Indexed and contributed to this site by Tom Phillips-May 12, 2001
This is the Public Section  of the Mariposa Cemetery, located on Joe Howard Road in Mariposa.
NOTE- some of the headstones were hard to read- any mistakes or ommissions please let us know-
Only the stones with either a birth date or death date from the 1800's were originally  indexed here.  You are welcome to add your
 later family burials.  Just send me an  email and I will be glad to include your loved ones.

Items listed with a "*" are approxmate and not listed on the Headstones.
Last Name
First Name
Alkman Richard S. 1954 1877 *77  
Ames Williams H. 11/11/1871 *1827 44  
Amour James A. 1978 ?    
Amour Alma 1978 1878 *100  
Arch Ollie 1963 1880 *83  
wife of Henry
Edna M.
headstone photo

husband of Edna
Henry L
headstone photo

Armstrong Chas. W. *1970 5/17/1891 79  headstone photo
Ashworth David M. 1916 1848 *99  
Ashworth Mary 1906 1854 *52  
Ashworth Francis E. 1941 1875 *66  
Ashworth P. W. 1964 1888 *84  
Ashworth John H. 1963 1890 *73  
Ashworth Irene B. 1981 1998 *83  
Ashworth George W. 3/25/1983 6/4/1896 *86  
Ashworth Barbara Queene 6/10/1994 6/10/1910 *93  
Ashworth Walter C. 1948 1887 *61  
Ashworth Ethel V. 1952 1884 *68  
Askins Clara A. 1960 1885 *75  
Assman Frank J. 1945 1879 *66  
Austin Albert 1933 1855 *78  
Austin Jessie 1933 1860 *73  
Austin Lawrence E. 1931 1887 *44  
Austin Bertha E. 1971 1887 *84  
Bartholome Frank 9/7/1961 6/4/1893 *68  
Baser  Elizabeth 3/16/1895 *1823 72 Pa.
Bays Thomas J. 4/12/1966 12/31/1887 *79  
Bays Mabel Ida 7/3/1981 2/3/1897 *84  
Bays Richard M. 1924 1851 *73  
Bays Emma I. 1937 1858 *79  
Beach Mrs. Lucina 11/27/1862 *1795 67  
Bedebender Charles H. 1948 1879 *69  
Bertosky Laura ? 1868    
Bieghln Henry 12/7/1867 10/18/1782 85y 1m 20d Berhs Co. Pa.
Blackwedel John H. 12/22/1911 *1829 *82  
Blasingame Ernest Ike 1968 1886 *82  
Blasingame Clara M. 1968 1896 *71  
Blum Fred 1942 1858 *84  
Bonde Doctor Dale E. 1973 1882 *91  
Bonde Doctor Hans 1957 1871 *86  
GMG 3 US Navy
Served Viet Nam
Tod Cramer
4/10/1948  30

Boyer Edgar Jerome 4/23/1994 3/8/1902 *91  
Boyer Emma F. 12/23/1994 6/15/1906 *87  
Branson Bert 7/25/1949 3/17/1895 *53  
Branson Myrtle Clair 1/21/1994 1/11/1901 *93 (Phillips)
Branson Daniel Burton 1/28/1989 2/15/1921    
Breece A. N. 8/13/1865 8/25/1817 *48 Penn.
Browne George 1928 1859 *69
Browne Louise R. 1935 1864 *81
Bunning Fred 11/22/1961 7/10/1868 *92
Bunning Dora 9/14/1958 11/11868 *90
Burney Francis 1948 1861 *87  
Cain George W. 12/31/1909 9/1/1866 *43
Camin Henri A. 1956 1900 *56
Camin Emily A. 1992 1902 *90
Carleton Davis James 12/11/1930 8/17/1845 *85  
Carleton Ambozina Jane 6/28/1920 2/25/1869 *51  
Carodza Grace 1954 1895 *89  
Carr Benjamin F. 3/24/1960 18/14/1882 *72  
Carre Frances 1936 1867 *69
Carrol  John P. 1946 1874 *72  
Carrol Mary F. 1948 1877 *71  
Cavagnaro Ruth 3/21/1974 11/8/1899 *74  
Cavagnaro Louis J. 4/8/1968 4/16/1893 *74  
Chapman James *1881 10/17/1830 51y4m2d 
Chapman Katherine 1909 1842 *67  
Chapman John Thomas 1/30/1934 6/10/1869 *65  
Chapman Nora 1963 1871 *92  
Chapman Leslie L 7/8/1976 6/18/1895 *80  
Chapman Chestina I. 7/8/1977 12/28/1895 *82  
Chapman James 4/11/1882 10/17/1830 51
Chapman Katherine H. 1909 1842 *67
Chapman John Thomas 1/30/1934 6/10/1969 *65
Chapman Nora 1963 1871 *92
Chapman /Boatright Pearl L. 12/9/1980 8/11/1898 *82
Chaprell Eva 1943 1877 *66
Chaprell Henry 1946 1869 *77
Chinlurd John 1952 1877 *75  
Clark David 5/18/1879 *1817 62  
Clark Harriet N. 1/8/1885 *1819 66y11m23d  
Clark Alma 1973 1896 *77  
Clark Fred P. 1965 1887 *78  
Clark Franklin 12/25/1889 *1849 49d9m  
Clark Fred N. 1918 1856 *62 b. Massachusetts 

d. Jerseydale

Clark Earnest C.
11/11/1819     PVT U.S. Marine
Clark  Galen A. 7/19/1873 *1847 26 son of Galen Clark
Comer Zeb 5/31/1968 9/12/1893 *75  
Corning Stephen B. 1942 1878 *64  
Cowin John *1948 12/6/1890 58  
Rosa May Elwell
headstone photo

Crandall Paul 1951 1883 *68  
Crandall Peaul 19?? 1891 ??  
Crocker Stephan D. 1951 1877 *74  
Crocker Emma D. 1960 1873 *84  
Crow Laura B. 1948 1884 *60  
Daugherty Rose A. 1958 1876 *82
Daugherty Francis M. 1968 1882 *86
Davey Lauren Samuel 1941 1880 *61  
Davey Thomas Lester 1936 1888 *48  
Davey Thomas, 1 Sgt.  6/27/1979 12/8/ 1917  62  
Davey Melissa J. 1948 1858 *90  
Davison Walter B. 1928 1871 *57  
DelBridge Wm. 2/12/1898 1860 *38 (Whitlock Mine Accident)
DeMoss Robert W. 1957 1878 *79
DeMoss Ethel L. 1969 1887 *82
Sam Jr

Donaldson George J. 1948 1861 *89 Same Stone
Dopico Vincente L. 1954 1898 *56  
Dusterhoft Anna 1960 1888 *80  
Edwards Mary 1948 1859 *89  
Eldred Mabel F. 1952 1892 *60  
Elliott Charles M. 1963 1878 *85
Eurich Chris 1942 1861 *71  
Fat Robert 1943 1871 *72  
Fine Jos. A. Evans 7/20/1905 8/13/1825 *80 S/o Henry M.
Finley Newton G. 1946 1877 *69  
Finn Richard 7/31/1907 *1840 67y4m10d Ireland
Foreman Alfred 5/14/1873   4y4m9d  
Foreman Margret V. A. 3/9/1872 *1830 42y10m7d Wife
Foreman John H. 6/24/1869 *1827 41y1m14d  
Foreman Carrie I. 6/24/1862   2y4d  
Fouch Flood 1961 1877 *84  
Fouch Jane S. 1948 1875 *73  
Fox Eva M. 1963 4/12/1892 *72  
Fox Henry G. ? 3/9/1890 ?  
Frank George G. 4/28/1917 8/5/1876 *41  
Frank Edwin S. 5/26/1910 6/12/1890 *19 California
Frank Ann Jane 1/26/1911 5/26/1854 *57 Virginia
Fry Letty M. 1946 1874 *72  
Fuller J.M. 1912 1851 *61  
Fuller Nancy A. 1925 1850 *75  
Gallison Harold Winslow 1/16/1960 10/10/1895 *65  
Gallno James 7/21/1943 11/25/1867 *76  
Gallno Blanche 3/17/1939 3/3/1871 *67  
Gann Athool 1/2/1960 7/10/1891 *69  
Gann Walter S. 1938 1866 *72  
Ganno Holman 10/18/1883 *1805 78  
Garber Ann C. 3/30/1889 *1833 56 Germany (mother)
Garber William G. 12/20/1888 *1857 31 German (brother)
Garber Violet 3/15/1879

Garber Helena S. 4/13/1876
Garber Anna 3/14/1871 4/3/1871

Garber Emiel 2/17/1870

Garber William 1912 1829 *83
Garber Henry 11/7/1929 12/4/1867 *62
Garber Lousia 5/17/1901 11/6/1867 *34 Mother
Garber Louisa 5/17/1901 5/18/1901
Garber Emilie 8/2/1944 12/28/1864 *80
Garber Josephine 6/20/1900 7/22/1899

Garrett George W. 1942 1851 *91  
Geer E C. 1951 1884 *67  
George Lacy 4/3/1898 *1835 63 Virginia 
Glidden  Benjamin 1/1/1885 *1805 80  
Glidden Benjamin 1/1/1885 *1873 8y  
Gonagall Daniel 4/9/1891 *1844 47  
Gonagall Jane 6/30/1914 *1824 90y  
Gonsalves Ralph 1961 1950 11 Grandson of J.L.
Gordon George 3/21/1911 7/28/1862 48y 7m 24d  
Gordon Sarah L. 4/10/1910 6/20/1862 47y 9m 21d  
Gordon Julis "Doc" 1986 1895 *91  
Gordon Esther L. 1982 1902 *80  
Greely Frank 1963 1882 *77
Greely Carrie C. 1977 1891 *86
Griffith Sarah Williams 11/2/1880 3/4/1817 64y 10m  
Griffith Thomas O. 10/9/1883 *1837 51 Anglessa Wales
Guneo  Jim 1963 1880 *83  
Harless Leonard Jackson 1946 1858 *88  
Harless Pauline Adeline 1938 1860 *78  
Harvey Williams 7/9/1998 *1827 71  
Haskel Clarinda 12/4/1862 *1824 38  
Heaton Guy E. 1934 1858 *76 Son of C. Heaton
Heaton Daniel 12/14/1928 *1840 88  
Henry William Perry 1964 1867 *97
Henry Inez 1963 1898 *65
Henry Jessie M. 1957 1870 *87
Hibpshman Curtis C. 1859 1881 *78
Hibpshman Edna 1966 1891 *75
Hibpshman William C. 1928 1856 *62
Hibpshman Emma A. 1928 1851 *66
Highkok R. 1949 1865 *85  
HIGMAN Susannah G. 3/8/1918 3/22/1867 *51 Calif.
HIGMAN John 2/28/1825 2/7/1908 *83 England
HIGMAN Mary J. 6/2/1918 8/29/1839 *79 England
HIGMAN Charles 1949 1873 *76  
HIGMAN Sarah E. 1961 1884 *77  
HIGMAN John Jr. 6/5/1879 12/29/1873 *6  
HIGMAN Horbert W. 12/11/1874 10/31/1869 *5  
HIGMAN Elizabeth A. 1/27/1875 4/7/1871 *4  
Hill James Ginn 1/20/1998 1853 43 & son Tommy
Hill  Charles E. 1966 1877 *89
Hillegas Chester H. 1962 1888 *74  
Hite Gustauus A. 10/9/1866 5/25/1825 *40  
Hobson  Isaac W. 1964 1888 *76
Hodgson Elizabeth 8/30/1879 1864 15
Hodgson John F. 3/8/1880 *1872 8y
Hodgson Joseph G. 10/4/1891 *1861 30
9/27/1916 *1849 67
Hull Nellie Ann 2/9/1977 7/7/1894 *84  
Hull Chauncy Reuben 11/11/1966 8/21/1887 *78  
Jackson Duke H. 1942 1873 *69  
Jefferson Charles 1928 1873 *54  
Jeisel Johanna 1971 1887 *84  
Jenkins William H. 2/24/1879
Jenkins Thomas 2/26/1879
Johnson Charles 10/21/1867 *1833 34 At Hite Cove
Johnstone Elizabeth 1945 1866 *79
Johnstone Earle J. 3/16/1968 2/13/1905 *63
Jones Ollie May 1956 1883 *73  
Jones Joseph 1910 1873 *37  
Jones David R. 1944 1880 *64
Jones Daisy 1862 1880 *82
Jones Thomas 10/9/1964 3/28/1882 *82
Jones Maude Bonham 12/8/1975 7/3/1894 *81
Kelly Halsey 1927 1862 *75
Kinman Sarah F. 8/17/1844 2/10/1925 *81
Knapp Aaron P. 8/17/1964 5/11/1885 *79  
Knapp Freida M. 5/7/1952 6/7/1899 *53  
Landis Paul 1950 1885 *65  
Lang Rachel E. 1948 1885 *63  
Lawrence Frank A. 1862 1879 *83
Lawrence Ida M. 1963 1879 *82
Lawrence John 1957 1870 *87
Lazenby Bessie I 1968 1887 *83  
Leak Bazzle 1946 1863 *86  
Leak Florence 1946 1863 *86  
Leathe William W. 1958 1878 *80  
Lent Herman 1946 1869 *82  
Lewis William Whitley 1/16/1948 12/13/1875 *73  
Lewis Ella Clair 9/24/1944 10/21/1891 *56  
Lewis Lee W. 1958 1883 *75
Lewis Edith May 1955 1883 *72
Lovenguth Maud L. 1960 1879 *81  
Lowrie Yuba A. 1961 1872 *79  
Lowrie William H. 1938 1860 *78  
Lowrie/Mcintyre Yuba A. 1921 1893 *28  
Ludwig F.W. 1938 1863 *75
Lundberg Nellie 1949 1874 *75  
Machbank William 1965 1867 *90  
May Jesse 1945 1883 *62  
McCall Cora R. 1955 1863 *92  
McFerren George B. 1947 1885 *62  
McFerren Zeta 1954 1884 *70  
McMann Francis B. 1931 1855 *76
McMann Sarah F. 10/30/1890 4/23/1861 *28 W/o Francis B.W/inft
McMann Birdie

McMann Sophia 9/22/1904 *1862 42 W/o Francis B #2
McMann Katie M. 8/23/1924 1/6/1881 *43
McMann Clarence 8/25/1905 1/7/1890 *15
McNallay Walter D. 1957 1875 *82  
McNallay Dora 1974 1888 *86  
McNallay Henry 1954 1879 *75  
McVay Cameron C. 12/4/1947 4/7/1891 *56  
Meyer Marion E, 12/15/1969 7/8/1884 *85  
Milburn Calvie I. 9/2/1912 1883corrected 28yearscorrected D/o Calvin and Sarah
Miller  Louis 1945 1872 *73  
Moore George W. 3/9/1898 1838 60  
Moore Tom 1950 1886 *64  
Moorhead Clark headstone

22y7m2d S/o Matthew & Eliza
Mosher  Blanche E. 1976 1891 *85
Mosher John D. 1964 1885 *79
Mullins Cornelius 1941 1854 *87
Munson Elizabeth 1951 1881 *70  
Murphy James 1957 1886 *71
Newman Maurice Emil 1/10/1903 7/28/1860 *43 b. Bear V. d.Mpsa
Olday Emiel 2/6/1967 3/16/1879 *88 Put Co. F.!. Bn wyo. Inf SO/M Wav
Orr  Harriet Mae 1974 1895 *79
Owens John 1854 1882 *77  
Owings Claude H. 1961 1883 *78
Owings Hedwig Z. 1969 1887 *82
Paine Charles E. 11/10/1944 5/14/1874 *70
Paine Mary E. 1927 1876 *51
Patterson David Orr 1937 1877 *60  
Patterson Mary Susan 4/16/1875   11m2d D/o Jane G.
Patterson Mary Orr 4/25/1877 *1836 41y2m8d  
Pendola Charles 1900 1863 *37
Perrin Lillian M. 1953 1868 *85  
Peterson  Soren C. 1953 1884 *69  
Peterson Charles J. 1940 1857 *83  
Peterson Alicia H. 1940 1866 *74  
Phelps Orin C. 1958 1885 *73  
Phillips Carl R. 1959 1891 *63  
Phillips Aleen M. Wass 1994 1906 *88  
Phillips Leroy 1955 1943 *12  
Polson Sarah No dates given     Ireland
Polson Christian 5/9/1881 1809 72 Germany
Potthast Henry 11/17/1871 1y2m8d

Potthast John 11/23/1871 6y8d

Preston Jefferson 1949 1861 *98
Preston Nancy J. 1952 1864 *88
Preston Emmet 3/25/1977 10/24/1884 *93
Preston Effie H. 10/6/1989 2/6/1893 *90
Probasco Calvin W. 1967 1887 *80
Probasco Ruth C. 1995 1900 *95
Pulcifer Martha 6/14/1916 10/29/1837 79 Maine
Quick Guy Elmer 1964 1884 *80
Quick Grace Drew 1959 1882 *77
Quick Morgan W. 3/12/1903 1/10/1827 *72 Husband Deborah
Quick Deborah 6/9/1881 12/30/1828 *53 Wife Morgan
Quick Eusebia 1/17/1888 *1860 28y1m11d Infant Daughter
Quick George M. 6/30/1891
Quick John I 12/23/1869 1/1/1888 *19
Quick Annie M. 12/191864 8/5/1864

Quick Upton H, 1/3/1857 11/25/1856

Quick Amos P. 11/29/1865 11/4/1865

Quick George E. 2/26/1868 9/28/1862 6y
Quick Morgan Warren Jr. 1/24/1922 2/9/1858 *64
Quick Kate Elizabeth 4/2/1927 3/31/1862 *74
Quick Mark W. 1925 1855 *70
Quick Emma M. 1939 1858 *81
Quick Ray Stuart 1977 1894 *83
Quick Glorene S. 1987 1902 *65
Quick/Hill Edwin 1925 1856 *69 Wife Eusebia
Quick/Waggoner May 1926 1884 *42
Reyman Wm. "Bill" 1937 1884 *53  
Richards Claude 1970 1896 *74  
Richards Mildred 1947 1848 *99  
Richards John 1944 1871 *73  
Richards Fannie A. 1950 1874 -76  
Richli Lettie 1961 1875 *86  
see more on the RIDGWAY family
Correction- this should be  Jarrett
1866 1808 *58 Correction submitted by Steve Harrison 3-2011
Rodgers Clinton 10/13/1952 6/5/1880 *72 Co. E.2nd Inf. Sp/Am War
Roff Bertha 1967 1880 *87  
Roswell C Depree ? 1882 ?  
Roswell Kate Doerksen 1960 1882 *78  
Roswell/McWilliams Catherine 1965 1888 *77  
Rueling  John A. 1946 1882 *64  
Salladay William D. 4/9/1864 5/2/1858 6
Salmi John 1944 1864 *80
Schafer Henry D. 1978 1896 *82
Schinck J.C. 10/3/1922 *1868 54  
Schlageter Alan Ward 1926 1895 *31
Schlageter Charles 1925 1853 *72
Schlageter Josie M. 1940 1867 *77
Schlageter Patricia F. 1932 1918 *14
Schlageter Nellie A. 1951 1885 *66
Schlageter Clair C. 1966 1887 *79
Schmidt Ferd A. 1972 1886 *86  
Schmidt Edna T. 1983 1996 *87  
Schofield Frank S. 1962 1892 *70  
Schofield Vera 1972 1898 *74  
Scott Francis 2/4/1913 4/6/1857 *63  
Scott Julia 9/21/1902 3/20/1857 *45  
Scott Ralph W. 1/11/1896 3/28/1861 *35
Scurlock James A. 3/11/1945 3/17/1885 -60  
Shanahan James C. 1964 1881 *83  
Sharp Edwin K. 1961 1884 *77  
Sharp Frankie 1963 1884 *75  
Sharp William A. 1957 1884 *73
Shiver C.W. 12/25/1864 *1836 28 IOOF OSO lodge
Shoemaker Nathan 6/3/1862 *3/1832 30y3m Philadelphia 
Silkwood Jessie 1953 1873 *80  
Silkwood Raymond 1/3/1951 2/14/1896 *80  
Simmons Floyd 12/22/1892 7/20/1862 *30  
Skelton Henry 1955 1869 *86  
Skelton Albert E. 1958 1874 *84  
Skelton Thomas W. 1958 1876 *82  
Smith William A. 1959 1878 *81  
Smith Hattie M. 1958 1884 *74  
Smith Bertram 1960 1884 *76  
Smith Rose B. 1960 1883 *77  
Smither Richard H. 11/3/1906 2/9/1869 *27
Snyder Willis T. 1967 1874 93  corrected
Snyder Viola G. 1980 1903 77  corrected 
Snyder  Berylla 1955 1880 *75  corrected
Sorrells Allen R. 1935 1855 *80
Sorrells Mary O. 1953 1875 *78
Souza Annie C. 6/12/1907 9/12/1890 *16 D/o Lizzie & Charles Pendola W/o J. R.. S.
Spark Connie 1957 1887 *70
Spaulding James I. 1974 1877 *97  
Spaulding Mollie E. 1954 1884 *70  
Stagner Luther 1958 1893 *65  
Stagner Ora 1992 1893 *99  
Starns Irene D. 1957 1886 *71
Steele James Henry 1961 1876 *85  
Sterne Jos. A. 3/11/1892 *1833 59y10m11d  
Strom John A. 1949 1874 *75  
Sutton Ernest H. 1946 1881 *65  
Sutton Zina 1966 1882 *84  
Swain-Keturah Baird 1948 1852 *96 Mother
Talley William 7/20/1906 9/3/1838 *68  
Taylor John L. 1943 1884 *59  
Taylor Tom 1960 1888 *80  
Teege John 1942 1870 *72  
Thompson Jacob 12/20/1920 *1830 90 New Hampshire
Thompson Rosa G. 7/12/1925 *1827 98 Me.
Traynor Claude L. 1971 1885 *86  
Treats Jacob 11/8/1909 *1825 84 Ohio
Turner James 1967 1888 *79  
Urquhart Edna 1964 1876 *90
Varney Gordie F. 1972 1898 *74  
Varney Racjel B. 1955 1896 *59  
Walker Wilson L. 1946 1855 *91  
Walker Ellia 1955 1863 *92  
Walker  George 1937 1883 *53  
Washburn A.F. 8/8/1870 *1821 49 Georgia Vt.
Watt J.S. 8/26/1860 3/27/1787 *73
Westfall Joel J. 12/2/1914   42y West Virgina
Westfall Mary B. 12/28/1956 6/7/1875 *81 Ohio
Westfall Fremont 1940 1861 *79  
Westfall Isabella Ann 1949 1865 *84  
Westfall James 1952 1866 *86
Westfall Sophia 1959 1867 *82
Wheat Clara A. 1963 1890 *73  
Wheat Walter R. 1951 1869 *82  
Wheeler Clara 1957 1872 *85
White Aroline 4/1/1859 *1833 26 W/o Capt. T.D.W.
Wildt Mary 1964 1909 *55
Wildt John  1965 1891 *74
Wilkinson Bent 1934 1877 *57  
William  Nathan D. 1948 1875 *83  
Williams Bill V. 1962 1895 *67  
Williams Vaselakos 1952 1899 *53  
Williams William Howard 2/4/1991 2/12/1912 *78 "Doc"
Willougby Emily I. 1947 1889 *85  
Willoughby Rupert A. 1956 1889 *67  
Wolchow Clay Anna 1938 1866 *84  
Wulbern Frank Lewis 6/14/1890 9/3/1822 *68  
Wulbern Amelia 12/4/1889 4/26/1831 *66  
Wulbern Zilpha A. 1/2/1892 11/10/1861 *30 Wife of John W.
Zimmerman Marion 1967 1878 89  

created  May, 2001



updated  OCTOBER , 2011