, California

             Superintendent of Schools, Wells Fargo Postmistress, and Secretary To Mariposa Board of Supervisors     
    With the exception of Merle Goucher Daulton, formerly of Madera, one of the earliest benefactors of the Mariposa Museum & History Center, little is known of descendants of the Jones family of Mariposa.  Yet one member remains as an outstanding contributor to the annals of history and her name was Julia Jones. 
    Born in Benton Mills (now known as Bagby) in the year 1857, the first of three daughters of Lewis F. and Sarah Allen Jones, Julia is remembered as school teacher, Wells Fargo Postmistress, as well as secretary to the Mariposa Board of Supervisors, serving simultaneously in all three capacities. Julia had two sisters, Lucy and Mary Ann(mother of Merle Goucher Daulton), and her brother Newman.
    Her father Lewis Jones sailed to California via Cape Horn in the year 1849, returned to New York in 1852 to marry his college sweetheart Sarah Allen, whereupon the two traveled to California to settle in Mariposa.  The family home was located on 6th street, facing Bullion. 
    Julia Jones, unable herself to cast a vote, some 25 years prior to Women’s suffrage,  ran for and was elected to the post of Superintendent of Schools for three consecutive terms, commencing in 1894 at the age of 37, finally resigning in 1912 in failing health. 
    Managing budgets for some 13 to 15 schools, hiring and training teachers, cleaning both the Wells Fargo office and her schoolhouse were all part of her daily routine.  Julia’s contract with the County of Mariposa prohibited marriage, and interaction with families of her pupils was discouraged as well. 
    With her sister Lucy as co-worker, she is reported to have kept the Wells Fargo station open on Christmas Day in order to deliver last minute arrivals of parcels to community residents. 
    A Wells Fargo historical memo notes they shipped gold dust produced by the neighboring mines, as well as “everything from eggs to oysters to bass drums and handcuffs”.  In addition, steady shipments of yeast came through their office enabling the creation of the first bakery providing fresh baked goods to the people of Mariposa. 
    Little is known about her academic credentials except for the fact that her parents were both teachers and that her father, Lewis F. Jones also had practiced law in his former home of Massachusetts.  It is possible, due to scarcity of institutes of learning in California, her parents were the source of her training. 
    On display in the Museum are children’s effects donated by her niece, Merle Goucher Daulton, as well as a replica of an authentic one-room school house,  together with text books, chalk board, desks and benches as well as other school paraphernalia. 
    Julia died in Stockton, California at the home of her sister Lucy in the year 1923, aged 66.  Despite her extraordinary achievements she seems to have led a  relatively narrow existence. It is entirely possible that she never traveled beyond California borders. 
                Lucille Apcar
        Mariposa, California, August 2010
Obituary for Julia Jones
 Dies at Home In Stockton
               Mariposa Gazette, April 27, 1923
               (submitted by Tom Hilk )

               Greatly beloved lady passed away on Thursday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mirian GOUCHER of
               Stockton after long illness. Was County Superintendent of Schools of Mariposa for eighteen years and a
               prominent member of Las Mariposas Chapter, Order Eastern Star. A telephone message was received by
               relatives in Mariposa Thursday, telling of the death of Miss Julia L. Jones, that morning at the home of
               her sister, Mrs. Mirian GOUCHER of 840 N. Hunter Street, Stockton, California. Miss Jones had been in
              declining health for many months and her death was not unexpected, although everything was done that
               medical science and the best physicians could do for her. Julia L. Jones was born at the Benton Mills and
               was, at the time of her death, 66 years of age. Her family were very prominent people in Mariposa where
               they resided for many years. Miss Jones was a highly educated and cultured woman and was elected to the
               office of County Superintendent of Schools of Mariposa in 1894, and serving in that capacity from January
               1, 1895 to march 12, 1912, resigning from office on account of her health and moving to Stockton where she
               has resided since. She was held in the highest esteem by the teachers, children and parents throughout her
               long useful term as Superintendent of Schools. Her many acts of kindness and charity will remain as a
               monument to her memory for years to come. She was a charter member of Las Mariposa Chapter, Order Eastern
               Star, and was faithful to its teachings in her daily work. And one of her last requests was that she be
               laid at eternal rest under the solemn rites of the chapter which was so much to her. She also was a N. D.
               G. W. She leaves to mourn her, two sisters Mrs. Mirian GOUCHER of Stockton and Mrs. Lucy TURNER of White
               Rock, Mariposa county, and one brother, Newman JONES of Los Angeles. The funeral will be held tomorrow,
               Saturday, at 2 o'clock p.m., interment to be in the family plot, in the Masonic cemetery at Mariposa,
               beside her father and mother who preceded her to the grave many years.  

JONES, Miss Julia L. May 4, 1923 Mariposa Gazette

                         LAST SOLEMN RITES FOR BELOVED WOMAN

      Funeral services were held at 2:00 o'clock p.m. last Saturday, at the Masonic cemetery in Mariposa, for Miss Julia L. JONES, former teacher and County Superintendent of Schools, and greatly beloved woman of Mariposa county who passed away at the home of her sister in Stockton on Thursday morning.
      The funeral, which was held under the auspices of Las Mariposas Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, was one of the largest seen here in years, former friends coming from every part of this and adjoining counties, to join in paying their last solemn respects to the greatly admired lady.

JONES, Mrs. Sarah Allen February 20, 1909 Mariposa Gazette

                                   A PIONEER RESIDENT DIES.

                         Mrs. Sarah Allen JONES Passes to the Great Beyond.

      Mrs. Sarah Allen JONES, a pioneer resident, and one of the most highly respected women in Mariposa county, the widow of the late Judge L. F. JONES, died at her residence in Mariposa, at one o'clock last Tuesday morning, February 16, 1909, as a result of a paralytic stroke, suffered twelve days previously, from which she never recovered.
      All that medical skill and loving hands could do was of no avail.
      While the hand of time had dealt gently with this amiable, lovely white haired lady, the vital spark was not to be rekindled in this world. Peacefully, tranquilly and without suffering she sank in slumber and passed to the Great Beyond without a shade of pain, in the presence of and surrounded by the members of her family.
      While the grim reaper is never a welcome visitor, a more peaceful death could not have been chosen.
      In life, when speaking of the time when she should be called hence, Mrs. JONES had expressed the wish that her summons would not come at the end of a long, lingering illness, and as if in answer to her expressed wish, the Almighty tempered with gentleness the visit of the grim reaper.
      Mrs. Sarah Allen Jones was a native of Pawlet, Rutland county, Vermont, where she was born April 14, 1829, being at the date of her death, of the age of 79 years, 10 months and 1 day. She came to California and direct to Mariposa county in 1854, to join her husband who had preceeded her, and has continued to reside here ever since.
      She leaves one son, Newman JONES, an attorney of San Francisco, and three daughters, Mrs. Lucy S. MILLER and Miss Julia L. JONES of Mariposa, and Mrs. Marian S. GOUCHER of Madera, a number of grandchildren and a host of warm personal friends.
      Mrs. JONES was an exceptionally bright, refined, and educated woman of a kind and loving nature whose presence will be greatly missed by all who knew her.
      For more than half a century has the home of this most estimable lady been among the rugged hills, the wooded slopes and magnificent scenery of Mariposa county. Her life's history and association for almost sixty years are inseparably mingled with Mariposa, both past and present, and in nature of things terrestrial it was meet and fitting that her mortal remains be interred in the little grave yard, among the swaying pines, there to rest by the side of loved ones gone before, to await the coming of the resurrection word.
      At the Masonic cemetery above town, on Thursday afternoon, in the presence of her bereaved relatives and a large number of sorrowing friends, assembled from near and far, the internment, the last tribute of the living to the dead, was had.
      The church services, which were in part held at the family residence, and part at the grave, were conducted by the Rev. C. H. REYBURN.
      The floral offerings made and presented by loving friends, were extremely beautiful. The most sacred hymn, "Safe in the Arms of Jesus," was most touchingly rendered by the choir.
      The solemn invocation for the dead by the pastor was eloquent of life in the Great Beyond, and the grave, which loving hands had decked with evergreens, lost its dreariness, and all things combined to symbolize the immortal words:
                                  " Oh Grave, where is thy victory?
                                   Oh Death, where is thy sting?"