Mariposa County California
Historical Obituaries
Part of the Mariposa County History and Genealogy

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            Indian Toms wife
               May 6, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

                 The death wail sounded at the rancheria, several days and nights, over the wife of Indian Tom, who died  last Monday

IRETON, George
WEDNESDAY, 30 JAN 1867, Stockton Daily Indpendent

DEATH FROM an OVERDOSE of MORPHINE -- George IRETON, a native of England, who came to this State in 1849 and who has resided almost ever since at Sherlocks and Whitlock creeks, Mariposa county, died recently at Bear Valley from the effects of an overdose of morphine, administered medically. The 'Gazette' speaks in very high terms of Mr. IRETON.  Transcribed by Dee S

               IVETT, John

               November 15, 1890 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               John IVETT Found Brutally Murdered at His Home on the Merced River.

               John IVETT, one of the oldest settlers and most respected citizens of Merced County, was foully murdered at
               his home on the Merced River, during the night of Sunday last, by someone yet unknown. Mr. IVETT was in the
               habit of retiring early and on the evening in question left what is called the " lower house," a large
               building occupied by his men, and where, in the absence of his wife, he ate his meals. He left there saying
               he would go to the upper house, a smaller building on the hill situated about two hundred yards distant,
               and after writing a letter to his wife, he ate his meals. He left there saying he would go to bed. This was
               about half past seven o'clock and he was never again seen alive. At the time of our going to press it is
               generally agreed that circumstances somewhat as follows must have happened: When Mr. IVETT left the lower
               house he went immediately to the upper dwelling and lighting a lamp commenced to write a letter to his wife
               who had for some time been in San Francisco for her health. The lamp was still burning the next morning and
               a half written letter with the open ink bottle and pen used in writing, lying near the lamp on the table.
               Where the writer had written the last words which he was to write in this world, a tap on the door
               announced the entrance of a visitor. Indications seem to point toward a short conversation between Mr.
               IVETT and the murderer, after which, following his hospitable habit, he invited the murderer to have a
               glass of wine in the cellar. Lighting another lamp the old man followed by the murderer repaired to the
               cellar and drank a glass or two of wine. The murderer was the first to ascend the cellar stairs. As Mr.
               IVETT, lamp in one hand and keys in the other, reached the head of the stairs and was about to to close
               down the cellar door, a murderous blow with a hatchet or some similar instrument cleft his skull. The lamp
               fell in the cellar below. Clutching the keys in his death grip, the man who had never harmed a human being,
               remained standing for a moment half unconscious and the blood pouring from the awful wound. The work of the
               murderer was not quite done. Another blow was needed and that blow came readily from a willing hand. In
               falling the cellar door fell on one foot holding it in a vice and preventing the body from rolling down the
               cellar. The blood gushed from the wounds over the clothes of the murderer and his feet where smeared with
               the red stream. It must have been at this point that the full measure of his awful crime became apparent.
               Taking with him the instrument of death he fled towards where his horse had been impatiently pawing the
               earth awaiting his return. The bloody tracks are there yet.- Star.

               JACKSON, John A.
               February 4,1882 Mariposa Gazette
               (submited by W. Disbro)

               Death of John A. JACKSON.- The deceased was a old time resident of this county, having came here early in
               the year of 1850, and settled on Sherlock's Creek, where for many years he was a thrifty miner. Later he
               was united with his family, who arrived here from their eastern home in Baltimore, and settled together
               upon Sherlocks, in company with their children Katie, Joseph and Johnnie. For several years past the family
               have resided in Mariposa. Mrs. JACKSON is a devout Christian, and a very enthusiastic member of the M.E.
               Church. Johnnie is engaged in business for himself in some northern county of the State, and is favorably
               spoken of as a steady industrious business man. Katie, who has been married, has two children and resides
               in San Francisco. She arrived in time to take a farewell look at her departed father and attended the
               funeral, which took place from their residence on Monday last. The funeral was largely attended, and the
               services performed by the Rev. SAWRIE of this place.


               JEFFRIES, Stephan

               February 27, 1864 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. DISBRO)

               Fatal Accident near Coulterville.- Mr. Stephan JEFFRIES was killed at the "Virginia" lead, below
               Coulterville, on Thursday, Feb. 18th, by the caving in of a tunnel in which he was working at the time. A
               large mass of earth and rock fell upon him, crushing him in a horrid manner and killing him instantly. Mr.
               JEFFRIES formerly lived in Princeton, and was at one time leader of the Princeton Brass Band.

 Stockton Daily Independent
 Tuesday, March 14, 1871

DIED -- in Coulterville, March 3d, Mary Jane, daughter of George &
Elizabeth JEFFREYS, aged 5 years, 10 days.
transcribed by Dee S.

Daily Sacramento Bee
January 3 1868

  At Bull creek, Mariposa county, Dec. 12th, David JENKINS, aged about 36 years.

              JENKINS, Christina

               August 24, 1878 Mariposa Gazette
               (Submitted by W. Disbro)

               Very Ill.- Miss Christina JENKINS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. JENKINS, residing on the Chowchilla, is lying
               dangerously ill at the residence of her sister, Mrs. W. G. GROVE, of Hite's Cove. Doctor WARD was sent for
               on Thursday last, and returned yesterday; he expresses considerable doubt of the recovery of the young
               lady. Since the above was in type, news of the sufferer has been received. She was removed from Hite's Cove
               Thursday evening, arriving at the home of her parents, on the Chowchilla, about 5 o'clock Friday morning.
               She passed away about one hour after her arrival home. She was a favorite daughter, and highly esteemed by
               everyone who knew her. The parents, brothers and sisters, have the sympathy of the friends and
               acquaintances of the lovely flower that has so early in life been plucked from the cluster where it budded
               and bloomed so beautifully, and sweet as the most delicate rose. Her gentle form now lies in quiet repose,
               while the spirit has taken flight to the abode of angels, where sorrow and pain are known no more.

            JENKINS Died

               December 6, 1879 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by William Disbro)

               On Chowchilla Creek, Dec. 3d, M. J. C. JENKINS, aged 54 years and four months.

            Mr. J C JENKINS

               Mariposa Gazette, May 19, 1906
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               Sudden and Unexpected Death.- Mr. J.C. JENKINS an old pioneer of this county, was unexpectedly called forth
               to his last resting place on this earth: Mr. JENKINS was in town Monday of this week, and on his return
               home was suddenly struck by a paralytic stroke, which in a few hours caused his most unexpected death. He
               was comparatively well up to within a hour he was stricken.

            JILBERT, Charles

               Nov. 16, 1878 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Accident and Death - On Monday last, the 11th inst., a sad accident occurred at the Washington mine, by
               which a man named Charles JILBERT was killed and another by the name of Thomas WILLIAMS, was severely
               injured, though not fatally injured. From what we can learn, the > accident was caused by the bucket, upon
               which the two men were returning > to the surface from one of the lower levels., striking a timber when
               within one hundred feet of the top, and catching JILBERT in some manner so that he was crushed to death
               instantly. WILLIAMS, who was with JILBERT upon the bucket, was badly hurt, but it is thought by his
               physician that he will recover. It seems to us that some safer means for the transportation of men up and
               down deep shafts, than clinging to the outside of a bucket; should be employed. The case of JILBERT is
               rendered still more distressing from the fact that he leaves a wife and two children, who were dependent on
               him for support. He was a native of England, and among his countrymen and acquaintances generally, bore the
               reputation of being honest and industrious, as well as a provident husband and father. The bereaved wife
               and children have the sympathy of the entire community.


               September 27, 1884 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               On Sherlocks' Creek, September 23d, 1884, a native of Louisiana, aged 69 years.  

            JOHNSON, Amos

               May 7,1881 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death at the Hospital.- Amos JOHNSON, a colored man well known to almost everyone around Mariposa, died at
               the Hospital last Wednesday afternoon of dropsy of the heart. For the past year or so he had been working
               in the vicinity of Mormon Bar, and had been in the Hospital but six days at the time of his death. He was
               unmarried, and forty-five years of age.

JOHNSON, Francis Lewis
Mariposa Gazette, January 29, 1861
At Mariposa Milk Ranch, Francis Lewis Johnson, of Jasper, Mo. , age 27, consumption.  (no date of death given)
(submitted by Warren Carah)

            "Saw mill" John JOHNSON

               January 23, 1886 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W Disbro)

               Frozen to Death.- James McCAULEY of Glacier Point Hotel, Yosemite Valley arrived in town on Wednesday
               bringing the news of the death of John JOHNSON commonly known as  sawmill JOHNSON. He is supposed to have
               frozen to death, and his body was found by J. R. LAMBERT ON THE 18TH INSTANT ABOUT 11 1/2 O'CLOCK a.m. 1/2
               mile from MEYERS and MASON on the
               Coulterville Road leading to the Yosemite Valley. The following articles were found on or near his person.
               Two saw, planes and saw set, silver watch and chain. The watch had stopped at 18 minutes to 9, one 5
               shooter, pipe, box of cartridges, 3 cigars, box of pills, purse with $5.50, pocket knife, rule, 2 lead
               pencils, 2 letters, 2 receipts and a pair of spectacles. The articles were examined in the presence of
               James McCauley PHILLIP prouveneur, J.B.LAMBERT. Deceased is a member of the Peoples Life and Benevolent
               Association of California. The body was brought to MEYERS & MASONS the same day it was found, were for
               money paid by deceased into the Society. He was also a member of the
               Scandinavian Society of San Francisco, office 126 Kearney street.

               also in same issue

            John JOHNSON who was frozen to death recently has lived for many years about Yosemite, Hites Cove and
               Snyder's & Co. saw mill and is well known as "Saw Mill JOHNSON." He was a short time back preparing to pay
               up on a pre-emption of 160 acres near Snyder's He was a Norwegian 52 years of
               age. His death is noticed in another article. His insurance policy $1,500 which he held, was drawn in favor
               of Jimmy FERGUSON.

         Henry JOHNSON
Stockton Daily Independent- Dec 28m `861
  Died-in Mariposa, at the county hospital, Dec. 17th, Henry JOHNSON, a native of Rotterdam, Germany, and aged
about 40 year

Modesto Bee, June 3, 1963
 see portrait of Peter Johnson and Ida Mae Converse here

Ida Mae Johnson daughter of California pioneer and a Coulterville, Mariposa County resident for 78 yeas died in a Modesto hospital after a long illness. She was 87.
Mrs. Johnson had lived in Modesto for nine years. He was born on Greeley Hill, near Coulterville in 1876.
California Pioneer
Her father, John L Converse, came to California from Iowa in 1851 and mined in the Mariposa County area before homesteading the 280 acre Converse ranch which today is run by his son, John L Converse, Jr., and a grandson.
Mrs. Johnson's mother came to California from Massachusetts in 1859.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Daisy L Hopkins of Modesto, a son peter C Johnson of Carson City, Nev., her brother, John L. Converse Jr., five grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
Graveside services will be conducted at 11:30 PM tomorrow in the Modesto Cemetery, The Rev. R. F. Winkelman will officiate. The Franklin & Down Funeral Home is in charge of services. cferoben

            Margaret A. JOHNSON Is Dead At Mariposa

               Merced Sun Star, Jan. 15, 1934
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               Margaret A. Johnson Is Dead At Mariposa MARIPOSA, Jan. 15 (Special) Mrs. Margaret A. Johnson, 74, native of
               Mariposa, died yesterday at her home here. Mrs. Johnson was the widow of the late Daniel Johnson who died
               eight years ago. Her son, the late Ed Johnson was coroner and public administrator for 18 years before his
               death several years ago. She is survived by a daughter; Elizabeth Johnson. The body has been taken to Ivers
               and Alcorn funeral home in Merced. The funeral will be here Wednesday.  

               JOHNSON, Nettie
               December 29, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

                 A Sudden Death.- News came into town on Sunday last, of the unexpected death of Miss Nettie JOHNSON, a young lady residing at Chowchilla. Miss
               JOHNSON lived with her aunt Mrs. U.F. PRESTON, and about six weeks ago
               suffered from an attack of diphtheria, from which she had not fully recovered. But she was able to be up and to attend to household duties, and on Sunday
               morning arose to prepare breakfast. Soon after dressing she was seized with a violent chill, and although her aunt an uncle were present, did what they could for   her, she died within three hours after the first appearance of the chill. She was the daughter of Wm. JOHNSON of Cathey's Valley, and was aged fifteen years and eleven months. The body was brought to town an a inquest held, the results of which will be given elsewhere.  

               Wm. H. JOHNSON

               January 19, 1884 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Wm. H, JOHNSON, brother in law of Johnny McGANN, who together, formerly lived in this place, committed
               suicide at Bakersfield last week. He was found lying on his bed, dressed, with a Henry rifle besides him,
               and the top of his head blown off. He had been drinking. He had been pardoned out of the State Prison about
               a year, where he had been sentenced for ten years for murder in the second degree. It is supposed that a
               feeling of remorse for the crime he had committed, led to the deed.   

            JONES, Jim
               June 9, 1894 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Jim JONES, an Indian snake charmer, died a few days ago at Course Gold near Madera from the effects of a
               bite by a rattlesnake. He had been bitten frequently, but prevented serious results by using an antidote,
               the secret of which he would not reveal. He had none of the antidote with him at the time he was last

               JUDD JONES

               MARIPOSA FREE PRESS, JUNE 6, 1863

               (submitted by Joshua Reader)

               Judd Jones, formerly a resident of Quartzburg, and well-known throughout this county, was recently killed
               at Tucson, Arizona Territory. The report came through a letter from W. H. Tounge to Jacob Jones, Esq.,
               Hornitos, a brother of deceased, and states that Jones got into a difficulty with an Indian agent about some
               squaws and children taken by Jones and others who had been out on an expedition against the Apaches. The
               agent interfered in the matter, and the result was the shooting of Jones. We have learned no further

            Julia L. JONES Dies at Home In Stockton
               Mariposa Gazette, April 27, 1923
               (submitted by Tom Hilk )

               Greatly beloved lady passed away on Thursday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mirian GOUCHER of
               Stockton after long illness. Was County Superintendent of Schools of Mariposa for eighteen years and a
               prominent member of Las Mariposas Chapter, Order Eastern Star. A telephone message was received by
               relatives in Mariposa Thursday, telling of the death of Miss Julia L. Jones, that morning at the home of
               her sister, Mrs. Mirian GOUCHER of 840 N. Hunter Street, Stockton, California. Miss Jones had been in
              declining health for many months and her death was not unexpected, although everything was done that
               medical science and the best physicians could do for her. Julia L. Jones was born at the Benton Mills and
               was, at the time of her death, 66 years of age. Her family were very prominent people in Mariposa where
               they resided for many years. Miss Jones was a highly educated and cultured woman and was elected to the
               office of County Superintendent of Schools of Mariposa in 1894, and serving in that capacity from January
               1, 1895 to march 12, 1912, resigning from office on account of her health and moving to Stockton where she
               has resided since. She was held in the highest esteem by the teachers, children and parents throughout her
               long useful term as Superintendent of Schools. Her many acts of kindness and charity will remain as a
               monument to her memory for years to come. She was a charter member of Las Mariposa Chapter, Order Eastern
               Star, and was faithful to its teachings in her daily work. And one of her last requests was that she be
               laid at eternal rest under the solemn rites of the chapter which was so much to her. She also was a N. D.
               G. W. She leaves to mourn her, two sisters Mrs. Mirian GOUCHER of Stockton and Mrs. Lucy TURNER of White
               Rock, Mariposa county, and one brother, Newman JONES of Los Angeles. The funeral will be held tomorrow,
               Saturday, at 2 o'clock p.m., interment to be in the family plot, in the Masonic cemetery at Mariposa,
               beside her father and mother who preceded her to the grave many years.   

Ollie May JONES
Modesto Bee and News-Herald, Aug 7, 1956

MARIPOSA, Mariposa Co. Serbices for Ollie May Jones, 72 of Whiterock in this county will be conducted tomorrow at 2 PM in  the Tiscornia & IVers Funeral Home here.  Burial will be in the Mariposa Cemetery.
Mrs. Jones, a resident of Whiterock for 50 years, died Sunday in a Merced hospital after an extended illness. She was a native of Kansas.
She was a member of Las Mariposas Lodge 200, Order of Eastern Star, and Chowchilla Rebekah Lodge 327.

She leaves a son, Earl M. Bennett of San Francisco; five sisters, Mrs. Pearl Sprowl of Modesto, Mrs. Claudie Traynor of San Antonio, Tex., Mrs. Virginia Kane and Mrs. Barbara Ashworth of Merced and Mrs. Florence Wass of Mariposa; five brothers, Rodney Bays of Palo Alto, Lloyd L. Bays of Winton, Merced County, Thomas J Bays of Merced, Issac R Bays of San Bernardino, and Leslie R Bays of Los Angeles, and one grandaughter.   cferoben

JONES, Thomas J
Fresno Bee, October 12,  1969
MARIPOSA- Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 2 pm in the Tiscornia and Ivers Funeral Home for Thomas J Jones, 87, of Mariposa who died Thrusday.  Burial will be int he Maripsoa Cemetery.
A native of Florin, he lived in Mariposa 83 years and was a cattle rancher.
He leaves his widow, Maude' a stepdaughter, Mrs. June Darret of Fresno; a stepson, Wayne Westfal of Yosemite; three grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.=-transcribed by cferoben

         Frederick Franklin JORDAN

               Mariposa Tribune, April 28, 1999
               (submitted by C Feroben)

               Mr. Jordan, 92, a lifelong resident of Coarsegold passed away at the Oakhurst Living Center on April 19. He
               was a self employed logger for 60 years. He leaves a brother Roy JORDAN of Ahwahneen; sister Elanor WATGSON
               of Washington; son, Larry JORDAN of Badger, California; daughter, Mary ROWE of Greeley, Colorado and six
               grandchildren. Services were held on Thursday, April 22 at the Sierra Chapel in Oakhurst. Burial followed
               at the Oakhill Cemetery

                Irva Jordan -3-12-98 Sierra Sun Star
    • Mountain Area native

    AHWAHNEE – Irva Isabelle Jordan, lifelong resident of Mariposa and Madera counties, died at her home here on March 3.

    Services were held Saturday at the Sierra Funeral Chapel in Oakhurst. Graveside services were held Monday at Oakhill

    Mrs. Jordan was born December 20, 1915, at the family homestead in Bootjack.

    She was the fourth of 10 children, all of whom were born at home.

    Her parents were Dora Ethel (Lewis) and Henry John McNally, pioneering Mariposa families. Her parents had a ranch where
    they raised their own food and kept Irva and her brothers and sisters with a variety of chores.

    In one of her written memories, Mrs. Jordan wrote:

    "My parents always raised a big garden. Plenty for us, the neighbors, relatives and friends. [We] had a fair-sized orchard of
    peach, apple, apricots and so forth, and blackberry and boysenberry vines.

    "A smokehouse on the ranch where we cured hams and bacon from hogs we had raised, and of course we had the usual
    chickens and Mom always had a few turkeys.

    "I remember the big old turkey she gave me that second year I was married. That big old turkey rode all the way there on top
    of our loaded-down pickup truck."

    Mrs. Jordan attended Sebas-topol School near Bootjack through the eighth grade, then went to high school at Mari-posa. She
    graduated from Mariposa High School in 1933.

    During the summers, as a young women, she was em-ployed at Yosemite National Park. One of her favorite memories was
    pushing the embers off Glacier Point, creating the then famous Yosemite Firefall.

    From the time of her marriage to Frederick Jordan, she enjoyed the life of a homemaker. Over the years she expressed her
    creativity in canning, cooking and sewing. She also loved to write letters to her large family and craft poems to honor special
    family events.

    Her home was filled with clever handmade items. A good deal of her time was spent with her plants and in her flower
    gardens. She loved working in the yard around her house.

    Mrs. Jordan is survived by her husband of more than 63 years, Frederick Franklin Jordan.

    She was the mother of Mary Ellen and husband, Gail Rowe and their children, Jennifer and Justin; her son, Larry Jordan and
    wife Joni and their children, Michael, Cynthia, Mark and David.

    She was the sister of Ruth Conway, Claude McNally and wife Elsie; Merrill McNally and wife Ruth; Velma Tarver and
    husband George; Linda McNally and wife Charlene; Anne McNally and many nieces and nephews.

    Mrs. Jordan was preceded in death by her parents, her brother Gene McNally and her sisters Mary Oakes and Esma

    Remembrances: American Heart Association, 1495 West Shaw Avenue, Fresno 93711. 


               JOSSELYN, Carrie

               January 31, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Carrie JOSSELYN

               Word was received here last Saturday night, of the dangerous illness of Mrs. Carrie JOSSELYN, at Tulare,
               and her mother Mrs. Thomas DOWNIE, left early Monday morning to find her daughter better, but the poor girl
               was buried before the mother arrived. Mrs. JOSSELYN was born in this county, and most of her life was
               passed here, until the last four year years. She was a general favorite with all of our people, and many
               tears will fall over the death of pretty Carrie BISHOP. She was married some seven years ago to A. J.
               JOSSELYN, and was the mother of three children, two little girls being left with the father. Her death is a
               sharp, sudden blow to her family and friends, for among all who knew her, there is none who has ever said "
               I am her enemy."   


               Mariposa Gazette, May 19, 1906
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               JOUANOU - In San Francisco, May 12, 1906, Angele Gabrielle, beloved wife of August Jouanou and daughter of
               Mr. and Mrs. H. Artru, and sister of Mrs. E. L. Camin of Mariposa, a native of France, aged 23 years, 7
               months, 9 days. Mrs. Jouanou was well and favorably known in Mariposa, where she lived with her parents,
               and has many friends here who will regret to learn of her early demise. The funeral was held on Tuesday,
               May 15th. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. Contact researcher at

JOUANOU,  Jean Babptiste

San Francisco Cal-  November 3,  1903
In this city, November 1, 1903, dearly beloved husband of Antoinette Jouanou and father of  August Jouanou, and grandfather  of Antoirette and Artru Jouanou,  a France, aged 59 yeras and 11 months.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his resicence, 42 Scott place, Wednesday, November 4, at 9 o'clock,  then to Notre Dame des Victories Church, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:15  o'clock.  Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. contact researcher Carolyn Feroben  at

            Oliver H JOY

               Mariposa Gazette, January 26, 1901
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               An old time resident of Coulterville and vicinity, died at his home in Chehallis, Washington, on January
               16th 1901. Deceased was a brother-in-law of our County Treasurer, S. P. O. COUNTS, having married Miss.
               Counts at Horse Shoe Bend in 1855.Mr. Joy and family left this county in 1877 and have since resided in
               Washington. His widow and several children still reside.  

               KALCK Died

               November 18, 1882 Mariposa Gazette

               KALCK- In Coulterville, November 11th, 1882, William Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob KALCK, aged 4 years
               and 6 months.  

KANE, Margaret
Modesto Bee and News - Herald
July 7, 1936

Margaret Kane, Pioneer Mariposa Woman, is Called
MERCED- July 6,--Mrs. Margaret May Kane, 73, a pioneer resident of Mariposa County died Saturday in San Francisco afer an illness of one month.  She was a native of County Down, Ireland, and had lived in California fifty-five years.
For twenty years Mrs. Kane was postmistress at Darrah, Mariposa County, and for the same length of time she served as trustee of the Mt. Buckingham School District.  She lived in Mariposa County fortty-two years.
Survivin her are two sons, John and Chales Kane, Merced, and two daughters, Mrs. Agnes E Welch, Merced, and Mrs. Annie Nrinham, Big Oak Flat.
A rosary service will he beld in the Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home here this evening at 8 o'clock and funeral services will be held in St. Josephs Church in Mariposa tomorrow morning at 10 with Rev. John Hunt officiating. Burial will be in the Mariposa Cemetery.

              KASSON,  Frances Adelia Reynolds

   San Mateo Times, Tuesday , January 13, 1931
Funeral services were held in Palo ALto today for MRs. Frances Adelia Kasson, pioneer California newspaper woman and one of the few women editors of the state, who died  at her Palo Alto home Sunday. She had been bedfast since Christmas eve, when she fell in her home.
A native of Illinois, Mrs. Kasson came to California in 1879.  Her first husband, Angevine Reynolds,  was editor of the Mariposa Gazette, which Mrs. Kasson edited after his death.  She later married Frank Kasson, foreman of the plant. In 1895 they bourth the Palo ALto Live Oak, weekely newspaper of the city's early days. Mr. Kasson was city clerk of Palo Alto at the time of his death in 1924.
Mrs. Kasson is survived by a daugher, Mrs. Orville Valentine, a son, Frederick F. Reynolds and grandson, Frederick R Reynolds Jr., of Palo Alto.

               Oct. 1,1881 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Dead - After a lingering illness, Dr. W. S. KAVANAUGH of this place passed away on Thursday last. One by
               one the old settlers are rapidly passing off this mundane sphere, and it is only a matter of time when all
               the old actors who have passed through the early stages and scenes of a California life, will be laid away
               and listed among the things that were and soon forgotten. Dr. KAVANAUGH was a remarkable man in his way,
               full of eccentricities and peculiarities, but nothing material to his disparagement. His early career here
               was marked with enterprise and success in the practice of medicine. He has resided here in Mariposa ever
               since 1850, during which time he has held official positions, such as Coroner, Public administrator and
               county Physician, holding the latter at the time of his decease. He ranks among the oldest members of the
               Odd Fellows lodge of this place. The funeral took place on yesterday from his residence and his remains
               were followed to the grave by the Odd Fellows in procession and a large concourse of friends and citizens.
               He was buried in the cemetery under the auspices and forms of the order.   

            AH KAY DROWNS
               Wm. FULLERTON and AH KAY
               June 19,1880 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Drowned - Last Friday at Split Rock Ferry, Merced River, on the road leading from Bear Valley to
               Coulterville, the ferry-boat was swamped whereby the ferryman and a chinaman were drowned. The river was
               unusually high and swift, and by some accident or mismanagement the boat was allowed to attempt the
               crossing, square across, instead of throwing one end of the boat down, and taking a angle or quarterly
               position with the currant, usually required to impel the boat on it's course and for its safety. The white
               man drowned was Wm. FULLERTON an old citizen, and highly respected. He was a native of Alabama aged 60
               years. He was employed as ferryman. The chinaman AH KAY, a well known gardener close to Bear Valley, was
               with his horse on his way peddling vegetables. The horse swam put, but the chinaman and ferryman
               disappeared in the swift turbulent stream below, and had not been found at last accounts. The ferryboat was
               immediately righted, and is in good condition for business. 


KELLET, Catherine-  Mariposa Gazette, March 19, 1861
Died at Hornitos , age 73, of paralysis, on March 2.  (submitted by Warren Carah)

KELLETT, Mrs. Minerva Eveline

San Joaquin Valley Argus
January 15, 1887  (submitted by Tom Hilk)

Passed Over.

Mrs. Minerva Eveline  Kellett, who died at Hornitos, January 5, 1887,
was the beloved wife of Dr. John Kellett. Deceased was a native of
Mobile, Ala., and was born October 12, 1839. She was the youngest child
of David L. Lewis of Booneville, Ky., by his first wife, Susannah Le
Gore, of North Carolina.  Mr. Lewis was married to Miss Le Gore in
Georgia, in 1829.  While the subject of this obituary was quite young,
she with her father, step-mother, a sister and brother, left Alabama for
Richmond, Virginia, and a short time after the family moved to Little
Rock, Ark., from which place they started for California in 1852,
crossing the plains with R. H. Ward, of Merced, the Stoneroad brothers,
now of New Mexico and the Cathey family of Cathey's Valley. On their
arrival in Stockton, Cal., the Lewis family, met Dr. Kellett was direct
form Utica, New York, A feeling of friendship ripened into love between
Miss Minerva Lewis and the Doctor, and they were married in 1856. Since
which time up to her death she had devoted her life to the careful
raising of a large family of children. The mother who has borne and
raised ten children through their fretful infancy, their childish
ailments and their riper years of waywardness, and patiently and
triumphantly brought them to years of maturity, needs no other or better
passport to enter the portals which lead to a home of blessed rest, and
we know that the loving, devoted, forbearing, gentle mother, is reaping
her reward or the sleepless nights and days of anxious watching. As her
sweet calm face and gentle form entered the Jasper gates, the white
robed angels and the spirits of the loved ones gone before, greeted her
with glad songs of welcome – Glory in the highest glory, while the
golden arches ring with the chorus of welcome mother. She leaves the
following sons and daughters to mourn the loss of a well beloved parent
and rejoice that a saint has entered the blessed rest: John C. Kellett;
Kate __ Kellett, Anna K. Kellett; Horatio S. Kellett; Eva E. Kellett;
Montgomery M. Kellett; Idilla G. Kellett; Minerva E. Kellett; Emily E.
Kellett; Cyrill C. Kellett.

               Rosa KENDALL

               August 15, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               The funeral of the daughter of Thos. KENDALL which took place at the public cemetery, last Monday morning,
               was a surprise to every one here, so far as we are informed. It was not generally known that Miss Rosa was
               sick. She died early Sunday morning and was buried the following Monday. The loss of poor Rosa is a severe
               blow to the parents, brothers and sisters. She was an adored daughter and a loving sister and will be
               greatly missed from the flock, who have the sympathy of many friends.

               February 3, 1894 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               KENNEY- In Madera, January 26th, 1894, Frank KENNEY, a native of California, aged ?? years.

              MRS CAROLINE M KERR
               MAY 16, 1863 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               DIED. In Mariposa, May 14th at the residence of her son, Robert S. MILLER, Mrs. CAROLINE M. KERR, Aged, 66
               years. Mrs. KERR had been for several years a resident of Mariposa, and was respected and beloved by all
               who knew her as an esteemable lady. Her death has brought sorrow to the hearts of relatives and friends,
               and cast a gloomy shadow over the community where she will be long remembered as a kind neighbor and a
               excellent women in every respect.  

            GEORGE KERR
                Mariposa Chronicle Friday March 10, 1854,
               (submitted by Steve Miller)

               At Stockton, March 5th 1854 George Kerr, aged 27 years.

Aug 22, 1949 Modesto Bee
(McClatchy Newspapers Service)
Mariposa- Aug. 22- Masonic services were conducted here today for Daniel G Kidder, 79, Mariposa County auditor and recorder since 1935, who died of an accidental gunshot wound early Friday.
A native of Michigan, Kidder had lived in Mariposa 77 years.
He died 40 minutes after a bullet from a .41 caliber revolver struck him under the heart.  Coroner Walter McNally, after an inquest, yesterday afternoon reported Kidder met death accidently.
Sheriff O. M. Whitley said Kidder's permit to carry the weapon had expired and Kidder had gone to his car, parked in front of the courthouse here, to get the revolver and have it registered.
The weapon, covered by a cloth, was on the front seat.  Whitley said Kidder apparently pulled the cloth and revolver toward him. The sheriff theorized the gun may have been in the half cock position and the pull of the cloth on the trigger discharged it.
Kidder was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Kidder who came to Mariposa in 1872.  He became the paymaster for the old Merced Gold Mining Company at Coulterville in 1895, a job he held many years. Later, as a mining engineer, he traveled extensively in this county and South America.
He was elected recorder and auditor in 1935 and reelected for two successive terms.  HE was a member of the Las Mariposas Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, and held a dual membership in the Reading, Mich., and Mariposa Masonic Lodges.
He leaves two daughters, Mrs. Gloryn Sandstsrom of Los Altos and Mrs. Worth Albert of Carmel.
Burial was in Mariposa, Masonic Cemetery.

            Jarvis KIEL

               August 9, 1884 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

                                  Death of Jarvis KIEL.

                   "Poor old man KIEL is dead, he has passed away."
                    This was the news that appeared upon the "Bulletin" of Thursday morning. He died after a short illness
               at the County Hospital. He was attacked by dysentery, a disease which is quit prevalent at this time in this
               neighborhood. His life might have been protracted, but he was stubborn about taking medicines. We first
               became acquainted with Capt. KIEL in 1854, in Stockton, at which time and place we engaged his services as a
               surveyor, and brought him to Mariposa, where he has lived ever since. His labor for us was the survey of
               the great water ditch or canal, which was then in vogue, with a view to bring water from the South Fork
               into, and across the country to its southerly and westerly extremity. This grand project was defeated by
               the pretentious owners of the Fremont Grant. Capt. KIEL was at that time some 30 years younger, and was a
               first class surveyor. He was at one time elected surveyor of this county and held the position some two or
               three terms. He was a native of New York and was born about 1804, which makes him 80 years old at this time.
               His early life was spent in search of scientific knowledge. Among his studies were astronomy, mathematics,
               chemistry and other high branches of useful knowledge. His early associates were Professor Morse, the
               farther of the telegraph discovery. Professors SILLMAN and HENRY, and other scientific men of that age of
               whom we have frequently heard him speak. Jarvis KIEL's early career in life was a most promising one, he
               raised a family and but for demon strong drink,
               his name as a Professor of Science, would have been immortal and recorded in history with his associates,
               whose names we have given. Captain KIEL has often, with exceeding regrets, related to us his past,
               tempestuous life, caused by a uncontrollable appetite for ardent drink. His long and almost useless life of
               80 years is now ended and he is at rest. He has no relatives or family living that we have been able to
               ascertain. At his request we have written east several times to find relatives but without success.  

               William Jarrett KING

               March 14, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

               At Copperopolis, March 9th, 1863, WILLIAM JARRETT, son of W.A. and MARY M. KING, aged 5 years and 5

KENNEDY, William
Monday, 16 Dec 1861- Stockton Daily Independent
DIED -- Dec. 11th, William KENNEDEY, aged 31 years, committed from Mariposa County in March
1858, diarrhea. [transcriber note -- since it says ‘committed from’ the assumption is he died at the Insane Asylum]


               May 3, 1879 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               At Hornitos, April 29 David Stewart KIRKPATRICK, a native of Tennessee, aged 51 years.

            Mr. Thomas KITTLE

               May 12, 1877 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               Another Mariposan Gone - Mr. Thomas KITTLE, for many years a resident of this county, died at Fairview,
               Idaho Territory, on the 22d of April last. Mr. KITTLE was aged 36 years, and a native of Ireland. He was
               buried by the Miners Union of Fairview, of which he was a member. Deceased leaves many warm friends in this
               county who will be sorry to hear of his death.  

               KOCHER, A.
               May 6, 1870 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Fatal Accident - A. KOCHER, of Hornitos, fell from the top of a ladder resting against a pigeon house, in
               rear of his residence, on Wednesday last, fracturing his spine and one rib, besides receiving other severe
               injuries, from the effects of which he died on Tuesday last.

            KOCHER, Alfred

               February 27, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Alfred KOCHER.

                     Five days ago Alfred KOCHER while out hunting, fell to sleep on the damp ground catching a severe
               cold which at once confined him to his bed. His case grew rapidly worse, until yesterday afternoon when all
               hope of his recovery was abandoned and his relatives were at once summoned to his bedside. At 6 o'clock
               last night he breathed his last. The funeral services take place from the family residence on Eighteenth
               Street Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
                     Alfred KOCHER, son of Jacob KOCHER of this city, was born in Hornitos, on July 17, 1870. He was
               raised in this and Mariposa Counties. He was liked by all who knew him for his kind disposition and
               generous ways. He was an industrious and dutiful son and was the youngest and the last of three sons who
              died at about the same age. Three sisters who are married survive him. The grief stricken family have the
               sympathy of the whole community in their great loss.- Merced Sun.

               KOCHER, Charles

               February 15, 1890 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Charles KOCHER.

                    News by telegraph from Portland, Or. of the death of Charles KOCHER, son of the hardware merchant of
               Merced, has been received. After an illness caused by typhoid fever, he expired on Sunday, the 8th instant
               in a Catholic Hospital in Portland, attended by the Sisters of the institution. Mr. KOCHER and family are
               grief-stricken and almost inconsolable at the thought that no relatives that no relative was near their
               loved one in the parting hour. The deceased was highly esteemed by many friends in Merced, as he had spent
               all the days of his childhood and young boyhood here. At the time of his death, he was 21 years and 8 months
               old. The sudden death of his brother, Hermann, is still fresh in the minds of the family and friends. He,
               too, was twenty-one years and three months old when called from earth-life, but the sisters, and brothers
               and the father, had the satisfaction of tenderly nursing and caring for the elder one, and of looking upon
               the calm, sweet face, but poor Charley died amid strangers. Mr. KOCHER and family have the sincere sympathy
               of the whole community in this, their hour of affliction.
                     Deceased was a brother of Mrs. H. P. FARNSWORTH, of this place, and her many friends will sympathize
               with her, in this sudden bereavement.  

            KOCHER, Herman F.
               April 28, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

                    The people of Merced were shocked to hear the sad news of the death on Thursday of last week, of Herman
               F. KOCHER, son of Jacob KOCHER of this place. He had been sick but about a week, and up to within a few
               hours of his death, neither his relatives nor the attending physician had any fears of his death. During
               Wednesday night, however, a change for the worse occurred, and Herman the genial, happy boy of a few days
               before, bid adieu to earth's trials and sorrows. Herman KOCHER was born at Hornitos, Mariposa County, in
               1867, and at the time of his death was 21 years old. He was a young man of exemplary habits, kind and
               affectionate disposition, and respected by all his acquaintances. Merced Herald   

            KOCKEL, Truagott
               DCT transcribed by Steve Miller

               Mariposa Co, California Book 58 page 11
               Truagott Kockel,  dod  Abt Feb 11, 1958
               sex:  male    race:  white  pl of birth: Germany
               father   unknown
               mother  unknown
               citizen:  USA  ss#  none
               last occ:  Gold Miner   how long  50 years   empl:  Self employed
               mil service  no    marital status:  Never married
               pl of death:  At home,  Permit Mine  Whitlock Dist  Mariposa Co, CA
               time in Co   50 yrs   in state   60 yrs
               last usual res:  Permit Mine  Whitlock
               informant:  coroner's  report
               O. M. Whitley  Sheriff/Coroner,  Mariposa  Feb 17, 1958
               coroner investigation:   yes
               burial:  Feb 20, 1958  Mariposa      emb  James  E  Hug # 3187
               funeral dir:  Tiscornia & Ivers  Feb 18, 1958   Registrar  Norman Nichols MD
               cause:  Coronary artery occlusion   inst.
               Generalized arteriosclerosis  years
               Arteriosclerotic heart disease  years   

               KOSSUTH see MALACHI

            George KRAFT, SR

               Mariposa Gazette, May 15, 1875,
               (submitted by William Disbro)

               At Visalia, May 9th, 1875, George KRAFT, Sr. aged 75 years. Mr. KRAFT and his son George, were among the
               oldest residents of the town of Mariposa.  

               MRS SOPHIE KRAFT

               MAY 2, 1863 Mariposa Free Press.
               Departed this life after much suffering, on Wednesday, April 29th, Mrs. SOPHIE KRAFT, a native of Bavaria,
               Germany, in her 37th year. As an exemplary women in all her relations of life, she had no superiour. A
               faithful, loving wife, kind hearted, benevolent and of genial disposition. She made during her sojourn in
               our midst, many friends who mourn with deep sorrow the sudden demise and earthly departure of this good and
               noble lady. Her well spent mortal life is over, the spirit has returned to God who gave it, to dwell in
               that blissful region beyond the skies, where no trouble more exists. With the bereaved husband, and
               relatives far away, all deeply and sincerely sympathize in this afflicting dispensation. J.D.

           KRUSE, Bernard
            Stockton Daily Indpendent=May 25, 1864
DIED – at the County Hospital in Mariposa, May 16th, Bernard KRUSE, a native of Germany, aged about 50 years. 


            Mariposa County History and Genealogy
               Carolyn Feroben
March 2012

                                                                              Mariposa County Marriages

                                                                                 Mariposa County Births