History and Genealogy Research

Historical Obituaries of Mariposa County

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               April 8, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               At Coulterville, Mariposa County, March 31, 1882, Guiseppi GAGLIARDO, aged 42 years, native of Italy


                Los Angeles Times , Dec 23, 1930
                 "MAYOR" OF HORNITOS DIES.

                   HORNITOS Dec. 22.  John P. Gagliardo, 53 years of age. known in the southern mother lode district as the "Mayor of Hornitos,"
                   died at his ranch home today.   

                     J P GAGLIARDO DIES AT HORNITOS
                        Fresno Bee, Dec 22, 1930
                      Hornitos (Mariposa Co) Dec 22- John P Galiardo,53 known in the Southern Mother Lode district as the Mayor of Hornitos, died at his ranch home near here early today from acute indigestion.  Gagliardo atteneded the Elks' Club charity ball in Merced Saturday night and became ill Sunday momrning.
He was a native of Claveras County, but had spent practically all his life on the Hornitos ranch. He was a bacelor and a wealthy cattleman.  He was a member  of the advisory board of the Mreced branch of the Bank of America.
Relatives include members of the Garibaldi and Olcese families who are prominent in the San Joaquin Valley.  There are several brothers and sisters.
The body is at the welch and Griffen Mortuary in Merced, where arrangement for the funeral were being made.
transcribed by cferoben



               Merced Express Feb. 3, 1917
               The Turlock Tribune says: Daniel Gallison a native of California, passed away last Saturday at his home
               here, age 46 years, 9 months and 25 days, following an acute attack of dilation of the heart. Mr.
               Gallison had resided practically all his life in this State, but had been here for only two years. He
               leaves a wife and six children and a brother W. E. Gallison, clerk of Mariposa county. The remains were
               taken by R. C. Geckler of the Wright Undertaking Company and AL Kinser, representing Turlock lodge of
               the I. O. O. F., to mariposa Sunday morning, the funeral being held in the afternoon under the auspices
               of Mariposa Lodge of I. O. O. F. Thirty-five of the brother Odd Fellows were in line to pay their last
               tribute to their late brother.


               Forest GALLISON

               July 1, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               In Stockton, June 22, 1882, Forest GALLISON, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. GALLISON of this place, aged 21
               years and 7 months. 


Modesto Bee, January 18, 1960

Mariposa- Mariposa Co. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 PM tomorrow in the Tiscornia & Ivers Chapel for Harold Winslow Gallison, 65, of Mariposa, who died Saturday  in his home after a short illness.
The Merced Elks Lodge and Mariposa American Legion post will officiate.  Burial will be in Mariposa Cemetery.
Gallison was a native of Mariposa and was employed by the Bank of America for 25 years.
He was past exalted ruler of the Merced Elks Lodge.
He leaves three brothers, Norman S. of Berkeley, Ralph S of San Francisco and Joseph E. Gallison of Turlock.

                Ralph GALLISON

               Mariposa Gazette September 16h, 1876
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               Ralph GALLISON, a native of Louisiana, aged 23 years died September 15, 1876

                 Manuel GAMAS,
               Mariposa Gazette March 10, 1877
               died In Mariposa, March 7th, 1877, Manuel GAMAS, a native of Mexico, aged 65 years


Gann--In Fresno city, January 25, 1921, Abraham Gann, beloved father of
Madeline Clark, Myrtle Zeigler, Leland Gann of San Francisco; Athol D. Gann
of Fresno, loving brother of Walter Gann, Mrs. L. J. Harless of Mariposa
County; Mrs. D. Exley of Tulare, and Mrs. Alice Presley of Bakersfield. A
native of California, aged 61 years, 4 months, 21 days. The remains will be
taken to Lewis Cemetery, Mariposa County for funeral service and internment
this Wednesday morning.
Stephens & Bean, morticians

January 26, 1921 edition of the Fresno Morning Republican newspaper.

               Charley GANN

               November 21, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
               ( submitted by W. Disbro )
               The Indians here had a general pow wow last Sunday over the death of a young Indian known as Charley
               GANN. He was a promising and healthy Indian, and the cause of his death as told my his mother Maria was,
               by his being brutally assaulted and pounded up by another Indian about a month previous at a horse race
               somewhere below in the foot hills. She says that Charlie had been bleeding from the lungs ever since
               which was the ultimate cause of death.
                LeGrand Advocate, Friday, Dec 17, 1920

          ELMIRA GANN
                     LeGrand Advocate, Friday, Dec 17, 1920
         Mrs. Elmira Gann died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lena Harless at
         Lewis, Thursday, December 9, and was buried in the Whiterock Cemetery
         Saturday, Rev. Williams of LeGrand officiated. Mrs. Gann was 79 years old at
         the time of her death and leaves eight living children.
         (compiled by Thomas D. Hilk, Gleanings From The Le Grand Advocate Newspaper

Merced Sun Star July 28, 1987
El Portal- Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Veteran's Memorial Building in Mariposa Cemetery for El Portal resident Clyde P Gann, 83, who died Sunday in a local hospital.  Masonic Lodge No. 24 will officiate.
A retired tree feller, Mr. Gann began working in Yosemite National Park in 1931 and was employed by the National Park Service and Yosemite Park and Curry Co. until 1972.  He was a 40-year member of Mariposa Masonic  Lodge No. 24.
Survivors include a daughter, Janet Whitfield of Oakhurst; two sisters, May Phelps of Coalinga and Rowena Odom of Mariposa; three grandsons and one great-grandson.
He was preceded in death by wives, Susie Gann in 1954 and a Francis Gann in 1978 and a son, Phillip Gann in 1985.
Services are under the direction of Mariposa Funeral Home.

GANN, Susie Lee
Modesto Bee and News-Herald  Wed July 15, 1953
Funeral services for MRs. Susie Lee Gann, 42, of El Portal will be conducted at 2 PM Saturday at Tiscornia & Ivers Funeral Home.  Burial l will be in the Masonic Cemtery.
Mrs. Gann died in a Yosemite National Park hospital where she had been 11 days.  A Native of New Mexico, she lived at El Portal 15 years.
Survivors include her widower, Clyde, a daughter, Janet, and a son, Phillip Gann, all of El Portal.- transcribed by cdf

           Victor Lee GANN

               Mariposa Gazette, Feb. 18, 1943
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)
               Funeral Wednesday for Infant Son of Mr., and Mrs. E. C. Gann Graveside services were held at Mariposa
               cemetery Wednesday afternoon for Victor Lee Gann, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. GANN of Bootjack. The
               child died at the family home last Monday. Surviving are his parents, three brothers, Amons, Elias Jr.
               and Cicero, and a sister, Peggy. Rev. HOFFMO of Merced officiated at the services.  


               April 6, 1889 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               In Mariposa, March 30th, 1889, Mrs. Anne C., beloved wife of Henry GARBER, a native of Germany, aged 56 years.      

           GARBER, Lenn

               Mariposa Free Press  APRIL 15, 1876
               (submitted by William Disbro )
               In Mariposa, April 13th, 1876, Lenn, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry GARBER, aged 2 years. The funeral services will take                     place from the residence of the parents to-day at 2p.m


               Merced Sun Star, Tuesday, Jan 2, 1968

               (submitted by Beverly Stone )
               "Funeral services will be held in Immaculate Conception Church, Buhack, Thursday at 9:30 a.m. for Mrs.
               Ellen Delinda GARCIA, 83, who died in a local hospital Monday. Mrs. Garcia, a lifelong resident of this
               area, lived at 1664 N. Buhach Road. She was born in Indian Gulch, Mariposa County. Rosary will be
               recited at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Mission Chapel of Ivers and Alcorn Funeral Home in Merced. Burial will be
               in Calvary Cemetery. She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, Order of Druids, Charter and
               honorary member of the Catholic Daughters of America, the Applegate Grange and SPRSI. She leaves eight
               daughters, Mrs. Elsie RODRIGUEZ of Gonzales, Mrs. Amelia BELLOLI, Mrs. Virginia ROWE, Mrs. Mamie
               FREITAS, all of Merced; Mrs. Mabel BELLOLI of Atwater, Mrs. Mildred RODRIGUES of Modesto, Mrs. Hilda
               CABRAL of Atwater, Mrs. Phyllis GOULARTE of Pacific Grove; two brothers, Henry PRAIRIE of Ojai and Ned
               PRAIRIE of San Francisco; 12 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren."

               GARDENER, Fred
               March 25th, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Suicide of Fred GARDENER.

                   Last Tuesday the news was received here, that Fred GARDENER, of Hite's Cove, had committed suicide by
               shooting himself through the head. GARDENER was an old man, who many years ago cast his lot in Hite's
               Cove, and has remained there, for the past few years entirely alone, except for a Chinaman, who attended
               to his wants. He has been ill nearly two years, and has often been despondent, and threatened
               self-destruction. It is said that his grandfather and father, both were suicides. He was a man of
               considerable education, and of advanced ideas, but sickness preyed upon his strength until his mind
               became deranged. An aged sister, his only known relative, lives in Ireland.

GARDNER,  Alfred C.
Mariposa-Mariposa Co- May 18, Graveside services for Alfred C Gardner, 63, Mariposa mine owner, will be held at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Mariposa Cemetery under the directon of the Tiscornia, I*vers & Alcorn Funeral Home.  Gardner died to-day at a Merced hospital following a long illness.


           GARRISON, Rev. E. A.

               April 28, 1894 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W. Disbro)
                  Rev. E. A. GARRISON died at Colusa, on the 16th instant. Mr. GARRISON was pastor of the Methodist
               Church at Merced a few years ago, and was known and beloved in both Merced and Mariposa counties.


           GARRITY, Mary H.

               December 19, 1891 Mariposa Gazette

               ( submitted by W. Disbro )
               The death of this estimable lady which occurred at the home of her son-in-law Hon. J.M. CORCORAN,
               Wednesday night, was unexpected just at this time. She had been an invalid for many years, and was so
               often dangerously ill, that when it was reported last week that she was sick, no one supposed the end
               was so near. For upwards of twenty years she has been a patient sufferer, and although nursed tenderly
               and cared for, most devotedly by her daughter and family, yet many times her suffering has been so
               great, that she would have gladly welcomed death. She was ready for the summons, and on Wednesday night,
               when the divine hand beckoned, the tired body made no resistance, and the freed spirit departed so
               gently that the devoted daughter sitting by her side knew not the exact moment of dissolution. Mrs.
               GARRITY was born in Dublin Ireland seventy years ago and resided at Salem, Mass., until 1860, when she
               came to California, where her husband had preceded her. For thirty-one years her home has been in
               Mariposa, and though for so many years she has been to much of an invalid to mingle in the outside life
               she did not lose her interest in the welfare of those around her. She was a devout Catholic, and on
               Friday afternoon her remains were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery at the lower edge of the town.

MERCED SUN-STAR, August 28, 2004

Thelma Zimmerman Garlet

July 29, 1917 -- Aug. 24, 2004

Mrs. Thelma Zimmerman Garlet, a descendant of the pioneer Ashworth and Gordon families, died August 24, 2004 in Merced.

She was the oldest surviving child of the late Charles and Nora Gordon Zimmerman. Mrs. Garlet was born July 29, 1917 at the
Gordon homestead on Slaughterhouse Road. She attended Bear Creek Elementary School and Mariposa County High School. As a child she was seriously injured when her clothes caught fire as she was assisting her father, a blacksmith. After the fire was extinguished her burns were treated with grated potatoes. This injury caused her to miss a year of school and to make it up while in high school she moved to town to live with the late Eileen and Louis Milburn and work as a nanny for their children Louis and Lloyd.

After her high school graduation she went to work at Bear Creek Lodge in Midpines where she met her future husband, Fred F. Finch, who was employed at the sawmill behind the lodge. On her 18th birthday they eloped to Carson City. This was her first trip out of the county.

The Finch's had a family of five, two girls and three boys, but that did not detour her from working out of the home. She was employed as a nurse's aide at Mercy Hospital in Merced and later at John C. Fremont Hospital in Mariposa. She often worked the night shift in Merced and would pull over to the side of the road to sleep on her way home. Mariposa's original California Highway Patrol officers, "Chic" Ellingham and "Bub" Johnstone would often check on her on their route.

After her husband opened a sawmill she took on new duties as a lumber truck driver and seriously considered becoming a mechanic when one of the wheels on the truck rolled past her as she was on her way to Chowchilla with a load of lumber and three of her small children one day.

The Finch's also operated a dairy on what is now the Forsythe Ranch at the base of Guadalupe Mountian. This gave her the opportunity to partake in her favorite pastime, horseback riding. As she had when she was a child she often saddled up to go find a lost calf on Zimmerman Mountain.

In 1959 she married the late Roy Garlet. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law Ronald and Barbara of Mariposa, son and daughter-in-law David and Nona of Mariposa, daughter and son-in-law Donna and Sonny Johnson of Modesto, and daughter and sonin-law Dolores and Jerry Hunter of Mariposa; 19 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren, and four great-great grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews; two brothers Charles (Buzz) of Sacramento and Tommy of Merced and sisters Ruby Campbell of Nebraska and Nora "Deanie" Wallace of Merced.

Mrs. Garlet was preceded in death by a son Fred, two grandchildren, and a brother John Zimmerman and two sisters Eleanor Zimmerman and LaVerne Swolgaard.

At her request Mrs. Garlet was cremated. A family memorial service will be held later this year. In lieu of flowers the family has requested donations be made to the John C. Fremont Hospital Mariposa, Calif. All arrangements are under the direction of Mariposa Funeral Home.
Submitted by Tom Hilk

Fresno Bee Republican,  Friday Oct 13, 1933

In Jenkins Hill, Mariposa County, Wednesday, October 11th, Osman Gatachich, a native of Treblnge, Hercegovine, Jugoslavia, aged 50 years.  Friends are invited to attend the funeral , Monday, October 16th at 8:15 AM from the chapel of Nuttman Funeral Home.  He was a member of the Croation Fraternal Union of America Lodge No. 531 of Fresno which will officiate at services. Interment in Holy Cross Cemetery.- c feroben

            GATTO, William M.

       From Mariposa Gazette, May 11, 1918

        William Gatto of Ben Hur died at his home  last Sunday following a long illness
        from consumption.  The remains were interred   Monday.

                DCT  Mariposa Co. by Steve Miller

        Mariposa Co  Book I  page  152

        William  M. Gatto    dod May 5, 1918
        sex:  male    race:  white   marital status:  married
        dob:  not known    age:  38 yrs
        occupation:   bookkeeper
        bp:  San Francisco
        father:  Bortaluna Gatto   bp:  Italy
        mother:  Sarah Precessi    bp:  Italy
        length of time in Co.:  5 yrs,    in state:  38 yrs
        informant:  Mrs. Gertrude Gatto,  Ben Hur ( Mariposa Co.)

        (Burial and funeral home lines were blank)

        Medical   attended:  Apr 15, 1918 to May 5, 1918 last seen
        May 1, 1918

        Cause:  Pulmonary Tuberculosis
        physician:  John Alle,  Raymond, CA
        reigstrar: J. W. Pratt,  Nov 30th, 1918   

           GEARY, Mrs. Ellen

               February 6th, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Mrs. Ellen GEARY.

                    Mrs. Ellen GEARY died at her home at Whitlocks, February 1st. She had been ill for several months,
               and her death had been anticipated many times since August, but she had rallied up to a day or two prior
               to her decease she had appeared to be much better. But a sudden relapse occurred then an she never
               regained consciousness. It is less than a year since her husband was buried, and most of the time since
               then she has laid on a bed of suffering. She was a quiet estimable lady and leaves three daughters to
               mourn her loss. Her age was 64 years. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon at the Catholic Cemetery


               GEARY, John
               March 28, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro )
                    Mr. John GEARY, one of the old pioneers of Mariposa, died at his home at Whitlock's on the 23d instant.
               Mr. Geary came here either in 1849 or '50, and was about the first man to open a butcher shop at this
               town. For many years he has lived at Whitlock's, where his widow and one daughter yet reside. Two married
               daughters, Mrs. BAUER and Mrs. BRANSON live at Hornitos. His body was brought to town Wednesday and
               buried in the Catholic cemetery, and his funeral was largely attended by those who had long known him.

                GENSON, Charles

               Oct. 8,1881 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Found Dead - Charles GENSON, a native of France, aged about 64 years, was found dead in his cabin on the
               ranch of N. PENDOLA, about five miles from the town of Bear Valley, on the 29th ult. The verdict of the
               Coroner's jury was, that he died of natural causes.


           Lame George

               July 30, 1887 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Killing of a Indian on the Yosemite Road.

               Last week an Indian, known as Lame George, was killed in the neighborhood of West Woods place on the
               Wawona and Yosemite Turnpike, near 11 mile station. Mr. WOOD has stepped out of his place for a moment,
               and Lame George took advantage to enter and steal his money. On Mr. WOODS return, a moment after, he
               discovered his loss and accused the Indian. The latter went for his pistol and Mr. WOOD had to retreat.
               While the latter was getting the gun, the Indian rode off. WOOD fired at him, but did not suppose that
               he hit him. But the Indians horse, appearing without him, caused a search to be made, which resulted in
               finding his dead body with a fatal wound in the back of the head. Coroner LEITCH held an inquest, and
               Mr. WOOD was held for examination. But on examination, it appearing doubtful whether Mr. WOOD's shot had
               killed the Indian, or whether another Indian had shot him, a second shot having been heard about the
               same time, Mr. WOOD was discharged.  

                LAME GEORGE

 San Joaquin Valley Argus
 July 30, 1887

 Murder in Mariposa County

 Mr. Jesse Sell, driver on the Mariposa line, reports the murder of an
 Indian, at the Eleven Mile Station, on Sunday, July 17th, the news of
 which had not, it appears, reached the county seat of that county up to
 Friday afternoon. It appears that "Lame George" and "Fly-blow Jim," two
 half-breed Indians were at the Eleven Mile Station drinking freely, when
 a quarrel occurred between West Wood, the keeper of the Station, and
 Lame George, when the latter started away on a horse accompanied by Jim,
 the latter carrying a repeating rifle. Wood, ran into the house, took
 down his rifle, and fired at George as the Indians rode up the hill.
 Soon after another report of a rifle was heard, but the Indians being
 out of sight, nothing more was thought of the matter until Wednesday,
 when some squaws at a camp a few miles away reported the death of George
 and the hasty departure for parts unknown of Fly-blow Jim. A search was
 instituted and the body of George was found in the woods some distance
 from the place where he was when Wood fired at him, with a bullet wound
 in the head, the bullet having entered at the base of the brain in the
 rear, dislocating the neck. Justice Bruce Leitch summoned a jury, and
 held an inquest, a verdict being rendered to the effect that "death was
 caused by a gunshot wound inflicted by some person unknown to the jury."
 The supposition it that wood missed the Indian when he fired, and after
 passing over the hill, Fly-blow Jim fired at him from behind, killing
 him, and his horse taking fright ran toward camp dragging the body to
 the place where it was found. submitted by Tom Hilk

           GEORGE, Joshua
               Sept. 28,1878 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Found Dead - We are furnished the following particulars of the death of Joshua GEORGE, by Lovely ROGERS,
               who had been on a business tour of Bull Creek and vicinity, and who returned here on Tuesday last. It
               appears that the deceased left the house of Nick ARNI, who lives on Bull Creek, on Friday, the 20th
               inst., in company with Frank COLEMAN and Abram BRANT, with the intention of going to Furguson mine, some
               ten or twelve miles distant; they were mounted on animals, and while going down the Jenkin's hill, on
               the trail, GEORGE was observed by Mr. BRYANT to roll off his animal and roll a short distance down the
               hill from the trail. With considerable effort on the part of Mr. BRANT he succeeded in getting GEORGE
               back upon the trail, and laid him out as well as he could conveniently, and tying up GEORGE's animal,
               Brant left him, supposing him to be only in a stupor from the effects of drinking, and that it would
               soon pass off, and GEORGE would come on after them. COLEMAN was considerable distance ahead, and not
               aware of GEORGE's fate t overtaken by Brant, and each supposing GEORGE would soon follow after, they
               proceeded to their destination. The next morning, Saturday, Mr. Rodgers and David TRUMBULL, having
               occasion to pass over the trail, came suddenly upon the animal tied, and but a short distance off the
               body of a man, who they immediately recognized as that of Joshua GEORGE. He was lying in the same
               position as that in which he was left by Brant, and evidently had not moved, for his hat was on his
               head, partially drawn over, so as to protect his eyes, as fixed by BRANT. As soon as possible the facts
               were made known to the nearest settlers and a rude coffin constructed, and poor Joshua GEORGE now lies
               buried on a prominent point of the Jenkins hill, near to the trail over which he had so often passed. He
               was one of the pioneer miners of this county, a native of Ohio, and about fifty-seven years of age.
Fresno Bee, August 10, 1932
Native of Historic Hornitos In Mariposa County Dead At San Francisco
(By McClatchy Newspapers Wire)
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 10- Domingo Ghirardelli, 83, native of Hornitos , Mariposa County, pioneer San Francisco business man and wealthy chocolate and cocoa manufacturer, was dead here today after a six week illness.
Ghirardelli was associated with his  father when the latter first opened a store in Mariposa County during the pioneer days.  Later the elder Ghiradelli organized the Ghirardelli interest which became the largest west of the Mississippi.
Upon the death of his father the son succeeded to management of the holdings.  He is survived by Mrs. Addie Cook Ghirardelli, Marysville, a son, two daughters and a sister.
Funeral services were to be held here to-day.
transcribed by cdf

              Jerry GIBBS
               June 3, 1882 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               Jerry GIBBS- Formerly of Hite's Cove died of dropsy on Tuesday last in the hospital at Fresno.


               Mariposa Gazette, Aug. 24, 1933
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)
               Funeral services were held at the grave side in Calvary cemetery on Thursday morning of last week for
               Thomas GIBBS age 73, a native of Mariposa who died at the county hospital on Tuesday, following a long
               illness. GIBBS spent most of his life in Mariposa County where he ranched and mined until he moved to
               Merced several years ago. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Tony THOMAS of Merced. GIBBS had been a
               cripple for many years, he having lost one of his legs while a resident of Mariposa County. He was born
               at Hites Cove and his mother was married to John R. HITE who became noted as the operator of the famous
               Hites Cove mine from which he took millions of dollars. HITE afterward left Lucy HITE his Indian wife
               and remarried in San Francisco. Lucy HITE died a few years ago near Mariposa.

           GIFT, G.W.
               March 1, 1879 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Death of G.W. GIFT - We are sorry to be compelled to chronicle the death of this gentleman who we have
               held in high estimation as an extraordinary and a good and useful man. He died on the 11th inst., at his
               home in Napa, where for a number of years he has been engaged in editing a paper, known as the Napa
               Reporter, which has conducted with marked ability. Mr. GIFT was a high minded writer and his pen will be
               missed from the columns of the Reporter, which were read with great interest and admiration by his
               contemporaries and friends. The Reporter is to be hereafter conducted by the widow of deceased. We wish
               the paper and its new publisher a long life of prosperity.

               GILMAN, Lucian
               Jan. 21,1882 Mariposa Gazette
               (Submitted by W. Disbro)

               Suicide Of A Pioneer.

               Lucian GILMAN, an old resident of this county, committed suicide at his home on the Merced River near
               the Benton Mills, on Friday morning of last week, by shooting himself through the head with a pistol
               ball. He was quite aged and infirm, and was at the time confined to his bed with sickness. He lived
               alone, and judging from what he had told others, his suicide was premeditated. On the day previous to
               his death he sent for Manuel De SILVA, a near neighbor, who came as requested and found him prostrated
               from sickness. He informed Manuel that he would like to have some one stay with him the following night,
               which Manuel said he would attend to, and send someone up. Before leaving, GILMAN requested to shake
               hands, as he (Manuel), would probably never see him again alive, at the same time stating that he
               intended to shoot himself. Mr. SILVA advised him not to think of such a thing, and left for home, where
               he procured the services of a man and sent him to stay with GILMAN the following night. The next morning
               about 6 o'clock, the man left for home to get breakfast, intending to return, which he did in about half
               a hour afterwards, and found at the house a Mr. John MACKAN, who had been attracted thither by the sound
               of a pistol shot, and upon entering the house found that GILMAN had carried his previous treat into
               execution, and was dead. Mr. Antone De SILVA carried the intelligence to Bear Valley, and on the next
               day, Saturday, Justice QUEIROLO, acting Coroner, proceeded to hold an inquest which elicited facts as
               above stated. Owing to his ill health, and impoverished circumstances, Mr. GILMAN had been advised by
               his friends to go to the county hospital where he would receive proper attention and medical assistance;
               but he appeared to abhor the idea of being confined in a hospital, and notwithstanding he had at last
               consented to go, he evaded the illusion of becoming a county pauper by taking his case into his own
               hands. He was a man of intelligence, very retired, remarkably reticent, and having spent most of his
               time and labor for the past twenty-five years about Bear Valley and the Merced River, his acquaintances
               at this late date is quite limited. He was a native of New Hampshire, and fully 70 years of age. His
               remains were brought to Bear Valley and interred in the public burying ground of that place on the next
               day following the suicide.


               November 15, 1879 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               In Mendon, St. Joseph Co., Michigan, October 18th, 1879, Mrs. Christian GILTNER, aged 79 years, 2 months
               and 12 days. Deceased is the mother of Francis GILTNER, formerly of this county.

             GIVENS, Eleazer
               November 4, 1865
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               In Hornitos, Wednesday, October 25th, 1865, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. ELEAZER GIVENS, of convulsions, aged two years and                     seven months.

               GIVENS, Elmer

               September 27, 1890 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               The funeral of little Elmer GIVENS, last Sunday, at the family burial place, near Hornitos, was largely
               attended. His untimely death cast a gloom over a large circle of friends and relatives. This is the
               third child that Mr. and Mrs. GIVENS have lost, one dying from lockjaw; one from the supposed bite of a
               insect, and now, Little Elmer, from being thrown from a horse. The parents have the warm sympathy of many friends, in their affliction.


Modest Bee and News-Herald- January 7, 1960
James C Givens- Mariposa, Maripsoa CO. -Funeral services will be held at 3 pm tomorrow in the First Methodis Church of Merced for James Cathey GIvens, 78, son of early day Mariposans, who died Monday in Stockton.
The Rev. Harold F Blakley, will officiate and inturnment wil be in the Evergreen Mausoleum, Ivers & Alcorn Mission Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.
Givens was a native of Mariposa County. His father settled first at Texas Tent a few miles east of Hornitos and later in what then was called Cathey's Valley, now Cathay Valley.
Givens attended school in Cathay Valley and later continued his education in San Francisco.
Shortly prior to World War 11 he moved to Planda, Merced County, and engaged in land leveling operations, During the war he was in the merchant marine and following the conflict built a home near Cathay's Valley Church which he sold seven years ago and moved to Stockton.
Surviors are one son, James Givens of Modesto; a stepson, Guy L Bruner of Seattle, Wash; two stepdaughters, Mrs Lorrain Crenna of Concord, Contra Costa County; and Mrs. Leora King of Modest and six grandchildren.

Modesto Bee and News-Herald, April 14, 1935
Saumuel B Givens, Mariposa County Supervisor, Dies
MARIPOSA- April 13- Samuel B Givens, 57, of Cathay, Supervisor of Mariposa County during the past two terms, died to-day at his home of a heat ailment. He was born in Hornitos and lived in Mariposa COunty during the greater part of his life where he engage i nteh cattle business.
He leaves his widow, Mrs. Mamie Givens; a son, Vernon Givens, of Cathay; a daughter, Mrs Fay Dyer, of Merced, and three brothers, George Givens of Merced, Thrift Givens of Avon, and James Givens of Cathay.
The body will be at the chapel of Tiscornia, Ivers and Alcorn Funeral HOme at Mariposa until  Monday noon.   Funeral services will be held at 2 pm Monday at the Cathay Methodist Church of which he was a member.  Rev. John Kenney, of Stockton, will officate.  Burial will be in the Cathay Cemetery.

             Mariposa Gazette, September 18, 1860

           DIED:  Col. THOMAS GIVENS, an old and much esteemed resident, died at his ranch (known as the "Texas Ranch") near Hornitos, last             Wednesday,  Sept. 12,   1860, of Congestive Fever.

     Col. Givens was born in Kentucky in 1798, consequently he was sixty-two years old. He had held positions of responsibility and honor in  his                 native    State and  no one here was regarded with greater respect or was shown greater deference, socially or publically.

He came to this state 1853 with his family, which singularly, has been decimated by death beyond that of any other with whom we have ever been acquainted. His funeral occurred Friday the 14th, and his remains were followed to the grave by the whole community. The Hornitos Fire Company appeared in the procession, and other associations would have appeared had a knowledge of Col. Given's death been more generally known.
To his last home is thus consigned another brave old Kentuckian. Two in two weeks – Col. Givens and Squire Watts. Not numerous in the State are men of their age, experience and respectability.  (submitted by Warren Carrah)

           GIVENS, Thomas
               April 14, 1888 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Another Pioneer Gone.
                    About the hour of 3 o'clock, Thursday morning last, after a painful illness, Thomas GIVENS breathed
               his last. It is but a short time since he was here in town, visiting among his old friends and
               acquaintances, appearing quite cheerful and much improved in health. He had previously suffered from
               asthma, and had been informed by his physician that he was subject to heart disease, which at length
               caused his death. He was surrounded by a loving family, a wife and five children, who have lost a devoted
               husband and father. The deceased is one of five brothers, Robert, Eleazer, John and Samuel GIVENS, who
               came to this State and county, with their parents early in the fifties, and settled in
               Hornitos, which is yet the old home belonging to the family, and where they have a family burying ground,
               where the old folks are laid peacefully away. Mr. GIVENS was an honest man, highly esteemed for his many
               virtues, by all who knew him. He was a good father and will be greatly missed by all. Peace to his ashes.

GIVENS, Samuel Lewis
Modesto News- Herald-January 27, 1928
Funeral Rites Held For Merced Pioneer
Merced, Jan 26- Funeral services were held at the Welch and Griffen parlors here at 10:30 o'clock this forenoon for Samuel Lewis Givens, 85 years of age, and for 75 years a pioneer of Mrced and Mariposa counties, who died at the home of Charles Peard here Tuesday.  Burial was in the family cemetery at Hornitos.  Givens is survived by his widow, a son, Archibald Givens, and several nieces and nephews.  The family has taken a prominent part in the affairs of the couty since its organization in 1855.

               GLYNN, Thomas

               Dec. 31, 1881 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Yo Semite Valley Introductory Remarks by Galen CLARK, who officiated at the Funeral Services of Thomas
               GLYNN, in Yo Semite Valley, Dec. 21st, 1881.

               Friends: We have again assembled at another house of mourning, in the solemn presence of death, to
               perform the last sad duties, which we can render unto the mortal remains of our deceased friend. This
               makes the sixth one of our little community, which, within the past six months, have passed from our
               midst over to the silent land. After long months of sickness and fearful suffering, the Angel of Death
               has pleased to release his immortal spirit and it has taken its flight to the celestial spheres. After
               having periled his life on many hard-fought battle field, serving his country with distinction and honor
               through the late war, he has, while fighting the more peaceful battles of life been vanquished, and had
               to surrender to the invincible enemy of all life, which found him brave to the last. Why a fellow-mortal
               should be doomed to such long and terrible suffering and tribulation, struggling in the cold grasp of
               Death, absolutely without hope and trust that it has been for preparing his immortal soul for higher and
               nobler spheres of action in the spirit realm. GOD UNDERSTANDS! May the bereaved and forlorn widow, whose
               home, and whose heart, have now been made desolate by the loss of her kind and affectionate husband and
               helpmate, try and seek consolation in the knowledge, that throughout all these long and terrible trials,
               she has most faithfully, patiently, and nobly done her whole duty. When her weary, failing, mortal body
               has seemed about to succumb, and sunk under its great load of anxiety and care, her internal, immortal,
               and indomitable spirit has rushed to the rescue with Herculean power, and rallied the muscular forces
               again to action, and to duty. She has the sincere sympathy of all her friends in her lonely course to
               the sunset of life. There are many and widely different ideas with regard to a future spiritual state of
               existence after death; almost all people, both civilized and savage, firmly believe in it, under some
               condition or form. It seems a very happy and consoling hope or faith, to believe that all our various
               earthly trials and tribulations are for a wise and good purpose, if patiently endured, and our duties
               well and faithfully performed. Every trial may be likened unto the work of the graving chisel of the
               Great Sculptor of Creation, on the embryo soul. If they are firmly borne without faltering or flinching,
               perfectly engraven lines will be the result. Thus line upon line of harmonious beauty will be engraven
               and developed upon the form of the unborn spirit, which, when freed from its mortal veil of flesh, will
               stand forth in a form of inexpressible, angelic beauty, clothed in robes of celestial splendor, the
               texture of which, mortals themselves make during life, as they go to and fro, faithfully performing
               their duties, they fill the wool into the warp of life, until life and fabric are complete: every noble
               deed well done forming in it a figure of marvelous and unique design, and crowned with a crown of glory,
               whose encircling diadem is a transcendent light, too bright for mortal vision, before which inferior
               spirits bow their heads and veil there faces with their long and shining tresses, feeling their


               Mariposa Free Press in the June 27, 1863
               submitted by William Disbro
               Fatal Accident - An accident occurred near Greiger & Co.'s Saw Mill on Friday of last week, which
               resulted fatally to Mr. W.A. GOBER. He was engaged in fitting cogs for hauling to the mill, and at the
               time of his death, was standing near the foot of a little slope, down which a log had been started by
               the workmen above, and in trying to avoid it, fell, the log passing over him, killing him instantly. Mr.
               GOBER was about 35 years of age we are informed, and was a native of Georgia. He has no relations
               residing in this State.

               G. B. GODANO
               November 17, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               G. B. GODANO, who died at his residence in Mariposa, last Sunday evening, was an old resident of the
               County, and generally recognized as a leading man among his countrymen of this section. He was a
               shoemaker, a trade he has industriously followed ever since his residence in the county. He was a native
               of Italy, aged about 50 years. Deceased leaves a wife and three children, who are deprived of a
               provident husband and a loving father. The funeral took place from the family residence on Monday
               afternoon, and the remains were followed to the grave by a large number of friends and acquaintances.

               November 17, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               In Mariposa, November 11th, 1883, J. B. GODANO, aged 48 years, a native of Italy.


               Little Jonny GODANO
               Mariposa Gazette, June 3, 1876
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               In Mariposa, Mariposa County, May 28th, 1876, Little Jonny GODANO, aged about six years.


           Sarah R. Goehenour
               Transcribed by Steve Miller

               Partial DCT
               Mariposa Co,  Bear Valley
               Sarah R. Goehenour     dod Mar 30,1938
               sex:   female   race:  white   marital status:  widowed
               spouse:  Littleton Goehenour
               dod  Aug 29, 1857      age:  80 years  7 mos  1 hr
               occupation:  at home
               father:  James A Gibson  bp  Ohio
               cause of death:  chronic Arteriosclerosis  10 yrs

               If this DCT is of interest, a more complete report can be obtained.

               GONIGALL, Daniel
               April 18, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Killed by Giant Powder.

               Last Friday, word was brought to town that Daniel GONIGALL who lived in the Chowchilla country, had been
               killed by a explosion of giant powder, on Thursday night. It appears that he and another man named
               McDOWELL, worked in what is known as the McDOWELL mine, and GONIGALL worked alone at night. He was in
               the habit of putting giant powder on the fire for the purpose of thawing it, and this was evidently what
               he had doing when he met his death. His companion slept in a cabin nearly one-fourth of a mile away from
               the mine, and Friday morning when he went to work, he found the poor old man dead. He was lying in the
               blacksmith shop, and examination showed that the explosion had driven a piece of iron through his leg,
               inflicting a wound from which he bled to death. Judge Temple was notified of the accident, and he at
               once started across the mountain, to hold an inquest and help to convey the body home. The country in
               that locality is very rough and the kind hearted men who gathered at the mine, had to carry the remains
               of the unfortunate man over two miles before a road was reached. The body was brought to Mariposa,
               Sunday and buried in the public cemetery. He leaves a widow.


               OCTOBER 21, 1865 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               At Buffalo Gulch, Friday, October 13, 1865, MIGUEL GONZALES, aged 25 years, a native of Mexico.


               John Charles GOODWIN,
               September 16, 1876 Mariposa Gazette
               Died In Coulterville, on the morning of the 9th inst. John Charles GOODWIN, a native of Mariposa County
               aged 19 years. Whom the Gods have made perfect they take to themselves. With feelings of the profoundest
               regret and sorrow, we are called upon this week to chronicle the death of John C. GOODWIN, of
               Coulterville. He was a native of Mariposa County, where he has lived the entire period of his short but
               useful and virtuous life. His sunny smile and pleasant greeting will be missed by his large circle of
               friends, which includes nearly every citizen on the north side of the river. He leaves a widowed mother,who was to a great extent dependant                 on his exertions for support. His illness was intermittent fever, of  short duration, and the news of his death caused a shock of surprise.                     Sober, steady and industrious,  with a heart governed by the most noble and generous impulses, he leaves to the rest of our youth a
               model by which to shape their lives. Let us hope that they will profit by it.

           Mrs. Elizabeth Marshall Gordon
            Mariposa Gazette
             February 14, 1869

            Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Peter Gordon, a native of Pennsylvania, of measles, aged 29 years and 11 months.

             Mrs. Gordon, formerly Miss Elizabeth Marshall, had grown up from early childoood in thiscounty, and was much loved by all who knew her.              The bereaved husband and motherless little ones have the deepest sympathy of the community.
             transcribed by June Wildt- submitted by Warren Carah

            George Gordon
               Mariposa Gazette, March 1911
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)
               A native of Sherlocks in this county, died Tuesday night last at his home on the Chowchilla, after a
               long and painful illness from Brights disease. George GORDON was 49 years of age and had been a
               continued resident of Mariposa county since his birth he was an honorable and upright man and had a host
               of friends who regret his taking off while yet in the prime of life. A number of years ago he was
               married to Mrs. Sadie MILBURN who preceded him to the grave about two years ago. The deceased was a son
               of the late Peter GORDON, well and favorably known for many years in this county. Among the relatives
               who are left to mourn his death are: Thomas GORDON, John F. GORDON, William A. GORDON, James B.GORDON,
               and Peter E. GORDON, brothers and Mrs. Hattie BERTKEN and Mrs. Francis BROWN, sisters. The Funeral was
               held in the public cemetery at Mariposa, on Thursday last and was largely attended.

               James B, Gordon, 51, Aug. 23, 1929 a native of Mariposa, died at his home in Fresno last Tuesday, following a
               long illness. Deceased was born and spent the greater part of his life in Mariposa where his father,
               Peter Gordon, established the Gordon Hotel in the early gold days. For many years "Jim" Gordon was one
               of the most efficient stage drivers into Yosemite over the Wawona road before the coming of automobiles.
               Later he also drove motor stages into the park. Jim was a man who made many friends and kept them;
               always kind honest and upright in all of his dealings, and one who bore his sufferings the past few
               years w (submitted by Tom Hilk)

Mariposa, Mariposa Co
Modesto Bee and News- Hearld
Monday, May 25, 1959

Final services were conducted this afternoon in the Tiscornia & Ivers Funeral chapel for Joley Gordon, 75,  of Mariposa, who died Friday in the Fremont Hospital.  burial was in Mariposa Cemetery.

Gordon, a native of Mriposa , leaves four brothers, Tom of Lincoln, Placer County, Edward of Wawona in Yosemite National Park, and Henry and Julius Gordon of Mariposa; three sisters, Mrs. Anna Zimmerman and Mrs.Maggie Johnson of Mariposa and Mrs. Dollie Zimmerman of Merced.            transcribed by cferoben

  GORDON, Mrs. Margaret Merced Express, February 3, 1906

Death of Mrs. Gordon.

Mrs. Margaret Gordon, widow of the late Peter Gordon, and mother of John, James, Peter and William Gordon, Mrs. J. H. Bertkin, Mrs. Madeline Brisland, and Mrs. Perry Brown, died at her home in Mariposa, Tuesday, January 23rd, at 1 o'clock p. m. Mrs. Nellie Ashworth of Mariposa was also a daughter by a former marriage. Mrs. Gordon was a native of Ireland and a few months past 63 years of age at the time of her death.

               Mrs. Margeret GORDON,
               An Old And Respected Lady Passes To Her Last Rest.
               (submitted by William Disbro)
               Widow of the late Peter GORDON, and mother of John, James, Peter and William GORDON, Mrs. J.H. BERTKEN,
               Mrs. Madeline BRISLAND and Mrs. Perry BROWN, died at her home in Mariposa, Tuesday, January 23rd; at 1
               o'clock p.m. Mrs. Nellie ASHWORTH of Mariposa was also a daughter by a former marriage. Mrs. GORDON was
               a native of Ireland and a few months past 63 years of age at the time of her death. Deceased had long
               been a uncomplaining sufferer, and while her death was a shock to all, was not unexpected. For more than
               thirty years she has resided in Mariposa where, with her husband, she engaged chiefly in the hotel
               business, and it is well known history that none where turned hungry from there hospitable board. Many
               are they living today who were the recipients of their favors and who can testify to the unselfish
               generosity of Mr. and Mrs. GORDON. Mrs. GORDON's friends were legion and many were the sincerely
               sorrowing tears that dropped on her bier. The internment was on Thursday, Jan. 25th, in the Catholic
               Cemetery by the side of her husband, who preceded her a little longer than two years, and was largely
               attended by mourning relatives and sorrowing friends, many coming from long distances to pay their last
               respects to the memory of one who was a friend to all.


           Mrs. N. Gordon is Summoned At Buckeye
               Mariposa Gazette March 26, 1936

               Services will be held tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock at the Tiscornia, Ivers and Alcorn Funeral Home
               in Mariposa for Mrs. Nora GORDON, 75, pioneer native of mariposa county, who died at her home in the
               Bridgeport district last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Gordon was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David
               C**ASHWORTH early pioneers. She was born on the old ASHWORTH ranch four miles east of Mariposa, and had
               spent her entire lifetime in this county. She and Mr. GORDON celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary
               on the 17th day of this month. Surviving are her husband, Tom GORDON; five sons, Thomas of Placerville,
               Eddie of Wawona, and Henry, Joel and Julius, all of Mariposa; three daughters, Mrs. Annie ZIMMERMAN and
               Mrs. Dollie ZIMMERMAN of Mariposa, and Mrs. Maggie JOHNSON of Hornitos; two brothers, J. B. ASHWORTH of
               Oakvale and Jack ASHWORTH of Wawona, also 21 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Interment will
               be made in the family plot in the Mariposa cemetery

               **note this is a correction to the original published obit; the original obit listed Mr. and Mrs. J B ASHWORTH as Nora’s parents; Joel B                 was Nora's brother  (born 1858)- correction was made here by William Disbro, Aug 9, 1999.

Fresno Bee, March 25, 1936
Mariposa (Mariposa Co). March 25- Mrs Nora Gordon, who was born in Mariposa County seventy-five years ago, died yesterday at her home in the Bridgeport distrct following a long illness.
She was born on the old Ashworth ranch June 2, 1860, the daughter of a pioneer family.
She leaves her husband, Thomas Gordon of Bridgeport; five sons, Thmoas Gordon of Placerville, Henry, Jollie and Julius Gordon, all of Mariposa, and Edward Gordon of Wawona; three daughters, Mrs. Anne Zimmerman of Summit Inn, Mrs. Dollie Zimmerman of Mariposa and Mrs. Maggie Johnson of Hornitos, and two brothers, J. B. Ashworth of Oakvale and Jack Ashworth of Wawona.
She also leaves twenty-one grandchldren and four-.great grandchildren
Funeral arrangements are being made by the Tiscornia, Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home of Mariposa.- cferoben

GORDON, Orville
Le Grand Advocate, May 26, 1933


Funeral services for Orville Gordon, 21, were held at the Methodist
church in Mariposa with Welch and Griffin Funeral Directors in charge.

Gordon was killed Saturday afternoon, while feeding a circular saw at
his home near Mariposa, the saw came off the shaft and struck him in the face.

Gordon was a native of Mariposa, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gordon,
Other surviving relatives are his widow Mrs. Tressie Gordon, a son
Thomas Gordon, three brothers, Hewlett, Thurman, and Floyd Gordon, all
of Mariposa, Louis Wass is an uncle.


               Peter GORDON
               Nov. 21,1903 issue of the Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)
               On Tuesday night, Peter Gordon, One of our Pioneer Citzens passed away surrounded by his surviving
               family, after an illness of several months. His death was due to the decline caused by old age, and was
               not unexpected. In fact, it was thought that the end must come much sooner than it did, but his
               remarkable vitality postponed the end after he was beyond medical aid. The funeral took place Thursday
               afternoon from the family residence, The GORDON Hotel, the Catholic burial service being read by J.H.
               CORCORAN. Internment was in the Catholic cemetery. Peter GORDON was a native of New York, aged 72 years,
               11 months and 23 days. In 1849, while a boy, he went to Monterey from Rochester, New York, with Colonel
               STEVENTON. The following year he came to this county, and followed mining here and at Sherlocks and
               Whitlocks for a number of years. He was one of the owners of a Yosemite Valley saddle train for a while,
               and also agent for the Yosemite Stage Company at Wawona. About twenty-eight years ago he had a hip
               broken in a stage accident, since which time he has been a cripple. Soon after he and his wife bought
               and conducted the building which had been used by General FREMONT as his headquarters here, and
               conducted it as a hotel. Since that time it has been known as the Gordon Hotel, and most of the time Mr.
               GORDON was the host. He was a kind-hearted and generous almost to a fault. None was ever turned away
               hungry, and the number who were aided by his generosity is countless. A good citizen and a kind and
               indulgent husband and father, his death is regretted by his many friends who long remember him for his
               good deeds. He leaves a wife, five daughters and six sons to morn his loss. The daughters are Mrs. J.H.
               BERTKEN, Mrs. P.B. BROWN, Miss Sarah GORDON and Miss Madeline GORDON of Oakland; the sons are George,
               Thomas, John F., James B., Peter E., and William Gordon. 

               Mariposa Gazette, April 30, 1926
               (submitted by: Thomas Hilk)

           Peter Thurman Gordon Meets Tragic Death Near Coalinga

               Funeral services were held at the Mariposa public cemetery at 2 o'clock last Monday afternoon for Peter
               T. Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gordon of the Sebastopol district, who met a tragic death by
               drowning on April 23rd, when he was pinned beneath a Fordson tractor which had overturned in an
               irrigation district. The young man had been operating a tractor for the Pleasant Valley Company near
               Coalinga, Fresno County, and was alone when the fatal accident occurred. It appears that he had
               attempted to cross an irrigation ditch and, in ascending a steep bank, the tractor overturned and held
               the unfortunate driver beneath the water, causing death from drowning. "Pete" Gordon, as he was
               generally known, was born at the family home a few miles east of Mariposa and had spent almost his
               entire lifetime here, where he engaged in farming and stock raising. He was widely known and generally
               liked by all and his sudden and tragic death has caused much sorrow throughout the county. He joined the
               American Expeditionary forces and saw a year's service on the firing line in France where he served as a
               private in the ammunition train. In addition to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gordon he is survived
               by three sisters, Mrs. Dolly ZIMMERMAN, Mrs. Nora ZIMMERMAN and Mrs. Maggie JOHNSON, and five brothers,
               Thomas, Henry, Julius, Joley and Eddie Gordon, all of the Sebastopol district and many other relatives
               throughout California. This is the first death to occur in the Gordon Family. The bereaved relatives
               have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.


              Mrs. Sarah Gordon
Mariposa Gazette, Mariposa County, Cailfornia. Thursday, Oct. 12, 1967
 Funeral services were conducted at the Tiscornia and Ivers Chapel on Tuesday
at 2:00 p.m., for Mrs. Sarah Margaret Gordon, 80, a native of Mount Bullion,
who died Friday at the J. C. Fremont Hospital. Burial followed at the Odd
Fellows Cemetery.

 Mrs. Gordon was preceded in death by her husband Tom Gordon, a few months
ago. She was a sister of the late Tony Fournier and spent her younger years
in Mt. Bullion.

 Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Agnes Wass of Mariposa; a step-daughter, Mrs.
Azalia Menter of Los Banos; a siter, Mrs. Katherine Bruce of Berkeley; five
grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

Sarah Margaret Gordon   DOD:  Oct 6, 1967
sex:  female   race:  white  DOB  Oct 13, 1886   age:  80 yrs
father:  Antoine Fournier    BP:  France
mmn:  Sarah Sharon       BP:   California
citizenship:  USA   SSN:  unk
occupation:  housewife     marital status:   widow
place of death:  John C. Fremont Hospital Mariposa, Mariposa Co,
length of stay in county:   life     in state:  life
last address:  Mariposa, Mariposa Co.
informant Mrs.  Agnes Wass
phyician Arthur Dahlem M.D.,  P. O. Box 155 Mariposa, Ca  10/6/67
Burial  10/10/67  Mariposa Cemetery
embalmer Danny O. Whistler  # 5108
funeral director:  Tiscornia&Ivers  10/9/67
registrar:  Norman Nichols  M.D.
cause of death:  Broncho-pneumonia
Acute congestive heart failure
Arteriosclerotic heart disease
operations:  no
autopsy:  no
transcribed by Steve Mille

  from the Mariposa Gazette July 20, 1967 (From the film collection @ Mariposa Co Library)

Funeral service were held Monday, July 17, at 2:00 p.m.,
at the Tiscornia and Ivers Chapel for Thomas J. Gordon,  86,
a native of Mariposa, who died July 13 at a Mariposa rest home.
Rev. Jack LaDiew of the Little Church in the Hills officiated
and burial was in the Mariposa Cemetery.

He was born August 9, 1880 and spent his entire lifetime in
the Bootjack area, as a farmer and in the lumber.

He is survived by his widow,  Mrs. Sarah Gordon of Mariposa,
a daughter,   Mrs. Azalia Menter of Los Banos;  three brothers
Julius of Mariposa, Edward of Wawona and Henry Gordon of
Bootjack;  three sisters, Mrs. Annie Zimmerman and Mrs.
Maggie Johnson of Mariposa and Mrs. Dolly Zimmerman of Merced;
three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

           MRS. LOUISA GOSS
               Mariposa Gazette, Thursday March 2, 1939
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)

               Mrs. Louisa Goss, Coulterville native Taken by Death

               Funeral services were held at the family residence in Coulterville on Wednesday afternoon, for Mrs.
               Louise Rose Goss, who died there on February 26th, after a long illness. Interment was made in the
               Coulterville cemetery.

               Mrs. Goss was the eldest and last of the four daughter of Mrs. Angelina Canova, who lives at

               She was the wife of James A. Goss and mother of Mrs. Stella Tiscornia of Merced. Mrs. Zelda Hudson and
               Mrs. Eloise Lemons of Coulterville and a sister of James John and Will Canova. Her Late sisters were
               Mrs. George Jeffrey, Mrs. Edward Grenfell and Mrs. Ann Leavitt.
               Mrs. Canova was born at Coulterville and spent most of her life there. Her parents were pioneer
               merchants of the town, having done an extensive business there during the early days and also during the
               boom days of the 90's.
               The funeral was largely attended many coming great distances to pay last tribute of love and respect for
               one who lived such a fine life. The members of the family have the sympathy, of their many friends in
               their bereavement.
               The pall bearers were Lon Dexter, Eugene Garbarino, John Vigna, Wm. Wivell, Clint Mentzer and Harry


           GOURGNET, Dennis

              January 21, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death Of Dennis GOURGNET.

                    Another of Mariposa's pioneers joined the silent majority, on January 12th, when Dennis GOURGNET
               crossed the cold stream. Mr. GOURGNET came to this county in 1850 or 51, and lived at the active mining
               camp of Princeton. In fact, he gave the town its name, and was one of the first owners of the Princeton
               mine. Afterwards, when prosperity shifted from Princeton to Bear Valley, he moved his family there, and
               for several years was employed as collector and book keeper for the owners
               of the Fremont Grant. He was a man of fine clerical ability and of much energy, and when Mariposa's
               fortunes began to fall, he determined, even though advanced in years, to seek new and more active life.
               He left this county some twelve years ago, and located near Selma, where he has ever since resided, and
               by untiring industry has, in a great measure, retrieved his past prosperity. Two children, Albert
               GOURGNET, of Selma and Mrs. Thomas McELLIGOTT, of this town, and his aged widow survive
               him. His remains were temporally interned at Selma, but as it was his earnest desire to rest amid the
               beautiful hills of Mariposa he will eventually be brought here.

               GOURGNET, Dennis
               January 21, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               An Old Timer Gone.
                  Dennis GOURGNET died at his residence South of Selma this morning. Mr. GOURGNET was a native of France
               about seventy-five years of age. He emigrated to this country during troublesome times in his native
               country and has been a resident of California for over forty years. Many years of his time were spent in
               the mines of Mariposa County and by the failure of those mines he was a heavy loser. He left Mariposa
               broken in health and in finances and took up his residence in Selma. He has been
               Secretary of the Fowler Switch Canal almost ever since its organization. He was an expert accountant and
               was considered an authority on corporations of this kind. Mr. GOURGNET has always had a warm place in his
               heart for his native land and has watched with much feeling the growth, trials and tribulations of the
               young republic. He has many friends in this part of the country who will grieve to learn of his death. He
               leaves a widow and two children. Albert GOURGNET of Selma and Mrs. T. McELLIGOTT of Mariposa. The cause
               of death was a general breaking down and heart failure. He had more than lived his three score and ten
               and his lamp of life went out. The funeral will be take place Sunday from his late residence.
               Selma Irrigator, Jan. 12.


               GRANT, James
               March 28, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

                    Last week, mention of the death of Judge James GRANT was forgotten by the Gazette. His death
               occurred in Oakland, on the 14th instant. He has held property in Mariposa County for a number of years,
               although much of his time has been spent in the East. He owned and created the fine property of Grant's
               Springs, which, at the time he purchased it, was a wilderness. He built roads, and helped to develop much
               of the eastern part of the county.

              GRANT, WILLIAM
                Stockton Daily Independent
                Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA
                Wednesday, 8 Nov 1871

  DIED -- at Mariposa, Nov. 1st, William GRANT, a native of Missouri, aged about 40 years.

"POOR BILL is GONE" -- Under this caption, the Mariposa 'Gazette' of Nov. 3d has the following item, which will be read with sorrow by a large number of persons in this city, who were personally acquainted with the deceased, and who knew him to be a man of genial and obliging disposition, and one who possessed the stirling attributes of true manhood:

"'Poor Bill is Gone.' This was the greeting from every person we met on Wednesday morning, announcing the sad tidings of the departure from earth of our friend 'Bill GRANT,' or 'Missouri Bill,' by which name he was better known among all who have for years past had occasion to travel on Fisher's stages between this place and Stockton. Bill was an old and experienced stage driver, with the quick, keen eye, steady nerve, fearlessness and presence of mind in danger, so characteristic of a class of men whose occupation is fast fading away. Like others of his kind, he had a keen appreciation of a joke -- could tell a good story and enjoy the relation of one, took a pride in his calling, and was honest and faithful. In his last hours, and when delirious, his mind was on the box, with his horses, and handling the ribbons. "Give me a hold of the lines," was among the last of his exclamations. Poor Bill! It was too late. His team was running away on a down grade, and Death, with a hand stronger and steadier than his, "held the lines." He has left us and is a few trips ahead, bound for that station where all Earth's passengers will land at last."
transcribed by Dee S.

               Death of Johnny GREARY

               Dec. 1, 1877 issue of the Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by William Disbro)
               Whose death is recorded in another column in this paper, was the second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John
               GREARY, who have resided on Sherlocks and Whitlocks Creeks for more than twenty years past, where they
               have had born to them a large family of Children, Among them was the subject of our sketch, whose
               untimely death has created a vacancy in the family circle, which must be sorrowly felt for a long time
               to come by his parents, brothers and sisters; for he was a great favorite, not only with them, but many
               others, who had known him from infancy; and regarded him as exceptional to the rolls of boys born and
               raised in California. In his habits and daily deportment, he was a exemplary that crowned him with the
               esteem and admiration of all within the circle of his relatives and acquaintances. His disease was
               contracted about a year and a half ago, while engaged in laborious work, usually attendent upon a
               Threshing machine, caused by over exertion and exposure from which he took cold, and resulted in
               consumtion and his death. Among his many friends, who seemed to regret his loss exceedingly is Mr. John
               S. DILTZ, who has been a near neighbor to the family ever since Johnny was born. He frequently worked
               for Mr. DILTZ, who has been engaged hydraulic gold mining for many years on Sherlocks Creek. But
               notwithstanding the fatal decree has been filed, in which is recorded the sentence of death, it ought to
               be consoling to those whose allotment of time is but short behind that of him who has just preceded
               them, to know that he has but simply journeyed over to the other land, where delving for gold, and
               gathering of the sheaves during the time of harvest, requires no labor, or sweat of the brow, from which
               he is now relieved in a happy and eternal sleep. The funeral ceremonies were preformed by J.M. CORCORAN
               in Mariposa on Tuesday last, and attended by an unusually large concourse of friends and acquaintances.
               The family of the deceased have the sympathy of all who know them in this hour of affliction, and
               inestimable loss. 

           Clara B GREELEY (nee WENNGER)
               Mariposa Gazette Oct 14, 1971
               (submitted by Carolyn Feroben)
               Private funeral services were held recently for 88-year-old Clara GREELEY, a native of Mariposa County.
               Internment followed at the Coulterville Cemetery. Mrs. Greeley was a member of a pioneer Mariposa County
               family. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick WENNGER of Bower Cave. She and her brother Ben
               WENGER have lived at the caves for many years. She is also survived by another brother, George, of
               Jamestown, and three sisters, Florence PATY and Julia KINNEY, both of Sonora, and Emma TRUMBALL of


               Elvira Greeley
               DCT  transcribed by Steve Miller

               Mariposa Co,   Wawona  Book 1 page 78
               Elvira Greeley   dod  June 15, 1915
               sex:  female  race:  white   marital:  single
               dob  Nov 25, 1892   22 yrs  5 mos  10 days
               birth place:  CA
               father:  R. W. Greeley   bp Maine
               mother:  Mary Van Campen  bp  CA
               cause:  urainia      2 days  kidney disease
               physician:  E W Cleary  June 15, 1915  Sugar Pine
               place of burial:  San Francisco  June 17, 1915
               undertaker:  R C Jay,  Madera, CA  

             GREELEY, Frank

Tuesday, October 15, 1963- Modesto Bee

Frank Greeley, 81, Dies- So Do Ties With Past
Mariposa , Mariposa Co
Frank Greeley, son of Mariposa County pioneers, died suddenly yesterday in his garden.

Born 81 years ago in Greeley Hill, he lived through a colorful era, riding as a cowboy through the whole northern part of the county, working as a frieghter hauling wood to mines, and as a carpenter.

He was the last man out of the shaft at the closing of the Mary Harrison Mine at Coulterville. He worked on the Yosemite Valley Railroad  at Bagby, Mariposa County, in the early 1900's and recalled the Chinese cooks in the boarding houses being caught in opium dens and taken back to work to feed the men.

Si Greeley, his uncle, was supposed to have had the first sawmill in Mariposa County. His father, Watson Greeley, worked with him before going into the freighting business.

Horace Greeley, their cousin, visited them at Greeley Hill.

Leaving Coulterville in May, 1904, Greeley followed the carpetner's trade and was a building contractor first in Oakland and then throughout Califonria.  He did the interior cabinet work in the old Fresno Bee building and contracted for various county buildings throughout the state.

Greeley and Carrie Stark of Madera, Madera County, were married on February 11, 1912.  They moved back to Maripsoa in 1932 to build lookouts for the California Division of Forestry.  At that time they also built their home.  Greeley retired from active contracting in 1957 but still was the county building inspector at the time of his death.

He leaves hhis widow Carrie; his sister, Octavia Mentzer of   Coulterville, and numerous nieces and nephews. 
Funeral arrangements are pending in Tiscornia & Ivers Funeral Home in Merced, Merced County- transcribed by cdf

Modesto Bee- sept 15, 1936
Mrs. Lila Greeley Dies at Coulterville
Merced, Sept 14- Miss Lila Greeley, 58??, a native and long time resident of Coulterville, died at her home Sunday night followig a long illness.  She was the widow of the late Harry Greeley, reputedly a cousin of Horace Greeley.
Services conducted by ivers & Alcorn will be held at her home Wednesday afternoon with Rev J Douglas Ewan officiating.  Burial will be in the famil plot in Coulterville Cemetery.


Fresno Bee Feb 5 1943
Harry B Greeley, born 65 Yeas Ago At Coulterville, Dies
Merced, (Merced Co) Feb 5- Harry B Greeley, 65, who died yesterday, followin his brother, William to the grave within 10days will be buried tomorrow in the Coulterville Cemetery.  Services will be held in the IOOF Hall in Coulterville at 2 PM,.
The men were direct descendants of Horace Greeley.
Harry was a retired mine owner and operator.  He was born in Coulterville and spent his life in that community,
Survivig are his sisters, Mrs. Margaret Guerra of Snelling
; Mrs. Nellie Gazola and Mrs. Octavia Mentzer of Coulterville, and a brother Frank Greeley of Mariposa.
Arrangemens were made by the Tiscornia, Ivers and Alcorn Mortuary in Mariposa

          Modesto Bee and News Hearld

          July 16, 1936

           Livingston, July 15- Funeral services were held Monday afternoon for Elias W Hamlett, 80, LeGrand pioneers, who died Friday moring in a convalescent home in Modesto after a long period of failing health, at the Welch and Griffin Funeral Home in Merced.  Rev. W A. Cash conducted the services, held under the auspices of the Odd Fellows Lodge.
Mrs. Anna Cole, accompanied by Mrs. T. W. Fowler, sang.  Interment was in the Turner-Helm family cemetery near LeGrand.  The pall-beares were J H Helm, Frank M cMaster, W I Glasgow, Judge R H Wallis, C R Wilcox and John Laird.
Mamlett came from Pike County, Mo., in 1878 and joined a group of Missouri people who had come by caracan train. in 1850 to settle along Mariposa Creek.  Nicholas Turner, one of the leaders of the caravan was the grandfather of Miss Lillie Turner, who married Hamlett in 1882.
Surviving sons and daughersa are Frank Hamlett of Fresno, Mrs. Mayme H Adams  of Livingston, Mrs. Laura B Lloyd of Modesto and R A  Hamlett of Los Angeles
transcribed by C feroben


 Merced Sun-Star, May 21, 1973
Mariposa- Private memorial services will be held Tuesday at Chapel of the Chimes in Oakland for Arch Clyde Greeley, 78, a 10-year Mariposa resident who died Friday in John C Fremont Hospital.
Mr. Greely was the grandson of the late Josiah Greely who founded what is now known as Greely Hill  along with a brother, Watson Greely. He worked for 50 years as a jeweler in San Francisco and was a World War I veteran.
A native of San Francisco, Mr. Greely was a past president of the Mariposa County Historical Society and a member of Mariposa Masonic Lodge NO. 24 Las Mariposas Chapter No. 200 O.E.S. of Mariposa, American Legion Past No. 567 of Mariposa, American Association of Retired Persons of Long Beach, a 50 year Masonic Lodge member and past master of East Bay Lodge No. 489, Berkeley.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs.. Helen H. Greely of Mariposa, a son, Richard Greely of Berkeley and two grandchildren.  Memorial contributions to the Mariposa County Historical Society would be appreciated by the family. c feroben

     Horace A. Greeley
               DCT transcribed by Steve Miller

               Mariposa Co,  near Coulterville
               10 mi south of Coultville

               Horace A. Greeley  dod  Feb 11, 1930
               sex: male   race:   white    marital status:  married
               spouse:  Elizabeth A Greeley
               dob  Oct 13,1872  age  57 yr  3mo  28 days
               occ:  farmer
               bp  Mariposa Co.
               father:  Watson S. Greeley  bp Maine
               mother:  Sarah E Williams  bp Missouri
               length of res:  life  in CA  life
               informant:  Harry B.  Greeley  Coulterville, Ca
               filed  Feb 17th 1930   registrar:  J W Pratt
               cause of death:  Heart failure
               coroner:  D E Bertkin  Feb 11, 1930
               burial:  Coulterville Cem.  Feb 13, 1930
               undertaker:  C H Burden Co.  Sonora, CA  # 14345


               Mrs. Lawrence Greeley
               Mariposa Gazette, Feb. 15, 1934

               Mrs. Lawrence Greeley ---------Young Mariposa Lady Dies Very Suddenly

               The citizens of Mariposa were greatly shocked to learn of death of Mrs. Jessie Greeley young wife of
               Lawrence Greeley of Coulterville. Mrs. Greeley died at an Oakland hospital on Saturday of last week. She
               was employed in the C. W. A. office at Mariposa under D. C. Kidder when she became suddenly ill and was
               rushed to akland upon advice from Dr. J. C. Webster. It is reported that death was due to the paralysis
               brought about by high blood pressure. The young lady was married to Lawrence Greeley last summer and
               they had been making their home here for several months while Mr. Greeley was employed at the C. C. C.
               camp. Surviving relatives are her father and small daughter in addition to her husband. Funeral services
               were held in Oakland on Tuesday.

Member of Pioneer Family Was Descendant of New York Editor
Modesto Bee- January 29, 1943

Jamestown, Jan 29- WIlliam B. Greeley, 68, member of a pioneer California family and direct descendant of Horace Greely, noted early day New York editor, died yesterday of a hear aliment in a Jamestown hospital.

Funeral services will be held otmorrow at 2 P.M. in the Coulterville Odd Fellow Hall, with the Rev Lee Hofmo officiating.  Burial will follow in the Coulterville Cemetery under the auspices of the Sonora Elks Lodge, of which Greely was a amember.

Greely (sic)was born in Coulterville and lived all his life in that town, where he was the constable and deputy sheriff for many years.  HIs family was widely known as one of the pioneer groups to first settle in the Mother Lode country.

He leaves three sisters: Mrs. Margaret Guerra of Snelling, Mrs. Mary Mentzer, Coulterville, and Mrs. Nell Gazola, Coulterville, and two brother, Harry Greeley, Coulterville, and Frank Greeley, Mariposa.



               GREEN, Ardelia O.

               December 9, 1893 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Mrs., Ardelia O. GREEN, the mother of our townsmen, J. H. GREEN, Sr., died a few days ago in Providence,
               Rhode Island. Grandma GREEN, as she was called by all the old settlers of Mariposa, came here in the
               fifties, and with her husband and family, lived many years at Princeton and in this town. She was a
               quiet, uncomplaining woman, and bore without murmur the trials and vicissitudes of pioneer life. Three
               years ago she returned to her early home in Rhode Island, where she has since resided. Two sons, Joseph
               H. and Charles GREEN, live in this county. Her age was 82 years.

            GREEN, Garner
               DECEMBER 9, 1865 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               At Lovejoy's Mill, on Wednesday, December 6th, 1865, at 10 o'clock am, GARDNER Green, aged 52 years. The deceased was a native of             New Hampshire - He   came to California in the early times and ' has resided most of the time in this county- having filled the position of                     Justice of the Peace, and other offices. He  was a man of firmness and character, and leaves a wide circle of relatives to mourn his decease.

               GREEN, Joseph

               July 24, 1874 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W Disbro)
               At Princeton, July 18th, 1874, Joseph R. GREEN, a native of Massachusetts, aged 62 years 

                GREENAMYER, Ruth Ann
                   April 12, 2007- Mariposa Gazette

                  Ruth Ann Greenameyer, formerly of Mariposa, died April 7.  She was 88.
                   Ruth Ann Thomas was born on March 23, 1919, in Clarinda, Iowa.  Ruth's father was James Fred Thomas born in Iowa, and her mother was  Gertrude                   Mae Hunt born in Indiana.  Ruth was one of six children.  Her famiy moved to California, and Ruth graduated from Belmont High School and eventually
                   moved to  Mariposa.  Ruth worked at the Mariposa Drug Store.  Her brother Carroll Thomas owned the Gold Coin Club, and that where Ruth met Ed.
                   Ruth and Ed married on Jan 12, 1941, in Berkeley. Ruth gave birth to their son, Gerald while Ed was in the Navy.  Daughter Diane came along after the                     war ended.  Ruth was a wonderful wife and mother.  Ruth contributed much to her community. Ruth was the organist at the Mariposa Methodist
                   Church for 25 years.  DUe ot her failing health, she had to reside in a nursing home the last four years of her life.

                     She leavesbehind proud family members her son, Gerald Greenamyer; her daughter, Diane Mancino; her grandchildren, Gerald Greenamyer Jr., Scot


                 Henry Jackson GREGORY

               1863 Mariposa Free Press

               (submitted by W Disbro)
               In Mariposa, May 21st, HENRY JACKSON, infant son of A.J. and Maggie GREGORY; aged, 2 months and 7 days.    

               GRIEVE, LEROY

The Evening Bee
Sacramento, Cal.
Tuesday, March 20, 1906
Page 6

Leroy Grieve, of Davisville and Dixon, Meets Sudden Death While In Discharge Of His Duties DAVISVILLE (Yolo Co.), March 20 - Leroy GRIEVE, well known here and at Dixon, his family being one of the oldest in this section, was killed Sunday by electricity. He was in charge of the plant of the Mariposa Mining and Commercial Company and the accident, the details of which are not fully known here at this time, occurred either at Bagby or Benton Mills.
Leroy Grieve was about 30 years of age and was born near here, in South Putah Township. His parents were George N. GRIEVE and wife, who lived on a farm in the township mentioned. His widowed mother, now living near Dixon, survives him, residing with her sister, Miss Helen GRIEVE. Filmore GRIEVE, a brother, lives on the old farm.
Leroy Grieve attended school here and at Dixon, afterward going to the State University. He then entered the employ of the Bay Counties Power Company, beginning as a patrolman. His advance was rapid and at the time of his death he held a responsible position which paid, it is understood, $2400 a year.

March 20, 1906
San Francisco Call

ROY GRIEVE KILLED IN A MARIPOSA MINE University Graduate Is Electrocuted at
His Work. Sad End of Young Man Who Was Engaged to Marry. BERKELEY, March
15.- Roy Grieve, a graduate of the university with the class of '05. was
electrocuted yesterday at the Mount Bullion mines In Mariposa County, of
which he was electrical engineer. News of the tragedy was conveyed to Harry
Waste, superintendent of the properties, who has been a guest of his
brother, Judge William H. Waste, In a telegram which reached him last night.
Superintendent Waste left at once for the mines to make arrangements for
Grieves funeral. Grieve was killed as the result of contact with a heavy
feed wire at the mines. More than this is not known, the telegram stating
simply the fact of Grieves electrocution. The young university man had been
at the Mount Bullion group of mines since his graduation from the
university, having risen to the position of directing engineer there. He
made a brilliant record as a student in Berkeley In the college of
engineering, and had been offered various important and lucrative positions
since allying himself with Superintendent Waste at the Mount Bullion mines.
The dead youth was engaged to wed Miss Ida Lamb, a former resident of
Berkeley, whose acquaintance he made while a student at the State
University. She now lives with her people at Lemoore, Kings County.
transcribed by Steve Miller

GRIFFITH, Mildred Laura (nee Helm)
Fresno Bee June 1, 1955

Mrs Mildred Griffith, Merced County Native, Dies at 81
MERCED. Merced Co- Funeral services are being arranged by the Solis & Seavy Colonial Chapel for Mrs. Mildred Laura Griffith, 81 a native of Plainsburg, who died last night after a long illness.
Mrs. Griffith spent all of her life in Merced and Mariposa Counties.  She was a daughterof the late Mr. and Mrs. James Helm, early day Merced settlers.
She is survived by her husband, Grover Griffith; a son, WIlliam Griffith of Merced; two daughers, Mrs. Fred Schell of Ukiah and Mrs. Mildred Henson of Santa Monica; a step son L E Foran of Mariposa; nine grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.


               October 13, 1883 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W Disbro)

               Near Hornitos, Mariposa County, October 9th, 1883, Thomas O. GRIFFITH, aged 47 years, a native of

               Thos. GRIFFITH Killed.

               Last Thursday at the home ranch of Thomas GRIFFITH, on the road leading from Hornitos to Merced, in
               Merced County, a horrible encounter took place between a man by the name of Willis SUMNER and Thomas
               GRIFFITH, in which the later was killed. Rumors are various as to the origin of the difficulty. SUMNER
               was hired to GRIFFITH and was about to be discharged, when a quarrel insued. We are informed the
               shooting took place in morning before Mrs. GRIFFITH was up, and she was not aware of what had happened
               until she went out and appeared upon the spot where the bloody tragedy occurred. GRIFFITH was badly shot
               and mangled up, showing quite conclusively that this assailant must have had a decided advantage in fire
               arms, as the latter escaped injury. SUMNER was arrested and taken to Merced. He is a young man about 27
               years of age and has been in the State about a year.

               The GRIFFITH Funeral -- The remains of Thomas GRIFFITH, who was shot and killed at his home below
               Hornitos, on Tuesday last, by one Willis SUMNER was brought to town last Thursday, and interred in the
               public cemetery of this place. There was quite a number of friends of deceased present fro Merced, who
               accompanied the funeral cortege to Mariposa, besides quite a number from town, who, met with the corpse
               and friends at the grave, where was witnessed the last rites of unfortunate Thomas GRIFFITH, who in the
               mist of life, health and prosperity, was prematurely cut off, and he now lies peacefully resting in the
               silent tomb. 


               Mariposa Gazette Oct 20, 1900
               Death of Mrs. D. Grosjean
               (submitted by Steve Miller)
               The messenger of death summoned from this earthly sphere Mrs. David Grosjean, nee DeMoss, on Monday night last, while in confinement with her first    child.  Deceased was the wife of David Grosjean and was about seventeen years of age at the time of her death.  The deceased was born and raised in this county and her untimely death, in the early noon of life, came with terrific shock to her husband and other relatives, who in their grief have the sympathy of   their many friends.  The funeral took place in   the Catholic cemetery in this town, in the presence of a large number of the friends of the deceased. 


               Mariposa Gazette Feb. 4, 1899
               (submitted by Steve Miller)

               Grosjean-  Near Mariposa,  January 28th, 1899,  Frank Grosjean, a native of  France, aged 70 years, 9 months and 2 days.

           Death of Frank Grosjean

               Death of Frank Grosjean Sr., of Red Mountain, died at his home last Saturday morning.  The deceased has bean invalid for a number of years.  While not  being confined to his bed he was unable to attend to the duties of his ranch.  About three weeks age he suffered a paralytic stroke from which he never  recovered.  The deceased was an old citizen of this county and one of the pioneer residents of the Red Mountain section.  He was a good man and had numerous    friends.  His friends.  His funeral, which took place on Sunday, was largely attended.  The interment was made in the Catholic cemetery in Mariposa.        Deceased leaves a widow and six children.

               Cards of Thanks

               To our kind friends and neighbors we extend our gratitude and sincere thanks for assistance rendered us in our late bereavement, the sickness and death of  our husband and father.

               Mrs. F. Grosjean
               Sarah Grosjean
               Frank Grosjean, Jr.
               David Grosjean
               John Grosjean
               Louis Grosjean
               Mrs. M. J. Trindade 

Modesto Bee and News Hearld, Jan 3, 1960

Mariposa- Mariposa Co.- Final services will be conducted at 2 PM tomorrow in the Tiscornia & Ivers Funeral Chapel for John C Grosjean, 77, of Mariposa who died Thursday in the Fremont Hospital here. Burial will be IOOF Cemetery.
Grosjean, a native of this county was on the first Mariposa County Fair Association Board of Directors. He was a Maripsoa County supervisor, from 1919 to 1936 and county clerk from 1936 to 1955.
He leaves his widow, Florence; a daughter, Mrs. Jean A. Turner of Modesto; a sister, Mrs. Sarah Gann of Mariposa and two grandchildren.

               GROSJEAN, Joseph
               June 21, 1890 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               A BRUTAL MURDER.

                    Last Saturday morning, our community was shocked by the news that a horrible murder had been
               committed at the ranch of Mr. Frank GROSJEAN, a young man of nineteen years, being the victim. It appears
               that he usually left the home about 6 o'clock in the morning, for the hayfield,
               where he was engaged in cutting hay. One of his sisters was in the habit of driving a sulky-rake into the
               field, about 9 o'clock, and helping him care for the crop. On Saturday morning when she drove into the
               field, she saw his team standing on the opposite side, and on driving to the place, was horrified to find
               the lifeless form of her brother upon the ground. He had been shot in the heart, and death had been
               instantaneous. The proper officials were at once notified, and they proceeded to the spot, where an
               inquest was held, and a careful examination was made to find some clue, which would lead to the detection
               of the murderer. Foot prints were found leading from the woods, outside of the fence, to a
               point near where the dead boy was laying, showing that the fiendish perpetrator of the deed had come over
               the fence, and probably had called out to him or otherwise attracted his attention, so that as he turned,
               afforded a clear aim for the fatal shot. He had fallen backwards, with the left leg bent under him,
               making it appear as if he had attempted to rise from a sitting posture. There was no sign of any
               struggle. The oil can of the mowing machine was on the ground, near by, showing that he evidently had
               stopped work for the purpose of oiling the machine. The unfortunate boy was always considered a quiet,
               industrious, inoffensive youth, and would not be supposed to have even the ordinary enemies,
               which young people, who mingle much in society, are always bound to have. But there must have been a
               fearful hatred towards him, existing in the breast of some one, to prompt such a cowardly assassination.
               We can understand how, in fits of passion, a man may be induced to take the life of another, but to come
               upon a mere boy, engaged in the peaceful pursuits of his home life and work, and wantonly murder him,
               without giving him one chance for his life, must indeed be the work of a fiend. There are many rumors,
               but if the officers have any clue, they have not, as yet, revealed it. The family of the poor boy, claim
               that they have no knowledge of any enemy who could have done the deed. The affair is in every way a sad
              one; a young life blotted out without a moment of preparation, and a gloom cast over a large circle of
               relatives and friends, while to the outside world there is just one evidence more that we have more than
               our share of lawless characters in our midst. Intense interest is felt in the search, which the officers
               are making, and we are eager to have the murderer found and brought to justice.
                          The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, and a large number of people followed the
               unfortunate young man to his last resting place in the cemetery of Mariposa.

Modesto Bee and News-Hearald, August 29, 1940
GROSJEAN FUNERAL Rites are Planned
Merced- Aug 29, Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Grosjean, 91, Mariposa pioneer who died in the home of her son, John Grosjean, in Mariposa late Tuesday, will be held in the St. Joseph church there tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Rev Father Mathew O'Brien will officiate.
Mrs. Grosjean was born in the Azores Islands, but had lived in the Mariposa District for seventy two years.  She leaves a son, John and two daughters, Mrs. Sarah Gann of Mariposa nd Mrs Mary Trindad of Madera.
Burials in the Mariposa Catholic Cemetery will follow services.  The Tiscornia Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home in Mariposa has charge of arrangements.

Daily Review, Hawyard, CA  November 21, 1950
Funeral Rites for Mrs. Mary F Grosjean, 72, who had resided at 10628 Pearman street, Oakland, will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, Nov 24, from Sorensen Brothers Chapel.
Closing services will be a the Berkeley Crematorium
A native of Mariposa, Mrs. Grosjean formerly lived in Richmond and passed away in a San Leandro hospital.
She was the wife of the late Louis H Grosjean, mother of Mrs. Wilma E Bystrom and Mrs. Eda Holibaugh of Oakland, gramdother of  Robert Molino, Darlene, Gloria and John Sylva of Oakland.- transcribed by cferoben


            GROVE, John H.
Mariposa Gazette, May  28, 1898

Death of John H. Grove.

On Saturday morning last a messenger from Heifer's, in the Chowchilla country, brought word to town that John Grove had been found dead in his bed that morning. It was at once surmised that heart disease was the cause of death. Deputy Coroner Pat McElligott, District Attorney Trabucco and Under Sheriff R. L. Paine at once repaired to the scene. A Coroner's Jury was summoned and an inquest held. The facts elicited at the inquest were that the deceased had been ailing for some time and was quite ill the day previous, but was not supposed to be seriously ill. That evening he retired at 9 o'clock and during the night about 2 o'clock on Saturday, James McDowell, a man who was sleeping in the same room heard Mr. Grove turning or moving in bed. This was the last heard. The next morning when Mr. McDowell arose at about 5 o'clock he found Mr. Grove dead. The deceased was lying on his side as though in sleep. Death must have come while he slept. The deceased was a native of Virginia, aged 46 years. He came to California when a boy and had been a resident of Mariposa county at intervals for a great many years. At present the family of deceased reside in Watsonville. He only recently returned to Mariposa to pursue mining operations, and at the time of his death was engaged in mining at the mouth of Saxon's creek. Besides an aged mother, several brothers and a sister, the deceased leaves a wife and one child, who have the sympathy of the community in the untimely death of their relative. The remains were taken to Watsonville on Sunday where interment was made.          

               Ella GUARD

               July 22, 1882 Mariposa Gazette

               (Submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death Of Ella GUARD

               Thursday evening's stage brought us a private dispatch sent by Judge CAMPBELL of Fresno, bearing the sad
               intelligence of the death of Miss Ella GUARD, who died Monday morning last, she was the eldest daughter
               of the late Wm. A. GUARD of Mariposa and of Mrs. Melissa A. GUARD at present living in Fresno City. Miss
               Ella was born in Mariposa about the year of 1858 and her father who was a former County Clerk died here
               in 1865 leaving a widow and four children one boy and three girls three of whom have since grown into
               man and womanhood. Like the beautiful rose of spring, she budded and bloomed, and ere the summer of life
               had fully commenced, poor Ella yielded to that hopeful yet hopeless disease consumption which had been
               praying upon her vitals for several years past. Miss Emma had, by her own industry and application
               acquired sufficient education for the purpose of teaching school which vocation she followed until the
               loathsome disease overcame her strength which for the past two or three years she had struggled in vain
               to recover. She was here on a visit about two years ago seeking health in the native hills where she was
               born, raised and during her children had romped and played and with her associates, many of whom are
               still living, gathered flowers from the revines and hilltops during the spring seasons. The grief
               stricken mother, sisters and brother, now living to mourn the loss of the adored daughter and loving
               sister have the earnest sympathies of many friends in this hour of sorrow and distress.

               GUARD- Fresno, July 17th, 1882, of consumption, Miss Ella GUARD, native of Mariposa, aged about 24

           GUARD, William A.
               June 17,1865 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W.Disbro)
               Died - In Mariposa, on Friday, the 9th instant, of consumtion, WILLIAM A. GUARD, aged 35 years. Among
               the many visitations of the dread messenger of Death, to our community, none, in our rememberance, has
               been more replete with heartfelt, regretful sorrow than that recorded in the above announcement. It is
               hard to realize that one whom we have known so long and so intimately, both socially and politically-
               and around whose memory will ever cluster recollections of those sterling and manly qualities with which
               he was endowed- has been taken from our midst forever. But the sad tale must be told- a loving and
               beloved wife and little ones must bend in sorrow over that new made grave. Friends who esteemed him,
               acquaintences who respected and admired his worth- all who knew him must contemplate with sadness the
               gap thus made in the social circle. Mr. GUARD was a native of Equality, Gallatin County, Illinois, from
               whence he emigrated to California in 1849, and has been a resident of Mariposa about fourteen years. He
              was engaged in mining and trading until 1855, when elected to the office of County Clerk, which he
               filled with much credit three succesive terms. He then adopted the profession of law, and by his
               ability, integrity and energy, soon attained a position in the legal fraternity seldom accorded to one
               not regularly educated for the profession. Two years ago, he was unanimously nominated by the Democratic
               Convention for the office of District Attorney, to which he was elected, and creditably performed its
               duties until about three months since, when his failing health compelled him to resign. Mr. Guard was a
               prominate member of the Independant Order of Odd Fellows, having attained the highest honors of the
               Mariposa lodge, and was also a member of Parker Encampment No. 3, of Stockton. He leaves behind him the
               enviable reputation of a good citizen, a firm friend, a kind and affectionate husband and father, and
               that " noblest work of God," an honest man.

               GUEST, James R.
               January 14, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of James R. GUEST.

                     On Saturday morning of last week, as the hands of the clock indicated 2 o'clock, James R. GUEST,
               one of Bear Valley's most esteemed citizens, passed away to that land beyond the grave. The funeral took
               place on Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, and was largely attended. A large assemblage of people came from
               Hunter's Valley, Hornitos, Mariposa and other sections of the county, to pay the last tribute of respect
               to a good, upright and honorable man. The deceased was a native of England
               and came to this State while quit young. He spent the greater part of his life in this county, and was
               identified with its mining interests. He was a able miner and for many years had sole management of the
               chlorination works at the Washington mine. He was married in May, 1878, to Miss Lizzie LORD, a daughter
               of the late Samuel LORD, Sr., of Quartzburg. During the last six years they have resided in the town of
               Bear Valley. Their married life was an unexceptionally happy one. Mr. GUEST was an industrious man,
               endowed with a genial and cheerful disposition. He was a warm devoted husband, a loving father and a true
               and sincere friend. He leaves a widow and three children to mourn his
               loss. The sympathies of the entire community goes out to them, in this, their hour of affliction.
                                               A Friend.

               GUEST, John W.
               November 23, 1889 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
                     Mr. John W. GUEST, a pioneer of the county, died at his home in Bear Valley on Friday the 15th
               instant. He had always been a quiet, good citizen, and for many years had made Bear Valley his home. He
               leaves a large family all of whom are grown and nearly all reside in this county.
               He was an honored member of Oso Lodge No. 110, I.O.O.F. and was buried under the auspices of that order.
               The funeral, which took place on Saturday, was largely attended, a number of our citizens being present.
               Mr. GUEST was a native of England, and was aged 59 years.  


Fresno Bee Republican, October 7, 1942
MERCED-Merced Co-  John William Guest, 51(could be 61), Merced hotel man for many years, died yesterday in St. Mary's Hosptial at San Francisco. He has been ill for five weeks.  He was the proprietor of the Merced Motel.
Funeral arrangements are being made by the Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home at Merced where the services will be held.
Guest was a native of Mariposa County but had been a resident of  Merced since 1914.  He is survived by his widow, Irene Lord Guest; a son, Lawrence A Guest; four sisters, Mrs. Lulu McMenemy of Porterville, Mrs. Lottie Langley of Merced, Mrs. Minnie McMillan of Colusa and Mrs. Blanche Hill of Redwood City; four brothers, Clarence Guest of Hornitos, Albert Guest of Petaluma, Elijah Guest in the U S Army and Norman Guest of Mereced. Mrs. J. C Drake of  Kerman is a sister in law of the deceased.  transcribed by cdf

                 GUEST, Infant (Ruth Adalida)

               November 14, 1914 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by Sharon Dulcich)

               Child Killed by Train.

                        Word was received here yesterday of an accident at Nichols, near Bay Point, as a result of
               which the little 15-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam GUEST, formerly of Hornitos and Merced, lost
               its life. The family home is near the railroad track and the little one in some way escaped its mother's
               notice for a few moments, during which it wandered onto the track just as a train was approaching. The
               child was run over and killed. The accident happened yesterday morning. - Sun, Nov. 6.  

Merced Sun Star, June 18, 2007


Vernon Walter Guest

February 2, 1921 - June 13, 2007

Vernon was born to Elijah and Effie Guest in Mariposa, California
February 2, 1921 and passed away in Merced, California on June 13, 2007
at the age of 86.

Vernon was a graduate of Merced High School, class of 1938. He was very
proud of his country and volunteered to serve in the Merchant Marines
during World War 11.

Vernon is survived by his son Vernon Guest Jr. of Washington and 2
Daughters Sharen L. Maeshiro and Christine L. Bangs of North Dakota. 9
grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.

Visitation will be on Monday, June 18, 2007 from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm at
Livers and Alcorn Funeral Home in Merced. Funeral Services will be at
10:00 pm on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 at Ivers and Alcorn Funeral Home.
Burial will be at San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery in Gustine at
2:00 pm.

All arrangements are under the direction of Ivers and Alcorn Funeral Home.

Mariposa Gazette, June 12, 1857
At Missouri Gulch, June 7, 1855, Wm. C. Guilder of Ashley, AR, died of a fall. Age 41.
(submitted by Warren Carrah)

                 GUINDON, Francis

               July31, 1886 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Killed - Supervisor WOLLESON who was here on the Board of Equalization on Monday last kindly furnished us
               with the particulars of the accident and death of Francis GUIDON, an old man who has lived in the
               Coulterville section for a number of years. He was about 74 years of age and a native of Vermont. At the
               time of his death, which occurred on the 13th inst., he was engaged in burning a lime kiln for the
               Yosemite Hotel about a mile above Louis PECHART's on the Coulterville and Yosemite Turnpike road. He was
               cutting a tree on the steep hill side and as it fell, it in some manner swung around or rolled down and
               the top struck him and knocked him into a hole with such force as to break his neck. A Chinaman in his
               employ was near by and first gave the intelligence of
               the accident. Coroner GLYNN, of Coulterville, was notified and immediately repaired to the spot, where a
               inquest was held and the foregoing facts elicited. The remains were brought to Coulterville and interred
               in the public cemetery of that place. The deceased was pretty well known, having at one time been
               contractor for carrying the mail from Coulterville to Modesto, and latterly following mining in the
               neighborhood of Granite Springs. He is said to have children grown, whose whereabouts are unknown.  

Modesto Bee and News-Herald, Sunday, Jan 23, 1938
Merced- Frank N Gullio, 53, Hornitos electrical engineer and resident for three years died at his home Thursday evening.  He was a World War veteran and memb er of several Masonic orders, including the Shrine and Eastern Star in Kansas, Oklahoma and Nevada.
He is survived by two brothers, B F Gullio, Hornitos mine owner and Robert T Gullio, Chicago; and two sisters, Mrs. J R Robinson of Independence and Mrs. H J Duncan of Helena, Mont.
Funeral Servives will be held in the Ivers & Alcorn Chapel Monday afternoon at 2.0'clock.  Burial will be in Evergreen Park. c feroben

                    Stockton Daily Independent
                     Monday, 10 July, 1871

DIED -- at Hornitos, June 28th, Frederica, daughter of Mr.&Mrs. Louis 
HALDICH, aged 3 years, 10 months.

DIED -- at Hornitos, June 30th, Otto, son of Mr.&Mrs. Louis HADLICH
[spelled 2 ways], aged 2 years. transcribed by Dee S.


               October 6, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               HADLICH- In Oakland, September 23d, 1883, Lizzie, beloved daughter of Mrs. Louis HADLICH, aged 21 years
               1 month and 9 days, a native of Hornitos, Mariposa County, Cal.

Farewell dear Lizzie, 'tis hard to part,
               But God has bid you come, So let us leave no aching heart, For his will, it must be done. He only loaned
               you to this world, And now he calls you home, For 'tis thy turn to tread that path, The path that all
               must roam. A. Schoolmate. 

Stockton Daily Independent
Monday, 1 July 1872

DIED -- at Sherlock’s creek, Mariposa county, June 25th, John HAGMAN, aged 44 years-   transcribed by Dee S.

               Mr. Joseph HALDERMAN,
               Mariposa Gazette Nov 24, 1877
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               - One of the saddest, and most lamentable accidents, that we have been called upon to chronicile;
               occurred near this place on Thursday last, at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The unfortunate man who
               in the midst of life, and apparent good health at the time of the sad occurrence, is Mr. Joseph
               HALDERMAN, who has for the last four years with his family, been a resident of Merced county, near the
               town of Snelling. He was at this time engaged with his team hauling flour from the Eden flouring mill,
               to Mariposa. The accident occurred in discending the hill, on the approach to the crossing of Mariposa
               Creek, near Frank Lewis WULBERN'S place, about two miles above the town of Mariposa. Mr. WULBERN's
               attention was attracted by the unusual noise in the direction of the hill and crossing of the creek
               above mentioned, and anticipating trouble or accident, he hastened forward and soon arrived at the scene
               of disaster, where was to be seen a complete wreck of the team, wagon, and the unfortunate man, who in
               some un- accountable manner had fallen, together with the saddle mule of the wagon, which must have
               stumbled and fell, at a moment when the team was going down the hill with conciderable velocity; for
               both near wheels of the wagon pasted over the rider and the mule. The wheels passed nearly square across
               the breast of Mr. HALDERMAN, which was crushed to such a extent that death was inevitable, and he
               expired in about three quarters of a hour after the sad occurrence. Mr. WULBERN had previously taken him
               to his house, and hastened to town for Doctor TURNER who speedily came, but to late; the poor man, but a
               few moments before had breathed his last, and was relieved from the most intence suffering in death. At
               the time of this writing, Thursday evening, a few hours after the clamity we are unable to give a full
               and accurate statement of the accident, as time and further investigation will probably develop. There
               are various theories and conjectures, as to the cause of the accident. The brake to the wagon appeared
               alright, but the coupling pole and tongue were broken. The mule is probably ruined, and will have to be
               summarily dealt with, to be relieved from its misery. The deceased formerly resided with his family in
               Pope Valley Napa County, and is well known by Mr. G.G. GOUCHER of this place. He was about 55 years of
               age, and leaves behind a wife and eight children, to morn the sudden and irreparable loss, in the death
               of a kind husband and affectionate father. 

                 HALEY, James M.
               August 18,1866 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Homicide at Princeton

               A fatal encounter occurred at Princeton on Wednesday evening last, between Geo. W. HANNA and James M.                HALEY, resulting in the death of HALEY. There was a misunderstanding about some business matters, from                which the difficulty arose. HALEY went to Hanna's saloon for the purpose of cowhiding him, and made use                of very abusive language. He was in the act of walking towards the end of the counter, with the apparent itention of going around to where HANNA stood, when the later picked up a double-barreled gun and
               fired. The charge entered the right side of the neck killing him instantly. Both gentlemen were   considered good citizens in the community where they lived, were old residents of the county and had  many friends. The following is the verdict of the Coroner's Jury. We, the jury summoned to attend an   inquest upon the body of a man found dead in the saloon of George W. HANNA, in the town of Princeton,
               Mariposa county, on the 15th day of August, 1866, do find that deceased was named James M. HALEY, a  native of Kentucky, aged 34 years, and that he came to his death by a gun shot wound inflicted by George   W. HANNA on the evening of said day. James H. LAWRENCE ED. GARRITY, Charles BLOED, J. GOSSNER, Denis DEVINE, J.H. MILLER, George BERTKEN, James CARDWELL, George STEWART, Jurors. J.T. TURNER, Coroner,  Mariposa County. Princeton, August 15th, 1866 HANNA gave himself into the custody of an officer and came    into Mariposa for examination on the following morning, which took place before Justice GILTNER in the
               afternoon, and resulted in the accused being placed under bonds of $5,000 for his appearance at the next term of the County Court.  


Stockton Daily Independent
Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA

SUDDEN DEATH -- On Tuesday evening last, E.G. HALL, formerly of Hornitos, but lately a resident of Dover, died, after an illness of very shot duration. Mr. HALL was a prominent member of the Masonic Fraternity; also a member of high standing in the Order of Odd Fellows, and was a gentleman highly respected wherever known.  Dee S.

               HALLAN, Bernard
               April 21,1871 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Sudden Death - On Thursday, the 13th inst., the lifeless body of Bernard HALLAN was found in his mining
               claim at Colorado, in this county. A jury was summoned by Coroner HAMILTON, and a verdict of death by
               heart disease was returned. Decease was a native of Donegal, Ireland, and was thirty-seven years of age.
               He came to Mariposa from New York, in 1854, in company with Thomas Caldwell, and has resided in this
               vicinity ever since, enjoying the respect of all who knew him, for his many noble and manly attributes.
               His remains were followed to the grave in the Catholic Cemetery by a large concourse of friends and

               HALSTEAD- Mrs. Eugenie,
               Wednesday, 29 Jan 1873,Stockton Daily Independent ,Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA

               DIED -- at Snelling, Jan. 18th, Mrs. Eugenie A.H. HALSTEAD, wife of George W. HALSTEAD, Jr., aged 24 years, 6 months.
                submitted by Dee S.

             HAMILTON, John
               July 9, 1881 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               John HAMILTON, one of the early guides into Yosemite, and for many years a resident of Mariposa County,
               died in the Valley on The 21st of June. His funeral services were the first that had been held in the
               little Yosemite Chapel since its erection two years since, and where well attended by citizens of the
               Valley and tourist visitors, appropriate exercises were conducted by Rev. Dr. McLEAN OF ??????? and the
               remains interred in the little graveyard near the tomb of J. C LAMON, the pioneer settler of Yosemite.
               Mr. HAMILTON was a native of Ohio, and has a mother in Illinois to mourn his loss. 

             HAMLETT, ELIAS
             Modesto Bee and News-Herald
              July 11, 1936
              Elias Hamlett, 80, of LeGrand, Former Sage Drier, Dies in Modesto

Elais W Hamlett, 80, retired LeGrand district rancher and formerly a state driver on the old Mariposa route, died suddenly in a Modesto convalesecent home Friday morning. 
He had been ill for the pst year, but in recent weeks had seemed improved.  He was able to leave the home for a short time Thursday.
Farmed at LeGrand
Hamlett  from Pike County, Mo., in 1876 and settled on Mariposa Creek in Merced County in a colony of former Missourians.  He was prominent in the LeGrand section, where he farmed for fifty years.  He drove the Maripsoa stage for twenty years.
In 1882 he married Miss Lilly Turner of LeGrand.  Mrs. Hamlett died in 1929 and since that time Hamlett has spent most of this time at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Mamie H Adams of Livingston.  A son and daughter died several years ago.
Body at Merced
The body was taken to the Welch and Griffin Fuenral Home in Mreced and funeral arrangements are pending the arrival of a son from Los Angeles.
Besides Mrs. Adams, he leaves a daughter, Mrs Lloyd B Floyd of Modesto; two sons, Frank D Hamlett of Frenso, and Roy A Hamlett of Los Angeles; four grandchildren, Vernon Hamlett Adams of Bakersfield, Mrs. Udel Adams Roy of Livingstson, and Jack and Harland Floyd of Modesto and a great granddaughter, LaVerne Garnot Roy of Livingston.
Hamlett will be buried in the Turner-Helm family cemetery at Plainsburg.
transcribed by cdf

          Modesto Bee and News Hearld

          July 16, 1936

           Livingston, July 15- Funeral services were held Monday afternoon for Elias W Hamlett, 80, LeGrand pioneers, who died Friday moring in a convalescent home in Modesto after a long period of failing health, at the Welch and Griffin Funeral Home in Merced.  Rev. W A. Cash conducted the services, held under the auspices of the Odd Fellows Lodge.
Mrs. Anna Cole, accompanied by Mrs. T. W. Fowler, sang.  Interment was in the Turner-Helm family cemetery near LeGrand.  The pall-beares were J H Helm, Frank M cMaster, W I Glasgow, Judge R H Wallis, C R Wilcox and John Laird.
Mamlett came from Pike County, Mo., in 1878 and joined a group of Missouri people who had come by caracan train. in 1850 to settle along Mariposa Creek.  Nicholas Turner, one of the leaders of the caravan was the grandfather of Miss Lillie Turner, who married Hamlett in 1882.
Surviving sons and daughersa are Frank Hamlett of Fresno, Mrs. Mayme H Adams  of Livingston, Mrs. Laura B Lloyd of Modesto and R A  Hamlett of Los Angeles
transcribed by C feroben

Mrs. Frances HAMMOND
               Mariposa Gazette December 30, 1876
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               Cathey's Valley, December 19th, 1876, Mrs. Frances HAMMOND, aged 84 years and 10 month. 

             HAMPTON, Roy H
               Fresno Bee Republican, Dec 01, 1953
              Mariposa, Mariposa Co- Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 2 PM in the Tiscornia & Ivesrs Chapel for Roy H Hampton, 73, of         Mariposa who died  yesterday in his home. 
                He was a native of Joliet Ill. and lived here 20 years.  He operated the Fremont Hotel.
                Hampton leaves his widow Alice; two dauthers, Mrs. Alice H Ellingham of Mariposa and Mrs. Ruth Ann Fowler of San Rafael; a sister, Mrs. Katherine Cavanah of San Jose, and a brother Robert of Placerville.
                Burial will be in the Masonic Cemetery.

                 Frank HARBOUR
               April 26, 1884 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Death of Frank HARBOUR

               Scarcely a week passes but what we are called upon to chronicle the death of another one of the old
               standby's who arrived here at a early day, and who was one of our best citizens. Latterly, and for the
               past ten years he has been living with his family, near Fresno Flats, Fresno county, about twenty-five
               miles easterly of Mariposa, where they have a piece of land and a comfortable home, besides a small
               amount of stock and farm fixtures, sufficient altogether to meet the demands for a living and to give
               them a comfortable support. Mr. HARBOUR was a very industrious and frugal man, and was highly esteemed
               for his many ennobling qualities by all who knew him. The disease, which caused his death, was diabetes.
               For two years preceding his death, this fearsome and almost incurable complaint was exhausting his
               stalwart frame, which for strength and apparent hardihood had the promise of a long lease on life. The
               deceased was a brother-in-law to Hiram CORNETT and Doc PATE of Cathey's Valley. Two children, about
               grown, and their mother, comprising the family of deceased, are left to cherish the memory of a good
               husband and a kind father. The funeral ceremonies, which took place on Friday, April 18th, at Fresno
               Flats, was largely attended by a host of friends and acquaintances of the deceased, for all who knew him
               in life- knew a good man. He was a native of Tennessee, 52 years of age.  

HARBOUR,  William
Fresno Bee, May 20, 1940

Obsequies Are Set For William Harbour
Hanford (Kings Co) May 20
Funeral services will be held in the Peoples Undertaking Parlors at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday morning for William Harbour, 75, of 402 East Ninth Street, who died yesterday in a hospital here.
Harbour had been a resident of Hanford ten years. He was a retired rancher. He was born in Mariposa County.
Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Nora Harbour; five sons, Walter Harbour of Madera, Leleand and Wiliam Ralph Harbour of Glendale, Clarence Harbour of Roscoe and Ernest Harbour of Los Angeles; four daughters, Mrs. Maude Fleming of San Gabriel, Mrs. Agnes Higgin of Granveville, Mrs. Roberta Lingo of  Bakersfield and Mrs. Jessie brown of Lemoore; a sister, Mrs. Malinda Scanland of Palms; seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Rev. Robert E Cordell will conduct the funeral services and interment will be in the Grangeville Cemetery. c feroben

               HARDWICK, AIKENS
               July 13,1878 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
                Passing away - It is our painful duty this week to chronicle the death of two of our most notable
               citizens, who have after a reasonable probation on this earth been called to the spirit land, before
                maker, to render a faithful account of the deeds done in the body. They were each allotted an average
               measure of time on this earth, and we feel assured that the friends and relatives of the departed can
               console themselves with the belief that they faithfully fulfilled the mission given them to perform
               whilst here below, and that the great Farther, who will say unto them: "Well done thou good and faithful
               servants; sit ye at my right hand, and sing praises to Him who giveth life everlasting."
                      Major HARDWICH was a native of Georgia, and came to California about the year 1853, and settled in
               Quartzburg, in this county. December 2d, 1857, he was married to Mrs. Mary F. THORN, widow of Col. Thomas
               THORN, who died in Quartzburg in 1850 or '51. The Major had lived to the
                ripe age of 66 years. Although not in the best of health, but for the exposure incidental to a political
               canvass, he would doubtless have fulfilled the mission laid out for him by the people, who had just
                elected him a delegate to the constitutional convention. He was a man of fair intellect and education, a
               good citizen, and highly respected for his integrity and uprightness inn all his dealings with men in the
               business routine of life. He was a kind husband and obliging neighbor, and will be very much missed from
               the immediate circle of relatives and friends among whom he has lived for more than a quarter of a
               century last past.
                        Capt. John M. AIKEN, whose death is likewise chronicled in this paper, has resided in
               Coulterville, in this county, nearly twenty years.  He was a native of New Hampshire, and about 58 years
               of age. He was regarded as a man of strict integrity, and has ranked favorably with other good citizens
               of the county. He was firm and decided, and hard to change from a position when once his mind had settled
               upon what he considered the ultima thule of any subject he had under consideration.
                His extreme reticence, no doubt, greatly diminished his social relations in life; therefore he had but
               few intimate or confidential friends in the section where he has latterly spent his years, who could
               fairly estimate his worth, or give information sufficient to make an interesting sketch of his life or
               career in this county and State. 

             HARDWICK Garland
               0ctober 15, 1864 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. Disbo)
               Death Of Garland HARDWICK.

               The many friends of Garland HARDWICK will regret to hear of his death, intelligence of which has just
               been recieved by his brother, Major G. M. HARDWICK of Quartzburg. He was for several years a resident of
               this county and was respected by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintences, among whom he bore the
               reputation of a generous, honest whole souled gentlemen and a sincere friend.- Whatever may be the tone
               of public sentiment in regard to the cause in which he was engaged, death levels all differences of
               opinion and recognizes true worth, bravery and manhood wherever it is found. The sad news was forwarded
               to Major HARDWICK through a letter from a surgeon in the Confederate Army forwarded via Old Point
               Comfort, and from which we take the following extract; " Lieut. Garland HARDWICK, 2nd Ala. Calvary died
               July 17th 1864 from effects of wounds of the foot, recieved before Atlanta, and dysentary, in Macon,
               Georgia. He went immediately to the army after his return home- (July 1862)- served awhile as a private
               and was elected Lieut. in his Company. A good soldier, beloved by everyone, he died a triumphant,
               Christian death. 


              July 13,1878 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Major HARDWICK was a native of Georgia, and came to California about the year 1853, and settled in
               Quartzburg, in this county. December 2d, 1857, he was married to Mrs. Mary F. THORN, widow of Col.
               Thomas THORN, who died in Quartzburg in 1850 or '51. The Major had lived to the ripe age of 66 years.
               Although not in the best of health, but for the exposure incidental to a political canvass, he would
               doubtless have fulfilled the mission laid out for him by the people, who had just elected him a delegate
               to the constitutional convention. He was a man of fair intellect and education, a good citizen, and
               highly respected for his integrity and uprightness inn all his dealings with men in the business routine
               of life. He was a kind husband and obliging neighbor, and will be very much missed from the immediate
               circle of relatives and friends among whom he has lived for more than a quarter of a century last past.   

                 Ellen HARLESS

               May 9, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               In Memorium.

                  Editor Gazette: It is with feelings of the deepest regret and sympathy that we have occasion to
               chronicle the death of another member of our lodge Sister Ellen HARLESS, our Worthy Inside Guard. She
               leaves to mourn her loss, a widowed mother, a brother and four sisters. Her dear face and presence will
               be sadly missed; always gentle, kind and obedient, she was also her "mother's comfort." In less than a
               year that mother has been called upon to bury a son and her husband.
                   The Lodge has lost a charter member, one who has ever been prompt and faithful in attending to her
               lodge duties. She has left this lodge to enter into the Grand Lodge, from whose portals she will never
               more leave; her last password salutation has been given, and she has received the response and
               recognition of the Great High Chief of the Universe, in whose presence she will evermore wear the Regalia
               of eternal happiness.
                    She was buried under the auspices of the lodge at three o'clock last Sunday afternoon. Tenderly and
               sadly we laid her among pines, through whose leaves the Spring breeze sung a requiem of peace to the
               troubled hearts of the mourners. She sleeps in peace. 

Merced Sun Star
Friday, August 27, 1976
page: 18


George Harless

Memorial services will be held Monday at 1 p.m. in Stratford Evans Merced
Funeral Chapel for George Walter Harless, 82, a Merced resident since 1960 who
died Thursday in a San Francisco hospital.

Mariposa Masonic Lodge No. 24 will conduct services for Mr. Harless, a
retired road foreman in Yosemite National Park.

Inurment will be at Arbor Vitae Cemetery, Madera. A veteran of World War 1,
Mr. Harless lived at 5736 E. Highway 140. He belonged to Mariposa Masonic
Lodge No. 24, 32nd Scottish Rite in Fresno and the Fresno Shrine.

Mr. Harless is survived by his wife, Olive; a daughter, Mrs. Barbara H.
Bailey, Capitola; three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Memorial contributions to the Central California Heart Association would be
appreciated by the family. transcribed by Alma Stone

Mariposa Gazette, Thursday, February 21, 1946

L. J. 'Jack' Harless
Dies Early Today;
Funeral Saturday

L. J. "Jack" Harless, who was born in a covered wagon somewhere on the
plains of Nebraska, died here at 4:30 this morning, closing another
chapter of pioneer life on the Mother Lode.

Mr. Harless was 87 years old and would have been 88 on May 20.

Funeral services will be held in Tiscornia, Ivers and Alcorn chapel at
2o'clock Saturday afternoon.

He is survived by his three sons, Frank, Leonard, and George Harless,
all of San Francisco, and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Rowland of Paradise,
Calif. Mrs. Harless Died in 1938.

Jack Harless, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Harless, was six months old when
the wagon train, coming from Kentucky pulled into Calaveras county,
where the Harless family lived until young Jack was 19. He came with his
parents to Mariposa county. His father located on Guadalupe mountain,
where he raised sheep and cattle.

Mr. Harless lived in Mariposa county 68 years and until the last year or
two he resided in the Whiterock district. In addition to raising
livestock most of his life, he devoted considerable time to prospecting
in the Arkansas flat and Stockton creek districts. transcribed by Tom Hilk


Merced Sun Star
Thursday, April 10, 1980
page 26.

Memorial services will be Saturday at 2 p.m. at Stratford Evans Merced
Chapel for Olive A. Harless, 89, a lifetime area resident who died here today.

Cremation will be at Evergreen Mausoleum and interment of ashes at Merced
District Cemetery. Rev. Edward E. Murphy, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, will
conduct the services.

Mrs. Harless was a native of California and lived in Merced 20 years. She
was a member of St. Luke's Episcopal Church. She is survived by a daughter,
Glenn G. (Barbara) Bailey, Merced; three grandchildren and four great
grandchildren. transcribed by Alma Stone


Mariposa Gazette

Thursday, August 25, 1938

Mrs. Harless, County Pioneer, Is Summoned

Mrs. Pauline Adelene Harless, 78, died about six p.m. Wednesday August 24
at her home in White Rock. Her death marked the passing of another Mariposa
pioneer mother.

She was born December 24, 1860, at Jenny Lind, Calaveras county, the
daughter of William and Elmira Gann. She came to Mariposa county in her early youth
and resided here the rest of her life.

She leaves to mourn her passing Leonard Jackson Harless, her husband, three
sons, Francis M. and Leonard W. of San Francisco, and George W. of Mariposa;
six grandchildren, Mrs. Wallace Green, Leonard Jackson Harless, Jr., Robert
Raymond and Paul, all of San Francisco, and Miss Barbara Harless of Raymond;
two sisters, Mrs. Alice Presley of White Rock and Mrs. Etta Exley of Tulare;
and one brother, Walter S. Gann of Mariposa.

Funeral services will be held at the chapel of the Tiscornia, Ivers and
Alcorn Funeral parlor in Mariposa Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

The Rev. W. J. Lee of Le Grand will officiate at the rites.
 Interment will be in the Mariposa cemetery. transcribed by Alma Stone

Mariposa Gazette, October 5, 1858
At Stockton, September 30, the death of Caroline Isabella, daughter of William and Isabella Harper, age 17 months.
(transcribed by Warren Carrah)

             HARRIS, Infant
               July 13, 1889 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Mr. and Mrs. Marshall HARRIS, of Grants Springs, have again been called on to give back one of their
               beautiful children, to their kind Father above. This is their second child they have lost within a
               couple of years, and their many friends deeply sympathize with them in their bereavement. "Only a tiny
               baby," but what a dark and aching void it leaves in the home, when the little grave covers it forever
               from the fond parents gaze.

Sacramento Bee
Tuesday 9 January 1906

A Pioneer Dead -- In San Francisco on Sunday last, Aaron HARRIS was found dead in bed. On that day a family reunion was to be held to celebrate the forty-first anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Harris. He was the first man to drive a stage into the Yosemite.
transcribed by Nancy Phillips

             JAMES HARRIS
               Mariposa Gazette, May 23, 1914
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)
               Death of a Pioneer James Marshall Harris, one of the best known and most successful orchardists in this
               county, passed peacefully away at his home, near Miami, on Saturday evening of last week. Old age is
               given as the cause of death. Mr. Harris came to this county more than fifty years ago and settled on his
               place, then a wilderness and by hard work and a desire to build himself a home, cleared his land,
               planted orchards, and at the time of his death had by far the finest apple orchard in our mountains.
               Deceased was a native of Missouri and 75 years of age. To mourn his demise he leaved a devoted wife,
               three sons and three daughters. The children are: Mrs. James Visher and Miss Bessie Harris of Arroyo
               Grande, Samuel Harris of Odgen, Miss Alice Harris, George Harris and Will Harris of Miami. The funeral
               was held on Monday May 18th, at 10 a.m., interment being in the family plot near his late residence.

HARRIS, Thomas
Merced Express, January 15, 1897

Thomas Harris, Senior Editor of the
Merced Star, is Dead.

Thomas Harris, a well known citizen of Merced; and editor of the Merced Star, died at his home on Nineteenth street on Tuesday evening last in the noonday of life.

Mr. Harris had been failing in health for several years, and last summer he was forced to leave his desk and seek health elsewhere. He went to Adams’s Springs, Lake county, where he remained for six or seven weeks, but the change did not benefit him much, and he returned home and resumed his editorial work, which was laborious and trying especially to one in his state of health. After the close of the campaign he went to San Francisco and went under the care of a specialist of r six weeks, but the treatment proved too server and he failed rapidly. The doctor, we understand, told him that he had consumption, and two weeks ago he returned to Merced to die, surrounded by those who were near and dear to him.

On his arrival here he went to bed and never left the house afterwards. During his illness he was patient, and strange to say, insisted until the very last that he would be out in a few days, but his friends new different, and therefore, were not surprised when his death was announced, for it had been expected daily for a week..

Editor Harris was a native of Blue River, Wisconsin, and was born April 7, 1844. He was one of a family of ten children, seven of whom survive him. He came to California with his parents in 1852. His father died a few weeks after their arrival in this State, and his mother passed away about eight years ago. At the early age of ten years he went to work in the Mariposa mines, but mining was not congenial employment and he quit it to learn the printers’ trade, starting in 1857 in the office of J. H. Lawrence, who conducted the Mariposa Star. He worked his way up in his chosen trade from the devil of the office to a first class printer. In 1858 he left Mariposa for Visalia, where he accepted a position on the Delta and Remained for three years. His next employment was in Stockton, where he was a compositor on the Independent. He had been there about two years when the Virginia City excitement reached it height. He was always anxious to better his condition and was among the many who went to Nevada at that time seeking fortune. Arriving at Virginia City he took a case on the Enterprise which he held for seven years, but the climate was too sever for his and he then went to San Francisco and took a position on the Alta, and afterwards on both the Chronicle and Call.

He was always looking forward to a time when he could launch out for himself in his chosen occupation, and an opportunity offering. He associated with his brother John in 1868 and conducted the old Mariposa Gazette. The mining industry was then on the down grade and after a few years the brothers disposed of the Gazette to Angevine Reynolds in 1872. Mr. Harris then returned to San Francisco, where he once more went to work on the Chronicle. The hours of printer’s work on the large dailies were not to his liking and he accepted a place with Farrar & Stoneroad as foreman on the MERCED EXPRESS. After about three years experience on the EXPRESS he associated himself with his younger brother, Charles, and established the Merced Star in 1880. Since the commencement of the paper he has been its managing editor, the business of which was under his direction up to the time of his death.

Thomas Harris was a self made man, honest in all his dealings with his fellow men, loyal to his friends, true to himself and kind to his brothers and sisters. He will not only be missed by his relatives and friends, but in business circles in Merced, for he took a prominent part in all public matters. At the time of his death he was a director of the Agricultural Association of this district, a director of the Merced building and Loan Association, a member of the Republican County Central Committee, and a member of the Knights of Pythias.

Five brothers and two sisters survive him who deeply mourn his loss: Emily, Levinia, John, Matt, Charles, and James and Fred.

The funeral will take place under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias to day (Friday) at 2 P.M. from Pythian Castle.

             HARRIS, Reuben C.
               April 8, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               The funeral of the late Reuben C. HARRIS, last Sunday afternoon at the Odd Fellows' Cemetery, was largely
               attended. Rev. C. E. CLARK came from Modesto to conduct funeral services. 

DIED     from the Mariposa Gazette,  November 23, 1858 p3
At the residence of Capt. C. B. Acklin, Coulterville, Mariposa County,
California, on Thursday, Nov. 11th, 1858, at half past 4 P.M.,
Companion George W. Harrison, Esq., aged 56,  (formerly of Ohio).
In the full possession of his faculties, and in the joyfull hope of a blessed
Immortality, he passed from the bosom of his friends, to that of his God.

Gen. Harrison was a native of Eastern North Carolina, from which place he
and his brothers removed many years ago to Cincinnati, Ohio where the
General was married.  From thence he removed to Illinois, and engaged in
the Surveys of the Public Lands of that State.  While in Illinois, he was a
Senator in the State Legislature, for four years, at the same time that
Col. E. D. Baker, of San Francisco, was.   From Illinois he removed to the
newer State of Wisconsin, and there embarked in his favorite pursuit---
surveying public lands.  The California excitement breaking out, he,  too sought
the " El Dorado," and was a "forty-niner."  For some time, he mined upon
the Calaveras, and in 1851 he removed to this county,  where he continued
to reside up to the time of his death.

Gen. H., by his upright and manly conduct since his residence among us,
had deeply endeared himself to all. His heart was ever open to the kindest
impulses, and his hand was never slow to minister to the distressed and weary.
  In his death, many has created a vacuum in our little society which but few
can fill.  He bore his sufferings with fortitude and during his confinement would
wear a calm and gentle demeanor,  having ever a kind word for his friends; and
at last, without a struggles, he quitted the bosom of his friends for his God's.

He was buried on Saturday last, by the Sons of Temperance, and his funeral
was attended by nearly every inhabitant of this part of the county.             G.
transcribed by Steve Miller

(This obituary is followed by a resolution declaring a state of mourning by the
 Star of Hope Temple of Honor, No. 42, a fraternal benevolent society that
 George W. Harrison was a member)

               HARRISON, Gen. William H.
               June 11,1881 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Death of Gen. HARRISON - Quite unexpectedly, William Henry HARRISON died at Schlageter's Hotel,
               Mariposa, Thursday past at eight o'clock. The news of his death was immediately dispatched to his
               friends at or near Snelling, Merced County, where the deceased resided, and on the following morning,
               Mr. John IVETT and Mr. CURTIS appeared to attend to the burial necessities of the departed. Mr. John
               IVETT, who is one of the oldest inhabitants of that section, and esteemed as one of the staunchest and
               most reliable citizens of Merced County, called at our office early in the forenoon of yesterday, and
               from him we gathered the following particulars in regard to General HARRISON since his arrival in
               California. He was a native of Pennsylvania, born 1808, came direct to California by rail, and landed at
               Mr. IVETT's on the Merced River, in 1870. Since his arrival in California, except when engaged in
               business, he has made his home with Mr. IVETT's family. The General being possessed of a most amiable
               disposition he'd become a great favorite of Mr. IVETT's family, particularly the children, who will as
               much deplore the loss of the old gentleman as thought he was near akin. Latterly he has been engaged in
               manufacturing flour at the mill formerly known as " Murray's" on the Merced River, 3 1/2 miles above
               Snelling. He is known as the proprietor and manufacturer of " Valley Mills Flour." The deceased is
               reputed to be a nephew of General HARRISON, who was distinguished by being elected President of the
               United States. His funeral took place from Schlageter's Hotel, at 2 o'clock P.M. yesterday, and the
               remains of the good old man, William W. HARRISON, who had clung to life for 73 years, was followed by a
               large number of friends, acquaintances and strangers to the public cemetery, where he now lies free from
               the pains of life. Rev. R.A. SAWRIE performed the funeral services at the grave. 

                  Wawona Washburn HARTWIG

                 MADERA TRIBUNE, OCTOBER 19, 2000
               (submitted by Harriet Sturk)              

                 California lost one of its most gracious links to Yosemite’s colorful history with the death of Wawona Washburn Hartwig.

               Wawona Washburn Hartwig, age 86, passed away October 7, 2000 in Clovis. She was named after the Wawona Hotel. She will be remembered by her many   friends for her passion for life, her keen interest in history and current affairs, her love of books and writing, and her spiritual but always practical grasp of the art of living.

                 Ms. Hartwig was a descendant of the Washburn family that established and operated hotels, roads, and transportation in the Yosemite area from the 1860s  to the 1930s. From spring to autumn, her childhood home was the Wawona Hotel, managed by her father, Clarence Washburn. The family spent winters in  Oakland and San Francisco. Wawona always had a deep attachment to animals. Wawona  attended Sequoia High School in Redwood City and U.C. Berkeley, where she studied journalism and wrote for various newspapers, including the San   Francisco Examiner.

                 At 17, Wawona left home for Hollywood. She found work as an extra, eventually landing a contract with Paramount. Her roles were limited due to her   striking resemblance to actress Joan Blondell. She met and married her husband, Hale Hartwig, while in Hollywood. They moved to Indio and pursued a  lifestyle filled with love, friends, and grand, lyrical cocktail parties.   

               HARVILLE, Willis

               July 2, 1864 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Fatal Shooting Affair at Princeton.- A young man by the name of Willis Harville got into a difficulty
               with a party of Mexicans who where celebrating St. Johns Day at Princeton, on Friday night or early
               Saturday morning, last week. Some angry words passed, and threats of shooting. HARVILLE, who was
               unarmed, started out of the house with another American, followed by the Mexican and some companions.
               Shortly afterwards a shot was heard, and HARVILLE was seen running in the direction of town. This
               occurred about 3 o'clock on Saturday morning, and at daylight he was found lying in the street near the
               office of Frank GILTNER, dead, being shot in the left side of the body, the ball probably going near the
               heart. Evidences of a short but violent struggle were to be seen around the spot where the unfortunate
               man fell. The Mexican fled, and at last accounts no trace of his whereabouts had been obtained by
               officers who had gone in pursuit. 

             MISS HASKELL
               Mariposa Gazette July 22, 1876
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               Near Bear Creek, Mariposa County, July -, 1876, Miss - HASKELL, aged about 14.

Mariposa Gazette, Mariposa, CA 
July 2, 1959
 Walter Hyatt of Midpines was a two-day patient at the Fremont  hospital
before being transferred to the veterans hospital in Fresno.
Mariposa Gazette, Mariposa, CA.
Thursday, July 9, 1959
Masonic Funeral Services Held Tuesday For
 Walter Eden Hyatt
 Mariposa Lodge 24, F&AM, conducted services Tuesday, July 7, at 2  p.m. for
Walter Eden Hyatt, 72, who died Saturday in the Fresno Veterans  Memorial
hospital, where he had been a patient for three weeks. Services were  held in the
Tiscornia and Ivers chapel, with burial in the Masonic plot of the  Mariposa
 Hyatt had bee a resident of Midpines since 1949, owning and operating 
Hyatt's Rancho Motel. He was a veteran of World War 1, and manufactured hats in 
Danbury, Conn., before moving to Los Angeles, where he was in the same line of 
business until retirement ten years ago.
 He was a member of Mariposa Lodge 24, F&AM; Consistory of  Scottish Rite
Bodies, Valley of San Jose No. 9; Mariposa Lions club, and  American Legion Post
 Surviving are his widow, Annette, of Midpines, and stepsons George  and Jack
Eddy, both of Los  Angeles.
transcribed by Alma Stone

HAYES, EARL                
Mariposa Gazette and Miner., Mariposa, CA.

               Thursday, Feb. 27, 1975
               Dukey Hayes
               Services will be held on Friday at 2 p.m., in the Mariposa Funeral Chapel for Dukey Earl Hayes, 64, a 15 year resident of this area, who                     died at the Fremont  Hospital on Sunday.  Internment will follow.

               Hayes a native of Corning, Arkansas. He was employed as a painter by Yosemite Park & Curry Co..
               Before moving here, he was a leader of Explorer Scout Post No. 43 of Oakdale, and was a member of the Order of the Arrow.

               Surviving are his widow Mrs. Neva Hayes of Mariposa; a daughter Mrs. Karen Cox, Lockford; three sons, Leonard of Seattle, Danny of                 Mariposa and Robert   Hayes of Traceyton, Wash.; two sisters, Mrs. Irene Rolufs, Eureka Springs, Ark., and Mrs. Opal Hunkle, Rockford,             Ill.; four brothers, Cecil of Portland, Ore.,  Henry of Mesa, Ariz., Gerald of Ft. Worth, Texas and Jesse Hayes of Bangor, Maine; his                         step-mother Mrs. Lizzie Brown of Corning, Ark.; seventeen grandchildren.  

               Merced Sun Star, Merced, CA.
               Wed. May 25, 1983
               Neva Hayes

               Mariposa - Funeral services for Neva Eldora Hayes, 72, will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. in the Mission Chapel of Ivers and Alcorn Funeral Home in Merced.   The Rev. John Dumermuth of the Mariposa United Methodist Church will officiate at the services for Mrs. Hayes who died Friday in a Merced hospital.
                   Burial will be private.

               Born in Illinois Jan 31, 1911, she lived in Mariposa since 1959 where she was a homemaker and a member of the Mariposa TOPS 1369.   Survivors include a daughter, Karen Cox of Stockton; three sons, Robert D. Hayes of Bremerton, Wash., and Leonard E. and Danny L. Hayes, both of Seattle,   Wash.,; a sister; Mabel Connors of LeMay, Mo.; a brother, Milo Moore of St. Louis, Mo.; 19 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.    

               Andrew HEALLY

               (submitted by William Disbro)
               Benton Mills tunnel disaster Aug 23, 1876, funeral at the Catholic Cemetery


               HEATH, John
               October 31, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               In Memory of a Pioneer. Ed. Gazette: I noticed in the last issue of your paper, the death of one of
               Mariposa's pioneers, Mr. John HEATH. He was a old citizen of Mariposa, coming here in 1849, and was
               well-known among all the old settlers here and had many warm friends. For a number of years he had
               resided in Fresno County, but will be remembered by many here.

                 Daniel Heaton
               DCT transcribed by Steve Miller

               Bk   2  page  140
               Mariposa Co, Ca.  2250-35
               Daniel Heaton    dod  Dec 14, 1928
               sex:  male   marital status:  single
               dob  Dec 16, 1840   age  88yrs  11mos  29days
               occ:  retired     bp  Penna
               father  unknown    bp  unk
               mother   unknown   bp  unk
               length of res:  50 yrs   in CA  72 yrs
               informant:  Mrs.  E. J. Boyer,  Sugar Pine, CA
               filed  Dec 22,       J W Pratt
               cause fo death:  Cerebral Hemorhage  3 days
                         Interstitial Nephritis  5 yrs
               physcian:  A M Gregory  Dec 22, 1928
               burial  P C Mariposa,  Dec 17, 1928 

                 Guy Heaton
               DCT transcribed by Steve Miller

               Mariposa Co,  Usona Dist.  2250  42
               Bk  3   page  37
               Guy Heaton         dod  Dec 28, 1933
               res:  Usona, CA
               sex:  male      race:  white   marital status:  divorced
               occ:  orchardist   bp   La Belle, Missouri
               father:   Asa C Heaton  bp  Knightstown, Indiana
               mother:  Rebecca McMurry   bp   unk, Ohio
               legnth of res  6 yrs  in CA 47 yrs
               informant:  R C Heaton  Paso Robles
               burial:  Public cemetery,  Mariposa, CA  Dec 29,1933
               embl:  W A Farnsworth  lic #  594
               funeral dir:  Welch and Farnsworth  Mariposa Co, CA
               cause:   suicide,  asphyxiation
                      inhaling carbon monoxide
               Coroner inquest results   suicide,  at home, Usona
               field  Dec 30, 1933   J W Pratt

Modesto Bee, April 21, 1974

 Sonora- A private graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday in the Citizens Cemetery, Oakdale, for Harold J Herbeck, 66, who died Friday in a locat hospital.
A lifelong resident of Coulterville, he was a heavy equipment operator and had worked for the Mariposa County Road Department 23 years.
He was a rancher and member of the Coulterville Community Methodist Church.

He leaves his widow, Pauline; a daughter, Phyllis Busby of Coulterville; three sons; a sister, Annie Bonds of Oakdale; two grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
Services are under the direction of the Heutn Memorial Chapel.
The family requests that any remembrances be made to the Coulterville Methodis Church, the Greeley Hill Bible Chruch or the Greeley Hill Bible Church or the  Cancer Society



               December 11, 1886 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro )
               Supposed Murder - Within the last few days the town has been excited by rumors, of a most wicked and
               atrocious murder, supposed to have been committed on Buckeye. Louis HEBERT, commonly called Little Louis
               a Frenchman, has long occupied a little place on Buckeye about a mile this side of the Joe RICARD place.
               This summer he made an arrangement with a Mrs. SAVAGE who had within the last year came to this place
               from Brodie, by which he conveyed his place to Mrs. SAVAGE on consideration of being supported by her
               during his life. After he made the arrangement he became much dissatisfied. In the meantime, Mrs.
               SAVAGE'S husband arrived from BRODIE, and he and his wife prepared to go into occupation of Louis'
               place. Since they took possession last week, Louis has disappeared, not having been seen alive since
               last Saturday. Suspicions were aroused, Sheriff MULLERY and under Sheriff HOWARD looked into the matter
               and soon discovered circumstances enough, in their judgment, to warrant the arrest of Mr. and Mrs.
               SAVAGE, which was carried into effect Wednesday morning. SAVAGE is in jail and Mrs. SAVAGE is confined
               in the hospital. Since the arrest, the officers have diligently investigated the case and claim to have
               very convincing proof against the prisoners. As an examination has not taken place, we do not think it
               best to anticipate in any way, the evidence which will then be produced.   

               Allen HELM Died On Mariposa Creek,
               Mariposa Gazette, September 30, 1876
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               September 26th, 1876, Allen HELM, aged 76 years. Mr. Helm was a native of Tennessee, and removed from
               that state to Missouri. He came to this state many years ago, and settled on Mariposa Creek, where he
               leaves a large family to mourn his loss. 

               July 7, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               Near Lewis', Mariposa County, June 8th, 1883, of typhoid fever, Mrs. HELM, wife of J. B. HELM. 

               July 7, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               Near Lewis', Mariposa County, June 27th, 1883, of typhoid fever, Miss Olive B. HELM, daughter of J.B.
               HELM, aged about 21 years.   

               On Chowchilla, Mariposa county, November 11th, 1879, Mrs. HENDRICKS, wife of Thomas HENDRICKS.   

               IGNACIO HERNANDEZ,
               MAY 13, 1876 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by William Disbro)
               In Colorado, Mariposa county, May 9th, 1876, IGNACIO HERNANDEZ, a native of Chile, aged about 40 years.      

       Noah HICKOK
               May 3, 1884 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro )
               Noah HICKOK, a respectable pioneer of this State and an old resident of Merced county, died at his
               residence in this town on the 23d of April, after an illness of several months. Deceased was the father
               of Mrs. O. B. HERREN, and the last days of the departed pioneer where blessed by the assiduous attention
               of his affectionate daughter, grandchildren, great grandchildren and earnest friends. The funeral rites
               of Noah HICKOK were held at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church on the afternoon of last Friday. A large
               procession of relatives and friends of the deceased accompanied the remains to their last resting place
               at the cemetery. Deceased was the father of S. V. HICKOK of Cathey's Valley. He was a native of
               Pennsylvania, aged 79 years.- Merced Star. 

               March 30, 1889 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               At the County Hospital, Mariposa County, March 24th, 1889 Charles R. HICKS, a native of Georgia, aged 69


                DCT Mariposa Co.  by Steve Miller
                Partial DC Mariposa Co    Book1   page 152

                Mariposa Co   Yosemite NP
                Yosemite Hospital

           Margarite Higgins    dod:  Nov 19, 1918

        sex:  female    race:   white   marital status:  single
        dob:  May 28, 1914     age:  4 yrs  5mos  23 days
        bp:  Raymond,  CAL

        Medical   attended Nov 12, 1918 to Nov 19, 1918
        last seen Nov 19, 1918
        casue:  Influencia
        rest missing. 

Agened Woman, Pioneer Mariposa Resident, Dies
Fresno Bee, Tuesday, Dec 24, 1929
MERCED (Merced Co) Dec 24- Mrs. P. H. Higgins, 76, resident of Mariposa and Merced COunties for the last sisty-fice years, died late Sunday night at the home of her son, Manuel DeSilva. She ahd been ill for three weeks.  Funeral services were to have been held this afernoon at 2 o'clock at the Welch and Griffin Chapel here, with the Rec. W. A. Cash, vicar of St. Luke's Episcopal Church of Merced officiating.
Mrs. Higgins was born in Portugal on January 8th, 1853, and went to Maripsoa from there via  Cape Horn, with her parents in 1864, at the age of eleven years.  She went to school and was married in Mariposa. Mr and Mrs Higgins came to Merced from there twenty-five years ago.

Higgins was publisher of the Merced Herald for several years.  They later moved to Livingston where he published the Livingston Chronicle. Higgins died several years ago.
Mrs. Higgins leaves a sister, Mrs. C C. Grosjean of Mariposa; and three chidlren, Manuel De Silva of Merced, John De Silva of  of Pittsburg, and Mrs. Marie Choisser of Livingston..  c feroben

               July 13, 1889 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               At Gertrude, Fresno County, Cal. July 2d, 1889 Captain _____ HIGHTS, a native of Germany, aged 65 years. 

               HIGMAN, Robert W.

               December 19, 1874 Mariposa Gazette     (submitted by W Disbro)

               In Mariposa, December 12th, Robert Williams, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John HIGMAN, aged 5 years 2 months and 9 days.

               Visalia Weekly Delta, Dec 24, 1874-

               (submitted by Mike White)

               Died: At Mariposa, December 12, 1874, Robert W., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Higman, aged 5 years two months and nine days.  


               June 7, 1879 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               In Mariposa, June 6th, John HIGMAN, aged 5 years, 5 months and 7 days.  

                 A. C. HILL

               February 6, 1886 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               The death of A. C. HILL who formerly lived in Hornitos with Mr. and Mrs. HALL, who kept the Hotel at that
               time is announced in the Merced Star. He died Feb. 2d, 1886 at the residence of Mrs. A.C HALL in Merced.
               The deceased followed mining for many years on the Merced River. Early
               in the 60's he opened a farm on the San Joaquin River and started the town of Dover an important shipping
               point before the advent of railroads.   


               May 31, 1879 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W Disbro)
               In San Francisco, May 23d, Mrs. Margaret HILL, a native of Nantucket, Mass. aged 77 years. [deceased
               formerly lived in this place, and was generally known to the community.]

                ELIJAH HILLS
                Transcribed from the Mariposa Gazette Jan. 28, 1859 by Steve Miller

At Indian Gulch,  Jan 22nd, Elijah Hills a native of Boston, Mass.
and aged 28years. 

            Harry Hilliard
               Transcribed by Steve Miller

               Mariposa Co,  El Portal, Yosemite National Park
               Harry Hilliard      dod  Jan  8, 1918
               sex:  male  race:  Indian  marital status:  married
               dob:  Jan 24, 1898    age:  19yrs  11 mos  14 days
               occ:  chauffeur         bp:  CA
               father:   Peter     bp:  CA
               mother:  Lula Rube   bp:  CA
               length in Co  6 mos   in CA  19 yrs
               informant:  Peter Hilliard (father)  El Portal, CA
               cause:   Tuberculosis of lungs  12/16/1917--1/8/1918   about 2 years
               contrib:  TB of Larynx  about  8 mos
               physician  Dr. Frederick L Stein  Yosemite, CA  Jan 8, 1918
               Burial  Madera,  Jan 9, 1918
               undertaker:  Merced Parlor,  Merced,  CA
               registrar  E P Leavitt,  Jan 18, 1918,  YNP

                Peter B Hilliard
               Transcribed by Steve Miller

               Mariposa Co,  Yosemite National Park,  Lewis Memorial Hosp.
               Peter B Hilliard     dod   June 28, 1934
               sex:  male    race:  Indian   marital status:   Seperated
               spouse:  Amy Beale     dob:  Feb 9, 1870   age:  64 years  4 mos  18 days
               occ:  Road and Trail foreman  YNP
               date last worked:  3/24/1930
               bp:  Red Cloud,  Mariposa, CA
               father:  unknown   bp:  Mariposa Co
               mother:  unknown   bp:  Mariposa Co
               length in Co  50 yrs   in Ca  64
               informant:  Violet  Yolinda  Smith  Box 602  Oakdale, CA
               Burial  YNP  6/29/1934
               cause:  anuryism,  aortic
               physician:  Hartley G Dewey  YNP
               registrar JW Prat by JH Emmert,  June 30, 1934

Fresno Bee, Sunday, September 04, 1938
Funeral Is Set For Briceburg Precipice Victim
MARIPOSA (Mariposa Co) Sept 3- Funeral Services will be held tomorrow in the Indian Cemetery in the Bear Creek district for Mrs. Grace Hinks, 50, of Midpines, who was fatally injured yesterday afternoon shortly after 5 o'clock when she fell seventy feet down a precipice on the Briceburg Grade.
Mrs. Hinks died of a fractured skull at 9:15 o'clock this morning in the Merced general Hospital, where she was rushed late yesterday after receiving first aid here from Drt. J. S. Webster.
The Midpines matron, a member of a local Indian tribe and a native of Mariposa County, was enroute to yosemite with her nephew and  niece, Mr and Mrs. George Rohan of Mariposa,  They were late for the control at Briceburg and decided to take a stroll.
The Rohans said they were around a curve from Mrs. Hinks when they heard her scream.  On investigatin, they saw her lying unconscious at the foot of a seventy foot precipice.  Their theory is that she got too close to the edge and was seized with a fit of dizziness, during which she toppled over the brink.
Mrs. Hinks is survived by two sisters, Mrs. George Rohan of Mariposa and Mrs. Albert Rohan of Fresno, and a nephew, Elmer Stanley, whom she reared from childhood.
The body was brought today to the Tisconia, Ivers  & Alcorn Parlors in Mariposa.
transcribed by cferoben

Freno Bee Republican  August 10, 1961
Max Hirsch, 82, a retired diamond merchant, died last night in a Mariposa hospital. He had been hospitalized since suffering a stroke SUnday.
Hirsch retired to his home on Boojack Road in Mariposa in 1941 after more than 50 years in the jewelry business.  He was a native of Holyoke, Mass.
He started his career working in his father's jewelry store in Holyoke.  Eventually he operated his own business in diamonds and watches in Chicago and Hollywood.
He is survived by his widow, Jessie; two sisters, Mrs. Rose Klein of Springfield, Mass., and MRs. Sarah Redding of Hartford, Mass., and a rother, Abraham of Holyoke.
The C Harry Palm Funeral Service has charge of final rites.  c feroben

               Mariposa Gazette, June 14, 1929
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)
               Funeral services were held at the Mariposita cemetery seven mile south of Mariposa, at two o'clock last
               Monday afternoon for Lucy Hite, former wife of John R. Hite, deceased, a one time millionaire mine owner
               of Mariposa. The death of Mrs. Hite occurred at the home of her niece, Mrs. Mary GRISWOLD, at the old
               Hogan ranch near mariposa on Saturday night. She was 86 years of age and had been in very poor health
               for two years. The passing of Lucy HITE recalls to old residents of the state, one of the early day
               romance between a white miner and an Indian belle and lawsuits in after years over divorce proceedings,
               alimony and money division in the Mariposa county courts in the late ‘80s.Hite took Lucy as his wife at
               about the time of the discovery of the famous Hite gold mine on the south fork of the Merced river,
               which it is said produced from three to five million dollars in gold. Leaving Mariposa after amassing a
               large fortune, Hite deserted his Indian bride and was married to a wealthy woman in San Francisco. Then
               followed Lucy Hite's for a division of the fortune, which was granted by Superior Judge JONES of Napa
               County, sitting in the Superior Court at mariposa. However, before the court judgment and findings wee
               signed Judge JONES was called by death and Lucy's case was left to be done all over again. It finally
               developed that the case was settled out of court in which the Indian woman received $20,000 in cash and
               a magnificent home in the hills of Mariposa County near Indian Peak. The home was destroyed by fire two
               or three years ago and since that time the aged woman had been making her home with Mrs. GRISWOLD.  

MONDAY, 15 OCT 1866,Stockton Daily Independent
DEATH -- at Hite's Cove, Mariposa county, Oct. 9th, G.A. HITE, aged about 34 years. transcribed by Dee S

               Death of John R. HITE
               April 28, 1906 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by William Disbro)
                        John R. HITE, the aged capitalist and who was well known in Mariposa county where he resided and
               engaged in mining for a number of years, died at San Francisco on the morning of April 18th, about three
               hours before the earthquake that was the direct cause of wrecking that city.
                         Mr. HITE was the discoverer of the famous Hite mine at Hite's Cove, this county, and from which
               he amassed a fortune. The deceased had been a resident of San Francisco for a great number of years and
               was rated as a millionaire, being the owner of extensive valuable real estate in San Francisco, as well
               as in Fresno and other counties.
                         Mr. HITE gained additional notoriety as defendant in the famous Hite divorce case, in which
               Lucy HITE, an Indian woman was plaintiff, and sued for a divorce and division of his immense wealth. This
               case, which attracted statewide attention was finally compromised by the defendant paying plaintiff
                         It is said of John HITE that he was ever loyal to his old mining friends and that many were the
               happy recipients of his generous assistance. He was unmarried at the time of his death and his vast
               estate will probably be distributed among numerous relatives. 

               HOAGLAND, John
               March 15, 1879 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Accident and Death - On Monday last near Boot Jack Ranch, about six miles from Mariposa on road leading
               to Big Tree Station, John HOAGLAND, a teamster and driver in the employ of WASHBURN and BRUCE, was
               accidentally thrown from the wagon, ran over and killed. We have been unable to get the particulars,
               although a man named Ralph WILLIAMS was with him. From what we could learn it appears that HOAGLAND
               dropped one of his lines, and in attempting to jump out after it one or both feet caught in the lines
               remaining, and he fell in such a manner that the hind wheel of the wagon passed over his breast. He
               lived for some moments after the accident and talked quite freely with Mr. Williams, stating to him that
               he was going to die and expressed a desire for Mr. WILLIAMS to know something of the affairs of his
               life; but Mr. WILLIAMS, not supposing that he was so near his death from the fact of his lively
               expression at the moment, did not give but little heed to what he said about his business. His body was
               brought to town and buried on Tuesday in the public burying ground. He was about sixty years of age. We
               did not learn his nativity, or where he was from to this state.

                       HODGSON, Joseph C.
               October 17, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Joseph C. HODGSON died last Wednesday afternoon, after a protracted illness. His disease was
               consumption, brought on it is said by la grippe. When quite a young boy, Mr. HODGSON had an attack of
               scarlet fever, which left him totally blind. He was a quiet, refined man, and had many friends. His
               parents and family have the sympathy of the community in their affliction. The funeral took place
               yesterday afternoon.

                 Mary Josephine HODGSON
               July 11, 1863 Mariposa Free Press
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               At Sherlock's Mariposa county, July 6th, 1863, MARY JOSEPHINE, youngest daughter of Thos. and Margeret
               HODGSON; aged eleven months and twenty-four days.  

             William HODGSON
               February 14, 1885 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro )
               Wm. HODGSON, son of Thomas HODGSON of Sherlocks, died very suddenly in Stockton on the 4th instant. He
               had been suffering with consumption for two years, but died from hemorrhage of the lungs, while out upon
               the streets and engaged in talking with some persons. His wife died about
               four years ago. He leaves three children.

                HOFFMAN, PETER

                From the Daily Alton Telegraph, Alton Ill Feb 26, 1853

   CALIFORNIA   -- A man by the name of Peter Hoffman, of Illinois,
was accidentally killed in his tent near Quartzburg, Mariposa county,
on 22nd of December.  He attempted to discharge his rifle at a mark.
The cap only was discharges and he put the muzzle of the rifle to his
mouth to blow in it,  when a discharge took place,  the ball passing up
through the head, killing him instantly.  He was about 34 years of age,
and has a brother and two children at or near Chicago.

  Mariposa Miner
Thursday, July 29, 1965


Funeral services for Clarence L. Hogan, 58, who died in Fremont Hospital Friday were conducted Tuesday afternoon in Mariposa Chapel of Tiscornia and Ivers Funeral Home.
The Rev. Jack LaDieu officiated at the service, burial followed in the family cemetery at Midpines.

Born January 2, 1907, he spent his entire life in Mariposa County.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Oceguero of Nevada; his mother, Mrs. Emma LeMaster, Midpines; two sisters, Mrs. Caroline Branson of Midpines and Mrs. Gertrude Hodgson of Mt. Bullion and one brother, Henry Hogan of Midpines.  transcribed by Alma Stone


               Transcribed by Steve Miller

               Mariposa Gazette,  May 27, 1954


               Local Indians held mourning ceremonies on Thursday and Friday at the home of Chief Joe Howard for Delbert           Hogan,  who died at Clovis the past Tuesday.

               Following funeral services at Tiscornia-Ivers on Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m., burial was made in the Hern's cemetery at Bear Creek.

               Among those attending from a distance were his widow,  Mrs. Edna Hogan and daughters,  Mrs. Joe Howard, Mrs. Doris Turner and Miss Mildred Howard of Clovis;  Mrs. Isabelle McCay of Sunnyvale,  Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sam and family of Bishop,  Mrs. Lucy Telles, Mr. and Mrs. Weslet Wilson, Lloyd Parker  and two sons of Yosemite.

from the Hall of Records,  Mariposa Co -transcribed by Steve Miller

Vol  60  page 5   Mariposa Co, CA

Henry Hogan  Dod  Jan  18,  1960  11:15pm
male   Indian   Bp  CA   Dob  Sept 10, 1885   age 74 yrs

father:    Samuel L  Hogan,   Bp  MO
mother:  Mary Ann Austin,   Bp  CA

citizenship  USA
occup:  Laborer,   50 yrs  Last employer  unknown,  type  road const.
Military:  no      Widowed
pl of death  John C. Fremont Hosp
Length in Co.  Life     in State   Life
Last usual res:  Mariposa, Mariposa Co
informant:  hospital records
burial  Jan22, 1960  Family cemetary  White Rock Rd.
embalmer:  E M Stahl
funeral dir  Tiscornia & Ivers  Jan 20, 1960


 transcribed from the Mariposa Gazette , by Steve Miller
In  "Gleaning of Mariposa Newspapers 1921-1925"  ed. T Hilk

Jan 25, 1924

Funeral Services Held For Mrs. Henry Hogan

Funeral sevice for Mrs. Henry Hogan who died at the home of Mrs. Griswold at Buckeye on Thursday
morning of last week, were held at the family buring ground near the Old Hogan ranch on Saturday afternoon.

A large number of relatives and friends of the family went to attend the funeral.

Merced Sun Star
December 2, 1940

MARIPOSA, (Special) -- Funeral services for Roy D. Hogan, 36, auto accident victim, were held here today at the residence of the late Sarah Priest. The Rev. Earl Savage of Mariposa officiated and burial followed in the cemetery near the Priest ranch.

Hogan was fatally injured Saturday when the automobile in which he was riding rolled down a 150-foot embankment two miles above Mariposa. Two companions, Harry J. Carter and Freeman Hearne, still are in the Merced General hospital suffering serious injuries.

A resident of Mariposa all his life, Hogan is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Hogan; two brothers, Clarence and Henry Hogan, Mariposa; and three sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Paul, Mrs. Caroline Hitpshman and Mrs. Ethel Johlan all of Mariposa.
Tiscornia, Ivers and Alcorn were in charge of the funeral arrangements. transcribed by Alma Stone


from the Hall of Records Mariposa Co

 Death transcript

 Vol  1   page  188  Mariposa Co, CA
 Samuel Lane Hogan,   male,  white,   widowed
 Dob  Jan  13,  1832   Dod  Apr 23,  1921
 age  87 yrs  3mo  10 days
 occup:  none   Bp  Missouri
 father:   unknown   bp   unknown
 mother:    "                    "
 Length of res   Co.  16 yrs     State  67 yrs
 inf:  James Hogan (son),  Mariposa  CA

 pl of burial  Mariposa  Apr 24, 1921
 undertaker  Johns and Bertkin,  Mariposa

 cause of death:
 Influenza,  contrib.  pnemonia
 (S)  G. S Scott  MD,  Mariposa  Apr 23,  1921

HOGAN, Sammuel B
Modesto Bee and News-Herald, August 17, 1961
Mariposa-Mariposa Co- Services will be held tomorrow at 2 PM in the Tiscornia & Ivers Funeral Chapel for Samuel Booth Hogan, 86, of Mariposa, who died Tuesday in the Fremont Hospital.
The Rev. Jack La Dieu of the Little Church of the Hills will officate and burial wil be in the HEarne Cemetery, Midpines, Mariposa County.
Hogan was a life long resident of  Mariposa and a gold prospector for many years.  He formerly was employed by the Mt. bullion Mining Company.
He leaves several nices and nephews.

Merced Express
Nov. 11, 1948


The body of a man found Monday evening in a drainage ditch at the Merced sewer farm, was identified yesterday as that of William H. Hogan, 83, Indian, of Cathay Valley in Mariposa county, Coroner J. C. Brooks announced.

County and city law enforcement officers cooperated with the coroner and the Hann Brothers mortuary in efforts to identify the man, who died from a heart attack attempting to extricate himself from the ditch.

Funeral arrangements are being made by Hann Brothers of Merced. transcribed by Alma Stone

           HOGDSON, Hettie E.

               Dec. 4, 1880 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by William Disbro)
               Death of a Stockton Lady in El Dorado County.-On the 17th ultimo Mrs. Hettie E. HOGDSON, wife of W. T.
               HOGDSON, of Stockton, died at the residence of her sister, Mrs. A. M. AYERS, at Shingle Springs, El
               Dorado county. The deceased resided in Stockton about two years. She had been afflicted with consumption
               for about eighteen months, and four weeks ago went to visit her sister, hoping that a change of locality
               might be beneficial to her. She was a very highly respected lady, and her bereaved husband and three
               children have the sincere sympathy of many friends. She leaves a husband and three children, the eldest
               of whom is 8 years and the youngest 4 years of age. 

                  Charles Holland
               (transcribed by Steve Miller)
               dod  Apr. 3, 1942
               Book 4  page 46
               place of death  Mariposa Co, town Coulterville
               in community  25 yrs  CA  50yrs
               vet.  no   ss#--------  sex  M  race  white    marital status   married
               spouse  Mary Ellen Holland    age of spouse  69 yrs
               dob  Sept 30, 1869  age 72 yrs  6 mos  3 days
               birth place  England  occupation  laborer  industry   Yosemite Nat Park
               father  unk    bp unk
               mother  unk   bp  unk
               informant  Mary Ellen Holland   Coulterville, CA
               burial  Apr 6, 1942  Coulterville, CA
               emb  Lloyd Shanock   lic#1543
               Funeral Dir. C H Burden, Undertaker  c 6  Sonora, CA
               residence  CA,  Mariposa Co, Coulterville
               dod April 3, 1942  9:15 pm
               cause  Aortic Stenosis, Coronary Sclerosis
               physician  H H McGillis  DO  Sonora, CA  Apr 4, 1942 

               Mary E. Holland
               DCT Mariposa County, transcribed by Steve Miller

               Mariposa Co. CA  Bk 5  page 70
               Mary E. Holland
               dod  Oct 12, 1955  6 a.m.
               sex:     female    race:    white   marital status:    widowed
               dob   June  27, 1869   age:  86 yrs
               occupation:  housewife    birth place:  England
               usual res:  CA, Mariposa Co, Coulterville  (70yrs)
               citizenship:   USA
               father   Wm Lanyon    bp  England
               mother  Eliza Jane Vincent   bp England
               mil. serv.  no       ss#  none
               informant  Charles V Ellis
               place of death:  Mariposa, Mariposa Co,CA, John C. Fremont Hosp.
               physician:  James C Low  MD  Mariposa
               Burial: Coulterville    embalmer  JJ McCaughey  4228
               Funeral Dir:  Tiscornia-Ivers  Mariposa  10/13/55  Registrar Norman Nichols MD
               Cause: Terminal bronchopneumonia  1 week
               other recent fractured hip (left),  arthritis, knees, general arteriosclerosis
               Operation: Sept 14, 1955  Hip fracture
               autopsy:  no
               Death due to external violence:  Accident,  place:  home
               Coulterville, Mariposa  9/13/55  7am   slipped and fell while cleaning house  

                 HOLMES, George

               June 17, 1893 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               George HOLMES Dead.

                   We regret to have to chronicle the death of George HOLMES of Merced Falls, which occurred at Webb's
               Station, Mariposa county, May 31st, of consumption. The deceased was a native of Nova Scotia, about 46
               years of age and had resided in the vicinity of Snelling and Merced Falls for a number of years. His
               health has been failing him for some time and about two months ago he went into the Santa Cruz mountains,
               thinking that the climate might prove beneficial to his health, but it failed to do so,
               and a few weeks ago he returned to his home at the Falls and after remaining there for a week or two he
               started for Yosemite Valley with the hope that the change of climate and water would help him, but he
               only went part way to die.- Merced Express.
                      Mr. HOLMES was well known, and highly esteemed in Mariposa, and several years ago, was a constant
               visitor to our village, and many friends will regret to learn of his death. 


Stockton Daily Independent
Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA

DIED -- at the Weber House in this city, on Monday, the 8th inst., of dropsy, L.A. HOLMES,
editor of the Mariposa ‘Gazette,’ aged 35 years. [All friends of the deceased are invited to
attend the funeral, to take place from the Presbyterian Church, at 9 o’clock.]

DEATH of L.A. HOLMES -- L.A. HOLMES, the late witty and humorous editor of the Mariposa
‘Gazette,’ died at the Weber House in this city, at a quarter before 1 o’clock p.m., yesterday,
after a lingering illness of 3 months, from dropsical and liver affection.

Deceased was aged 35 years, a native of Pomfret, Connecticut, and emigrated to this State in the
year 1852, when he took up his residence in Mariposa, engaging in mercantile pursuits, to
which he had been reared. In 1855 he purchased the press and materials of the Mariposa
‘Chronicle’ newspaper, and on this foundation established the Mariposa ‘Gazette,’ with himself
as its editor. Nothing daunted by the novelty of the business, he at once achieved for himself and
his journal a local reputation which endeared him both to his neighbors and his county, and made
his name familiar as a household word in the circles of wits and humorists throughout the State.

A short time ago he bought an interest in the Visalia ‘Delta,’ and still later he had a project
on foot to establish a new journal in Esmeralda; but failing health intervened, repressing his
generous enterprises, and at last death has kindly relieved him from a load of pain and
melancholy which rendered his last weeks and months almost insupportable.

Genial and full-hearted, Mr. HOLMES was as much loved by those who knew him best, for the social
qualities of his nature, as respected for the qualities of his mind. HOLMES’ humor, like
Derby’s wit, was perfectly original and quite inimitable. It was rough and rude sometimes, as
the mountains through which he diffused it; but it always had the ring of the true metal, and
under a different training, and with a soul a little less full of goodness, would have ranked
our poor friend with the Hoods and Jerrolds of the world.

As it is, his place is not soon to be filled; he will be missed as much from the ‘Gazette’ as
would Prentice from the Louisville ‘Journal.’ HOLMES’ faults were those which affected himself
alone, of which the world has no right to complain, and which it is the duty of friendship,
when the last scene is closed, kindly and gently to removed from sight, that the goodness and
truthfulness of his character may alone linger in our memory.

The funeral will take place from the Weber House, today, at 9 o’clock a.m., under direction of the
Odd Fellows, of which Order he was a member. Services will be had at the Presbyterian church,
and the body will be deposited in the Odd Fellows’ Cemetery at the north end of town.
transcribed by Dee S


               APRIL 4, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               At Nevada City, March 25th, MARY LOUISA, wife of John HOLMS, aged 27 years. {Illinois and New Hampshire
               papers please copy.}   

           Mrs. Mary Emma HORN
               Mariposa Gazette, Sept 1876
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               At Benton Mills, Bear Valley, August 27, wife of A.F.HORN, aged 24 years and 13 days.  


               APRIL 24, 1875 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W Disbro)
               At Fresno Flat, Fresno county, April 20th, Mrs. C. HOSKINS, late of Hopeton, wife of Wm. HOSKINS. 

                 Death of F. T. Houghton

               Mariposa Gazette, February 25, 1911

               (submitted by T Hilk)
               Houghton - In Oakland, February 17, 1911, Frederick T., beloved husband of Nannie J. Houghton, and
               father of Mrs. M. E. Clark, Mrs. Nannie M. Peterson, Mrs. M. W. Appling, Mrs. Edith Ivy, Mrs. Florence
               Coltrin, and Lincoln, William H. and Lillian Houghton, a native of Massachusetts, aged 85 years, 9
               months and 11 days. The subject of the above notice was well known in Mariposa County and especially in
               Indian Gulch where he had resided for over twenty years prior to his removal to Oakland, about one year
               since. He was associated in both the farming and mining industries of the county and was an industrious
               and energetic citizen. He was a robust man physically and possessed a wonderful vitality, and during his
               latter years residence in Mariposa county, although long past the allotted time of man in age, he was
               able to perform manual labor of the most kind with an ease that would be creditable to a much younger
               man. Mr. Houghton was a very determined man, positive in his convictions, and one who brooked no
               interference with his plans. While this spirit made him a familiar figure in our courts, he was withal
               an honest man.    

             HOURCADE,     XAVIER

               Mariposa Gazette June 23, 1866
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               At Victorville, Hunters Valley, Monday, June 18, 1866, of consumtion, aged 52 years. Mr. H. was a native
               of Navarrex, Basses Pyrennes, France; lived for many years in the interior of Mexico, and arrived on the
               Pacific coast in 1839. He came to California early in '49, and resided here till the time of his death.


               HOWARD, Frank
               February 13, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)

               Frank HOWARD, and Indian boy died last Sunday night at the rancharia near town. And night and day from that time until yesterday when the burial took place there has been a succession of death wails and chants, each a little more horrible than the preceding one. Surely Hades can't be much worse than living near a rancharia where the inhabitants have a habit of dying at the rate of one or two a month.

  HOWARD, Joe B.
Fresno Bee Republican, Wed. June 12, 1963
Joe B. Howard, 69, a retired maintenance man for the Mariposa County Fair, died in a Fresno hospital after a long illness.
A native of Mariposa, Howard lived at 447 Oxford Avenue, Clovis, the past two years.
Surviving are his widow, Laura; five daughters, Mrs. Edna Cheepe, Mrs. Edith King, Mrs. Doris Turner and Mildred Howard of  Clovis and Mrs. Isabelle Jimenez of Merced; one son; Herman Howard of Stockton; two sisters, Mrs. Stella DeVaurs and Mrs. Jane Howard of Merced; and nine grandchildren.
The rosary will be recited tonight at 7 o'clock in the Roy Oliver home in Mariposa.  Graveside services will be held at 10AM tomorrow in St. Joseph's Cemetery in Mariposa. The Boice Chapel of Clovis is in charge of arrangements.

  HOWARD Mrs. Margaret
        Mariposa Gazette, April 23, 1926


        Mrs. Margaret Howard (Indian), a native pioneer of Mariposa county, age
        about 75, died at the home of her daughter in Merced last Wednesday
        after a long illness.

        Deceased was the widow of the late Captain Bill Howard, chief of the
        Mariposa Indians, and mother of Captain Joe Howard, present chief at
        Mariposa. She is also survived by three daughters, Ada, Stella and
        Cornellia, and a son, Dan.  

               Mariposa Gazette, 17 January 1873 (Page 2, Column 4)
               (submitted by Don Rose)

               Died at Buena Vista Ranch, Mariposa County January 4, 1873, Lizzie, age 18 months, & 13 days, youngest child of W. J. and Belle HOWARD.

                HOWELL, Anna & Willie

               December 26, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

               (submitted by W Disbro)

               In East Wheeling, VA, Nov. 12th, of scarlet fever, ANNA BELL, youngest daughter of John and Fannie HOWELL, aged 3 years, 7 months and 13 days.

               Of the same disease, on the 13th, Willie, only son of John and Fannie HOWELL, aged 1 year 3 months and 7 days.  

           Fannie HOWELL
               DECEMBER 30, 1865 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)

               On Friday evening, November 17th, 1865, In the city of Wheeling, West Virginia, Mrs. FANNY HOWELL, wife of John        HOWELL, formerly of Mariposa.

               March 18, 1876 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by William Disbro)
               In Plainsburg, Merced County, February 25th, 1876, Mrs. LUCINDA HOWETH, wife of Nelson HOWETH, aged 53
               years, four months and twelve days. Deceased was a native of Kentucky, and came to the State with her
               first husband, Mr. Robert BRADFORD, in 1854, and settled near Coulterville, in this county. During the
               same year Mr. BRADFORD was accidentally killed by a fall from a wagon, leaving behind a widow and
               several children. Two years afterwards Mrs. BRADFORD was married to Mr. NELSON HOWETH, a citizen well
               and favorably known to all the old time citizens of this county residing on the Coulterville side of the
               Merced River. Deceased was highly esteemed by all who knew her, and has left behind a numerous
               offspring, and other relatives and friends to mourn her loss.


           T. F. HOWETH

               Visalia Weekly Delta, Friday, Aug 16, 1878
               (submitted by Mike White)
               On Maxwell's Creek, Mariposa County, July 27, 1878, T. F. Howeth, aged 27 years and 11 months.


               October 13, 1883 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Near Granite Springs, October 3d, 1883, Thomas HUCKERBY, aged 62 years, a native of England.

            HUEY, John W.

               April 23D, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
                   John W. HUEY, a Mariposa pioneer died at his residence in San Francisco last Saturday. His health had
               been failing for several months. Mr. HUEY has been a resident of San Francisco for many years past and of
               late has followed the occupation of book seller. - Star.

MONDAY, 17 MAY 1869
Stockton Daily Independent

DIED -- at James' ranch, Mariposa county, May 10th, Annie, infant daughter of M.C. and Elizabeth HUGHES.
transcribed by Dee S

HUGHES, Catherine C
Modesto Bee, July 15, 1964
Mariposa, Mariposa Co- Final rites will be conducted at 11:00 am Friday in the Tiscornia and Ivers Funeral Chapel here for Mrs. Catherine C Hughes, 77, who died at her home near here Monday.
She was a native of Mariposa County.
Mrs. Hughes was preceded in death by her husband, Rufus Hughson, also a life long resident of this county.
Mrs. Hughes leaves three daughters, Rita Camin of Modesto, Elizabeth Jouanou of San Mateo and Frances Schlageter of Sacramento; son, James Hughes of Mariposa; five grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
Burial will be in the White Rock Cemetery.       cferoben


               Dec 21, 1878 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Found Dead - John HUGHES, a miner residing at Flyaway, about eight miles from Coulterville, was found
               dead in his cabin on Thursday last. He is 55 years of age, and a native of Maryland.


               HULING. M

               February 27, 1892 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted b W. Disbro)
               Mr. M. HULING died at his home in Oil City, PA., January 25th, after an aggravated attack of la grippe.
               Mr. Huling was one of the originators of the Mariposa Improvement Company and extensive mining and mill
               system, situated in the neighborhood of Hornitos. He was also the first white man to propose the working
               of mines in this county by electricity. Mr. HULING was a public spirited and influential gentleman and
               endeavored to advance the interest of that part of the county, but adverse circumstances prevented him
               from carrying out those plans. It is a little less than a year since he made his last visit to Mariposa.

Stockton Daily Independent
MONDAY, 19 APR 1869
DIED -- near Mariposa, April 7th, James M., son of Mr.&Mrs. J.C. HUMPHREYS, aged 10 months.
transcribed by Dee S

  HUNT, David-

Transcribed form the SCHELLENS COLLECTION 
Walter Castor

Pg. 005 Sacramento 1859 Mariposa Co...
Sac Dly Union Sat. Oct. 15, 1859
"On Thursday morning last, it was published that David N. HUNT had been
seriously if not fatally injured by being caught in an arastra at his quartz mill
in Mariposa county. The wound was in the head and proved fatal on the day the
accident was announced in this city. His family was residing here, and upon the
receipt of the melancholy news by telegraph, his wife and brother, J. W. L.
HUNT, immediately left for Mariposa. David N. HUNT arrived in Sacramento in
1850, and after being engaged in mining for some time, was appointed by Ben
McCULLOUGH Deputy Sheriff of the county. Upon the election of a A. D. PATTERSON, he
was tendered the responsible position of Under Sheriff, the duties of which
he discharged with so much acceptance that he was in 1853 elected Sheriff of
the county, although his party at that election was several hundred votes in a
minority. As a Sheriff, the county has never been served by a more faithful,
intelligent and energetic officer. After the expiration of his term of office,
in September 1855, he visited the Atlantic States, and on the 23rd of January
1856 was married, in Jackson, Miss., and within a few weeks returned to
California with his wife. Subsequently he was for some months proprietor of the
International Hotel in San Francisco, but withdrew from it and engaged in quartz
mining in 1857, both at Big Oak Flat, in Tuolumne, and Gentry’s Gulch in
Mariposa. It was at the latter place, where he was superintending the operations of a
quartz mill, that he met with the accident that cost him his life…… He
leaves a wife and two young children to morn the death of him who was to them all
that could be asked of a husband and a father.


           HUNT, Mrs. Elizabeth

               April 4, 1891 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Mrs. Elizabeth HUNT, one of the pioneers of Bear Valley, died, Thursday morning. She has been a invalid
               for some time, but bore her sufferings with fortitude. Mrs. HUNT has been identified with Bear Valley,
               nearly ever since its settlement, and her ears were never closed to the call of suffering or sorrow. Many
               relatives and warm friends, remain to mourn her loss. Her funeral took place Friday afternoon, and was
               largely attended.


           Ethelridge HUNT
               age about 55, Benton Mills tunnel disaster Aug 23,1876, funeral Bear Valley
               (submitted by William Disbro)


           Lulu Jane HUNTER

               Died In Quartzburg, Mariposa County, Aug 13th, 1876

               (submitted by William Disbro)
               Lulu Jane, eldest daughter of W. W. HUNTER, aged 19 years, 5 months, 24 days. Darling Lulu thou hast
               left us, Left us languishing in grief; Of thy loved form, death bereft us, And thy stay was all to
               brief. Thou hast joined the heavenly angels, And thy spirit is at rest; May we all meet Lulu darling, In
               the Kingdom of the blest.


               Miss Luella HUNTER, Funeral at Bear Valley

               April 7, 1877 Mariposa Gazette

               (submitted by William Disbro)
               In company with others from this place, on Monday last we visited Bear Valley, to witness the funeral
               ceremonies to be held on the occasion of the death of Miss Luella HUNTER, a beautiful and interesting
               lady, aged18 years 1 month and 14 days, and a daughter of a worthy citizen, W W HUNTER. She had been in
               bad health ever since the death of an elder sister which occurred about a year since. All was done for
               her that could be done by her kind father, who employed the best medical skill and attention that he
               could command, but all efforts proved unavailing. The early frost of time had fallen upon the lily so
               fair, which upon the approach of early spring, and warm sunshine, it yielded and passed away in death.
               The mother and two daughters now lie burried in the Odd Fellows cemetery a Bear Valley. The ceremonies
               were conducted under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity, by Wm. ADAMS, assisted by the Odd Fellows,
               which was largely attended by the brethren of the respective orders and friends of the family residing
               far and near over the county. The farther, and a son about 12 years of age, are all that is left of a
               happy and interesting family, that for many years resided among us. We, together with a host of other
               friends and acquaintances, tender our most heartfelt sympathy in this hour of affliction, which has so
               unhappily befallen him.


               GEORGE HUNTINGDON

               Mariposa Gazette MARCH 24,1866
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               Aged 35 years and 8 months. died at the residence of Geo. CRITTENDEN, on Bear Creek, on Sunday, March
               18, 1866. Mr. HUNTINGDON was a native of Vermont, but came from Kalmazoo, Michigan, to this state in
               1853, and has resided in this county until the time of his death, He leaves many warm friends to mourn
               his loss. [Michigan papers please copy.]


           Found Dead Justus Hurd
               Mariposa Gazette, April, 6 1907
               (submitted by Tom Hilk)
               An old time resident of Darrah, was found dead last Monday morning by J. W.ELLIOTT the Mariposa and
               Jerseydale mail carrier, at a point on the Mariposa and Snow Creek road near the Chowchilla. Mr. Hurd
               had been in Mariposa started for his home near Darrah Sunday evening. He was in usual health and his
               sudden death was a surprise. Deceased was a native of New York and 69 years of age. He was a veteran of
               the civil war and a pensioner of the government. He was married and a widow and several step-children
               are left to mourn their loss. An inquest was held and the following verdict rendered. Deceased was named
               Justus Hurd, was a native of New York, aged about 70 years; that he came to his death on the 1st day of
               April, 1907 in this county, by heart failure. The jury was composed of L. L. HART, J. D. LAKEN, Hiram
               BRANSON, Walter JOSSELYN, Nelson BRUCE and D. C. McNALLY.

                JUANITA HURST


               Death of J. M. HUTCHINGS
               HUTCHINGS, J. M.
               October 8, 1902 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W Disbro)
               Tragic Death of the Well-known Yosemite Pioneer.

                    J. M. HUTCHINGS, generally known as the "Father of Yosemite," was killed Friday of last week by
               being thrown from a buggy while going into the Valley. He was accompanied by his wife, who gives the
               following account of the tragedy.
                    Having retired from the management of the Calaveras Big Trees Hotel, they were on their way to San
               Francisco, via Yosemite. They intended to remain there for a week or more, and were prepared to camp out.
               While driving down into the valley one of the horses shied at a large rock above the road and started to
               run, Mr. HUTCHINGS loosing control of them. The wagon hit a large rock and Mrs. HUTCHINGS was thrown to
               the ground, and about twenty feet further Mr. HUTCHINGS was
               thrown upon his head upon a pile of rocks on the lower side, receiving injuries from which he expired
               within five minutes. "I am very much hurt," were the only words he said, and when his wife reached him a
               moment later he recognized her and expired. This happened about four o'clock. By a supreme effort she got
               him on the upper side of the road, put some whiskey into his mouth, and waited for some help, hoping the
               horses would be seen by someone, but no help came, and at dark she left him alone amid the wonders he had
               ever loved, and started for help. Dazed, cold, almost in a dream she walked into the office of the
               Sentinel Hotel two hours later and told her sorrowful story.
                      In a few moments two rescuing parties were sent out, she accompanying them. The remains were
               brought back and put into the Big Tree room, where they remained until laid to rest in the little
               cemetery where lie a former wife and daughter.
                      Mr. HUTCHINGS was a native of England, and would of been 83 years old next February. He was a
               member of the Pioneer Society. He was guardian of Yosemite for three years during Governor PERKIN'S term.
               He first visited the valley in 1855, being the first white man to brings its wonders to the world,
               although he was not the discoverer. In 1864 he became a permanent resident, taking charge of and later on
               buying what is now the Sentinel Hotel. He loved the wonderful place, and had often
               said that when his time come he hoped it would be there. His book "In the Heart of the Sierras," is no
               doubt the most complete description of the valley and its discovery ever published.
                     An examination of the remains showed that he had fallen upon his head on the sharp rocks. There was
               a large fracture of the skull near the base of the brain and several severe gashes on the head.


               HUTCHINGS, Mrs.
               Nov. 12,1881 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Sad News - Last Wednesday's mail from Yosemite Valley brought the sad tidings of the sudden death of the
               wife of J. M HUTCHINGS, which occurred on Monday last, of hemorrhage of the lungs, which lasted only
               four hours from the time she was taken, till she passed to another sphere, were peacefully she now rest.
               It is only about a month since we chronicled the death of Miss Flora, the oldest daughter of Mr.
               HUTCHINGS, a promising young lady of 18 years, who in the midst of life and health, was suddenly torn
               away from the bosom of a loving father, whose pains of life are now doubled by the decree of fate which
               indiscriminately cuts down the blades of human type, in a time of life when blissful love and ardent
               hopes are fully inspired with worldly attachments, and a home most dear. The host of friends and
               acquaintances of Mr. HUTCHINGS, when they learn of the great misfortune which has befallen him, will
               unite in offering deepest sympathy for the afflicted, in this hour of great distress. The deceased lady
               was the second wife of Mr. HUTCHINGS, a lady of culture and refinement, a devoted companion, and highly
               esteemed by all who knew her.

               HUTCHINGS, Flora
               Oct. 1, 1881 Mariposa Gazette
               (submitted by W. Disbro)
               Sorrowful in the Extreme - The sad news reached us on Tuesday last of the sudden death of Miss Flora
               HUTCHINGS, eldest daughter of J. M. HUTCHINGS, in Yo Semite Valley. She was taken suddenly ill and died
               on Monday morning last. She was the first white child born in the valley, and about eighteen years of
               age. It is said she took a violent cold from getting wet, or coming in sudden contact with water, which
               operated adversely to nature, thereby causing her death. The painful affliction will no doubt be the
               severe blow to her aged father experienced by him in his life; for she was his pride and companion
               whithersoever he might ramble in the wilds or upon the cliffs of the great Valley, the lovely spot where
               she was born, and where she is now so prematurely laid away in quiet repose, besides the silvery waters
               whose musical murmurs have so oft been mingled with her cheery song which are now silent to the lovely
               Flora, whose lease of life was so full of promise. At this writing we are unable to learn any further
               particulars regarding her death.

               Mariposa County History and Genealogy
updated March 2012

                                                                      Mariposa County Marriages

                                                                                Mariposa County Births