These files donated to the Mariposa County History and Genealogy Reaearch site by William Disbro-
Births, Marriage, and Deaths of Mariposa County- from the mid 1800's to 1923


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Mariposa Free Press and Mariposa Gazette Vitals 1863 - 1923

Part One Mariposa Free Press

Vitals 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Vitals January 1863 Mariposa Free Press

January 3, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Not in publication

January 10, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     Not in publication

January 17, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     Not in publication

January 24, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Married January 24, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, by Rev. Father AUGER, Mr. R. H. FLEMING, to ELIZABETH DORGAN.

     In Visalia on the 14th inst. by H. N. CARROLL, Esq., MR GEORGE F. KRAFFT, to Miss ANNIE OVERTON.

Died January 24, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

In Dalles, Oregon, December 17, WM. J. BURNSIDES, a native of Pittsburgh, Pa., in the thirty-eight year of his age.

January 31, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Born January 31, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Lower Aqua Frio, Jan. 23d, the wife of Geo. BERTKEN, of a daughter.

Died January 31, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, January 24th, of Dropsy, JACOB WALKER, a native of England. Aged, 44 years.

     In Mariposa, January 26th, of Consumption, CHARLES PROW, a native of France. Aged, 56 years.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

COLORADO JACK, January 31, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     Death of COLORADO JACK. - The Indian desperado whom we had occasion to notice last week, closed his career of crime on Saturday last. His whereabouts was discovered through his sending a message to his squaw by a Yaqui Indian named Poncho, who was traced to Jack's place of concealment in a gulch near Colorado. A party well armed immediately started for his den, which proved to be a small drift in the bank of the gulch. Upon their approach Jack came out and faced the enemy- drew a pistol and fired- then threw it away and fired one shot with a shot-gun. - A shot, followed by a whole volley from the party, "settled his hash." He died game. There is no doubt that he was lying around in that neighborhood for the purpose of getting even with some of the party who attempted his capture on Bear Creek. The community is rid of a very dangerous Wally.

Vitals February 1863 Mariposa Free Press

February 7, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Born February 7, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hornitos, January 29, 1863, the wife of R. R. GIVENS, of a son.

February 14, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died February 14, 1863 Mariposa Gazette

     In Cathey's Valley, on Thursday, January 29th, WILLIAM E. WELLS, aged 50 years and 4 months.

February 21, 1863 Mariposa Gazette

Born February 21, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Snelling's, Merced county, a SON to Mr. and Mrs. E. G. RECTOR.

February 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died February 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Coulterville, on Saturday morning, Feb. 21st, Dr. N. I. UNDERWOOD, a native of Kentucky, recently a resident of Sacramento City, aged 33 years.

     At Bear Valley, on the 9th inst., SMITH PRICE, aged about 35 years.

     At Coulterville, Wednesday Feb. 24th, ROLLA POWERS, aged about 40 years.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements.

BAKER, ????? February 14, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     Homicide. - A woman by the name of BAKER, living at Bower Cave near Coulterville, shot her husband week before last. He subsequently died and the woman was acquitted on examination. He had run her out of the house with a pistol, and was after her with the weapon in his hand when she shot him. Served him right.

VAN DYKE, James M. February 21, 1863 Mariposa Free Press


     Died. - In Mariposa, on Wednesday, February 18th, JAMES M. VAN DYKE, aged 42 years. - Mr. VAN DYKE was a native of Philadelphia, from which place he immigrated to California early in the year 1849. He was one of the pioneer settlers of Mariposa, where he came in 1850, and was engaged in mining until 1852, when he turned his attention to Mercantile pursuits, but through imprudent management, liberality and ill luck, was not one of the fortunate class. He was a man of noble generous nature, a genial companion in the social circle, and was highly esteemed by 6those who knew him best, for these qualities, and that sterling integrity which constitutes the principle element of that "Noblest work of God- an honest man."- His errors partook more of the nature of weaknesses than faults. The grave has shrouded them, together with all that was mortal of their possessor from human kin. His memory will live in the hearts of those who knew him well, and the tear of honest friendship keep green the sods over his humble grave.

UNDERWOOD, Dr. N. I. February 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     SUDDEN DEATH. - We are pained to have to record the death of Dr. N. I. UNDERWOOD of Coulterville. Dr. UNDERWOOD has been a resident of Coulterville for several months, having been engaged in directing and managing the affairs of the Iona Copper Mining Company. During his residence there he had made many warm friends, and was universally respected by the community. He was an active energetic business man, ever ready to take the lead in measures of public interest, and was relied on by all who knew him, as a man of integrity, scientific accomplishments, and liberal views. His loss will be severely felt. His funeral took place on Sunday last.

Vitals March 1863 Mariposa Free Press

March 7, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

March 14, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died March 14, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Copperopolis, March 9th, 1863, WILLIAM JARETT, son of W. A. and MARY M. KING, aged 5 years and 5 months.

March 21, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Born March 21, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, March 14, 1863, the wife of A. J. GREGORY, of a SON.

     In Mariposa, March 17, the wife of C. E. FARNSWORTH, of a SON.

March 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Born March 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Greeley's Mill, March 19th, the wife of Mr. SEARCH, of a DAUGHTER.

     In Hornitos, March 22d, the wife of Samuel MILLER, of a SON.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

TESTOR, Peter March 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     Found dead. - The Merced Banner of Saturday last, has the following: - A man named Peter TESTOR, was found dead about one mile above Merced Falls, yesterday afternoonn. When the body was found, it was lying under a cliff of  rocks, with a large stone, supposed to be at least 200 pounds weight, lying upon the breast, and the skull bone was mashed. It is supposed that deceased was walking upon the edge of the cliff. and that the stone gave way, precipitating him to the bottom together with the rocks. An inquest will be held upon the body to-day.

Vitals April 1863 Mariposa Free Press

April 4, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Married April 4, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, March 31st, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. A. L. S. BATEMAN, Mr. JAS. W. SEALE, and Miss ADELIA A., daughter of Col. E. S. TERRY, all of this place.
     A numerous company of friends were present upon the occasion to congratulate the happy couple. Every one present seemed to enjoy themselves, and after partaking of a bountiful entertainment spread for the occasion, repaired to the Concert Hall, and closed the festivities with a very pleasant dance. - We wish the newly married couple a long life of prosperity and unalloyed happiness.

Died April 4, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Nevada City, March 25th, MARY LOUISA, wife of Mr. John HOLMES, aged 27 years.
     [Illinois and New Hampshire papers please copy.

April 11, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Married April 11, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, April 5th, D. G. L. WADLEY and MOLLIE CRAWFORD, of La Porte.

April 18, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Married April 18, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In San Francisco, April 8th, by Rev. F. MOOSHAKE, WM. A. GRADE, of Hornitos, to Miss MARIE FEIST, of San Francisco.

Died April 18, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     Near Whiskey Flat, Mariposa county, on Tuesday, April 14, WM. G. PEEL, aged 38 years.

     In Mariposa, April 15, Mr. OVID McCRAKEN, aged, about 40 years.

April 25, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died April 25, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Coulterville, April 16th, of brain fever, J. C. SHEPPARD, a native of New York, aged 45 years.

     On Mariposa Creek, Sunday, April 19th, HENRY BARNETT, aged 28 years.
     Mr. BARNETT was a young man of irreproachable character, and beloved by all who knew him. He leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss.

     At Coulterville, April 19th, WILLIAM A. TREDICK, a native of Massachusetts, aged about 40 years. Mr. TREDICK was buried with Masonic and Odd Fellows honors, he being a member of both fraternities. The funeral was largely attended.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

McCRAKEN, Ovid April 18, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     SUDDEN DEATH. - Mr. Ovid McCRACKEN, on old resident of Mariposa county, died very suddenly at Schlageter's Hotel in this town on last Wednesday night. He was in good health until the evening before his death when he was attacked with a cholic; he was taken to his room and medical assistance rendered him, and to all appearances head recovered previous to his attendants leaving him. Mr. SCHLAGETER upon going to his room next morning found him dead. It is supposed that he was attacked again during the night which caused his death. Mr. McCRACKEN was a man highly respected by the community and his loss will be deeply felt. A jury was impaneled to inquire into his death, and rendered the following verdict:

     We the Jury of Inquest, summoned to meet at Schlageter's Hotel in the town of Mariposa, to inquire into the cause of the death of the late Ovid McCRACKEN, do hereby find that deceased was a native of the State of Virginia, of about forty years of age, and that death was caused by a violent attack of cramp cholic of the stomach.
     T. J. LANDRITH,
     W. S. KNIGHT,
     G. W. LEE,
     J. M. McKINNEY,
     B. F. HARBOUR,
     M. HENSON.
     Mariposa, April 15, 1863.

Vitals May 1863 Mariposa Free Press

May 2, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died May 2, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     Departed this life after much suffering, on Wednesday, April 29th, Mrs. SOPHIE KRAFT, a native of Bavaria Germany, in her 37th year.
     As an exemplary women in all her relations of life, she had no superior. A faithful, loving wife, kind hearted, benevolent and of genial disposition. She made during her sojourn in our midst, many friends who mourn with deep sorrow the sudden demise and earthly departure of this good and noble lady. Her well spent mortal life is over, the spirits has returned to God who gave it, to dwell in that blissful region beyond the skies, where no trouble more exists. With the bereaved husband, and relatives far away, all deeply and severely sympathize in this afflicting dispensation. J.D.
     Mariposa, April 29th, 1863.

     At Millerton, April 22d, JAS. P. RANKIN, aged about 40 years.

Born May 2, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Merced Falls, April 27, 1863, the wife of DANIEL P. QUINLAND, of a DAUGHTER.

May 9, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Born May 9, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, May 2d, 1863, the Wife of George A. HAYS, of a SON.

Died May 9, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Aurora, Mono county, April 27th, 1863, Mr. LEROY VINING, aged 40 years.

     At Aurora, April 23d, Mr. ADAM McKINZIE, aged about 38 years.

May 16, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Born May 16, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, May 10th, to the wife of Dorsey RAMSEY, a SON.

     In Mariposa, May 14th, to the wife of John M. CORCORAN, a SON.

Died May 16, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, May 14th, at the residence of her son, Robert S. MILLER, Mrs. CAROLINE M. KERR. Aged, 66 years.
     Mrs. KERR had been for several years a resident of Mariposa, and was respected and beloved by all who knew her as an estimable lady. Her death has brought sorrow to the hearts of relatives and friends, and cast a gloomy shadow over the community where she will be long remembered as a kind neighbor and an excellent woman in every respect.

May 23, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died May 23, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, May 21st, HENRY JACKSON, infant son of A. J. and Maggie GREGORY; aged, 2 months and 7 days.

     At McLEAN, Tompkins Co., New York, on the 7th of April, Albert DeCONDRES, formerly of Mariposa county; aged, 36 years.

     In Princeton, Tuesday, May 19th, Mr. HENRY FLOTO; aged, 30 years.

May 30, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

FLOTO, Henry May 23, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     ACCIDENT AT PRINCETON.- An accident occurred at the mine in Princeton, on Tuesday morning last, which resulted fatally to one of the workmen, and in which another was seriously injured. They were in the mine engaged in propping up under the tunnel, when some of the timbers gave way, letting a mass of earth and rock fall upon, and bury them, and succeeded in getting out Mr. Thomas NOEL, who was considerably, though not fatally injured. The other, Mr. Henry FLOTO, they were unable to get out until his life was extinct. Mr. FLOTO was a man highly respected by all who knew him. He was thirty years of age, and leaves a wife and two children.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements.

                         Death of Former Residents of Mariposa, at AURORA.

     A correspondent at Aurora, Mono county, sends us the following under the date of April 28th:

     " I regret to inform you that our old and much esteemed friend Leroy VINING
has gone to his long home; he died yesterday the 27th inst., at 7 o'clock A.M., from the effects of a wound inflicted in the lower part of the abdomen by the accidental discharge of a derringer that he had in his pocket; he lived 36 hours after the accident occurred, during which time he suffered a great deal. He was decently buried to-day, and a large number of people attended his funeral. Leroy was well known as one of the pioneers of this place and was universally respected as a noble hearted, generous and high minded gentleman, and he leaves behind many friends who deeply deplore the sad event which cut him off from amongst them, and of will ever cherish a kind remembrance of the many noble qualities and virtues of which he was possessed. Adam McKINZIE, a well known mechanic of Mariposa county, died on the 23d inst., at this place; he had a difficulty with a Chinaman and received a wound in the arm with a knife from which he died."

June 1863 Mariposa Free Press

June 6, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Born June 6, 1863 Mariposa Gazette

     At Sherlock's Sunday, May 31st, the wife of Lewis WESTON, of a SON.

June 13, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died June 13, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, June 7th, ALBERT MASSEY, youngest son of Dr. W. W. and Mrs. E. WARD; aged, 23 years.

     At the South Fork, June 8th, HENRY BYRNES; aged 16 years.

     In Mariposa June 11th, CALVIN, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. James McCREADY; aged 17 months.
     Maryville papers please copy.

June 20, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Born June 20, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, the wife of Henry LESMAN, of a SON.

June 27, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died June 27, 1863 Mariposa Gazette

     In Mariposa, June 20th, THEODORE, youngest Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles PETERSON; aged, 15 months.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

JONES, Judd June 6, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     Judd JONES, formerly a resident of Quartzburg and well known throughout
this county, was recently killed at Tucson, Arizona Territory. The report came through a letter from W. H. TOUNGE to Jacob JONES, Esq., Hornitos, a brother of deceased, and states that JONES got into a difficulty with an Indian agent, about some squaws and children taken by JONES and others who had been out on an expedition against the Apaches. The agent interfered in the matter, and the result was the shooting of JONES. We have learned no further particulars.

BYRNES, Henry June 13, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL ACCIDENT.- Henry BYRNES, a boy of sixteen years, fell from a precipice on the South Fork of the Merced river, on Monday last, some forty or fifty feet, and was instantly killed. He struck some upon a mass of rocks below and rolled into the river. Just previous to the occurrence he had left the house to go to a neighboring grocery on an errand. His dog, returned to the house and acted strangely, so that his father, who was waiting his return, became alarmed, and started after him. On discovering the nature of the accident, he procured assistance, and the body of his unfortunate son was recovered.

GOBER, W. A. June 27, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL ACCIDENT.- An accident occurred near Greiger's & Co.'s Saw Mill on Friday of last week, which resulted fatally to Mr. W. A. GOBER. He was engaged in fitting the cogs for hauling to the mill, and at the time of his death, was standing near the foot of a little slope, down which a log had been started by the workmen above, and in trying to avoid it, fell, the log passing over him, killing him instantly. Mr. GOBER was about 35 years of age we are informed, and was a native of Georgia. He has no relations residing in this state.

Vitals July 1863 Mariposa Free Press

July 4, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     missing issue

July 11, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Married July 11, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Coulterville, July 2d, by N. B. HUBBELL, Esq., Mr. GEORGE W. CORNELL, to Miss SUSIE M. COUNTS, daughter of Geo. COUNTS, Esq.; all of Coulterville.

Died July 11, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Sherlock's Mariposa county, July 6th, 1863, MARY JOSEPHINE, youngest daughter of Thos. and Margaret HODSON; aged, eleven months and twenty-four days.

July 18, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

July 25, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

Vitals August 1863 Mariposa Free Press

August 1, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Married August 1, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At St. Joseph's (Catholic) Church, on Sunday morning, July 26th, by Rev. Father L. A. AUGER, Mr. CHARLES BOGAN, of Colorado, Mariposa county, to Miss MARGARET KERRINS, of Mariposa.

Born August 1, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, July 26th, to the wife of Col. E. S. TERRY, a SON.

August 8, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

August 15, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died August 15, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 3d, the infant SON of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. TERRY; aged, 8 days.

     At Hornitos, on the morning of August 9th, WILLIE P. NEGUS; aged , two years, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. NEGUS.

August 22, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

August 29, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Born August 29, 1863 Mariposa Gazette

     At Upper Aqua Frio, August 15th, 1863, the wife of George BERNHARD, of a DAUGHTER.

Died August 29, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 25th, John REHR, a native of Prussia; aged, 64 years.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

BRYANT, August 1, 1863 Mariposa Gazette

     Drowned.- A man named BRYANT was drowned in the Merced River, at Murray's Ferry, on Tuesday last. Deceased appeared to be partially intoxicated and after stripping off his clothes and swimming about for a few minutes, came out and dressed, and than started to wade the river. He got nearly across and stopped where the water was up to his chin and appeared to be drinking as he waded. He
suddenly sank, disappeared and never rose again. His body was recovered the same evening.

Vitals September 1863 Mariposa Free Press

September 5, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

September 12, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

September 19, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died September 19, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Princeton, on Thursday, September 17th, of Typhoid fever, T. J. LANDRITH; aged, about 32 years.
     Deceased was from the Red River county, Texas, from which place he emigrated to California, and was a native of Georgia. He had only been living in this county a few months, and being of an unassuming, retirering disposition, had formed but few acquaintances. We are not aware that he was the member of any church or charitable institution; but can testify to the fact that he was a specimen of God's noblest handiwork, AN HONEST MAN.
       Those who attended upon him, ministered to his wants, and followed his mortal remains to their last resting place, are thanked by his friends here, and in the name of his kindred far away.

September 26, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Married September 26, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At the home of the bride's father, at New Year's Diggings, Mariposa county, on the 15th inst., by
     Justice N. BREEN, of Merced county, Mr. HENRY SKELTON to Miss MELINDA BROWN.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

none reported

Vitals October 1863 Mariposa Free Press

October 3, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

October 10, 1863 Mariposa Gazette

Born October 10, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mt. Ophir, Sept. 24th, the wife of J. H. MALLER, of a DAUGHTER.

     AT Mt. Ophir, October 8th, the wife of J. C. JENKINS, of a SON.

October 17, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Married October 17, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At the Weber House, Mariposa, September 27th, by the Rev. Father AUGER, Mr. LORENZO ALVORD to Miss KELLY KEALY.

Died October 17, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     Mt. Ophir, October 11, MAGGIE, infant daughter of J. H. and Anna MILLER; aged 16 days.

Born October 17, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Saxon's Creek, Mariposa county, on Monday, October 12th, the wife of Green COOP, of a DAUGHTER.

October 24, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died October 24, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Princeton, Wednesday, October 21st, ALLEN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. SMITH; aged, 12 years.

Born October 24, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Princeton, Oct. 21st, the wife of Ben CONDRESS, of a SON.

October 31, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Married October 31, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, at the residence of Daniel MAYON jr., by J. Y. JONES, Esq., Mr. HIRAM CONKLIN to Mrs. SHARON MAYON.

Died October 31, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Visalia, Oct. 16th, AGUSTA, wife of O. REINSTEIN, aged 38 years, a native of Prussia.

Born October 31, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Princeton, Oct. 24th, 1863, the wife of C. L. SMITHERS, of a SON.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

AH-FAT, AND AH-TUCK October 24, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL CHINESE FIGHT.- Two Chinamen, named respectively AH-FAT and AH-TUCK, had a set to with knives at Mormon Bar, on Tuesday of last week. They fell out
about the sum of five "bittee," which was owed from one to the other, and payment demanded, to which the debtor demurred, and for reason why, plead that he no hab got. Hiss unreasonable creditor thereupon insisted that he should pay him whether he had it or not. Knives were drawn and a simultaneous charge ensued. The duration of the fight is estimated by Dr. KAVANAUGH, the Coroner, to have been between two and three seconds. Each of the combatants received a fatal stab at the first pass. AH-TUCK died within a few minutes of the fight. AH-FAT pegged out 28 hours afterwards. His friends claim that he won. A Coroner's Jury rendered a verdict in the case of AH-TUCK, to the effect that he came to his death in the manner above specified. The corpse of AH-FAT, got along without any verdict.

Vitals November 1863 Mariposa Free Press

November 7, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Born November 7, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Upper Sherlock's, Wednesday, Nov. 4th, to the wife of James FORAN, a SON.

     In Visalia, October 21st, to the wife of George F. KRAFFT, a SON.

November 14, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died November 14, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At the residence of Thomas EDWARDS, at Princeton, Nov. 8th, of Typhoid Fever, JAMES SAMSON, a son of John and Jane SAMSON, a native of the parish of Alogin, County of Cornwall- aged, 24 years, 7 months and 17 days.

November 21, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Born November 21, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Cottonwood Creek, Fresno county, November 12, to the wife of A. C. BULLOCK, a DAUGHTER.

Died November 21, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Saturday, Nov. 14th, DR. JAMES CLARKE, aged 44 years.

     In the town of Mariposa, on 19th instant, Infant Son of Dorsey and Urania S. RAMSDEN; aged, six months and ten days.

November 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Married November 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Princeton, at the residence of William BACON, on the 25th of November, by Rev. O. D. DOOLEY, Mr. HENRY MORRIS, to Miss MARTHA BACON.

Died November 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Stockton, Nov. 21, 1863, A. N. FISHER, aged 47 years, 7 months and 21 days.

     At Whiskey Flat, Mariposa County, on Saturday, Nov. 21st, BARNEY MULLIGAN, aged 42 years.
     Deceased was a native of Monaghan County, Ireland, and came from Alton, Illinois, to California.

     At Mariposa, on Friday, Nov. 20th, JAMES LOWE, aged, 45 years.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

CLEAVES, Al November 14, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     SUICIDE.- On Friday morning last, a man by the name of Al CLEAVES jumped from the roof of
     Coulter's Hotel, in Coulterville, and killed himself. No particulars are given, but from the character of the man, it is probable that he was intoxicated at the time. He was the same man who had his feet frozen three or four years ago, and laid in the County Hospital for some time.

CLARKE, Dr. J. L. November 21, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

                                        SUDDEN DEATH.

     Dr. J. L. CLARKE, for several years a resident, and practicing physician in Mariposa, died very suddenly on Saturday morning last. On Friday night he retired to rest, apparently in good health, having eaten a hearty supper during the evening. Not appearing on the street at his usual hour, some one went to his room, and upon examination found him dead in his bed. It is supposed that he died in consequence of an apoplexic fit. He had been in bad health for some time past- the abuses of a naturally strong constitution having prematurely exhausted his vital system. Dr. CLARKE was a native of Virginia- was a surgeon in the Army during the Mexican war. He was attached to Pierce's Brigade, and on the march from Vera Cruz to Puebla, was wounded in a skirmish with guerillas. He was held in high estimation by the community as a physician and an estimable gentleman. His errors were of the class of social weaknesses too common in California life. To use a common expression, "he was his own worst enemy"- we never heard of his having any other in the community where he resided for many years.

LOWE, James November 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     Died of his Wound.- James LOWE, the man who was shot last week by HUGHES, died on Friday evening last from the effect of the wound. It was at first supposed that the ball had struck the hip bone and turned downward, without passing through- but upon examination, it was found against the bladder.
     Deceased was an old resident of Sherlock's, and when sober was a quiet and inoffensive man.

MULLIGAN, Barney November 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL ACCIDENT- At Whiskey Flat on Saturday last, Barney MULLIGAN, a miner
and an old resident of that locality, was crushed by a boulder falling in his claim where he was working, and so badly injured that he died on the night of the same day. The remains of the unfortunate man were interred in the Catholic Cemetery on Monday last. A numerous procession of his friends and acquaintances followed him to his last resting place. The deceased was an industrious and honest man - respected by all who knew him.

FISHER, A. N. November 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     DEATH OF A. N. FISHER. - The public will regret to learn of the sudden death of A. N. FISHER, which occurred in Stockton on Saturday last. Mr. FISHER was an active and enterprising man. Several years since he was Mayor of the City of Stockton, but is better known here in his connection with the Stage line between that place and Mariposa- being the Senior member of the firm of A. N. FISHER & Co. His loss will be felt in the city where he resided as well as in other places where business connections and social intercourse made him many acquaintances and friends.

Vitals December 1863 Mariposa Free Press

December 5, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

December 12, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Died December 12, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Upper Sherlock's, December 8th, of Typhoid fever, WILLIAM HENRY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. TWOMEY, aged 3 years and 7 months and 26 days.

December 19, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Married December 19, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At the Chowchilla, Mariposa county, Nov. 21st, by Justice McVICAR, Mr. J. J. WESTFALL to Miss MARY TONG-U of China.
     Western Virginia and Hong Kong papers please copy.

Born December 19, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Snellings, Nov. 28th, to the wife of J. W. BOST, a SON.

     At Snellings, Dec. 11th, to the wife of W. J. HOWARD, a DAUGHTER.

December 26, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

Born December 26, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In Vasalia, Nov. 26th, to the wife of J. B. HOCKETT, of a SON.

     In Millerton, December 10th, to the wife of Jefferson M. SHANNON, a SON.

Died December 26, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     In East Wheeling, Va., Nov. 12th, of Scarlet Fever, ANNA BELL, youngest daughter of John and Fannie HOWELL, aged 3 years, 7 months and 13 days.

     Of the same disease, on the 13th, WILLIE, only son of John and Fannie HOWELL, aged 1 year 5 months and 7 days.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

JALIZAS, Brijadore December 28, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     A Mexican named Brijadore JALIZAS was shot at Colorado on Thursday last by the accidental discharge of a pistol in the hands of another Mexican. The shot took effect in the groin and proved fatal, the man only living a few hours.

Vitals 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Vitals January 1864 Mariposa Free Press

January 2, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married January 2, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Dry Creek, Fresno county, on the 23d of December, by A. YARBROUGH, Esq., JASPER N. MUSICK, to JANE RICHARDS.

     At the Fresno River, Dec. 25th, by J. J. HENSLEY, Esq., JAMES RAINES, to ELIZABETH ALLEN.

     At Princeton, Dec. 28th, by Rev. J. C. PENDERGAST, Mr. R. T. STROTHER to Mrs. M. E. MANN.

     At San Francisco, Dec. 24th, LUDWIG KOESTER to Miss ELISE STIIBE.

January 9, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Born January 9, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, January 5th, to the wife of J. F. MYERS, a SON.

Died January 9, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Chowchilla, January 2d, JAMES GOODWIN, a native of Irwin Ayshire, Scotland; aged 38 years.
     Deceased had been for several years a resident of Coulterville and vicinity; was an honest, and generous man, a kind husband and father, and was universally esteemed by the community for those sterling qualities which go to make up the sum total of a good citizen. Enterprising and industrious, his loss will be severely felt by the business community, while to the social and family circle, it is irreparable. He leaves a wife and six children.

January 16, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married January 16, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Princeton, Jan. 9th, by Francis GILTNER, Justice of the Peace, Mr. SIMMON LAGADA, of
     Princeton, to Miss JENNIE DAVID of Colorado.

January 23, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Died January 23, 1863 Mariposa Free Press

     At Millerton, Jan. 14th, Mr. HENRY O'SULLIVAN, a native of Richmond, Virginia; aged about 40 years.

January 30, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Died January 30, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, January 27th, 1864, the infant son of Joseph F. and Caroline MYERS.

     At Cottage Grove, Minnesota, December 5th, youngest child of J. G. and Harriet SCHOLAR.

     At Hornitos, Jan. 23, Mrs. LAVINA DUNCAN, aged 33 years 1 month and 6 days.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

none reported

Vitals February 1864 Mariposa Free Press

February 6, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married February 6, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Visalia, January 18th, 1864, by Henry HUNSACKER, Esq., Mr. E. H. DUMBLE to Miss DRUCILIA I. SKILES, both of Tulare county.

Died February 6, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Phillips' Flat, Merced river, Sunday, January 24th, 1864, Mr. CRAWLEY, wife of Mr. Dennis CRAWLEY.

February 13, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At La Grange, Jan. 30, to the wife of Wm. FLOTO, a DAUGHTER.

     Same place, Feb. 8, to the wife of John S. CLARK, a SON.

Died February 13, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Princeton, February 5th, of consumption, Mr. L. GRACE, a native of Tennessee; aged, 29 years.

     At La Grange, Feb. 5th, the wife of Mr. THURSBY; aged, 33 years.

February 20, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married February 20, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At the residence of Clark HOXIE, Esq., in Millerton, Fresno county, Feb. 16th, 1864, by Hon. E. C.

     WINCHELL, Adjutant CHARLES H. BARTH, of Tort Miller, to Miss LIZZIE Z. HOXIE, all of

     At the Big Springs, Mariposa county, Feb. 17th, 1864, by Rev. J. C. PENDERGAST, Mr. J. R. COATES, to Miss SUSAN PRESTON.

February 27, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Born February 27, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hornitos, Feb. 18th, to the wife of A. O. MILLER, a DAUGHTER.

     In Mariposa, Feb. 23d, to the wife of H. SCHLAGETER, a DAUGHTER.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

JEFFRIES, Mr. Stephen February 27, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL ACCIDENT NEAR COULTERVILLE. Mr. Stephen JEFFRIES was killed at the "Virginia" Lead, below Coulterville, on Thursday, Feb. 18th, by the caving in of a tunnel in which he was working at the time. A large mass of earth and rock fell upon him in a horrid manner and killing him instantly.
     Mr. JEFFRIES formerly lived in Princeton, and was one time leader of the Princeton Brass Band.

Vitals March 1864 Mariposa Free Press

March 5, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Died March 5, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mormon Bar, Mariposa county, on the 29th of February 1864, D. S. BEACH, of Placer county, California, formerly of Connecticut; aged 40 years.

     At the residence of Frank LEWIS, near Mariposa, Tuesday, March 1st, JAMES B. ALDRICH, a native of Hanover, Germany; aged about 47 years.

March 12, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married March 12, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Hornitos, Sunday evening, March 6th, 1864, by Rev. J. BALDWIN, Rev. J. BONSELL to Mrs. SARAH HOWELL.

     In Mariposa, Thursday, March 10, by Hon. J. M. BONDURANT, Mr. A. C. KELLEY to Miss ELLEN C. YOUNG.

Died March 12, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Sunday evening, March 6th, ALEXANDER ROCHE; aged, about 69 years. Deceased was a native of the County of Wexford, Ireland; and emigrated to America in 1846. He served his adopted country in the war with Mexico, was wounded at the battle of Cerro Gordo, was honorably discharged from the service, and came to California where he resided up to the time of his death. He combined the equalities of an honest citizen, a devoted Christian and a lover of both his native and adopted country; leaving a name untarnished by reproach, and an example worthy of imitation by all. His remains were followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of friends who sincerely mourn his loss.
     San Francisco Monitor please copy.

March 19, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

March 26, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

none reported

Vitals April 1864 Mariposa Free Press

April 2, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married April 2, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Sunday, March 27th, by Rev. Father NAVA, Mr. ROBERT McGREER to Miss BRIDGETT GEARY; all of Mariposa.

     In Mariposa, Monday, March 28th, by Rev. Father NAVA, Mr. DANIEL BORDERHOUSE, to Miss MARY A. McCANN.

Born April 2, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hornitos, March 26, 1864, to the wife of Wm. A. GRADE, a SON.

April 9, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married April 9, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Stockton, March 31st, by Rev. J. G. GASMAN, A. V. SNYDER to ADA DORTMAN.

     At the residence of the bride's father, in Walker's Basin, Tulare county, Mr. DANIEL W. WALSER to Miss MARY F. LIGHTNER, both of Tulare county.

     At Cathay's Valley, March 27th, by S. S. HYDE, Esq., JOHN M. HUDSON to MARY F. WELLS, all of Cathay's Valley.

Died April 9, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Magoon's Ranch, Mariposa county, Saturday, April 2d, 1864, Mr. HIRAM MAGOON, aged 62

April 16, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married April 16, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Millerton, March 30th, by Justice YARBROUGH, Mr. HIRAM MEAD to Miss LIZZIE HICKS.

     In Hornitos, April 10th, by Rev. J. BALDWIN, Capt. DEXTER WHITE to Mrs. LUCINDA ROGERS.

Died April 23, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married April 23, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At the residence of Robert McCULOUGH, five miles east of Visalia, on Thursday, April 7th, 1864, by
     Harvey RUSSELL. Esq., Mr. WILLIAM DUNCAN to Miss MARY E. SAUNDERS, both of Tulare county, California.

     At the residence of Mr. JOHNS, on Saxon's creek, April 21st, 1864, by Francis GILTNER, Esq. Mr. FREDERICK DAUT, to Miss KATE WORTHEE, all of Mariposa county.

     In Sonora, Wednesday, April 13th, by P. M. FISHER, Esq., Mr. OLIVER WOLCOTT, to Miss MARY A. THOMPSON, all of Sonora.

Born April 23, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, April 15th, to the wife of Angevine REYNOLDS, a DAUGHTER.

     At the Toll House below Princeton, April 12th, to the wife of A. ZINKUND, a DAUGHTER.

April 30, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married April 30, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At the residence of the bride's father, six miles below Snelling's, on Sunday, April 24th, 1864, by James W. ROBERTSON, County Judge of Merced county, Mr. JAMES B. SENSABAUGH, to Miss MODEST WALLING, all of Merced county.

Born April 30, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Smith's Ferry, April 22d, to the wife of Joseph BARRETT, a SON.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

none reported

Vitals May 1864 Mariposa Free Press

May 7, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married May 7, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Visalia, April 24th, 1864, by Rev. G. M. EDWARDS, Dr. JAMES VAN NESS, to Mrs. SUSAN E. CRAWFORD, both of Tulare county.

Born May 7, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Snelling's, Merced county, April 25th, to the wife of Henry SKELTON, a SON.

May 14, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married May 14, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In San Francisco, Thursday May 12th, 1864, by Rev. Mr. MOOSHAKE, Mr. LUDWIG KOESTER, formerly of Mariposa, to Miss ELISE STUBE, of San Francisco.

Born May 14, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, May 6th to the wife of Dr. W. W. WARD, a DAUGHTER.

     In Mariposa, May 7th, to the wife of Winslow GALLISON, a SON.

     On upper Fresno, Fresno county, May 3d, to the wife of Robert LARAMORE, a SON.

May 21, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Died May 21, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, May 19th, 1864 CHARLES CHRISTIAN MEYER, a native of Luxemburg, Germany; aged, 43 years.

     At the County Hospital in Mariposa, May 16th, 1864, BERNARD FRUSE, a native of Germany; aged, about 50 years.

May 28, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married May 28, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Coulterville, May 20th, 1864, by the Rev. W. DAVIS, Mr. JOSEPH JACOBS of Snellings, to Miss REBECCA GOLDSMITH of Coulterville.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

None reported

Vitals June 1864 Mariposa Free Press

June 4, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Born June 4, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Lovejoy's Mill, June 1st, to the wife of W. W. HUNTER, a SON.

Died June 4, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At the County Hospital, in Mariposa, May 27th, Mr. ------- CARR; aged, about 70 years.

June 11, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Died June 11, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Clintonville, Long Tom District, Tulare county, May 27th, ROBERT CD. RICKS; aged, between 27 and 28 years; a native of Louisiana.

     At Stockton's Ranch, June 1st, 1864, Mr. WM. B. STOCKTON, a native of Kentucky; aged; 55 years.
     Mr. STOCKTON was an honest and upright man, a useful member of society, and was highly esteemed for those sterling virtues which makes the loss of such a man severely felt in a community.
     Many warm friends are left to deplore his death. His funeral took place at Hornitos on the 2d instant, and was attended by a numerous concourse of friends and acquaintances.

June 18, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Died June 18, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, June 14th, LAURA M., daughter of A. and L. SPEES; aged, 3 months and 18 days.

     In Mariposa, Friday, June 17th, 1864, of Bronchitis, Capt. JOHN BOLING, aged 45 years.
     Capt. BOLING was a native of Tennesssee, whence he emigrated in early life to the State of Mississippi, and came to California in '49 or '50. He was one of the pioneer settlers of Mariposa county, held the office of Sheriff for several years, and commanded a party of volunteers during the Indian difficulties which occurred in this neighborhood at an early day. In whatever position he occupied he showed himself an earnest and true man, always ready to lead wherever honor or duty demanded his presence. His character for integrity was never called into question, while a kinder hearted man never breathed. Many friends who know and appreciate his sterling worth as a friend and good citizen deplore his death.
     [The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock P.M., (today), from the Methodist Church South.]

June 25, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

Obituaries, marriages and birth announcements

ABEL, Mr. June 18, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     Suicide- A Melancholy Case.- Mr. ABEL, an old and much respected citizen of Mariposa county, died in Hornitos on Sunday last, from the effects of morphine, under circumstances which leave no doubt that it was a case of deliberate suicide. He had been for several days in bad health and laboring under a depression of spirits, caused by pecuniary embarrassments. On the day previous to his death he purchased some morphine at a drug store and in conversation with a friend on the day of his death remarked that he was in very ill health and didn't expect to live long, but that he felt happy and ready to die. He was found in his room on Sunday afternoon suffering great pain from the effects of the drug.
     A physician was called in, but the unfortunate man was past medical aid, and expired a few hours afterwards. A phial nearly empty, which had contained the morphine, was sitting by his side. He must have taken about 30 grains- enough to have killed five men.
     Mr. ABEL was a native of Kentucky- had for several years been engaged in quartz mining - was at one time successful, but latterly had been unfortunate, expended all his means and become involved in debt, which joined to a melancholy turn of mind probably occasioned him form the unhappy conclusion of putting an end to his existence. He was eccentric in his habits, but sober, industrious, and possessed of unblemished integrity.

Vitals July 1864 Mariposa Free Press

July 2, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Born July 2, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Hornitos, Saturday, June 25th, 1864, to the wife of Robert CLOUGH, a SON.

Died July 2, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Princeton, June 29th, 1864, Mrs. CATHARINE TEDDY, a native of Cornwall, England; aged, about 30 years.

July 9, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married July 9, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In San Francisco, June 23 by Rt. Rev. Bishop KIP. FELIX DeVILLE TO ELIZABETH WERTHEMAN.

     In Sonoma, June 29th, 1863*, by Rev. R. McCULLOCH, Mr. HENRY CHRISTOPH SCHULTZ to Miss MARIA SCHELL. (* date as printed in Free Press.)

Died July 9, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, July 2d, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas EARLY; aged 6 months.
(note- the Stockton Daily Independent reports the child was a son-
DIED – in Mariposa, July 2nd, infant son of Mr.&Mrs. Thomas EARLY, aged 6 months. Stockton Daily Independent, July  12, 1864- c feroben)

     In San Francisco, July 3d, W. H. DIMOND, infant son of Hugh and Jane DIMOND.

July 16, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married July 16, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Visalia, July 4th, 1864, by Daniel WOOD, Esq., Mr. WILLIAM CRISWELL, to Miss ELIZABETH PYRD, all of Visalia.

Born July 16, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Saturday, July 9th, 1864, to the wife of Richard FOIZEY, a DAUGHTER.

     At Whisky Flat, July 12th, 1864, to the wife of L. ALVORD, a SON.

     In Princeton, July 13th, 1864, to the wife of Frank POTTHURST, a SON.

     In Mariposa, July 15th, to the wife of John HESSLER, a DAUGHTER.

July 23, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Born July 23, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Geiger & Humphrey's saw mill, July 17, to the wife of D. W. HUMPHREY, a DAUGHTER.

July 30, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Born July 30, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Saturday, July 23d, to the wife of P. K. WEBSTER, a SON.

Died July 30, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Big Oak Flat, Tuolumne county, June 27th, 1864, Mrs. ESTHERA ST. JOHN, wife of C. H. ST. JOHN.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

HARVILLE, Willis July 2, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL SHOOTING AT PRINCETON.- A young man by the name of Willis HARVILLE got into difficulty with a party of Mexicans who were celebrating St. John's Day at Princeton, on Friday night or early Saturday morning, last week. Some angry words passed, and threats of shooting. HARVILLE, who was unarmed, started out of the house with another American, followed by the Mexican and some companions. Shortly afterwards a shot was heard, and HARVILLE was seen running in the direction of town. This occurred about 3 o'clock on Saturday morning, and at daylight he was found lying in the street near the office of Frank GILTNER, dead, being shot in the left side of the body, the ball probably going near the heart. Evidence of a short but violent struggle were to be seen around the spot
where the unfortunate man fell. The Mexican fled, and at last account no trace of his whereabouts had been obtained by officers who had gone in pursuit.

Vitals August 1864 Mariposa Free Press

August 6, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married August 6, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Merced Falls, July 28th, by Rev. Father AUGER, Mr.. JOSEPH PAHLE to Miss WILHELMINA ALISKA.

Died August 6, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 3d, Mr. THOMAS JOHNSON; aged 55 years.

August 13, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Died August 13, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     ANGNEY COULTER, at the residence of his father in Coulterville on Sunday August 7th, at 10 o'clock a.m., aged 21 years. (Pittsburg and Greenburg, Pa., papers please copy.)

Born August 13, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa; August 10th, to the wife of M. C. HUGHES, a SON.

August 20, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Born August 20, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 13th, to the wife of C. J. PETERSON, a DAUGHTER.

Died August 20, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 18th, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. PETERSON.

     At her residence on Fine GOld Gulch, after a short illness, ELIZABETH A. MACE, wife of Capt. MACE; aged 46 years. (San Francisco and Idaho papers please copy)

August 27, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

COULTER, Angney August 13, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL AFFRAY AT COULTERVILLE.- One of the most shocking tragedies that startle communities, occurred at Coulterville on Saturday last, in which Angney COULTER, a young man twenty-one years of age, lost his life at the hands of (as it is alleged) of S. A. and Thos. SCOTT. The particulars as we have them, are, that for sometime past an ill feeling had existed between the parties, and that on Saturday, COULTER publicly threatened that he would kill S. A. SCOTT. Shortly after making this threat he was taken in charge by an officer- though not officially arrested- to whom he gave his pistol, and accompanied to the hotel. While going through the hall of the house in the custody of the officer, SCOTT (S. A.) entered with a double-barreled shot gun, and thrusting the muzzle between the officer and COULTER, fired; the charge entering COULTER'S right side, producing a frightful wound. He staggered against a post and was again shot; this time with a six shooter and in the back. COULTER stated before his death that the last shot was fired by Thos. SCOTT. The difficulty occurred about 5 o'clock in the evening, and Mr. COULTER died at 10 o'clock the next morning.

BRADFORD, Mr. R. August 20, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     You have undoubtedly heard of the unfortunate accident with his team near Jacksonville, by which Mr. R. BRADFORD of your county lost his life, after having his only remaining leg broken and being otherwise seriously injured. He was buried today in Coulterville, a large concourse of friends attending.
     He was a worthy man, much respected and his loss is a severe affliction to his wife and interesting family, who depended on his industry for support. This and the two unfortunate homicides at and near COULTERVILLE make a sad record for the past week for that place.

BRADFORD, Robert August 27, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

                                       FATAL CASUALTY.

     Our Coulterville correspondent, "Redivivus," writing under date of August 11th, says: " yesterday afternoon the remains of Mr. Robert BRADFORD were interred. His death resulted from injuries received while descending Jacksonville hill, he being on his return from Stockton with his team. It occurred about noon on Monday, the 8th inst. It is supposed that the lock-chain gave way, causing his horses to run- the wagon tongue striking his remaining leg, (he having been a cripple for several years) and fracturing it- of which fact it seems that he must have been unconscious at the time. At the same time, the stage from Big Oak Flat was ascending the hill. Mr. BRADFORD seeing that a collision was inevitable, jumped from his seat in the saddle and alighting on his broken leg, fell under the wagon wheel which passed over his body. One of the fore wheels breaking was the means of stopping the team, just in time to prevent a collision with the stage, which had several passengers who would
undoubtedly have been seriously injured had it occurred. One of BRADFORD'S horses was killed and two crippled during the run. He lingered in agony from his injuries until half past two A.M. Tuesday, when death relieved his sufferings. Mr. BRADFORD was a man of sterling integrity and uncommon energy and fortitude, an affectionate husband and tender father. He leaves a widow and five children
who are commended to the traveling public as they journey up Pino Blanco Mt."

Vitals September 1864, Mariposa Free Press

September 3, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married September 3, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Princeton, Sunday, Aug. 28, by F. GILTNER, Esq., Mr. SAMUEL CARLYON to Miss MARY E. STRAUGHN, all of Mariposa county.

September 10, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married September 10, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At the residence of the bride's father, near Princeton, Wednesday, September 7th, by F. GILTNER, Esq., Mr. FRANCIS M. BOLINGER, to Miss LUCY E. BACON, all of Mariposa.

September 17, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married September 17, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Bear Valley, Sunday, Sept. 11th, 1864, at the residence of the bridegroom, by Judge L. F. JONES,
     Mr. G. C. N. JOHNSON, of Bear Valley, to Miss SUSAN M. BILLINGS, of San Francisco.

Born September 17, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married September 17, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Bear Valley, Sunday, Sept. 11th, 1864, at the residence of the bridegroom, by Judge L. F. JONES,
     Mr. G. C. N. JOHNSON, of Bear Valley, to Miss SUSAN M. BILLINGS, of San Francisco.

Born September 17, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, September 13th, 1864, to the wife of J. M. RIDGWAY, a SON.

     In Mariposa, September 14th, 1864, to the wife of Joseph COUTURIER, a SON.

     In Mariposa, Sept. 16th, 1864, to the wife of Jno. M. CORCORAN, a DAUGHTER.

Died September 17, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Friday, Sept. 16th, 1864, Mrs. H. F. HARRIS, Wife of I. W. HARRIS, aged 28 years.

September 24, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Born September 24, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Lower Aqua Frio, September 2d, to the wife of George BERTKEN, a SON.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

None reported

Vitals October 1864 Mariposa Free Press

October 1, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married October 1, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Lewis' Ranch Sept. 29th, by Rev. J. C. PENDERGAST, Mr. JOHN COCHRAN to Miss JANE LEWIS.

Died October 1, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At the residence of S. W. HENRY, Millerton, Fresno County, JOSEPHINE, only daughter of William and Anna MITCHELL; aged one years.
     San Francisco papers please copy.

     At Zinnkann's Toll House, on Tuesday, Sept. 27th, STURM ZINNKANN; aged, 24 years.

October 8, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Born October 8, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, October 2, 1864, to the wife of Wm. A. GUARD, a DAUGHTER.

October 15, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Died October 15, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     Near Snelling, Oct. 3d, 1864, FRANK KNOX, infant son of J. W. and Laura FITZHUGH; aged 7 months and 11 days.

     In Snelling, Friday September 30, Mrs. A. P. BROWN; aged 59 years and 11 months.

     On Sunday, Oct. 2, WILSON BROWN, youngest child of M. T.  and Janneite McPHERSON; aged 2 years and 5 months.

     On Monday, Oct. 3, AUSTIN EDWIN, infant son of Henry and Malinda S. SKELTON; aged 5 months and 8 days.

October 22, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Greeley's Mill, October 16th, 1864, BENJAMIN WILLIAMS; aged 22 years.

October 29, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Died October 29, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At the residence of J. W. FITZHUGH, near Snelling, October 15, 1864, FITZHUGH LEE, infant son of John W. and Mary BOST, aged 10 months and 2 weeks.

     At New Years Diggings, Mariposa county, Oct. 20th, 1864, Mr. EZEKIEL W. BROWN, aged 68 years.

     Near Snelling, October 16th, JOSEPH A. GOODALE son of Mr. and Mrs. GOODALE; aged 3 years and 8 months.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

MALACHI, October 1, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

                                        A Desperado Killed.

     We received a communication from F. GILTNER, Esq., who acted as Coroner, in the matter of a inquest held on the body of a Mexican by the Name of MALACHI who was killed near Colorado on the 16th- giving the details of the affair. The letter was mislaid and only turned up to late for the last paper. The particulars are to the effect that, upon the night in question some one fired into the saloon of Ned GARRITY while a social game of cards was going on. Fortunately no one was hurt. A short time afterwards a Mexican came in and told that the man MALACHI (who had become a noted desperado) was only a short distance below town, and that he had drawn a pistol on him also that he was the same person who robbed GARITTY'S house on March last. A party of citizen's armed themselves and started in pursuit. They came up with him at a fandango house- Finding that he could not get away, he drew a six- shooter and stood his ground- so there was no other chance but to shoot him. The Mexican and Americans thereabouts are well pleased to be rid of him. The following is a copy of the verdict of the jury of inquest. We the jurors examined the deceased KOSSUTH or MALACHI and found that he came to his death by pistol or gun shoot wounds inflicted by the people of Colorado while attempting to arrest him,' James E. HUTCHINSON, Foreman. Colorado, Sept. 17th.

ZINKANN, October 1, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     Fatal Accident - A young man, a German by birth named Sturm ZINNKANN who was stopping Zinnkann's toll house was accidentally shot by a friend and old schoolmate who had lately come from San Francisco for the purpose of paying him a visit. He had picked up a six- shooter and was carelessly handling it- not knowing that it was loaded- when it was accidentally discharged while pointing at the unfortunate man. The ball entered the lower portion of the abdomen. The wounded man lived till Tuesday when death relieved his sufferings. The deceased was highly respected by a large circle of friends and relations, a large number of whom paid the last tribute of respect to his mortal remains by attending them to their last resting place on Wednesday last.

BALDWIN, Judge Joseph October 8, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     Death of Judge BALDWIN.- Judge Joseph G. BALDWIN died in San Francisco on the 30th of September. He had been suffering for some time from typhus fever and was recovering. His death was occasioned by lock- jaw which resulted from a surgical operation. Judge Baldwin was about 50 years of age. He was elected in 1859 to the office of Judge of Supreme Court after having held the office for one year by appointment. His term of office expired in 1862, since which time he has been practicing law in San Francisco. He was a man of good conversational powers, and had acquired some celebrity as the author of a humorous work entitled "Flush Times in Alabama." He had those genial social characteristics which attract warm personal friends, by many of whom he was highly esteemed.

HARDWICK, Garland October 15, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

                                   Death of Garland HARDWICK.

     The many friends of Garland HARDWICK will regret to hear of his death, intelligence of which has just been received by his brother, Major G. M. HARDWICK of Quartzburg. He was for several years a resident of this county and was respected by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances, among whom he bore the reputation of a generous, honest whole souled gentlemen and a sincere friend. - Whatever may be the tone of public sentiment in regard to the cause in which he was engaged, death levels all differences of opinion and recognizes true worth, bravery and manhood wherever it is found.
     The sad news was forwarded to Major HARDWICK through a letter from a surgeon in the Confederate Army forwarded via Old Point Comfort, and from which we take the following extract; " Lieut. Garland HARDWICK, 2nd Ala. Calvary died July 17th 1864 from effects of wounds of the foot, received before Atlanta, and dysentery, in Macon, Georgia. He went immediately to the army after his return home- (July 1862)- served awhile as a private and was elected Lieut. in his Company. A good soldier, beloved by everyone, he died a triumphant, Christian death.

Vitals November 1864 Mariposa Free Press

November 5, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

November 12, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

November 19, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Born November 19, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Lane's Ranch, Mariposa county, Nov. 3d. 1864, the Wife of J. P. LANE, a SON.

     At Coulterville, Nov. 16th, 1864, to the WIfe of George W. CORNELL, twins- both of 'em BOYS.

Died November 19, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Thursday, Nov. 10th, 1864, BERNARD MAISON, aged 82 years; a native of France.
     Deceased was an old French soldier, and had fought under Napoleon in several campaigns.

     In Mariposa, Nov. 13th, 1864, BRIGET McGREER, aged 16 years and 7 months.

     In Mariposa, on Saturday, Nov. 15th, 1864, WILLIAM CRITTENDEN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey RAMSDEN; aged 3 years and 4 months.

November 26, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

BRANSON, Ben November 12, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL AFFRAY AT VISALIA.- On the evening of the 25th ult., immediately after the democratic meeting, an affray occurred between Ben BRANSON and a soldier, resulting fatally to BRANSON, who received five shots from a six shooter. The difference was not political, BRANSON being an administration man. Whisky, the great prompter of broils, was the cause of the affair. - BRANSON,was an old resident of the place and a gunsmith by occupation. When sober, he was a quiet and inoffensive man.

Vitals December 1864 Mariposa Free Press

December 3, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Died December 3, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mt. Gaines on Friday, Nov. 25th, 1864, JOHN FITZSIMMONS, aged 28 years; a native of County Cavin, Ireland.

     At Merced Falls, Dec. 1st, of Pneumonia, JAS. SPENCE, aged about 40 years.

     At Lower Mariposa, Nov. 29th, AMOSS, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. QUICK.

     In Mariposa, Dec. 1st, of Pneumonia, SUSAN MASSEY, infant daughter of Dr. Wm. W. and Elizabeth WARD, aged 7 months.

December 10, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married December 10, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Snelling, Nov. 24th, 1864, by Rev. Mr. Neal, Mr. JAMES F. FOREMAN, to Miss LIZZIE McSWAIN, both of Snelling.

     At the residence of the bride's mother, near Coulterville, Nov. 24th, 1864, by Rev. R. H. WARD, Esq., Mr. L. J. WEST, to Miss MILLIE BRADFORD.

     At the residence of Mr. HARRIS, on Mariposa Creek, Merced county, Nov. 17th, 1864, by Rev. O. D. DOOLEY, Mr. N. TURNER, to Miss MARGARET HARRIS.

Died December 10, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In the city of San Francisco, Nov. 27th, 1864, EDWARD E. POWERS, President of the Eureka Typographical Union, aged 48 years.

December 17, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

December 24, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Born December 24, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Tuesday, Dec. 20th, 1864, to the Wife of J. D. CRIPPEN, a DAUGHTER.

     In Mariposa, Tuesday, Dec. 20th, 1864, to the Wife of Daniel HOUSE, a SON.

Died December 24, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Aqua Frio, Dec. 2d, 1854*, CHARLES PINGON, a native of Neufehatel, Switzerland; aged about 45 years. (* As printed in Free Press)

December 31, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

Married December 31, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Dec. 25th, 1864, at the house of worship, by Rev. O. D. DOOLEY, Mr. THOMAS J. SMITH, to Miss MARY J. BURTE, all of Mariposa county.

Died December 31, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Sunday, Dec. 25th, 1864, Mr. CHARLES SHIVER, of Consumption; aged about 29 years.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

AH PUNG, December 10, 1864 Mariposa Free Press

     One of the most outrageous, willful and deliberate murders was committed last Sunday at Aqua Frio, in this County. Mr. EARLY went to Aqua Frio on that day with a warrant for the arrest of some Chinese, and took with him a Chinaman called AH PUNG, to indicate those mentioned in the warrant. The officer was overpowered by a large Chinese mob armed with pistols and knives- AH PUNG was taken away from him and immediately murdered- the body was dragged about 200 yards to a gulch- this occurred in the middle of the day. A Posse of 25 was afterwards summoned and went to Aqua Frio with the officer. The Chinese were all quiet, two or three arrests have been made- the peace again reigns in that baleful village.

Vitals 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Vitals January 1865 Mariposa Free Press

January 7, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

January 14, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married January 14, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Granite Springs, Thursday, January 5th, 1865, by George COUNTS, Esq., Mr. FREDERICK LEBRIGHT, to Miss LOUISA HERMANN.

January 21, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born January 21, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Coulterville, Friday, January 13th, 1865, to the Wife of Robert McKEE, a SON.

     In Princeton, January 14th, 1865, to the Wife of Henry MORRIS, a DAUGHTER.

     In Princeton, January 16th, 1865, to the Wife of Michael CANTY, a DAUGHTER.

January 28, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Died January 28, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hite's Cove on Friday, Jan. 20th, John THOMAS, a native of Wales, aged 23 years.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

THOMAS, John January 28, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     Fatal Casualty.- A fatal accident occurred at Hite's Cove on Friday of lasst week, in the mine owned by John HITE. A man by the name of John THOMAS, one of the miners, was engaged in tamping down a blast, when from some cause unknown the charge ignited and prematurely exploded, instantly killing him. Deceased was a Welchman by birth, and only about 24 years of age. He was an industrious and worthy man, and universally esteemed by his acquaintances. His body was brought to Mariposa for burial, and the funeral took place on Saturday last.

Vitals February 1865 Mariposa Free Press

February 4, 1865 Mariposa Free Pree

Married February 4, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At the Weber House on Monday January 30th by Rev. J. C. PENDERGAST, Mr. John HIGMAN to Miss M. J. BREY, all of Mariposa county.

Died February 4, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Bear Valley January 30th JOSEPH RUSSELL infant son of John W. and Annie M. WILCOX, aged 2 years and 5 months.

February 11, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married February 11, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mt. Ophir February 9th by Rev. J. C. PENDERGAST, Mr. John M. WALES to Miss Sarah J. GREEN.

February 18, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born February 18, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Split Rock, Feb. 6th to the wife of W. H. SMITH, a daughter.

     At Cathey's Valley, to the wife of S. S. HYDE, a son.

February 25, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Died February 25, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     Died. In Coulterville on Sunday morning, Feb. 19th at half past ten o'clock, Mr. John RONEY, aged 46 years.
     Mr. RONEY was formerly of Baltimore, Maryland, where he was born and raised. During several years residence in the State of California, in public and private life, he sustained the character which he ever bore, of a man of strict integrity- A GENTLEMAN OF THE OLD SCHOOL, who commanded the respect and esteem of all who knew him. At the last election for County Officers he was elected to the office of County Treasurer, which position he has filled with honor to himself and satisfaction to his friends who elected him. Being a invalid for several years brought out his virtues where they are generally best tested- in the home circle, and many of us will miss his warm greeting, pleasant smile and jovial good humor. He leaves a wife, daughter and grandchildren with many warm friends to mourn his loss. May his soul rest in peace where his many virtues can be better appreciated than they where in his earthly home, is the prayer of one of his numerous friends.

Born February 25, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Lovejoy's Mill. February 17th, to the wife of J. O. LOVEJOY, a DAUGHTER.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

RONEY, John February 25, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     We are pained to announce the death of a good man, one who was perhaps held in high estimation by the community in which he lived as any citizen in the county. Mr. RONEY had been for years in failing health, being a victim to that insidious but inevitably fatal disease, pulmonary consumption. Latterly his sufferings had been intense and for several months it seemed that only his soul sustained him, so emaciated had he become. His sufferings are over now, and if we may trust in the Christian faith, his spirit released from its frail tenement of clay has winged its way to the Eternal Home of the righteous.

Vitals March 1865 Mariposa Free Press

March 4, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born March 4, 1865 Mariposa Free Pree

     At Ingalsbe's Ranch, Merced County, Feb. 21st, 1864*, to the wife of J. M. STRONG, a DAUGHTER. (* as printed in paper)

Died March 4, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Cathay's Valley, Feb. 22d, 1865, infant son of E. Jane HYDE, aged seven days.

     In Hunter's Valley, Feb. 25th, the youngest son of Mark and Mrs. R. A. WYATT, aged 13 months and days.

March 11, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born March 11, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Upper Sherlock's, March 1st, to the wife of Lewis WESTON, a SON.

     In Mariposa, March 3d, to the wife of Russell FLEMMING, a DAUGHTER.

March 18, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

March 25, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born March 25, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Millerton, March 11th, 1865, to J. Scott ASHMAN and wife, a SON.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

none reported

Vitals April 1865 Mariposa Free Press

April 1, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married April 1, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Millerton, March 19th, 1865, by the Rev. D. F. DADE of Visalia, Charles A. HART, Esq., to Mrs. Ann McHENRIE, all of Fresno County.

Died April 1, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At the County Hospital, Mariposa, March 29th, JOHN DECKER, aged about 40 years.

April 8, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born April 8, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mt. Ophir, April 3d, to the wife of J. C. JENKINS, a daughter.

     At Whitlock's, April 3d, to the wife of William TWOMEY, a daughter.

Died April 8, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Idaho City, March 2d, of consumption, Mrs. STROTHER, wife of R. T. STROTHER.

     At Kern River, March 5th, DANIEL G. BUCKET, aged about 38 years.
     Deceased was a native of Baltimore, Maryland, emigrated to California in 1849 or '50 and was for several years a resident of Mariposa county. He came to his death by the sudden caving of a bank of earth in a mining claim where he was working. Friends and relatives of the deceased can learn full particulars by addressing Blackburn WYATT, Keysville, Tulare county.
     ["Democratic Press" and Baltimore papers please copy.]

April 15, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

April 22, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born April 22, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, April 17th, to the wife of J. W. BENNETT, a daughter.

April 29, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married April 29, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, on Wednesday, April 26th, by the Rev. J. C. PENDERGAST, Mr. ROBERT COLLISON to Miss NANCY ANN DENNISTON.

Died April 29, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hunter's Valley, February 25th, BUCKEY WYATT, aged 13 months and 10 days.

     At the same place, March 9th, FRANK R. WYATT, aged 9 years and 11 months.

     At the same place, April 14th, GILL WYATT, aged 7 years, 8 months and 21 days - all children of Mr. and Mrs. Mark WYATT.
      It has seldom fallen to our lot to have to record so sad and painful a family bereavement as the above. In the short space of a few weeks, the sweetest music of a happy household has been hushed. The prattle of the tender infant no longer causes the mother's bosom to swell with joy- the bounding steps and merry ringing laugh of boyhood no longer fills the father's heart with affectionate pride. The brightest jewels in the crown of Home have been suddenly torn away- to be reset in the everlasting diadem of Heaven. We tender our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved ones.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

DONAHUE, Daniel April 15, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     DEATH FROM VIOLENCE- CORONER'S INQUEST.- A Coroner's inquest was held on the body of Daniel DONAHUE, who died in the town of Princeton last Monday night. The verdict was that the deceased came to his death by a blow upon the head from a pistol, inflicted by Thomas KETTLES.- Deceased was a native of Ireland, about 26 years of age. The blow was struck in a quarrel which occurred about two months ago. KETTLES, who was under bonds for his appearance at the next term of the Court, was re-arrested.

MANN, A. J. April 15, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     HOMICIDE AT SWEETWATER.- A. J. MANN was shot by a man named Clifton at Sweetwater on Sunday last. The particulars, as we have learned them, are as follows: The two men were partners in mining and were returning from Buffalo Gulch, when a quarrel ensued, resulting in a rough and tumble fight in which Clifton came out second best. Upon arriving home he borrowed a six-shooter, telling the owner that he wanted to shoot a ground squirrel, and meeting MANN, drew and told him he was going to kill him.- MANN held up both hands and begged him not to shoot, when Clifton told him he had to get to his knees and beg pardon, and immediately fired, killing MANN instantly. Clifton was arrested and lodged in jail.

LINCOLN, Abraham April 22, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

                      RECEPTION of the news in Mariposa- Public Demonstration.

     The reception of the news of the tragical event which transpired at Washington was received with astonishment bordering on incredulity, by the citizens of Mariposa. As the truthfulness of the account became confirmed, a gloomy shade seemed to settle on the countenances of all. It seemed hardly possible that a deed so mad, so reckless, so fraught with evil consequences, could have been perpetrated. Most of the offices, stores and other places of business were draped in mourning, flags lowered, and other outward demonstrations of grief suitable to the melancholy occasion. On Wednesday evening a impromptu meeting was held at Concert Hall. Charles BRUCE, Esq., called the meeting to order and nominated Hon. J. M. BONDURANT, Chairman. Judge BONDURANT, in taking the chair, appeared much affected and was hardly able to speak a few audible words. A Committee of Arrangements was immediately appointed to suitably decorate the Court House and make other necessary preparations for the following day to celebrate the obsequies of the deceased President. On Thursday, at 10 1/2 A.M. , the people assembled at the tolling of the bell, in front of Wells Fargo's Express office, and forming in procession on Main street, proceeded at the tap of the muffled drum, and with a flag, furled and draped in mourning, to the Court House which was filled to its utmost capacity. All who could leave their residences or places of business (which were all closed) attended, to pay last tribute of respect to our departed Executive. Men of all political opinions appeared to share common grief,and to meet for common purpose. After the meeting was called to order by Judge BONDURANT, Rev. S. V. BLAKELY was announced, who addressed a short but fervent prayer to the Throne of Grace.
     The following resolutions, expressive of the sentiments of the people, were then read and adapted by silent consent:

     Whereas, Abraham LINCOLN, the President of these United States, has been deprived of life at the hands of an assassin;

     Resolved, that we the people of Mariposa have no language adequate to fully express our abhorrence and detestation of the crime.

     Resolved, That in the death of Abraham LINCOLN this nation has lost a ruler who worthily filled the place of Washington and Jackson, humanity a friend, society a good man.

     Judge L. F. JONES, having been selected to deliver an oration upon the occasion addressed the audience in an impressive and eloquent speech, replete with good sense and Christian charity. He feelingly alluded to the character of the President as a man, to his public career, and particularly upon his trying position as Chief Magistrate, during the terrible civil war which has convulsed our country from the commencement of his administration. The unnatural deed, which so suddenly bereft him of life at the very commencement of his second term of office, and when upon the eve of concluding a peace which has restored an era of prosperity to our afflicted country, was commented upon in appropriate terms. The causes leading to this, as to the unhappy events which preceded it, he justly ascribed to the machinations of demagogues and their incinderary appeals from the stump, thought the press, and in social intercourse to passion and prejudice, instead ofreason, justice and truth, upon which is based our theory of popular government. In conclusion, he recommended to all an avoidance of this besetting sin, a return to the principles upon which depend our prosperity and happiness as a people, and exercise of the noblest of Christian virtues.- We are unable to give even an outline of his address, which was in every way appropriate for the occasion, and, in fact one of the best extempore efforts to which we have ever listened. His audience exhibited marked attention and were evidently deeply empressed with the wholesome truths enunciated, no less than by
the unaffected eulogy upon the life and character of the deceased President. At its conclusion, the crowd quietly retired.
      Taken as a whole, the demonstration gave evidence, of good taste and that community of feeling which, in the better days of our Republic, linked North and South in bonds of fraternal unity. It was creditable to the citizens of Mariposa, irrespective of party, and we hope, serve as a wholesome lesson for the future.

Vitals May 1865 Mariposa Free Press

May 6, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

May 13, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born May 13, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hornitos, April 29th, to the wife of Jacob KOCHER, a daughter.

     In Mariposa, May 9th, to the wife of Thomas EARLY, a son (9 pounder).

Died May 13, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, May 11th, EDITH, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. LOVEJOY, aged three months.

May 20, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born May 20, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Snelling, May 9th, to the wife of Mr. Peter SHAVER, a daughter.

May 27, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Died May 27, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At the County Hospital, Mariposa, May 25, 1865, GEORGE McDONALD, aged about 35 years.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

none reported

Vitals June 1865 Mariposa Free Press

June 3, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

June 10, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married June 10, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hornitos, on Friday evening, June 2d, by J. Y. JONES, Esq., R. A. HARMON to Miss FANNIE ROLAND.

Born June 10, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mormon Bar, June 5th, to the wife of A. J. COATS, a son.

June 17, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married June 17, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     On the 8th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, on the Fresno river, by Hon. E. C. WINCHELL,  County Judge, JAMES McARDLE, Esq., to Miss ELLEN GRAFTON, daughter of Gillman BAILEY, Esq., all of Fresno county.

Died June 17, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     DIED- In Mariposa, on Friday, the 9th instant, of consumption, WILLIAM A. GUARD, aged 35 years.
     Among the many visitations of the dread messenger of Death, to our community, none, in our remembrance, has been more replete with heartfelt, regretful sorrow than that recorded in the above announcement.
     It is hard to realize that one whom we have known so long and so intimately, both socially and politically- and around whose memory will ever cluster recollections of those sterling and manly qualities with which he was endowed- has been taken from our midst forever. But the sad tale must be told- a loving and beloved wife and little ones must now bend in sorrow over that new made grave. Friends who esteemed him, acquaintances who respected and admired his worth- all who knew him must contemplate with sadness the gap thus made in the social circle.
      Mr. GUARD was a native of Equality, Gallatin county, Illinois, from whence he emigrated to California in 1849, and has been a resident of Mariposa about fourteen years.  He was engaged in mining and trading until 1855, when he was elected to the office of County Clerk, which he filled with much credit three successive terms. He then adopted the profession of law, and by his ability, integrity and energy, soon attained a position in the legal fraternity seldom accorded to one not regularly educated for the profession.
      Two years ago, he was unanimously nominated by the Democratic Convention for the office of District Attorney, to which he was elected, and creditably performed its duties until about three months since, when his failing health compelled him to resign.
     Mr. GUARD was a prominent member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having attained the highest honors of the Mariposa Lodge, and was also a member of Parker Encampment No. 3, of Stockton.
     He leaves behind him the enviable reputation of a good citizen, a firm friend, a kind and affectionate husband and father, and that "noblest work of God," an honest man.

June 24, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married June 24, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     On June 22nd, by Rev. J. C. PENDERGAST, at the residence of Mr. YOUNG, near Bridgeport, W. A. WALLACE to Miss SARAH E. WASHBURN.

Born June 24, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, June 21st, to the wife of Rev. J. C. PENDERGAST, a daughter.

     In Mariposa, June 22nd, to the wife of Angevine REYNOLDS, a daughter.

     At the Oak Spring House, June 21st, to the wife of P. QUIGLEY, a daughter.

     In Hornitos, June 19th, to the wife of James R. WHITE, a daughter.

Died June 24, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     Near Hornitos, June ___, of disease of the brain, ______ SCHNEIDER, a native of Germany.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

MADDEN,  Christopher  June 10, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

                              SUDDEN DEATH- INQUEST ON BODY.

     A man by the name of MADDEN, for many years a  resident of Mariposa, was found dead in his bed at his house near Missouri Gulch, on Tuesday morning last. He had been in tolerable health, apparently, until the day previous to the occurrence when he was heard to complain of a pain in the breast. He was seen going into the cabin early in the evening, and it is supposed that he died some time prior to the hour of midnight. The following is the verdict of the Coroner's Jury, together with the report of Dr. Davis, who held a post mortem examination on the body.

     State of California
     County of Mariposa
     Before Judge James McVICAR, Justice of the peace and acting Coroner.- In the matter of the inquisition on the body of Christopher MADDEN, deceased, we the undersigned jurors summoned to appear before James McVICAR, Justice of the peace and acting Coroner of Mariposa County, at Mariposa, on the 6th day of June 1865, to inquire into the death of said deceased, having been duly sworn according to law and having  made such inquisition, after hearing the testimony adduced and inspecting the body, upon our oaths, each and all say, that we find that the deceased was named Christopher MADDEN, a native of West Meade County: Ireland, aged about 45 years, and we find the deceased came to his death, from congestion of the lungs, on the evening of the 5th of June, 1865: all of which we duly certify by this inquisition in writing, by us signed, this 6th day of June 1865. James H. LAWRENCE, Wm. M. COOLIDGE, R.H. FLEMMING, Charles COOLIDGE, J. R. McCREADY, Patrick BYRNES, Chas. D. SIMPSON, E.B. ROLLINS.

CLENDENEN, Henry June 24, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL MINING ACCIDENT.- A letter from Millerton under date of Monday the 19th inst., gives an account of a fatal accident which occurred at the Knickerbocker copper lode at about six o'clock on Sunday evening, by which Mr. Henry CLENDENEN lost his life. It seems that he was at work in the bottom of the shaft, when a heavy oaken bucket used for hoisting rock was, by some means, detached from its fastenings and suddenly fell down the shaft, striking the unfortunate man on the head and instantly killing him. Mr. CLENDENEN formerly belonged to Co. A. 7th Infantry, stationed at Millerton last year. He received his discharge last Fall and had since resided in Fresno county.
     Deceased was a native of New York was an honest hard working, sober and reliable man, and endowed with excellent social qualities.

Vitals July 1865 Mariposa Free Press

July 1, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

July 1, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Snelling, Merced county, June 21st, Hon, W. S. MONTGOMERY, to Miss M. A. V. FOREMAN.

July 8, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married July 8, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Visalia, Tulare county, June 24th, at the residence of J. N. THOMAS, Esq., JOHN W. WILLIAMS to Miss JULIA A. A. STOREY.

July 15, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married July 15, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     July 2d, at the residence of Wm. KING, Tulare county, by Rev. Joel HEDGPETH, Wm. PIERCE to Mrs. M. C. SALYERS.

Born July 15, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At the Toll House, on the Bear Valley road, on July 4th, to the wife of T. F. JENKINS, a son.

July 22, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born July 22, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hornitos, to the wife of J. C. BONSALL, a daughter.

Died July 22, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Bear Valley, July 17th, DANIEL, infant son of Thomas and Jane CORKERY, aged seven months and one day.

July 29, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married July 29, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     On the 24th of July, by Hon. E. C. WINCHELL, at the residence of J. M. SHANNON, Esq., in Millerton, Mr. CHARLES A YANCEY to Miss AMERICA F. BLOCK, daughter of Gillium BAILEY, Esq., all of Fresno, county.

     In San Francisco, July 26th, by Rev. J. FRACKNER, Mr. GEORGE S. MILLER, of Mariposa, to Miss EMMA FERRIE, of San Francisco.

Born July 29, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     On Sunday, July 22d, to the wife of J. M. HUDSON, a daughter.

Died July 29, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, July 27th, of bilious remittent fever, Miss HANNAH J. CALDWELL, in the eighteenth year of her age.

     On Sunday July 23d, MARY LAURA, infant daughter of J. M. and Mary F. HUDSON.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

NORTHY, William July 8, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

         FATAL ACCIDENT.- A man by the name of William NORTHY came to his death by a cave in Mariposa mine on Monday last. Deceased was a native of Cornwall, England, and was twenty years of age. A Coroner's inquest, held on the body, returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts.

TREBILCOCK, Frank July 8, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL SHOT.- A man named Frank TREBILCOCK was shot through the heart and instantly killed, by a man named FOSTER, in Hunter's Valley, on Sunday evening last. It appears that TREBILCOCK was in liquor, and got into a quarrel with FOSTER at the latter's house, and being a large and powerful man, FOSTER procured a pistol in order to defend himself against the superior physical strength of his antagonist.- More words ensued at or near the door, when, it is said, TREBILCOCK attempted to strike FOSTER with a club, when the latter shot him. He immediately went to Hornitos and gave himself up to civil authorities.

Vitals August 1865 Mariposa Free Press

August 5, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

August 12, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born August 12, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hornitos, August 3d, to the wife of P. HUSSEY, a son.

Died August 12, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, on Tuesday, August 8, 1865, LILLY, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angevine REYNOLDS.

     In Mariposa, August 10th, T. W. OLIVER, a native of Massachusetts, aged about 51 years.

August 19, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

August 26, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Died August 26, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 25th, MARY ELLEN, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RUSSELL H. FLEMMING.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

BREECE, A. M. August 19, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     Fatal Accident.- On Monday last, a teamster named A.M. BREECE, was almost instantly killed by the upsetting of his wagon near Bob FRY's cabin. He arrived here the day previous with a load of goods for MacDERMOTT & Co., in a large wagon and tender, drawn by twelve horses. He was on his down trip to Stockton, with empty wagons, at the time the capsize took place. In addition to the facts set forth in the following verdict of the Coroners jury, we learn he was a native of Pennsylvania, of German decent, and a Catholic. Dr. GRANDVOINET, our efficient Coroner, was promptly on the ground, and impaneled a jury and held an inquest on the body, with the following result;

     We, the undersigned jury, impaneled in the inquisition on the body of A.M. BREECE, deceased find that he was an American, named A.M. BREECE aged about 45 years, and a teamster between Mariposa and Stockton, Cal. and that he came to his death by internal injuries received from the upsetting of his wagon this, 14th August, 1865, about half a mile from Frank Lewis, at a place commonly known as Bob Fry's place. Also found on the body one check on Sather & Co., for $140,from MacDERMOTT & Co.; silver $22.40; gold coin $60.
     C. KERRINS Foreman,
     F. A. DAVIS,
     Pete GORDON,
     E. H. QUICK,
     George McCOY,
     S.E. MAGOON,
     M.B. CANNON.

Vitals September 1865 Mariposa Free Press

September 2, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

September 9, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Died September 9, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, on Friday evening, Sept. 8th, Mr. J. ALLEN SUMMERFORD, aged 42 years.

     Mr. SUMMERFORD was one of our best citizens, and was justly esteemed by his friends and acquaintances for his many noble qualities of head and heart.
     His funeral will take place to-morrow (Sunday) at 2 o'clock P.M.

September 16, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married September 16, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     On Sunday, September 10th, by the Hon. E. C. WINCHELL, at the residence of the bride's father, in
     Millerton, Mr. A. J. BRAWLEY to Miss Azra J., daughter of Ira STROUD, Esq., all of Millerton.

Died September 16, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     CALIFORNIA M. W., infant daughter of Rev. J. C. and Mrs. M. A. PENDERGAST, was born June 21st, and died August 26th, 1865, aged two months and five days.

     The little treasure comforted the hearts of its parents and two loving little sisters but a short time, and then left them. But they "mourn not as those who have no hope."

                                "Young children are the gems of earth,
                                  The brightest jewels mothers have,
                                They sparkle on the throbbing breast,
                                 but brighter shine beyond the grave."

September 23, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married September 23, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Stockton, at St. John's Church, September 14th, by the Rev. A. S. NICKOLSON, Mr. T. R. LeGRYS, of Mariposa, to Miss MARY KOHL, of San Joaquin county.

     At the residence of the bride's father, on Dry Creek, Merced county, September 13th, by Rev. George W. WOOD, P. D. WIGGINTON, Esq., to Miss SALLIE E. MOORE.

September 30, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Died September 30, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, on Sunday morning, September 24, 1865, DAVID A. DAVIS, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 21 years, 5 months and 8 days.
     Amiable, urbane, gentle as a woman- full of life, and health, and hope, and noble aspirations, but a few short weeks ago- the removal of this young man from the scenes of his earthly toil and from the midst of warm personal friends, as numerous as his acquaintances, has cast a gloom over the hearts of our people not usually produced by the "passing away" of one of our citizens, however dear that one might be to those bound by the ties of consanguinity. Mr. DAVIS was a member of the Masonic Fraternity, by whom he was buried, with all the honors of the Order, on Monday afternoon. The esteem in which he was held was shown by the large delegations from the surrounding towns and camps, , who gathered in to join his Masonic brethren in paying the last sad rites to his remains. Deceased leaves an afflicted brother, James H. DAVIS of Princeton, and an aged mother in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, upon whom the dispensation will fall with crushing weight. The death of one so young- so full of hope and promise, active in the performance of all moral duties, imbued with all the virtues that adorn true manhood, an ornament to society and an honor to and the idol of a doting mother- calls to mind most forcibly the sad but truthful lines of Mrs. Hemans;

                                    Leaves have their time to fall,
                            And flowers to wither at the north-winds' breath,
                                      And stars to set- but all,
                             Thou hast all seasons for thine own, oh, death.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

Fleming, Owen September 9, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     Killed.- A man named Owen FLEMING, over fifty years of age, an Irishman by birth and a former resident of Michigan, was on Wednesday last thrown from his mule and killed, on the trail leading from Fred HOLT'S to West's Ranch. Dr. J. A. GRANDVOINET, Coroner, held an inquest on the body.

Vitals October 1865 Mariposa Free Press

October 7, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married October 7, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Lorrigan's Ranch, on Monday evening, October 2d, by Rev. Father AUGER, JOSIAH ALTHOUSE to Miss KATIE MULLEN.

October 14, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born October 14, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Oct. 9th, to the wife of CHAS. PECK, a daughter.

Died October 14, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, on Wednesday evening, October 11th, ANNA, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. McCREADY, aged 23 months.

October 21, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married October 21, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Bear Valley, on Sunday, October 15th, by Judge L. F. JONES, Mr. R. M. RHODES to Miss SADIE F. DOTY.

Born October 21, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Coulterville, October 16th, to the wife of W. H. CLOUGH- boys- TWO OF 'EM.At Snelling's, Merced county, October 7th, to the wife of J. W. BOST, a daughter.

October 28, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Died October 28, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, October 14th, WILLIAM NICHOLS, aged 64 years.

     In Columbia, Tuolumne county, October 19th, DAVID S. TURNER, Postmaster at that place.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements.

RHODMAN, William October 7, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     Love Affair.- A difficulty grew out of a love affair at Knight's Ferry, on last Monday week, between William RHODMAN and Peter GAMBLE in which the former was killed and the latter badly wounded. RHODMAN made an assault on GAMBLE and shot him twice, when the latter succeeded in getting the pistol away from him, fired one shot and killed him.

WILSON, Christopher October 7, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

                                         Fatal Encounter

     On Saturday last, an affray occurred on Main Street between James H. LAWRENCE, proprietor of this paper, and Christopher WILSON, which resulted in the death of the latter. It appears from the evidence that a difficulty occurred between them on the 5th of August last, in which Mr. WILSON drew a pistol on Mr. Lawrence, at the same time catching him around the neck with one arm and applying many harsh epithets to him. Mr. Lawrence at that time being unarmed and entirely at the mercy of his antagonist, made no resistance; and WILSON afterwards told one of the witnesses that in case he shown fight on that occasion, he (W.) would have killed him. On Saturday last WILSON came into town, and before night was drinking considerably, and while under the influence of liquor made treats against the life of LAWRENCE. Some two hours before the shooting took place he told a friend of his that " if LAWRENCE looked at him" he intended to kill him. Mr. LAWRENCE was standing in front of BACHMAN'S saloon, talking with another man, when he first saw WILSON, and having been cautioned he avoided him, as the latter was seeking a difficulty, he started up the street toward home, when WILSON stepped in front of him and said: "Jim LAWRENCE, you don't like me." LAWRENCE replied, "Chris, I have nothing against you." WILSON responded, " G-d d--n you, I know you don't like me." LAWRENCE replied, "Chris, if you say so, I will give you my hand in friendship now," and
stepped forward and extended his hand. WILSON cocked his pistol, wheeled directly in front of him, and said, " G-d d--n you, if you want anything out of me come on." Lawrence jumped back two steps, pulled a dragoon six-shooter and fired twice, one of his shots taking effect in the left side, just below the heart. LAWRENCE cocked his pistol to fire again, when WILSON bent over, placed his hand upon his side, and said he was shot, and walked in through the saloon to a back room, where he sat down in a chair. Only two reports were distinguished, although the evidence showed that WILSON's pistol had been recently fired. Mr. LAWRENCE gave himself up on Sunday morning, and appeared before Justice McVICAR to answer to the charge of assault with a deadly weapon, when that magistrate to avoid any illegality in the proceedings, placed him under bonds to appear on the day following. At three o'clock on Monday morning WILSON died, and in the afternoon of that day Mr. LAWRENCE appeared before Justice GILTNER to answer to a charge of murder, and upon examination, was discharged.

Vitals November 1865 Mariposa Free Press

November 4, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married November 4, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mariposa Creek, Merced county, November 1st, by Rev. J. C. PENDERGAST, J. C. RUSSELL to Miss SOPHIA ELLIS.

Born November 4, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, November 1st, to the wife of JOHN HESSLER, a son.

     At Lovejoy's Mill, November 1st, to the wife of RUEBEN PRESCOTT, a daughter.

Died November 4, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Saxon's Creek, November 2d, MATHIAS SCHANTZ, aged about forty eight years.

November 11, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Died November 11, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, November 9th, 1865, Mrs. THOMAS McCREADY, aged 63 years.

November 18, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Died November 18, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Millerton, Fresno county, November 9, 1865, Hon. J. M. BONDURANT (Judge of the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District), aged 51 years.

     Judge BONDURANT was a native of the State of Virginia- born in Cumberland county, in 1814; in 1822 he removed to Alabama, where he resided until the breaking out of the gold fever, in 1849, when he emigrated to this State, and by his sterling qualities of head and heart, he was not long in obtaining the esteem and confidence of his fellow citizens- a confidence never more worthily bestowed. Our Whole community may well deplore the loss of such a man and public servant. As a Judge, he was incorruptible, impartial, firm, dignified; as a citizen, he was irreproachable; as a friend, true, magnanimous- a friend in need; as a gentleman, he was such by nature. His genial, familiar and pleasant smile will linger long in the memories of his friends and associates.
                                    "A Judge- a man so learned,
                                 So full of equity, so noble, so notable;
                                 In the process of his life, so innocent;
                                In the manage of his office so incorrupt;
                                  In the passage of state so wise; in
                                 Affection of his country so religious,
                            As envy itself cannot accuse, or malice vitiate."

     Drowned; in Morton's Ditch, October 29th, ZEBULON OTIS, only son of J. Otis and Adelaide SMITH, aged 3 years and 7 months.

Born November 18, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Tule River, Tulare county, October 8th, to the wife of John B. HOCKETT, a son.

November 25, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married November 25, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Hornitos, Nov. 12th, 1865, by Rev. Father J. Y. JONES, EMILIE OLIVIA to Mrs. LEBRADO YATES.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

SMITH, child November 18, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     SAD OCCURRENCE.- The only child of Mr. Otis SMITH, an exceedingly bright and interesting little boy of three years, was drowned in Morten's Ditch, on the afternoon of October 29th. He was found a short time after he fell in, and every effort was made to restore him to life, but in vain.

BONDURANT, Judge November 18, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

                                   Millerton, November 10, 1865.
                                   Death of Judge BONDURANT.

     How little do we know of tomorrow, as we mingle with the busy multitude and jostle our fellow travelers on life's highway to-day. I hardly thought at the date of my last letter, that so brief a space of time would intervene, till it would become my painful duty to record the death of one, who, by the noble qualities of head and heart which constitute" God's noblest work," had endeared himself to the community in which he lived, and to all with whom he was brought in contact. But so it is. The dread summons, which sooner or later, must call us all to bid a last farewell to earth, has been spoken, and answered by our noble old friend Judge BONDURANT. A good man has gone. The esteemed citizen, the upright Judge, the kind friend, has obeyed the fiat of Divine will, and surrendered his spirit to that Power, at whose behest the mightiest of the earth must sometime yield. It is not must purpose to dwell upon the theme of his character as a man, or in that official position which he has for many years ably and honorably filled. Mariposians know him well and can appreciate his worth. Socially, his memory is indelibly graven on the hearts of his friends, and his official record lives in the archives of our county, running back for a period of fifteen years, without blot or blemish. Something in reference to his last illness may not be uninteresting. It is well known that for several years, he has been in feeble health, and particularly, for the last two or three years, has been subject to violent attacks, which, the deceased himself was well aware, were liable to carry him off. On Tuesday evening he took his bed, and although suffering severely, no apprehension were felt until the following day, when the symptoms grew alarming. It was my fortune to be at his bedside, on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Thursday morning, his symptoms growing decidedly worse, and having requested that we should send for his brother, we dispatched a messenger to Mariposa for that purpose. During the day, he appeared a little easier at times, but relapsed, and at sundown (yesterday) his symptoms were worse than ever. He was in great bodily pain, and occasionally became blind. At his request, he was removed to another apartment, but was shortly after was taken back, remarking as he was being moved, that " it was his last move." His words were prophetic. A few minutes past 12 (midnight) he turned over on his side, and like a child going asleep, quietly, without a struggle or a groan, expired. Dr. Leach and Judge Hart, of Millerton, Mr. Ingalsby of Merced, and Mr. Sharp of Bear Valley, were with him at the moment he drew his last breath. Judge BURCKHALTER, who had been in attendance during the day, was in an adjoining room. I had gone to bed, being fatigued from want of sleep, the previous nights. His remains were taken from here to-day, and probably reach Mariposa to-night. A respectable concourse of citizens escorted the remains out of town. Judge WINEHELL adjourned Court today and a meeting of the bar will be held this evening, in testimony of respect. I can imagine the grief with which the mournful tidings will be received in Mariposa. J.H.L.

Vitals December 1865 Mariposa Free Press

December 2, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

December 9, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married December 9, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, on Sunday, Dec. 3d, 1865, by Rev. Father SCANLAN, Mr. WILLIAM McCANN to Miss MARY E. LYNCH.

     In San Francisco, Nov. 28th, 1865, by Rev. Father Thomas O'NEIL, Mr. GEO. GREEN to Miss HELENA RYAN.

Died December 9, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Lovejoy's Mill, December 6th, 1865, GARDNER GREEN, Esq., aged 52 years.

December 16, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Married December 16, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, December 13th, 1865, by Judge L. F. JONES, Mr. H. SAMUELS, to Miss LISETTA ZIEGLER.

Died December 16, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Saturday, Dec. 9th, 1865, Mr. RUFFIN A. MOORE, aged 46 years.

     On Whitlock's Creek, December 11th, 1865, JOHN FLEMING, aged 28 years.

December 23, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

Born December 23, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Buena Vista Ranch to the wife of W. J. HOWARD a Daughter.

Married December 23, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mariposa, on Monday, Dec. 18th, 1865, by the Rev. J. O. FFORESMAN, Mr. A. H. WASHBURN,Esq., of Putney, Vermont, to Miss JEAN L. BRUCE, of New York.

Died December 23, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     At Quartzburg, near Hornitos, Dec. 16th, 1865, Mrs. ELIZABETH, wife of William JOHNSON, of Merced Co., in the 30th year of her age.
     Deceased was born in Tennessee, raised in Arkansas, and removed to California in 1852, where she married. Intelligent, affectionate and kind, she commanded the most ardent love and devotion of her husband and children, and the friendship and confidence of her neighbors and acquaintances. She bore with resolution, her long and painful illness, and met death with the calmness of one, conscious of having performed her part in the drama of life, with womanly devotion and truth.

December 30, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     In San Joaquin County, Dec. 24th, 1865, by Rev. Mr. BURCHARD, Hon. R. H. WARD, of Merced County, to Miss ELIZABETH M. SCOTT.

Born December 30, 1865 Mariposa Free Press

     On Sherlock's Creek, Dec. 22d, 1865, to the wife of James FORAN, a DAUGHTER.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

None reported

Vitals 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Vitals January 1866 Mariposa Free Press

January 6, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Married January 6, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At Princeton, Dec. 31st, 1865, by Hon. L.F. JONES, JAMES D. CREIGHAN, Esq., to Miss AUGUSTA A. LAWRENCE, both of Princeton.

     On Mariposa Creek, Dec. 20, 1865, by Rev. O. D. DOOLEY, Mr. E. JONES, to Miss MARY E. LEWIS, all of Merced county.

Born January 6, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hornitos, Dec. 27th, 1865, to the wife of Mr. E. BAKER, a DAUGHTER.

January 13, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

January 20, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

January 27, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Married January 27, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Snelling, Jan. 16th, 1866, by James W. ROBERTSON, County Judge, WILLIS MAYR to Miss ROSALIA GOLDSMITH.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

DURAND, _____ January 6, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     FOUND DEAD.- a Frenchman by the name of DURAND, residing at French Camp, was found dead on Wednesday morning last, near his residence. He died from exposure and the excessive use of liquor. Deceased was formerly barkeep at the old French restaurant, and was a competent business man, but latterly had become a habitual drunkard. His case is but one among thousands who owe their moral, intellectual and physical ruin to intemperance. Dr. GRANDVOINET, Coroner, summoned a jury, and a verdict was rendered that the deceased came to his death by exposure and intoxication, and that he was a native of Vierzor, France, aged about 33 years.

CAEL, ____ January 20, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL CASUALTY.- A Frenchman by the name of CAEL, one of the original stock-holders in La Victoire Copper Mine, was found dead in a ditch in Hunter's Valley last Monday. It is supposed that his death was the result of accident.

Vitals February 1866 Mariposa Free Press

February 3, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born February 3, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At Green's Gulch Toll House, Jan. 30th, 1866, to the wife of Andrew ZINKAND, a SON.

Married February 3, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At Magoon's Ranch, Mariposa County, Jan. 28, 1866 by F. GILTNER, Esq., Mr. B. F. HARBOUR, to Miss SARAH J. CORNETT.

     At Hornitos, Jan. 30th, 1866, by S. W. CARR, Esq., Mr. JAMES L. SNEDIKER to Mrs. MARY L. CROFFORD.

Died February 3, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At his residence, below Snelling, Merced Co., Jan. 29th, of consumption, Dr. W. J. BARFIELD, aged 48 years.
     Dr. BARFIELD was an early settler in Merced Co., having come to California in the year 1849. He was a native of Griffen, Georgia, and at one time a resident of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He bore an excellent character among his friends and neighbors, and was universally esteemed by those who knew him best. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss.

February 10, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

February 17, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

February 24, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

McMANNUS, _____ February 10, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     MURDER NEAR HORNITOS.- An old man by the name of McMANNUS, was murdered about two miles from Hornitos on Thursday night of last week. He was a miner who had a claim and cabin at Mormon Bar, on the Merced. He had been in Hornitos, and was on his way home when killed; he was shot and stabbed in several places. It is supposed that he was murdered by Mexicans, though nothing definite is yet known.

Vitals March 1866 Mariposa Free Press

March 3, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Married March 3, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At La Grange, Feb. 22nd, by J. S. WILLIAMS, J.P., WILLIAM WILSON, to Miss SARAH DAWSON, both of Stanislaus county.

     On Feb. 22nd, at the residence of Ira STROUD, Millerton, by Hon. E. C. WINCHELL, County Judge, HIRAM McDONALD, Esq. of Millerton, to Miss SARAH J. WILLIAMS, of Upper King's River.

     At Forlorn Hope, Merced county, Feb. 22nd, by Rev. Daniel McSWAIN, DANIEL E. INGALSBE, to Miss CATALINA RUDDLE, all of Merced county.

March 10, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

March 17, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

March 24, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     missing issue

March 31, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born March 31, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Lower Agua Frio March 23d, to the wife of DAVID EGENHOFF a DAUGHTER.

Married March 31, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Merced county, March 20th, 1866, by  Rev. O. D. DOOLEY, Mr. SAMUEL SCOTT to Miss MARY DALE.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

SHOWALTER, Col. Dan. March 10, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     DEATH OF COL. SHOWALTER.- The Mazatlan Times of the 8th inst. says: It is our painful duty this week to announce the death of Col. Dan. SHOWALTER, which occurred in this city on Sunday, 4th inst., at half past 5 o'clock, P. M. Colonel SHOWALTER was a native of Green county Penn. He was for several years a citizen of California, and in 1860 was elected to the Assembly from Mariposa county. Soon after the adjournment of the Legislature in the spring of 1861 SHOWALTER started for Texas to join Confederate forces. Entering the army a a private his valor and bravery brought him to notice. He participated in many a hard fought battle, was at the re-taking of Galveston, Jan. 1st, 1863, and for his gallantry on that occasion was made Lient.  Col. of the 4th Arizona regiment. Subsequently he was selected Col. of that regiment, and commanded as such when the Confederate armies were disbanded. At the close of the war, Col. SHOWALTER came to Mexico, and reached this port on the 18th of August last. Col. SHOWALTER was a man of commanding appearance, was possessed of the noblest and most generous impulses, and was the soul of honor. He was held in high esteem by his fellow soldiers, and in the walks of civil life his urbanity and genial disposition made him friends among all men who appreciate genuine worth. On Monday afternoon the remains of Col. SHOWALTER was interred in the foreign burying ground near this city. His funeral was attended by the greater part of the Americans in this city, who with thousands in other lands, will keep fresh and green the memory of the lamented SHOWALTER. Col. SHOWALTER was yet in the prime of life, being only 37 years of age.

Vitals April 1866 Mariposa Free Press

April 7, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

April 14, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

April 21, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Married April 21, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At the residence of George BERNHARD, in Upper Agua Frio, April 10th, 1866, by Rev. Father SCANLAN, JOHN WEILER to Miss JULIA BERNHARD.

Born April 21, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, April 10th, 1866, to the wife of J. O. LOVEJOY, a son.

April 28, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born April 28, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At Whitlocks, April 23d, to the wife of John W. HUMPREYS, a DAUGHTER.

Obituaries marriage and birth announcements

MORRIS, John April 14, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     A fight took place in Jamestown, Tuolumne county, on Tuesday of last week, which resulted fatally to a man by the name of John MORRIS. He interfered for the purpose of quelling the row and was accidentally shot and died in a short time. He was a native of Wexford Ireland.

Vitals May 1866 Mariposa Free Press

May 5, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born May 5, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, May 3d, 1866, to the wife of Geo. S. MILLER, a SON.

     In Mariposa, April 26th, to the wife of W. GALLISON, a DAUGHTER.

     In Mariposa, April 29th, 1866, to the wife of H. SCHLAGETER, a DAUGHTER.

     In Mariposa, April 23, 1866, to the wife of Eli STUMP, a DAUGHTER.

     At Whitlock's, April 23d, 1866, to the wife of John M. HUMPHREYS, a DAUGHTER.

Married May 5, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Fresno County, April 25th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Judge WINCHELL, THEODORE PHILLIPS to Miss SARAH F. WOOD, both of Fresno County.

May 12, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Married May 12, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Tuesday evening, May 8th, 1866, at the M. E. Church South, by Rev. J. C. PENDERGAST, of Merced County, Mr. EDWIN MOORE, of Mariposa, to Miss HULDAH TRAXLER , of Ohio.

Died May 12, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     On Stockton Creek, near Mariposa, May 7th, PATRICK HARRIS, (colored) aged about 50 years.

May 19, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born May 19, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Snelling, May 8th, to the wife of Jos. JACOBS, a SON.

Died May 19, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     On Mariposa Creek, April 24th, 1866, MARTHA H., daughter of William and Mary WYNN, aged two months and one day.

May 26, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born May 26, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In San Francisco, May 13th, to the wife of John SCHULTE, a DAUGHTER.

     In Bear Valley, May 19th, to the wife of Thomas CORKERY, a SON.

Married May 26, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At the residence of Mr. LANE, May 17th, 1866, by Rev. J. F. MILLER, PATRICK GRACE and BRIDGET O'NEIL, all of Mariposa County.

     In San Francisco, May 17th, by Dr. A. L. STONE, Mr. ROBERT S. MILLER to FANNY M. BENNETT.

     In Hornitos, May 24th, by Rev. Father SCANLAN, Mr. JOHN HANKS, of Merced, to Miss KATE CONROY, of Hornitos.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

AKE, W. W. May 5, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

                                      Murder Near Princeton

     Early on Thursday mourning last, the dead body of W.W. AKE, was found lying in the road between Princeton and Bear Valley, literally riddled with buck shot. Following is the testimony given. Wm. Valentine.- Between 10 and 11 was informed by Streeter, Ake had been found dead. Went out with several others three- fourths of a mile, and found the body; was lying  with its face downward, and the left leg, I think, partly under the body, partially in the road. Haley pointed to coat saying he was shot; raised body and placed it on the hill side, turned partly on the side. Recognized the body as that of AKE; inquired for the horse, went down the road but could not see the horse. One horse was near. I turned to go back, and found as I thought, the place whence AKE was shot; called to the boys to come and see it. We then went to the spot where we thought it was - ten or twelve yards from the road- HALEY and STREETER in advance. We found an open spot, and trackss of a mans heel, a couple of bottles, as said, one of whiskey and one of water, did not taste or smell either. Had been some brush cut and placed on the tops of others still standing, those cut were old and yellow, as though cut some time. We found also a small lot of shavings, also old and yellow. After satisfying ourselves as to the hiding place, we looked for tracks, and found them leading directly away from the spot, and from the road towards and up a gulch. The person was evidently running, and went through and over the brush, had on heavy boots, think no 10's wear 7's myself, measured with my boot, track was longer than my boot; heel left marks of iron ring or plate on heel, mark plain, supposed boots nearly new. Never heard any threats against AKE that I recollect. Could not say whether there were any nails on the boots.
     Hannibal WILLIAMS.- About 11 o'clock this mourning was going from the PHILLIPS shaft toward the mill, met Jno. ROACH, who said it was reported that AKE was lying on the road, a short distance from the mill dead. Looked up the hill, saw several persons moving in that direction, started myself. Reaching a pint about a half mile from the mill found the body of WM. AKE. The body was lying to the left of the road, had been moved by some persons, did not see it in original position, did not examine particularly saw evidences of deceased having been shot in a number of places. Mr. Valentine called my attention to ambush, tracks., distance from the body, etc. Did not see both horses, saw the one he was leading, as supposed; heard no threats.
     F.M. BENNETT.- Mr. Lyman JOHNSON came into the store, stating that he had found Mr. AKE lying on the road. HALEY and myself went out, reached the top of the hill, and meet STREETER and VALENTINE, arrived at the place, found AKE lying upon his face, examined, and found bullet holes, satisfied he had been shot. Laid him on the side of the hill. Had no appearance of having been moved. Saw no signs of any person having been near after he fell, he was lying on the left hand side of the road. Couldn't say whether he was riding, should judge he fell from a horse, was lying on his face; did not see the horse he was riding. I think it was 10 o'clock; did not notice whether he was hot or cold when we found him. Saw AKE this morning. Did not see nor meet any persons. Saw no sign of shot, wads or gun. Did not look to ascertain what direction the balls came.
     James HALEY.- Saw same as VALENTINE, remained longer than VALENTINE, saw saddled mare, boy brought her up about the time we started to town with body. Have heard hard language before but no threats. Did not see where horse was staked, tracks went off from ambush towards Green's Gulch, found wad from gun, it was newspaper. Think deceased fell from the horse. AKE frequently rode with his leg over the horn of the saddle. Never thought about boot being new, iron made plain tracks. Do not know person that shot. We the Jury of Inquest summoned to inquire into the cause or causes of the death of Wm. W. AKE, on Thursday morning, May 3d, 1866, near Princeton, Mariposa Co., find that deceased died from the effects of a gunshot wound or wounds, inflicted by some person or persons unknown.
     W.J. LEMOYN, Foreman
     Geo. BERNHARD,
     M. FIBUSCH,
     Geo. STEWART,
     Joseph ESLICK,
     Chas, BLOED,
     H. CARTER,
     E. JONES,
     W.P. FRAZER,
     Geo. MISCHLEY,
     Stephen ESLICK. Princeton, May 3d, 1866

Vitals June 1866 Mariposa Free Press

June 2, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born June 2, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At Millerton, May 25th, to the wife of W. A. YANCY, a DAUGHTER.

Married June 2, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hutching's Hotel, Yo Semite Valley, Mariposa County, Sunday, May 27th, 1866 by Rev. W. H. STOY, of New Almaden: Mr. CHARLES H. DODD, of Aurora, to Miss LUCY A. SPROAT, of Yo Semite.

Died June 2, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At Coulterville, May 28th, 1866, GEORGE, son of Mr. and Mrs. JAMES SHIMER, aged about 8 years.

     At "Mormon Bar," on the 27th inst., RICHARD POWELL (colored) aged about 70 years.
     "Uncle Dick," as he was familiarly called, came to this State early in '49, in company with his master, Capt. A. POWELL, in whose family he was born and raised, in Dallas County, Alabama. He belonged to that class of his race, ( now alas, rapidly fading away), whose cheerful performance of every duty, in the station allotted them by Providence, never failed to win the respect and confidence of their superiors in station.
     Kind of heart- respectful to all, mirthful and industrious- and possessed of a rich vein of pure African humor- it was indeed a treat to pass an occasional hour in the comfortable cabin of " Uncle Dick."
     May the soul of the noble old pioneer rest happily.

June 9, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Married June 9, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Chinatown, Mormon Bar, Sunday, June 3d, 1866, Mr. AH TI to Miss LIN YUP. No Cards.

Died June 9, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In San Francisco, May 28th, 1866, of consumption, Wm. HAMILL, a native of Portglene, County Antrim, Ireland, aged 47 years.

June 16, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Married June 16, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Visalia, June 3d, 1866, by Rev. E. B. LOCKLEY, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. A. J. ARCHER to Miss MARY J. RANDAL, both of Tulare County.

June 23, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born June 23, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     Near Mariposa, Friday, June 15th, to the wife of T. R. LEGRYS, a DAUGHTER.

June 30, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born June 30, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Merced County, near Snelling, June 21st, to the wife of P. D. WIGGINGTON, a SON.

Married June 30, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, June 25th, by Hon. L. F. JONES, County Judge, Mr. ROBERT S. GUNNISON to Mrs. ELLEN CAMPBELL, all of Bear Valley.

Died June 30, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     Monday, 25th inst., on Bear Creek, Mariposa County, Mrs. LAURA BERTOSSKY, aged 36 years.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

ROGERS, William June 16, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     BLOODY AND FATAL AFFRAY.- Last Monday evening a serious and fatal difficulty took place at Buchanan Hollow, between William ROGERS and Frank M. BOLINGER, in which the former was killed, and the latter severely wounded. The particulars, as far as we have been enabled to learn them, are that ROGERS was engaged in playing cards with H. F. DODDS, in L.H. P. SMITHS house, when BOLINGER came in and had some words with him, and finally slapped him in the face. The parties afterwards went out of doors, and ROGERS offered to fight BOLINGER a fair fight, but the latter drew his pistol (a dragoon six-shooter) and shot at ROGERS but missed him. ROGERS then sprang for his antagonist, caught hold of the pistol and at the same time drew his bowie knife. In drawing this
the scabbard came out with it, rendering it ineffective; he was therefore obliged to let go the pistol and unsheath the knife. While doing this , BOLINGER shot him through the heart. ROGERS succeeded in getting the scabbard off the knife, plunged it into BOLINGER and then fell dead. It was thought at first that BOLINGER was mortally wounded, though it is now considered that he is not so badly hurt as was at first anticipated, and that he will recover. ROGERS was a native of England, aged about thirty five years. He was regarded as a quiet, inoffensive and industrious man. BOLINGER is well known in this community, having formerly resided in Princeton and Bear Valley. He was to have had an examination before Justice YARBOROGH, of Millerton, on Wednesday last, the result of which at the present time of writing, we have not learned.
     Since writing the foregoing, we learn that the examination of BOLINGER resulted in his being held in the sum of five hundred dollars to await the action of the next Grand Jury of Fresno County.

Vitals July 1866 Mariposa Free Press

July 7, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Married July 7, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Coulterville, June 2, 1866, by George COUNTS, Esq., LOUIS BACIGALUPI to LOUIZA REPETTO.

July 14, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born July 14, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, July 13th, to the wife of R. H. FLEMING'S, a DAUGHTER.

Married July 14, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Hunter's Valley, July 2d, 1866, by W. H. NELSON, Esq., Mr. DANIEL E. JONES, to Miss CAROLINE WYATT.

Died July 14, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At his residence in Merced County, on Saturday, June 20, 1866, at 3 o'clock, P.M., after a brief illness, Mr. JAMES CROCKET HENDERSON, a native of Caroll County, State of Tennessee, aged 32 years.

     In Hornitos, July 7, KATIE, youngest child of R. R. and Mary C. GIVENS; aged eleven months and nine days.

July 21, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Married July 21, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At the residence of the bride's mother, on the Chowchilla, Sunday July 15th, by F. GILTNER, Esq., Mr. CHARLES E. WOODWORTH to Miss MARY ELIZA MORRIS.

Died July 21, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Millerton, Fresno County, July 11th, 1866, JOHN McLEOD, aged 40 years.

July 28th, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born July 28th, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mormon Bar, Friday, July 20th, to the wife of J. R. COATS, a DAUGHTER.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

none reported

Vitals August 1866 Mariposa Free Press

August 4, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

August 11, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born August 11, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At Bear Valley Mountain, August 5th, to the wife of CHRISTIAN PETERSON, a son.

     In San Francisco, August 3d, to the wife of R. McKEE, of Coulterville, a son.

Died August 11, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At the County Hospital, August 7th, Paul GEIGAN, aged 42 years, a native of France.

August 18, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Born August 18, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 14th, 1866, to the wife of Robert COLLISON, a son.

     In Visalia, August 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. MEAD a son.

Died August 18, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     In Visalia, August 4th, Mr. T. C. COFFIN, aged 32 years.

August 25, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

Married August 25, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

     At Lower Kern River, August 5th, by P. A. STINE, Justice of the Peace, W. B. ROSS , Sheriff of Kern County, to Mrs. MARTHA SKILES.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

HALEY, James M. August 18, 1866 Mariposa Free Press

                                       Homicide at Princeton

     A fatal encounter occurred at Princeton on Wednesday evening last, between Geo. W. HANNA and James M. HALEY, resulting in the death of HALEY. There was a misunderstanding about some business matters, from which the difficulty arose. HALEY went to Hanna's saloon for the purpose of cowhiding him, and made use of very abusive language. He was in the act of walking towards the end of the counter, with the apparent intention of going around to where HANNA stood, when the later picked up a double-barreled gun and fired. The charge entered the right side of the neck killing him instantly. Both gentlemen were considered good citizens in the community where they lived, were old residents of the county and had many friends.
     The following is the verdict of the Coroner's Jury:
     We, the jury summoned to attend an inquest upon the body of a man found dead in the saloon of George W. HANNA, in the town of Princeton, Mariposa county, on the 15th day of August, 1866, do find that deceased was named James M. HALEY, a native of Kentucky, aged 34 years, and that he came to his death by a gun shot wound inflicted by George W. HANNA on the evening of said day.
     James H. LAWRENCE
     Charles BLOED,
     J. GOSSNER,
     Denis DEVINE,
     J.H. MILLER,
     George BERTKEN,
     James CARDWELL,
     George STEWART,
     Jurors. J.T. TURNER,
     Coroner, Mariposa County. Princeton, August 15th,

     1866 HANNA gave himself into the custody of an officer and came into Mariposa for examination on the following morning, which took place before Justice GILTNER in the afternoon, and resulted in the accused being placed under bonds of $5,000 for his appearance at the next term of the County Court.

On September 1st, 1866 the last issue of the Mariposa Free Press under the editorship of James
Lawrence was issued due to the fire that reulted in the burning of much of the downtown area of Mariposa. This fire got it's start in the offices of the Free Press when one of it's printers carelessly threw away a cigar into a waste paper bin. For several years the Free Press no longer was published until that banner was taken up again by James Lawrence in April of 1870. It continued for a few more years and was purchased by Angevine Reynolds and in March 1873 when he
bought the Free Press and merged Free Press with the Gazette and continued under the name of the Gazette Free Press and later just the Gazette.

Vitals 1870 Mariposa Free Press

January-March not in publication

Vitals April 1870 Mariposa Free Press

April 1870 only had one issue

April 29, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Married April 29, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Bear Valley, April 26th, by Judge J. O. LOVEJOY, GEO. W. WATTS to Miss ALICE FOIZEY, both of Mariposa county.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

None reported

Vitals May 1870 Mariposa Free Press

May 6, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born May 6, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, April 28th, 1870, a SON to the wife of Robert COLLISON.

Died May 6, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     On Dry Creek, at the residence of Ge. W. WARD, on the 14th inst., of heart disease, Jesse HACKWORTH, aged 50 years.
     Deceased was a native of Tennessee and came to this country in 1849.

     At his residence one mile below Snelling, on the 29th inst., David COCHRAN, a native of New Brunswick, aged 45 years.
     Deceased leaves a wife and several small children to mourn his loss.

     In Hornitos, May 3rd, ABRAHAM KOCHER, a native of Switzerland, aged 42 years.

May 13, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

May 20, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     missing issue

May 27, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born May 27, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Hornitos, May 25th, to the wife of G. S. NEGUS, a daughter.

Married May 27, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, Thursday, May 26th, by Justice BRUCE, Mr. ELEAZAR T. GIVENS to Miss MARY ADELAIDE BROOKS.

     In San Francisco, May 17th, by Rev. James MOTTER, JOHN GEDDES to Miss JENNIE GARROW, both of Stockton.

Died May 27, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At the Mariposa County Hospital, May 21st, BENSELADO ARCIO, a native of Peru; aged 36 years.

     At the Mariposa County Hospital, May 23d; DENNIS CROWLEY, aged 47 years; a native of Ireland.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

None reported

Vitals June 1870 Mariposa Free Press

June 3, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Married June 3, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, May 30, by the Rev. J. M. OVERTON, SAMUEL SHEARS to Mrs. J. C. JONES, all of Merced county.

Born June 3, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Plainsburg, May 28th, to the wife of A. HERRALD, a son.

June 10, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born June 10, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, June 6th, to the wife of Edward COLLINS, a Son.

June 17, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born June 17, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Bridgeport, in this county, June 11th, 1870, to the wife of W. J. WALLACE, a son.

June 24, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Married June 24, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Snellings, Merced county, June 13th, 1870, by Judge J. W. ROBERTSON, N. A. CODY to Miss MARY F. COLLINS, both of Coulterville.

     At the residence of the bride's father, near Lewis' Ranch, Mariposa Creek, June 23d, 1870, by the Rev. J. P. DUNCAN, MARCUS L. LEWIS to Miss MARY E. PRATT.

Obituaries, marriages and birth announcements

FORSYTH, N. June 10, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     As we go to press, we learn of the death of N. FORSYTH, who was long a citizen of this place, and favorably known as one of firm of FORSYTH and BRADLEY, attorneys at law. Mr. FORSYTH'S health had declined, and, by persuasion of friends, he attempted to make the trip by rail to his old home in New York. Accompanied by his brother, he set out but a few days since, and we are just now informed that he died in the cars, May 26th, near Laramie.

BACIGALUPI, Louis June 17, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     Dead.- Coroner's Inquest.- Louis ROBETI, the man who was stabbbed at Buchanan Holow on the morning of June 5th, died on the evening of the 8th inst. An inquest was held on his body by Justice RUMBLE, and some fifteen witnesses were examined. The jury returned a verdict that he came to his death from knife wounds inflicted by John FRAZIER, and that his proper name was Louis BACIGALUPI, a native of Italy, and aged about 30 years.

ROPETI, Louis June 17, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     The Homicide at Buchanan.- A variety of conflicting rumors were in circulation just prior to the hour of our going to press in reference to the fatal affray which occurred at Buchanan. Even the names of the parties were incorrectly given. Louis ROBETI is the name of the man killed. He died on Wednesday afternoon of last week- two days after the affray. The name of the man who killed him is FRASER. He is a Scotchman, and formerly worked at mining on Bull Creek. They had an altercation on the day prior to the final encounter, FRASER having threatened him with a shot-gun and Louis picked up a rock. Outsiders interfered and stopped the row. Accounts differ as to who commenced the final quarrel. They were engaged in a scuffle when first noticed, and  FRASER finally ran, ROBETI following him. He stopped as FRASER ran into a house, and told some of the men that he was stabbed. Upon examination it was found that FRASER had inflicted a terrible wound in the abdomen of the unfortunate man, through which his intestines protruded. FRASER was arrested and taken to Millerton, where he waived an examination and was placed in jail to await the action of the Grand Jury. A physician was sent for to attend ROBETI, and from all accounts made a very bungling piece of work of a surgical operation, though it is but just to say that the nature of the wound was such that it is unlikely that any human skill could have saved him. A Coroner's jury were investigating the affair at the last accounts. The affair grew out of a dispute in reference to a very small sum of money.

Vitals July 1870 Mariposa Free Press

July 1, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Married July 1, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, June 25th, 1870, by Hon. J. O. LOVEJOY, ALBERT HOLDEN to MATTIE LOUISA EVERTS.

Died July 1, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hornitos, Mariposa county, June 27, 1870, G. S. NEGUS, aged 41 years.

July 8, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Married July 8, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Cathey's Valley, Mariposa county, July 4th, by Justice Samuel CARR, James RYAN to Miss Louisa PATE.

     Near Visalia, June 26th, by Rev. C. C. SNELL, J. N. HALSTEAD to Nancy F. CASON.

     In Visalia, June 30, Dr. James MANNERS, of Bakersfield, to Mrs. Mary KIDD, of Oakland.

Died July 8, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Buckeye, Mariposa a county, July 5th, Benjamin HOLMAN, son of Daniel FOLSOM, aged six months.

     In Visalia, June 29, infant son of A. O. MILLER.

July 15, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born July 15, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Snelling, July 3d, 187, to Judge James W. ROBERTSON and wife, a daughter.

July 22, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Married July 22, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Tuolumne City, July 8th, by Justice B. G. WIER, John B. COVERT of that place, to Mrs. Mary Jane EVANS.

     In Stockton, July 11th, by Rev. Mr. MADUX, F. M. COPELAND to Miss Nettie SOPER, all of Tuolumne county.

Died July 22, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Bear Valley, July 21st, William PATTERSON, aged 29 years, a native of County Derry, Ireland.
     [Pennsylvania papers please copy.]

     Near Tuolumne City, July 8th, John DAVIS, aged 61 years.

     At Snelling, on Sunday July 17th, 1870, Alice ROULHAC, daughter of J. W. and Belle M. ROBERTSON, aged 14 days.

July 29, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Died July 29, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, July 25th, 1870, ANNIE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David EGENHOFF, aged four years, 4 months and 2 days.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

LAWRENCE-TINGLEY July 1, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     WEDDING IN CHURCH.- The marriage of Senator LAWRENCE, of Mariposa county, and Miss Viola TINGLEY, took place last evening at Calvary Church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. HEMPHIL at the close of the evening service, in the presence of a large concourse of spectators. Miss TINGLEY is the daughter of  George B. TINGLEY, now deceased, whose name is prominently identified with the early political history of the State. She, for several years, has been in the San Francisco correspondent for the Sacramento Union, but has been known to the public through her nom de plume, "Ridinghood."

     We take the above from the Bulletin of June 17th. Who would of believed that James , our James, would have ever become a Benedict. Echo answers, "Who." We have known him for lo! these many years, and were the last to suspect that Cupid's arrow had pierced his heart, and once again caused him to assume the God-like of man. May joy forever be his and hers.

NEGUS, G. S. July 1, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     A Good Man Gone.- Under the appropriate head will be found a notice of the death of the estimable and kind hearted G. S. NEGUS. He was a native of Rhode Island, and at the time of his death was 41 years of age. The deceased had lived for the last twenty years of his life in the town where he died. He was at all times a man of energy, fine business tact, and withal possessed of social qualities that endeared him to all who knew him. He ever scorned to do a wrong act and the afflicted or wronged always found in him a sympathizing and helpful friend. It can be truly said of him that "none knew him, but to love him." He was Public Administrator of this county at the time of his death. He leaves a widow and five children to mourn his loss, on whom the blow will fall with crushing weight. He was a kind and loving husband, an affectionate father and a dear friend.

ATWELL, A. G. July 22, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     Death from a pistol shot.- Mr. A. G. ATWELL, recently a resident of Snelling, was shot and severely wounded about two weeks since and shortly after came to Bear Valley for surgical treatment. Nothing definite has been made public as to the cause or other particulars of the shooting, and the wound was
not supposed to be a serious one. On Wednesday, at ten A.M., Mr. ATWELL died. We are indebted to Dr. TURNER for a report of the inquest held by J. C. JENKINS, Justice of the Peace. The verdict is that deceased came to his death by a pistol shot fired by some person unknown.
     Since this was written, we learn that the "unknown" party, or somebody supposed to be the one who did the shooting, has been arrested in Snelling, and lodged in jail. Mr. ATWELL has a brother, A. J. ATWELL, residing in VIsalia, and District Attorney of Tulare county.

Vitals August 1870 Mariposa Free Press

August 5, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Died August 5, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 2d, 1879, HENRY KRITTER, aged 45 years, a native of Germany.

August 12, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born August 12, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 8th, 1870, to R. H. DALY and wife, a son.

     At the Hermitage Ranch, San Joaquin river, July 20th, to T. H. LEGGETT and wife a daughter.

Married August 12, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 10th, 1870, by Rev. J. M. OVERTON, R. H. ADAMS to Mrs. Lucia SAIZ.

Died August 12, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 8th, 1870, of consumption, Alfred Finney WASHBURN, so of Hercules and Sarah Evarts WASHBURN, born in Georgia, Vermont, April 16th, 1821.
     At the age of 18 years he went to Illinois as a school teacher and from there to New Orleans, where he remained until 1849 when he left for California arriving here in 1850.

     In San Francisco, August 1st, 1870, Simon A. WORMSER, aged 42 years. {Deceased was a resident of Mariposa for several years.]

August 19, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Married August 19, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Bear Valley, August 14th, 1870, by John B. REED, J.P., Alexander BALIOLO, to Miss Aurelia BRUSHI, both of Coulterville.

Died August 19, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Charlestown, Mass., July 24th, 1870. Mrs. Addie A. BYAM, youngest sister of Hon. J. O. LOVEJOY.

     Near Mariposa, August 10th, 1870, infant child of Daniel H. and Mary Ann HOUSE.

August 26, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Died August 26, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 19th, 1870, Joshua D. CRIPPEN, aged 42 years, a native of Delaware.

     On Kings river, near Coulterville, August 10, Lulu Elizabeth, daughter of S. S. HYDE (dec'd) and E. Jane HYDE, aged 8 months and 5 days.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

WASHBURN, Alfred F. August 12, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     ANOTHER OLD CITIZEN GONE.- Alfred F. WASHBURN, one  of the early settlers of Mariposa, died at his residence on Monday morning last. Mr. WASHBURN emigrated from Louisiana to California in 1849, and became a resident of Mariposa during the year following. For a long time he held the office of Justice of the Peace of this township, and for five or six years past, that of Court Commissioner, until a few weeks ago, when his failing health compelled him to resign. For a number of days he had been aware that he had not long to live, and gave directions about his burial. His funeral took place on Tuesday morning and was attended by a large number of our old residents. Mr. WASHBURN was a native of Vermont and 49 years of age.

CRIPPEN, J. D August 26, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     J.D. CRIPPEN is Dead.- On Friday last, at 91/2 o'clock am Joshua D. CRIPPEN, surrounded by family and numerous friends, breathed his last. No man in the county for years past has figured so prominently, and more successfully, than the deceased, in its local politics. Being possessed to an eminent degree of qualities that fascinated nearly all with whom he came in contact. His social manner drew around him friends, some of whom almost idolized him, and many were willing to make any reasonable sacrifice to promote his interests. The name of "Josh Crippen" was familiar to every man, women and child in the community. Deceased was born in Newcastle County, Delaware, on the 11th of August, 1828. He emigrated to California in 1849, and engaged in mining for a time. He came to
Mariposa in 1852, and in connection with Mr. McNAMARA engaged in merchandising, which he continued till '57. In 1855 he was the Democratic candidate for Sheriff, and was defeated by Thos. EARLY, the candidate of the "Know Nothing" party. In 1857, a split occurring in the Democratic Convention, he became the nominee of one wing, and was elected. In 1859 he was again successful, as an Independent candidate for Sheriff. In 1861 he was elected as the nominee of the Union Democratic party. Since that time he was affiliated with the Republican party, and has held the office of Sheriff each successive term. The funeral took place on Sunday last, and was one of the largest we have ever seen in the mountains. The Masonic and Odd Fellows' Societies turned out in large numbers- delegations from the different Lodges in the county being present. The exercises were conducted by the Masonic fraternity. He leaves a widow and four children (daughters), the eldest child being ten years of age. The blow falls heavy upon the sorrow-stricken family, for he was a loving husband and kind father. They have the sympathies of the community in their sad bereavement.

Vitals September 1870 Mariposa Free Press

September 2, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

September 9, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

September 16, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born September 16, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Hornitos, Sept. 6th, to Wm. VELLGURTH and wife, a daughter.

Married September 16, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In San Francisco, Sept. 7th, by Judge STANLEY, John A. KENDRICK, to Miss Fannie G. ANDERSON, both of Snelling.

Died September 16, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At his Residence in Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 6th, Henry CORCORAN- father of John M. CORCORAN, Esq., - age 71 years.

September 23, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Died September 23, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Coulterville, Saturday, Sept. 17th, John M. HENDRICKS, aged 44 years.

September 30, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born September 30, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, September 24, to Mr. and Mrs. George H. HAYES, a daughter.

Died September 30, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Whitlock's Creek, Mariposa county, September 18, Charles, only son of Charles and Ann Jane FRANK, aged 5 weeks and 2 days.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

HART, infant September 9, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     FIRE AND LOSS OF LIFE.- One of the most distressing calamities which has ever taken place in our county, occurred last Saturday night about six miles from Mariposa, at what is known as the Herron place, lately occupied by David HART and family. At about midnight they were awakened by a sudden flash of light, and before they could comprehend the situation, the entire house, which was a light frame structure, was enveloped in flames. The children were hastily awakened, and all but one were rescued from the building, Mrs. HART being severely burned. For an instant they thought the entire family was safe but a cry of agony was heard from the midst of the flames announcing to the terror stricken parents that one poor unfortunate child was left to parish. Rescue was impossible. The building was a mass of writhing, curling flames. The child left behind, who met so dreadful a death, was an interesting little girl of four years of age. There were nine other children at home. Nothing in the way of clothing, except the scanty night garments they had on, was saved, and they had to remain under a tree till aid was procured from the nearest neighbors. On the following day the blackened remains of the child were taken from the ruins. Mrs. HART'S injuries are of a painful character, though not likely to prove fatal.
     Nothing is known with any certainty about the origin of the fire, Mr. HART firmly believing that it was the work of an incendiary. He says that he is certain that he searched and turned over in bed on the previous night. The object, he thinks was robbery. He had quite a large sum of money hidden in the
house- the product of a sale of cattle a few days ago. Fourteen hundred dollars was in gold coin, and the balance (between three and four thousand) in county scrip. During the day intervening between the alleged attempt at robbery and the fire, he had the money removed to an outhouse. He says that there was no fire in any part of the house after three o'clock.

HENDRICKS, J. M., September 23, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     SUDDEN DEATH.- J. M. HENDRICKS, late Supervisor for the Coulterville District, died on Saturday last at midnight. He was in Mariposa on Monday of the same week, attended to his official business, and left town on Tuesday. On Friday he was found in his house, a short distance below the town of Coulterville, in a dying condition. Dr. LAMPSON, of Chinese Camp, was sent for, but nothing could be done for him. The Doctor attributes his death to an attack of congestive chills. Mr. HENDRICKS was an old resident of this county, and has for several years held the office of Supervisor.

Vitals October 1870 Mariposa Free Press

October 7, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born October 7, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, October 2d, to the wife of J. O. LOVEJOY, a daughter.

Died October 7, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, October 6th, Mrs. W. H. GEDLEY, aged 28 years.

     In Mariposa, October 5th, Joseph Spottswood SHUMATE, aged 41 years, a native of Virginia.

October 14, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born October 14, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     On Merced river, Oct. 8th, to the wife of William McCANN, a son.

October 21, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born October 21, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, October 17th, to the wife of C. E. FARNWORTH, a daughter.

     In Bear Valley, October 2d, to the wife of John CASTEGNETTO, a son.

October 28, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Died October 28, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     On Maxwells Creek, Mariposa county, Oct. 18, 1870, John F. COPE, formerly of Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
     Pittsburg and Greenburg, Pa. papers please copy.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

SHUMATE, Joseph October 7, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     Fatal Affray -Last Friday evening, about dusk, John R. HITE, Joseph SHUMATE, and two other men were engaged in conversation in front of Schlageter's Hotel, when a man by the name of C. W. SMITH, formerly known as "Artesian Smith," stepped up and interrupted their talk, when he was pushed him away by HITE, and requested to leave. Upon his returning, SHUMATE addressed him and
repeated the request, finally pushing or striking him. During the shuffle SMITH drew a knife and cut both HITE and SHUMATE, stabbing the later in the abdomen, and cutting through HITE's clothes, barely scratching the skin. SHUMATE drew a pistol and was about to shoot SMITH, but HITE wrested the weapon from the hand his hand, at the same time saying to SMITH, "you have cut me, you old scoundrel, and only for the gray hairs I would shoot you." At that time neither himself nor
SHUMATE were aware of the wound of the latter. Upon subsequent examination it was found that he had received a stab about two inches below the navel, the serious nature of which soon became apparent. Doctor Turner and Bedford were summoned to attend to him, and showed him all the possible attention. The unfortunate man lingered till Wednesday last, in great pain most of the time, and died a little after noon. He was a native of Virginia, and has been a resident of Hite's Cove a little over four years. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him. SMITH was arrested by Under Sheriff KING and lodged in Jail. On the following day he had a examination, and was placed under bonds of $1,500, in default of which he was again remanded to jail. Except being generally worthless, intemperate and a dreadful bore, SMITH has never been considered in any manner dangerous to the peace of the community. He was drunk, as usual, when the stabbing was done. The weapon used was a pocket knife with a dirk shaped-blade.

McCREADY, James October 7, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     Long ere this meets the eyes of your readers they will have learned of the death of our old friend, James R. McCREADY. The particulars of his sudden and unnecessary "Taking off" will be found in the Stockton papers. Yesterday, with a number of old Mariposians, I attended his funeral and helped place the "clods of the valley" over his mortal remains. The usual service was read by a clergymen, a fervent prayer was offered up, dust was returned to dust, and we bade a last farewell-on earth- to poor Jim. It is not my design to speak of his death. If the person who fired the fatal shot had been a man, of mature years, I would call the deed murder. As he is but a boy, allowances should probably be made for
him. The fact, however, that the shooting was done in the street, and that the unfortunate man was not on the premises where the boy lived, showed that he was not altogether justified.

McCREADY, James October 7, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     Death of James R. McCREADY - James R. McCREADY, for many years a citizen of Mariposa, and recently residing in Snelling, was shot and instantly killed in Stockton, on the evening of September 30th, by a boy named Everett B. BATEMAN. The evidence is given in detail in the Stockton papers of Friday. It appears that he was wandering about in a strange and unaccountable manner, and making use of very wild and incoherent language, and came about the house where the BATEMAN family live. The boy with another one went out and warned him to leave. Both of them had shotguns, and young BATEMAN fired twice- once over his head to frighten him, and the second shot taking effect in the left lung, and wounding the subclavian artery and jugular vein. He fell and expired immediately. It appears that he had been on a spree, and it is supposed was laboring under a attack of delirium tremens. Everybody who knew him can testify to his good nature and kindness of heart. His follies outnumber his faults, and we would at any time have considered him safer to society than a family that turns out two boys with shotguns to go after a man on suspicion that he was drunk or crazy.

Vitals November 1870 Mariposa Free Press

November 4, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Died November 4, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     Near Snelling, October 27th, at 11 1/2 o'clock P.M., Mrs. Mary Hamlin, aged about 37 years.

     In Visalia, October 18th, Clara P., wife of Dr. S. G. GEORGE, aged 46 years.

     Suddenly at Murray's Ferry, Merced river, on Tuesday, Nov. 1st, Charles, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. MURRAY, aged about 16 years.

November 11, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born November 11, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Fresno county Nov. 9th a son, to the wife of Jonathan REA.

November 18, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Married November 18, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     On Monday, November 14th, at the residence of George COUNTS, Esq., (the bride's father) by Rev. J. M. OVERTON, J. M. ALSANSON to Mrs. S. M. CORNELL.

     At the M. E. Church, Pea Ridge, Mariposa county, Nov. 18th, by J. P. DEAN, Bishop REDMAN to Bedora MORRIS.

     At Hite's Cove, Nov. 10th, by Hon. J. O. LOVEJOY, Elijah M. BLAGG to Mary BYLEEN.

November 25, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born November 25, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Barber's Ranch, Bear Creek, Merced county, to the wife of George M. BROWN, a son.

Died November 25, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Lewis' Ranch, Mariposa county, Sunday, Nov. 20th, of lockjaw, Marcus LEWIS, aged 24 years.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

MURRAY, Charles November 4, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     SAD ACCIDENT.- We are pained to hear of the death by drowning of Charley, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. MURRAY, at the Merced river, on Tuesday last- near as we can ascertain under the following circumstances: He was engaged in crossing a team on the ferry-boat, when losing control of the crank, it struck him on the head knocking him overboard, and probably stunning him, as he sank at once, utterly helpless, and did not reappear at the surface. The lifeless body was soon extracted, it having lodged beneath the bottom of the boat. Charley was a fine lad of about sixteen and a general favorite. His mother, we hear, is perfectly frantic with her great grief.

LEWIS, Marcus November 4, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     DEATH FROM LOCKJAW.- A young man by the name of Marcus LEWIS, son of Jacob LEWIS, an old resident of Mariposa county, died at the residence of his father on Sunday last, of lockjaw, occasioned by an accidental wound in the foot from a pick with which he was working. The accident occurred several days prior to his decease, and was not at first deemed of a serious nature. Deceased had been married but a few months, and was a young man of excellent character, and highly respected by all who knew him.

Vitals December 1870 Mariposa Free Press

December 2, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Died December 2, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Millerton, November 27, John Daniels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell FLEMING'S, age 7 years.

December 9, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

December 16, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born December 16, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Sexton's Creek. December 8th, to the wife of John SCHROEDER, a daughter.

     At Milburn's Ranch, December 13th, to the wife of John H. MILBURN, a daughter.

Died December 16, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mormon Bar, December 8th, Adelaide, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George BERTKEN, aged 8 years.

December 23, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Married December 23, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At Snelling, December 16, Albert INGALSBE to Miss Anna MILLER.

Died December 23, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     About eight miles below Snelling, December 17, James H. COX, aged about 36 years.

     In Bear Valley, December 13, Lora VOLK, aged about 44 years.

December 30, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

Born December 30, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, December 25, to the wife of J. J. COOK, a son.

Married December 30, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, on Saturday evening, Dec. 24, by Rev. J. M. OVERTON, W. H. AMES to Miss M. C. HILL.

     In Hopeton, Merced county, Dec. 20, by Rev. J. M. LOVELL, Mark HOWELL to Miss Huldah HARDWICK.

Died December 30, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     At his residence, near Mariposa, Dec. 24, David C. ASHWORTH, a native of Kentucky, aged 54 years.

     In Mariposa, December 24, George W. ETLY, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 53 years.

     At Bear Valley, December 23, Francis WHITFORD, a native of Ohio, aged 42 years.

     At Ivett's Ranch, Merced county, December 22, Elsie, wife of John IVETT, aged 42 years.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

LAW, W. W. December 16, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL SHOOTING AFFRAY AT KINGSTON.- A Visalia telegram (not to the Free Press) of the 10th instant, gives the following particulars of the killing of a man by the name of LAW, in Kingston, Fresno county:

     A shooting affray occurred at Kingston last night. W. W. LAW was killed by D. DAVIDSON. Both men were insane from drinking. They quarreled and a scuffle insued, when DAVIDSON shot LAW through the head, causing instant death. LAW was unarmed. DAVIDSON was arrested and taken to Millerton this evening.

COX, J. H. December 23, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL SHOOTING AFFAIR.- A terrible tragedy was enacted in Merced county last week the particulars of which, as given by our informant, are as follows: It appears that there was a Mexican Fandango near the ranch of Reub CHANDLER, eight miles below Snelling, on Saturday evening last. Among others who had gone down to see the fun was J. H. COX, County Assessor. It appears that he had taken a fancy to a Mexican woman, and not finding her at the Fandango he proceeded to the house of a Mexican in search of her. Being assured that she was not there, he returned to the Fandango, but being dissatisfied, he persuaded a friend to accompany him back to the Mexican's residence, and upon reaching it, demanded admittance. He was told that there was no one there but the Mexican and his wife. Upon this he burst open the door and presented a pistol. The Mexican raised from his bed and striking the pistol up, fired, killing COX instantly. He was in a stooping position when the shot was fired, and the ball entered the to of his head. Mr. COX held the office of Assessor at the time of his death, and was generally respected. He is said to have been a quiet and peaceable man except when under the influence of liquor. He was on a spree at the time of the unfortunate occurrence.

ASHWORTH, D. C. and ETLY, George W. December 30, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

                                     TWO PIONEERS GONE.

     Christmas festivities in Mariposa were marred by a sad and gloomy episode. On the Sunday last it became the melancholy duty of our citizens to pay the last tribute of respect to two old residents of this county -one of them and early settler of Mariposa, and both pioneers in California. There are few among the people now living in Mariposa county- none who have who have been here ten years or more, who didn't know David C. Ashworth, or old DC as he was familiarly termed. Mr. Ashworth came to California in 1849, pitching his tent near what is now the town of Coulterville. In the spring of 1850 he moved this side of the Merced and lived for a time at Mormon Bar, and then in the town of Mariposa, where he resided till 1855, when he located among the hills east of town and engaged in farming and stock raising. Mr. Ashworth was a unlettered man, but possessed of a fund of "old hard sense" and was strictly honest. D.C. Ashworth's word was as good as his bond and through his entire life his name was a proverb of integrity. He was a native of Kentucky and emigrated from Missouri to California. His death occurred on Sunday last after an illness of about ten days. He was fifty-four years old.
     George W. ETLY died on the evening of the same day and was buried on Sunday. He too came to California early in 1849, and had resided in Mariposa about twelve years. He was a druggist by profession, and was at one time associated with A.J. GREGORY, under the firm name of "Gregory & Etly." George was a man of more than average natural ability, and had a fund of practical knowledge. He combined, with a excellent memory, rare conversational powers, and was a useful member of society, a genial, social companion and a warm friend. He was a native of Pennsylvania, but prior to his removal to California, had resided in Kentucky and Indiana. He bore a long and painful illness with patience and fortitude, till death, relieving him of his sufferings, was a welcome messenger. There are many in this community who will long remember George W. ETLY.

WHITFORD, Frank December 30, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     Shocking Accident - On Friday last, Frank WHITFORD, an employee of the Pine Tree Vein, in Bear Valley, was descending the ladder in the mine with powder and fuse, when, from some unknown cause, the powder exploded, mangling and mutilating him in a dreadful manner. Both eyes were put out, his nose blown off, one arm torn off below the elbow, and other portions of his body literally torn in shreds. His mangled remains were born to the surface of the ground, and notwithstanding the frightful nature of the injuries, the unfortunate man survived an hour and a half- had perfect consciousness of his condition, and dictated his will and gave directions about his affairs. No one knows with any certainty as to the cause of the explosion. Mr. WHITFORD's duty was superintending the loading and firing of blasts, and at the time of the occurrence had attached to his person a number of cartridges, some fuse and caps. The powder used is a compound of giant powder and ordinary gun powder, and is called Hercules powder. It only burns slowly upon application of ordinary fire, but explodes by percussion. It is supposed that in descending one of the cartridges may have suddenly struck a rung of the ladder. Mr. WHITFORD has resided in this county several years, and was highly respected by all who knew him. He was a native of Ohio, and forty-two years of age.

Vitals January 1871 Mariposa Free Press

January  6, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Married January 6, 1870 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, on Monday, January 2d, by Hon. J. O. LOVEJOY, Matt S. LAW to Miss Kate SNEDIKER.

     At Hopeton, Merced county, Dec. 25th, by Rev. J. M. LOVELL, B. F. FOWLER to Miss Susie McSWAIN.

Died January 6, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Ivett's Ranch, Merced county, Dec. 29th, Maggie IVETT, daughter of John and Elsie IVETT, aged 17 years.

January 13, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Married January 13, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Garrote, Tuolumne county, Dec. 25th, Colwell O. DREW to Mary E. SNOW.

     In Mariposa, January 11th, by Hon. J. O. LOVEJOY, John W. AULT to Miss Merica Bell WINKLEMAN.

Born January 13, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Plainsburg, December 31st, 1870, to the wife of M. F. TURNER, a daughter.

Died January 13, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Indian Gulch, January 9th, Henty JOHNSON, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, aged 58 years and 3 months.

January 20, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     missing issue

January 27, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Married January 27, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At the Big Springs, near Mariposa, January 20th, 1871, by Rev. J. M. OVERTON, Mr. R. S. COCHRANE to Miss Mary HART.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements.

None Reported

Vitals February 1871 Mariposa Free Press

February 3, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born February 3, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At the Gillis Ranch, Mariposa county, January 15th, to the wife of Thomas J. SMITH, a son.

     In Mariposa, January 28th, to the wife of Harry LIND, a son.

February 10, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born February 10, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Oakland, February 4th to the wife of J. G. RICE, a daughter- weight 12 pounds.

Married February 10, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In St. Rose Church, Sacramento, February 2d, Edward OULLAHAN, of Stockton, and Miss Addie CALLAHAN, daughter of D. E. CALLAHAN, Esq., proprietor of the Golden Eagle Hotel, Sacramento.

February 17, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born February 17, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At the Burchalter Toll House, Mariposa county, February 8th, to the wife of M. DONAVAN, a son.

     In Mariposa, February 11, to the wife of George BERNHARD, a daughter.

February 24, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

LOCKLEY, Rev. L. B. February 10, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     Rev. L. B. LOCKLEY Killed.- The Fresno Expositor of the 1st inst gives an account of an unfortunate homicide which occurred in that county week before last. Mr. LOCKLEY was, for several years a resident of Mariposa and pastor of the Methodist Church South. The details of the sad affair as given by the Expositor are as follows:

     On last Friday evening, about nine o'clock a most distressing homicide occurred about one mile below Centerville on King's river. The victim was the Rev. L. B. LOCKLEY a local preacher at the above place. We gain the following particulars from some parties from the scene of the disaster. A young man aged about seventeen years, named Coon, having formed an antipathy to a dog owned by Mr. LOCKLEY, went on the night mentioned to his residence for the purpose of killing the animal. Mr. LOCKLEY'S residence is situated on the bluff of what is known as the King's river bottom. The young man was down in the bottom and made a noise evidently to attract the dog's attention. It had the desired affect, and the dog went charging in that direction. It seems that Mr. LOCKLEY also heard the noise, and went outdoors and started in the direction taken by the animal. As the dog made his appearance on the edge of the bluff the young man, who, by the way, was armed with a shotgun, heavily charged with buckshot, leveled his weapon at the dog and discharged it killing the animal instantly. Mr. LOCKLEY, at that time of the shooting had advanced just far enough to have his breast on a line with the dog, and three of the buckshot struck him in the breast, killing him almost instantly. The young man then run off. An examination was made of the ground the next morning and traces were discovered which led to the detection of the offender, who surrendered himself to the officers of the law. The statement of the case given is, we learn, the story told by young Coon himself. The matter underwent judicial investigation at Centerville either Monday or Tuesday, but we have not learned anything of the result. We do not advise the formation of an opinion from the statement given. Mr. LOCKLEY was a man of about fifty years of age, and, as his calling would indicate, was not a man liable to engage in contentions, and was esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his untimely death.

Vitals March 1871 Mariposa Free Press

March 3, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

March 10, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     missing issue

March 17, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

March 24, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Died March 24, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Coulterville, March 24, Mary Jane, daughter of George and Elizabeth JEFFREY, aged 5 years 10 days.

                                   Mary is not dead but sleeping,
                                Death for her brings glorious morrow;
                              While for the dear one friends are weeping,
                               She's freed from sin and care and sorrow.

                                  Friends mourn for her loss of light,
                                    But their loss is all her gain;
                                 In heaven she lives, an angel bright,
                                 Freed from sickness, want and pain.

March 31, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born March 31, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mormon Bar, March 17th, (St. Patrick's Day,) to the wife of George BERTKEN, a son.
     He is "broth of a boy," of sturdy, Dutch build, and will elbow his way through life in response to every call for Pat von BERTKEN.

     In Mariposa, March 26, to the wife of Angevine REYNOLDS, a son.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

None Reported

Vitals April 1871 Mariposa Free Press

April 7, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

April 14, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

April 21, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born April 21, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mormon Bar, April 10th, a son, to the wife of C. L. SMITHER.

Died April 21, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Colorado, April 13th, Bernard HALLAN, a native of Ireland, aged 37 years.

April 28, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born April 28, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     On Buckeye creek, near Mariposa, Friday, April 21st, a son to the wife of Dorsey RAMSDEN.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcement

MAYER, Francisco Soto April 7, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     SUDDEN DEATH.- A Mexican, named Francisco Soto MAYER, was found dead in a mining hole, at Bear Valley, last week, shortly after his return from dinner. He was 57 years of age. Verdict of Coroners Jury," Died by the visitation of God."

HALLAN, Bernard April 21, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     Sudden Death - On Thursday, the 13th inst., the lifeless body of Bernard HALLAN was found in his mining claim at Colorado, in this county. A jury was summoned by Coroner HAMILTON, and a verdict of death by heart disease was returned. Decease was a native of Donegal, Ireland, and was thirty-seven years of age. He came to Mariposa from New York, in 1854, in company with Thomas Caldwell, and has resided in this vicinity ever since, enjoying the respect of all who knew him, for his many noble and manly attributes. His remains were followed to the grave in the Catholic Cemetery by a large concourse of friends and acquaintances.

Vitals May 1871 Mariposa Free Press

May 5, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Married May 5, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In San Francisco, April 23d, Julias GROLLMAN to Emma WOLLER.

     At the Elkhorn Ranch, near Hornitos, April 23d, S. W. CARR to Emma O. BROOKS.

May 12, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Married May 12, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hite's Cove, May 6th, by Charles BRUCE, J. P., Mr. Stephand JEFFREYS to Miss Ida Virginia SMITH.

     In Mariposa, May 8th, by Hon. J. O. LOVEJOY, Mr. Peter GARVEY to Miss Leonora DOMINA.

May 19, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born May 19, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Cathey's Valley, May 14, to the wife of James RYAN, a daughter.

Died May 19, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Hornitos, May 13, Emma, daughter of Henry LESSMAN, age d5 years and 23 days.

May 26, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

GARVEY-DOMINA May 12, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     Wedding.- On Monday evening last Peter GARVEY and Miss Leonora DOMINA were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Hon. J. O. LOVEJOY. The ceremony took place at Mr. Matt. LAWS, a goodly number of friends being present, and enjoying themselves immensely. The company, with many good wishes for future prosperity, having bid good night to the bride and groom, took their departure about eleven o'clock. Shortly thereafter night was made hideous by sounds in the stilly air, brought into full power only by a wedding. All the musical instruments of ingenuity, originality and torture, were in requisition, and performed upon by the best talent in our mountains. Notes from the bull drum and cow bells, the bass viol and horse fiddle, and other distracting discords, fell upon the ears of those fortunate as to be within a mile of the glorious jubilee. The groom was not long in extending a invitation to his crowd of friends to enter and make themselves merry. They were entertained with Pete's geniality and hospitality, and after congratulations, wine and wit, they betook themselves to their respective homes, greatly enjoying the jollification of the inevitable charivaria. The happy couple left next morning on a bridal tour of the mountains. They have our earnest wishes for peace and prosperity.

Vitals June 1871 Mariposa Free Press

June 2, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

June 9, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     missing issue

June 16, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born June 16, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Hornitos, May 30, to the wife of J. Y. JONES, a son. Weight, 12 pounds.

Died June 16, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, June 15, James M. McKinney, a native of North Carolina, aged 56 years.

June 23, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born June 23, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, June 18th, to the wife of Joseph LIND,  a son.

Married June 23, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Bear Valley, June 15th, by Hon. J. O. LOVEJOY, Antonio CASASSA to Miss Carolina BACIGALUPI.

     At Bridgeport, June 17, by Hon. J. O. LOVEJOY, James A. RIDGWAY to Mrs. Catherine ALTHOUSE.

June 30, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     missing issue

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

CAMPI, George June 2, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL ACCIDENT AT YOSEMITE VALLEY.- On Saturday last, an Italian, named George CAMPI, fell from the platform at the head of the first flight of steps at the Vernal Fall, about thirty-five feet, and received several very severe bruises and a fracture of the skull, from the effects of which he died on
the following morning. Deceased was the proprietor of the Italias' Restaurant, on Clay street, San Francisco, and was between fifty and sixty years of age. It is not known that  he had any relatives in California, thought he was an old resident and had an extensive circle of friends and acquaintances. Several persons were ascending the steps at the time, and the deceased had just proffered his assistance to a lady in the party, who declined his aid, whereupon he stepped backward, bowing, and not noticing his surroundings, fell over the edge of the cliff. The accident is surely attributable to his own carelessness. Arrangements have been made to convey his remains to San Francisco.

WILKES, James June 16, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL ACCIDENT.- The Visalia Delta, of last week says:
     On Friday last James WILKES came into town with a buggy, and on returning he had just reached the southern limit of the town, when his horse became frightened and threw him from the buggy against a tree. The unfortunate man was taken home in an almost insensible condition and died that night. In falling from the vehicle, his side struck the wheel, and a post mortem examination, by Dr.s. BOGLE and RUSSELLL, revealed the fact that his spleen had been entirely crusheed, and that he bled to death internally.

McKINNEY, James M. June 23, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     OBITUARY.- Under our death head last week we published the death of James M. McKINNEY. There are few residents of this county who were not acquainted with this estimable and wholesouled gentleman; and his many friends will sincerely regret his untimely demise. Mr. McKINNEY was born in North Carolina, and emigrated to Tennessee at an early age. He afterwards went to Missouri, from which State he came to California in 1851. In 1866 he was elected Supervisor of Mariposa District, and in 1867 was elected County Treasurer, both of which positions he filled to the satisfaction of the public. Mr. McKINNEY was buried on Friday last, and his remains were followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of friends, who took this sad occasion to show their respect for one of nature's truest nobleman.

Vitals July 1871 Mariposa Free Press

July 7, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

July 14, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

July 21, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

July 28, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

None reported

Vitals August 1871 Mariposa Free Press

August 4, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     missing issue

August 11, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

August 18, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Died August 18, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Bear Valley, August 14th, Dr. J. F. BEDFORD, a native of Vermont, aged 47 years.

August 25, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Died August 25, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Hornitos, August 22, Frank, a son of Antonio CAMPODONICO, aged 11 years.

Born August 25, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, on Sunday, August 2d, to the wife of John BARRETT, a son.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

BEDFORD, Dr. J. F. August 18, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     ANOTHER PHYSICIAN GONE.- Dr. J. F. BEDFORD, whose sudden demise will be regretted by many friends who knew and esteemed him personally and professionally, is one of the thirteen physicians who have died in Mariposa county within twelve years. Dr. BEDFORD was an accomplished gentleman, and possessed a thorough knowledge of his profession.

Vitals September 1871 Mariposa Free Press

September 1, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born September 1, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Snelling, Merced County, August 27, to the wife of J. H. JACOBS a daughter; weight 11 pounds.

September 8, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Married September 8, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, August 21, by Rev. Father PECKLES, Norman F. SALTER to Miss Alice CONLEY, both of Snelling.

     At Glidden's Ranch, Mariposa County, on Sunday September 3, by Hon. J. O. LOVEJOY, Mr. Benjamin GLIDDEN to Miss Joanna HERRINTON.

Died September 8, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At the residence of John IVETT, in Merced county, August 20, 1871, James SMITH, a native of Scotland, aged about 61 years.

     At Bear Valley, September, 3, of congestion of the lungs, William O. PHILLIPS, a native of New Hampshire, aged 58 years.

     At Little Rock, Arkansas, August 8, Mrs. Amanda wife of James McVICAR, aged about 50 years.Mrs. McVICAR will long be remembered by many warm friends in Mariposa, where she resided for many years. She was a kind hearted agreeable neighbor, warm friend, and in all respects a most estimable woman.

September 15, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

September 22, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born September 22, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mormon Bar, Friday, September 15 to the wife of John BECKER a daughter.

Married September 22, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In San Francisco, Sept. 17th, by Rev. O. P. FITZGERALD, Hon J. BUCKHALTER, of Tulare county, to Mrs. Agnes SMITH, of Oakland.

September 29, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

None Reported

Vitals October 1871 Mariposa Free Press

October 6, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Died October 6, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa on the 28th of September, Charles STAHL, only child of Mr. and Mrs. William STAHL aged one year and eleven months.

Born October 6, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, August 29th, a son, to the wife of John STAHL.

October 13, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Married October 13, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Sacramento, October 5th, by Rev. H. W. BROWN, William H. COFFIN and Miss Caroline P. LAWRENCE.

October 20, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     missing issue

October 27, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     missing issue.

Obituaries, marriage and Birth announcements.

BARCROFT, infant October 6, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     Died.- A little girl, daughter of R. W. BARCROFT, of Hornitos, died on Thursday last after a lingering and painful illness, from a complication of diseases commencing with bilious and scarlet fever and terminating with dropsy. The case was a very remarkable one and the suffering of the child intense beyond that of ordinary scarlet fever. This latter disease has prevailed in the neighborhood of Hornitos to a considerable extent this summer.

Vitals November 1871 Mariposa Free Press

November 3, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born November 3, 1871  Mariposa Free Press

     At Snelling, October 23th, a SON to the wife of R. H. WARD.

Died November 3, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Coulterville, October 23d, Ismeal GILLEY, a native of Maryland, aged 55 years.

     In Mariposa, November 1st, James William GRANT, a native of Missouri, aged 41 years.

November 10, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Married November 10, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Bear Valley, November 5th, by John B. REED. J.P., MANUEL GONZALES to Miss MARY SILVA, both residents at the Pine Tree Mine.

November 17, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born November 17, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In San Francisco, November 8th, to the wife of P. HESOY, a daughter.

Married November 17, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Millerton, November 3d, 1871 by Hon. Gillum BAILEY, H. B. HENDERSON to Miss NELLIE MARTIN, both of Visalia.

     At Modesto, October -, 1871, JOHN VAN VOLKENBERG to Miss HENRIETTA CRAMER, both of Fresno Co.

Died November 17, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, November 14th, W. H. AMES, a native of New York, aged 42 years.

     In Coulterville, November 8th, Mrs. MARY F. CODY, aged 18 years and 5 months, daughter of J. R. COLLINS of Coulterville.

     At Merced Falls, November 9th, GEORGE LAMENT, aged about 40 years.

November 24, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Married November 24, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, November 22d, by Rev. Father McNAMARA, JOHN ZIMMERMAN to Miss ROSE CONWAY.

     At the residence of the bride's mother, Carson City, Nevada, November 16th, 1871, by the Rev. J. D. HAMMOND, JOHN L. GINN, Local Editor of the Daily State Reister, to Miss KATE, only daughter of the late Colonel John J. MUSSER.

Died November 24, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, November 17th, of scarlet fever, ANGEVINE, son of Angevine and Virginia REYNOLDS, aged 2 years and 6 days.

     At Princeton, November 17th, of scarlet fever, HENRY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank POTHURST, aged 4 years and 3 months.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

GRANT, William November 3, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     The funeral of William GRANT took place yesterday afternoon. A numerous procession followed the remains to their last resting place. School was closed and store and salons suspended business during the afternoon.

GRANT, William November 3, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     "POOR BILL IS GONE."- This was the greeting from every person we met on Wednesday morning announcing the sad departure from Earth of our friend "Bill GRANT," or " Missouri Bill," by which name he was better known among all who have for years past had occasion to travel Fisher's stages between this place and Stockton. Bill was an old, experienced stage driver, with the quick, keen eye, steady nerve, fearlessness, and presence of mind in danger, so characteristic of a class of men whose occupation is fast fading away. Like others of his kind, he had keen appreciation of a joke- could tell a good story and enjoy the relation of one, took a pride in his calling, and was honest and faithful. In his last hours and when delirious, his mind was on the box, with his horses, and handling the ribbons. "Give me a hold of the lines," was among the last of his exclamations. Poor BILL! It was too late. His team was running away on a down grade, and Death, with a hand stronger and steadier than his, "held the lines." He has left us and is a few trips ahead, bound for that station where all Earth's passengers will land at last.

AMES, W. H. November 17, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     SUDDEN DEATH.- It becomes our painful duty to record the loss of another old and esteemed resident of Mariposa county, Mr. W. H. AMES, who died at his residence on Tuesday evening last. The immediate cause of death was internal hemorrhage, the result of a heart disease from which he had been suffering for several years. He leaves a wife and infant, and had a numerous circle of personal friends to regret his decease. Mr. AMES for several years held the office of Deputy Sheriff, and was a faithful and efficient officer and a good citizen.

HUGHES, Louis F. November 24, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     FATAL ACCIDENT.- The Visalia Delta of the 16th gives an account of a sad accident resulting in the death of Louis F. HUGHES, an industrious and general respected young man. The circumstances of this sad affair are related as follows: Mr. HUGHES, on Tuesday evening last, was on his way home, leading a horse, on which he had placed a set of double harness. When near the residence of Judge SHEPPARD the animal jerked away from him, when he started in pursuit, overtaking it twice but was unable to retain his hold. A few minutes after the horse he was riding was found by a young man and taken home, while the animal with the harness on returned home by itself. Search was made by the person who saw him chasing the loose horse but dark coming on he was unable to ascertain anything at that time. Wednesday morning search was again instituted for the missing man which resulted in his being found dead. It seems, that the horse he was riding must have "bucked" or fallen, throwing him against the ground with a force sufficient to crush his skull and the ribs on one side to a jelly, leaving an impression of him on the hard ground on which he fell an inch deep. His death was, no doubt, instantaneous.

Vitals December 1871 Mariposa Free Press

December 1, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Married December 1, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Hurd's Ranch, November 28th, by Judge LOVEJOY, Hiram W. CORNETT to Miss Lina A. SMART.

Born December 1, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Collison's Ranch, near Mariposa, Nov. 19th, to the wife of ROBERT COLLISON, a daughter.

Died December 1, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Princeton, Mariposa county, November 23d, of scarlet Fever, JOHN POTHAST, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank POTHAST, aged 6 years.

December 8, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

December 15, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Born December 15, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     At Ophir Mills, Merced River, December 11th, to the wife of D. A. BISHOP, a daughter.

Died December 15, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, at county hospital, December 9th, L. D. A. DESFLANDERS, aged 52 years.

     In Mariposa, December 13th, CHRISTOPHER BLACK ACKLEN, a native of Alabama, aged 52 years.

December 22, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

December 29, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

Married December 29, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Bear Valley, December 24th, by Rev. G. M. EDWARDS, STEPHAN WALSH to Miss ALICE KETTON.

Died December 29, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa county, December 27th, MICHAEL ORM, a native of Derbyshire, England, aged 60 years.

Born December 29, 1871 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, December 16th, to the wife of DAVID EGENHOFF, a son.

     In Mariposa, December 28th, to the wife of E. SHALSFELD, a son.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements.

none listed

January 5, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

Born January 5, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

     At the Vale of Avoca Nursery, January 2d, 1872, to the wife of DANIEL HOUSE, a daughter.

January 12, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

Born January 12, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

     At Whitlock's, January 3d, 1872, to the wife of CHARLES FRANK,  a daughter.

     In Hornitos, December 28th, to the wife of HENRY LESSMAN, a son.

     At Buchanan, December 9th, to the wife of ORRIN SHARP,  a son.

Died January 12, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

     At Mono Camp, Mariposa county, January 6th, WILLIAM MURPHY, a native of Limerick, Ireland, aged 44 years.

January 19, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

Born January 19, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, January 15th, to the wife of GRANVILLE WARD, a son.

January 26, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

Died January 26, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

     At Bone Yard Diggings, Near Coulterville, January 16th, JOHN BLUNDEL, a native of New Jersey, aged 40 years.

     In County Hospital, Mariposa, January 11, of erysipelas, WILLIS RIFE, a native of Missouri, aged 51 years.

     In County Hospital, Mariposa, January 23d, of general debility, ALEXANDER TULLOCK, a native of Scotland, aged 65 years.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements

MURPHY, William January 12, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

     SUDDEN DEATH.- William MURPHY, a miner, who resided about six miles from Mariposa, at what is known as the old Mono Camp, was found dead in his cabin on Saturday last. He was lying in bed covered with blankets, as if sleeping, and there was no evidence of any struggle or violence. He was in Mariposa on Friday, made some purchases and went home. He had been in bad health for several weeks- complaining of a suffocating sensation in his breast and throat- sometimes being unable to sleep in a recumbent position. A disease of the heart is supposed to have been the cause of death. He was buried in Mariposa on Sunday. Deceased was an old resident and a good citizen.

Vitals February 1872 Mariposa Free Press

February 2, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

Died February 2, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

     At the Nayo, Mendocino county, January 12th, SAMUEL LUCAS MARSHALL, aged 16 years and 1 month. The subject of the above notice was the son of the late John J. MARSHALL, and was the first white boy born on Sherlock Creek, Mariposa county. He was a youth of much promise, and gave indications of great future usefulness. His countenance was always impressed with a gentle seriousness, yet he was singularly decided and resolute. He was a favorite with all who knew him- as he excelled in all things that he set his head or hands to do. He was especially eminent in draughting and designing. His death resulted from injuries to the lungs received some three years ago from a violent attack of the whooping cough. He was sensible to the last, and passed away in a gentle slumber, entirely without pain. "Those whom Gods love die young."

February 9, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed

February 16, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

Died February 16, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

     In Mariposa, February 11th, JOHN BARNETT, a native of England, aged 48 years and 7 months.

February 23, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

     none listed.

Obituaries, marriage and birth announcements.

None reported

Vitals March 1872 Mariposa Free Press

March 1, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

Born March 1, 1872 Mariposa Free Press

     In Hornitos, February 22d, to the wife of S. W. CARR, Esq., a son.

No other issues.

Transcribed by William Disbro

This file Donated- Feb 9, 2002


November 24, 2002

additional information added Jan 2008