

R. Finn, Justice fees .......................................... 10.00

C. Kerrins, mdse for county ............................... 27.80

A. Carlisle & Co. Stationery .............................. 69.25

W. J. Kearney, examining insane ...................... 5.00

C. Richter, examining insane ............................ 5.00

Joe Choisser, Constable fees ............................ 6.10

W. G. Turner, livery hire ................................. 18.00

James Lindsey, mileage as road com................ 15.80

The following bills were allowed on the Indigent Sick fund

Chas O. Brown, conveying Indigent ...................... 6.00

W. J. Kearney, mdse for hospital ........................... 3.50

J. F. Harris, mdse for hospital ............................... 1.00

J. F. Harris, tabacco for hospital ........................... 25.00

The Board adjourned until Tuesday, Sept. 19th at 9 a.m.

H. W. Cornett, Chariman.

Attest. J. H. Corcoan, Clerk

Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1899

The board met according to adjournment. Present Supervisors Isaac Lyons, J. W. Collins, J. J. Westfall, James Lindsey, and H. W. Cornett, chairman.

The Clerk is hereby directed to have printed 250 posters for distribution, with the act to regulate the width of tires of wagons to be used on the public highways of the State of California.

The following bills were allowed on the Road Fund.

J. J. Westfall, work in No. 6 district ................... 67.25

J. J. Westfall, work in No. 5 district ................... 10.00

Isaac Lyons, work in No. 4 district .................... 254.15

James Lindsey, work in No. 2 district ............... 50.00

J. W. Collins, work in No. 1 district .................. 14.00

H. W. Cornett, work in No 7 district ................. 5.60

James Lindsey, work in No. 8 district ............... 3.00

The Board adjourned until its next regular meeting.

H. W. Cornett, Chariman.

Attest, J. H. Corcoran, Clerk.
(file submitted by Tom Hilk)