HASKELL- Dec. 16, 1863 , Stockton Daily Independent

FOUNDRY – N. HASKELL is about to build a new iron foundry in the town of Mariposa.
Stockton Daily Independent Journal
Tuesday, March 24, 1863
TOBACCO -- A man named DeLONG, residing near Mariposa, informs the ‘Gazette’ that he will this year raise 2 tons of tobacco.
Stockton Daily Independent- FRIDAY, 3 JUNE 1864
WOOL FROM MARIPOSA – Mr. George MAY brought 76 bales of wool to this city yesterday from Mariposa county. It will be sent to San Francisco today on the schooner Kate Blakiston. transcribed by Dee S

Mariposa Gazette dated July 10, 1897:

County Map.  George E. Washburn,
the gentleman who has the contract to furnish a map of Mariposa county was in
Mariposa during the week.  He has the drafting of the map practically
completed.  The Supervisors accepted it and Mr. Washburn says that he will have
the maps completed and for sale in about a month. The maps will be published by
the Dakin Publishing Co., 320 Sansome Street, San Francisco.  They will be sold
for $10 each." transcribed by Zelda Dubel


SOLARI-Feb 10, 1910-Mariposa Gazette
V. A. Solari of Jamestown, son of N. Solari of Indian Gulch, this county, has taken charge of the Willow hotel in Jamestown and will conduct the same on a first class basis.
ALAIRD- Feb. 10, 1910- Mariposa Gazette
The restaurant of M. S. Alaird in the Capital saloon building, will be open only on Wednesday and Saturday until further notice.
Fresno Bee, May 23, 1923
MARIPOSA- Mariposa Co- Supervisor J W COLLINS and W A HILDRETH of Hornitos were visitors at Maripsoa recently.
Hildreth has taken over the slate quarries in the civinity of Hornitos and is planning to do some extensive development work there. He has recently patented a process by which the slated is ground and recasted into blackboard slate and house shingles.
Hildreth has taken over the slate quarry here for many months hopping to uncover a slate of finer quality, but he found most of it too badly shaken up to be of  great commercial value.  It was this latter fact that caused him to develop the idea of pulverizing the slate and recasting it into slabs.
Hildreth proposes to begin operatoins on a large scale.- transcribed by cdf
PLASKETT- November 11, 1926-Modesto News-Herald
Housing Conditions In Mariposa Acute
MARIPOSA- Nov. 10 (Special)
The housing conditions in Mariposa has become very acute during the past year since the completion of the all-year highway into Yosemite.  L. L. Plaskett, local merchant, has erected several cabins on his vacant lots in Mariposa.
So great has been the demand that Plaskett has been forced to construct more of these little two room building to accommodate others who have made application for homes or temporary stopping quarters at the county seat.
MARIPOSA WILL HAVE MODERN CAMP GROUND- 1926- unidentified news article

L L Plaskett, the progressive merchant of Mariposa, is making preparations for the establishment of a camp ground on property in the rear of his store.  When completed, the camp will be fully equipped with all conveniences for the modern motoring camper. submitted by Tom Phillips 


TRABUCCO- November 11, 1926 Modesto News-Herald
Judge J J Trabucco highest Bidder at Auction; to Remove Building
MARIPOSA, Nov. 10 (Special)- When the old Mariposa County hospital building went under the hammer of the auctioneer at two-thirty o'clock today, there was considerable competitive bidding for a few minutes and the town's population was in doubt for a while as to who the new owner might be.
When Chairman J C Grosjean of the board of Supervisors, acting in the capacity of county auctioneer, called the time, bids started out briskly at $200.  With Superior Judge J J TRABUCCO and Assessor-elect E W Bagby (unreadable) against each other for possession, the price gradually mounted to $550, and on the sound of the gavel was sold to Judge Trabucco at that price.
It is understood that Trabucco will have the building taken down in the spring and removed to some of his valuable land holdings in the Hornitos district. c feroben

Valuable Mariposa Property Has Changed Hands
Mariposa Gazette, July 15, 1927

A business transfer of considerable importance was made in Mariposa last week, whereby Mr. and Mrs. James Dulcich purchased the store and telephone office of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gann. The new owners took possession on Saturday morning.

Considerable improvement has been made in the building and the new owners expect to make it a very attractive business place by the addition of new and up-to-date equipment.

Mr. and Mrs. Gann have not made any definite plans for the future.

Mr. and Mrs. Dulcich are both natives of Mariposa county, they are in industrious and progressive young couple, recently married have lots of friends and their success in the recently acquired business is assured.

The transfer of property also includes the telephone exchange, which alone is a very profitable business.

The good wishes of the public go with Mr. and Mrs. Gann upon their retirement from Business, which has been developed from a very unimportant little stand to one of the best business places in Mariposa.

Mariposa Gazette, November 9, 1928
A business transaction of considerable importance transpired in Mariposa the past week, whereby F. T. Schlageter has taken over the well known Huls Grocery.

Mr Schlageter is a young man, born and raised in this community, and has a wide circle of friends who will be glad to see him make a success in this new venture.
transcribed by Tom Hilk

Fresno Bee,  Sat, Feb. 2, 1929 
Mariposa (Mariposa Co) Feb 2- An agreement filed with the recorder at Mariposa  a few days back at the request of Arthur H Fleming shows that the White and Friant Lumber Company of Los Angeles agree to sell to Robert C Gillis of Los Angeles and to Arthur H Fleming of Pasadena all of the immense timber holdings in Mariposa and Tuolumne Counteis, consisting of over 11,000 acres.
Much of this timber is adjoining the timber lands held by the Yosemite Lumber Company, but which of late, it is understood have been transferred to the Sugar Pine Lumber Company of Fresno.
It is reported that the Sugar Pine Lumber Company will begin operations in the woods near Hazel Green just as soon as weather conditions will permit and that more than a thousand men will be employed in the mill at Merced Falls and the woods during the coming season.  transcribed by c feroben

Fresno Bee October 4, 1929
Mariposa-Mariposa CO- Oct 4- The San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation is spending in the neighborhood of  $30,000 in the construction of buildings a sub-station on the Summit between Bear Valley and Bagby.  Included in the improvements is a four-room modern dwelling equipped with hot and cold water, electric power, a stable for the employee who will have to keep a horse to ride the lines, a garage and the substation and building.  F O Scott is the foreman in charge of the work.  From this point the service of Coulterville, Bagby, Mt. Bullion, Mariposa and the mines and highway resorts will be cared for.

Oakland Tribune | Oakland, California | Sunday, November 22, 1931

MERCED, Nov. 21 Le Grand

Le Grand in eastern Merced county, claims the distinction today of having the youngest woman publisher and editor in California and also the prettiest.
She is Marguerite Dexter, 19, who has just become the editor and publisher of the Le Grand Advocate, a weekly. Despite her youth, Miss Dexter is not new in newspaper work. On the contrary, she has been reared in the atmosphere of printer's ink all her life.
Her father is John L. Dexter of Mariposa, editor of the Mariposa Gazette, one of California's oldest newspapers. Most of her life has been spent in this office.
Becoming thoroughly familiar with all departments of newspaper work by actual experience, the young woman then went to Redlands University and took a course in journalism.
Then her father purchased the Le Grand paper and turned it over to his daughter with the sole advice to "Get the news, get it first and get it right."
Miss Dexter's paper was established 26 years ago by C. L. Zimmerman, a pioneer resident of Le Grand. submitted by Carol Lackey

HORNITOS RANCHER GETS $45,500 Federal Loan

Fresno Bee Republican, October 14, 1934
Mariposa (Mariposa Co), Oct. 13-
Records filed here this week with County Recorder J W PRATT show that George D TURNER of Hornitos, has been granted a $45,500 Federal Land Bank loan.
As a result of the loan, the county treasury is enriched to the extent of $3,200 in delinquent taxes.
F A BONDSHU, who represents the land bank, reported that no other loan in the county had exceeded $20,000.  Bondshu has been able to get more than $250,000 in government loans for Mariposa County farmers and stockmen.
Turner's holdings consist of 6,088 acres near Hornitos and Indian Gulch- transcribed by cferoben

Modesto Bee,  Sunday March 22,  1959

by Nadine Wharton
HORNITOS, Mariposa Co- Reconditioning a wagon is just part of  the day's work for Al, senior citizen of this community.  And the market for covered wagons, in a day of sleek chrome loaded automobiles, is "pretty good," Daugherty says.
Daugherty found himself in the "used covered wagon business the day someone wanted to buy the picturesque wagon he used for advertising purposes.  He has reconditioned and sold three wagons since that time, and is planning to start work on another very soon.Who buys covered wagons today? Contractors and motel owners who use them to attract business.  Daugherty says he sold one wagon to a man who wanted to "fix up his yard."
Just Found Himself in Business
Daugherty sells antiques and relics of the west from his rambling house and ground just outside Hornitos. He "found himself" in the antique business in much the same way he one day found himself making covered wagons.
During the depression, and until recently when he recently retired, Daugherty sold household supplies in Mariposa County.  In the tight days of the depression, a housewife who was short of funds would pay in goods rather than cash when Daugherty delivered her order.
Daugherty soon found himself accepting everything from pigs to iron stoves as payment, and he discovered many people were interested in buying old relics.
Buys and Sells and Reconditions
Daugherty combs the hills of Mariposa County in search of the old wagons which he later covers and reconditions. And if someone has an old harness making outfit, or a wagon wheel, or some antique glass, knows Daugherty will take it off his hands.
Today, Al and May Daugherty live and work at their Hornitos home. Part of the Daugherty property once was mined extensively, but today grass covers the diggings. Neat outbuildings shelter the wagons and the many relics daugherty has collected.
For these two senior citizens, the years of retirement are busy and productive, and certainly do not mean retirement from life. cdf