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1877 MARIPOSA COUNTY Delinquent Tax List= Mariposa County- transcribed from

the Mariposa Gazette February 10, 1877- by William Disbro - all rights reserved-
August, 1999 and not to be used for commercial purposes. Use your "find" feature for
surnames and place names.

AEILKEMA, B.D. right title and interest to pre-emption of N E 1/4 of section 27, township 5,
range 19east, 160 acres of land valued at $200; amt of taxes $6.53; bal on personal property $1.22
total tax, $7.75; collector's cost $1.

ABILES, Victoria, lot No. 9 block 17, in town of Mariposa valued at $50; improvements thereon
valued at $100; total value $150; total tax $4.89; collector's cost $1.

ANDERSON, Thomas, right title and interest to pre-emption of east quarter of south-east quarter
of section 9, township 7, range 17 east; west half of southwest quarter of section 10, township 7,
range 17 east, 160 acres valued at $320; total tax $10.75; collector's cost $1.

ALLEN, Chaarles, house near the Washington Mine, near Quartzberg valued at $100; money
$100; personel property $30; total value $230; total tax $7.50; collectors cost $1.

BUHLMAN, Christian, pre-emption of northeast quarter of section 7, township 4, range 16 east,
160 acres valued at $280; improvments valued at $75;personel property 435; total tax $12.72;
collectors cost $1.50.

BECK, James, possesory right to 160 acres of land adjoining BARRETS Store at SMITH's Ferry
on the north side of the Merced River, known as the ROCHELLE Hog Ranch, valued at $260;
total tax $6.52.

BAKER, W.N. south half of southeast quarter section 3, township 5, range 15 east; lots 2,3, and 4,
section 2, township 5, range 15 east; fracional northeast quarter of section 3, township 5, range 15
east; southeast quarter of northwest quarter; southhalf of northwest quarter, southeast quarter of
southwest quarter of section 2, township 5, range 15east; north half of southwest quarter of section
2, township 5, range 15 east, containing 708 acres of land valued at $1,416; improvements valued
at $300; personel property valued at $1,350; total $3,116; total tax $101.74; collector's cost $2.

BLANEY, George, homestead southeast quarter of northwest quarter of section 19, township 5,
range 17 east; fractional north half of northwest quarter of section 19, township 5, range 17 east;
fractional north half of northwest quarter of section 30, township 5, range 17 east, containing 160
acres of land valued at $200; improvements $10; total $210; total tax $6.85; poll tax $4; delinquent
collector's cost $1.50.

BLAGG, E.M. possesory right to 160 acres of land situated on the east side of the road leading
from SNYDER's Ranch to HITE's Cove, adjoining BOBIOS' Ranch on the south side , valued at
$450; improvements $50; total $500; total tax $16.32; collector's costs $1.

BOLTON, A.W. pre-emption to north half of northeast quarter; southeast quarter of northeast
quarter of section 9, township 7, range 18 east; northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section
10, township 7, range 18 east, containing 160 acres of land valued at $200; bal due onpersonal
property 10 cents; total tax $8.93; collector's cost $1.

Banderito Mining Co., quartz mine named the Banderita Mine, about 10 miles in a easterly
direction from the town of Coulterville, on the west side of the North Fork of the Merced River,
on a hill above the mouth of GENTRY's Gulch, formerly the property of James and John
GOODWIN, valued at $1,750; improvements at $3,000; personal property at $348; total $5,098;
total tax $166.46; collector's cost $1.50.

BREEDEN, Berry & Rose H. one quartz claim on Grizzly Gulch, near Bull Creek Gulch,about 6
miles east of A.G. BLACKS Store on Bull Creek valued at $100; personal property $150; total
$250; total tax $8.15; 2 pol tax delinquent $8; collector's cost $1.50.

BAKER, A.D. northwest quarter of section 21, township 3, range 14 east, 160 acres valued at $320;
total value $320; total tax $10.48; collector's cost $1.

BAKER, Columbus, possesory right to 160 acres of land at New Years Diggings valued at $200;
improvements $200; total value $400; total tax $13.06; collector's cost $1.

BURCHELL, Wm. northwest quarter of section 8, township 7, range 17 east, containing 160 acres
of land valued at $240; total $240; total tax $7.86; collector's costs $1.

BURCHELL, James, southwest quarter of section 8, township 7, range 17 east, 160 acres of land
valued at $240; total $240; total tax $7.86; collector's cost $1.

BENDER, George, right title and interest to pre-emption of north half of southeast quarter of
section 2, township 6, range 16 east, 80 acres of land valued at $120; total $120; total tax $3.91.

CONN, Ferguson, pre-emption right, title and interest to east half of southeast quarter and south
half of northeast quarter of section 27, township 6, range 18 east ; southwest1/4 of northwest 1/4 of
section 26, township 6, range 18 east, containing 160 acres of land valued at $200; improvements
valued at $10; total $210; total tax $6.85.

CASTAGNETO & QUIEROLO, 1 copper mine situated in Hunters Valley, Tandrum Copper
Mine, formerly known as the La Victoire Copper Mining Company, together with a placer claim
and mill site all situate in Section 9, and 10, township 4, range 16 east, valued at $300;
improvements valued at $100; total $400; total tax $13.06; collectors costs $1.

CASTAGNETO D. & PALLIVIANI J.B. one water ditch commencing at the mouth of Sherlock's
Creek and running to Gassy Flat on Merced River, about three miles in lenght, valued at $400;
total $400; total tax $13.06; collector's costs $1.

CASSIDA, Wm. possesory right to160 acres of land situated in New Year's Digging valued at $240;
improvements $10; total $250; total tax $8.15; collectors cost $1.

Catholic Church, Coulterville, lot on west side of StocktonStreet and adjoining lot of Andrew
GOSS, valued at $200; total tax $6.53; collector's costs $1.

Coulterville Mill and Mining Company, quartz mine situated on on McFALL's Gulch emptying
into Bean's Creek, about one and a half mile from HOBRON's Mill, valued at $100;
improvements $1,300; total $1,400; total tax $45.71;collector's costs $1.

CATRON, J.M. &Co., steam quartz mill situated on the west side of Buckeye creek and buildings
valued at $575; also quartz mine called KEEFE and CATRON Mine situated near the mill of
CATRON & Co. valued at $500; improvements $50; total $1,125; total tax $36.72; 3 poll taxes
$12; delinquents tax collector's cost $1.50.

CLARK, H. P. northwest quarter and northeast quarter of section 11, township 6, range 17 east,
containing 320 acres, valued at $400; improvements at $60; personel property $350; total $810;
total tax $26.45; collectors costs $1.50.

CARPENTER, J.H., possesory right to 160 acres of land, situated about 2 miles northeast from
the ranch of Silas MARCH, valued at $300; improvements at $150; personal property at $1,100,
total 4 1,570; total tax $51.26; collector's costs $1.50.

CASTILLO, Antonio, possesory right to 160 acres of land situated on the wagon road leading
from CLARK's old saw mill about 1 mile northeasterly from BACHMAN's on said road, valued
at $240; improvements valued at $100; personal property valued at $270; total $610; total tax
$19.91; collector's costs $1.50.

DIAS, Jesus Ramon, lot No. 60 in Hornitos valued at $50; improvements on the same valued at
$30; personal property valued at $70; total $150; total tax $4.89; poll tax $4;delinquent tax
collector's cost $1.50

DEFORD, J.L. right, title and interest to pre-emption of northwest quarter of section 2, township
5, range 16 east, 160 acres of land valued at $400; improvements 450; total $450; total tax $14.68.

DODDS, Henry, homestead west half of northwest quarter of section 2, township 4, range 16 east;
northeast quarter of northwest quarter of section 22, township 4, range 16 east; northwest quarter
of northwest quarter of section 22, township 4, range 16 east, containing 160 acres of land valued
at $320 ; improvements valued at $25; total $345; total tax $11.16; collector's costs $1.

DIAS, F Freytas, pre-emption to 160 acres of land about one mile and a half west of Indian Gulch,
about one mile south of Buttes, knownas theFRANK DIAS Ranch, valued at $200; improvements
$175; personal property $1,240; total $1,705; total tax $55.67; poll tax $4; delinquent tax
collector's costs $1.50.

DUNCAN,Wm. B. possesory right to 160 acres of land situated on the Chowchilla , the same being
generally known as the White and Hatch Ranch, valued at $455; improvements valued at $400;
Personal property valued at $540; total value $1,395; total tax $55.67; poll tax $4; delinquent tax
collector's costs $1.50.

DALL, C.C. west half of section 16, township 8, range 18 east, containing 320 acres of land,
valued at $640; total $640; total tax $20.99; collectors costs $1.

DILL, Nelson, east half of southwest quarter of section 26, township 7, range 17 east; east half of
northwest quarter of section 35, township 7, range 17 east, containing 160 acres of land, valued at
$240; total $240; total tax $7.84; collector's costs $1.

DELUZ, Gabriel C. west 1/2 of northwest quarter of section 15, township , range 16 east ,
containng 160 aces of land, valued at $200; total $200; total tax $6.52; collector's costs $1.

DARLING, ADAIR & CO. a quartz claim situated near Indian Gulch, being an extenstionof the
east side of the ROLLINS & JACOBS  claim, 1,250 feet in lenght, valued at $100, total value
$100; total tax $3.26; collectors costs $1.

EBE, Jacob, west half of northwest quater of section 3, township 6, range 17 east; west half of
northeast quater section 3, township 6, range 17 east; and northeast quarter of section 3, township
6, range 17 east, containing 320 acres of land , valued at $400; improvements $50; total $450; total
tax $14. 69; collector's costs $1.

FITZHUGH, C.T. southwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 35, township 5, range 17
eaast, containing 160 acres of land, valued at $200; improvements $25; valued af personal
property $5; total $230; total tax $8.16; collector's costs $1.

FLORES, Joselino, lot 102 in Hornitos, valued at $20; improvements $80; personal property $20;
total $120; total tax $3.98; pol tax $4; collector's costs $1.

FUQUA, J.W. one acre of land situated on the north side of the road between Coulterville and
Stockton, in the McLEAN Survey of Pino Blanco Mine, about 3 miles northwest from
Coulterville, valued at $5; improvements valued at $100; also possesory right to 40 acres of land
enclosed in a pasture on the south side of the road between Coulterville and Stockton, on what is
known as Pino Blanco Mountain, about three and a half miles northwest of Coulterville, valued at
$50; improvements $50; total $205; total tax $6.68; collector's costs $2.

FULKES, Chas. L. possesory right to 160 acres of land valued at $240, situated in Chowchilla
Valley, about 2 miles southeast from WHITE and HATCH mill, improvements $150; personal
property valued at $376; total $765; total tax $24.97; polltax $4 delinquent;collector's costs $1.50.

FULLER, Richard, west half of southwest quater of section 35, township 7, ramge 18 easrt;
southeasr quarter of northeast quarter, northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section 34,
township 7, ramge 18 east, 160 acres, valued at $240; total $240; total tax $7,83; collector's costs

GEAREY, Wm. southeast quarter of section 8, township 7, range 17 east, 160 acres of land, valued
at $200; improvements $20; total $220; total tax $8.55; collector's costs $1.

GOSSER, Phillip, possesory right to 160 acres of land on the west side of Bear Valley Mountain,
on or about the residence of Phillip GOSSER, valued at $200; improvements $100; value of
personal property $45; also a quartz vein on northwest quarter of Fremont's Grant, valued at
$100; total value $445; total tax $14.52; collector's costs $1.50.

Golden Rock Water Company, all that portion of ditch within the limits of Mariposa County to
Boneyard and Pino Blanco, valued at $100; total $100; total tax $3.26; collectors costs $1.

GALLIAN, J.C. right title and interest in pre-emption to west of southeast quarter and east half of
southwest quarter of section 9, township 7, range 17 east, 160 acres of land, valued at $320,
balance on personal property 62 cents; total value $320; total tax $11.06; collector's costs $1.

HENSLEY, Samuel P. possesory right to northwest quarter of section 20, township 8, range 18
east containing 160 acres of land valued at $350; improvements $5; value of personal property
$87; total $442; total tax $11.42; poll tax $4; delinquent tax collector's costs $1.

HOLDEN, J. W. pre-emption to northeast quarter of section 27, township 5, range 16 east,
containing 160 acres of land valued at $200; improvements at $15; total $215; total tax $7.01;
collector's costs $1.

HUCKERBY, Thomas, possesory right to 100 acres on Piney Creekabout one mile west of Peter
Cook's, valued at $220; improvements $200; value of personal property $10; total $215; total tax
$7.01; collector's costs $1.50.

HART, David, possesory right , title and interest to pre-emption of eaast half of northeastquarter
of section 32, township 5, range 19 east, containing 160 acres of land, valued at $350;
improvements thereon $200; also quartz mine on section 32, township 5, range 19 east, about half
mile south from the residence of David HART, 1,500 feet in lenght, valued at $100; also quartz
mine situated on section 32, township 5, range 19 east called the John Snow Mine, situated on
Sebastopal Hill about a quarter of a mile south of the residence of David HART, valued at $200;
also mining ditch conveying water from Chowchilla to Sebastopal Flat, on Cariboo, about nine
miles in length, valued at $100; total $1,875; total tax $61.21; poll tax delinquent $4; collectors
costs $2.50.

HUSTON, S.P. right, title and interest to pre-emption of easthalf of southeast quarter of section 6,
township 5, range 19 east; northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section 7, township 5, range
19 east; northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 8, township 5, range 19 east,
containing one hundred sixty acres of land, valued at $220; improvements at $10; total tax $7.50;
collectors costs $1.

HUGHES, John, minng claim situated on Flyaway Gulch, about six miles southeast from
Coulterville, valued at $100; improvements $100; total value $200; total tax $6.52; collector's costs

HADLER, Carl, house and shed on Goodwin's Gulch, about two miles southeast from Hobron's
saw mill, on road from Hobron's to Banderita mine, valued at $30; personal property valued at
$140; total $170; total tax $5.56; collector's costs $1.

HOWARD, W.J. possesory right to 30 acres of land situated about half mile northwest of
Bridgeport, joining the Mariposa Grant, on the west side of Aqua Frio creek, valued at $10;
improvements $100; also toll road in Yo Semite Valley leading from Coulter & Murphhy's hotel
to Mirror Lake, three quarters of a mile in lenght, valued at $1,000; value of personal property
$910; total $2,050; total tax $66.93; collector's costs $1.50.

IVY, Henry, a quartz mining claim consisting of 20 acres of land near the coners of sections 28,
29, 32, 33, in township 5, range 16 east, known as the Tolito Mining Claim, valued at $500; total
$500; total tax $16.32; poll tax delinquent $4; collectors costs $1.

Ione Mining Company, quartz mine known as the Ione Mine, situated on the north side of the
Merced River on the summit of the hill back of the Red Bank, about half a mile north of Manuel
de Silva's residence, and about half a mile east from Splitt Rock Ferry, valued at $500; total $500;
total tax $16.32; collector's costs $1.

JONES, L.F., George STEWART and Henry IVY, quartz mining claim known as the Ivy Mine,
situated on section 4, township 6, range 16, east about half a mile east of Indian Gulch, composed
of 20 acres of land, valued at $100; mine valued at $400; improvements valued at $25; total value
$525; total tax $17.14; collector's costs $1.50.

JONES, George W., northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section 31, township 6, range 17
east; north half of northwest quarter southeast quarter of northwest quarter of section 32,
township 6, range 17 east, containing 160 acres of land, valued at $200; personal property $25;
total $225; total tax $7.41; poll tax delinquent $4; collector's costs $1.

JOHNSON, William, pre-emption right to southeast quarter of southwest quarter southwest
quarter of southeast quarter of section 22, township 5, range 17 east, northwest quarter of
northeast quarter northeast quarter of northwest quarter of section 29, township 5, range 17 east,
containing 160 acres of land, valued at $360; improvements $150; value of personal property $100;
total $610; total tax $19.91; collector's costs $1.50.

JOHNSON, D.M. homestead south half of northeast quartewr of section 27, township 5, range 17
east, containing 160 acres of land, valued at $300; improvements valued at $150; personal
property valued at $250; totalvalue $705; total tax $23.01; collector's costs $1.50.

JONES, Ira B. pre-emption of south half of northeast quarter, northwest quarter of northeast
quarter, northeast quarter of northwest quarter of section 28, township 4, range 16 east,
containing 160 acres of land valued at $390; improvements $10; also improvements on Goverment
land valued at $100; personal property $835; total $1,335; total tax $13.58; poll tax delinquent $4;
collector's costs $1.50.

JOHNSON,James and WILLBURN, Thomas J. quartz mine situated on Bean's Creek, generally
known as the Kate Kearney Mine, on the north side of Bean's Creek , three- quarter of a mile
north from Hobron's saw mill, 1,500 feet in lenght valued at $100; also a water ditch conveying
water from Bean Creek on it's northerly side, to the Kate Kearney Mine, about one and a quarter
mile in lenght, valued at $100; total $200; total tax 6.52; collector's costs $1.

JOHNSON, Lyman, dwelling house situated about 3000 yards north of the residence of D.M.
JOHNSON, in Cathey's Valley, valued at $75; one horse personal property $30; total $105; total
tax $3.41; collector's costs $1.

KOUNTZ, Virgil, south half of northwest quarter and southwest half of southeast quarter of
section thirty-one, township 6, range 17 east, containing 160 acres of land, valued at $200;
improvements at $50; personal property $135; total $375; total tax $12.26; collector's costs $1.50.

KEITH, J. A. south half of southeast quarter of section 21, township 6, range 17 east, west half of
southwest quarter of section 22, township 6, range 17 east, containing 160 acres of land,valued at
$200; improvements $20; balance due onpersonal property $2.99; total value of real estate and
improvements $220; total tax $9.17; collector's costs $1.50.

KAVENAUGH, W.S. lot in the town of Mariposa, lot No. 4, block 27, on southwest corner of 7th
and Jones Street, valued at $50; improvements at $50; personal property $170; total $270; total tax
$8.81; collector's costs $1.50.

LINGO, J. S. & Co., frame house on D.M. POOL's land about 1/4 of a mile southwest of Major
HARDWICK's place, valued at $50; total $50; total tax $1.65; poll tax delinquent $4; collector's
costs $1.

LEE, Nathaniel, north half of northeast quarter, northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section
10, township 6, range 17 east, valued at $320; improvements $100; total $420; total tax $13.71;
collector's costs $1.

LUCAS, C.M. five acres of land on east half of northwest quarter of section 3, township 5, range
15 east, valued at $10; balance on personal property 89 cents; total tax $1.22; poll tax delinquent
$4; collector's costs $1.

MEDINO, Pablo. lot in Indian Gulch adjoining premises formerly owned by Carlos
MARCUS,valued at $25; improvements $10; total value $35; total tax $1.13; collector's costs $1.

MOSSMAN, John, right title and interest to pre-emption to south half of northwest quarter to
section 11, township 5, range 16 east, containing 80 acres of land valued at $160; improvements
valued at $25; total $185;total tax $6.05; collector's costs $1.

MITCHELL, John, pre-emption of southeast quarter of section 10, township 6, range 18 east ,
containing 160 acres of land, valued at $280; improvements $20; total $300; total tax $9.79;
collector's costs $1.

MUNROE, George, possesory right to 160 acres of land situated on Lookout Mountain, about
five and three-quarter miles south of the town of Mariposa, and adjoining the possesory claim of
Mrs.M. A. MUNROE, on the north side, valued at $200; improvements at $150; total $350;total
tax $11.42; poll tax $4 delinquent; collector's costs $1.

McCAULY, James, toll road leading from Glacier Point to Yo Semite Valley, three miles in
lenght, valued at $500; total $500; total tax $16.32; collector's costs $1.

McCARTY, William,fractional west half of southwest quarter of section 31, township 5, range 17
east, fractunal west half of northwest quarter of section 6, township 6, range 17 east, containing
186 and 51-100 acres of land, valued at $280; total $280; total tax $9.13; collector's costs $1.

McLEAN, John T. possesory right to 145 acres of land situated at Pino Blanco, valued at $180;
improvements valued at $100; also quartz vein known as Pino Blanco mine 80 acres patented,
valued at $300; personal property $75; total $655; total tax $21.38; collector's costs $1.50.

McSWAIN, W.P. possesory claim to 160 acres of land near New Years Diggings, about one mile
north of J.H. CARPENTER's land, valued at $200; improvements valued at $100; total $300; total
tax $9.79; collector's costs $1.

McMILLAN, J.A. quartz claim on southeast quarter of section 34, township 5, range 16 east,
1,500 feet in lenght and 600 feet in width, known as the McMillan mine valued at $200; also quartz
mining claim on the eastern extension of the Ivy mine, situated on the norhteast quarter ofsection
4,township 6,range 16 east, 1,500 feet in lenght and 600 feet in width, known as the El Capitan
mine, valued at $200; also quartz mining claim on the western extension of the Ivy mine, situated
on section 4, township 6, range 16 east, 1,500 feet in leght and 600 feet in width, known as Cerro
Rico mine, valued at $100; personal property $29; total $520; total tax $16.97; collector's costs $2;
poll tax delinquent $4.

McMANNUS, Wm. northeast 1/4 of section 20, township 6, range 17 east, containing 160 acres of
land, valued at $520; improvements $10; total $530; total tax $17.32; collector's costs $1.

NADDER, Francois, possesory right to 160 acres of land north of the ranch of Columbus BAKER,
valued at $320; improvements valued at $25; total $345; total tax $11.25; collector's costs $1.

OCHOA, Andoris, lot No. 94 in the town of Hornitos, valued at $100; improvements $70; personal
property $40; total value $210; total tax $6.86; collector's costs $1.50.

OATMAN, Michael, possesory right to 160 acres of land on the north side of the Merced River,
about 3 miles north of Merced Falls, and joining the WOODRUFF ranch, known as the Murry
ranch, valued at $240; improvements at $275; personal property $265; total $780; total tax $25.46;
collector's costs $1.50

O'NEAL, John R. possesory right to 160 acres of land situated about two miles south of Higman's
ranch on Chowchilla about five miles southeast of the old Tom ROE place , and half mile east of
Pilot Knob, valued at $220; improvements valued at $100; personal property valued at $260; total
$580; total tax $18.92; poll tax delinquent $4; collector's costs $1.50.

PETTITT, Jean, right, title and interest in pre-emption of east half of southeast quarter of section
32, township 5, range 16 east, west half of southwest quarter section 33, township 5, range 16 east
containing 160 acres of land , valued at $200; improvements at $35 ; personal property $10; total
$245; total tax $7.99; collector's coss $1.50.

PAUL, Lucius, right and title to northwest quarter of northeast quarter of section 28, township 6,
range 17 east; west half of southeast quarter, southeast quarter of southwest quarter of section 21,
township 6, range 17 east, 160 acres of land, valued at $200; improvements $50; personalproperty
$360; total $610; total tax $19.91; poll tax $4; collector's costs $1.50

PARKER, Roderick, possesory right to 40 acres of land near the house of R. PARKER on Mount
Pleasant, valued at $80; improvements valued at $150; personal property $260; total $490; total
tax $15.79; poll tax delinquent $4; collector's costs $1.50.

PETERSON, Pate, homestead northeast quarter of section 30, township 4, range 16 east,
containing 160 acres of land valued at $240; improvements valued at $25; balance due on personal
property $17.48; total amount of value of real eastate and improvements $265; tax on same $8.65;
total tax $26.13; collector's costs $1.50

PETTY, Albert H. right, title and interest to homestead of west half of northeast quarter and west
half of southeast quarter of section 27, township 4, range 16 east, containing 160 acres of land
valued at $320; and improvements at $10; balance due on personal property 9cts; total amount of
real estate and improvements $330; total tax $10.86; collector's costs $1.

Pool Mining Company, quartz mine called Spring Ledge; quartz mine called the Pool mine;
quartz mine called the Gulch mine; quartz mine called the White mine; quartz mine called the
West mine; all situated south and east of the residence of D.M. POOL, about 100 and 300 yards
distant, all valued at $500; total $500; total tax $16.32; collector's costs $2.50.

PROUTY, Robert, pre-emption to 160 acres of land on north half of northeast quarter and north
half of northwest quarter of section 6, township 4, range 15 east, containing 160 acres of land
valued at $320; improvements at $25; total value $345; total tax $11.25; collector's costs $1.

PERKINS, Bettis,possesory right to 160 acres of unsurveyed land from ranch of Edwaed
BOGART, deseased, about half a mile north of A.G. BLACK's, valued at $240; improvements
$20; personal property $220; total value $480; total tax $15.66;collector's costs $1.50.

PLASKET, Wm. quartz vein called the Geneva mine, being the southeasterly extension of the
Melvina No.2 mine, about one and a half miles south of Coulterville, on the north side of
Maxwells Creek, 1,500 feet in lenght, valued at $500; personal property $85; total $585; total tax
$19,10; collector's costs $1.

PENDOLO, Giacomo, lot in the town of Coulterville, on east side of Main Street, between the
property of Francisco BRUSCHI and John DEBOLT, valued at $200; 2 houses valued at $600; lot
in Bear Valley, seperate property of wife, on south side of Utah street, and opposite lot of M.
NEWMAN, valued at $25; improvements valued at $100; personal property $6,700; total $7,625;
total tax $248.98; collector's costs $2.

PRETON, Robert A. right, title and interest to pre-emption of northwest quarter of section 36,
township 5, range 19 east, containing 160 acres of land valued at $270; improvements valued at
$250; personal property valued at #135; total value $955; total tax 31.18; collectors costs $1.50.

QUEIROLO, Joseph possesory right to 160 acres of land in Hunter's Valley, on sections 9 and 10,
township 4 range 16 east, being near as can be ascertained, the north half southwest quarter of
section 10, township 4,range 16 east, and the north half of southeast quarter of section 9, township
4, range 16 east, 160 acres of land valued at $200; improvements $50;; also 1 lot No. 859, in Bear
Valley, on the west side of North Carolina Steet, adjoining the south side of the lot and store of
Louis TRABUCCO, valued at $25; improvements at $100; also 1 lot in Bear Valley No. 783, on
the south side of Utah street, east orf the residence of M. NEWMAN, personal property valued at
$125; total value $500; total tax $16.43; poll tax $4 delinquent; collector's costs $2.

RAMOS, Antonio C.north half of northeast quarter, south half of southeast quarter of section 24
, township 6, range 16 east containing 160 acres of land valued at 200 dols; total 200 dols; total tax
6 dols and 53cts; collector's costs 1 dol.

RASELAS, Francisco,pre-emption to southwest quarter of section 34, township 5, range 16
east,containing 160 acres of land valued at $240; improvements $15; personal property $20; total
value $275; total tax $8.97; collector's costs $1.50.

ROLLINS and JACOBS, quartz mining claim on northwest quarter of section 34, township 5,
range 16 east, 1,500 feet in lenght, and 600 feet in width, known as the Indian Gulch gold and
silver mine, valued at $600; improvements valued at $10;total value $620; toal tax $20.24;
collector's costs $1.

RUEZ, Valentine, lots 118, 119, 123, 124 in the town of Hornitos, valued at 100 dollars ;
improvements on same valued at 400 dollars; value of personal property 520 dollars; total 1,0202
dols.; total tax 33 dol. and 20 cts; poll tax 4 dols delinquent; collector's costs 1 dol and 50 cts.

ROSS, Joseph W. quartz vein situated about a quarter mile northeast from the head of Oro Chino
Gulch, and a 1/4 of a mile souhwest from Chili Gulch, running from the head of one gulch to the
head of the other 1,500 feet in lengh, valued at 200 dols; improvements on the same valued at 25
dols; also dwelling house on west side of Oro Chino Gulch, outbuildings & etc, valued at 150 dols;
personal property valued 229 dols; total value 604; total tax 19 and 72cts; collectors costs 1 dol 50

RONJIL, Lucas, north half of southeast quarter and north 1/2 of southwest quarter of section 20,
township 5, range 16 east, containing 160 acres of land, valued at 415 dols; improvements valued
at 50 dols; value of personal property 165 dols; total 630; total tax 20 and 56 cts collector's costs 1
dol 50cts.

REEDY, John, possesory right to 160 acres of land on Pinet Creek, about half a milewest of J.P.
WALLESON's , valued at 310 dols; improvements 150 dols; value of personal property 45 dols;
total value 505 dols; total tax 16 dols and 48 cts; poll tax 4 dols delinquent; collector's costs 1 dol
and 50 cts.

RECTOR, E.G. possesory right to 160 acres of land known as the Burns ranch, on Piney Creek,
about 1/2 mile north of the ranch of Stribing's, valued at 265; improvements valued at 50 dols;
personal property 2,630 dols; total value 3,045 dols; total tax 99 dol and 42 cts; collector's costs 2

ROW, Mathias, west 1/2 of southwest quarter; south half of southeast quarter of section 10,
township 6, range 17 east, containing 160 acres of land valued at $200; improvements valued at 25
dols; personal property valued at 60 dols; total 285 dols; total tax 9dols and 30 cts; collectors costs
1 dol.

REMILERET, Edward, east half of norhtwest quarter, east half of southeast quarterof section 13,
township 6, range 16 east, containing 160 acres of land valued at 200 dols; total

RICHIE, Charles, southeast quarter of northeast quarter; east half of southeast quarter, and
northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 31, township 5 , range 17 east, containing 163
and 41-100 acres of land valued at 205 dols; total 205 dols; totaltax 6 dols and 68 cts; collector's
costs 1 dol.

SOUZA, A. E. west half of northeast quarter; east half of northwest quarter of section 18,
township 6, range 17 east,containing 160 acres of land valued at 200 dols; improvements valued at
50 dols; total 250 dols; total tax 8 dols and 15 cts; collector's costs 1 dol.

SILVA, Frank Rose, west half of southeast 1/4 northeast quarter of southeast quarter, and
southwest quater of northeast quarter of section 1,township 6, range 16 east; south half of
southeast quarter of section 2, township6, range 16 east; northwest quarter of northeast quarter
and northeast quarter of northwest quarter of section 11, township 6, range 16 east; containing
320 acres of land valued at 530 dols; improvements valued at 120 dols; personal property valued
at 120 dols; total value 770 dols; total tax 25 dols and 13 cts; poll tax delinquent 4 dols; collector's
costs 1 dol and 50 cts.

SNEDIKER, Caleb, right, title and interest to pre-emption of 160 acres of land on east half of
northeast quarter of section 23, township 5, range 15 east, valued at 280 dols; improvements
valued at 40 dols; total value 320 dols; total tax 10 dols and 44 cts; collector's costs 1 dol.

STEELE, Henry, pre-emption of east half of northeast quarter and east half of southeast quarter
of section 4, township 4, range 15 east, valued at 320 dols; total 320 dols; totaltax 10dols and 44
cts; collectors costs 1 dol.

SMITH, Joseph, one quartz vein on Gentry's Gulch, adjoining the Theresa mine on its easterly
extension, about 1,500 feet in lenght, valued at 50 dols; total value 50 dols; total tax 1 dol and 63
cts; poll tax 4 dols delinquent; collector's costs 1 dol.

STRIBLING, W.A. possesory right to 160 acres of land situated near Piney Creek between the
road leading from Coulterville to Don Pedro's Bar, about two miles west of WOLLESON'S ranch,
valued at 260; improvements valued at 100 dols; also a quartz claim lying on the road from
Coluterville to Don Pedro's Bar, east of E.G. RECTOR's residence, 1500 feet in lenght, valued at
50 dols; personal property valued at 215 dols; total value 625 dols;total tax 20 dols and 40 cts; poll
tax 4 dol delinquent; collector's costs 2 dols.

SCOTT, S.A., quartz vein known as the Scott mine, situated about half a mile east of Marble
Spring mine, about two and a half miles west of A.G. BLACK'S store on Bull Creek, and on a
tributary of what is called Lewis Gulch, valued at 100 dols; total 100 dols; total tax 3 dols and 26
cts; collector's costs 1 dol.

SNOW, Albert, toll road leading from Register Rock, in Yo Semite Valley, to foot of Nevada Falls
of Merced River, 1 and a half miles in lenght, valued at 1000 dols; total1,000 dols; balance due on
personal property 2 dols and 57 cts; total tax 35 dols and 12 cts; collector's costs 1 dol.

SPAGNOLI, Joseph, right, title and interest to homestead, southeast quarter of southeast quarter
of section 26, township 6, range 16 east, east half o northeast quarter, northeast quarter of
southeast quarter of section 34, township 4, range 16 east, also the southeast quarter of northwest
quarter of section 36, township 4, range 16 east, containing 200 acres of land valued at 300 dols;
personal property valued at 220 dols; total 520 dols; toatal tax $16.97; collector's costs $1.50.

SCREECH, Nathan & Bros., possesory right to 160 acres of land at Little Gap on the head of
Moore's Creek, just below the ranch of Alvah HAMILTON, valued at 200 dols; improvements
valued at 100; total 300 dols; total tax 9 dols and 79 cts; collector's costs 2 dol.

TURNER and HELM, southwest quarter, north half, west half of southeast quarter of section 21,
township 7, range 17 east, north half of northwest quarter of section 28, township 7, range 17 east,
homestead west half of northeast quarter, east half of northeast quarter of setion 21, township 7,
range 17 east, east half of southwest quarter, southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 27,
township 7, range 17 east, south east quarter of southeast quarter of section 28, township 7,
township 7, range 17 east, containing 960 acres of land valued at 2,200 dols; improvements valued
at 1,000 dols; personal propertyvalued at 7,200 dols; total value of all property, 10,420; total tax
330 dols and 26 cts; collector's costs 2 dol and 50 cts.

TORRES, Antonio, lot in Indian Gulch valued at 20 dols; also a adobe house, 2 small frame
buildings, valued at 80 dollars; possesory right to one acre of ground, in Barley back of his house,
valued at 5 dols, personal property valued at 25 dols; total value 130 dols; total tax 4 dol and 24
cts; collector's costs 1 dol and 50 cts.

TURNER, S.V. south half of southeast quarter and east half of southwest quarter of section 32,
township 6, range 17 east, containing 160 acres of land, valued at 200 dols; balance due on
personal property 2 dols and 16 cts.; total tax 6 dols and 70 cts; collector's costs 1 dol.

TRAVIS, B.B. right, title and interest to pre-emption of east half of southeast quarter of section
23, township 5, range 16 east, east half of northeast quarter of section 26, township 5, range 16
east, containing 160 acres of land, valued at 240 dols; balance due on personal property 15 cts;
totaltax 7 dols and 98 cts; collectors costs 1 dol; poll tax delinquent 4 dol.

Theresa Mining Company, quartz mine known as the Theresa mine, situated about 9 miles in an
easterly direction from the town of Coulterville, on the north side of Gentry's Gulch, and
immediately east of Hasloe mine, and about one mine in a westerly direction from the Banderita
mine, on the road from Coulterville to the Banderita valued at 400 dos; improvements valued aat
100 dols; machinery 5,000 dols; total value 5,5-- dols; total tax 179 dols and 60 cts; collector's
costs 1 dol 50 cts.

THURMAN, James, fractunal west half of northwest 1/4, southeast 1/4 of southwest1/4 and
southwest quarter of northeast quarter of section 30, township 5, range 17 east, 160 acres, valued
at 200 ; total tax 6 dols and 53 cts; collector's costs 1 dol.

Unknown Owners, quartz mine called the Derrick mine, situated on the east side of the north fork
of the Merced River, abouthalf a mile up the North Fork, near Marble Spring Gulch, and about 3
miles up the North Fork from the Banderita mine, valued at 250 dols; total value 250 dols; total
tax 8 dols and 15 cts; collector's costs 1 dol.

VARAIN, John, possesory right to 320 acres of land situated in Pleasant Valley, on thenorth side
of the Merced River, between the ranches of Revere and Chas. KASEBAUM and J. Meyers,
valued at 540 dols; improvement thereon 100 dols; value of personal property 20 dols; total value
660 dols; total tax 21 dols and 54 cts; collector's costs 1 dol and 50 cts.

VARAIN, Mrs. Mary, possesory right to 320 acres of land joining the possesory claim of John
VARAIN, on the east side, in Pleasant Valley, valued at 505 dols; improvements thereon valued at
200 dols; value of personal property 460 dols; total value $1,165; total tax 38 dols 06 cts;
collector's costs 1 dol and 50 cts.

VELGUTH, Wm. two town lots in Hornitos Nos. 76 and 77, valued at 50 dols; improvements
thereon valued at 300 dols; total value 350; total tax 11 dols and42 ctc; collector's costs 1 dol.

VALENSUELA, Jesus, house and garden at Colorado, valued at 100 dols; personal property
valued at 155 dols; total value 255 dols; total tax 8 dols and 32 ctc; poll tax 4 dols delinquent;
collector's costs 1 dol 50 cts.

VANDEGIFT, G.B.N. east half of southeast quarter, southeast quarter of northeast quarter and
southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section 34, township 5, range 16 east, containing 160
acres of land, valued at 200 dollars; improvements valued at 50 dols; value of personal property
185 dols; total 435 dols; total tax 14 dols and 17 cts; collector's costs 1 dol 50 cts.

WILSON, John B. pre-emption to north half northwesr quarter of section 13, township 5, range
16 east; north half of northeast quarter of section 14, township 5, range 16 east, containing 160
acres of land, valued at 240 dols; improvements thereon valued at 100 dols; value of personal
property 390 dols; total value of all property 730 dols; total tax 23 dols and 80 cts; collector's costs
1 dol and 50 cts; poll tax 4 dols delinquent.

WILSON, Richard M. pre-emption to southwest quarter of southeast quarter, north half of
northeast quarter of section 14, township 5, range 16 east, containing 160 acres, valued at 240
dols; personal property valued at 215 dols; total value of all property 455 dols; total tax 14 dols
and 85cts; poll tax 4 dols delinquent; collector's costs 1 dol.

WILLIAMS, Frank, possesory right to three acres of land situated and adjoining the ranch of
John BRANSON, on the west side, valued at 15 dols; improvements valued at 30 dols; personal
property at 80 dols; total value of all property 125 dols; total tax 4 dols and 3 cts; collector's costs
1 dol and 50 cents.

WHITLEY, William,possesory right to 160 acres of land situated half a mile south of S.E.
MAGONN'S residence, joining the ranch of J.H. DUNCAN, on it's west side, valued at 230 dols;
improvements valued at 100 dols; personal property at 390 dols; total value of all property 720
dols; total tax 23 and 50 cts.;collector's Costs 1 dol and 50 cts.

White and Hatch, old saw mill generally known as the White and Hatch mill, situated in
Chowchilla Valley, on the east side of the middle branch of the Chowchilla, about half a mile
above a wagon road from Mariposa to Yo Semite Valley, and opposite the residence of Wm. B.
DUNCAN, improvements andmachinery valued at 500 dols; personal property 275 dols; total of
all property 775 dols; total tax 25 dols and 30 cts; collector's costs 1 dol 50 cts.

WRIGHT, A.C. possesory right to 160 acres of land situated on the head waters of the Chowchilla;
and on the west side of the summit of the divide, between the head waters of the Chowchilla and
the south fork of the Merced, lying contiguous to the road from Mariposa to Big Tree Station,
valued at 200 dols; total value 200 dols; total tax 6 dols and 53 cts; collector's costs 1 dol.

WILLIAMS, Robert, , title and interest to pre-emption to 160 acres of land, being the east half of
the northeast quarter and east half of the southeast quarter of section 11, township 5, range 16
east, valued at 200 dols; total value 200 dols, total tax 6 dols and 89 cts; collector's costs 1 dol.

WOLF, Jacob, right, title andinterest to pre-emption of southeast quarter of section 11, township
6, range 17 east, northeast quarter of section seventeen, township 6, range seventeen east
containing 320 acres of land , valued at 480 dols; total tax 15 dols and 66 cts; collector's costs 1

WHITWORTH, Miss Annie, south half of southeast quarter of section 11, township 6, range 17
east, south half of southwest quarter of section 11, township 6, range 17 east, in all 160
acres,valued at 240 dols, total 240; total tax 7 dols and 81 cts; collector's costs 1 dol.

WESTFALL, Samson W. south half of southwest quarter, northwest quarter of southwest quarter,
southwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 10, township 7, range 18 east, containing 160
acres of land, valued at 240; total 240 dols; total tax 7 dols and 81 cts; collector's costs 1 dol.

 Mariposa County History and Genealogy :

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 since Aug 18, 1999

November 23, 2002